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Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317


Dynamic Market-Based Generation-Transmission Expansion

Planning Considering Fixed Series Compensation Allocation
M. Zeinaddini-Meymand1 • M. Pourakbari-Kasmaei2 • M. Rahmani3 •

A. Abdollahi1 • M. Rashidinejad1

Received: 10 August 2016 / Accepted: 21 July 2017 / Published online: 19 September 2017
 Shiraz University 2017

Abstract This paper presents a market-based multi-period List of symbols

generation-transmission expansion planning (GTEP) along
with fixed series compensation (FSC) allocation. FSCs can Variables
dispatch power more efficiently over the transmission ptie
Dnm Power consumed by mth block of nth consumer in
network as well as trading opportunities for market par- scenario i, condition e, and year t
ticipants and thus improve market surplus and reduce the ptie
Ghj Power generated by jth block of hth generator in
total transmission investment. The proposed planning may scenario i, condition e, and year t
tie Power flowed in rth line of corridor p - q in
accordingly enhance network efficiency and improve social fpq;r
welfare for all participants. The proposed model is struc- scenario i, condition e, and year t
tie0 Power flowed in existing line p - q in scenario i,
tured as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) fpq
problem. The CPLEX solver, as a commercial solver, is condition e, and year t
used to solve this MILP problem. Moreover, to find a htie
The angel at bus p in scenario i, condition e, and
reliable and viable optimal topology, N - 1 security cri- year t
terion is employed through the proposed model. This cri- Ptie
Gh Power generated by hth generator in scenario i,
terion is used to take into account any unanticipated condition e, and year t
operating condition due to unexpected transmission line Ptie
Dn Power consumed by nth demand center in scenario
failures. The proposed model is applied to the Garver and i, condition e, and year t
tie0 Variable used in linearization of power flow in the
IEEE 24-bus systems as well-known systems to show the dpq;a
effectiveness of FSC in dynamic GTEP. existing lines, scenario i, condition e, and year t
Variable used in linearization of power flow in the
Keywords Dynamic generation-transmission expansion rth prospective lines, scenario i, condition e, and
planning  Fixed series compensation  Social welfare  year t
Mixed integer linear programming
Global variables
ntpq;r Binary variable presenting rth transmission lines
installed in corridor p - q and year t
ythj Binary variable presenting jth generating unit
& M. Zeinaddini-Meymand installed in bus i and year t utpq;r;a Binary variable presenting ath FSC installed in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar
rth prospective transmission line and year t
University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran ut0
Binary variable presenting ath FSC installed in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Sao Paulo State
existing transmission line between node p - q and
University, São Paulo, SP, Brazil year t
Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

306 Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317

Constants 1 Introduction
xi The weighting factor of scenario i
ltiDnm Bid for mth block of nth demand in scenario i and In the past, centralized models addressed the network
year t expansion problem aimed at minimizing the investment
lGhj Offer for jth block of hth generator scenario i and cost (Romero et al. 2002; Rahmani et al. 2013a, b). With
year t restructuring of electricity industry, new expansion models
cpq;r Transposed vector of the investment costs of new have been introduced. In these models, some issues such as
transmission lines the market participants’ strategies [generation companies
chj Transposed vector of the investment costs of new (GENCOs), load serving entities (LSEs), and transmission
generating units companies (TRANSCOs)], congestion, and security criteria
a Adjustment factor for costs of planning and are considered as the main components of the long-term
operation planning problem (Khodaei et al. 2010; Alguacil et al.
xpq Reactance of corridor p - q 2003). Therefore, generation and transmission expansion
0 Transmission line in the initial topology
npq planning considering the entire network social welfare
M Big enough positive constant maximization is one of the most challenging and decision-
fpq Maximum power flow in one of the lines in corridor making activity problems in power system (Hooshmand
p-q et al. 2012; Roh et al. 2009), and it plays an important role
pGhj Size of jth block of hth generator in operation-based tools, which are the core of a power
pmax Maximum generation of hth generator system (Pourakbari-Kasmaei and Rashidi-Nejad 2011).
e In a restructured electric industry, generation and
kpq A binary parameter presenting contingency in
transmission expansion are usually handled by a central-
condition e
ized entity (e.g., ISO) to obtain the most economical and
Ue A binary parameter of allocation FSC for existing
reliable expansion (Roh et al. 2009). In other words,
transmission systems should be developed to remove
Up A binary parameter of allocation FSC for candidate
transmission congestion and provide fair access for all
market participants (Shrestha and Fonseka 2004). Con-
pa Compensation level of ath FSC for corresponding
structing new transmission lines is difficult due to geo-
graphical problems, high investment cost, and severe
Ca Ratio of ath FSC’s investment cost to investment
reduction in social welfare (de la Torre et al. 2008).
cost of corresponding line
Power system planning is the science of determining the
I Discount rate
optimal place, size, and time for adding new facilities to
t0 Base year
power systems. In the previous literature, different models
have been proposed to solve transmission expansion
planning (TEP) problem (Rahmani et al. 2013a, b). Orfanos
E Set of all system conditions, i.e., e0 normal condition,
et al. (2013) proposed an efficient approach for proba-
e1 contingency occurred on existing lines, and e2
bilistic transmission expansion planning that considers load
contingency occurred on prospective lines
and wind power generation uncertainties. The Benders
e01 Set of all corridors that includes contingency in
decomposition algorithm in conjunction with Monte Carlo
existing lines
simulation is used to tackle the proposed probabilistic TEP.
e1 Set of all corridors that includes contingency in
In Akbari and Tavakoli-Bina (2014), TEP is solved using
prospective lines
the AC optimal power flow (AC-OPF) to provide accurate
cc Set of all scenarios
picture of power flow compared to the DC optimal power
cN Set of all nodes of network
flow. Also, uncertainties about future electricity demand,
ck Set of all transmission lines, existing and prospective
fuel prices, greenhouse gas emissions, as well as possible
cr Set of all prospective transmission lines in corridor
disruptions can be incorporated in the planning models
(Seddighi and Ahmadi-Javid 2015). Improved heuristic
ch Set of all blocks of hth generating unit
algorithms have been used for the solution of the power
cG Set of indices of the generating units
system planning. In Georgilakis (2010), market-based
cn Set of all blocks of nth demand
transmission expansion planning as a complex mixed
cD Set of indices of the demands
integer non-linear programming problem is solved via
A Set of all candidate FSCs indexed by a
improved differential evolution algorithm. The main
T Set of all years of the planning horizon
objective is to obtain the optimal decision to minimize the

