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we CONTRATO DE PRESTAGAO DE SERVICOS ~ CONDIGOES ESPECIFICAS DE CONTRATAGAO 2018/2020 TE FRAME BIDDING WL MW INFRA HUAWEI SERVIGOS DO BRASIL LTDA., com sede na Avenida Jerome Case, n° 2.600, Galpoes AS, A7 & A, Bairro Eden, Quadra GL 25, Lote 7/A, Cidade de Sorocaba, Estado de Sao Paulo, CEP 18087-220, inscrta no CNPUMF sob n° 06.126.425/0001-28, neste ato representada por seus procuradores abaixo assinados, na forma de seu Contrato Social, oravante ‘denominada simpiesmente “CONTRATANTE®. SPAZIO TELECOM LTDA - ME, devidamente constituida e validamente existente de acordo com as leis da Repiblica Federativa do Brasil, com sede a Ledncio de Albuquerque, 33, na Cidade de Rio de Janeiro, Estado de Rio de Janeiro, CEP 2020-500, inscrita no CNPWMF sob n° 06.106.234/0001-02, este ato representada por seu representante legal abaixo —assinado, —doravante simplesmente CONTRATADA. denominada ‘A CONTRATADA e a CONTRATANTE poderdo ser chamadas coletivamente de “Paries’ ou indlvidualmente de “Perte’, onde 0 contexto assim 0 exigr. ASSIM, resolvem as Partes, de comum acordo, celebrar 0 presente Contrato de Prestagio de FPABOT18RA1808250095958190364214 ‘SERVICE PROCUREMENT CONTRACT — ‘SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 2018/2020 TE FRAME BIDDING WL MW INFRA HUAWE! SERVICOS DO BRASIL LTDA., a limited company, with head office located in the City of Sorocaba, State of Sao Paulo, at Avenida Jerome Case, 2600, A5, A7 © A9, Eden District, registered with the Brazilian Treasury Department as a Corporate Taxpayer (CNPJ/MF) under no. 06.126.425/0001-28, herein represented by its representatives, in accordance to its Ariicles of Association, hereinafter referred to simply as "CONTRACTING PARTY". SPAZIO TELECOM LTDA - ME, duly and legally established according to the Law of the Federative Republic of Brazil, headquartered at Street LeOncio de Albuquerque, 33, in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Zip Code 20220-500, registered with CNPJIMF under 1° 06.106.23410001-02, herein represents according with its articles of incorporation, hereinafter designated as CONTRACTED PARTY ‘The CONTRACTED PARTY and the CONTRACTING PARTY may be referred to collectively as “Parties” or individually as a *Party’, as required according to the context. THEREFORE, in view of mutual agreement, the Parties fairly enter into and are bound to the present FPA6071BRA1809260035958190364214 Page 4 of 80 HaAWwE! Servigos — Condigdes Especificas De Contratagso doravante designado simplesmente “Contrato” ou “CEC’, que se regeré de conformidade com as seguintes clausulas e condigdes: CLAUSULA PRIMEIRA — OBJETO E DOCUMENTOS INTEGRANTES DO CONTRATO 4.1. © presente Contrato tem por objeto a prestagdo de servigos, pela CONTRATADA a CONTRATANTE, — conforme —as._—condigbes. especificadas neste instrumento e nas Condigdes Gerais de Contratagdo para Servigos (‘CGCS") assinadas entre as Partes, sob 0 numero MPA6O71BRA1309060074545490051199 e ainda ‘observande-se 0 disposto nos anexos abaixo relacionados e na regulamentago em vigor. 44.4. 8 documentos abaixo sero impressos e _anexados fisicamente ao presente Contrato: ‘Anexo 1.1 - BOQ e SOW Wireless Anexo 1.2 - BOQ e SOW Micro-Ondas ‘Anexo 1.3 - B00 e SOW Infra Anexo 3 ~ Pacotes de Servigos ‘Anexo 4 ~ Condigdes de Pagamento Anexo 8 ~ Compromentimento de Recursos 441.2. Constiuem ainda parte integrante do presente Contrato, 08 documentos _abaixo relacionados, 0s quais a CONTRATADA reconhece ter conhecimento @ 2casso @ que esto anexados Virtualmente ao presente Contrato através do sistema SRM: 1.4 SOW WLTSSRISCI 1.8 SOW PPI PDI WL FFPASOT18RA1009260035955190364216 ‘Service Procurement Contract — Specific Conditions , hereinafter designated as “Contract or “SC, which will be govemed by the following terms and conditions: ARTICLE ONE ~ PURPOSE AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 4.4. The purpose of this Contract is the performance of services by the CONTRACTED PARTY to the CONTRACTING PARTY, under the Conditions set forth herein and in the General Contract Conaitions for Services (‘GCCS") executed between the Parties, MPA6071BRA1309060074545490051199, as well as subjected to the provisions of the attachments listed below and the regulations in effect. under the no. 4444, The following documents shall be printed and physically attached to the present Contract: Annex 1.4 ~ BOQ and SOW Wireless Annex 1.2 - BOQ and SOW Microwave Annex 