Bill of Quantities

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Part II - Certificate and Signature

A. Bill Preparation Section

Certified that the Measurements were made by me on ………................…………………………. and are

recorded on pages……………………. of Measurement Book No…………………and that the work has
been executed satisfactorily and that the bills as claimed above represents a correct amount of
Contractor's claims and laibilities

Dated Signature of Person Preparing the Bill………………………..

Quantity Surveyor

B. Remarks by Check - measuring Officer

Resident Engineer………………………….


Certified for Payment.

Submitted to Superintending Engineer , KSTP , Thiruvananthapuram

Team Leader ………………………


The bill Abstract has been carried over to Page No. To of


Executive Engineer ………………….

Counter Signed and Submitted to the Chief Engineer

Superintending Engineer ……………………

C. Audit Section

Checked again the calculation and verified the rates against the contract schedule, quantities
against BOQ provision

Finance Manager Finance Controller

Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

Revised Balance
Revised Balance work
Original DPR Amount SACYR-ESSAR JV work Contract
Item No Description Contract Amount
(Rs) Contract Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs)-
(Rs)- Package-2

Bill no. 1 General items (Provisional) 13610000 25,823,893

Bill no. 1A General items 1423650 8,136,242
Bill no. 2 Site Clearance 988350 898,405
0 #REF!
Bill no. 3 Earthwork 208225710 179,898,704
44120910.00 #REF!
Bill no. 4 Drains and Walling 510111534 493,910,303
202356031.00 #REF!
Bill no. 5 Non-Bituminous Sub-base and Base 582983455 438,481,978
534219648 #REF!
Bill no. 6 Bituminous Bases,Surface courses 501260194 573,120,100
448155761.076923 #REF!
Bill no. 7 Bridges, Culverts and Protective works 405744078 346,256,685
99648878.90 #REF!
Bill no. 8 Miscellaneous items 137597410 121,885,808
85062327.00 #REF!
Bill no. 9 Street lighting 80495000 49,053,653
65101500.00 #REF!
Bill no. 10 Total for 'Daywork (provisional) * 1091500 2,485,729
1374627 #REF!
Bill no. 11 Environmental Impact mitigation works 30368145 36,448,269
19312030.00 #REF!

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 2 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

Bill no. 12 /
Electrical Utility Shifting 36,826,270
Vo-03 44,350,631 #REF!
Bill no. 13 Water Utility Shifting 35,404,414
56,068,137 #REF!
TOTAL= 2,633,899,026.00 2,348,630,453.00 #REF! #REF!

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 3 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

Total Revised project

cost for balance work % of Variation w.r.t.
Saccyr- Essar Contract













UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 4 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 5 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Name of Work:- KSTP-II Upgradation of the road from Thalassery (Km 1+200) to Valavupara (Km 55+200)
Name of Employer:- Public Works Department ( Government of India)
Name of Contractor: M/S SCYAR - ESSAR (JV )
Name of Engineer: Egis International S A in JV with Egis India
Contract Agreement No: 208/KSTP/PMT/PWD/2013, dated 6th May 2013

Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount


Provision of rented site office of about 120 sqm excluding provision of Furniture and
120-01 month 24.00 31,585 758,040.00
Equipment for site office for the Engineer complete.

Maintaining Engineers site office by providing assistance in keeping the office clean and
120-01a month 30.00 63,170 1,895,100.00
tidy and with supply of water and electricity

Procure (purchase) and supply brand new vehicle for employer and engineer including
124-01a registration ,full comprehensive insurance(first yr),number plate, road tax..etc a}Mahindra No 2.00 2,526,793 5,053,586.00
Scorpio,b) Innova Type 1 Vehicle, complete

124-01b Maintenance of Type 1 Vehicles excluding cost of fuel 48.00 46,325 2,223,600.00

Procure (purchase) and supply brand new vehicle for employer and engineer including
124-02a registration ,full comprehensive insurance(first yr),number plate, road tax..etc Type 2 month 2.00 1,263,397 2,526,794.00
Vehicle complete

124-02b Maintenance of Type 2 Vehicles excluding cost of fuel 48.00 46,325 2,223,600.00

Procure (purchase) and supply brand new vehicle for employer and engineer including
124-03a registration ,full comprehensive insurance(first yr),number plate, road tax..etc Type 3 No 3.00 1,895,095 5,685,285.00
Vehicle complete

124-03b Maintenance of Type 3 Vehicles excluding cost of fuel 90.00 56,853 5,116,770.00
No. of
125-01 Supply of video/Tapes/CD prior to construction and after completion 6.00 56,853 341,118.00

Total Bill no 1 - Carried Forward to summary 25,823,893.00


112-02 Grading / draining shoulder ( Unit of measurement is for one side of roadway) lm 2550.00 126 321,300.00

112-03 Loosening and recompacting the trenches made in shoulder portions complete lm 50000.00 126 6,300,000.00

112-04 Cleaning Culverts No 13.00 12,634 164,242.00

112-05 Cleaning Longitudinal drains lm 2550.00 126 321,300.00

M15 Concrete surround to under ground Water pipes, including shuttering as required, as
112-06 cum 200.00 5,147 1,029,400.00
instructed on site. Depth not exeeding 1m of excavation.

Total Bill no 1A - Carried Forward to summary 8,136,242.00


201-01 Removal of Stumps & Roots of trees above 300mm-600mm girth No. 152.00 505 76,760.00

201-02 Removal of Stumps & Roots of trees above 600mm-900mm girth No. 102.00 632 64,464.00

201-03 Removal of Stumps & Roots of trees above 900mm-1800mm girth. No. 226.00 2,021 456,746.00

201-04 Removal of Stumps & Roots of trees above 1800mm girth. No. 15.00 2,400 36,000.00
Dismantling Brick/Stone masonry structures including disposal of resulting material and
202-01 cum 860.00 126 108,360.00
salvaging useful materials, complete
202-02 Same as item no. 202-01, but for Plain cement concrete, complete cum 570.00 198 112,860.00
202-03 Same as item no. 202-01, but for RCC, complete cum 25.00 515 12,875.00
202-04 Same as item no. 202-01, but for Steel structures, complete tonne 2.00 15,170 30,340.00

6 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Total Bill No. 2 carried to Summary 898,405.00


Roadway excavation in ordinary soil,(as per 301.2.1 (c)&(d) of MORT&H specifications),

301-01 cum 248731.00 66 16,416,246.00
including haul and tip to all leads, complete and as directed by the Engineer.

Roadway excavation in Hard rock, including blasting and haul and tip to all leads & lifts,
301-02(b) cum 12125.00 570 6,911,250.00
complete or as directed by the Engineer

Earth work in excavation for drain, including haul to tip, complete and as directed by the
301-03 cum 14740.00 71 1,046,540.00
Loosening and recompacting subgrade in all kinds of soil, complete and as directed by the
301-04 cum 150000.00 39 5,850,000.00

Earthwork in Excavation of foundation for structures, in ordinary soil , including haul and
304-01 (a) cum 68879.00 74 5,097,046.00
tip to all leads,complete and as directed by the Engineer.

Construction of embankment and shoulder with approved material from excavation of

305-01 cum 172238.00 103 17,740,514.00
roadway, drains, culverts and other structures complete and as directed by the Engineer

Construction of embankment with approved material from Borrow area, complete and as
305-02 cum 222242.00 263 58,449,646.00
directed by the Engineer

305-03 Earthwork in fill for footpath and service duct, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum 4406.00 277 1,220,462.00

Construction of subgrade from road way cut material, complete and as directed by the
305-04 cum 88100.00 113 9,955,300.00
Construction of subgrade with approved materials from borrow pits, complete and as
305-05 cum 187170.00 271 50,723,070.00
directed by the Engineer
Backfill behind abutment, wing walls, return walls for bridges, complete and as directed by
305-06 cum 4572.00 378 1,728,216.00
the Engineer
Turfing side slope of roads and islands at major junctions with grass sods, complete and as
307-01 sqm 57127.00 82 4,684,414.00
directed by the Engineer
308-01 Seeding and Mulching, complete and as directed by the Engineer sqm 500.00 152 76,000.00
Total Bill No.3 carried to Summary 179,898,704.00
309-01(a) PCC M15 bed concrete for covered rectangular drain, complete cum 210.00 3,923 823,830.00

309-01(b) PCC M20 concrete for bottom and side wall of covered rectangular drain, complete cum 118.00 5,810 685,580.00

RCC M20 concrete for Drain, excluding reinforcement, for the covered rectangular drains,
309-01(d) cum 4291.00 5,823 24,986,493.00

309-02(a) PCC M15 bed concrete for Edge strip, complete cum 325.00 4,474 1,454,050.00

309-02(b) PCC M20 concrete for Edge strip, complete cum 418.00 5,067 2,118,006.00

309-03 Providing Concrete retaining wall of M15, complete cum 1798.00 4,707 8,463,186.00

704.2-01 Providing Gabion retaining wall, complete. cum 43046.00 2,888 124,316,848.00

701.3-01 Providing geotextile filter membrane behind RCC retaining wall sqm 8176.00 133 1,087,408.00

1600-01 Steel reinforcement (HYSD), complete tonne 27.00 62,383 1,684,341.00

PCC M15 bed concrete for stone masonary retaining wall,chute drain,transverse drain
309-02 (d) cum 421.00 4,114 1,731,994.00

Sand bedding as levelling course below PCC M20 concrete for bottom and side wall of
1200-03(b) cum 707.00 1,049 741,643.00
covered rectangular drain as per dwg complete

Stone pitching on slopes and Culverts and bridges, complete and as directed by the
2500-01 cum 1297.00 1,238 1,605,686.00

309-06 PCC M20 concrete for chute drain and tranverse drain in slopes, complete cum 617.00 5,067 3,126,339.00

Providing and laying interlocking blocks for footpath as per IRC:SP-63 as per the approved
409-02 sqm 75791.00 695 52,674,745.00

Gratings for draining water to drain using 50 x 6 angles and 12mm bars at 70mm spacing
309-05 No. 4998.00 796 3,978,408.00
complete as per technical specifications and approved drawing

7 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

2706-01 Providing Weep holes for Retaining Wall, completeand as directed by the Engineer. lm 275.00 158 43,450.00

Construction of precast RCC Drain of M20 Grade, aggregate size not exceeding 12 mm,
1700-10 true to line and grade including necessary connection at the intersecting drain, complete as lm 65300.00 3,966 258,979,800.00
per approved drawings and technical specifications.

Construction of precast RCC Slab of M20 Grade, aggregate size not exceeding 12 mm, true
1700-11 lm 6532.00 828 5,408,496.00
to line and grade, complete as per approved drawings and technical specifications.

Total Bill No.4 carried to Summary 493,910,303.00


Providing and laying Granular Subbase for Pavement, complete and as directed by the
401-01 cum 110748.00 1,558 172,545,384.00

Providing and laying Crushed rock wet mix macadam base for pavement including profile
406-01 cum 153013.00 1,738 265,936,594.00
correcting course, complete and as directed by the Engineer

Total Bill No.5 carried to Summary 438,481,978.00


Filling pot holes and patch repairs on existing bituminous carriageway surfacing complete
3004-01 Sqm 11130.00 311 3,461,430.00
and as per the direction of the Engineer

Providing and laying fog seal using bitiminus emulsion complete and as directed by the
3004-02 Sqm 37100.00 65 2,411,500.00

Providing and laying 3mm thick slurry seal with emulsified bitumen complete as per and as
3004-03 Sqm 3710.00 67 248,570.00
directed by the engineer

Providing Bituminous Prime coat over granular surface @ 7 kg. per 10 sqm of surface
502-01 sqm. 635044.00 30 19,051,320.00
area,including at raised pedestrain crossing complete and as directed by the Engineer

Providing Bituminous Tack coat @ 2.5 kg. per 10 sqm of surface area including at raised
503-01 sqm. 1258713.00 12 15,104,556.00
pedestrain crossing, complete and as directed by the Engineer

Providing Dense Bituminous Macadam course with bitumen as per approved mix design
507-01 cum 37466.00 8,229 308,307,714.00
including profile corrective course, complete and as directed by the Engineer.

Providing bituminous concrete wearing course with bitumen as per approved mix design,
509-01 cum 24619.00 9,040 222,555,760.00
complete and as directed by the Engineer.

Providing, laying and rolling of close-graded premix surfacing material of 20 mm

512-01 thickness ,complete and as directed by the Engineer for access to property at retaining wall Sqm 11375.00 174 1,979,250.00
location and at via duct slip road location

Total Bill No. 6 carried to Summary 573,120,100.00


1600-01 Steel reinforcement (HYSD), complete tonne 1712.00 62,384 106,801,408.00

Cement concrete (PCC) M-15 grade in Foundation & Substructure, complete and as
1700-01 cum 2572.00 4,370 11,239,640.00
directed by the Engineer.

1700-02 PCC M-20 grade in Footing for Foundation, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum 9536.00 4,650 44,342,400.00

PCC M-20 grade in Pier & Solid Abutment for substructure, complete and as directed by
1700-03 cum 4497.00 6,482 29,149,554.00
the Engineer.

1700-04 RCC M-25 grade in Superstructure for Culverts, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum 1502.00 6,386 9,591,772.00

1700-05 RCC M-30 grade for Superstructure for Bridges, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum 300.00 6,573 1,971,900.00

PSC/RCC M-45 grade for Superstructure for Bridges, complete and as directed by the
1700-06 cum 496.00 7,055 3,499,280.00

8 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

1700-07 RCC M-35 grade for Superstructure for Bridges, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum 970.00 7,904 7,666,880.00

Stone pitching on slopes and Culverts and bridges, complete and as directed by the
2500-01 cum 1085.00 1,110 1,204,350.00

Providing filter media underneath stone pitching in slopes ,behind Abutments, return/wing
2500-02 cum 3159.00 1,292 4,081,428.00
walls, complete retaining walls and as directed by the Engineer

2700-02 RCC hand railing for bridges, complete and as directed by the Engineer lm. 175.00 1,660 290,500.00

Providing ,laying and jointing 1200 mm. dia NP 4 Hume pipe (as per IS:458) complete and
2900-01 lm. 886.00 9,518 8,432,948.00
as directed by the Engineer

Providing and fixing concrete crash barrier including reinforcement steel as per drawing and
809-01 lm. 954.00 4,406 4,203,324.00
as directed by the Engineer

2000-01 Providing elastomeric bearing for bridgeand as directed by the Engineer cubic cm 824200.00 1 824,200.00

2600-02 Providing filler expansion joints for bridges and culverts as directed by the Engineer lm 480.00 8,584 4,120,320.00

1100-01 RCC M-35 grade for Pile cap, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum. 965.00 6,564 6,334,260.00

1100-02 RCC M-40 grade for Pile cap, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum. 306.00 6,564 2,008,584.00

1100-03 Providing Bored pile, 1200 mm dia, complete and as directed by the Engineer. lm. 1120.00 11,054 12,380,480.00

Providing Steel Liner 8 mm thick for pile including Fabricating and Setting , complete and
1200-01 mt 125.00 71,237 8,904,625.00
as directed by the Engineer.

Providing Drainage Spouts using 100 mm dia GI pipe, complete as per IRC specifications
2705-01 no 150.00 988 148,200.00
and Drawings.

Providing Weep holes using 100 mm dia AC pipe, complete and as directed by the Engineer
2706-01 lm 5114.00 158 808,012.00
as per IRC specifications and Drawings.

Repair/ cleaning of existing drainage spouts complete and as per the direction of the
2815-01 no 44.00 126 5,544.00

2817-01 Repair of expansion joints complete and as per the direction of the Engineer lm 261.00 569 148,509.00

PCC M15 Grade leveling course below approach slab complete as per drawing and
2704-01 cum 844.00 4,101 3,461,244.00
Technical specification

Reinforced cement concrete Grade M30 approach slab including reinforcement and
2704-02 cum 1687.00 9,374 15,813,938.00
formwork complete as per drawing and Technical specification

Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor
at the rate of 0.3 kg per sqm on concrete surface treated with primer cleaned with
503-03 sqm 8559.00 13 111,267.00
mechanical broom all complete as per Technical specifications and as directed by the

Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor
at the rate of 0.20 kg per sqm on the prepared nominal bituminous surface cleaned with
503-04 sqm 8559.00 9 77,031.00
mechanical broom all complete as per Technical specifications and as directed by the

9 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Providing and laying bituminous concrete with 100-120 TPH batch type hot mix plant
producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified
grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 per cent of mix and filler,
509-03 transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor cum 342.00 9,921.00 3,392,982.00
control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory
and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause
No. 509 complete in all respects

Providing and laying 25 mm thick mastic asphalt wearing course with paving grade bitumen
meeting the requirements given in table 500-29, prepared by using mastic cooker and laid to
required level and slope after cleaning the surface, including providing antiskid surface with
515-01 bitumen precoated finegrained hard stone chipping of 13.2 mm nominal size at the rate of sqm 8559.00 398 3,406,482.00
0.005cum per 10 sqm and at an approximate spacing of 10 cm center to center in both
directions, pressed into surface when the temperature of surfaces is not less than 1000C,
protruding 1 mm to 4 mm over mastic surface, all complete as per clause 515.

Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for protection against scour with stone
2500-04 boulders weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as per drawing and Technical cum 7695.00 1,246 9,587,970.00

Printing new letter and figures of any shade with synthetic enamel paint black or any other per cm ht
801-16 17400.00 1 17,400.00
approved colour to give an even shade per letter

1700-02 RCC M-25 grade in Foundation for Culverts, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum 683.00 4,676 3,193,708.00

1100-05 Providing and laying of PCC M15 levelling course 100mm thick below the pile cap. cum 113.00 4,133 467,029.00

1700-07 RCC M-35 grade in Footing for Foundation, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum 1328.00 4,929 6,545,712.00

1113 Pile Load Test on single Vertical Pile in accordance with IS:2911(Part-IV) MT

1113-01 a) Initial and routine load test MT 7004.00 1,082 7,578,328.00

1113-02 b) Lateral load test MT 704.00 108 76,032.00

RCC M-35 grade in Pier & Solid Abutment for substructure, complete and as directed by
1700-09 cum 2301.00 5,504 12,664,704.00
the Engineer.

High tensile steel wires/strands including all accessories for stressing, stressing operations
1800-01 MT 67.00 128,539 8,612,113.00
and grouting complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications

Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level POT-PTFE bearing consisting
of a metal piston supported by a disc or unreinforced elastomer confined within a metal
cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals, PTFE surface sliding against stainless steel mating
2000-02 surface, complete assembly to be of cast steel/fabricated structural steel, metal and 4012.00 156 625,872.00
elastomer elements to be as per IRC: 83 part-I & II respectively and other parts conforming
to BS: 5400, section 9.1 & 9.2 and clause 2006 of MoRTH Specifications complete as per
drawing and approved Technical Specifications.

Providing and laying of a strip seal expansion joint catering to maximum horizontal
movement upto 70 mm, complete as per approved drawings and standard specifications to
2600-01 Rm 270.00 7,872 2,125,440.00
be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their authorised representative ensuring
compliance to the manufacturer's instructions for installation.

408-01b RCC M-20 grade in Superstructure for kerb, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum 35.00 6,195 216,825.00

10 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Guniting concrete surface with cement mortar applied with compressor after cleaning
2807-01 Sqm 220.00 309 67,980.00
surface and spraying with epoxy complete as per Technical Specifications.

Providing plastering (1:3 cement mortar) 12mm thick on brick and concrete works and as
1300-02 Sqm 224.00 155 34,720.00
directed by the Engineer ,complete

Sealing of cracks/porous concrete by injection process through nipples/Grouting complete

2806-01 Kg 10.00 2,179 21,790.00
as per Technical specification.