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317 307

overall generation and transmission cost for market par- necessity of constructing parallel transmission lines with
ticipants considering pricing and investment. The global high investment cost (Rahmani et al. 2013a, b). In other
optimum solution is obtained through the proposed algo- words, FSCs can redistribute the power flow to use the
rithm with some improvements to increase the diversity of remaining capacity of transmission lines and increase
population and prevent the premature convergence. In competition between market participants. Considering
some works, short-term operating problems are incorpo- FSCs in transmission planning results in a different grid
rated in long-term planning problems. In Koltsaklis and topology at much lower cost due to better utilization of the
Georgiadis (2015) unit commitment problem is incorpo- whole transfer capacity of the network, meaning that, with
rated into the long-term planning horizon to determine the a small investment in FSCs, significant improvement in
optimal capacity additions, electricity market clearing social welfare can be achieved.
prices, and daily operational planning of the studied power Several flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) can
system. The heuristic-based algorithms, such as simulated be used to redistribute the power in the transmission system
annealing and genetic algorithm have been widely used to but among them FSCs are cost-effective and more suit-
solve GTEP problem (Da Silva et al. 2000; Sun and Yu able for redistributing the power in transmission system
2000; Braga and Saraiva 2005; Kandil et al. 2001). The (Rahmani et al. 2013a, b). In Rahmani et al. (2013a, b),
power system planning models are mixed integer linear besides considering some of the benefits and drawbacks of
programming. Therefore, there is a wide tendency to solve FSCs, the effects of their installation on planning project,
these problems based on mathematical optimization, such in monopoly environment, have been investigated. In
as linear programming, Bender’s decomposition, and bi- deregulated environment, ISO can install FSCs along with
level optimization (Sanchez-Martin et al. 2005; Garver transmission planning for better utilization of existing
1970; Lee et al. 1974; Choi et al. 2005a, b; Lu et al. 2005). transmission infrastructures and lowering the overall
Some issues such as reliability and security constraints and transmission investments. However, these problems have
uncertainties were considered in market-based power sys- feasible solutions, and with technological advances in
tem planning (Buygi et al. 2004a, b, c, d), where the protection system, there is no fear of using series com-
stochastic planning is also one of the most important issues pensation in a transmission system.
in power system planning (Akbari et al. 2011). In some In this paper, a dynamic (multi-year) model for the
works such as Shayeghi et al. (2008), new points of view transmission expansion problem considering inclusion of
have been taken into account, a decimal codification FSCs in a pool-based electric energy market is presented.
genetic algorithm (DCGA) has been used to consider the In this model, the network topology, generator offers, and
inflation rate and load growth factor on network losses, demand bids are taken into account. Moreover, the
where the social welfare and better expansion planning can improvement of social welfare as a result of transmission
be a byproduct. expansion planning via inclusion of FSCs is investigated.
Nowadays, some short-term practical issues such as FSCs as a short-term solution for the power system prob-
transmission switching and installing compensation devi- lems are integrated in the multistage transmission expan-
ces can be considered for better utilization of the existing sion planning, when the horizon of planning is divided in
transmission network, delaying the construction of new several stages (Escobar et al. 2004). In each planning stage,
lines, and even improving social welfare (Khodaei et al. FSCs can be integrated into the system to increase com-
2010). In Blanco et al. (2009), a new framework is pre- petition between market participants as well as to lower the
sented for assessing flexible investment within the trans- necessity of constructing many transmission lines, which
mission expansion planning under uncertainties. In this results in a significant decrease in both the investment cost
model, gaining flexibility by investing in FACTS devices, and the construction time.
the expansion investments in transmission lines are defer- This paper proposes a mixed integer linear programming
red. In other words, a suitable combination between lines for multi-period framework in which market-based GTEP
and FACTS devices can lead to flexible investment in along with FSC allocation is considered. The main con-
small scale, instead of large investments in transmission tributions of this paper are as follows:
expansion projects. In Miasaki and Romero (2007), a
1. To consider integrated generation and transmission
developed mathematical model of TEP considers the
expansion planning. In this paper new generating units
installation of series compensation devices. In this model,
are constructed so that the profits of LSEs and
the solution obtained by a specialized genetic algorithm
GENCOs are maximized.
supplies the amount and the location where new trans-
2. To propose a robust mixed-integer linear programming
mission lines and series compensation devices must be
model for multi-period GTEP. In this model three
installed. However, installing fixed series compensators
operating periods are incorporated with different
(FSCs) in new transmission lines can eliminate the