1.3 BOQ and SOW infra Annex 3 ~ Service Package Annex 4 ~ Payment Condition Annex 8 - Resource Commitment 44.2. The following documents, which the CONTRACTED PARTY acknowledges to be aware of and have access to, are integral part of the present Contract and are digital and virtually attached to the present Contract, through SRM system: 1.4 SOW FOR WL TSSRISCI 1.8 SOWPPI PDI WL = FPA60718RA18092600359581 90364214 Page 20f 50 we 1.6 SOW MW_CALCULO ENLACE (LD) 1.7 SOWMW_LOS 1.8 SOWMW_TSS TSSR 1.8 SOW MW_PPIPDI 4.40SOW MW_LOS TSSR + PPI 1.11 SOW MW_LOS + TSSR 2 PADROES DE QUALIDADE 5 CARTILHA DATABOOK, ART. HOMOLOGACAO, ACORDO ISDP 7 INSTRUCOES SAUDE & SEGURANCA 1.4.3, Para todos os efeitos, 08 anexos listados na Cldusula 1.1.2 ter8o a mesma validade daqueles listados na Cldusule 1.1.1 e poderdo ser acessados através de enderegos eletronicos, os quais neste ato 40 reconhecidos @ ratificados pela CONTRATADA que declara possuir pleno e integral acesso & conhecimento dos mesmos nao podendo, em: hipétese alguma, alegar desconhecimento acerca do seu conteido, 1.2. Para 0s devidos fins deste Contato, a CONTRATADA venceu, por meio de concorréncia promovida pela CONTRATANTE, os percentuais dos pacotes referentes &s categorias @ regiées abaixo listados Categorias: WUMWINFRA, Regitio: Rio de Janeiro ‘Sub Regido: RIES Estados: RJIES Pacote: refere-se ao percentual de 20% Percentual: 20% Categorias: WLIMWIINFRA, Faso 18R41@09250036958 100364216 4.8 SOW MW LINK DESIGN 1.7 SOWMW_LOS 1.8 SOW MW_TSS TSSR 1.9 SOW MW_PPI PD! 4.40 SOW MW_LOS TSSR + PPI 1.11 SOW MW_LOS + TSSR 2 QUALITY STANDARDS 5 DATABOOK, ART. INSTRUCTIONS. ISDP AGREEMENT ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH AGREEMENT HOMOLOGATION 1.1.3. For ali purposes, the attachments listed in Clause 1.1.2 shall have the same validity as those listed in Clause 1.1.1 and may be accessed through the website, which are hereby acknowledged and ratified by the CONTRACTED PARTY that declares to have full and complete access and knowledge of those attachments, not being able, under any circumstances, to claim ignorance about its contents, 4.2, For the purposes of this Agreement, the CONTRACTED PARTY has won, by means of a bidding proposed by the CONTRACTING PARTY, the percentage of package about categories and regions below: Category: WUMW/INFRA Region: Rio de Janeiro ‘Sub Region: RJES State: RIES Package: Related to the percentage of 20% Percentual: 20% AND Category: WUMWINFRA vee n FPA607 1BRA18092600359581 90384214 Page 30f 0 se Regido: Nordeste ‘Sub Regio: NET Estados: AL/PE/PBIRN Pacote: refere-se ao percentual de 20% Percentual: 20% 1.2.4, Como condigéo essencial para a assinatura do presente Contrato, a CONTRATADA devera fomecer 0s Servigos ora contratados pela CONTRATANTE em qualquer das definidas no Frame Bidding, bem como no Anexos relacionados as SOWs, sob pena da aplicagdo da penalidade estadelecida na Cidusula 9.5. localidades CLAUSULA SEGUNDA ~ DO PRECO 2.41. OQ valor estimado do presente Contrato, fixo & irreajustavel_ em Reais, para todos 0s efeitos de direito, & de aproximadamente R$ 13,532,022.34 ( Treze mitndes e quinhentos e trinta ¢ dois mil e vinte @ dois Reais e trinta e quatro centavos, sendo R$ 10,116,157.93 para a Regiéo do RJ e R$ 3,416,864.41 para a Regido Nordeste, conforme tabela de pragos unitarios deserta nos Anexos 1.1, 12613. 2.4.1. Fleam as Partes acordadas que o valor supra definido trata-se apenas de uma estimativa, nao gerando @ CONTRATADA a qualquer direito de recebimento sobre o mesmo, € que sero emitidos Pedidos de Compras ("POs") especificos para a execugdo dos Servigos conforme necessidade da CONTRATANTE, que néo se compromete @ adquirir um valor ou quantidade minima relativamente ao objeto do presente Contato. FPABOT TBRA1809760095958190364214 Region: Northeast ‘Sub Region: NEt State: ALIPE/PBIRN Package: Related to the percentage of 20% Percentual: 20% 4.2.4. As an essential condition for the signature of the present Contract, the CONTRACTED PARTY shall provide the Services herein contracted by the CONTRACTING PARTY in any of the locations defined in the Frame Bidding, as well as in the Annexes related of SOWs under the penalty of the application of the fee established in the Clause 9.5. ARTICLE TWO ~ PRICE 2.4. The estimated amount for this Contract, fixed ‘and non adjustable in Reais, for all legal sights, is approximately RS 13,652,022.34 (Thirteen million and five hundred thirty two thousand and twety two Reais and thirty four cents), being R$ 10,116,187.93 to Ru Region and RS 3,415,864.41 to Northeast Region, according tothe unit price table of Annexes 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. 