Total Bill No. 7 carried to Summary 346,256,685.00


Providing M-15 bed concrete for concrete kerb section, complete and as directed by the
408-01(a) cum 560.00 4,111 2,302,160.00

408-01(b) Providing M-20 concrete kerb section, complete and as directed by the Engineer. cum 1020.00 5,224 5,328,480.00

Providing and erecting retro- reflectorised Mandatory signs 900 mm circular with 7 years
Warranty as per IRC :67-2010 manufactured using Type XI of ASTM D-4956-09 reflective
sheeting , mounted over hard and corrosion resistant aluminium alloy sheet , 2mm thick
conforming to IS: 736 and clause 1.2.5 of the approved specification supported by frames
801-02 No 140.00 7,466 1,045,240.00
made of mild steel angle iron of designed size and supported on mild steel angle iron post
75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm, firmly fixed to the ground by means of foundation with M 15
grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved

Same as item no 801-02, but for triangular warning sign (900mm side) as per drawing with
801-03 No 1255.00 5,875 7,373,125.00
single post

Same as item no 801-02, but for mandatory octagonal stop sign with supplementary sign
801-05 No 220.00 13,801 3,036,220.00
as per drawing with two posts

Same as item no 801-02, but for Give way signs, with supplementary plates as per drawing
801-06 No 2.00 9,478 18,956.00
with two posts

Same as item no 801-02, but for Informatory signs as per TA-4 and TA-5 in the drawing
801-10 No 329.00 3,478 1,144,262.00
with single posts

Same as item no 801-02, but for Informatory signs as per TA-6 in the drawing with single
801-11 No 1370.00 5,007 6,859,590.00

Same as item no 801-02, but for informatory signs as per the drawing for Fig 15.1,Fig
801-12 sqm. 225.00 12,846 2,890,350.00
15.2, Fig 15.3, Fig 15.4, Fig 15.5, Fig 15.6 and Fig 15.7 with 2 posts

Same as item no 801-02, but for facility information sign of ( 600 x 800mm) size as per the
801-13 No 143.00 6,454 922,922.00
drawing for with single post

Pavement marking with hot- applied thermo plastic road marking material for all line
803-01 sqm. 21120.00 363 7,666,560.00
marking as per drawing complete as per specification and as directed by the Engineer

Pavement marking with hot- applied thermo plastic road marking material for all other
803-02 sqm. 8514.00 411 3,499,254.00
marking as per drawing complete as per specification and as directed by the Engineer

Providing concrete delineator post as per drawing and specification and as directed by the
805-01 No 500.00 232 116,000.00

804-01 Providing and fixing Hectometre stone, complete and as directed by the Engineer No 422.00 793 334,646.00

804-02 Providing and fixing Kilometre stone, complete and as directed by the Engineer No 84.00 1,466 123,144.00

804-03 Providing and fixing 5 Kilometre stone, complete and as directed by the Engineer No 22.00 2,235 49,170.00

Painting kerb and other concrete structure with black and white paint as per drawing and
814-01 sqm. 6910.00 99 684,090.00
specification and as directed by the Engineer

11 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

810-01 Providing and fixing metal beam crash barrier, complete and as directed by the Engineer lm. 1810.00 2,436 4,409,160.00

Providing and fixing RCC guard post as per drawing complete and as directed by the
805-02 No 300.00 1,109 332,700.00

Providing, fixing and erecting 50 mm dia steel pipe railing in 2 rows duly painted 0.825
808-01 metres high above ground, 1.125 m centre to centre, complete as per approved drawings lm 7861.00 1,739 13,670,279.00
( Hand Rail Type II ) , and as directed by the Engineer

Providing and fixing unidirectional white Road Studs, spacing and locations as specified in
812-01 No 106724.00 145 15,474,980.00
the drawing complete, as per specifications as directed by the Engineer

Providing Road Hump made of Asphalt as per drawing and as per specification and as
813-01 lm 1018.00 607 617,926.00
directed by the Engineer

815-01 Providing and fixing 20cm x 10cm retro reflective tiles and as directed by the Engineer. sqm 34.00 7,583 257,822.00

Providing and fixing boundary pillars of standard design as per IRC:25-1967, fixed in
806-01 No 1128.00 1,014 1,143,792.00
position including finishing and lettering but excluding painting

Providing and fixing LED blinkers of approved quality and make all complete and as
801-17 No 385.00 47,566 18,312,910.00
directed by the Engineer.

801-18 Cantilever Overhead Sign - 4000mm x 1200mm No 2.00 238,304 476,608.00

Providing Road Hump made of interlocking tiles as per drawing and as per specification and
801-19 No 25.00 21,708 542,700.00
as directed by the Engineer

309-07 Providing utility duct using HDPE 300m Dia Pipe at widening road location lm 3293.00 280 922,040.00

Utility Duct demarcator using 200mm PVC Pipe 600 mm length protuding 200 mm above
309-10 No 452.00 344 155,488.00
ground surrounded with PCC M15 concrete and marked in steel plate as Duct
Supplying and fixing sign boards made of High Intensity Prismatic grade sheeting as per
ASTM D 495609 for Pedestrian Crossing Sign Board with triangular sign 90 cm and
801-20 No 50.00 11,734 586,700.00
information sign of 80 x 60 cm with single post as per specification and as directed by the

811-01 Four armed junction No 1.00 410,464 410,464.00

811-02 Three armed junction No 7.00 378,640 2,650,480.00

Providing and constructing Rumble strip using BC Conforming to specification 509. ,16mm
high at centre ,200mmm wide placed 325mm center to center between main carriageway
816-01 Lm 77900.00 129 10,049,100.00
and paved shoulder at approved locations to control speed marked with white/yellow strips
of road marking paint

801-21 Epoxy coated Overhead Gantry Sign - board No. 6.00 686,851 4,121,106.00

Providing and fixing 4 Rope type wire rope safety fence as per Technical specification and
8004-01 Lm 1000.00 4,149 4,149,000.00
drawing at specified locations as directed by the Engineer in charge

8004-02 PCC M25 for foundation concrete and end anchorage for 4 Rope typewire rope safety fence cum 44.00 4,736 208,384.00

Total Bill No. 8 carried to Summary 121,885,808.00


Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 60W LED Standalone Solar Street Light
6006-01 No 947.00 51,799 49,053,653.00
mounted on Octagonal epoxy coated Galvanized Pole 7m height above ground.

Total Bill No. 9 carried to Summary 49,053,653.00


10.01 Providing labour at site inclusive of all expenses

12 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

(i) Ganger hour 100.00 83 8,300.00

(ii) Labourer hour 100.00 83 8,300.00

(iii) Mason hour 100.00 103 10,300.00

(iv) Driver for vehicle upto 10 tons hour 100.00 96 9,600.00

(v) Operator for excavator, dragline,shovel or crane hour 100.00 122 12,200.00

(vi) Operator for tractor with dozer blade or tipper hour 100.00 122 12,200.00

(vii) Bitumen labour hour 100.00 88 8,800.00

10.02 Allow 15%. *percent of subtotal for Contractor's overhead, profit etc. 10,455.00

Providing material at site including transportation and stacking complete in good and clean

1 Asphaltic Concrete using Rubber modified Bitumen cum 20.00 10,340 206,800.00

2 M35 Concrete conforming to Technical specification 1700 cum 10.00 7,219 72,190.00

3 M25 Concrete conforming to Technical specification 1700 cum 10.00 6,583 65,830.00

4 M15 Concrete conforming to Technical specification 1700 cum 10.00 6,299 62,990.00

5 Cement conforming to IS:8112 tonne 2.00 6,932 13,864.00

6 Rubber modified Bitumen (bulk) conforming to special specification 7000 tonne 2.00 45,856 91,712.00

7 Rubber modified Bitumen (drum) conforming to special specification 7000 tonne 2.00 55,287 110,574.00

8 Bitumen (bulk) conforming to IS: 73 tonne 2.00 40,437 80,874.00

9 Bitumen (drum) conforming to IS: 73 tonne 2.00 44,963 89,926.00

Allow 15%*percent of subtotal for Contractors overhead profit etc. in accordance with
10.04 119,214.00
paragraph 4 (b) above

10.05 Providing equipment at site with operators, P.O.L. etc. complete in good working condition.

(i) Truck (10/12 tonne) Eqpt hrs. 100.00 619 61,900.00

(ii) Dozer Size 2 Eqpt hrs. 100.00 2666 266,600.00

(iii) Motor Grader Eqpt hrs. 100.00 3184 318,400.00

(iv) Roller Static (8-10 tonne) Eqpt hrs. 100.00 1415 141,500.00

(v) Roller Vibratory (8-10 tonne static) Eqpt hrs. 100.00 1903 190,300.00

(vi) Roller Vibratory (1-2 tonne width about 1 m) Eqpt hrs. 100.00 657 65,700.00

(vii) Pneumatic Tyred Roller (20 tonne) Eqpt hrs. 100.00 2299 229,900.00

(viii) Mobile concrete batching/mixing plant (1 cum) Eqpt hrs. 100.00 467 46,700.00

(ix) Wheel Loader (1.5 cum) Eqpt hrs. 100.00 1036 103,600.00

(xi) Truck mounted water tanker(10 tonne) Eqpt hrs. 100.00 594 59,400.00

(xii) Pumping Set (5 hp) Eqpt hrs. 100.00 76 7,600.00

Carryout confirmatory bores upto required depths at each foundation location of bridge
complete in all respects including testing and interpretation of the bore data and presentation
2400-01 lm 3,000 -
of the results as per IRC:78-1981
In all type

13 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

TOTAL DAYWORK : Carried to summary 2,485,729.00


Demolishing the existing compound wall of public building and clearing debris to a
designated location as approved by engineer for constructing or raising sound insulating
11000-02 cum 3533.00 3,838 13,559,654.00
barriers for silence zones as mentioned in the Part II, Vol.III, EMP table titled "EMAP" &
MoRTH and as per design drawing.

Providing hand pumps including provision made in RAP and as mentioned in the Part II
11000-03 No 10.00 53,694 536,940.00
link specific EMP table titled "EMAP".

Constructing bus shelter for all bus laybys as detailed in the design drawing and as
11000-04 No 57.00 127,603 7,273,371.00
mentioned in the Part II link specific EMP table titled "ESMAP".

Providing sign boards indicating major rivers,tourist location, pilgrim centres and silent
11000-05 Sqm 50.00 13,013 650,650.00
zones as mentioned in the Part II link specific EMP table titled "ESMAP" & MoRTH

Preserving and landscaping the cultural properties like shrines and hyundi as mentioned in
11000-06 No 12.00 34,491 413,892.00
the Part II link specific EMP table titled "EMAP"& MoRTH and as per design drawing.

Demolishing the existing open well and reconstructing the same as mentioned in the Part II,
11000-07 No 5.00 95,134 475,670.00
Vol. III EMP table titled "EMAP" and RAP.

Dismantling the existing water taps and providing new water taps as mentioned in the Part
11000-08 No 25.00 7,959 198,975.00
II, Vol. III EMP table titled "EMAP" and RAP.

Developing parking space for the land acquired for auto rickshaws, cars and jeep as
11000-12 identified in the strip plan and as mentioned in the Part II, Vol. III EMP table titled "EMAP" sqm 140.00 3,411 477,540.00
& MoRTH.

Providing landscaping with provision of solid waste collection (dust bin), sitting
11000-15 No 31.00 316,102 9,799,162.00
arrangement as per typical design drawings provided in EMP.

Planting of Trees and their Maintenance for one Year (Planting of trees by the road side
(Avenue trees) in 0.60 m dia holes, 1 m deep dug in the ground, mixing the soil with
11000-18 No 2271.00 783 1,778,193.00
decayed farm yard/sludge mannure, planting the saplings, backfilling the trench, watering,
fixing the tree guard and maintaining the plants for one year)

Planting of trees on inner side of the sound insulating wall as noise barrier or green barrier
11000-19 No 200.00 783 156,600.00
for silence zones and maintaining them for four years.

Providing and maintaining water sprayer in order to water the construction surface to
11000-24 Hour 2520.00 322 811,440.00
supress excessive dust in dry season in addition to watering for compaction

Air quality monitoring at two sensitive locations along the project road during construction
11000-25 Nos. 18.00 12,647 227,646.00

Water quality monitoring at two major water bodies along the road during construction
11000-26 Nos. 8.00 5,066 40,528.00

Concrete flooring, with slope drains and oil interceptors for hot mix plant area and work
11000-28 shop, vehicle washing and fuel handling area in construction camps as mentioned in the Nos. 4.00 12,002 48,008.00
Part II, Vol. III EMP table titled "EMAP".

Total Bill No. 11 carried to Summary 36,448,269.00


Transporting HT PSC/RCC poles as per specifications of KSEB by hand craft for an

112-08 Nos. 950.00 253.00 240,350.00
average distance of 1 km

Transporting HT PSC/RCC poles as per specifications of KSEB by hand craft for every
112-09 Nos. 950.00 253.00 240,350.00
additional 1 km

112-10 Transporting a poles as per specifications of KSEB for 1 km Nos. 540.00 253.00 136,620.00

112-11 Transporting a pole as per specifications of KSEB for every additional 1 km Nos. 540.00 253.00 136,620.00

14 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Fitting and erecting one HT TW/RSJ/Rail/Single pole as per specifications of KSEB in

position including fixing cross arm, digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil drawing
112-12 Nos. 668.00 3,112.00 2,078,816.00
sufficient length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthling (excluding provision of

Fitting and erecting one HT PSC/RCC pole as per specifications of KSEB in position
112-13 including fixing cross arm, digging and backfilling pit in ordinary soil drawing sufficient Nos. 107.00 3,288.00 351,816.00
length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthling (excluding provision for earthing)

Fitting and erecting one 'A' pole as per specifications of KSEB in position including fixing
112-14 cross arm, digging and backfilling pit in ordinary soil drawing sufficient length of GI earth Nos. 109.00 13,824.00 1,506,816.00
leads to the ground for earthling (Excluding provision of earthing)

Fitting and erecting one four legged 'A' type single pole as per specifications of KSEB in
position including fixing cross arm, digging and backfilling pit in ordinary soil drawing
112-15 Nos. 85.00 28,985.00 2,463,725.00
sufficient length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthling (Excluding provision of

Fitting and erecting one HT Double pole as per specifications of KSEB structure using
TW/RSJ/Rail poles as per specifications of KSEB in position including fixing cross arm,
112-16 Nos. 35.00 7,129.00 249,515.00
digging and backfilling pit in ordinary soil drawing sufficient length of GI earth leads to the
ground for earthling (Excluding provision of earthling)

Fitting and erecting one HT DP RCC/PSC pole as per specifications of KSEB in position
112-17 including fixing cross arm, digging and backfilling pit in ordinary soil drawing sufficient Nos. 31.00 7,129.00 220,999.00
length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthling (Excluding provision of earthling)

Fitting of HT stay set for 11 KV poles as per specifications of KSEB including digging and
112-18 Nos. 120.00 956.00 114,720.00
backfilling pit ordinary soil

Fitting of providing strut for 11KV poles as per specifications of KSEB including digging
112-19 Nos. 15.00 956.00 14,340.00
and backfilling pit in ordinary soil

Fitting of providing strut using HT PSC/RCC poles as per specifications of KSEB for 11
112-20 Nos. 15.00 1,587.00 23,805.00
KV poles including digging and backfilling pit in ordinary soil.

Fitting of HT FLY stay for PSC/RCC poles as per specifications of KSEB including digging
112-21 Nos. 48.00 2,273.00 109,104.00
and backfilling pit in ordinary soil.

Additional rate for excavation of pit for HT poles as per specifications of KSEB/HT stay in
112-22 Nos. 18.00 114.00 2,052.00
Hard Laterite soil.

Stringing of one KM 11 KV line with ACSR Racoom conductors (3 NOS) after hitting
112-23 km 55.00 31,711.00 1,744,105.00
insulators and giving jumper connections.
Fitting of 5 nos. Channel cross arm AB switch D.O fuse, LA, LT/HT connection up to OH
112-24 Nos. 50.00 2,779.00 138,950.00

112-25 Errection of CT/PT unit Nos. 4.00 2,097.00 8,388.00

112-26 Erection of 100/150/160 KVA Transformer Nos. 61.00 13,266.00 809,226.00

112-27 Erection of 250/315/500 KVA Transformer Nos. 11.00 18,319.00 201,509.00

112-28 Installation of one DTR meter box Nos. 72.00 708.00 50,976.00

112-29 Fitting of one additional Fuse unit Nos. 280.00 221.00 61,880.00

112-30 Providing one earth using GI Pipe Nos. 140.00 663.00 92,820.00

112-31 Providing coil earth using GI Pipe Nos. 115.00 1,421.00 163,415.00

112-32 Fitting of 1 set (3 Nos) LA Nos. 120.00 948.00 113,760.00

112-33 Fitting of 1 set (3 Nos) D.O Fuse Nos. 280.00 303.00 84,840.00

112-34 Fitting of 1 set AB switch, LA, D.O Fuse Nos. 350.00 1,453.00 508,550.00

15 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Fitting of one additional V/Angle/Channel cross arm in existing pole as per specifications of
112-36 Nos. 1400.00 215.00 301,000.00

Fitting of one additional V/Angle/Channel cross arm in 11 KV DP pole as per specifications

112-37 Nos. 1200.00 246.00 295,200.00

112-38 Fitting of LT 2 line cross arm complete Nos. 2000.00 278.00 556,000.00

112-39 Fitting of LT 4 line cross arm complete Nos. 4000.00 341.00 1,364,000.00

Providing barbed wire anticlimbing protection 2.5m for one 11 KV pole as per
112-40 Nos. 50.00 1,832.00 91,600.00
specifications of KSEB

112-43 Renewal of one HT pin insulator. Nos. 600.00 196.00 117,600.00

112-44 Renewal of one HT Disc insulator Nos. 400.00 341.00 136,400.00

112-46 Renewal of damaged 11 KV Stay Nos. 240.00 720.00 172,800.00

112-47 Renewal of damaged Strut 11 KV Nos. 140.00 1,840.00 257,600.00

Dismantling one damaged 11KV/TW/RSJ Rail pole as per specifications of KSEB after
112-48 Nos. 668.00 1,352.00 903,136.00
discounting stays struts etc

Dismantling one damaged 11KV PSC/RCC pole as per specifications of KSEB after
112-49 Nos. 100.00 1,352.00 135,200.00
discounting stays struts etc

Dismantling one damaged 11KV 'A' Type pole as per specifications of KSEB after
112-50 Nos. 109.00 7,669.00 835,921.00
discounting stays struts etc

Dismantling one damaged 11KV 4 legged 'A' Type pole as per specifications of KSEB after
112-51 Nos. 81.00 7,669.00 621,189.00
disconnecting stays struts etc

Dismantling one damaged 11KV Strut PSC/RCC pole as per specifications of KSEB after
112-52 Nos. 120.00 672.00 80,640.00
disconnecting stays struts etc

Dismantling one damaged 11KV (3 Nos) pole as per specifications of KSEB after
112-53 Nos. 40.00 771.00 30,840.00
disconnecting stays struts etc

Dismantling one damaged cross arm/V cross arm pole as per specifications of KSEB after
112-54 Nos. 2100.00 190.00 399,000.00
disconnecting stays struts etc

112-55 Dismantling one damaged AB switch after disconnecting stays struts etc Nos. 200.00 695.00 139,000.00

112-58 Erecting one LT PSC/RCC pole as per specifications of KSEB Nos. 856.00 3,112.00 2,663,872.00

112-59 Erecting stay for LT poles as per specifications of KSEB Nos. 300.00 1,057.00 317,100.00

