Weapons and Heroes of Sigmars Empire

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Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Weapons & Heroes of Sigmar’s Empire

Devices of War - College of Engineers

T HE I MPERIAL C OLLEGE of Engineers is one of the Empire‟s deranged imaginations, the College‟s Engineers are known for
more unusual institutions. Formed by the expatriate Tilean creating devices that no person could possibly have a use for, with
inventor Leonardo di Miragliano, the College of Engineers is the occasional incredible breakthrough or spectacular failure
based in Altdorf… or rather, just outside. From this gathering of thrown in for good measure.
well-funded eccentrics has come a wide and eclectic variety of However, funded as it is by the Emperor, and patronised by a
devices, ranging from weapons of war to mere flights of fancy. great many Nobles across the Empire, the main focus of the
Inspired in equal parts by the tried-and-tested creations of the College is the development of new and better weapons. It is in
Dwarfs, the wild speculations of the Tileans, and their own this area, then, that the Engineers are most prolific...

Grenade Launching Blunderbuss

M ORE PROPERLY KNOWN as “Pfeilmann’s Incendiary Projector of recent inventions - only developed in the last year - and still highly
Explosive Misfortune”, the Grenade Launching Blunderbuss is a unpredictable. Their rarity limits them to the more eccentric of
bizarre amalgam of the conventional Blunderbuss, the Mortar, and the Engineers of the Empire, and to particularly brave and
the new technology of pistons to propel a small bomb over a noteworthy Sergeants within the Empire‟s Pistolkorps.
longer distance than they can be easily thrown. These weapons are

Cost Enc Group Damage Range Reload Qualities Availability

200 gc 65 Engineer 6 8/32 4 Full Very Rare
A Grenade Launching Blunderbuss fires bombs, each of which caught in the area taking the damage unless they pass an Agility
is a small, hollow shell of ceramic or thin metal filled with Test.
gunpowder stopped with wax and armed with a short fuse. If the weapon explodes as a result of a Misfire, the bomb
This fuse is normally pre-cut to burn for only a short while, just detonates, centred on the unfortunate wielder with the effects
long enough for the grenade to travel through the air to the target, noted above.
though many rarer and more complicated versions use intricate Due to the complex mechanisms, and the act of lighting the
impact fuses that detonate the bomb when it strikes a target. bomb‟s fuse, the Grenade Launching Blunderbuss tak es a full
When fired, the wielder makes a BS test as normal. But if the action to fire. This is reduced to a Half Action as normal with
attack roll misses, roll 1d10 and consult Table 4-1: Bomb and Best Quality examples of the weapon, though unlike other Best
Incendiary Miss Locations in the Old World Armoury. On a Quality Engineer/Gunpowder weapons, they do not replace the
roll of a 1, the bomb is a dud. On a roll of a 10, the bomb misfires Experimental quality with Unreliable.
and detonates in midair before reaching the target - this also A character without the talent Specialist Weapons Group
happens if the BS test is failed by more than 30%, as the firer has (Engineer) is deemed so unfamiliar with the weapon that they are
severely misjudged the shot. On a result of 2-9, roll another d10, incapable of resetting the firing piston and reloading the weapon
with the result as the number of yards away from the target that easily. Reloading without the talent requires a Hard (-20%)
the bomb lands. Academic Knowledge (Engineering) Test, with failure indicating
When the bomb detonates, it affects all creatures and buildings that the weapon cannot be reloaded by the character.
in a 10-foot radius (use the large template in WFRP), with anyone

Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Mechanical Steed
OFFICIALLY KNOWN AS “Meikle’s Equine Effigy of Dynamic whom are studying the work of Frau Meikle with considerable
Locomotion”, but more commonly referred to as the “Mechanical interest.
Steed” or “Carriage-less Horse”, this bizarre and complex Rumours of an alliance between her and the Gold Order,
contraption is the creation of Frau Meikle, the first woman to be accusations of witchcraft from the churches and protestations of
(reluctantly) admitted into the College of Engineers. fraud and deception from the College of Engineers have forced
The steed itself is clockwork - in a similar manner to the clocks Frau Meikle into hiding, leaving the four known and functional
now becoming fashionable amongst the wealthy, though on a Mechanical Steeds in the hands of trusted peers. There are many
much larger scale. However, beyond this and the device known as more fake Mechanical Steeds in the Empire - though none can
“Meikle’s Accumulator of Incandescent Energy” mounted within the actually match Meikle‟s original prototypes, and many are simply
steed‟s „head‟, the actual workings of the Mechanical Steed are horses in cunningly-wrought barding to make them look like
entirely unknown. This has caused great consternation amongst machines.
the College of Engineers, and gained the attention of both the The true Mechanical Steeds have the profile and rules listed
Orders of Magic and the Churches of Verena and Sigmar, all of below.

WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel

10% 0 55% 55% 10% 0 0 0


1 18 5 5 7 0 0 0
Skills: None
Talents: Natural Weapons, Strike Mighty Blow
Special Rules: Construct: The Mechanical Steed is an automaton, fuelled by magic and/or methods scientific. It is immune to Fear, Terror,
stunning, poison, diseases and all skills, spells and effects that involve the manipulation of emotions or the mind.
It has no Intelligence, Will Power or Fellowship characteristics, and cannot make tests involving those abilities, nor use skills reliant upon them. Unlike
other mounts, the Mechanical Steed cannot be controlled with the Ride skill - instead, it can be ridden and controlled by any character with the Academic
Knowledge (Engineering) Skill.
Accumulator: The Mechanical Steed generates a powerful static electrical charge as a result of its movement, which can be unleashed to harm
enemies nearby in battle.
As a Free Action when Charging, the rider may attempt an Academic Knowledge (Engineering) Test to unleash the built-up energy in the Accumulator.
This causes 1d10/3 Damage 3 hits on the enemy being charged.
Armour: Metal Body
Armour Points: Head 3, Body 3, Front Legs 3, Hind Legs 3
Weapons: Hooves

For those GMs who wish to make the nature of the Mechanical a Hard (-20%) Disguise Test, and requires Best Quality Full Plate
Steed more dubious, use the Destrier profile in the WFRP Barding, designed to look like the outer casing of a Mechanical
Rulebook or the Old World Bestiary, and give it the Mutations Horse, as well as regular Challenging (-10%) Animal Handling
“Mechanoid” and “Breath Fire” (twice) from Tome of Tests in order to keep the horse quiet and preventing it from
Corruption. Alternately, a normal horse may be disguised – this is revealing itself as a real horse.

Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Pigeon Bombs
T HE Herstel-Wenckler Pigeon Bomb is an odd contraption. bomb actually falls. A roll of a 10 (which normally results in the
Essentially a lightweight metal harness to attach a bomb to a bomb exploding in the thrower‟s hand) instead results in the
Pigeon and drop it in flight, the device itself is simple - using the basket failing to open properly, preventing the bomb from
bomb‟s fuse to release the bomb when it burns beyond a certain falling... and the bomb exploding while still attached to the
point makes fitting the harness incredibly simple. pigeon. Don‟t roll any dice – the pigeon has a Toughness Bonus
The difficulty lies in convincing the homing pigeon to fly away of 0 and 4 wounds – the bomb kills it outright.
from you, instead of towards you while it‟s carrying an explosive
device. The difficult part is the Pigeon. In theory, any bird would
suffice, but homing pigeons are already trained and used to
The bomb itself is identical to that listed in the Old World carrying objects in flight. However, homing pigeons tend to return
Armoury, differing only in the means by which it is delivered. The to their owners... a fact not lost on many of the engineers who
harness that attaches the bomb to the Pigeon costs 10 GC (each originally tested the idea. Thus, the birds had to be taught not to
has to be custom-made, and are quite unusual items), and is Very return to their handlers until after the payload has been delivered.
Rare. This can be modified for quality as normal, but Good or A specially trained „Bombing Pigeon‟ can be bought from the
Best quality harnesses are almost impossible to find. same place you bought the harness to carry the bombs. They cost
The harness is designed around a simple hinged basket, held in 10 GC each and are Very Rare – few people would even think of
place by the bomb‟s fuse which is looped through two rings – one training a pigeon to carry explosives in the first place. If you‟re
on the basket and one on the harness itself, holding them confident of your abilities, you can attempt to train one yourself.
together. When the fuse burns past a certain point, it fa lls loose This is a Very Hard (-20%) Animal Training Test, modified by the
from the latch, opening the harness and allowing the bomb to fall. quality of the pigeon. A good quality homing pigeon improves the
The harness itself can be set without a test and with only the very test to Hard (-20%), a poor quality homing pigeon can‟t be trained
basic instruction. Determining the length of the fuse needed to to carry bombs, and a best quality homing pigeon improves the
reach the target takes a Challenging (-10%) Academic Knowledge test to Challenging (-10%). At the GM‟s discretion, a player
(Engineering) Test – failure means you were wrong by a number attempting to train a „bombing pigeon‟ may suffer several wounds
of rounds equal to your degrees of failure, with an even chance of from mishaps.
the fuse being too long or too short. This test should be taken in In the field, it takes an Average Animal Handling Test to direct
secret by the GM – the Engineer shouldn‟t know that he‟s the bird towards its target. This only requires pointing it in the
misjudged. right direction – the pigeon is trained to fly in the direction
When the bomb has travelled for the required number of shown, and return once the bomb has been dropped. Failure
rounds after being lit, it drops from the harness and falls directly means the pigeon veers off to the left or right, potentially missing
down onto whatever is below it. Due to the inaccuracy of such a the target. Failure by more than 30 confuses the pigeon... so it
method of delivery, all bombs dropped by pigeon scatter; roll turns back halfway, and returns to its owner just as the bomb is
1d10 and consult Table 4-1: Bomb and Incendiary Miss released.
Locations in the Old World Armoury to determine where the

Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Devices of War - The Imperial Armoury

T HE I MPERIAL A RMOURY in Altdorf is little more than an considerable crisis. Every item within the Armoury is unique, each
annexe of the Imperial Palace. The Armoury itself requires very having its own history and its own legacy, not to mention its own
little space, as the weapons and armour within are of the scarcest abilities and peculiar quirks. However, there are a number of items
and most precious kind – magic. like those in the Armoury that exist across the Empire – be they
Guarded at all times by hand-picked members of the in the trophy rooms of noblemen, stored beside the Runefangs of
Reiksguard, the Armoury contains an assortment of accumulated the Electors, or hidden amongst the ruins of ancient cultures.
magical items, granted to important generals in times of need, as Some of these items are easier to come by, and easier to make,
well as those used by the Emperor himself in times of than much of the Armoury‟s contents.

Sword of Fate
Academic Knowledge: Magic
Powers: This enchanted blade is a mundane weapon of its type,
except against a single named being, determined when the
Doom of One
blade was created. Against that particular person, and no- Type: Arcane
one else, the blade gains the Impact quality, deals SB+3 Arcane Language: Magick
damage, and allows the wielder to roll twice and choose Magic: 3
the deadlier result when rolling for the severity Critical XP: 300
Hits. Ingredients: The tears of someone wronged by the intended
History: Swords of Fate are a particular kind of magic weapon, target, the target‟s name inscribed in human blood upon a
or group of similar weapons, enchanted with a specific piece of parchment, and a Best Quality longsword.
and singular purpose in mind – the death of a single Conditions: The ritual must be cast while the sword is being
being. Such weapons are incredibly rare not just because forged, on the metal itself. The caster doesn‟t have to be
of the effort and difficulty of creating them, but because the one creating the sword, but he must be present for
few people possess both the hatred and the means to see the entire process and chanting at key points throughout
such an item made for them. Such items are readily the required time. At least part of the ritual must be
identified by the faint jaundiced tinge to the blade, and performed under the light of Morrslieb when it is full.
the etched name of the intended victim along the Consequences: If the casting roll is failed, the sword is created
weapon‟s length. as normal, but with the caster as its intended target.
Casting Number: 21
The ritual required to create a Sword of Fate is shown below. Casting Time: As long as the sword being enchanted takes to
Note that, while the basic ritual assumes a Longsword, rare make.
variants of the ritual may exist that allow for the creation of Axes Description: The sword, when finished, is a Sword of Fate,
of Fate, or Daggers of Fate... or Weapons of Fate of almost any with the abilities described above.

Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Sword of Righteous Steel

Academic Knowledge: Religion
Powers: This blessed blade is a Best Quality longsword with the
Fast quality that allows the wielder to strike with an
Guide the Blade of the Righteous
unmodifiable WS of 75, regardless of his actual WS. Type: Divine
History: Finely crafted longswords made from Dwarfen steel Arcane Language: Classical, Khazalid (The blessings and
are some of the best weapons money can buy, being hard supplication must be spoken in Classical and in Khazalid
and flexible in a way that human smiths are unable to at different times. There is no penalty for not having
duplicate. The craftsmanship involved in such weapons Arcane Language (Magick) when casting this ritual.
means almost all examples of a Dwarfen steel sword sell Magic: 3
for considerable prices and owning such a weapon is a XP: 300
matter of considerable prestige. To compound matters, Ingredients: A Longsword of Best Quality made from Dwarfen
some Priests of Sigmar know of a lengthy and complex steel with a grip made of Rowan Wood, four pints of
blessing that can enhance the blade even further, making water blessed by a Priest of Sigmar, and a holy symbol of
it strike more swiftly and more accurately, and making Sigmar (can be of any kind – hammer, twin-tailed comet,
such strikes much harder for an enemy to turn aside or griffon, etc) made from silver..
avoid. Such blades, known as Swords of Righteous Steel Conditions: The caster must have Divine Lore (Sigmar) in
are much prized by their owners, most of whom are order to cast this ritual; thus, only Priests of Sigmar can
generals in the Imperial Army. learn and cast it. Further, the Priest casting the ritual
must fast and meditate in seclusion for 72 hours before
The ritual required to create a Sword of Righteous Steel is listed beginning the ritual.
below. There are no known variants to create similarly blessed Consequences: The blessing finds an impurity within either the
weapons of different types. sword or the priest. The sword cracks and shatters, and
then crumbles to worthless dust. The priest gains 1
Weapons and armour made from Dwarfen steel are considered insanity point and must roll on Table 7-5: The Wrath of
to be Best Quality for all game purposes, but any such items are the Gods in the WFRP Rulebook.
unique and must be crafted to order by a Dwarfen smith (Best Casting Number: 28
Quality Dwarfen Craftsman). Casting Time: 12 hours
Description: Upon successful completion of this ritual, the
longsword becomes a Sword of Righteous Steel. Should
the sword ever be broken, the ritual‟s effects end and the
sword loses any special benefits from the ritual. Any
sword used in this ritual, successfully or not, may never
again be used as an ingredient for the ritual.

Bronze Shield
Academic Knowledge: Magic
Powers: This enchanted shield bears powerful spells of
protection, able to turn aside any blow or attack. Against
Protection of Bronze
any melee or ranged attack (but not against spells or non - Type: Arcane
attack forms of damage), a Bronze Shield can deflect the Arcane Language: Magick
attack entirely, with no roll required. A deflected attack Magic: 3
has no effect, as if it had been parried. This power works XP: 300
once, after which the shield becomes a normal shield Ingredients: A shield made of bronze, an uncut diamond
made of bronze. worth at least 250 GC, a miniature duplicate of the shield
History: Shields made of bronze are, for reasons still unknown, made from steel.
able to hold powerful enchantments that protect the Conditions: The caster must have the Arcane Lore (Metal)
wearer for a limited time. Examples of this enchantment talent in order to cast this ritual. Thus, only Gold Wizards
exist in the grimoires of Magister-Alchemists across the can learn and cast it. Further, the shield must be heated in
Empire, and is reputed to be one of the first rituals of its a fire or forge, and quenched in water at the end of the
kind created by the Gold Order. ritual. The fire and the water are not ingredients, so are
not consumed by the ritual, but are essential parts of the
The ritual required to create a Bronze Shield is listed below. For process.
reasons unknown, bronze is the only metal able to hold an Consequences: The shield is rendered soft and useless, as
enchantment like this. There may be spells known to the Elves malleable as mud and unable to retain any particular
that allow for longer protection or on stronger materials, however. form.
Casting Number: 20
Casting Time: 2 hours
Description: Upon successful use of this ritual, the shield used
as a focus becomes a Bronze Shield, as described above.
You may attempt to cast this ritual on the same shield
repeatedly, though the shield will immediately soften and
be rendered useless if you attempt to cast the ritual while
the shield is still holding an enchantment. Each attempt
to „restore‟ the enchantment to a given shield adds a
cumulative +1 to the Casting Number.

Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Academic Knowledge: Magic
Powers: A Luckstone allows a spellcaster to re-roll all of the
dice of his casting roll – all of the dice must be rolled, or
Fortune Bound
none of them. This may prevent automatic failure or Type: Arcane
Tzeentch‟s Curse, but could equally cause them. Arcane Language: Magick
Luckstones may only be used once before their power is Magic: 2
used up. XP: 200
History: Luckstones look mostly innocuous, appearing as Ingredients: An intricate astrological chart drawn up for or by
nothing more than a slightly incandescent stone small the Wizard intending to cast the ritual. The chart must be
enough to fit in the palm of one‟s hand. However, the recent, and requires a successful Academic Knowledge
stones themselves conceal a potent magic. When used by (Science) Test to create. Every degree of success in the
a wizard, the divinatory powers of a Luckstone can help chart‟s creation reduces the Casting Number by 1, but
detect and predict the ebb and flow of the winds of every day since the chart‟s creation increases the Casting
magic, allowing the wizard to wield them more skilfully Number by 1. Additional ingredients are a piece of glass,
and more confidently. a pair of wooden dice and a shallow bowl full of water
which reflects the stars.
The ritual required to create a Luckstone is described below. Conditions: The ritual must be cast at night, under an open
The ritual itself is fairly simple, and one commonly learnt by sky.
Journeyman Apprentices seeking to gain greater control over their Consequences: The caster must roll on the Catastrophic
powers. Chaos Manifestation Table in the WFRP Rulebook (or
the expanded versions in Realms of Sorcery or Tome of
Corruption). Further, for the next day, he must roll a
Chaos Die in addition to all his other dice when he casts
Casting Number: 16
Casting Time: 1 hour
Description: Upon successful use of this ritual, the ingredients
– now soaked in the bowl of water – coalesce into a
single Luckstone.

Crystal Ball
Academic Knowledge: Magic
Powers: A Crystal Ball has little in the way of its own powers.
The object merely serves as a conduit for the Lesser
Clairvoyant Medium
Magic spell „Distant Vision‟ (described below). Some may Type: Arcane
have other powers, depending on the circumstances of Arcane Language: Magick
the ritual used to create them. Magic: 2
History: A sphere of translucent crystal, normally about nine XP: 200
inches across, a Crystal Ball is just one of a wide range of Ingredients: A ball of crystal, mirror, water-filled bowl or
„scrying‟ devices – objects enchanted for the sole purpose other device which either casts a reflection or aids vision.
of gaining glimpses of distant locales. Mirrors of varying Additional ingredients are the eyes of an eagle, eight lit
sizes, water-filled dishes or bowls, sometimes even candles, and a pendant made of cut quartz worth at least
enchanted telescopes (particular popular with Celestial 5 GC.
Wizards). Such items aren‟t plentiful, but the ease of Conditions: This ritual must be cast on a night when Morrslieb
creating such an item compared to other magic items is full.
means that many older wizards will own one of their own Consequences: The caster is given a glimpse of the Realm of
creation, if only to spy on their apprentices. Chaos, and gains 1d10/2 Insanity Points.
Casting Number: 15
The ritual required to create a Crystal Ball is described below. Casting Time: 3 hours
The ritual itself is fairly simple, but using the object requires that Description: Upon successful use of this ritual, the crystal ball,
Lesser Magic (Distant Vision) be learnt as well. bowl, mirror or other focus is permanently enchanted to
serve as a conduit for the Lesser Magic spell „Distant
Vision‟, as described below. Bowls and similar containers
which don‟t reflect on their own must be filled with water
before they function, but the magic itself is in the bowl,
not the water. Should an object break, the ritual‟s effect is
broken. If this ritual is cast on Hexensnacht or
Geheimnisnacht, then the ritual has an additional effect,
determined by rolling on the following table