2.4.4, The Parties agree that the value established above Is only an estimate, which does not create for the CONTRACTED PARTY any rights to receive it entirely, and that specific Purchase Orders (“POs") shalt be issued for the execution of the Services according to the CONTRACTING PARTY's needs, which does not constitute an obligation to purchase a ‘minimum amount or quantity related to the purpose of the present Contract FPA6O71BRA1609260035968190364214 Qe : Page 4 of 60 se Huawet 24.2 A prestagio de Servicos adicionais pela CONTRATADA, sem a prévia @ expressa concordéncia da CONTRATANTE mediante a emissdo das respectivas POs quanto a sua realizagdo, sera interpretada como mera lberalidade, que no justifica a realizagdo de cobrangas ou pagamentos. 2.2. © pregos previstos no Anexo 1, que ja incluem todos os tributos, contribuigées socials e taxas existentes 4 época da assinatura, deverdo Permanecer fixos, validos, ireajustaveis e aplicéveis ‘polo prazo minimo de 12 (doze) meses, no podendo ‘ser aumentados pela CONTRATADA, sob a alegacao de ocoréncia de fatores extemos pereitamente previsiveis, sendo certo que a CONTRATADA. 20 formular e ofertar os precos ora em tela levou em considerago a situagéo e ambiente econémico contemporaneo. Os precos estabelecidos com Vigércia superior a 12 (doze) meses poderdo ser reajustados, mediante prévio acordo entre as Partes, sendo certo que qualquer percentual de reajuste que venha @ ser acordado nao podera ser superior ao indice econdmico IGP-/FGV publicado na revista Conjuntura Econdmica da Fundag&o Getilio Vargas. 2.3. As Partes reconhecem que os custos diretos Ou Indiretos descritos no Anexo 1 poderdo softer vvariagdo a partir da assinatura @ durante a execugao do presente Contrato, em virtude de eventos Previsiveis tais como inflac&o, variago do prego de insumos, necessidade de substituigdo de matericis, dentre outros ajustes a projetos, desde que nao haja alteragto das premissas bésicas da solicitagao da proposta fomecida pela CONTRATANTE, assumindo, @ CONTRATADA, 0 isco por essa variaglo @ a cobngacée de arcar com quaisquer custos adicionais FPA6OT 1BRA180$260035955190364214 2.4.2, The provision of additional services by the CONTRACTED PARTY, without the previous and express agreement of the CONTRACTING PARTY through the respective POs, shall be interpreted as mere discretion, not being justified the charge or payment 22 The prices established in Annex 1, including all taxes and social contributions existing by the time Of the signature, shall remain fixed, valid for at least 12 (twelve) months and applicable for the term this instrument is in force. The prices may not be altered by the CONTRACTED PARTY under the pledge of ‘occurrence of extemal facts possible to be predicted by the time the CONTRACTED PARTY offered the Prices. The prices set in a period longer than twelve (12) months may be readjusted by prior agreement between the Parties, being understood that any percentage of adjustment agreed shall not exceed the IGP-M/FGV, published in the Economic Environment Fundagao Getulio Vargas. economic index 2.3. ‘The Parties agree that the direct and indirect costs described in Annex 1 may be subject to variations, from the execution of this Contract and during the performance hereof, as a result of Predictable events such as inflation, change in the price of inputs, substitution of materials required, ‘among other adjustments to projects, so tong as there is no change in the basic premises of the request for proposal provided by the CONTRACTING PARTY, provided that the CONTRACTED PARTY shall assume the risk for such variation and shall bear any \ var "yp" ° FPABOTBRAte0e700095068100964214 CQ ; 7 Page 5 ot 50 dela decorrentes, como condigao essencial para a ‘assinatura do presente Contrato. Para que néo haja divide quanto & natureza previsivel de determinados eventos, i clasificados previsiveis, além dos casos j& mencionados, os seguintes: (() greves que digam respelto ao pessoal da CONTRATADA ou de suas subcontratadas e (ii) atos da natureza e fendmenos meteorolégicos tipicos @ ou habituais em relago a0 periodo ou ao local dos servigos, ficam desde como CLAUSULA TERCEIRA - PEDIDO DE COMPRA E CONDIGOES ESPECIFICAS DE PAGAMENTO 3.4. © fomecimento @ prestagSo dos Servigos sero efetuados pela