112-60 Erecting stay strut for LT poles as per specifications of KSEB Nos. 120.00 810.00 97,200.00

112-61 Erecting fly stay for LT poles as per specifications of KSEB Nos. 48.00 1,247.00 59,856.00

Stringing Shackling fitting cross arm etc using ACSR Conductor for one Km LT single
112-62 Km 55.00 19,039.00 1,047,145.00
phase etc required
Stringing Shackling fitting cross arm etc using ACSR Conductor for one Km 3 phase LT
112-63 Km 55.00 31,673.00 1,742,015.00
line required
Stringing Shackling fitting cross arm etc using ACSR Conductor for one no.Section fuse
112-64 Nos. 600.00 215.00 129,000.00

112-65 Stringing Shackling fitting cross arm etc using ACSR Conductor for one no.LT LA required Nos. 840.00 278.00 233,520.00

Dismantling one LT TW/RSJ Rail pole as per specifications of KSEB after disconnecting
112-68 Nos. 107.00 307.00 32,849.00
all connection
Dismantling one LT PSC/RCC pole as per specifications of KSEB after disconnecting all
112-69 Nos. 60.00 474.00 28,440.00

112-70 Dismantling one LT stay after disconnecting all connection Nos. 120.00 263.00 31,560.00

112-71 Dismantling one LT strut stay after disconnecting all connection Nos. 60.00 449.00 26,940.00

112-72 Redoing single phase WP connection Nos. 12000.00 126.00 1,512,000.00

16 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

112-73 Redoing 3 phase WP connection Nos. 9000.00 190.00 1,710,000.00

112-74 Dismantling & refitting 2X40W fluorescent tube light etc as required Nos. 1400.00 323.00 452,200.00

112-75 Dismantling & refitting ordinary CFL/LED fitting etc as required Nos. 400.00 220.00 88,000.00

112-76 Dismantling & refitting SV/MV/MH lamp fitting etc as required Nos. 800.00 437.00 349,600.00

112-77 Shifting of duplicate LT line including restoring supply Nos. 400.00 418.00 167,200.00

Labor charges for fabricating MS angle providing necessary holes,bending,cutting,grinding

112-78 kg 50000.00 25.00 1,250,000.00
including welding

112-79 Laying of LT XLPE UG cable as per KSEB specification m 2000.00 316.00 632,000.00

112-80 Excavation of tarred/concrete portion and back filling the trench m 500.00 316.00 158,000.00

112-81 Mounting LT UG Cable including connection etc as required Nos. 120.00 215.00 25,800.00

112-82 Labor charges for shifting 3X300 XLPE HT UG Cable and back filing of trench m 2000.00 341.00 682,000.00

112-83 Labor charges for shifting 3X150 XLPE HT UG Cable and back filing of trench m 1000.00 341.00 341,000.00
112-84 Laying of 3X300 XLPE HT UG Cable and back filing of trench m 6000.00 404.00 2,424,000.00
112-85 Laying of 3X150 XLPE HT UG Cable and back filing of trench m 2000.00 341.00 682,000.00
112-86 Charges for 300/150 cable straight joint Nos. 400.00 1,706.00 682,400.00

112-87 Construction of Transformer plinth of size 1.5x1.5x1.5m Nos. 11.00 23,320.00 256,520.00

112-88 Providing concrete muffing of size 45x45cmx1.5m Nos. 180.00 1,707.00 307,260.00

112-89 Bake lite Fuse unit Nos. 800.00 442.00 353,600.00

112-90 Labour charges for fabricating 25x3mm Copper strip/32x3mm Copper strip kg 1000.00 38.00 38,000.00

Total Bill No. 11 carried to Summary 36,826,270.00



Excavating in Hard soil for trenches for dismantling existing Cl pipe carefully without
damaging pipe as per specifications of KWA , including excavation for socket and dressing
of sides,ramming of bottom etc. with lift u p to 1.50m, stacking the excavated soil not
112-90 cum 9410.00 316 2,973,560.00
more than 50 m clear from the edge of excavation and refilling t he trenches in layers not
exceeding 20 cm depth including consolidating each layer by ramming, watering etc.
complete them and depositing of surplus soil as directed.(PHED.1002)
Fencing 1.5 m height with two rows or full horizontal bamboos tied with coir yarn on
112-91 vertical bamboo fixed at 1.50 m interval including all cost and conveyance of all materials m 5000.00 281 1,405,000.00
labour charges etc complete

Cutting 250 mm C.l Pipe as per specifications of KWA or all classes diametrically
112-92 perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and smoothening the cut ends etc. complete. Nos 345.00 133 45,885.00
(Phed.ll04(6)) C l PIPE - 250 MM CL LA

Cutting 200 mm CI Pipe as per specifications of KWA of all classes diametrically

112-93 perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and smoothening the cut ends etc. complete. (Phed.ll Nos 790.00 139 109,810.00
04(5)) Cl PIPE- 200 MM CL LA

Cutting 150 mm CI Pipe as per specifications of KWA of all classes diametrically

112-94 perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and smoothening the cut ends etc.complete. Nos 490.00 133 65,170.00
(Phed.l104(4)) C l PIPE- I50 MM CL LA

Cutting 100 mm CI Pipe as per specifications of KWA of all classes diametrically

112-95 perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and smoothening the cut ends etc. complete. (Phed. Nos 325.00 133 43,225.00
II04(2)) C! PIPE - 100 MM CL LA

Cutting 80 mm CL Pipe as per specifications of KWA of all classes diametrically

112-96 perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and smoothening the cut ends etc.complete.. (Phed .l Nos 200.00 126 25,200.00
I04( I)) Cl PIPE- 80 MM CL LA

Carried Forward

Dismantling ,Conveying & Stacking 250 mm Cl Pipes as per specifications of KWA &
Specials, including specials and fillings after conveying them with in initial lead, and care
112-97 m 1722.00 234 402,948.00
fully lowering into site, as per the direction of the dept officer • 100m (Phed. 572) Cl PIPE
250 M M C L LA

17 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Dismantling .Conveying & Stacking 200 mm C.I Pipes as per specifications of KWA &
Specials, including specials and fillings after conveying them with in initial lead, and
112-98 m 3945.00 221 871,845.00
carefully lowering into site, as per the direction of the dept officer-100m (Phed. 572) Cl
PIP'E - 200 MM CL LA
Dismantling, Conveying & Stacking 150 mm CI Pipes as per specifications of KWA &
Specials. including specials and fittings after conveying them with in initial lead, and
112-99 m 2428.00 208 505,024.00
carefully lowering into site, as per the direction of the dept officer- 100m (Phed. 572) Cl
Dismantling, Conveying & Stacking 100mm CI Pipes as per specifications of KWA &
Specials. Including specials and fittings after conveying them with in initial lead, and
112-100 m 1610.00 208 334,880.00
carefully lowering into site. as per the direction of the dept officer- 100m (PhD. 572) C l
PIPE - 100 M M CL LA
Dismantling, Conveying & Stacking 80mm CI Pipes as per specifications of KWA &
Specials. Including specials and fittings after conveying them with in initial lead, and
112-101 m 1000.00 208 208,000.00
carefully lowering into site. as per the direction of the dept officer- 100m (Phed. 572) C l
Demolishing RCC work of Valve chamber including separately removing and stacking
112-102 available reinforcement and clearing away the debris within a distance of 150m - 10d m3 cum 52.00 208 10,816.00
Excavating in all classes of soil for trenches to lay pipes as per specifications of KWA
including excavation for sockets and dressing of sides, ramming of bottom etc with lift up to
1.50m, stacking the excavated soil not more than 50m, clear from the edge of the excavation
112-103 cum 38656.00 120.00 4,638,720.00
and refilling the trenches after laying pipes in layers not exceeding 20cm, depth including
consolidating each layer by ramming. watering etc complete then and disposing the surplus
soil as directed by the Engineer
Fencing 1.5 m height with two rows or full horizontal bamboos tied with coir yarn on
112-104 vertical bamboo fixed at 1.50 m interval including all cost and conveyance of all materials m 25000.00 281.00 7,025,000.00
labour charges etc complete
Conveying & Laying 250 mm CI/DI Pipes as per specifications of KWA & Specials,
including specials and fittings after conveying them with in initial lead, and carefully
112-105 m 1750.00 126.00 220,500.00
lowering into trenches, placing in position to lines and levels ready for joint - 100m
Conveying & Laying 200 mm CI/DI Pipes as per specifications of KWA & Specials,
including specials and fittings after conveying them with in initial lead, and carefully
112-106 m 4000.00 120.00 480,000.00
lowering into trenches, placing in position to lines and levels ready for joint - 100m
Conveying & Laying 150 mm CI/DI Pipes as per specifications of KWA & Specials,
including specials and fittings after conveying them with in initial lead, and carefully
112-107 m 2460.00 114.00 280,440.00
lowering into trenches, placing in position to lines and levels ready for joint - 100m
Conveying & Laying 100 mm CI/DI Pipes as per specifications of KWA & Specials,
including specials and fittings after conveying them with in initial lead, and carefully
112-108 m 3240.00 82.00 265,680.00
lowering into trenches, placing in position to lines and levels ready for joint - 100m
Conveying 63mm dia P.V.C pipes ( 6 kg/cm 2 ) as per specifications of KWA and specials,
solvent cement from the stacking place of work site, lowering into trenches already made,
placing in position aligning the pipe to lines and levels and jointing the pipes and specials
112-109 m 7500.00 128.00 960,000.00
with solvent cement and testing the pipe line with water to the required test pressure,
including hire charges for all tool testing equipments. Cost and conveyance of water
etc.complete. l00m. (TC/KWA. I106(4))

Conveying 75mm dia P.V.C pipes ( 6 kg/cm 2 ) as per specifications of KWA and specials,
solvent cement from the stacking place of work site, lowering into trenches already made,
placing in position aligning the pipe to lines and levels and jointing the pipes and specials
112-110 m 1500.00 121.00 181,500.00
with solvent cement and testing the pipe line with water to the required test pressure,
including hire charges for all tool testing equipments. Cost and conveyance of water
etc.complete. l00m. (TC/KWA. I106(5))
Conveying & Laying 80 mm CI/DI Pipes as per specifications of KWA & Specials,
including specials and fittings after conveying them with in initial lead, and carefully
112-111 m 1100.00 159.00 174,900.00
lowering into trenches, placing in position to lines and levels ready for joint - 100m
Conveying 90mm dia P.V.C pipes ( 6 kg/cm 2 ) as per specifications of KWA and specials,
solvent cement from the stacking place of work site, lowering into trenches already made,
placing in position aligning the pipe to lines and levels and jointing the pipes and specials
112-112 m 20000.00 147.00 2,940,000.00
with solvent cement and testing the pipe line with water to the required test pressure,
including hire charges for all tool testing equipments. Cost and conveyance of water
etc.complete. l00m. (TC/KWA. I106(6))

Conveying 110mm dia P.V.C pipes ( 6 kg/cm 2 ) as per specifications of KWA and
specials, solvent cement from the stacking place of work site, lowering into trenches already
112-113 m 18000.00 158.00 2,844,000.00
made, placing in position aligning the pipe to lines and levels and jointing the pipes and
specials with solvent cement and testing the pipe line with water to the required test

18 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Conveying 140mm dia P.V.C pipes ( 6 kg/cm 2 ) as per specifications of KWA and
specials, solvent cement from the stacking place of work site, lowering into trenches already
made, placing in position aligning the pipe to lines and levels and jointing the pipes and
112-114 m 1000.00 177.00 177,000.00
specials with solvent cement and testing the pipe line with water to the required test
pressure, including hire charges for all tool testing equipments. Cost and conveyance of
water etc.complete. l00m. (TC/KWA. I106(8))
Conveying 160mm dia P.V.C pipes ( 6 kg/cm 2 ) as per specifications of KWA and
specials, solvent cement from the stacking place of work site, lowering into trenches already
made, placing in position aligning the pipe to lines and levels and jointing the pipes and
112-115 m 4050.00 202.00 818,100.00
specials with solvent cement and testing the pipe line with water to the required test
pressure, including hire charges for all tool testing equipments. Cost and conveyance of
water etc.complete. l00m. (TC/KWA. I106(9))

Conveying 200mm dia P.V.C pipes ( 6 kg/cm 2 ) as per specifications of KWA and
specials, solvent cement from the stacking place of work site, lowering into trenches already
made, placing in position aligning the pipe to lines and levels and jointing the pipes and
112-116 m 1880.00 215.00 404,200.00
specials with solvent cement and testing the pipe line with water to the required test
pressure, including hire charges for all tool testing equipments. Cost and conveyance of
water etc.complete. l00m. (TC/KWA. I106(9))

(Supplying), Conveying, threading laying and jointing 50mm dia G.l pipe as per
112-117 specifications of KWA with fittings, including trenching and refilling, testing watching m 200.00 500.00 100,000.00
lighting etc complete including fencing and providing caution boards.(PH ED 513)- for 10m

(Supplying), Conveying, threading laying and jointing 65mm dia G.l pipe as per
112-118 specifications of KWA with fittings, including trenching and refilling, testing watching m 100.00 623.00 62,300.00
lighting etc complete including fencing and providing caution boards.(PH ED 514)- for 10m

(Supplying), Conveying, threading laying and jointing 80mm dia G.l pipe as per
112-119 specifications of KWA with fittings, including trenching and refilling, testing watching m 100.00 802.00 80,200.00
lighting etc complete including fencing and providing caution boards.(PH ED 515)- for 10m

(Supplying), Conveying, threading laying and jointing 100mm dia G.l pipe as per
112-120 specifications of KWA with fittings, including trenching and refilling, testing watching m 100.00 1,122.00 112,200.00
lighting etc complete including fencing and providing caution boards.(PH ED 517)- for 10m

(Supplying), Conveying, threading laying and jointing 125mm dia G.l pipe as per
112-121 specifications of KWA with fittings, including trenching and refilling, testing watching m 100.00 1,583.00 158,300.00
lighting etc complete including fencing and providing caution boards.(PH ED 518)- for 10m

(Supplying), Conveying, threading laying and jointing 150mm dia G.l pipe as per
112-122 specifications of KWA with fittings, including trenching and refilling, testing watching m 100.00 1,772.00 177,200.00
lighting etc complete including fencing and providing caution boards.(PH ED 519)- for 10m

Cutting 250 mm CI/DI Pipe as per specifications of KWA or all classes diametrically
112-123 perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and smoothening the cut ends etc. complete. Nos 50.00 120.00 6,000.00
Cutting 200 mm CI/DI Pipe as per specifications of KWA or all classes diametrically
112-124 perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and smoothening the cut ends etc. complete. Nos 60.00 114.00 6,840.00
Cutting 150 mm CI/DI Pipe as per specifications of KWA or all classes diametrically
112-125 perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and smoothening the cut ends etc. complete. Nos 50.00 107.00 5,350.00
Cutting 100 mm CI/DI Pipe as per specifications of KWA or all classes diametrically
112-126 perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and smoothening the cut ends etc. complete. Nos 90.00 107.00 9,630.00
Cutting 80 mm CI/DI Pipe as per specifications of KWA or all classes diametrically
112-127 perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and smoothening the cut ends etc. complete. Nos 40.00 101.00 4,040.00

Jointing of 80 mm CI/DI Tyton pipes as per specifications of KWA already laid in trenches
using rubber gaskets after cleaning the ends of pipes inserting the rubber gaskets inside the
112-128 groove of sockets and making the joint water tight without causing any damages to the Nos 220.00 562.00 123,640.00
rubber gasket, including cost of all labours, hire charges for winch and other appliances
etc.complete but excluding cost of rubber gasket(TC3 AI)

Jointing of 100 mm CI/DI Tyton pipes as per specifications of KWA already laid in
trenches using rubber gaskets after cleaning the ends of pipes inserting the rubber gaskets
112-129 inside the groove of sockets and making the joint water tight without causing any damages Nos 575.00 625.00 359,375.00
to the rubber gasket, including cost of all labours, hire charges for winch and other
appliances etc.complete but excluding cost of rubber gasket(TC3 AI)

Jointing of 150 mm CI/DI Tyton pipes as per specifications of KWA already laid in
trenches using rubber gaskets after cleaning the ends of pipes inserting the rubber gaskets
112-130 inside the groove of sockets and making the joint water tight without causing any damages Nos 490.00 720.00 352,800.00
to the rubber gasket, including cost of all labours, hire charges for winch and other
appliances etc.complete but excluding cost of rubber gasket

19 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Jointing of 200 mm CI/DI Tyton pipes as per specifications of KWA already laid in
trenches using rubber gaskets after cleaning the ends of pipes inserting the rubber gaskets
112-131 inside the groove of sockets and making the joint water tight without causing any damages Nos 790.00 1,068.00 843,720.00
to the rubber gasket, including cost of all labours, hire charges for winch and other
appliances etc.complete but excluding cost of rubber gasket

Jointing of 250 mm CI/DI Tyton pipes as per specifications of KWA already laid in
trenches using rubber gaskets after cleaning the ends of pipes inserting the rubber gaskets
112-132 inside the groove of sockets and making the joint water tight without causing any damages Nos 345.00 1,320.00 455,400.00
to the rubber gasket, including cost of all labours, hire charges for winch and other
appliances etc.complete but excluding cost of rubber gasket(TC3 AI)

Jointing of 80 mm dia C.IFlanged pipes as per specifications of KWA laid in trenches to

lines and levels, inserting compressed fibre or I. R sheet cut ti suit the size of pipe and bolt
112-133 holes, bolting with 8 nos. of 16 mm dia x 75 mm long or nearest size bolts, nuts and Nos 40.00 436.00 17,440.00
washers, including conveying the jointing materials within initial lead etc. complete to make
water tight joints capable of withstanding required pressure. - Each joint(Phed.620).

Jointing of 100 mm dia C.I Flanged pipes as per specifications of KWA laid in trenches to
lines and levels, inserting compressed fibre or I. R sheet cut to suit the size of pipe and bolt
112-134 holes, bolting with 8 nos. of 16 mm dia x 75 mm long or nearest size bolts, nuts and Nos 60.00 499.00 29,940.00
washers, including conveying the jointing materials within initial lead etc. complete to make
water tight joints capable of withstanding required pressure. - Each joint(Phed.620).

Jointing of 150 mm dia Flanged pipes as per specifications of KWA laid in trenches to lines
and levels, inserting compressed fibre or I. R sheet cut ti suit the size of pipe and bolt holes,
112-135 bolting with 8 nos. of 16 mm dia x 75 mm long or nearest size bolts, nuts and washers, Nos 490.00 562.00 275,380.00
including conveying the jointing materials within initial lead etc. complete to make water
tight joints capable of withstanding required pressure. - Each joint(Phed.620).

Jointing of 200 mm dia C.I Flanged pipes as per specifications of KWA laid in trenches to
lines and levels, inserting compressed fibre or I. R sheet cut ti suit the size of pipe and bolt
112-136 holes, bolting with 8 nos. of 16 mm dia x 75 mm long or nearest size bolts, nuts and Nos 790.00 562.00 443,980.00
washers, including conveying the jointing materials within initial lead etc. complete to make
water tight joints capable of withstanding required pressure. - Each joint(Phed.620).

Jointing of 250 mm dia C.IFlanged pipes as per specifications of KWA laid in trenches to
lines and levels, inserting compressed fibre or I. R sheet cut ti suit the size of pipe and bolt
112-137 holes, bolting with 8 nos. of 16 mm dia x 75 mm long or nearest size bolts, nuts and Nos 345.00 594.00 204,930.00
washers, including conveying the jointing materials within initial lead etc. complete to make
water tight joints capable of withstanding required pressure. - Each joint(Phed.620).