308 Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317

lifetime design: (a) hourly market structure (b) short-

Demand Coefficient
term planning related to FSC lifetime, and (c) long-
term transmission expansion planning.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the model features. In Sect. 3 the mathematical
model for dynamic generation-transmission expansion plan-
ning incorporating FSC is described. Section 4 describes

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Scenario 4
some metrics to analyze the solution of expansion with respect
to using FSCs. The proposed methodology is applied to case
studies in Sect. 5. Section 6 provides the concluding remarks.

Fig. 1 Annual load duration curve

2 Model Features
3 Mathematical Modeling
2.1 Market Model
This section presents multi-period GTEP with allocation of
The proposed model is a perfectively competitive energy FSC in a competitive pool-based market environment. The
market-based GTEP model with allocation of FSCs, where aims of the proposed model are to determine when and
GENCOs and LSEs make their offers and bids in an where new facilitates should be installed. New facilities
electricity pool. It is assumed that no market power can be support future increases in demand and also ensure reliable
applied in this system and GENCOs and LSEs submit their operation of the power system under normal and contin-
offers and bids according to their true cost and utility gency conditions. For the sake of simplicity, the model is
functions, respectively. The ISO will coordinate expansion prepared in three sections; objective function by (1), con-
of the transmission system and generating units considering tingency-independent constraints by (2)–(11), and contin-
offers and bids of market participants (De la Torre et al. gency-dependent constraints by Eqs. (12)–(37).
2008). The main objective of GENCOs and LSEs is to ( !!
X X X X ltiD ptie X X ltiGhj ptie
obtain maximum profit through an optimal power systems wi nm Dnm Ghj
max tt0  tt0
planning, while the objective of ISO is maximizing the 8t2T 8i2ci 8n2cD 8m2cn ð1 þ IÞ 8h2cG 8j2ch ð1 þ IÞ
social welfare (Buygi et al. 2004a; Fang and Hill 2003). X
T X cpq;r ntpq;r  nt1 X  
Indeed, an expansion in transmission network may influ- a@ tt0 þ cpq;r ntpq;r

t¼t0 þ1 8r2ck ð1 þ IÞ 8r2ck

ence the profit of market participants.
This model maximizes the social welfare and ensures X
T X chj ythj  yt1
hj X  
proper operation of the system in normal and contingency þ þ chj ythj0
ð1 þ IÞtt0
t¼t0 þ1 8r2ck 8r2ck
conditions for each demand scenario. The aims of the 0 0  
0 ðtÞ0 ðt1Þ0
proposed model are to simultaneously construct transmis- XT X cpq npq upq;a  upq;a
sion lines as well as to generate units and allocate FSCs to þ Ca @ @
t¼t0 þ1 8ðpqÞ2ck ð1 þ IÞtt0
satisfy the future increases in energy demand while a  1
reliable operation of the system in normal and contingency X cpq;r utpq;r;a  ut1 pq;r;a
þ A
conditions is ensured. 8r2ck ð1 þ IÞtt0
X   X   =
2.2 Load Behavior þ 0 ðt0 Þ0
cpq npq upq;a þ cpq;r upq;r;a AA

8ðpqÞ2c 8r2c
k k

According to Fig. 1, the annual load duration curve is used Subject to :

with multiple demand blocks to model demand behavior
during one typical year of network operation and it is X
extended to whole planning horizon. Each demand block is uðtÞ0
pq;a  Ue ; f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8ðtÞ 2 T g ð2Þ
considered as a scenario that represents hours with the a2A
same amount of demand and the amount of demand level
uðtÞ0 ðt1Þ0
pq;a  upq;a  0; f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8ðtÞ 2 T g ð3Þ
as demand coefficient is used as the weight of each sce-
nario in the objective function. Therefore, social welfare is utpq;r;a  Up ntpq;r ; f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8ðtÞ 2 T g ð4Þ
maximized through all scenarios. a2A