CONTRATADA mediante requerimento formal da CONTRATANTE, por meio da emissto de Pedidos de Compra (PO), emitides a seu exclusive coritério e através de seu departamento técnico competente, especificando dados técnicos, quantidade do servigo, prazos e local de realizagao os servigos ou de entrega, 3.1.4, Nenhum servigo devera ser realizado sem a prévia emissao da respectiva PO e 0 ulterior aceite por parte da CONTRATADA. Até o aceite, a CONTRATANTE se reserva a faculdade de, unilateralmente e segundo 0 seu entendimento, cancelar eventuais POs emitidas sem qualquer penalidade 3.1.2. O prazo de validade das POs emitidas pela CONTRATANTE 6 de 06 (seis) meses, contados da respectiva emissto, de modo que estarao sujeitos ao cancelamento se no houver, concomtantemente: (i) registro do aceite da PO pela CONTRATADA dentro do prazo supramencionado; (i) solictagao expressa, FPA6O7ERAT800260095956190964214 es additional costs arising there from as. condition, precedent to the executions of this Contract. To avert the risks of doubt, a predictable event shail include, additionally to those aforementioned, the following: (i) strikes involving the personnel of the CONTRACTED PARTY or its subcontractors and (i) acts of nature ‘and meteorological phenomena typically and usually ‘occurring in the period or at the location of the services. ARTICLE THREE ~ PURCHASE ORDER AND PAYMENT SPECIFIC CONDITIONS, 3.4. The provision of Services shall be carried out by the CONTRACTED PARTY upon format request by the CONTRACTING PARTY through Purchase ‘Orders (PO), issued at its sole discretion and by their qualified technical department, specifying technical ata and service quantity, terms and services or deliveries, 3.4.4. No service shall be provided without the prior issuance of the respective PO and the further ‘acceptance by the CONTRACTED PARTY. Unti the acceptance, the CONTRACTING PARTY reserves the Fight to, unilaterally and according to its understanding, canceling eventual issued PO without any penalty. 3.4.2. The term of validity of the POs issued by the CONTRACTING PARTY is 06 (six) months, as of the respective issuance, being subjected to cancellation if there aren't, simultaneously: (i) register of the acceptance of the PO by the CONTRACTED PARTY within the aforementioned term; (i) express request, FPAGO71BRA1809260035958190364214 Qe Page 6 of 50 pela CONTRATADA, de extenso de prazo para ‘aceite da PO; e (li) posterior aceite da solicitagto pela CONTRATANTE. 34.24. Para 08 efeitos do item 3.1.2 acima, ‘as POs vencidas poderdo ser cancelados sem a prévia notificago 4 CONTRATADA. 34.22, ‘Se ndo for emitido nenhuma PCAF no prazo de 6 (seis) meses apts a emissdo da PO, a PO poderé ser cancelada, porém, se a CONTRATADA solicitar uma extensdo dessa PO, for aceito de forma expressa pela CONTRATANTE, @ extenso seré de 03 (trés) meses. © pedide de extensso poderé ocomer apenas duas vezes @ deverd ser solictado até 0 5° (quinto) mas da emiss8o da PO. 3.2 Todos os pagamentos efetuados sob o presente Contrato serio direcionados @ conta de titularidade da CONTRATADA, Informagées bancérias previamente fomecidas pela mesma, de acordo com as condigbes de pagamento previstas no Anexo 4. conforme as 3.2.4. Nenhum pagamento —isentara. =a CONTRATADA de suas sesponsabilidades no Contrato, nem implicaré necessariamente em aprovagao dos servigos prestados. 3.2.2. 0 comprovante do depésito configuraré, para todos 0s efeitos legais, prova inequivoca do cumprimento da obrigagdo de pagamento da CONTRATANTE. 3.2.3. A CONTRATADA desde logo atesta que as FPASD77BRA1898260035958190364214 by the CONTRACTED PARTY, of an extension to the term for the acceptance of the PO; and (ii) subsequent acceptance of the request by the CONTRACTING PARTY. For the purpose of the item 3.1.2 above, POs overdue will be cancelled without prior notice to the CONTRACTED PARTY. If no PCAF be issued til 6 (six) months after, PO be issued, the PO can be cancelled, but if the CONTRACTED PARTY requests @ PO extension and the CONTRACTING PARTY accepts, this extension will be for 03 (three) months more, and this requisition ‘can occurs twice. The requisition of extension should ‘be done till the OS (fifth) month of the PO issued. 3.2, All payments made under to the present ‘Contract shall be deposited in the account held by the CONTRACTED PARTY, according to the banking information previously indicated, as the payment conditions provided in the Annex 4. 