Conveying and fixing 20 mm dia CI air valve including cost and conveyance of all
112-138 Nos 40.00 2,584.00 103,360.00
materials.lncluding all charges etc complete
Testing 80mm dia pipe line as per specifications of KWA with water to the required test
112-139 pressure, including all cost and conveyance of water and labour charges and hire for tools Nos 1100.00 57.00 62,700.00
and equipments etc. complete.- 80 m test length. (Phed.1016)
112-140 Cl IDI PIPE- 80 MM CL LA m 3240.00 47.00 152,280.00
Testing I00mm dia pipe line as per specifications of KWA with water to the required test
112-141 pressure, including all cost and conveyance of water und labour charges and hire for tools m 2460.00 51.00 125,460.00
and equipments etc.complete.- 150 m test length. (Phed. I016)

Testing 200mm dia pipe line as per specifications of KWA with water to the required test
112-142 pressure, including all cost and conveyance of water and labour charges and hire for tools m 4000.00 76.00 304,000.00
and equipments etc. complete.- 200 m test length. (Phed.1016)

112-143 Cl IDI PIPE- 100 MM CL LA m 1750.00 51.00 89,250.00

Testing 250mm dia pipe line as per specifications of KWA with water to the required test
112-144 pressure, including all cost and conveyance of water and labour charges and hire for tools Nos 5.00 82.00 410.00
and equipments etc. complete.- 150 m test length. (Phed.1016)
112-145 Cl IDI PIPE- 250 MM CL LA Nos 13.00 101.00 1,313.00
Conveying from stack with ion initial lead 250 mm Cl P/E non- raising sluice valve,250 m
112-146 Nos 12.00 297.00 3,564.00
CI P/E valve
Conveying from stack with ion initial lead 200 mm Cl P/E non- raising sluice valve,200 m
112-147 Nos 15.00 297.00 4,455.00
CI P/E valve
Conveying from stack with ion initial lead 80 mm Cl P/E non- raising sluice valve,80 m CI
112-148 Nos 15.00 133.00 1,995.00
P/E valve
112-149 Conveying and fixing 50 mm GM valve in line including,50 m GM valve Nos 30.00 51.00 1,530.00
R .C.C. I :2:4 using 20mm nominal size broken stone including all form work concrete
112-150 cum 46.00 6,974.00 320,804.00
identification board to the pipe line and for anchor block at bend portion
Reinforcement for R.C.C work bend, tied and placed in position (plain grills requiring
112-151 bending cold) include cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges etc up to height Qtl 60.00 6,238.00 374,280.00
5.00 m from GL
Plastering with cm 1:3. 12 mm thick one coat floated hard and trowelled smooth including
112-152 Sqm 800.00 155.00 124,000.00
all cost of materials and labour charges etc complete

20 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Construction of value chamber -

Earth work excavation in hard soil and depositing on bank with initial lead up to 50 m and
112-153 lift up to 1.5 m including ,breaking clods, watering, ramming, sectioning of spoil bank, etc cum 131.00 65.00 8,515.00
Cement concrete I :4:8 using 40 mm nominal size broken stones including cost of materials,
112-154 cum 12.00 4,462.00 53,544.00
conveyance and labour charges ,watering, curing etc
Reinforced Cement concrete M 20 grade using 20mm( nominal size) broken stones
112-155 including cost and conveyance of materials , labour charges,watering ,curing etc complete dm3 61500.00 6.00 369,000.00
but excluding the cost of reinforcement for valve chamber
Reinforcement for R.C.C work bend, tied and placed in position (plain grills requiring
112-156 bending cold ) include cost and conveyance o f all materials, labour charges etc up to height Qtl 72.00 6,238.00 449,136.00
5.00 m from GL
Plastering with cm 1:3, 12 mm thick one coat floated hard and trowelled smooth including
112-157 Sqm 480.00 155.00 74,400.00
all cost of materials and labour charges etc complete
Supplying conveying and fixing all house service connection materials including all labour
112-158 Nos 500.00 802.00 401,000.00
charges etc complete
Supplying conveying and fixing all public tap connection materials including all labour
112-159 Nos 150.00 929.00 139,350.00
charges etc complete
Conveying & Laying 400 mm CI/DI Pipes as per specifications of KWA & Specials,
including specials and fittings after conveying them with in initial lead, and carefully
VO 500.00
lowering into trenches, placing in position to lines and levels ready for joint - 100m

Total Bill No. 13 carried to Summary 35,404,414.00


Variation Order

Pay Item No Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Amount


1 Tree Cutting above 300mm to 600m girth. Nos 24.00 586.00 14,064.00

2 Tree Cutting above 600mm to 900m girth. Nos 136.00 974.00 132,464.00

3 Tree Cutting above 900mm to 1800m girth. Nos 20.00 2,005.00 40,100.00

4 Tree Cutting above 1800m girth. Nos 4.00 3,897.00 15,588.00

Carryout confirmatory bores upto required depths at each foundation location of bridge
complete in all respects including testing and interpretation of the bore data and presentation
5 Nos
of the results as per IRC:78-1981
In all type
6 Conformation of SBC for cuverts. Nos

Total Vo-01 carried to Summary 202,216.00


1 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/ HT Stay in Laterite. 1450.00 114.00 165,300.00

2 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/ HT Stay in Soft Rock. 1728.00 722.00 1,247,616.00

Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/ HT Stay in Rock. 1,443.00 -

3 Additional rate for excavation of Pit for 'A' type pole in Laterite. 1674.00 361.00 604,314.00

Additional rate for excavation of Pit for 'A' type pole in Hard No
722.00 -
4 Additional rate for excavation of Pit for 'A' type pole in Soft Rock. 300.00 1,082.00 324,600.00
Additional rate for excavation of Pit for 'A' type pole in Rock. 2,165.00 -

Additional rate for excavation of one Earth Pit (2.5 m depth) in Laterite. 481.00 -

Additional rate for excavation of one Earth Pit (2.5 m depth) in Hard Laterite. 962.00 -

21 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Additional rate for excavation of one Earth Pit (2.5 m depth) in Soft Rock. 1,443.00 -

Fitting one set AB Switch, giving connection and earthing the same using one earth pipe No
5 324.00 2,202.00 713,448.00
incl. digging&back filling pit.

Providing Bucket type cradling for one span 11kV line incl. earthing at both ends using No
6 110.00 8,176.00 899,360.00
earth pipe.

7 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for LT Pole/ LT Stay in Laterite. 600.00 121.00 72,600.00

Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for LT Pole/ LT Stay in Hard Laterite. 240.00 -

8 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for LT Pole/ LT Stay in Soft Rock. 140.00 361.00 50,540.00

Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for LT Pole/ LT Stay in Rock. 722.00 -

Stringing one km LT 3 ph 5 wire line (Rabbit for Ph and weasel for N& St.main) incl. km
9 23.00 20,165.00 463,795.00
fitting cross arm etc.removing touchings and conveyance of materials.

Stringing one km LT Addl conductor (Rabbit) incl. fitting cross arm, insulator etc. km
10 44.00 3,699.00 162,756.00
removing touchings and conveyance of materials.

Stringing one km LT Addl conductor (Weasel) incl. fitting cross arm, insulator etc. km
11 43.00 3,627.00 155,961.00
removing touchings and conveyance of materials.

Constructing One span S ph OH line for giving S/C using PSC pole with one stay incl. No
12 864.00 1,955.00 1,689,120.00
digging& back filling 2 pits, cutting tree branches .

Constructing One span S ph OH line for giving S/C using PSC pole with PSC strut incl. No
13 648.00 2,480.00 1,607,040.00
digging& back filling 2 pits, cutting tree branches.

Constructing One span S ph OH line for giving S/C using PSC pole without stay/strut incl. No
14 702.00 1,457.00 1,022,814.00
digging& back filling pit, cutting tree branches.

15 Constructing One span 3 Ph OH line for giving S/C using PSC pole 972.00 2,250.00 2,187,000.00

Constructing One span 3 Ph OH line for giving S/C using PSC pole with PSC strut incl. No
16 810.00 2,776.00 2,248,560.00
digging& back filling 2 pits, cutting tree branches.

Constructing One span 3 Ph OH line for giving S/C using PSC pole without stay/strut incl. No
17 270.00 1,753.00 473,310.00
digging& back filling pit, cutting tree branches.

Dismantling one damaged HT TW/RSJ/Rail Strut pole incl. removal of clamps and No
18 324.00 433.00 140,292.00
Dismantling (with out damage) one HT TW/RSJ/Rail Strut pole incl. removal of clamps and No
19 378.00 806.00 304,668.00
Dismantling (with out damage) one km 11 kV line (3 conductors), cross arm, insulators, km
20 124.20 7,404.00 919,576.80
disc, rolling the conductor and stacking.
Dismantling (with out damage) one HT stay incl. back filling, and bringing back to section No
21 1890.00 490.00 926,100.00

Renewal of existing damaged/old 11 kV PSC/RCC DP with new 'A' type DP in place and No
22 378.00 7,910.00 2,989,980.00
refitting of all items incl conveyance (except poles).

Renewal of existing damaged/old 11 kV 'A' type DP with new

23 'A' type DP in place and refitting of all items incl conveyance 270.00 8,150.00 2,200,500.00
(except poles).

Renewal of existing damaged/old 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail DP with new 'A' type DP in place No

24 324.00 7,164.00 2,321,136.00
and refitting of all items incl conveyance (except poles).

Dismantling one Transformer (up to and incl. 160 kVA) from existing structure to ground. 1,245.00 -

Renewal of One No 11 kV LA incl. conveyance, reconnecting and dismantling old LA No

25 486.00 123.00 59,778.00
(excluding earthing)

Renewal of One No 11 kV DO Fuse incl. conveyance, reconnecting and dismantling old DO No

26 486.00 123.00 59,778.00
Fuse (excluding earthing).

22 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

27 Dismantaling concrete muffing of size 45x45cmx1.5m 766.00 1,401.00 1,073,166.00

Demolishing Plinth 763.00 -
28 Dismantaling Bucket type cradling for one span 11kV line incl. 324.00 4,599.00 1,490,076.00
29 Dismantling one LT 2 line cross arm from existing pole. 702.00 37.00 25,974.00
30 Dismantling one LT 4 line cross arm from existing pole. 1512.00 55.00 83,160.00

Dismantling (with out damage) one span of HT or LT cradling and stacking the same neatly No
31 162.00 1,242.00 201,204.00
and in good condition for re-use.
Dismantling (with out damage) one km LT S Ph 2 wire OH line, cross arms, insulators and km
32 19.00 3,431.00 65,189.00
stacking the conductors in rolls.
Dismantling (with out damage) one km LT 3 Ph 4 wire , cross arms, insulators and stacking km
33 76.00 6,243.00 474,468.00
the conductors in rolls.
Dismantling (with out damage) one km LT additional conductor line, cross arms, insulators km
34 21.00 1,589.00 33,369.00
and stacking the conductors in rolls.

Clearing touchings on HT lines 11 kV, cutting tree branches, bamboo clusters, coconut km
35 21.60 966.00 20,865.60
cudjans etc. as specified by dept. (Urban/ Town).

Clearing touchings on HT lines 11 kV, cutting tree branches, bamboo clusters, coconut km
36 37.80 1,209.00 45,700.20
cudjans etc. as specified by dept. (Rural/Remote)

Clearing touchings on HT/LT lines, cutting tree branches, bamboo clusters, coconut km
37 21.60 1,112.00 24,019.20
cudjans etc. as specified by dept. (Urban/ Town)

Clearing touchings on HT/LT lines, cutting branches of tree, bamboo clusters, coconut km
38 37.80 1,412.00 53,373.60
cudjans etc. as specified by dept. (Rural/Remote).

Clearing touchings on 33 kV lines, cutting tree branches, bamboo clusters, coconut cudjans km
39 21.60 1,450.00 31,320.00
etc. as specified by dept. (Urban/ Town).

Clearing touchings on 33 kV lines, cutting tree branches, bamboo clusters, coconut cudjans km
40 37.80 1,813.00 68,531.40
etc. as specified by dept. (Rural/Remote).

Clearing touchings on LT lines, cutting tree branches, bamboo clusters, coconut cudjans etc km
41 16.20 908.00 14,709.60
as specified. (Urban/ Town)

Clearing touchings on LT lines, cutting tree branches, bamboo clusters, coconut cudjans etc km
42 43.20 1,063.00 45,921.60
as specified. (Rural/Remote)
Cutting trees beyond 30 cm but up to and incl. 60 cm girth, cutting of trunks/ branches, No
43 1944.00 249.00 484,056.00
removing the root completely and stacking.
Cutting trees beyond 60 cm but up to and incl. 120 cm girth, cutting of trunks/ branches, No
44 1836.00 428.00 785,808.00
removing the root completely and stacking.
Cutting trees beyond 120 cm but up to and incl. 180 cm girth, cutting of trunks/ branches, No
45 1728.00 651.00 1,124,928.00
removing the root completely and stacking.

Cutting trees beyond 30 cm but up to and incl. 60 cm girth, cutting branches, removing root No
46 1674.00 376.00 629,424.00
completely and stacking (where space for falling trees is not enough).

Cutting trees beyond 60 cm but up to and incl. 120 cm girth, cutting branches, removing No
47 921.00 681.00 627,201.00
root completely and stacking (where space for falling trees is not enough).

Cutting trees beyond 120 cm but up to and incl. 180 cm girth, cutting branches, removing No
48 765.00 954.00 729,810.00
root completely and stacking (where space for falling trees is not enough).

Loading HT TW/RSJ/Rail pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site No
49 324.00 187.00 60,588.00
(transport by vehicle).
Loading HT PSC pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site No
50 1458.00 415.00 605,070.00
(transport by vehicle).

Labour charges for loading HT 'A' type pole from the stacking place and unloading the same No
51 270.00 491.00 132,570.00
at work site (transportation by any vehicle).

Loading HT 4 legged pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site No
52 162.00 688.00 111,456.00
(transport by vehicle).
Loading LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site No
53 216.00 136.00 29,376.00
(transport by vehicle).
Loading LT PSC pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site No
54 324.00 260.00 84,240.00
(transport by vehicle).

23 of 165
Estimate BOQ
Item No / Vo

Brief Description

UNIT Quantity Rate(Rs) Amount

Unloading one Transformer (up to and incl. 160 kVA) from vehicle to ground incl. No
55 92.00 734.00 67,528.00
conveyance up to 25 m.

Unloading one Transformer (above 160 kVA) from vehicle to ground incl. conveyance up No
1,227.00 -
to 25 m.

Loading one Transformer (up to and incl. 160 kVA) from ground to vehicle incl. No
56 92.00 974.00 89,608.00
conveyance up to 25 m.

Loading one Transformer (above 160 kVA) from ground to vehicle incl. conveyance up to No
1,467.00 -
25 m.
Dismantling one Transformer up to 160 kVA from structure and loading to vehicle incl.
57 disconnecting HT/LT/Earth 92.00 999.00 91,908.00
Dismantling one Transformer above 160 kVA from plinth and loading to vehicle incl. No
58 92.00 1,245.00 114,540.00
disconnecting HT/LT/Earth connections.
Dismantling one Transformer (up to and incl. 160 kVA) from existing structure to ground. 1,245.00 -

Dismantling one Transformer (above 160 kVA) from existing plinth to ground. 1,492.00 -

Transporting poles by hired vehicle to a distance up to 5 km and carrying up to 4 poles Trip

59 432.00 919.00 397,008.00
excluding loading & unloading.

Transporting poles by hired vehicle to a distance beyond 5 km and carrying up to 4 poles. km

60 918.00 38.00 34,884.00
(Running km)
Transporting Transformers by hired vehicle up to 5 km and upto 2 Nos of 63 to 250kVA Trip
61 92.00 919.00 84,548.00
Transformers excluding loading & unloading.
Transporting Transformers by hired vehicle to a distance beyond 5 kms and up to 2 numbers
62 918.00 38.00 34,884.00
of 63 to 250 kVA Transformers (Running km).
Transformer fencing of height 1.8 m, using 50X50x6 mm Angle iron frame at an interwal
of 1.5 m,and bottom and top of fencing Sq M
63 1230.00 1,420.00 1,746,600.00
,12mm thick vertical round bar at an interwal of 15cm, middle support of 50X6 mm flat,
muffing of support using using 1:3:6 cement.
Dismantaling Transformer fencing of height 1.8 m, using 50X50x6 mm Angle iron frame Sq M
64 1230.00 1,208.00 1,485,840.00
at an interwal of 1.5 m,and bottom and top of fencing
65 Dismantaling pipe earth 820.00 537.00 440,340.00

66 Fabricating Pole Extention piece and Erecting the same as per the standards of KSEB 216.00 5,602.00 1,210,032.00
67 Dismantaling Pole Extention Piece 135.00 2,801.00 378,135.00
Renewing one LT Jumper using copper/ ACSR conductor as per standard specification (in No
68 1134.00 75.00 85,050.00
loop formation for taping from line).
Renewing one LT Jumper connection using Copper/ ACSR No
69 918.00 51.00 46,818.00
conductor as per standard specification.
70 Conveyance of one KM 11 KV conductor line excluding post km 55.00 83.00 4,565.00

Renewal of damaged 11 KV TW/RSJ/Rail pole as per specifications of KSEB with new

71 Nos. 670.00 165.00 110,550.00
pole in place including excavation of pit & refilling of pit etc.

Renewal of damaged 11 KV PSC/RCC poles as per specifications of KSEB with new pole a
72 Nos. 100.00 419.00 41,900.00
in place including excavation of pit & refilling of pit etc.

Renewal of damaged LT TW/RSJ/Rail poles as per specifications of KSEB with new

73 NO 856.00 840.00 719,040.00
PSC/RCC poles including necessary conductor (Single Phase)

Renewal of damaged LT TW/RSJ/Rail poles as per specifications of KSEB with new

74 NO 600.00 1,143.00 685,800.00
PSC/RCC poles including necessary conductor (Three Phase)

Total Bill No. VO -02 carried to Summary 41,035,095.00

24 of 165
Prepared By : Parag Pal
Download From
Bill No 1
Bill Specification Column work with plinth beam
Contract No
1 101 PCC Laying 10
2 103 Column work 10
3 105 Plinth Beam
g Pal


0.36 1000 3600
0.56 2000 11200
1.8 2500 4500

Total 19300
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Roadway excavation as per

301.2.1(a) & (b) of MORT&H
3-1 301-01 248731.00 66 specifications, including haul and cum
tip to all leads, complete and as
directed by the Engineer.
Roadway excavation in Hard rock,
including blasting and haul and tip
3-2 301-02(b) 12125.00 570 cum
to all leads & lifts, complete or as
directed by the Engineer

3-3 301-03 14740.00 71 cum

Loosening and recompacting
subgrade in all kinds of soil,
3-4 301-04 150000.00 39 cum
complete and as directed by the
Earthwork in Excavation of
foundation for structures, in all
classes of soil excluding hard rock ,
3-5 304-01 (a) 68879.00 74 cum
including haul and tip to all
leads,complete and as directed by
the Engineer.