D100 Roll Additional Effect

01-05 The caster is given a glimpse into the Realm of Chaos. He gains 1d10/5 Insanity Points.
Thousands of random images fill the caster‟s mind, without focus and without meaning. He must pass a Will Power
Test as if affected by the Lore of Shadow spell „Bewilder‟. Unlike the spell, this effect lasts for 2d10 rounds.
16-25 The Crystal Ball can allow the user to glimpse the future. This essentially allows the wizard to use the Lore of Heavens

Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

spell „Omen‟, once per day while carrying or using the Crystal Ball.
26-35 The Crystal Ball allows you to hear the location you‟re looking at, as well as see it.
36-45 The Crystal Ball is far-reaching. It‟s range is ten times that listed in the description for Lesser Magic (Distant Vision)
The Crystal Ball can pierce illusions and deceptions, as if you were using the Lore of Light spell „Eyes of Truth‟ to
observe the area.
The Crystal Ball allows the user to see the spirit world as well as the real world. This is identical to the effects of the
Lore of Death spell „Deathsight‟, focussed on the area being observed.
The Crystal Ball is able to show what it‟s looking at to others, rather than just the caster. Such observers must be
66-75 looking at the Crystal Ball, and cannot control it in any way. Essentially it allows other characters to see what the caster
is looking at.
76-85 Roll twice on this table, ignoring this result.
The caster is closely bonded with the Crystal Ball, giving him clarity and perception beyond the norm. For 100XP, the
caster may purchase the Sixth Sense talent.
The caster is granted a powerful, meaningful prophetic vision. Though he doesn‟t understand it, he knows the vision is
96-00 important and he‟ll understand it when it comes to pass. The caster gains a n additional Fate Point. He may only benefit
from this result once ever.

observed can be no larger than 50 yards across, and is

Lesser Magic: Distant Vision viewed from above as if the caster were standing on a
nearby building or treetop. If the spell is being used to
Casting Number: 12 scry on a person, the area being viewed moves so that the
Casting Time: 10 Minutes person is always at the centre of the vision. If the spell is
Ingredients: Object taken from the location or person to be used on a location, it may be moved nearby, but this
observed (+2) requires a Channelling Test – every degree of success
Description: Using a Crystal Ball or similar scrying device, you allows you to move the vision up to 176 yards (one tenth
can view the events going on in a distant location, or of a mile) from its starting position. This movement may
surrounding a distant person. This person or location be attempted once per round. The spell‟s casting time
must be one you are familiar with, and your power limits represents the entire length of the vision – once the ten
the distance at which you can observe them. If your minutes have passed, the vision fades and you must cast
Magic characteristic is 1, you can only observe people and again in order to see more. You cannot hear any noises
locations within a single mile. A Magic characteristic of 2 from the location being observed – the vision is entirely
extends this to 10 miles, a Magic of 3 to 100 miles and a silent.
Magic of 4 or more to 1,000 miles. The area being

Wizard’s Staff
Academic Knowledge: Magic
Powers: A Wizard‟s Staff allows a spellcaster to use
Channelling as a Free action instead of a Half action.
Arcane Sceptre
Further, the wizard may use the Staff to deliver Touch Type: Arcane
spells instead of his own hands. Arcane Language: Magick
History: Wizards of all kinds and of all races have been using Magic: 2
staves for millennia. Even the Dwarfs, who shun all other XP: 200
magical lore, know of and sometimes utilise rune- Ingredients: These vary depending on the Arcane Lore known
encrusted staves known as „Wands‟ in their language. by the intended caster, as each staff has to be attuned to
Beyond serving as a symbol of office and status for the its owner‟s chosen wind of magic. Each order has its own
arcanists of the world, these staves are powerful version of the ritual requiring different ingredients. See
focussing devices in their own right – the simplest Staffs the sidebar, below, for more specifics. Additionally, the
allow a wizard to draw the winds of magic to him more ritual requires four drops of the caster‟s blood , and,
deftly, while more potent ones allow their wielder to obviously, a Best Quality quarterstaff – some versions of
shield himself from arcane misfortune or bolster the this ritual require specific materials for the staff to be
power of their spells. The most powerful can unleash composed of.
energies of immense magnitude and overwhelming Conditions: The caster must have not eaten or imbibed alcohol
power. As a result of this utility, many Wizards – human for eight hours before attempting to cast this ritual. The
and Elven alike, wield long slender staves when travelling ritual must be performed alone, within one hour of
openly. midnight, when Morrslieb is full.
Consequences: For the next week, the caster must Channel on
The ritual required to create a Wizard‟s Staff is described below. every spell he casts, though he gets no benefit for doing
The ritual itself is fairly simple, and one commonly learnt by so. Failing a Channelling test means the spell does not
Journeyman Apprentices seeking to gain greater control over their work.
powers. This ritual only covers the most basic of staves – more Casting Number: Varies
powerful ones are generally unique items, or at the very least Casting Time: 1 hour
require much more difficult rituals and much more intense Description: Upon successful completion of this ritual, a
research. Wizard‟s Staff is created.