3.2. No payment shall release the CONTRACTED PARTY from its responsibilities set forth in the ‘Contract. or shail necessarily incur in the approval of the rendered services. 3.2.2. The receipt of payment, for all legal effects, shall be considered as unequivocal evidence of ‘compliance of the obligation of payment by the CONTRACTING PARTY. 3.2.3. The CONTRACTED PARTY henceforth — FPAGO71BRA1809260035058190364214 Ce Page 7 of 50 informagées bancérias previamente fomecidas s#o veridicas efetivamente correspondem a conta bancéria de sua titularidade, no podendo ser a CONTRATANTE responsabilizada em virtue de qualquer eventual inadimplemento ou atraso oriundo da impreciséo de referidas informagoes. 3.2.4, Caso a CONTRATADA venha a alterar as informagdes bancérias, a mesma deverd comunicar & CONTRATANTE (intay dias de antecedéncia, mediante aviso formal, bem como rovidenciar o seu respective cadastro ¢ atualizagao de dados junto a CONTRATANTE. com 30 3.3. Na hipétese de mora no pagamento, a CONTRATADA fara jus a juros de 1% (um por cento) ‘20 més sobre o valor do debito em aberto, calculados Pro rata die, jimitados @ 2% (dois por cento) do valor do débito em aberto, 34, A CONTRATADA, quando da execugéo do ‘objeto contratual, deverd destacar nos documentos fiscais todos 0s impostos passivels de retengdo, sendo sua responsabiidade verificar junto as repartigbes municipais, estaduals e federais, todos os, impostos, socials, fiscais, trabalhistas, previdenciérias e comerciais, aplicdveis a0 objeto contratual, bem como, proceder aos, recolhimentos cabiveis e fazer constar, nas notas fiscais, as informagbes exigicas por Lei fributos @ encargos 3.4.1. ACONTRATADA deverd emitir 0 documento fiscal com a classificago do cédigo de servigo da lista, ‘anexa a Lop 116/03 correspondente @ definida na PO. Na sua falta devera seguir a classificago informada na BOQ. FPAG07BRA1805260035956 100964214 testity that the bank information previously provided are truthful and effectively correspond to its bank account, not being the CONTRACTING PARTY responsible in virtue of any eventual non-compliance ‘or delay arising from the inaccuracy of said information 3.2.4. In the event the CONTRACTED PARTY comes to alter its bank information, it shall communicate the CONTRACTING PARTY 30 (thirty) days in advance, through formal notice, as weil as, provide the respective registration and data update before the CONTRACTING PARTY. 3.3. In the event of delay of payment, the CONTRACTED PARTY shall be entitled to 1% (one per cent), per month, on the opened debit amount, calculated pro rata die, limited to 2% (two per cent) on, the opened debit amount, 3.4. The CONTRACTED PARTY, when executing the contractual object, shall highiight in the fiscal documents ail the taxes subjected to retention, being ofits responsibilty to verify before the municipal, state ‘and federal entities, all the taxes, fees and social, labor, security and commercial duties, applicable to the contractual object, as well as provide the due retentions and indicate, in the invoices, the information required by the Law. 3.8.1 The CONTRACTED PARTY shall issue the invoice considering the service code of the list annexed to Lep 116/03 classified on PO. If such classification is not informed on PO, it shall follow the ‘one informed on BOQ. 7 OT veces) FPA6071BRA1809260035958190364214 (Se Page 8 of 50 3.5. No caso de incorego na nota fiscal ~apresentada pela CONTRATADA 4 CONTRATANTE, devera a CONTRATADA promover 2 devida comegto, ficando desde j4 estabelecido que a CONTRATANTE no aceitaré documento fiscal com ‘erro(s) critico(s) @ de nenhuma forma respondera por quaisquer encargos resultantes de atrasos na liquidagao do pagamento correspondente. 3.6. As notas fiscais deverdo ser emitidas através do CNPJ constante do cabecaiho do presente Contato, cujo fomecimento 4 CONTRATANTE 6 de inteira responsabilidade da CONTRATADA, sob pena de n8o pagamento por inconsisténcia das informagées. 3.7, A CONTRATADA obrige-se a ndo emit, sob qualquer condigao, boieto bancéio ou titulos de crédito com base no presente Contato, berm como obriga-se @ no negocié-os com terceiros, sob pena de ressarcimento por perdas @ danos e rescisio contratual e penalidades contratuais. ‘CLAUSULA QUARTA - DO PROCEDIMENTO DE ACEITAGAO DA CONTRATANTE 4.1. De acorde com a legislagto fiscal vigente, os Pagamentos serdo efetuados pela CONTRATANTE mediante a apresentagao dos —_competentes documentos fiscais pela CONTRATADA. Apés 0 aceite dos documentos fiscais pela CONTRATANTE, © pagamento seré realizado conforme as disposigoes ora avengadas entre as Partes, bem como de acordo com 0 Anexo 4. 