Earthwork in Excavation of
foundation for structures, in hard
3-6 304-01 (b) rock , including haul and tip to all cum
leads,complete and as directed by
the Engineer.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 27 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

Construction of embankment and

shoulder with approved material
from excavation of roadway, drains,
3-7 305-01 172238.00 103 cum
culverts and other structures
complete and as directed by the
Construction of embankment with
approved material from Borrow
3-8 305-02 222242.00 263 cum
area, complete and as directed by
the Engineer
Earthwork in fill for footpath and
3-9 305-03 4406.00 277 service duct, complete and as cum
directed by the Engineer.
Construction of subgrade from road
3-10 305-04 88100.00 113 way cut material, complete and as cum
directed by the Engineer
Construction of subgrade with
approved materials from borrow
3-11 305-05 187170.00 271 cum
pits, complete and as directed by the
Backfill behind abutment, wing
walls, return walls for bridges using
3-12 305-06 4572.00 378 cum
granular / sandy material, complete
and as directed by the Engineer

Turfing side slope of roads and

islands at major junctions with grass
3-13 307-01 57127.00 82 sqm
sods, complete and as directed by
the Engineer
Seeding and Mulching, complete
3-14 308-01 500.00 152 sqm
and as directed by the Engineer
Total Bill No.3 carried to

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 28 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


143709.00 49.00 7,041,741.00

7185.00 322.00 2,313,570.00

21465.00 64.00 1,373,760.00

79515.00 75.00 5,963,625.00

9919.00 64.00 634,816.00

992.00 569.00 564,448.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 29 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

78500.00 85.00 6,672,500.00

19500.00 266.00 5,187,000.00

2925.00 313.00 915,525.00

25300.00 128.00 3,238,400.00

12800.00 313.00 4,006,400.00

2300.00 2,322.00 5,340,600.00

30500.00 26.00 793,000.00

265.00 285.00 75,525.00


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 30 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Providing and laying PCC M15

grade bed concrete for covered
4-1 309-01(a) 210.00 3,923 rectangular drain complete as per cum
drawing and technical
Providing and laying PCC M20
grade concrete for bottom and side
4-2 309-01(b) 118.00 5,810 wall of covered rectangular drain cum
complete as per drawing and
4-3 309-01(d) 4291.00 5,823 technical specifications. cum
Providing and laying PCC M15
grade bed concrete for Edge strip
4-4 309-02(a) 325.00 4,474 cum
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Providing and laying PCC M20
grade concrete for Edge strip
4-5 309-02(b) 418.00 5,067 cum
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Providing and laying PCC M15
grade for retaining wall complete as
4-6 309-03 1798.00 4,707 cum
per drawing and technical
Providing and constrcution of
Gabion earth retaining wall
4-7 704.2-01 43046.00 2,888 cum
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Providing and fixing geotextile filter
membrane behind RCC retaining
4-8 701.3-01 8176.00 133 wall, Bridges, Culverts, as per sqm
drawing and technical specifications
etc. complete.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 31 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

Supplying, fitting and placing

HYSD Fe-500 bar reinforcement
4-9 1600-01 27.00 62,383 tonne
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Providing and laying PCC M15
grade bed concrete for stone
masonary retaining wall,chute
4-10 309-02 (d) 421.00 4,114 cum
drain,transverse drain complete as
per drawing and technical
Sand bedding as levelling course
below PCC M20 concrete for
bottom and side wall of covered
4-11 1200-03(b) 707.00 1,049 cum
rectangular drain complete as per
drawing and Stonetechnical
Providing and laying pitching
on slopes and Culverts and bridges
4-12 2500-01 1297.00 1,238 cum
Providing as and per
layingdrawing and
filter media
technical specifications.
underneath stone pitching in
slopes ,behind Abutments,
4-13 2500-02 cum
return/wing walls & retaining walls
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Providing and laying PCC M20
grade concrete for chute drain and
4-14 309-06 617.00 5,067 tranverse drain in slopes complete cum
as per drawing and technical

Providing and Construction of

footpath/separator by providing a
150 mm compacted granular sub
base as per clause 401 and 25 mm
thick cement concrete grade M15,
4-15 409-02 75791.00 695 over laid with precast concrete tiles sqm
25 mm thick in cement mortar 1:3
including provision of all drainage
arrangements. complete as per
drawings and technical

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 32 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

Providing and fixing Gratings for

draining water to drain using 50 x 6
4-16 309-05 4998.00 796 angles and 12mm bars at 70mm No.
spacing complete as per drawing
and PVC
technical 100 mm dia Weep
holes for Retaining Wall, Complete
4-17 2706-01 275.00 158 lm
as per drawing
Construction and RCC
of precast Technical
of M20 Grade including steel
reinforcement, aggregate size not
exceeding 12 mm, true to line and
4-18 1700-10 65300.00 3,966 cum
grade including necessary
connection at the intersecting drain,
complete as per
Transporting, laying
and fixing
drawings of
and technical
precast RCC specifications.
Drains of M20 Grade
(635 mm and 875 mm height)
procured by the Employer including
4-19 1700-10 (a) lm
necessary connection at the
intersecting drain, complete as per
approved drawings and technical
specifications with all leads and lift.
Construction and fixing of precast
RCC cover Slab of M20 Grade for
drain including steel reinforcement,
4-20 1700-11 6532.00 828 aggregate size not exceeding 12 lm
mm, true to line and grade, complete
as per approved drawings and
technical specifications.
Transporting, laying and fixing of
precast RCC cover Slab of M20
Grade for drain procured by the
4-21 1700-11(a) Employer , with true to line and lm
grade, complete as per approved
drawings and technical
Providing andwith all leads
layying RCCand lift.
grade for retaining wall complete as
4-22 1700-12 Cum
per drawing and technical
Total Bill No.4 carried to

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 33 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


105.00 6,223.00 653,415.00

12.00 6,757.00 81,084.00

2190.00 6,974.00 15,273,060.00

204.00 6,223.00 1,269,492.00

263.00 6,757.00 1,777,091.00

815.00 6,223.00 5,071,745.00

4995.00 3,049.00 15,229,755.00

3697.00 638.00 2,358,686.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 34 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

99.00 73,850.00 7,311,150.00

126.00 6,223.00 784,098.00

2684.00 2,989.00 8,022,476.00

200.00 2,447.00 489,400.00

100.00 2,825.00 282,500.00

95.00 6,757.00 641,915.00

47700.00 1,565.00 74,650,500.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 35 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

100.00 796.00 79,600.00

180.00 151.00 27,180.00

5292.24 12,215.30 64646244

2395.00 552.00 1,322,040.00

1370.00 1,098.00 1,504,260.00

370.00 113.00 41,810.00

105.00 7,986.00 838,530.00


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 36 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Providing and laying Granular

crushed stone Subbase for
5-1 401-01 110748.00 1,558 cum
Pavement, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications.
Providing and laying Crushed rock
wet mix macadam base for
pavement including profile
5-2 406-01 153013.00 1,738 cum
correcting course, complete as per
drawing and technical

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 37 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


82021.00 3,040.00 249,343,840.00

91777.00 3,104.00 284,875,808.00


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 38 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Filling pot holes and patch repairs

on existing bituminous carriageway
6-1 3004-01 11130.00 311 Sqm
surfacing complete and as per the
direction of the Engineer
Providing and laying fog seal using
bitiminus emulsion complete as per
6-2 3004-02 37100.00 65 Sqm
drawing and technical
6-3 3004-03 3710.00 67 Sqm
Providing Bituminous Prime coat
over granular surface @ 7 kg. per 10
sqm of surface area,including at
6-4 502-01 635044.00 30 sqm.
raised pedestrain crossing complete
as per drawing
Providing Bituminousand
coat @
2.5 kg. per 10 sqm of surface area
6-5 503-01 1258713.00 12 including at raised pedestrain sqm.
crossing, complete as per drawing
Providing Dense Bituminous
and technical specifications.
Macadam course with bitumen as
per approved mix design including
6-6 507-01 37466.00 8,229 cum
profile corrective course, complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications.bituminous concrete
wearing course with bitumen as per
6-7 509-01 24619.00 9,040 cum
approved mix design, complete and
Providing, laying
as directed by and rolling of
the Engineer.
close-graded premix surfacing
material of 20 mm thickness
6-8 512-01 11375.00 174 ,complete and as directed by the Sqm
Engineer for access to property at
retaining wall location and at via
duct slip road location

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 39 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

Total Bill No.6 carried to


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 40 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


9450.00 539.00 5,093,550.00

200.00 51.00 10,200.00

150.00 59.00 8,850.00

383275.31 36.00 13,797,911.08

758886.00 11.00 8,347,746.00

23803.00 10,359.00 246,575,277.00

14861.00 11,607.00 172,491,627.00

8475.00 216.00 1,830,600.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 41 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 42 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Supplying, fitting and placing

HYSD Fe-500 bar reinforcement
7-1 1600-01 1712.00 62,384 tonne
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Brushing and cleaning of exposed
steel reinforcements (all sizes of
7-2 1600-01(a) diametres) for enabling derusting Lm
including all complete and as
directed by the Engineer.

7-3 1700-01 2572.00 4,370 cum

Providing and laying PCC M-20
grade in Footing for Foundation,
7-4 1700-03(a) 9536.00 4,650 cum
complete as per drawing and
Providing and laying PCC M-20
technical specifications.
grade in Pier & Solid Abutment for
7-5 1700-03 4497.00 6,482 substructure, complete as per cum
drawing and technical
Providing and laying RCC M-25
grade in substructure of Culverts,
7-6 1700-02(a) cum
wing walls complete as per drawing
and technical specifications.
Providing and laying RCC M-25
grade in Superstructure for Culverts,
7-7 1700-04 1502.00 6,386 cum
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Providing and laying RCC M-30
grade for Foundation for Bridges,
7-8 1700-05(a) cum
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 43 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing and laying RCC M-30

grade for Sub structure for Bridges,
7-9 1700-05(b) cum
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Providing and laying RCC M-30
grade for Superstructure for Bridges,
7-10 1700-05 300.00 6,573 cum
complete as per drawing and
and laying PSC/RCC M-
45 grade for Superstructure for
7-11 1700-06 496.00 7,055 cum
& Fixingasof per
(30 technical specifications.
to 35 metre) already cast at
bridge site in position with true to
7-12 1700-06 (a) Nos
line and grade, complete as per
drawing and and
Providing laying RCC technical
grade for Superstructure for Bridges,
7-13 1700-07 (a) 970.00 7,904 cum
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Stone pitching on slopes and
Culverts and bridges, complete as
7-14 2500-01 1085.00 1,110 cum
per drawing
Providing and underneath
filter media technical
stone pitching in slopes ,behind
Abutments, return/wing walls
7-15 2500-02 3159.00 1,292 cum
retaining walls complete as per
Providing and and laying RCC technical
Hand railing for bridges, complete
7-16 2700-02 175.00 1,660 lm.
as per drawing and technical
Providing ,laying and jointing 1200
mm. dia NP 4 Hume pipe (as per
7-17 2900-01 886.00 9,518 lm.
IS:458) complete as per drawing
and technical specifications.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 44 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing and fixing RCC M-40

grade concrete crash barrier
7-18 809-01 954.00 4,406 including reinforcement steel lm.
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

Providing elastomeric bearing for

7-19 2000-01 824200.00 1 bridgeand complete as per drawing cubic cm
and technical specifications.

Providing filler expansion joints for

bridges and culverts complete as per
7-20 2600-02 480.00 8,584 lm
drawing and technical
Providing and laying RCC M-35
grade for Pile cap, complete as per
7-21 1100-01 965.00 6,564 cum.
drawing and technical
Providing M-35 grade Bored pile,
1200 mm dia, complete as per
7-22 1100-03 1120.00 11,054 lm.
drawing and technical

Chipping & breaking of cast in situ

7-23 1100-03(a) piles ( completed by other agency) lm
as directed by the Engineer.

Providing Steel Liner 8 mm thick

for pile including Fabricating and
7-24 1200-01 125.00 71,237 mt
Setting , complete as per drawing
and technical specifications.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 45 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing and fixing Drainage

Spouts using 100 mm dia GI pipe,
7-25 2705-01 150.00 988 no
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Providing and fixing Weep holes
using 100 mm dia PVC pipe ,
7-26 2706-01 5114.00 158 lm
complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
Repair/ cleaning of existing
drainage spouts complete as per
7-27 2815-01 44.00 126 no
drawing and technical
Repair of expansion joints complete
7-28 2817-01 261.00 569 and as per the direction of the lm

Providing and laying PCC M15

Grade leveling course below
7-29 2704-01 844.00 4,101 cum
approach slab complete as per
drawing and Technical specification

Reinforced cement concrete Grade

M30 approach slab including
7-30 2704-02 1687.00 9,374 reinforcement and formwork cum
complete as per drawing and
Technical specification

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 46 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing and applying tack coat

with bitumen emulsion using
emulsion pressure distributor at the
rate of 0.3 kg per sqm on concrete
7-31 503-03 8559.00 13 surface treated with primer cleaned sqm
with mechanical broom all complete
as per Technical specifications and
as directed by the Engineer-in-

Providing and applying tack coat

with bitumen emulsion using
emulsion pressure distributor at the
rate of 0.20 kg per sqm on the
7-32 503-04 8559.00 9 prepared nominal bituminous sqm
surface cleaned with mechanical
broom all complete as per Technical
specifications and as directed by the

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 47 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing and laying bituminous

concrete with 100-120 TPH batch
type hot mix plant producing an
average output of 75 tonnes per hour
using crushed aggregates of
specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 per
cent of mix and filler, transporting
7-33 509-03 342.00 9,921.00 the hot mix to work site, laying with cum
a hydrostatic paver finisher with
sensor control to the required grade,
level and alignment, rolling with
smooth wheeled, vibratory and
tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction as per MORTH
specification clause No. 509
complete in all respects

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 48 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing and laying 25 mm thick

mastic asphalt wearing course with
paving grade bitumen meeting the
requirements given in table 500-29,
prepared by using mastic cooker and
laid to required level and slope after
cleaning the surface, including
providing antiskid surface with
bitumen precoated finegrained hard
7-34 515-01 8559.00 398 sqm
stone chipping of 13.2 mm nominal
size at the rate of 0.005cum per 10
sqm and at an approximate spacing
of 10 cm center to center in both
directions, pressed into surface
when the temperature of surfaces is
not less than 1000C, protruding 1
mm to 4 mm over mastic surface, all
complete as per clause 515.

Providing and laying boulders apron

on river bed for protection against
scour with stone boulders weighing
7-35 2500-04 7695.00 1,246 cum
not less than 40 kg each complete as
per drawing and Technical

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 49 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Printing new letter and figures of

any shade with synthetic enamel
7-36 801-16 17400.00 1 per cm ht per letter
paint black or any other approved
colour to give an even shade

RCC M-25 grade in Foundation for

7-37 1700-02 683.00 4,676 Culverts, complete and as directed cum
by the Engineer.
Providing and laying of PCC M15
7-38 1100-05 113.00 4,133 levelling course 100mm thick below cum
the pile cap.
Pile Load Test on single Vertical
1113 Pile in accordance with MT
7-39 1113-01 7004.00 1,082 a) Initial and routine load test MT

7-40 1113-02 704.00 108 b) Lateral load test MT

RCC M-35 grade in Pier & Solid
Abutment for substructure, complete
7-41 1700-09 2301.00 5,504 cum
as per drawing and technical

High tensile steel wires/strands

including all accessories for
stressing, stressing operations and
7-42 1800-01(a) grouting complete as per drawing MT
and Technical Specifications. Only
wires/strands will be issued by

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 50 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


High tensile steel wires/strands

including all accessories for
7-43 1800-01 67.00 128,539 stressing, stressing operations and MT
grouting complete as per drawing
and Technical Specifications

Fitting and fixing in position true to

line and level POT-PTFE bearing
(procured by Employer) consisting
of a metal piston supported by a disc
or unreinforced elastomer confined
within a metal cylinder, sealing
rings, dust seals, PTFE surface
sliding against stainless steel mating
surface, complete assembly to be of
7-44 2000-02 (a) 4012.00 156 Nos
cast steel/fabricated structural steel,
metal and elastomer elements to be
as per IRC: 83 part-I & II
respectively and other parts
conforming to BS: 5400, section 9.1
& 9.2 and clause 2006 of MoRTH
Specifications complete as per
drawing and approved Technical

Providing Sleeves for fixing POT-

PTFE bearing to the PSC girders
7-45 2000-02(b) already cast at site including all Nos
fittings, accessories, etc complete as
directed by the Engineer

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 51 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing and laying of a strip seal

expansion joint catering to
maximum horizontal movement
upto 70 mm, complete as per
approved drawings and standard
7-46 2600-01 270.00 7,872 Rm
specifications to be installed by the
manufacturer/supplier or their
authorised representative ensuring
compliance to the manufacturer's
instructions for installation.

RCC M-20 grade in Superstructure

7-47 408-01c 35.00 6,195 for kerb, complete and as directed cum
by the Engineer.

Guniting concrete surface with

cement mortar applied with
7-48 2807-01 220.00 309 compressor after cleaning surface Sqm
and spraying with epoxy complete
as per Technical Specifications.

Providing plastering (1:3 cement

mortar) 12mm thick on brick and
7-49 1300-02 224.00 155 Sqm
concrete works and as directed by
the Engineer ,complete

Sealing of cracks/porous concrete

by injection process through
7-50 2806-01 10.00 2,179 Kg
nipples/Grouting complete as per
Technical specification.
Total Bill No.7 carried to

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 52 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


413.00 74330.00 30698290.00

9440.00 0.75 7080.00

483.00 6223.00 3005709.00

136.00 6757.00 918952.00

1308.00 7147.00 9348276.00

355.00 7986.00 2835030.00

328.00 8343.00 2736504.00

330.00 7369.00 2431770.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 53 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


381.00 7833.00 2984373.00

310.00 8447.00 2618570.00

320.00 9349.00 2991680.00

7.00 49502.00 346514.00

465.00 8790.00 4087350.00

1125.00 2447.00 2752875.00

562.50 2825.00 1589062.50

175.00 2042.00 357350.00

35.00 11165.00 390775.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 54 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


272.00 4363.00 1186736.00

499200.00 1.00 499200.00

216.00 246.00 53136.00

226.00 7571.00 1711046.00

30.00 14174.00 425220.00

30.00 1949.00 58470.00

2.50 95536.00 238840.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 55 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


64.00 1143.00 73152.00

1800.00 151.00 271800.00

22.00 126.00 2772.00

190.00 569.00 108110.00

52.00 5984.00 311168.00

103.00 11039.00 1137017.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 56 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


2220.00 15.00 33300.00

2220.00 11.00 24420.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 57 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


91.00 11607.00 1056237.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 58 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


2220.00 701.00 1556220.00

3056.00 2447.00 7478032.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 59 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


8628.00 0.80 6902.40

534.00 7362.00 3931308.00

13.00 5978.00 77714.00

1000.00 1082.00 1082000.00

214.00 108.00 23112.00

192.00 8139.00 1562688.00

6.00 66324.00 397944.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 60 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


4.00 131832.00 527328.00

20.00 1278.00 25560.00

10.00 1436.00 14360.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 61 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


142.00 36430.00 5173060.00

30.00 7858.00 235740.00

178.00 1392.00 247776.00

106.00 155.00 16430.00

10.00 192.00 1920.00


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 62 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Providing and laying M-15 bed

concrete for concrete kerb section,
8-1 408-01(a) 560.00 4,111 cum
complete and as directed by the
Providing and laying M-20
8-2 408-01(b) 1020.00 5,224 concrete kerb section, complete and cum
as directed by the Engineer.
8-3 801-02 140.00 7,466 No

Same as item no 801-02, but for

8-4 801-03 1255.00 5,875 triangular warning sign (900mm No
side) as per drawing with single post