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317 309
utpq;r;a  ut1
pq;r;a  0; f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8ðtÞ 2 T g ð5Þ  pq;a 
   n0pq uðtÞ0 max
pq;a fpq ;
  xpq pa 
upq;a  utpq;r;a   1  ntpq;r ; f8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 E; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; for ðpqÞ 6¼ e0l ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg
f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; r ¼ 1; 8a 2 A; 8ðtÞ 2 T g ð20Þ
 t  d    
upq;r1;a  utpq;r;a   1  ntpq;r ;  pq;a 
ð7Þ    n0pq  1 uðtÞ0 max
pq;a fpq ;
f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8a 2 A; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg xpq pa 
ntpq;r1  ntpq;r  0; f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg ð8Þ f8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 e1 ; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; for ðpqÞ ¼ e0l ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg
ntpq;r  nt1
pq;r  0; f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg ð9Þ  
 tie tie tie tie 
ythj  yt1
hj  0; f8j 2 ch ; 8i 2 cc ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg ð10Þ xpq fpq;r  dpq;a;r  hp  hq   M 1  ntpq;r ;
! a2A
XX f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8i 2 cc ; 8r 2 cr ; 8e 2 E; for ðpqÞ 6¼ el ; 8ðtÞ
ntpq;r þ n0pq  1  0; f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg 2 Tg
t2T r2ck
X X  X     
ntpq;r ¼ 0; f8ðpqÞ 2 ck g ð12Þ  e 
xpq fpq;r  dtie
pq;a;r  h tie
p h tie
q 1k pq  M 1n t
pq;r ;
t2ðt1 ;t2 ;...;tg Þ r2ck  a2A

X X X X X f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ;8i 2 cc ;8e 2 e2 ; for ðpqÞ ¼ el ;8ðtÞ 2 Tg
tie tie te0
fpqr  fpqr þ fpq þ ptie
Gh ¼ ptie
Dn ;
8p¼s 8q¼s 8ðpqÞ2ck 8h2cG 8n2cD ð23Þ
s ; 8i 2 cc ; 8s 2 cN ; 8e 2 E; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg  tie 
fpq;r   ntpq;r fpq
X f8i 2 cc ; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8e 2 E; for ðpqÞ 6¼ el ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg
xpq fpq  dtie0
pq;a ¼ n0pq ðhtie
p  htie
q Þ; f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8i ð24Þ
2 cc ; 8e 2 E; for ðpqÞ 6¼ e0l ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg  tie  e
fpq;r   1  kpq ntpq;r fpq
ð14Þ f8i 2 cc ; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8e 2 e2 ; for ðpqÞ ¼ el ; 8ðtÞ ð25Þ
X 2 Tgð24Þ
xpq fpq  dtie0 0 tie tie
pq;a ¼ ðnpq  1Þðhp  hq Þ;  
a2A  dtie   
f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 e1 ; for ðpqÞ ¼ e0l ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg  tie pq;r;a 
fpq;r    1  utpq;r;a fpq
 xpq pa 
  f8i 2 cc ; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8e 2 E; for ðpqÞ 6¼ el ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg
fpq   n0pq fpq
; ð26Þ
f8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 E; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; for ðpqÞ 6¼ e0l ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg  
 tie pq;r;a  e
ð16Þ fpq;r    1  kpq 1  utpq;r;a fpq
 xpq pa 
 tie0  f8i 2 cc ; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8e 2 e2 ; for ðpqÞ ¼ el ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg
fpq   ðn0pq  1Þfpq
; f8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 e1 ; 8ðpqÞ
2 ck ; for ðpqÞ ¼ e0l ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg ð27Þ
ð17Þ dtie   
     utpq;r;a fpq
 tie0   xpq pa  ð28Þ
 tie0 dpq;a 
fpq    ðn0pq Þð1  ut0 max
pq;a Þfpq ; f8i 2 cc ;8ðpqÞ 2 ck ;8e 2 E; for ðpqÞ 6¼ el ;8ðtÞ 2 Tg
 xpq pa 
f8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 E; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; for ðpqÞ 6¼ e0l ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg dtie   
 pq;r;a  e
   1  kpq utpq;r;a fpq
ð18Þ  xpq pa 
 tie0     f8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 ce ; for ðpqÞ ¼ el ; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8e
 tie0 dpq;a 
fpq    n0pq  1 1  uðtÞ0 max
pq;a fpq ; 2 e2 ; 8ðtÞ 2 T
 xpq pa  X
f8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 e1 ; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; for ðpqÞ ¼ e0l ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg ptie
Gh ¼ ptie
Ghj ; f8h 2 cG ; 8i 2 cc ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg ð30Þ