4.14. A CONTRATADA somente emitira os FPA6O7 1BRA1809260035958190364216 3.5. In case of the invoice presented by the CONTRACTED PARTY to the CONTRACTING PARTY is incorrect, the CONTRACTED PARTY shal promote the due correction, being hereby established that the CONTRACTING PARTY will not accept fiscal document with critical error and will not be responsible for any duty arising trom delays in the corresponding payment. 3.6. The invoices shall be issued by the CNPJ present on the title page of this agreement, whose supply to the CONTRACTING PARTY is of entire liability of the CONTRACTED PARTY, under the penalty of non-payment for the inconsistency of information. 3.7, The CONTRACTED PARTY undertakes not to issue, under any conditions, bank slip or secunty based on the present Contract, as well as undertakes not to negotiate them with third parties, under the Penalty of compensation for loss and damages and termination of the contract and contractual penatties. ARTICLE FOUR - CONTRACTED PARTY'S ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE 44. According to the tex laws in force, the payment shall be performed by the CONTRACTING PARTY upon presentation of the proper tax documentation by the CONTRACTED PARTY. After the acceptance of the tax documentation by the CONTRACTING PARTY, the payment shall be Performed according to the provisions herein set forth between the Parties, as well as according to the Annex 4. 4.1.1. The CONTRACTED PARTY shall only issue sR ORE ] ar FPA6071BRA1809260035958190364214 Page 9of 50 4 documentos fiscais mediante prévia aprovagéo do Fommulério de Conclus8o de Projeto (PCAF) pela CONTRATANTE. A aprovagao da PCAF sera felta de acordo com as informagdes dos relatérios solicitados no item 4.2, em conjunto com informagées inseridas ISDP através de apiicativo celular constando fotos, videos e informagées técnicas, conforme a necessidade do projeto, e aprovagtio das mesmas informagbes pelas éreas responsdveis da CONTRATANTE. A ulilizaco incorreta ou imprecisa do sistema ISDP mobile para as diversas fases do processo de instalagso, acarretard na necessidade de retorno da contratada CONTRATADA ao site aonde foi realizada @ atividade pera corecdo das informages apresentadas em prazo maximo conforme estabelecido na clausula 4.4, de 3 dias Liteis & partic da notificagae do problema pelo sistema ISDP. Ja em contrapartida © em beneficio da CONTRATADA, para a fase de Aceitagdo fisica das, instalagdes onde a CONTRATADA devera entrar em contato com a area responsavel da CONTRATANTE ainda antes de sair do site e com a equipe disponivel para solugso de problemas apresentados, e obtiver validagao in loco da CONTRATANTE para os itens de aceitagao fisica apresentados, fica a CONTRATADA isenta da necessidade de retomo a este mesmo site para solugo de pendéncias de aceitagso fisica passiveis de serem identificadas nas fotos, videos & informages técnicas inseridas no sistema ISDP. lo. sistema 4.2. pbs execugdo dos Servicos e a devida nnotifiagao sobre 0 fato a CONTRATANTE, a CONTRATADA deveré devolver as chaves do Site, bem como fomecer as seguintes documentagées: (i) Site Checklist; (i) Relatorio Fotografico de Instalagao; FPABOT 1BRATEDEA50035956100264214 the tax document upon previous approval of the Project Conclusion Application Form (PCAF) by the CONTRACTING PARTY. The approval of PCAF will be done according to the information of the reports requested in item 4.2, together with information entered in the ISOP system through a cellular application consisting of photos, videos and technical information, according to the need of the project, and ‘approval of the same information responsible areas of CONTRACTING PARTY. The incorrect or inaccurate Use of the ISDP mobile system for the various phases ‘of the installation process will result in the CONTRACTED PARTY'S need to return to the site where the activity was performed to correct the information presented within maximum period of 3 working days, as established in clause 4.4, efter Notification of the problem by the ISDP system ‘Already in retum and seeking the benefit of the CONTRACTED PARTY, for the Physical Acceptance phase of the installation where the CONTRACTED PARTY will contact CONTRACTING PARTY responsible area before leaving the site and with the staff available to solve problems presented by CONTRACTING PARTY, and obtain validation in loco of CONTRACTING PARTY for the physical acceptance items presented, the CONTRACTED PARTY is exempt from the need to retum to this same site for the solution of pending physical acceptance items that could be identified by the photos, videos {and technical information inserted in the ISDP system by the CONTRACTED PARTY. 