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inoaos & BUILDINGS (R'1) DE


Ueparrrerrt - ""'::::':_-^::"-;.
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titr" "Bangaru ,
Telangana R"lPi;^I^*--ir, - certain

l:!il["''llf J#;'riJn oi nio,r= by^the department"

nstructions t"'b'"iitv
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-:::lt-:t^,1T"''^, orsanization
;T;::""i""";,,;;;"' stienttnenins
processes - lssued'
A9[1:l^'QC&CTE' Hvd''
From the Ensineer-in-Chief (Blal Date 25-07-
Lr No.ENc/Ar*tillliE*ii?iiiletocyAeeztoc)t2014
14. L,_61*r* at\'-<'dcQ$q'"(.-
i €'z q
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ntion of the Engineers-in-chief ,(R&B).
/ chief Engineers (R&B)

theaddress"*o',i,"'ii"i::,!:t*ji,,n:l"rt:ll jHr,i:X',,1;:Tfi q
execution of
Engineers: Quality assurance in
of Committee of Chief
d on the tirs]-me6ting on 8th July
ngana ,t"tt*ni"n wis conOucted
ioitowing instructions in order to improve


J) ion of allworks'

eer concerned shall provide necessary

r in this regard'

iii. The Contractor shall mandatorily


V. Tec andatorily deployed by the Contractors at the

site agreement conditions' The contractor shall
info nical persons being engaged by them for the

Contractors bills.

V, The Contractor shall establish a well equipped Quality Control lab at plant
site or construction site as the case may be and conduct specified tests
from time to time under the guidancelsupervision of concerned Deputy

observation to this effect.

v. Sub-contractor engagement by the Contractor shall be strictly avoided as

per the agreement conditions and any such violation shall be notified to the
contractor immediately. This aspect can be effectively addressed by the
department engineers through adoption of RFI and O.K card processed.

vii. lmplementation of online Works Mqnitoring System to improve

transparency and efficiency in the functioning of the depaftment is to be
made mandatory across all levels of engineers in the department. This
system shall capture the physical/financial progress of various works on
montlrly basis, cietaiis about lvleasurements anci Check Measurements by
the department engineers, inspection reports by Executive Engineer,
.superintendent Engineer, Chief Engineers/Engineers-in-Chief of the line
wings and as well the Quality Control wing on near real time basis, RFI
process etc., Besides, HRMS to be initiated to facilitate the employees in

viii. The estimates have to be prepared based on the Detailed lnvestigation

including survey, Soil exploration..., etc and the charges towards this may
be met from Ordinary Repairs grant of Roads/Buildings.
No proposal/Estimation shall be prepared under artificial urgency. The
approval of lnvestigation charges would be accorded by the Superintendent
Engineer R&B of respective circle.

2. ln view of the instructions stated above, all the Heads of Department are
requested to communicate the above instructions to all the Superintendents
Engineer/Executive Engineers under their control and ensure that they are
implemented scrupulously, and any deviation of these guidelines / instructions will be
viewed seriously and action will be taken on the responsible person accordingly.

-The Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), Quality Control, Administration, &
Chief Technical Examiner
The Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), State Roads, RSW & CRN
The Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), National Highways & CRF
The Chief Engineer (R&B), PPP & COT
The Chief Engineer (R&B), Buildings & Rural Road.
//Forw'arded: By Order//

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