310 Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317

0  ptie t max
Ghj  yhj pGhj ; f8j 2 ch ; 8i 2 cc ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg ð31Þ operative during the whole planning horizon. Due to lack
of information for the line lengths in the system data, FSCs
0  ptie max
Gh  pGh ; f8h 2 cG ; 8i 2 cc ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg ð32Þ are installed in the lines with a reactance greater than 0.05
ptie ptie pu. Therefore, Ue and Up, as binary parameters, are set to 1
Dn ¼ Dnm ; f8n 2 cD ; 8i 2 cc ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg ð33Þ
8m2cn if the reactance of the corresponding line is greater than
0.05 pu.
0  ptie max
Dnm  pDnm ; f8m 2 cn ; 8i 2 cc ; 8ðtÞ 2 T g ð34Þ Constraints (6) and (7) enforce installing the same
  FSCs in the existing and prospective lines for power flow
hp  htie
q   h; f8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8i 2 cc ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg ð35Þ
balancing in parallel lines. Constraint (6) is applied to the
  corridors with the existing lines in base topology, i.e.,
hp  htie e
q   hþMkpq ;
ð36Þ n0pq  1. Constraint (6) ensures that no FSC is installed in
f8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 e1 ; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg candidate lines without installing FSC in similar existing
 tie  lines. In addition, note that constraint (7) enforces the
hp  htie
q   hþM 1  npq;r ;
ð37Þ same FSCs installation in similar prospective lines in a
f8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 e0 ; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8ðtÞ 2 Tg corridor.
hp  htie
q   h þ M 1  n t
pq;r 1  k e
pq ;
3.2.2 Prospective Line Installation Constraints
f8i 2 cc ; 8e 2 e2 ; 8ðpqÞ 2 ck ; 8ðtÞ 2 T g
Constraint (8) guarantees installing prospective lines
sequentially. Constraints (9) and (10) guarantee that an
3.1 Objective Function of Proposed Model
installed line and generating unit remain operative during
the planning horizon. Constraint (11) expresses that by a
In (1), the total social welfare is maximized under normal and
line outage, sum of the other lines (existing and prospec-
contingency conditions and is weighted for different scenarios
tive) in corridor p - q must be greater than or equal to
over the planning horizon. Total social welfare is comprised of
zero. Constraint (12) enforces that no new lines can be built
two main terms: (a) market social welfare (i.e., the aggregated
during the first g years of the planning horizon.
demand bid function minus the aggregated generator offer
function) and (b) investment costs of new lines and FSCs. The
3.3 Contingency-Dependent Constraints
market social welfare is considered for one typical operation
year, while investments are considered over the planning
3.3.1 Power Flow Constraints
horizon. Therefore, a simulates the ratio between the invest-
ments and the annual scenario-weighted social welfare and
Constraint (13) satisfies power balance in all nodes under
makes them comparable using ð1þIÞtt0 1
. In Rahmani et al. normal and contingency conditions and in scenario i. qie s,
(2013a, b), a global investment cost has been considered for as a dual variable of the power balance constraint, is the
FSCs in US$/MW that contains the cost of capacitors. To nodal price at bus s in scenario i, in normal condition of
calculate the Ca, as a constant coefficient, the cost of FSCs is the system. Constraints (14) and (15) enforce the Kirch-
divided by the cost of the line as follows: hoff’s voltage law (KVL) to non-outage existing trans-
FSC investment cost per km mission lines under all conditions, and existing
Ca ¼ : ð39Þ transmission lines in contingency conditions, respectively,
Line investment cost per km
in scenario i.
The third term of the objective function stands for cal- In constraints (14) and (15), FSC reduces line reactance
culating the cost of FSCs, multiplying Ca by transmission as follows:
line investment cost for the existing and candidate lines. The  
objective function is subjected to the following constraints. n0pq htie
p  htie
fpq ¼  P : ð40Þ
xpq 1  s2S pa ut0 pq;a
3.2 Contingency Independent Constraints
Equation (40) can be re-rewritten as follows:
3.2.1 FSC Installation Constrains X  
tie0 tie0 tie tie
xpq fpq  xpq fpq pa ut0
pq;a ¼ n 0
pq h p  h q : ð41Þ
Constraints (2) and (4) ensure that one of the FSCs with s2S

equal compensation level can be installed in the existing t0

Multiplying a binary variable, upq,a , and a continuous
and prospective transmission lines, respectively. Con- tie0
variable, fpq , makes (41) nonlinear; therefore, to linearize
straints (3) and (5) guarantee that an installed FSC remains