Same as item no 801-02, but for

mandatory octagonal stop sign with
8-5 801-05 220.00 13,801 No
supplementary sign as per drawing
with two posts
Same as item no 801-02, but for
Give way signs, with supplementary
8-6 801-06 2.00 9,478 No
plates as per drawing with two
posts as item no 801-02, but for
Informatory signs as per TA-4 and
8-7 801-10 329.00 3,478 No
TA-5 in the drawing with single
Same as item no 801-02, but for
8-8 801-11 1370.00 5,007 Informatory signs as per TA-6 in the No
drawing with single posts
Same as item no 801-02, but for
informatory signs as per the
8-9 801-12 225.00 12,846 drawing for Fig 15.1,Fig 15.2, Fig sqm.
15.3, Fig 15.4, Fig 15.5, Fig 15.6
and Fig 15.7 with 2 posts
Same as item no 801-02, but for
facility information sign of ( 600 x
8-10 801-13 143.00 6,454 No
800mm) size as per the drawing for
with single post

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 63 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Pavement marking with hot- applied

thermo plastic road marking
material for all line marking as per
8-11 803-01 21120.00 363 sqm.
drawing complete as per
specification and as directed by the

Pavement marking with hot- applied

thermo plastic road marking
material for all other marking as per
8-12 803-02 8514.00 411 sqm.
drawing complete as per
specification and as directed by the
Providing concrete delineator post
8-13 805-01 500.00 232 as per drawing and specification and No
as directed by the Engineer
Providing and fixing Hectometre
8-14 804-01 422.00 793 stone, complete and as directed by No
the Engineer
Providing and fixing Kilometre
8-15 804-02 84.00 1,466 stone, complete and as directed by No
the Engineer
Providing and fixing 5 Kilometre
8-16 804-03 22.00 2,235 stone, complete and as directed by No
the Engineer
Painting kerb and other concrete
structure with black and white paint
8-17 814-01 6910.00 99 sqm.
as per drawing and specification and
as directed by the Engineer
Providing and fixing metal beam
8-18 810-01 1810.00 2,436 crash barrier, complete and as lm.
directed by the Engineer
Providing and fixing RCC guard
8-19 805-02 300.00 1,109 post as per drawing complete and as No
directed by the Engineer

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 64 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing, fixing and erecting 50

mm dia steel pipe railing in 2 rows
duly painted 0.825 metres high
8-20 808-01 7861.00 1,739 above ground, 1.125 m centre to lm
centre, complete as per approved
drawings ( Hand Rail Type II ) , and
as directed by the Engineer

Providing and fixing unidirectional

white Road Studs, spacing and
8-21 812-01 106724.00 145 locations as specified in the drawing No
complete, as per specifications as
directed by the Engineer
Providing Road Hump made of
Asphalt as per drawing and as per
8-22 813-01 1018.00 607 lm
specification and as directed by the
Providing and fixing 20cm x 10cm
8-23 815-01 34.00 7,583 retro reflective tiles and as directed sqm
by the Engineer.
Providing and fixing boundary
pillars of standard design as per
8-24 806-01 1128.00 1,014 IRC:25-1967, fixed in position No
including finishing and lettering but
Providing and fixing LED blinkers
excluding painting
of approved quality and make all
8-25 801-17 385.00 47,566 No
complete and as directed by the
Epoxy coated Cantilever Overhead
8-26 801-18 2.00 238,304 No
Sign - 4000mm x 1200mm
Providing Road Hump made of
interlocking tiles as per drawing and
8-27 801-19 25.00 21,708 No
as per specification and as directed
by the Engineer

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 65 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing utility duct using HDPE

8-28 309-07 3293.00 280 300m Dia Pipe at widening road lm

Utility Duct demarcator using

200mm PVC Pipe 600 mm length
8-29 309-10 452.00 344 protuding 200 mm above ground No
surrounded with PCC M15 concrete
and marked in steel plate as Duct

Supplying and fixing sign boards

made of High Intensity Prismatic
grade sheeting as per ASTM D
495609 for Pedestrian Crossing
8-30 801-20 50.00 11,734 Sign Board with triangular sign 90 No
cm and information sign of 80 x 60
cm with single post as per
specification and as directed by the

Signalization of junctions
Supply, installation and
commisioning of solar powered
signal lights complete in all respect
as per special specification no.
811.2 based on traffic study in
consultation with the
Engineer/Departmental officers.

8-31 811-01 1.00 410,464 Four armed junction No

8-32 811-02 7.00 378,640 Three armed junction No

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 66 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing and constructing Rumble

strip using BC Conforming to
specification 509. ,16mm high at
centre ,200mmm wide placed
325mm center to center between
8-33 816-01 77900.00 129 Lm
main carriageway and paved
shoulder at approved locations to
control speed marked with
white/yellow strips of road marking
Providing and errecting Epoxy
coated Overhead Gantry Sign -
8-34 801-21 6.00 686,851 No.
board as per drawing and technical
Total Bill No.8 carried to

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 67 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


895.00 6,223.00 5,569,585.00

1300.00 6,757.00 8,784,100.00

73.00 3,883.00 283,459.00

780.00 3,212.00 2,505,360.00

152.00 3,973.00 603,896.00

2.00 3,212.00 6,424.00

188.00 3,022.00 568,136.00

730.00 6,538.00 4,772,740.00

130.00 9,104.00 1,183,520.00

95.00 3,519.00 334,305.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 68 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


11600.00 259.00 3,004,400.00

5625.00 259.00 1,456,875.00

100.00 487.00 48,700.00

120.00 711.00 85,320.00

25.00 2,566.00 64,150.00

6.00 4,243.00 25,458.00

5896.00 90.00 530,640.00

420.00 3,620.00 1,520,400.00

5000.00 742.00 3,710,000.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 69 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


5205.00 1,527.00 7,948,035.00

58300.00 318.00 18,539,400.00

759.00 2,289.00 1,737,351.00

150.00 403.00 60,450.00

1146.00 962.00 1,102,452.00

271.00 17,250.00 4,674,750.00

10.00 78,200.00 782,000.00

32.00 93,260.00 2,984,320.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 70 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


1972.00 1,788.00 3,525,936.00

272.00 597.00 162,384.00

43.00 4,346.00 186,878.00

1.00 410,464.00 410,464.00

5.00 378,640.00 1,893,200.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 71 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


36515.00 89.00 3,249,835.00

4.00 686,851.00 2,747,404.00


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 72 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Supply, Installation and

Commissioning of 60W LED
Standalone Solar Street Light
9-1 6006-01 947.00 51,799 No
mounted on Octagonal epoxy coated
Galvanized Pole 7m height above
Total Bill No.9 carried to

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 73 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


666.00 97,750.00 65,101,500.00


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 74 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Providing labour at site inclusive of

10-1 10.01
all expenses
(i) 100.00 83 Ganger hour

(ii) 100.00 83 hour

(iii) 100.00 103 Mason hour

(iv) 100.00 96 Driver for vehicle upto 10 tons hour

Operator for excavator,
(v) 100.00 122 hour
dragline,shovel or crane
Operator for tractor with dozer blade
(vi) 100.00 122 hour
or tipper
(vii) 100.00 88 Bitumen labour hour

Allow 15%. *percent of subtotal for

10-2 10.02
Contractor's overhead, profit etc.

Providing material at site including

transportation and stacking
10-3 10.03
complete in good and clean
Asphaltic Concrete using Rubber
1 20.00 10,340 cum
modified Bitumen
M35 Concrete conforming to
2 10.00 7,219 cum
Technical specification 1700
M25 Concrete conforming to
3 10.00 6,583 cum
Technical specification 1700
M15 Concrete conforming to
4 10.00 6,299 cum
Technical specification 1700
5 2.00 6,932 Cement conforming to IS:8112 tonne

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 75 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

Rubber modified Bitumen (bulk)

6 2.00 45,856 conforming to special specification tonne
Rubber modified Bitumen (drum)
7 2.00 55,287 conforming to special specification tonne
Bitumen (bulk) conforming to IS:
8 2.00 40,437 tonne
Bitumen (drum) conforming to IS:
9 2.00 44,963 tonne
Allow 15%*percent of subtotal for
Contractors overhead profit etc. in
10-4 10.04
accordance with paragraph 4 (b)
Providing equipment at site with
10-5 10.05 operators, P.O.L. etc. complete in
good working condition.
(i) 100.00 619 Truck (10/12 tonne) Eqpt hrs.

(ii) 100.00 2666 Dozer Size 2 Eqpt hrs.

(iii) 100.00 3184 Motor Grader Eqpt hrs.

(iv) 100.00 1415 Roller Static (8-10 tonne) Eqpt hrs.

(v) 100.00 1903 Roller Vibratory (8-10 tonne static) Eqpt hrs.
Roller Vibratory (1-2 tonne width
(vi) 100.00 657 Eqpt hrs.
about 1 m)
(vii) 100.00 2299 Pneumatic Tyred Roller (20 tonne) Eqpt hrs.
Mobile concrete batching/mixing
(viii) 100.00 467 Eqpt hrs.
plant (1 cum)
(ix) 100.00 1036 Wheel Loader (1.5 cum) Eqpt hrs.
Truck mounted water tanker(10
(xi) 100.00 594 Eqpt hrs.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 76 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

(xii) 100.00 76 Pumping Set (5 hp) Eqpt hrs.

Total Bill No.10 carried to

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 77 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


50 474.00 23,700.00

50 429.00 21,450.00

50 568.00 28,400.00

50 568.00 28,400.00

50 568.00 28,400.00

50 568.00 28,400.00

50 474.00 23,700.00


10 11,607.00 116,070.00

5 7,653.00 38,265.00

5 7,507.00 37,535.00

5 6,582.00 32,910.00

1 5,868.00 5,868.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 78 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

1 62,801.00 62,801.00

1 62,801.00 62,801.00

1 49,357.00 49,357.00

1 49,357.00 49,357.00


50 277.00 13,850.00

50 2,220.00 111,000.00

50 3,197.00 159,850.00

50 1,501.00 75,050.00

50 1,696.00 84,800.00

50 657.00 32,850.00

50 1,251.00 62,550.00

50 467.00 23,350.00

50 587.00 29,350.00

50 196.00 9,800.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 79 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

50 783.00 39,150.00


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 80 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Demolishing the existing compound
wall of public building and clearing
debris to a designated location as
approved by engineer for
11-1 11000-02 3533.00 3,838 constructing or raising sound cum
insulating barriers for silence zones
as mentioned in the Part II, Vol.III,
EMP table titled "EMAP" &
as perpumps
provision made in RAP and as
11-2 11000-03 10.00 53,694 No
mentioned in the Part II link specific
EMP table titled "EMAP".

11-3 11000-04 57.00 127,603 No

Providing sign boards indicating
major rivers,tourist location, pilgrim
centres and silent zones as
11-4 11000-05 50.00 13,013 Sqm
mentioned in the Part II link specific
EMP table and titledlandscaping
"ESMAP" the &
MoRTH properties like shrines and
hyundi as mentioned in the Part II
11-5 11000-06 12.00 34,491 No
link specific EMP table titled
"EMAP"& MoRTH and as per
design drawing.
Demolishing the existing open well
and reconstructing the same as
11-6 11000-07 5.00 95,134 No
mentioned in the Part II, Vol. III
EMP table titled "EMAP" and RAP.
Dismantling the existing water taps
and providing new water taps as
11-7 11000-08 25.00 7,959 No
mentioned in the Part II, Vol. III
EMP table titled "EMAP" and RAP.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 81 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

Developing parking space for the

land acquired for auto rickshaws,
cars and jeep as identified in the
11-8 11000-12 140.00 3,411 sqm
strip plan and as mentioned in the
Part II, Vol. III EMP table titled
"EMAP" & MoRTH. landscaping with
provision of solid waste collection
11-9 11000-15 31.00 316,102 (dust bin), sitting arrangement as per No
Planting of drawings
typical design Trees provided
and theirin
EMP. for one Year (Planting
of trees by the road side (Avenue
trees) in 0.60 m dia holes, 1 m deep
dug in the ground, mixing the soil
11-10 11000-18 2271.00 783 No
with decayed farm yard/sludge
mannure, planting the saplings,
backfilling the trench, watering,
fixing the tree guard and
maintaining the plants for one year)
Planting of trees on inner side of the
sound insulating wall as noise
barrier or green barrier for silence
zones and maintaining them for one
Year (Planting of trees in 0.60 m
dia holes, 1 m deep dug in the
11-11 11000-19 200.00 783 No
ground, mixing the soil with
decayed farm yard/sludge mannure,
planting the saplings, backfilling
the trench, watering, fixing the tree
guard and maintaining the plants for
one year).

Providing and maintaining water

sprayer in order to water the
11-12 11000-24 2520.00 322 construction surface to supress Hour
excessive dust in dry season in
addition to watering
Air quality for compaction
monitoring at two
11-13 11000-25 18.00 12,647 sensitive locations along the project Nos.
road during construction stage.
Water quality monitoring at two
11-14 11000-26 8.00 5,066 major water bodies along the road Nos.
during construction stage.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 82 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

Concrete flooring, with slope drains

and oil interceptors for hot mix plant
area and work shop, vehicle
11-15 11000-28 4.00 12,002 washing and fuel handling area in Nos.
construction camps as mentioned in
the Part II, Vol. III EMP table titled
Random Rubble masonry work in
cement mortar 1:6 in foundation
11-16 1400-01 Cum
complete as drawing and Technical
Specification for compound wall

Laterite masonry work in cement

11-17 1400-02 mortar 1:6 in complete as drawing Cum
and Technical Specification

Total Bill No.11 carried to


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 83 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


2539.00 4,754.00 12,070,406.00

5.00 34,500.00 172,500.00

35.00 103,500.00 3,622,500.00

32.00 14,740.00 471,680.00

6.00 28,750.00 172,500.00

3.00 23,000.00 69,000.00

19.00 5,750.00 109,250.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 84 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

140.00 2,530.00 354,200.00

2.00 230,000.00 460,000.00

901.00 851.00 766,751.00

133.00 851.00 113,183.00

1375.00 268.00 368,500.00

9.00 11,500.00 103,500.00

4.00 4,600.00 18,400.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 85 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA

4.00 9,200.00 36,800.00

30.00 5,122.00 153,660.00

40.00 6,230.00 249,200.00


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 86 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Loading HT TW/RSJ/Rail pole

from the stacking place and
12-01 112-01 Nos.
unloading the same at work site
(transport HT PSC pole from the
by vehicle).
stacking place and unloading the
12-02 112-02 Nos.
same at work site (transport by
12-03 112-03 vehicle). Nos.
Loading one Transformer from
12-04 112-04 ground to vehicle incl. conveyance Nos.
up to 25 m.
Unloading one Transformer from
12-05 112-05 vehicle to ground incl. conveyance Nos.
up to 25 m.
Transporting poles by hired vehicle
to a distance up to 5 km and
12-06 112-06 Trip
carrying up to 4 poles excluding
Transporting poles by hired vehicle
loading & unloading.
to a distance beyond 5 km and
12-07 112-07 Km
carrying up to 4 poles. (Running
Transporting HT PSC/RCC poles as
12-08 112-08 per specifications of KSEB by hand Nos.
craft for an average distance of 1 km
Transporting HT PSC/RCC poles as
12-09 112-09 per specifications of KSEB by hand Nos.
craft for every additional 1 km
Transporting a poles as per
12-10 112-10 Nos.
specifications of KSEB for 1 km
Transporting a pole as per
12-11 112-11 specifications of KSEB for every Nos.
additional 1 km
Conveyance of one KM 11 KV
12-12 112-12 Km
conductor line excluding post

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 87 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Rate for excavation of one Pit for

12-13 112-13 Nos.
HT Pole/ HT Stay in Laterite.

Rate for excavation of one Pit for

12-14 112-14 Nos.
HT Pole/ HT Stay in Hard Laterite.
Rate for excavation of one Pit for
12-15 112-15 Nos.
HT Pole/ HT Stay in Soft Rock.
Rate for excavation of Pit for 'A'
12-16 112-16 Nos.
type pole in Hard Laterite.
Rate for excavation of Pit for 'A'
12-17 112-17 Nos.
type pole in Soft Rock.
Rate for excavation of one Earth Pit
12-18 112-18 (2.5 m depth) in Laterite. Nos.

Rate for excavation of one Earth Pit

12-19 112-19 (2.5 m depth) in Hard Laterite Nos.

Fitting and erecting one HT

TW/RSJ/Rail/Single pole as per
specifications of KSEB in position
including fixing cross arm, digging
12-20 112-20 Nos.
and back filling pit in ordinary soil
drawing sufficient length of GI earth
leads to the ground for earthling
(excluding provision of earthing)

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 88 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Fitting and erecting one HT

PSC/RCC pole as per specifications
of KSEB in position including
fixing cross arm, digging and
12-21 112-21 Nos.
backfilling pit in ordinary soil
drawing sufficient length of GI earth
leads to the ground for earthling
(excluding provision for earthing)

Fitting and erecting one HT Double

pole as per specifications of KSEB
structure using TW/RSJ/Rail poles
as per specifications of KSEB in
position including fixing cross arm,
12-22 112-22 Nos.
digging and backfilling pit in
ordinary soil drawing sufficient
length of GI earth leads to the
ground for earthling (Excluding
provision of earthling)

Fitting and erecting one 'A' pole as

per specifications of KSEB in
position including fixing cross arm,
digging and backfilling pit in
12-23 112-23 Nos.
ordinary soil drawing sufficient
length of GI earth leads to the
ground for earthling (Excluding
provision of earthing)

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 89 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Fitting and erecting one 'A' type

Double pole as per specifications of
KSEB in position including fixing
cross arm, digging and backfilling
12-24 112-24 Nos.
pit in ordinary soil drawing
sufficient length of GI earth leads to
the ground for earthling (Excluding
provision of earthling)

Fitting and erecting one HT DP

RCC/PSC pole as per specifications
of KSEB in position including
fixing cross arm, digging and
12-25 112-25 Nos.
backfilling pit in ordinary soil
drawing sufficient length of GI earth
leads to the ground for earthling
(Excluding provision of earthling)

Fitting of HT stay set for 11 KV

poles as per specifications of KSEB
12-26 112-26 Nos.
including digging and backfilling pit
ordinary soil
Fitting of providing strut for 11KV
poles as per specifications of KSEB
12-27 112-27 Nos.
including digging and backfilling pit
in ordinary soil
Fitting of providing strut using HT
PSC/RCC poles as per
12-28 112-28 specifications of KSEB for 11 KV Nos.
poles including digging and
backfilling pit in ordinary soil.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 90 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Fitting of HT FLY stay for

PSC/RCC poles as per
12-29 112-29 specifications of KSEB including Nos.
digging and
Stringing of onebackfilling
KM 11 KV pit line
with ACSRsoil. Racoon conductors (3
12-30 112-30 NOS) (excluding the rate for fitting km
insulators and giving jumper
12-31 112-31 connections).
Errection of CT/PT unit Nos.
Erection of 100/150/160 KVA
12-32 112-32 Nos.
Erection of 250/315/500 KVA
12-33 112-33 Nos.
12-34 112-34 Installation of one DTR meter box Nos.
12-35 112-35 Fitting of one additional Fuse unit Nos.
12-36 112-36 Providing one earth using GI Pipe Nos.
12-37 112-37 Providing coil earth using GI Pipe Nos.
12-38 112-38 Fitting of 1 set (3 Nos) LA Nos.
12-39 112-39 Fitting of 1 set (3 Nos) D.O Fuse Nos.
Fitting one set AB Switch, giving
connection and earthing the same
12-40 112-40 Nos.
using one earth pipe incl.
digging&back filling pit.
Giving HT Jumper connections as
12-41 112-41 Nos.
per specification of KSEB
Fitting of 1 set AB switch, LA, D.O
12-42 112-42 Nos.
Fitting of one additional
V/Angle/Channel cross arm in
12-43 112-43 Nos.
existing pole as per specifications of
Fitting of one additional
V/Angle/Channel cross arm in 11
12-44 112-44 Nos.
KV DP pole as per specifications of

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 91 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Providing barbed wire anticlimbing

12-45 112-45 protection 2.5m for one 11 KV pole Nos.
as per specifications of KSEB

12-46 112-46 Fitting of one HT pin insulator. Nos.

