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Evolutionary Psychology

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Question 1

First of the competing hypotheses postulated by evolutionary psychologists when

considering warfare supports the tendency to perceive sharp distinctions between in-groups and

out-group members is crucial to forming enduring or coming together to create coalitions. It

states that out-group members are treated less charitably, with their misfortunes being attributed

to the personal failings or the problems which face the group members. In contrast, the

weaknesses of in-group members are constantly put down to bad luck (Workman & Reader,

2014, p. 238 ). This hypothesis can be examined using the random allocation of schoolboys into

artificial groups, which are then split up and given exercises to complete.

The other hypothesis by Wilson argues that small, highly related groups of intelligent and

long-lived individuals can make for a well-developed system of mutual aid when there is a

downside to such a system (Workman & Reader, 2014, p. 238). This hypothesis can be examined

by having selective pressures, which would lead to spotting cheats within the group and allow

elimination if the cheat is not reciprocating to the other group members.

Question 2

In the first case, a man saves his son from a burning building is not a case of true

altruism. True altruism from this context is considered to be doing something for another person

and getting nothing in return, and in this case, the man saves his son, so he expects to feel well

because his son survives and does not lose him. So, this case is not an act of true altruism. In the

second case, a man saving his friend from a burning building is not an act of true generosity

because he knows the person, and he will be rewarded by not losing his friend. True altruism

advocates that the act has to be detrimental and a selfless act, but this does not qualify as true


In the third case, a woman gives all of her savings to charity, and this can be considered

an act of true altruism that rarely exists. Here, the woman helps other people she does not know,

and she is left with nothing. This means that the act will benefit other individuals at a cost to

herself. The last case in which a pop star adopts and raises a child from a poor undeveloped

country is not an act of true altruism because still the pop star will be afforded the good life they

were used to before even after adopting this kid.

Question 3

From table 8.1, the case of reciprocity I choose is one on Olive baboons who are taking

turns helping each other in estrus. The main observation which can be made from this reciprocity

example is that this is reciprocal altruism (Workman & Reader, 2014, p. 223). This is because it

is a beneficial act which is an apparent self-sacrificing behavior occurring outside the family

context, and that the aid is returned. The observations made here are that the baboons can

recognize each other to be able to reciprocate and thus be able to detect cheats. Another

observation that can be made is that these olive baboons have a long lifespan. They may

repeatedly encounter specific individuals and thereby allow for reciprocation incidents to occur

more often between them.

Question 4

Wilson suggesting that xenophobia may be in our genes is entirely wrong and uncalled.

This argument on xenophobia is a compassionate one and needs to be addressed with caution

because it is one of the leading causes of in-fighting among most communities. But Wilson

stated that xenophobia might have originated from our past ancestral lineages is not something to

appreciate, but something of dire consequences. This reason does not commit us to develop such

feelings today or later because genes are not the reason for having such intentions of pushing. It

can reach a point that the development of racist attitudes be predetermined by how they behave

and interact with another group. So basically, arguing that xenophobia is present in genesis is a

lie and a contradictory statement that is uncalled for and always brews the racist attitudes more

and more. While people are being educated on shunning xenophobia and the related racist

violence, this one seems to be driving the force further to our people. This may only slow down

the fight towards these racist attitudes shortly with people like Wilson around.


Workman, L., & Reader, W. (2014). Evolutionary psychology: An Introduction (3rd ed.).

Cambridge University Press.

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