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317 311

(41), a new continuous variable, dtie0 tie0 t0

pq;a ¼ xpq pa fpq upq;a , is
3.3.2 Generation (Consumption) Limit Constraints
used. Finally, linear form of (40) can be expressed con-
sidering (14)–(21) to study the effect of FSCs on planning Constraints (30) and (33) represent the total power gener-
problem under all system conditions. Constraints (16)–(21) ated by each generator and the total power consumed by
are used to apply the power flow in the existing transmis- each consumer, respectively. Constraints (31) and (34)
sion lines under all system conditions and scenario i. Con- determine the size of the blocks of the generators and the
straints (16) and (17) enforce maximum permissible power demands in each scenario, respectively. Constraint (32)
flow in the existing transmission lines in normal and con- enforces generator output to generate within a certain range
tingency condition, respectively. It must be noted that (16) of maximum and minimum output power.
enforces power flow limitation on non-outage existing
transmission lines under all conditions and (17) limits the 3.3.3 Voltage Angle Constraints
power flow in the existing transmission lines in corridors
that contingency has occurred. Note that ut0 Constraints (35)–(38) limit voltage angle difference
pq;a cannot be
0 between nodes connected by existing and prospective
greater than zero, unless npq is greater than zero. Consid-
transmission lines. In (36) and (38), kepg is set to be one if
ering ut0
pq;a in constraints (18)–(21), two cases are consid- contingency occurs in the existing and prospective corre-
ered under normal and contingency conditions. sponding lines.
ut0 These models can be solved by any commercial solver
1. ut0 tie0 pq;a
pq;a ¼ 1: constraints (18) and (19) apply fpq;a ¼ xpq pa . that deals with a mixed integer linear program. In this
2. ut0
pq;a ¼ 0: constraints (20) and (21) guarantee paper the CPLEX optimizer within GAMS is used to solve
¼ 0; therefore, power flow limitation is applied the proposed models (Brooke et al. 2003).
Constraints (22)–(29) similar to (16)–(21) are linear 4 Metrics for Transmission Incorporating FSC
form of the following nonlinear equation:
ðhtie tie In this section, a set of metrics is considered to calculate the
tie p  hq Þ
fpq;r ¼ P : ð42Þ benefit changes for each entity created by investment on new
xpq ð1  s2S pa utpq;a Þ
facilities. The change in social welfare is determined by three
Constraint (22) enforces KVL to the prospective metrics ðk1 ; k01 Þ given in the following two equations:
transmission lines under normal and contingency con- SWGTEP  SWB
ditions and scenario i. In addition, constraint (23) applies k1 ¼ P P   ð43Þ
c n t þ c y t =ð1 þ IÞtt0
KVL to the prospective transmission lines in corridor 8t2T 8r2ck pq;r pq;r hj hj

k1 ¼ P P   P  ð44Þ
8t2T 8r2ck cpq;r ntpq;r þ chj ythj þ Ca cpq;r utpq;r;a þ 8ðpqÞ2ck Ca cpq n0pq ut0
pq;a =ð1 þ IÞ

where contingency has occurred. M is assumed as a big where SWGTEP and SWFSC;GTEP are the optimal social
value that ensures the constraint is relaxed when welfare considering GTEP without and with FSCs incor-
npq,r = 0; but when npq,r = 1, this value is not important poration, respectively. SWB is the aggregated social wel-
and KVL is enforced for the corresponding transmission fare for the base topology. k1 shows the improvement of
line. the optimal social welfare for each dollar invested in
Constraints (24) and (25) express the power flow limits.
transmission expansion, while k01 expresses the improve-
In constraints (25), (27), and (29), to model line contin-
e ment of the optimal social welfare for each dollar invested
gency in condition e and scenario i, a binary parameter, kpq ,
in transmission expansion as well as installing FSCs. It is
is defined. It can be seen that, when kpq is 1, node p will be clear that investing in new facilities is reasonable if metrics
isolated from node q.

312 Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317

240 80 MW ISO can use FSC through GTEP for increasing utiliza-
5 1 tion of the existing lines, which results in lowering trans-
mission and generating investment. Therefore, from an
operation point of view, this paper proposes a metric (de-
fined as (45)) which takes into account the effect of new
3 facilities in congestion of existing lines.
40 MW X fpq max
l¼ max

240 MW Similar to (43) and (44), metric (45) can also be defined
2 for GTEP considering FSC using l0 . In fact, metrics l and
l0 are defined to investigate the effect of FSC through
GTEP on congestion of the existing lines. The small value
of the metric shows that the lines carry more power,
6 4 resulting in better utilization of the existing lines.


Fig. 2 Garver system

5 Case Studies

(43)–(44) are greater than one. Similarly, metrics (43)–(44) 5.1 Introduction
can be defined to measure the change in welfare obtained
by the generators ðk2 ; k02 Þ, the demands ðk3 ; k03 Þ; and the The Garver and IEEE 24-bus systems are used as case
studies. In this paper, three types of FSCs with different
market operator ðk4 ; k04 Þ for each situation. Note that all
compensation percentages can be installed in a transmis-
metrics can be obtained in terms of declared surplus,
sion line as P1 = 20% with C1 = 10%, P2 = 30% with
resulting from clearing market.
C2 = 15%, and P3 = 50% with C3 = 20% (Rahmani et al.
2013a, b). Based on the pool-based market structure,