12-47 112-47 Fitting of one HT Disc insulator Nos.

Transformer fencing of height 1.8

m, using 50X50x6 mm Angle iron
frame at an interval of 1.5 m,and
bottom and top of fencing,12mm
12-48 112-48 Sq M
thick vertical round bar at an
interval of 15cm, middle support of
50X6 mm flat, muffing of support
using 1:3:6 cement

Fabricating Pole Extention piece

12-49 112-49 and Erecting the same as per the Nos.
standards of KSEB
Dismantling one km 11 kV line (3
conductors), cross arm, insulators,
12-50 112-50 Km
disc, rolling the conductor and
Dismantaling of damaged/reusable
12-51 112-51 Nos.
Strut 11 KV
Dismantling one 11KV/TW/RSJ
Rail pole as per specifications of
12-52 112-52 Nos.
KSEB after disconnecting stays
struts etc
Dismantling one 11KV PSC/RCC
12-53 112-53 pole as per specifications of KSEB Nos.
after disconnecting stays struts etc
Dismantling one 11KV 'A' Type
12-54 112-54 pole as per specifications of KSEB Nos.
after disconnecting stays struts etc

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 92 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Dismantling one 11KV 'A' Type

Double pole as per specifications of
12-55 112-55 Nos.
KSEB after disconnecting stays
struts etc
Dismantling one HT stay incl. back
12-56 112-56 filling, and bringing back to section Nos.
Dismantling one HT TW/RSJ/Rail
12-57 112-57 Strut pole incl. removal of clamps Nos.
and stacking. one
Dismantling 11KV Strut
PSC/RCC pole as per specifications
12-58 112-58 Nos.
of KSEB after disconnecting stays
struts etc one additional cross
arm/V cross arm pole as per
12-59 112-59 Nos.
specifications of KSEB after
disconnecting stays struts etc
12-60 112-60 Dismantaling of 1 set (3 Nos) LA Nos.
Dismantaling of 1 set (3 Nos) D.O
12-61 112-61 Nos.
Dismantling one set AB switch after
12-62 112-62 Nos.
disconnecting stays struts etc

12-63 112-63 Dismantling pipe earth Nos.

Dismantling CT/PTunit, erecting
12-64 112-64 new CT/PTunit in place incl. No
loading & unloading at site.

Dismantling one Transformer up to

160 kVA from structure and loading
12-65 112-65 Nos.
to vehicle incl. disconnecting
HT/LT/Earth connections.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 93 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Dismantling one Transformer above

160 kVA from plinth and loading to
12-66 112-66 Nos.
vehicle incl. disconnecting
HT/LT/Earth connections.

Dismantling Transformer fencing

of height 1.8 m, using 50X50x6
12-67 112-67 mm Angle iron frame at an interval Sq M
of 1.5 m,and bottom and top of

12-68 112-68 Dismantling Pole Extension Piece Nos.

Loading LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole from

the stacking place and unloading the
12-69 112-69 Nos.
same at work site (transport by
Loading LT PSC pole from the
stacking place and unloading the
12-70 112-70 Nos.
same at work site (transport by
Rate for excavation of one Pit for
12-71 112-71 Nos.
LT Pole/ LT Stay in Laterite.

Rate for excavation of one Pit for

12-72 112-72 Nos.
LT Pole/ LT Stay in Hard Laterite.

Rate for excavation of one Pit for

12-73 112-73 Nos.
LT Pole/ LT Stay in Soft Rock.

Erecting one LT TW/RSJ Rail pole

12-74 112-74 Nos.
as per specifications of KSEB
Erecting one LT PSC/RCC pole as
12-75 112-75 Nos.
per specifications of KSEB

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 94 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Erecting stay for LT poles as per

12-76 112-76 Nos.
specifications of KSEB
Erecting stay strut for LT poles as
12-77 112-77 Nos.
per specifications of KSEB
Erecting fly stay for LT poles as per
12-78 112-78 Nos.
specifications of KSEB
Fitting of LT 2 line cross arm
12-79 112-79 Nos.
Fitting of LT 4 line cross arm
12-80 112-80 Nos.
Stringing one km LT Addl
conductor after fitting cross arm,
12-81 112-81 insulator etc. removing touching and Km
conveyance of materials.(rates only
for stringing)
Stringing Shackling fitting cross
12-82 112-82 arm etc using ACSR Conductor for Km
one Km 3 phase
Renewing one LTLT line required
Jumper using
copper/ ACSR conductor as per
12-83 112-83 Nos.
standard specification (in loop
Renewing one from
formation for taping LT line).
connection using Copper/ ACSR
12-84 112-84 Nos.
conductor as per standard
Dismantling one LT TW/RSJ Rail
12-85 112-85 pole as per specifications of KSEB Nos.
after disconnecting all connection
Dismantling one LT PSC/RCC pole
12-86 112-86 as per specifications of KSEB after Nos.
disconnecting all connection
Dismantling one LT stay after
12-87 112-87 Nos.
disconnecting all connection
Dismantling one LT strut stay after
12-88 112-88 Nos.
disconnecting all connection
Dismantling one LT 2 line cross arm
12-89 112-89 Nos.
from existing pole.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 95 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Dismantling one LT 4 line cross arm

12-90 112-90 Nos.
from existing pole.
Dismantling one km LT 3 Ph 4 wire
12-91 112-91 , cross arms, insulators and stacking Km
the conductorsone
Dismantling in rolls.
km LT additional
conductor line, cross arms,
12-92 112-92 Km
insulators and stacking the
conductors in rolls.
Additional rate for refitting/redoing
12-93 112-93 one Shackle set while renewing any Nos.
type of pole.
12-94 112-94 RD single phase WP connection Nos.

12-95 112-95 RD 3 phase WP connection Nos.

Dismantling & refitting 2X40W

12-96 112-96 Nos.
fluorescent tube light etc as required
Dismantling & refitting ordinary
12-97 112-97 Nos.
CFL/LED fitting etc&as required
Dismantling refitting
12-98 112-98 SV/MV/MH lamp fitting etc as Nos.
Labor charges for fabricating MS
angle providing necessary
12-99 112-99 Kg
including welding
Laying of LT XLPE UG cable as
12-100 112-100 M
per KSEB specification
Excavation of tarred/concrete
12-101 112-101 M
portion and back filling the trench
Mounting LT UG
Labor charges for Cable including
Excavation of
12-102 112-102 Nos.
cable trenchetc
in as
classes of soil and
backfilling after laying of cable
12-103 112-103 M3
(excluding laying of cable). shifting
3X300 XLPE HT UG Cable
trenching and back filing of trench

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 96 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Labor charges for Excavation of

cable trench in all classes of soil and
backfilling after laying of cable
12-104 112-104 M3
(excluding laying of cable). shifting
3X150 XLPE HT UG Cable
and back filing of trench

Laying of 3X300 XLPE HT

12-105 112-105 UG Cable trenchng and back filing M
of trench

Laying of 3X150 XLPE HT

12-106 112-106 M
UG Cable and back filing of trench
Charges for 300/150 cable
12-107 112-107 Nos.
straight joint
Construction of Transformer plinth
12-108 112-108 Nos.
of size 1.5x1.5x1.5m
Providing concrete muffing of size
12-109 112-109 Nos.
12-110 112-110 Bake lite Fuse unit Nos.
Labour charges for fabricating
12-111 112-111 25x3mm Copper strip/32x3mm Kg
Copper strip

Providing Bucket type cradling for

12-112 112-112 one span 11kV line incl. earthing at Nos.
both ends using earth pipe.

Constructing One span S ph OH line

for giving S/C using PSC pole with
12-113 112-113 Nos.
one stay incl. digging& back filling
2 pits, cutting tree branches .

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 97 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Constructing One span S ph OH line

for giving S/C using PSC pole with
12-114 112-114 Nos.
PSC strut incl. digging& back
filling 2 pits, cutting tree branches.

Constructing One span S ph OH line

for giving S/C using PSC pole
12-115 112-115 without stay/strut incl. digging& Nos.
back filling pit, cutting tree

Constructing One span 3 Ph OH line

12-116 112-116 Nos.
for giving S/C using PSC pole

Constructing One span 3 Ph OH line

for giving S/C using PSC pole with
12-117 112-117 Nos.
PSC strut incl. digging& back
filling 2 pits, cutting tree branches..

Constructing One span 3 Ph OH line

for giving S/C using PSC pole
12-118 112-118 without stay/strut incl. digging& Nos.
back filling pit, cutting tree
Dismantling concrete muffing of
12-119 112-119 Nos.
size 45x45cmx1.5m
Dismantling one span of HT or LT
cradling and stacking the same
12-120 112-120 Nos.
neatly and in good condition for re-

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 98 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Dismantling (with out damage) one

km LT S Ph 2 wire OH line, cross
12-121 112-121 Km
arms, insulators and stacking the
conductors in rolls.
Dismantling (with out damage) one
km LT 3 Ph 4 wire OH line, cross
12-122 112-122 Km
arms, insulators and stacking the
conductors in rolls.

Clearing touching on HT lines 11

kV, cutting tree branches, bamboo
12-123 112-123 Km
clusters, coconut cudjans etc. as
specified by dept. (Urban/ Town).

Clearing touching on HT lines 11

kV, cutting tree branches, bamboo
12-124 112-124 Km
clusters, coconut cudjans etc. as
specified by dept. (Rural/Remote)

Clearing touching on HT/LT lines,

cutting tree branches, bamboo
12-125 112-125 Km
clusters, coconut cudjans etc. as
specified by dept. (Urban/ Town)

Clearing touching on HT/LT lines,

cutting branches of tree, bamboo
12-126 112-126 Km
clusters, coconut cudjans etc. as
specified by dept. (Rural/Remote).
Clearing touching on LT lines,
cutting tree branches, bamboo
12-127 112-127 Km
clusters, coconut cudjans etc as
specified. (Urban/ Town)

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 99 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Clearing touching on LT lines,

cutting tree branches, bamboo
12-128 112-128 Km
clusters, coconut cudjans etc as
specified.trees beyond 30 cm but up
to and incl. 60 cm girth, cutting of
12-129 112-129 Nos.
trunks/ branches, removing the root
Cutting trees
completely andbeyond 60 cm but up
to and incl. 120 cm girth, cutting of
12-130 112-130 Nos.
trunks/ branches, removing the root
completely and stacking.
Cutting trees beyond 120 cm but up
to and incl. 180 cm girth, cutting of
12-131 112-131 Nos.
trunks/ branches, removing the root
completely and stacking.
Cutting trees beyond 30 cm but up
to and incl. 60 cm girth, cutting
12-132 112-132 branches, removing root completely Nos.
and stacking (where space for
not enough).
60 cm but up
to and incl. 120 cm girth, cutting
12-133 112-133 branches, removing root completely Nos.
and stacking (where space for
not enough).
120 cm but up
to and incl. 180 cm girth, cutting
12-134 112-134 branches, removing root completely Nos.
and stacking (where space for
falling trees is not enough).
Procuring and supplying at site 9
12-135 112-135 Mtr PSC Poles as per KSEB Nos.
Procuring and supplying at site 11
12-136 112-136 Mtr "A" Poles as per KSEB Nos.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 100 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Procuring and supplying at site 12

12-137 112-137 Mtr "A" Poles as per KSEB Nos.
Procuring and supplying at site V-
Cross arm with clamp, bolt and nut
12-138 112-138 Nos.
(Galvanized) as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site LT 2
Line Cross Arm with clamp, bolt
12-139 112-139 Set
and nut (Galvanized) as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site LT
4 Line Cross Arm with clamp, bolt
12-140 112-140 Nos.
and nut (Galvanized) as per KSEB

Procuring and supplying at site F-

12-141 112-141 type Pole Top bracket with bolt & Nos.
nut (GI) as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site 6

feet "C" Channel Cross arm with
12-142 112-142 Nos.
clamp, bolt and nut (Galvanized)
as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site 8

feet "C" Channel Cross arm with
12-143 112-143 Nos.
clamp, bolt and nut (Galvanized) as
per KSEB standards.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 101 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Procuring and supplying at site 10

feet "C" Channel Cross arm with
12-144 112-144 Nos.
clamp, bolt and nut (Galvanized) as
per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site HT

stay set with stay clamp, stay
12-145 112-145 tightner 19mm stay plate Set
600x600mm, stay wire & stay
insulator as per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site
12-146 112-146 Additional HT stay wire as per Kg
KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site LT
Stay set with stay rod, stay tightner
12-147 112-147 19mm, stay plate 300x300mm, stay Set
wire & stay insulator as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site
12-148 112-148 Additional LT stay wire as per kg
KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site
12-149 112-149 Km
(6+1/4.09mm) as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site
12-150 112-150 Km
(6+1/3.35mm) as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site
12-151 112-151 ACSR Wesewal as per KSEB Km

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 102 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Procuring and supplying at site HT

12-152 112-152 11KV Disc Insulator as per KSEB Nos.
Procuring and supplying at site HT
12-153 112-153 11KV Pin Insulator with GI pin as Nos.
per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site LT

12-154 112-154 Shackle Insulator set (with strap & Set
nut bolts) as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site LT

12-155 112-155 Pin Insulator with GI pin as per Nos.
KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site
12-156 112-156 Hardware fittings as per KSEB Set
Procuring and supplying at site GI
12-157 112-157 Nos.
Cleat as per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site
400A AB Switch complete with
12-158 112-158 Set
operating set as per KSEB

Procuring and supplying at site DO

12-159 112-159 Set
Fuse set as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site DO

12-160 112-160 Kg
Fuse wire as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site

12-161 112-161 100A Fuse set with Carrier as per set
KSEB standards.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 103 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Procuring and supplying at site

12-162 112-162 200A Fuse set with Carrier as per set
KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site
12-163 112-163 300A Fuse set with carrier as per set
KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site G.I.

12-164 112-164 Earthing Pipe 40mm Dia x 2.5- Mtr Nos.
Length as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site G.I.

12-165 112-165 Earthing Pipe 40mm Dia x 1.5- Mtr Nos.
Length as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site GI

12-166 112-166 Kg
Wire (no. 6) as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site GI

12-167 112-167 wire no. 8 for Coil earth as per Kg
KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site 3/20
(2.5 sqmm WP wire twin core
12-168 112-168 mtr
Aluminium service wire) as per
KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site 7/20

12-169 112-169 mtr
WP Wires as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site

12-170 112-170 11KV Lightening Arrestor (Set of Set
three) as per KSEB standards.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 104 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Procuring and supplying at site GI

12-171 112-171 Bolt & Nut Full Threaded 2x1/2" as Kg
per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site GI
12-172 112-172 Bolt & Nut Full Threaded 3x1/2" as Kg
per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site GI
12-173 112-173 Bolt & Nut Full Threaded 4x1/2" as Kg
per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site GI
12-174 112-174 Bolt & Nut Full Threaded 6x1/2" as Kg
per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site GI
12-175 112-175 Bolt & Nut Full Threaded 8x1/2" as Kg
per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site GI
12-176 112-176 Bolt & Nut Full Threaded 10x1/2" Kg
as per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site GI
12-177 112-177 Bolt & Nut Full Threaded 12x1/2" Kg
as per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site GI
12-178 112-178 Bolt & Nut Full Threaded 14x1/2" Kg
as per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site
6x3/4" GI Nut and Bolt with
12-179 112-179 Kg
washers - full threaded as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site
8x3/4" GI Nut and Bolt with
12-180 112-180 Kg
washers - full threaded as per KSEB

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 105 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Procuring and supplying at site

10x3/4" GI Nut and Bolt with
12-181 112-181 Kg
washers - full threaded as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site
12x3/4" GI Nut and Bolt with
12-182 112-182 Kg
washers - full threaded as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site
14x3/4" GI Nut and Bolt with
12-183 112-183 Kg
washers - full threaded as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site
2x5/8" GI Bolt & Nuts Half
12-184 112-184 Kg
threaded with washers as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site
3x5/8" GI Bolt & Nuts Half
12-185 112-185 Kg
threaded with washers as per KSEB
Procuring and supplying at site
12-186 112-186 3X300 HT ST Joint Kit as per Nos.
KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site
12-187 112-187 3X300 HT outdoor end Kit as per Nos.
KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site
XLPE Aluminium Cable 3.5 core X
12-188 112-188 mtr
185 sqmm- LT as per KSEB

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 106 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Procuring and supplying at site

12-189 112-189 XLPE Cable 3 Core X 300 sqmm - mtr
HT as per KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site Al
12-190 112-190 Socket 95 sqmm as per KSEB Nos.
Procuring and supplying at site Al
12-191 112-191 Socket 120 sqmm as per KSEB Nos.
Procuring and supplying at site Al
12-192 112-192 Socket 150 sqmm as per KSEB Nos.
Procuring and supplying at site Al
12-193 112-193 Socket 185 sqmm as per KSEB Nos.
Procuring and supplying at site C-
12-194 112-194 Channel Clamp as per KSEB Nos.
Procuring and supplying at site U
12-195 112-195 Clamp for LT Pin fixing as per Nos.
KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site

12-196 112-196 Strap with nut & bolt set for Shackle Nos.
insulator as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site GI

12-197 112-197 Pin for HT Pin Insulator as per Nos.
KSEB standards.
Procuring and supplying at site GI
12-198 112-198 Pin for LT Pin Insulator as per Nos.
KSEB standards.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 107 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Procuring and supplying at site HT

12-199 112-199 Nos.
stay tightner as per KSEB standards.