4.2. After the provision of the Services, the CONTRACTING PARTY must return to the CONTRACTED PARTY the keys of the Site, as well ‘as provide the following documentation: () Site Checklist; (i) Installation Photograph Report; (ji) PD! ee FPA6071BRA1809260035958190364214 Qe Page 100150 se (li) PDI - Projeto Definitivo de Instalagao (desde que a CONTRATANTE venha a fomecer um PPI existente ‘0u 0 acesso a algum banco de dados que contenha a8 informagbes técnicas necessérias): (iv) Notas Fiscais do Equipamento entregues no Site; (v) Cépia ‘Autenticada da = ART «= Anotagdo de Responsabilidade Técnica do Projeto elou Obra Pertinente ao objeto contratado, devidamente emitida unto 20 CREAICONFEA do Estado onde 08 Servigos foram prestados, e ao téimino dos Servigos @ CONTRATADA deverd dar baixa a0 CREAICONFEA da correspondents ART, sendo de responsabilidade da CONTRATADA solicitar 0 Atestado de Capacidade Técnica junto & CONTRATANTE ¢ solictar a Certiddo de Acervo Técnico ao CREA da comespondente ART baixada; (vi) Relatério de Teste de Integracéo de Chamades; e (v) demais documentos requisitados pela CONTRATANTE ou pelo Cliente da CONTRATANTE 4.2.1, Caso a CONTRATADA deixe de entregar as, cchaves do Site, deixe de apresentar qualquer um dos documentos descritos acima, ou apresente-os de maneira insatistatéria_ ou incompleta, a CONTRATADA seré notificada pela CONTRATANTE, este sentido e 0 procedimento de aceitago da CONTRATANTE ndo sera iniciado enquanto a pendéncia nao for sanada e os documentos sejam devidamente apresentados. 4.3. Estando de posse de toda a documentagso mencionada na Cidusula 42 acima, a CONTRATANTE agendara Visitas de Aceitagdo Preliminar em todos Sites. A CONTRATANTE realizaré vistorias de qualidade dos mesmos, usando Para tanto 0 Site Checkiist € © PDI, bem como as ‘especificagtes técnicas constantes do Anexo 2. FPA6071BRA1909260035958190384214 Qe -FPAGOT TBRA1808260035955100364214 ane = Definite installation Project (as long as the CONTRACTING PARTY provides an existing PPI or the access to a database that contains the needed technical information}; (iv) Invoices related to the Equipment delivered at the Site; (v) Certified Copy of the ART - Technical Term of Responsibility of the Project and/or Work relevant to the contracted object, duly issued by CREACONFEA of the State where the Services were provided, and by the end of the Services the CONTRACTED PARTY shall terminated tbefore CREACONFEA the corresponding ART, being the CONTRACTED PARTY’s responsiblity to request the Technical Capacity Certificate before the CONTRACTING PARTY and request the Technical Acquits Certificate to CREA of the corresponding terminated ART; (vi) Integration Call Test Report, and (v) further documentation requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY or by the CONTRACTING PARTY’s Client. 4.2.4. In case the CONTRACTED PARTY doesn't provide the Site keys, falls to present any of the abovementioned documents, or present them! incompletely or unsatisfactory, the CONTRACTED PARTY shali be notified by the CONTRACTING PARTY accordingly and the CONTRACTING PARTY’s acceptance procedure shall not be initiated Until the issue isnt addressed and the documents are Properly presented, in possession of the documentation described in Aricle 4.2 above, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall schedule Preliminary Acceptance Visits to all Sites to perform the inspection. The CONTRACTING PARTY shall perform their technical inspection in order to inspect the Quality & Installation Standards, using the Site Checkist and PDI, as well as the technical Poge 11 of 80 4.4. Caso seja encontrada uma Unica e simples pendéncia ou faina, qualidade, em qualquer um dos Sites inspecionados, (08 mesmos serdo rejeitados, A CONTRATADA sera nolificada neste sentido para que retome aos referidos Sites e repare as pendéncias encontradas, devendo a © CONTRATADA —informar a CONTRATANTE quando da finaizagao, entregando ‘novo relatério de Site Checklist a CONTRATANTE. inclusive relacionadas & 4.41. Apés a finalizagSo das reparagbes, a CONTRATANTE realizaré nova inspegdo, e uma vez sanadas as pendéncias fisicas, légicas & documentais, Projetos da CONTRATANTE autorizaré a CONTRATADA a gerer a primeira PCAF para submissao, ‘aprovagao e posterior pagamento, © Gerente de 442. Este processo de aceltagso se repetira. quantas vezes forem necessarias, até que os Servigos estejam de acordo com os padres especiicados pela CONTRATANTE nos termos do Anexo 2. 