Arcane Ingredients Casting

Lore Number
Beasts Any combination of eight animal totems or fetishes, such as bear claws, raven feathers, etc. The staff must 15
not have been crafted in any way – it must simply be a suitable branch picked up from the ground or rent

Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

from a tree. Finding such a branch is a Challenging (-10%) Outdoor Survival Test.
Death A black thorny rose, an hour glass, and a miniature skull made of amethyst. 16
Fire A metal key heated over a magical fire and a flaming brand. 18
Heavens A lens from a telescope, and a silver icon fashioned in the shape of a crescent moon or a comet. The staff 14
must be made from the wood of a tree that was struck by lightning.
Life The staff must be made of oak. Further, an oak leaf from the same tree the staff is made from, and a sprig of 17
mistletoe cut with a silvered sickle are required.
Light Four white candles, a silver mirror. 18
Metal The staff must be made of metal – though it can be hollow in order to lessen the weight. The ritual requires a 16
mixture of eagle feathers and still-hot coals from a brazier, ground to a powder with a pestle and mortar.
Shadow A miniature sword, blackened by smoke, and a cowl or hood used in a disguise. 15

Laurels of Victory
Academic Knowledge: Magic, History
Powers: Whenever someone wearing Laurels of Victory causes
damage in melee combat, he may make an immediate
Gilded Icon of Triumph
Intimidate test as a free action, with a bonus on the test Type: Arcane
equal to twice the damage caused. This free Intimidate Arcane Language: Magick/Classical
may only be performed once per round; if multiple Magic: 3
damaging blows are struck, use the one that did the most XP: 300
damage when determining the Intimidate test‟s bonus. Ingredients: A horse-shoe shaped wreath make of the
Each example of this item is unique, and will only work interlocking branches and leaves of the Bay Laurel, a
for the intended recipient – if stolen or lost, they will not whetstone used to sharpen the recipient‟s sword the night
work for anyone else. before a battle, a fragment of the banner or standard of
History: Many notable warriors in the Empire have borne a an enemy defeated by the recipient.
laurel wreath into battle, often as part of their heraldry or Conditions: The first two hours of the ritual must be
regimental insignia, and the wreath itself is a common performed in seclusion, with only the caster present. The
symbol of leadership and victory. The Laurels of Victory remaining 6 hours must be performed during a public
continue that tradition. A noted hero, generally a military ceremony honouring the recipient of the Laurels of
commander, may be honoured by the Empire by being Victory, during which the Magister must chant the words
granted a golden laurel wreath enchanted by a Magister of the ritual at regular intervals in both Magick and
from the Orders of Magic. When wearing this object – Classical.
traditionally on top of the helm like a crown – the warrior Consequences: The caster is cursed with bad luck. The caster
gains a startling aspect, becoming more magnificent and is immediately affected by a Fate of Doom spell as if cast
terrible in the eyes of his enemies. Many foes of the on him by a wizard using Lore of Heavens, and may not
Empire have fled at the sight of a warrior wearing Laurels make a Will Power Test to resist the effects. Further, he
of Victory, so intimidating a figure did he present to may not use any Fortune Points he possesses for the next
them. month. Additional inconvenient misfortune seems to seek
out the caster, and affects the caster in a manner decided
The ritual required to create Laurels of Victory is described by the GM.
below. The ritual itself is not commonly known, taught only to a Casting Number: 27
trusted few, and cast only when commanded by the Emperor Casting Time: 8 hours
himself. Note: the item‟s effects are most pronounced and easiest Description: Upon successful completion of this ritual, the laurel
to adjudicate if the GM is using the Advanced Social Conflict wreath takes on a golden hue and becomes Laurels of Victory, as
rules in the WFRP Companion – when these rules are used, treat described above.
the free Intimidate test as a Scare test.

Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Dramatis Personae

The Emperor Karl-Franz Holsweig-Schliestein, Elector Count of the Reikland, Prince of Altdorf
Human (Imperial, Reikland) Male, Captain (ex-Noble Lord, ex-Politician, ex-Noble)
K ARL -F RANZ IS claimed by many to be the finest statesman in the Old World, and is certainly one of the most prominent and
successful of Emperors in recent times, matched only by Magnus the Pious, two hundred years before. His patronage of the arts
and sciences, his support and leadership of the military and his skill as a politician have allowed him to thrive as Emperor, where
many before him have been content to sit back and live lives of indulgence.
Certainly, Emperors of the past have often been of one of two breeds – those who are elected because they are unlikely to
disrupt the scheming and intrigue of the other Electors, and those with the wit and courage to use their power skilfully and al low
the Empire to thrive. To many, Karl-Franz appeared to be of the former variety when elected – an active, and intelligent young
man, but hardly the sort of charismatic leader-of-men that had characterised strong Emperors in the past – but he has since
proven to be a highly capable statesman, and risen to the challenges that have faced the Empire during his reign, not least t he
recent Chaos Incursion from the north.
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
59% 48% 46% 49% 54% 57% 56% 73%
Secondary Profile
3 19 4 4 4 0 2 3

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry, History, Law, Strategy/Tactics +10%), Animal Care, Blather, Charm +20%,
Command +20%, Common Knowledge (Dwarfs, Bretonnia, Kislev, The Empire +10%), Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Evaluate,
Gamble, Gossip +10%, Haggle, Perception, Read/Write +10%, Ride +20%, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Speak Language (Reikspiel
+20%, Classical, Kislev).
Talents: Cool-headed, Disarm, Etiquette, Lightning Parry, Luck, Master Orator, Provincial Expertise (Reikland), Public
Speaking, Specialist Weapon Group (Fencing, Parrying, Cavalry, Two-handed), Strong-minded.
Armour: Best Quality Gromril Full Plate armour.
Armour Points: Head 6, Arms 6, Body 6, Legs 6
Weapons: Ghal Maraz or “Dragon Tooth” (The Reikland Runefang)
Trappings: The Silver Seal, the Reikland, Reiksguard Knights, and his Griffon Deathclaw.

Ghal Maraz
Academic Knowledge: History (Very Easy), Theology (Very Easy), Runes (Easy). Further, anyone attempting an Easy
Common Knowledge (The Empire) Test has heard of Ghal Maraz.
Powers: Ghal Maraz is a Best-Quality Gromril Hammer (Hand Weapon), which means it does SB+1 Damage and adds +5% to
the wielder‟s WS. Further, it is inscribed with the following Permanent Runes: Master Rune of Alaric the Mad, Master
Rune of Skalf Blackhammer and two Runes of Fury.
History: There is likely not a single person in all the Empire who has not heard of Ghal Maraz. Better known to the people of
the Empire as „The Hammer of Sigmar‟, the weapon is legendary, and its likeness is seen in shrines and temples to Sigmar,
and mimicked in the weapons of Sigmar‟s priesthood. The hammer itself – now carried into battle as a symbol of office by
the Emperor – was originally a gift to Sigmar from the Dwarf High-King, Kurgan Ironbeard; a small token of thanks for
saving the Dwarflord‟s life from an Orc warband. When Sigmar left the Empire in 50IC, he took the ha mmer with him, to
return it to its rightful owners. However, some centuries later, emissaries from Karaz -a-Karak arrived in Altdorf, to return
Sigmar‟s Hammer to his people. It has served as a symbol of office for the Emperor ever since.