Table 1 Generators and

Bus Generators data Demands data
demands data for Garver system
Unit Offer (MW) Price ($/MWh) Investment cost ($/kw/year) Bid Prices ($/MW)

1 UE1 150 10 Existing unit 80 30, 28, 26, 24, 20

U1 150 13 70
U2 150 16 60
U3 150 19 50
2 U4 50 15 45 240 34, 32, 30, 28, 25
U5 50 17 40
U6 50 20 35
3 UE2 120 20 Existing unit 40 20, 16, 14, 12, 10
UE3 120 22 Existing unit
UE4 120 25 Existing unit
U7 120 28 85
U8 120 30 50
4 – – – 160 30, 27, 24, 21, 17
5 – – – 240 34, 30, 26, 24, 18
6 U5 100 8 Existing unit – –
U6 100 12 Existing unit
U7 100 15 Existing unit
U8 100 17 Existing unit
U9 100 19 Existing unit
U10 100 21 Existing unit

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317 313

Table 2 Characteristics of the different scenarios scenario 1 has a weight of 0.412 with demand coefficient of
Scenario Weight Demand coefficient
0.47 that means in 41.2% of the hours of a year, the amount of
load level for corresponding scenarios is 47% of its peak
1 0.4120 0.47 load.
2 0.3597 0.85 The proposed method is applied to the Garver’s system
3 0.1172 1.20 for the following cases.
4 0.1111 1.70
Case 1 Solving the proposed method without considering
generators’ offering blocks and demands’ bidding blocks In this case, proposed model is solved considering
are submitted by generating units and demands, respec- upq;r;a ¼ 0 and ut0
pq;a ¼ 0. The optimal solution provides the
tively, to attain their maximum profits. GTEP will be following lines and generating units with present value of
solved considering submitted bidding and offering data to the investment costs of $263 M.
maximize the social welfare. Here, linear cost functions are
used for modeling generators’ operation costs that contain • Year 1: lines n26 ¼ 3; n15 ¼ 2; n46 ¼ 2 and gener-
a set of blocks. The constant marginal cost is assumed for ating units U1, U2, and U4,
each block. Each generating unit submits one block of the • Year 2: generating unit U5,
offered power to the market and the price declared is the • Year 4: line n46 ¼ 1.
marginal cost corresponding to that block. Different sce- As expected, new lines connect inexpensive generator in
narios are assigned in which different levels of demand are node 6 to the nodes with high demand (2 and 4).
consumed for a number of hours during the target year. The Table 3 presents economic results of expansion in case
main difference among the scenarios is the level of 1. Note that, in all cases, the total social welfare is obtained
demand. Each scenario is weighted in the objective func- summing up surpluses of the generators, consumers, and
tion to correctly consider their relative relevance. The planner while subtracting investment cost of new facilities.
weight of each scenario is calculated by dividing the
number of hours a scenario occurs by the total number of Case 2 Solving the proposed method along with FSC
hours for the whole year. Moreover, size of each demand allocation.
blocks is different in every scenario (De la Torre et al. In this case, proposed model is solved and the following
2008; Aguado et al. 2012). In this paper, an annual growth results are obtained.
of generation and demand of 3.1% and annual growth of • Year 1: lines n26 ¼ 2; n15 ¼ 2; n46 ¼ 1 and gener-
offer and bids of 5% are considered (Aguado et al. 2012). ating units U1, U2, and U4,
• Year 2: generating unit U5,
5.2 Garver’s System • Year 4: line n46 ¼ 1;
• Year 14: u34;1;3 ¼ 1, u26;2;3 ¼ 1, and u26;3;3 ¼ 1;
Figure 2 shows the initial topology of Garver’s system.
This system has six transmission lines and six buses with where u0pq;a and upq;r;a show the ath installed FCS in
three generators and five loads. The base data of the Gar- existing line and rth prospective line in corridor p - q,
ver’s system are given in (Garver 1970). The planning respectively. The present value of investment cost is
horizon and discount rate are 15 years and 10%, respec- $223 M. Table 4 shows the economic results of expansion
tively. The bidding blocks for existing and new generators along with FSC for the market participants. Comparing
and demands are shown in Table 1. According to Table 1, Tables 3 and 4, it can be observed that optimal allocation
seven generating units are considered to be installed. of FSCs increases the total social welfare by up to $61 M.
Table 2 shows the weight of each scenario and corre- Table 5 shows metrics presented in Sect. 4 for cases 1
sponding demand coefficient. According to this table, and 2.