Procuring and supplying at site AB

12-200 112-200 Nos.
Pipe as per KSEB standards.
Total Bill No.12 carried to

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 108 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


4.00 161.00 644.00

583.00 358.00 208,714.00

816.00 423.00 345,168.00

42.00 633.00 26,586.00

42.00 1,058.00 44,436.00

300.00 792.00 237,600.00

200.00 33.00 6,600.00

583.00 213.00 124,179.00

583.00 213.00 124,179.00

816.00 264.00 215,424.00

816.00 2,664.00 2,173,824.00

200.00 829.00 165,800.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 109 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


238.00 207.00 49,266.00

714.00 415.00 296,310.00

238.00 622.00 148,036.00

585.00 311.00 181,935.00

65.00 933.00 60,645.00

127.00 829.00 105,283.00

85.00 1,244.00 105,740.00

4.00 1,493.00 5,972.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 110 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


435.00 1,908.00 829,980.00

37.00 2,758.00 102,046.00

650.00 3,961.00 2,574,650.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 111 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


83.00 4,791.00 397,653.00

74.00 6,491.00 480,334.00

750.00 636.00 477,000.00

55.00 747.00 41,085.00

60.00 1,551.00 93,060.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 112 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


43.00 1,551.00 66,693.00

18.00 13,420.00 241,560.00

42.00 2,336.00 98,112.00

37.00 3,418.00 126,466.00
5.00 4,047.00 20,235.00
42.00 1,690.00 70,980.00
382.00 150.00 57,300.00
212.00 633.00 134,196.00
510.00 415.00 211,650.00
42.00 213.00 8,946.00
42.00 213.00 8,946.00

81.00 1,898.00 153,738.00

165.00 120.00 19,800.00

2.00 7,414.00 14,828.00

821.00 213.00 174,873.00

475.00 270.00 128,250.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 113 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


25.00 108.00 2,700.00

2250.00 128.00 288,000.00

450.00 321.00 144,450.00

300.00 1,224.00 367,200.00

5.00 1,979.00 9,895.00

18.00 6,383.00 114,894.00

136.00 695.00 94,520.00

175.00 811.00 141,925.00

583.00 1,413.00 823,779.00

650.00 1,427.00 927,550.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 114 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


83.00 3,282.10 272,414.30

395.00 422.00 166,690.00

124.00 695.00 86,180.00

116.00 695.00 80,620.00

1202.00 85.00 102,170.00

42.00 106.00 4,452.00

42.00 106.00 4,452.00

85.00 1,898.00 161,330.00

212.00 317.00 67,204.00

42.00 1,856.00 77,952.00

35.00 5.00 175.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 115 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


7.00 5.00 35.00

250.00 856.80 214,200.00

5.00 500.00 2,500.00

75.00 117.00 8,775.00

313.00 224.00 70,112.00

131.00 104.00 13,624.00

570.00 207.00 117,990.00

175.00 311.00 54,425.00

75.00 529.00 39,675.00

313 944.00 295,472.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 116 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


197 428.00 84,316.00

55 881.00 48,455.00
43 1,416.00 60,888.00
532 63.00 33,516.00
1750 95.00 166,250.00

11 3,189.00 35,079.00

17 14,194.00 241,298.00

400 65.00 26,000.00

450 44.00 19,800.00

51 477.00 24,327.00

313 897.00 280,761.00

197 214.00 42,158.00

55 233.00 12,815.00

290 32.00 9,280.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 117 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


600 47.00 28,200.00

17 5,382.00 91,494.00

11 1,370.00 15,070.00

4275 321.00 1,372,275.00

3750 394.00 1,477,500.00

2250 523.00 1,176,750.00

500 291.00 145,500.00

224 169.00 37,856.00

71 664.00 47,144.00

25809 50.00 1,290,450.00

250 241.00 60,250.00

300 127.00 38,100.00

25 532.00 13,300.00

500 438.00 219,000.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 118 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


125 348.00 43,500.00

500 275.00 137,500.00

125 241.00 30,125.00

50 1,524.00 76,200.00

25 22,762.00 569,050.00

568 2,593.00 1,472,824.00

175 150.00 26,250.00

225 30.00 6,750.00

37 7,048.00 260,776.00

320 1,685.00 539,200.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 119 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


315 2,138.00 673,470.00

320 1,256.00 401,920.00

450 1,940.00 873,000.00

225 2,393.00 538,425.00

160 1,511.00 241,760.00

318 1,815.10 577,201.80

78 1,071.00 83,538.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 120 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


7 2,958.00 20,706.00

7 5,382.00 37,674.00

2 833.00 1,666.00

11 1,042.00 11,462.00

1 959.00 959.00

4 1,217.00 4,868.00

1 783.00 783.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 121 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


11 916.00 10,076.00

600 215.00 129,000.00

562 369.00 207,378.00

470 561.00 263,670.00

420 324.00 136,080.00

300 587.00 176,100.00

200 822.00 164,400.00

250 6,500.00 1,625,000.00

150 25,000.00 3,750,000.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 122 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


90 29,000.00 2,610,000.00

450 1,200.00 540,000.00

100 427.00 42,700.00

200 833.00 166,600.00

500 170.00 85,000.00

150 1,360.00 204,000.00

50 2,450.00 122,500.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 123 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


25 3,300.00 82,500.00

350 2,520.00 882,000.00

400 90.00 36,000.00

50 2,470.00 123,500.00

200 90.00 18,000.00

8 68,250.00 546,000.00

12 46,200.00 554,400.00

10 29,400.00 294,000.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 124 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


90 452.00 40,680.00

350 334.00 116,900.00

800 105.00 84,000.00

600 95.00 57,000.00

90 690.00 62,100.00

90 133.00 11,970.00

10 13,500.00 135,000.00

5 4,200.00 21,000.00

1 760.00 760.00

10 360.00 3,600.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 125 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


30 655.00 19,650.00

10 875.00 8,750.00

25 834.00 20,850.00

50 624.00 31,200.00

10 68.00 680.00

15 73.00 1,095.00

6000 20.00 120,000.00

3500 30.00 105,000.00

5 440.00 2,200.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 126 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


200 90.00 18,000.00

75 90.00 6,750.00

100 90.00 9,000.00

350 90.00 31,500.00

50 90.00 4,500.00

50 90.00 4,500.00

50 90.00 4,500.00

25 90.00 2,250.00

250 90.00 22,500.00

200 90.00 18,000.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 127 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


150 90.00 13,500.00

75 90.00 6,750.00

75 90.00 6,750.00

75 90.00 6,750.00

175 90.00 15,750.00

5 9,400.00 47,000.00

5 5,200.00 26,000.00

200 540.00 108,000.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 128 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


500 1,220.00 610,000.00

30 18.00 540.00

30 18.00 540.00

50 18.00 900.00

130 18.00 2,340.00

225 164.00 36,900.00

600 53.00 31,800.00

150 76.00 11,400.00

150 120.00 18,000.00

300 97.00 29,100.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 129 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


10 325.00 3,250.00

5 200.00 1,000.00


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 130 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA



Procuring and supplying at site

300mm DI K9 pipes with required
specials of same class such as
13-01 1 bends, Tees , collar and reducer etc. LM
for laying pipes in the approved
alignment including rubber gaskets
bearing ISI marks as per IS relevant

Procuring and supplying at site

250mm DI K9 pipes with required
specials of same class such as
13-02 2 bends, Tee’s , collar and reducer etc. LM
for laying pipes in the approved
alignment including rubber gaskets
bearing ISI marks as per IS relevant
13-03 3 LM

Procuring and supplying at site

150mm DI K9 pipes with required
specials of same class such as
13-04 4 bends, Tee’s , collar and reducer etc. LM
for laying pipes in the approved
alignment including rubber gaskets
bearing ISI marks as per IS relevant

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 131 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Procuring and supplying at site

100mm DI K9 pipes with required
specials of same class such as
13-05 5 bends, Tee’s , collar and reducer etc. LM
for laying pipes in the approved
alignment including rubber gaskets
bearing ISI marks as per IS relevant

Procuring and supplying at site ISI

13-06 6 marked unplasticised 200mm/8kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000

Procuring and supplying at site ISI

13-07 7 marked unplasticised 200mm/6kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000

Procuring and supplying at site ISI

13-08 8 marked unplasticised 160mm/10kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000

Procuring and supplying at site ISI

13-09 9 marked unplasticised 160mm/6kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 132 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Procuring and supplying at site ISI

13-10 10 marked unplasticised 140mm/6kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000

Procuring and supplying at site ISI

13-11 11 marked unplasticised 110mm/10kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000

Procuring and supplying at site ISI

13-12 12 marked unplasticised 110mm/6kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000

Procuring and supplying at site ISI

13-13 13 marked unplasticised 90mm/10kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000
Procuring and supplying at site ISI
13-14 14 marked unplasticised 90mm/6kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000
Procuring and supplying at site ISI
13-15 15 marked unplasticised 75mm/6kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000
Procuring and supplying at site ISI
13-16 16 marked unplasticised 63mm/6kg LM
pipe for potable water supplies as
per IS 4985/2000

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 133 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Conveying cutting laying and

jointing testing 400mm DI pipes and
required specials supplied by KSTP
13-17 17 including all other associated works LM
such as anchor blocks connecting
with existing line etc including earth
work excavation in all classes of soil
and backfilling etc complete as
directed by Engineer.

Conveying cutting , laying and

jointing testing and maintaining 300
mm DI pipes and specials such as
13-18 18 Tees, bends, reducer including all LM
other associated works such as
anchor blocks, connecting with
existing line etc including earth
work excavation in all classes of soil
and backfilling complete as directed
by Engineer.

Conveying cutting , laying and

jointing testing and maintaining 250
mm DI pipes and specials such as
13-19 19 Tees, bends, reducer including all LM
other associated works such as
anchor blocks, connecting with
existing line etc including earth
work excavation in all classes of soil
and backfilling complete as directed
by Engineer.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 134 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Conveying cutting , laying and

jointing testing and maintaining 200
mm DI pipes and specials such as
13-20 20 Tees, bends, reducer including all LM
other associated works such as
anchor blocks, connecting with
existing line etc including earth
work excavation in all classes of soil
and backfilling complete as directed
by Engineer.

Conveying cutting , laying and

jointing testing and maintaining 150
mm DI pipes and specials such as
13-21 21 Tees, bends, reducer including all LM
other associated works such as
anchor blocks, connecting with
existing line etc including earth
work excavation in all classes of soil
and backfilling complete as directed
by Engineer.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 135 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Conveying cutting , laying and

jointing testing and maintaining
100mm DI pipes and specials such
13-22 22 as Tees, bends, reducer including all LM
other associated works such as
anchor blocks, connecting with
existing line etc including earth
work excavation in all classes of soil
and backfilling complete as directed
by Engineer.

Conveying cutting, laying ,jointing,

testing, commissioning and
maintaining of 200mm P.V.C pipes
and specials taking connection from
13-23 23 the existing/new line including cost LM
of all necessary specials all
necessary specials and all other
associated works such as
construction of anchor blocks
testing the pipe line with water to
the required test pressure including
earth work excavation in all classes
of soil hire for tools and cost and
conveyance of water do complete

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 136 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Conveying cutting, laying ,jointing,

testing, commissioning and
maintaining of 160mm P.V.C pipes
and specials taking connection from
the existing/new line including cost
13-24 24 of all necessary specials all LM
necessary specials all necessary
specials and all other associated
works such as construction of
anchor blocks testing the pipe line
with water to the required test
pressure including earth work
excavation in all classes of soil hire
for tools and cost and conveyance of
water etc complete.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 137 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Conveying cutting, laying ,jointing,

testing, commissioning and
maintaining of 140mm P.V.C pipes
and specials taking connection from
the existing/new line including cost
13-25 25 of all necessary specials all LM
necessary specials all necessary
specials and all other associated
works such as construction of
anchor blocks testing the pipe line
with water to the required test
pressure including earth work
excavation in all classes of soil hire
for tools and cost and conveyance of
water etc complete.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 138 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Conveying cutting, laying ,jointing,

testing, commissioning and
maintaining of 110mm P.V.C pipes
and specials taking connection from
the existing/new line including cost
13-26 26 of all necessary specials all LM
necessary specials all necessary
specials and all other associated
works such as construction of
anchor blocks testing the pipe line
with water to the required test
pressure including earth work
excavation in all classes of soil hire
for tools and cost and conveyance of
water etccomplete.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 139 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Conveying cutting, laying ,jointing,

testing, commissioning and
maintaining of 90mm P.V.C pipes
and specials taking connection from
the existing/new line including cost
13-27 27 of all necessary specials all LM
necessary specials all necessary
specials and all other associated
works such as construction of
anchor blocks testing the pipe line
with water to the required test
pressure including earth work
excavation in all classes of soil hire
for tools and cost and conveyance of
water etccomplete.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 140 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Conveying cutting, laying ,jointing,

testing, commissioning and
maintaining of 75mm P.V.C pipes
and specials taking connection from
the existing/new line including cost
13-28 28 of all necessary specials all LM
necessary specials all necessary
specials and all other associated
works such as construction of
anchor blocks testing the pipe line
with water to the required test
pressure including earth work
excavation in all classes of soil hire
for tools and cost and conveyance of
water etc complete.

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 141 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Conveying cutting, laying ,jointing,

testing, commissioning and
maintaining of 63mm P.V.C pipes
and specials taking connection from
the existing/new line including cost
13-29 29 of all necessary specials all LM
necessary specials all necessary
specials and all other associated
works such as construction of
anchor blocks testing the pipe line
with water to the required test
pressure including earth work
excavation in all classes of soil hire
for tools and cost and conveyance of
water etc complete.
Supplying conveying and fixing of
13-30 30 250mm CI P/E or D/F non rising PN Nos
1.6 sluice valve including cost of
Supplying conveying and fixing of
13-31 31 200mm CI P/E or D/F non rising PN Nos
1.6 sluice valve including cost of
Supplying conveying and fixing of
13-32 32 150mm CI P/E or D/F non rising PN Nos
1.6 sluice valve including cost of

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 142 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Supplying conveying and fixing of

13-33 33 100mm CI P/E or D/F non rising PN Nos
1.6 sluice valve including cost of

13-34 34 Supplying conveying and fixing Nos

65mm GM valve in line including
all cost of specials and earth eater.

Fabricating and supplying 400mm

MS pipe having 8mm shell
13-35 35 thickness including all fabricating LM
work cutting, grinding bending,
welding, painting and laying along
culvert and bridge and jointing with
DI pipe etc complete including earth

Fabricating and supplying 300mm

MS pipe having 8mm shell
13-36 36 thickness including all fabricating LM
work cutting, grinding bending,
welding, painting and laying along
culvert and bridge and jointing with
DI pipe etc complete including earth

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 143 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Fabricating and supplying 250mm

MS pipe having 8mm shell
13-37 37 thickness including all fabricating LM
work cutting, grinding bending,
welding, painting and laying along
culvert and bridge and jointing with
DI pipe etc complete including earth

Fabricating and supplying 200mm

MS pipe having 8mm shell
13-38 38 thickness including all fabricating LM
work cutting, grinding bending,
welding, painting and laying along
culvert and bridge and jointing with
DI pipe etc complete including earth

Fabricating and supplying 150mm

MS pipe having 8mm shell
13-39 39 thickness including all fabricating LM
work cutting, grinding bending,
welding, painting and laying along
culvert and bridge and jointing with
DI pipe etc complete including earth

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 144 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Fabricating and supplying 125mm

MS pipe having 8mm shell
13-40 40 thickness including all fabricating LM
work cutting, grinding bending,
welding, painting and laying along
culvert and bridge and jointing with
DI pipe etc complete including earth

Fabricating and supplying 100mm

MS pipe having 8mm shell
13-41 41 thickness including all fabricating LM
work cutting, grinding bending,
welding, painting and laying along
culvert and bridge and jointing with
DI pipe etc complete including earth

Supplying conveying threading,

laying and jointing 80mm GI pipes
13-42 42 as per specification of Kerala Water LM
Authority with all fittings, welding
along culvert and bridge and
jointing with P.V.C pipes etc
complete including earth work

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 145 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Supplying conveying threading,

laying and jointing 65mm GI pipes
13-43 43 as per specification of Kerala Water LM
Authority with all fittings, welding
along culvert and bridge and
jointing with P.V.C pipes etc
complete including earth work

Supplying conveying threading,

laying and jointing 50mm GI pipes
13-44 44 as per specification of Kerala Water LM
Authority with all fittings, welding
along culvert and bridge and
jointing with P.V.C pipes etc
complete including earth work
Shifting house connections to the
13-45 45 newly laid line including cost of all Nos
materials earth work excavation etc.

Shifting the existing public tap

13-46 46 connections to the newly laid line Nos
including cost of all materials earth
work excavation etc. complete

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 146 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


Construction of valve chamber of

size 2.5x2.5x2.5m nearest size as
per site condition with RCC M20
providing & fixing CI steps inside
and CI manhole cover of size
13-47 47 60x60cm heavy duty with IS Nos
specification including earth work
inside 12mm thickness plastering
with CM 1:5, PCC M15, Shuttering,
curing cost of reinforcement etc
complete. (Reference Drawing No.

Conveying department P.V.C pipes

13-48 48 of size varying from 200mm to LM
63mm from the yard at Chavassery
Parambu to site for laying
Conveying the required 400mm
13-49 49 Department DI pipes from the LM
stacking yard at Chavassery
parambu to the site for laying
Total Bill No.13 carried to

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 147 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


150.00 3,429.00 514,350.00

760.00 3,817.00 2,900,920.00

6903.00 1,938.00 13,378,014.00

1600.00 1,409.00 2,254,400.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 148 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


350.00 1,116.00 390,600.00

100.00 1,074.00 107,400.00

100.00 683.00 68,300.00

478.00 377.00 180,206.00

1673.00 273.00 456,729.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 149 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


1840.00 249.00 458,160.00

564.00 299.00 168,636.00

345.00 225.00 77,625.00

50.00 199.00 9,950.00

281.00 145.00 40,745.00

10091.00 103.00 1,039,373.00

378.00 72.00 27,216.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 150 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


245.00 1,737.00 425,565.00

150.00 1,046.00 156,900.00

760.00 1,260.00 957,600.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 151 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


6903.00 1,202.00 8,297,406.00

1600.00 1,128.00 1,804,800.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 152 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


350.00 1,057.00 369,950.00

422.00 673.00 284,006.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 153 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


3533.00 656.00 2,317,648.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 154 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


4095.00 645.00 2,641,275.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 155 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


2583.00 636.00 1,642,788.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 156 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


1159.00 628.00 727,852.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 157 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


14028.00 271.00 3,801,588.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 158 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


1302.00 58.00 75,516.00

1 14,724.00 14,724.00

6 9,750.00 58,500.00

7 4,680.00 32,760.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 159 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


28 3,133.00 87,724.00

3 1,404.00 4,212.00

30.00 8,320.00 249,600.00

20.00 6,240.00 124,800.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 160 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


40.00 5,200.00 208,000.00

350.00 4,399.00 1,539,650.00

100.00 3,299.00 329,900.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 161 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


50.00 2,200.00 110,000.00

50.00 1,760.00 88,000.00

150.00 831.22 124,683.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 162 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


200.00 684.00 136,800.00

100.00 344.00 34,400.00

430 2,000.00 860,000.00

120 4,000.00 480,000.00

UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 163 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Kerala State Transport Project -II National Competitive Bidding
Contract Document Contract No: KSTP/PMT/UG-IIIA


42 142,665.00 5,991,930.00

10105 1.30 13,136.50

245 15.51 3,799.95


UPgradation of the Road from Thalassery (1+200) to

Bill of Quantities 164 of 165 Kalaroad(30+000) of SH-30 Balance Works
Name of Work:- KSTP-II Upgradation of the road from Thalassery (Km 1+200) to Valavupara (Km 55+200)
Name of Employer:- Public Works Department ( Government of India)
Name of Contractor: M/S SCYAR - ESSAR (JV )
Name of Engineer: Egis International S A in JV with Egis India
Contract Agreement No: 208/KSTP/PMT/PWD/2013, dated 6th May 2013

Statement of computation of penalty against non compliance of Safety requirements

Penalty - Amount in
Sl. No. Description Letter No. No. of Days Remarks

Non compliance of consultant notification to clear

the drains and channelizing the stagnent water to
avoid water logging on the existing carriageway.
(TVRP/KSTP-3/GEN/622 dated18.07.2014).
1 Km 5+000 TVRP/KSTP-3/GEN/632 dated 21.07.2014. 41 82,000.00

2 Km 5+550 TVRP/KSTP-3/GEN/632 dated 21.07.2014. 41 82,000.00

3 Km 21+000 TVRP/KSTP-3/GEN/632 dated 21.07.2014. 41 82,000.00

Penalty start from 22nd
July 2014.
4 Km 23+800 TVRP/KSTP-3/GEN/632 dated 21.07.2014. 41 82,000.00

5 Km 27+920 TVRP/KSTP-3/GEN/632 dated 21.07.2014. 41 82,000.00

6 Km 29+850 TVRP/KSTP-3/GEN/632 dated 21.07.2014. 41 82,000.00

7 Km 40+000 to Km 40+500 TVRP/KSTP-3/GEN/632 dated 21.07.2014. 41 82,000.00

8 Km 42+000 to Km 43+100(Near Iritty Police Station) TVRP/KSTP-3/GEN/632 dated 21.07.2014. 41 82,000.00

9 Km 48+400 to Km 49+200 (Near church & school) TVRP/KSTP-3/GEN/632 dated 21.07.2014. 41 82,000.00

Total Amount 738,000.00

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