Vocabulary Class 68

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Vocabulary Class 68

1. Entity-a thing with distinct and independent

2. Analogy-a comparison between one thing and
another, typically for the purpose of explanation
or clarification.
3. Exploit-make full use of and derive benefit from
(a resource).
4. Commentator-a person who comments on
events or on a text.
5. Connotation-an idea or feeling which a word
invokes for a person in addition to its literal or
primary meaning.
6. Trait-a distinguishing quality or characteristic,
typically one belonging to a person.
7. Shanty-a small, crudely built shack.
8. Elite-a select group that is superior in terms of
ability or qualities to the rest of a group or
9. Conquest-the subjugation and assumption of
control of a place or people by military force.
10. Domination-the exercise of power or
influence over someone or something, or the
state of being so controlled.
11. Deterioration-the process of becoming
progressively worse.
12. Unprecedented-never done or known
13. Substantial-of considerable importance,
size, or worth.
14. Starvation-suffering or death caused by lack
of food.
15. Impoverished-deprived of strength or
16. Prevalent-widespread in a particular area or
at a particular time.
17. Stagnate-cease to flow or move; become
18. Stagnant-showing no activity; dull and
19. Anthropologist-Anthropology is the study of
aspects of humans within past and present
20. Sought-seek.
21. Convicted-having been declared guilty of a
criminal offence by the verdict of a jury or the
decision of a judge.
22. Abandon-give up completely (a practice or a
course of action).
23. Revert-return to (a previous state, practice,
topic, etc.).
24. Draft-prepare a preliminary version of (a
25. Fraudulent-unjustifiably claiming or being
credited with particular accomplishments or
26. Combat-take action to reduce or prevent
(something bad or undesirable).
27. Truancy-the action of staying away from
school without good reason; absenteeism.
28. Opponent-someone who competes with or
opposes another in a contest, game, or
29. Conjunction-the action or an instance of two
or more events or things occurring at the same
point in time or space.

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