Table 3 Results for Garver

Income and cost/payment (M$) Profits (M$)
system (case 1)
Generators Income 1006 238
Cost 763
Demands Income 1679 672
Payment 1009
Merchandising surplus —– 0
Total SW —– 648

314 Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317

Table 4 Results for Garver

Income and cost/payment (M$) Profits (M$)
system (case 2)
Generators Income 1088.7 260
Cost 757.7
Demands Income 1653 672
Payment 1085.5
Merchandising surplus —– 0.28
Total SW —– 709

Table 5 Economic metrics for

Metric for Social welfare Generator Consumer Operator surplus
Garver system
Case 1 k1 = 2.332 k2 = 0.012 k3 = 2.32 k4 = -0.01
Case 2 k01 = 3.119 k02 = 0.065 k03 = 3.18 k04 = -0.0016

According to Table 5, FSC installation through GTEP

significantly increases surplus of market beneficiaries 18 17
(generators and consumers), especially social welfare,
while operator surplus is decreased. Installing FSC 20
21 22 16 19
reduces merchandizing surplus and also reduces trans-
mission congestion and accordingly leads to more
identical LMP prices across transmission system. Oper- 15 14 23
ating metrics calculated for cases 1 and 2 are
l = 5.8123 and l0 = 5.7089, respectively. Therefore, it 13
can be observed that the metrics, calculated in case 2,
are decreased compared to case 1, reflecting a reduction 24 11 12
in congestion.

5.3 IEEE 24-Bus System 3 9 10

The IEEE 24-bus system consists of 24 buses, 41 corridors 4 8 7 6

for adding the new circuits, and 7551 MW demand for base
topology, where its base data are available in (Fang and
Hill 2003). Single line diagram of IEEE 24-bus system is 1 2 5
illustrated in Fig. 3.
For long-term expansion planning in IEEE 24-bus, four
Fig. 3 IEEE 24-bus system
scenarios are assigned. Generators will offer 4 blocks and
consumers will bid 3 blocks, both with equal sizes, which
• Year 10: lines n324 ¼ 1, n28 ¼ 2, n24 ¼ 1.
are presented in Table 6. Moreover, the same as the first
case study, different scenarios are considered. In this case Table 7 presents the results of expansion of IEEE
study, planning horizon spans 10 years to decrease com- 24-bus in case 1.
putational efforts. However, this planning horizon is rea-
Case 2 Solving the proposed method considering FSC
sonable. The proposed method is applied to an IEEE
24-bus system for the following cases.
In this case 1, the transmission line, generating unit and
Case 1 Similar to the first case study, proposed method is several FSCs are installed in existing and prospective
solved without considering FSC. transmission lines as follows.
The optimal solution provides the following new lines
with a present value of investment costs equal to $102 M. • Year 1: FSC in existing line u0324;1 ¼ 1, generating unit
• Year 1: generating unit U3, • Year 4: FSC in existing line u0810;3 ¼ 1,
• Year 4: line n324 ¼ 1,

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317 315

Table 6 Offers and bids data, second case study

Bus no. Generation Consumer
Unit Offer (MW/block) Offer price [$/MWh] Investment cost ($/kw/year) Bid (MW/block) Bid price [$/MWh]

1 495 10, 13, 15, 17 Existing unit – –

2 144 15, 18, 21, 25 Existing unit 97 38, 35, 32
3 – – 180 40, 37.5, 35
4 – – 74 26, 20.8, 18.2
5 – – 71 44, 41, 39
6 U1 50 14 45 136 20, 16, 14
7 225 13, 16.3, 19.5, 22 Existing unit 125 38, 35, 32
8 U2 50 13 50 171 38, 35, 32
9 – – 175 40, 37.5, 35
10 – – 195 26, 20.8, 18.2
13 443.25 10, 13, 15, 17 Existing unit 265 44, 41, 39
14 U3 40 15 40 194 20, 16, 14
15 161.25 15, 18, 21, 25 Existing unit 317 38, 35, 32
16 116.25 13, 16.3, 19.5, 22 Existing unit 100 40, 37.5, 35
18 300 10, 13, 15, 17 Existing unit – –
19 – – 181 26, 20.8, 18.2
20 – – 128 44, 41, 39
21 300 15, 18, 21, 25 Existing unit – –
22 225 13, 16.3, 19.5, 22 Existing unit – –
23 144 10, 13, 15, 17 Existing unit 108 20, 16, 14

Table 7 Economic results for

Income and cost/payment (M$) Profits (M$)
IEEE 24-bus, case 1
Generators Income 7906 1446
Cost 6453.9
Demands Income 13,589.1 5639.3
Payment 7949.8
Merchandising surplus —– 73.4
Total SW —– 7055.3

Table 8 Economic results for

Income and cost/payment (M$) Profits (M$)
IEEE 24-bus, case 2
Generators Income 7550 1342
Cost 6501
Demands Income 13,599.2 5748.6
Payment 7850.3
Merchandising surplus —– 26
Total SW —– 7096

Table 9 Metrics for IEEE

Metric for Social welfare Generator Consumer Merchandising surplus
Case 1 k1 = 0.395 k2 = 0.354 k3 = 0.40 k4 = -0.39
Case 2 k01 = 1.05 k02 = 0.734 k03 = 2.07 k04 = -1.75

316 Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2017) 41:305–317

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