“Dragon Tooth” The Reikland Runefang

See Realms of Sorcery, page 206.

The Silver Seal

See Realms of Sorcery, page 207.

~ 10 ~
Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Reiksmarshall Kurt Helborg

Human (Imperial) Male, Grandmaster (ex-Captain, ex-Knight of the Inner Circle, ex-Knight, ex-Squire)
R EIKSMARSHALL IS THE title given to the Grand Marshall of the Reiksguard, the Order of Knights sworn to defend the
Emperor. The current bearer of that title is Kurt Helborg, an experienced and skilled general who serves as the Emperor‟s adv isor
and second-in-command in all military matters. So trusted and valued is Helborg that he is permitted to wield the Solland
Runefang, Grudge Settler, in battle.
Helborg‟s prowess as a general and a swordsman are considerable, and he is reckoned by many to be the greatest swordsman in
the Empire – a title hotly contested by Ludwig Schwarzhelm, the Emperor‟s Champion, who is of equally mighty prowess and
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
81% 43% 67% 64% 60% 47% 61% 49%
Secondary Profile
3 18 6 6 5 0 4 3

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry +10%, Religion +10%, Strategy/Tactics +20%), Animal Care, Animal
Training +10%, Charm +10%, Command +20%, Common Knowledge (The Empire +20%, Dwarfs, Bretonnia +20%, Kislev +10%),
Dodge Blow +20%, Gossip, Intimidate, Perception +10%, Read/Write +20%, Ride +20%, Secret Language (Battle Tongue +20%),
Secret Signs (Templar +10%), Speak Language (Reikspiel +20%, Bretonnian, Kislev +10%, Tilean).
Talents: Disarm, Etiquette, Fearless, Fleet Footed, Lightning Parry, Menacing, Seasoned Traveller, Stout-hearted, Specialist
Weapon Group (Cavalry, Flail, Two-handed, Fencing, Parrying), Strong-minded, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun, Very
Strong, Warrior Born.
Armour: Best Quality Full Plate armour.
Armour Points: Head 5, Arms 5, Body 5, Legs 5
Weapons: “Grudge Settler” (The Solland Runefang)
Trappings: Laurels of Victory, Barded Destrier, the Reiksguard

“Grudge Settler” The Solland Runefang

See Realms of Sorcery, page 206.

~ 11 ~
Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Ludwig Schwarzhelm, the Emperor’s Champion

Human (Imperial) Male, Judicial Champion (ex-Veteran, ex-Soldier)
LUDWIG S CHWARZHELM IS the personal champion of Karl-Franz and bearer of the Emperor‟s standard. A towering giant of a
man renowned for his unflinching loyalty, stern deme anour and mighty sword arm, Schwarzhelm upholds the Emperor‟s law in
trial-by-combat, a right held by important nobles accused of disobeying Imperial Law.
Ludwig acts as a reminder of the Emperor‟s authority, travelling the Empire to the courts of the nobi lity to ensure that the
Emperor‟s edicts are obeyed, and his arrival is met with trepidation due to his notoriously inflexible and critical manner to wards
those he views as lacking. When the Emperor travels across the lands of the Empire, Ludwig travels at his side, serving as Karl-
Franz‟ bodyguard.
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
74% 55% 55% 55% 60% 42% 46% 43%
Secondary Profile
3 19 5 5 4 0 3 2

Skills: Common Knowledge (The Empire +10%), Consume Alcohol, Dodge Blow +20%, Gamble, Gossip +10%, Heal,
Intimidate +10%, Perception +20%, Ride, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Speak Language (Reikspiel).
Talents: Disarm, Lightning Parry, Lightning Reflexes, Specialist Weapon Group (Two-handed, Flail, Cavalry, Fencing, Parrying),
Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun, Very Resilient, Warrior Born.
Weapons: Sword of Justice
Armour: Best Quality Full Plate Armour
Armour Points: Head: 5, Arms 5, Body 5, Legs 5
Trappings: Barded Destrier, The Emperor‟s Standard

Sword of Justice
See Realms of Sorcery, page 207

~ 12 ~
Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Volkmar von Hindenstern ‘The Grim’, Grand Theogonist of the Church of Sigmar, Theogonist of the Empire, Arch-
Lector of the West and High Priest of Altdorf
Human (Imperial) Male, High Priest of Sigmar (Order of the Torch) (ex-Anointed Priest, ex-Priest, ex-Initiate)
V OLKMAR „T HE G RIM‟ is one of the most powerful man in the Empire. An Elector in his own right, with his two foremost
subordinates as Electors as well, the Grand Theogonist often casts the deciding votes when electing a new Emperor. Beyond that,
however, he serves as the Emperor‟s chief advisor on spiritual matters as part of the Council of State, and is a close adviso r of
many of the Electors as well.
However, Volkmar‟s time as Grand Theogonist has not been easy. A stern and devout priest of Sigmar, Volkmar nonetheless
had something of a pragmatic streak, demonstrated by his acceptance of the role of the Orders of Magic and his wil lingness to
expose himself to dark and blasphemous tomes in order to find some way to oppose the darkness that was gathering in the north .
The year before Archaon led his hordes south, Volkmar left Altdorf to meet the Chaos Lord head -on. Stood upon the War
Altar that had borne high priests of Sigmar into battle for two centuries, he marched to war alongside a horde of Flagellant and an
army from Talabecland. The army was crushed, the Grand Theogonist‟s body trampled by Archaon‟s steed and hewn by the
Chaos Lord‟s daemonic blade. Shortly after, the old priest‟s body was revived by the Daemon Prince Be‟lakor, and chained to the
Daemon‟s standard before Be‟lakor‟s horde continued to head south. During the invasion, when Be‟lakor‟s armies were assailed
by a force led by the King of Bretonnia, Volkmar broke free from the daemonic banner and set about the creatures surrounding
him with a righteous fury.
Now healed of his injuries, Volkmar has re-assumed his role as Grand Theogonist, having „encouraged‟ Johann Esmer – who
held the position legitimately while Volkmar was dead – to step down. Esmer fled to Marienburg, while Volkmar resumed his
duties. However, his ordeal has taken a toll on his mind, and Volkmar‟s hatred of the forces of Chaos is startling in its fer ocity.
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
57% 51% 51% 49% 53% 59% 69% 65%
Secondary Profile
2 17 5 4 4 3 7 1
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Daemonology, Genealogy/Heraldry, History +20%, Law, Magic +10%, Necromancy, Theology
+20%), Channelling +20%, Charm +20%, Command +20%, Common Knowledge (Dwarfs +20%, The Empire +20%), Drive, Evaluate,
Gossip +20%, Heal, Intimidate, Magical Sense +20%, Perception +10%, Read/Write +20%, Ride, Speak Arcane Language (Magick),
Speak Language (Classical +20%, Kislevarin, Khazalid +10%, Reikspiel +20%)
Talents: Coolheaded, Divine Lore (Sigmar the Anvil), Etiquette, Extra Spell (Blessing of Sigmar, Blessing of Unification, Comet
of Sigmar, Hammer of Sigmar, Heed Not the Witch, Immaculate Flesh, Soulfire, Word of Damnation), Fast Hands, Frenzy, Lesser Magic
(Dispel, Great Preaching, Repel the Unclean, Strengthened Resolve), Lightning Reflexes, Master Orator, Meditation, Mighty Missile, Petty
Magic (Divine), Public Speaking, Schemer, Seasoned Traveller, Strong-minded, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun, Suave, Very Strong,
Warrior Born
Insanities: Profane Persecutions
Weapons: Best-Quality Hand Weapon (Hammer), Staff of Command
Armour: None
Armour Points: Head: 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Trappings: The War Altar, The Jade Griffon, The Horn of Sigismund, the Cult of Sigmar

The Jade Griffon

Academic Knowledge: History (Routine), Theology (Routine)
Powers: The wearer restores 1 wound at the start of each round in combat, so long as the wearer is on the War Altar.
History: This talisman, worn over the Grand Theogonist‟s chest, is said to be carved from a single piece of enchanted jade and
blessed by Magnus the Pious himself. It glows with a fierce inner light and is said to heal the injuries of the bearer. Shards
and carved fragments of the Jade Griffon are often granted to those who have performed some great service for the
Grand Theogonist or the Empire, in the form of protective Jade Amulets.

The Staff of Command

Academic Knowledge: Theology (Average), History (Challenging)
Powers: This is a Quarter-staff which increases the wielder‟s Strength by +20, so long as the wielder is on the War -Altar. It
counts as a hammer for the purposes of the Blessing of Sigmar and Hammer of Sigmar spells.
History: This ornate, hammer-topped staff is the symbol of office of the Grand Theogonist, and a potent weapon in its own
right. Drawing power from the War Altar, it strengthens the wielder in battle, allowing them to smite Sigmar‟s enemies
with greater ease.
~ 13 ~
Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

The Horn of Sigismund

Academic Knowledge: History (Challenging), Theology (Hard)
Powers: When charging on a mount or chariot of some kind (such as the War Altar), this horn can be blown as a free action. If
the horn is blown under these circumstances, the bearer and whatever he is charging on, count as having the Terrifying
trait for that round only.
History: This rune-encrusted horn was a gift to Emperor Sigismund from the Dwarfs after their victory at Grimgrill Dale.
After Sigismund‟s death, the horn passed into the care of the Cathedral of Sigmar in Altdorf, where it has remained ever
since. On the anniversary of Sigismund‟s death, the horn is blown three times from the top of the highest tower of the
Cathedral, in memory of the Emperor who once bore it.

The War Altar of Sigmar

Academic Knowledge: History (Challenging), Theology (Challenging)
Powers: The War Altar follows the rules for vehicles from the Old World Armoury, pages 86 and 87, and is drawn by two
Destriers in Full Plate Barding. Its statistics are below. Due to the War Altar‟s size and the speed at which it can travel, it
inflicts an automatic Damage 5 Impact hit on anyone in the way during a Charge action (use the higher of the two listed
movement values when Charging, and the lower for all other situations), unless the target can pass an Agility test to leap
Further, because it is protected by Sigmar‟s power, all damage inflicted against the Altar itself, the horses pulling it, or the
rider, is reduced by 3, before deductions for toughness bonus and armour, and any attempts to cast a spell at the War
Altar (including the horses or rider) suffer a -2 penalty per casting dice.
Additionally, such is the divine power and sanctity of the Altar that any spells, miracles or prayers cast by a Priest of
Sigmar from the top of the Altar count as having been cast with their ingredients used.
Finally, once per hour, the priest atop the Altar may call forth the power contained within the Golden Griffon. This
allows the priest to cast a single spell from Arcane Lore (Light) as if he knew the spell, using his normal casting dice, the
rules for channelling, etc. Any doubles or triples on the casting roll result in Wrath of the Gods, as if it were a miracle
from a Divine Lore, rather than a spell from an Arcane Lore.
History: Created during the reign of Magnus the Pious, the War Altar is a colossal chariot, ornate and gleaming, with a
towering golden effigy of a Griffon carried upon it. As befits a mobile shrine to Sigmar‟s power, the War Altar, and the
priest atop it, benefits from the Man-God‟s protection, and the prayers and miracles of the Altar‟s rider are strengthened.
From time to time, prominent High Priests of the Church of Sigmar have ridden to war upon the Altar, its presenc e
bolstering the resolve of the soldiers who fight alongside it.

- War Altar of Sigmar Statistics -

4/7 7 60

~ 14 ~
Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Luthor Huss, the Prophet of Sigmar

Human (Imperial, Reikland) Male, Warrior Priest of Sigmar (Order of the Silver Hammer) (ex-Priest, ex-Initiate)
LUTHOR HUSS IS a man driven by his piety. Viewed with scorn by the church hierarchy, Huss was barely tolerated only because
it seemed that the Grand Theogonist approved of the fiery priest‟s methods. However, when the then -deceased Volkmar was
replaced by Johann Esmer as Grand Theogonist, Huss became the most outspoken and fervent critic of Esmer‟s leadership, and
was eventually cast out of the Cult.
Not allowing this to stop his disgust at the corruption rife within the Sigmarite l eadership, Huss continued to preach and
wander the Empire, gathering an army of zealots and fanatics to his cause . Seeking the reborn Sigmar – considered to be a
fanciful notion at worst and a myth at best by most – he eventually came upon the Reikland village of Lachenbad, the source of
many compelling tales of a local blacksmith‟s son by the name of Valten. Seeing within the boy the power of Sigmar, Huss
proclaimed that this was Sigmar reborn and returned, and the two continued to wander the Empire, seeki ng out the threat of
Chaos and rallying like-minded souls around them. Eventually, a vast throng of flagellants and zealots marched on Altdorf, with
Huss and Valten at their head, demanding that the Emperor abdicate and pass the crown to the reincarnated S igmar. Karl-Franz
invited Huss and Valten to speak with him, and considered the matter at length. Eventually, the Emperor found a compromise.
Valten was Sigmar‟s Chosen, and granted Sigmar‟s Hammer to wield in the coming crisis .
With Valten‟s passing at the end of the recent Chaos Incursion, Luthor Huss wanders the Empire at Karl -Franz‟ command,
preaching that Sigmar will return once more when the Empire needs Him, and waging his own personal war against the darkness
that assails Sigmar‟s Empire.
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
58% 43% 46% 44% 44% 45% 56% 54%
Secondary Profile
2 17 4 4 4 2 5 2
Skills: Academic Knowledge (History, Strategy/Tactics +10%, Theology +20%), Channelling +10%, Charm +10%, Command
+20%, Common Knowledge (Dwarfs +20%, The Empire +20%), Dodge Blow, Gossip, Heal, Magical Sense +10%, Perception,
Read/Write, Ride +10%, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Speak Arcane Language (Magick +10%), Speak Language (Classical +10%,
Khazalid +10%, Reikspiel +20%)
Talents: Armoured Caster, Divine Lore (Sigmar the Hammer), Extra Spell (Blessing of Sigmar, Heart of the Gryphon, Heed Not
the Witch, Vanquish), Lesser Magic (Dispel, Great Preaching), Master Orator, Meditation, Petty Magic (Divine), Provincial Expertise
(Reikland), Public Speaking, Specialist Weapon Group (Two-handed), Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Suave, Very Strong, Warrior
Insanities: Delirious Saviour
Special Rules:

The Chosen of Sigmar: Luthor Huss is one of Sigmar‟s chosen servants in the Empire, and the Man-God‟s power
wreathes the priest, warding him from harm. Luthor Huss permanently has the benefits of an Armour of
Righteousness spell, granting him an extra +1 armour points to all locations.

Grave Reputation: Luthor Huss has gained a reputation for brutality and violent zeal that precedes him, and even those
not aware of his identity can clearly see the glint of deadly piety in his eyes as he approaches. Luthor Huss has the
Fearsome trait.
Weapons: Great Weapon
Armour: Sleeved Mail Coat, Breastplate, Plate Bracers.
Armour Points: Head: 1, Arms 5, Body 5, Legs 3
Trappings:, Plate barded warhorse, icon of Sigmar, various personal possessions.

~ 15 ~
Nathan “N0-1_H3r3” Dowdell

Version 2, 20 November 2007

Supreme Patriarch Balthasar Gelt, Magister-Patriarch of the Gold Order

Human (Borderlands) Male, Wizard Lord (ex-Master Wizard, ex-Journeyman Wizard, ex-Scholar, ex-Apprentice Wizard, ex-
For two centuries, the Colleges of Magic have stood in Altdorf, training Magisters to wield th e Winds of Magic in defence of
the Empire. Since their founding in IC2304, one of their number has served as the Order‟s leader and representative in the
Emperor‟s court, advising the Emperor on all matters arcane and magical and passing back any of the Em peror‟s edicts that relate
to the Orders themselves. Every eight years, a new Supreme Patriarch is elected with a series of formal magical duels from
amongst the foremost Magisters and Lord-Magisters of the eight Orders.
Since IC2513, the role of Supreme Patriarch has been filled by Balthasar Gelt of the Gold Order, who defeated his predecessor,
Magister-Patriarch Thyrus Gormann of the Bright Order, in a spectacular display of magical prowess. Almost killed in a magical
experiment some years before he ascended to the rule of Supreme Patriarch, he is constantly concealed behind heavy robes and a
golden mask, leading to speculation about what the accident did to him. Gelt‟s fierce intellect and i nsatiable curiosity have made
him hugely successful, gaining even the support of the College of Engineers, who are traditionally scornful of magic, with hi s
experiments into the refinement of gunpowder and his mastery of Alchemy.
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
46% 46% 38% 55% 54% 76% 79% 50%
Secondary Profile
1 17 3 5 4 4 8 3

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Science +20%, Magic +20%, Philosophy +10%, Runes +10%, History), Channelling +20%,
Charm +10%, Common Knowledge (Border Princes, The Empire +10%, The Wasteland, Dwarfs, Elves), Evaluate, Gossip, Intimidate
+10%, Magical Sense +20%, Perception +20%, Read/Write +20%, Ride, Search, Speak Arcane Language (Magick +20%, Arcane Elf),
Speak Language (Reikspiel +20%, Classical +20%, Tilean +10%, Estalian +10%).
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Arcane Lore (Metal Elemental), Coolheaded, Extra Spell (Breach the Unknown, Fault of Form,
Fool‟s Gold, Inscription, Law of Form, Law of Age, Rigidity of Body and Mind, Secret Rune, Stoke the Forge, Tale of Metal), H ardy,
Lesser Magic (Dispel, Aethyric Armour, Blessed Weapon, Magic Alarm, Move, Silence), Linguistics, Meditation, Mighty Missile, Night
Vision, Petty Magic (Arcane), Savvy, Seasoned Traveller, Strong-minded, Super numerate, Very Resilient.
Weapons: Best-Quality Hand Weapon (Sword), Staff of Volans
Armour: None
Armour Points: Head: 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Trappings: The Cloak of Molten Metal, Amulet of Sea Gold, assorted elixirs and potions, assorted Grimoires, a Pegasus.

Staff of Volans
Academic Knowledge: History (Hard), Magic (Average)
Powers: The Staff of Volans adds +1 per casting dice to any attempts to cast spells that the bearer makes. In addition, it allows
the bearer to ignore the first instance of Tzeentch‟s Curse he suffers each day. It is otherwise a Best Quality Quarterstaff.
History: This staff belonged to the Elfmage Yrtle, who fought and died in the Great War Against Chaos in the early 24 th
century. It was later given by Teclis to Volans, the first Supreme Patriarch of the Orders of Magic, and has been passed
down from one Supreme Patriarch to the next over the centuries, serving as a symbol of office. Lord Magisters duel for
the honour of bearing the staff and the office it represents every eight years .

The Cloak of Molten Metal

Academic Knowledge: Magic (Challenging)
Powers: All missile attacks made against the wearer or his mount suffer an additional -30% penalty on the to-hit roll.
History: This mystic robe creates a shimmering series of images of the wearer and his mount, forever rotating in a dazzling
whirlwind of colours, confusing the aim of any who seeks to shoot them.

Amulet of Sea Gold

Academic Knowledge: Magic (Challenging)
Powers: This amulet confers the Resistance to Magic talent upon the wearer and his mount.
History: An ancient Elven heirloom found by Balthasar in the ruins of one of the abandoned colonies of the Elves o n the
Estalian coast.

~ 16 ~

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