4.5. A CONTRATADA somente podera emitir as PCAFs para submissao, aprovagéo e posterior Pagamento, em ordem cronolégica, de modo que ‘somente poderd ser aplicada a segunda parcela para Pagamento apés a devida aprovacao da primeira parcela, de acordo com as condigées de faturamenio estabelecidas no presente Contrato. FPAGoT eRateoG2s0095956160364214 requirements provided in Annex 2. 4.4, Ifa simple and single pending issue or flaw is found, including related to quality standard, in any of the inspected Sites, the same shall be rejected. The CONTRACTED PARTY shail be notified to return to those Sites and to solve the pending ftaws, informing the CONTRACTING PARTY whenever finished and delivering the new Site Checklist to the CONTRACTING PARTY. 4.4.1. After the termination of the repairs, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall perform a new Inspection of the Sites, and, provided that all Pending physical, logical and documentation issues have been soivad, the CONTRACTING PARTY's Project Manager shall authorize the CONTRACTED PARTY to issue the first PCAF for submission, approval and subsequent payment. 4.4.2. This acceptance procedure shall be repeated as many times as necessary, until the Services are in accordance with the CONTRACTING PARTY’s standards set forth In Annex 2. 45. The CONTRACTED PARTY shall only issue the PCAFS for submission, approval and subsequent payment in chronological order, so that it shall only apply the second installment for payment after the approval of the first installment, according to the billing conditions established between the Parties FPA6071BRA1809260035958190364214 > Page 12.0150 4.8.1. No evento de —antecipacdo, pela CONTRATADA, de apresentagto das PCAFS para Pagamento, sem observancia da ordem cronolégica supramencionada e da prévia aprovagso. da CONTRATANTE, facultaré 2 esta a aplicagio de penalidade, por evento, no valor correspondente a 10% (dez por cento) do vaior da PO da respectiva PCAF erroenamente aplicada. 4.8. Caso a CONTRATADA nao apresente 0 PDI (mediante 0 fomecimento de PPI existente ou acesso @ algum banco de dados que contenha as informagdes _téonicas—necessérias pela CONTRATANTE), o Relatério de Teste de VSWR, 0 Relatério de Teste de Chamada, Integragdo do Equipamento ou qualquer outro Servigo contratado, fica desde jé autorizada a CONTRATANTE descontar © valor referente a tal Servigo das parcelas devida & CONTRATADA, conforme Anexo 1 CLAUSULA QUINTA - DO PROCEDIMENTO DE ACEITAGAO PRELIMINAR DO CLIENTE DA CONTRATANTE 5.1. Ap6s finalizada a aceitagao preliminar com a femissao da primeira PCAF, a CONTRATANTE, de posse dos relatérios Site Check List PDI fomecidos pela CONTRATADA, ira agendar com sua Cliente data para inspegao de Aceitago Preliminar dos Sites (Preliminary Acceptance) 5.2 Caso no sea encontrada qualquer pendéncia ou faiha pelo Cliente da CONTRATANTE no site inspecionado nos termos da Cléusula 5.1 acima, 0 site seré preliminarmente aceito pela Cliente da CONTRATANTE, momento em que o Gerente de FPA6O718RA18092600359581 90364214 FPAGOT 1BRA1809260035958 190364214 4.5.4. Inthe event of presentation in advance, by the CONTRACTED PARTY, of the PCAFs for payment, witout anogung te sorwemonee cooenen order and the previous approval of the CONTRACTING PARTY, will give the latter the eee ee eee corresponding to 10% (ten percent) of the value of the PO of the respective PCAF. 4.8, Inthe event the CONTRACTED PARTY does not present the Definitive Installation Project “PDI" (whenever Huawei has provided an existing preliminary or definitive design and it is provided to ‘Supplier so that new PDI can be created), VSWR Test Report, Cali Test Report, Equipment integration or any other services purchased, by means of this Agreement the Buyer is authorized to discount the total amount related to such services of the last installment owed to the Supplier, according with Annex 4 ARTICLE FIVE ~ PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE BY CONTRACTED PARTY'S CLIENT 6.1, After completion of preliminary acceptance, with the issuance of the first PCAF, the CONTRACTING PARTY, in possession of the Site ‘Check List and PD! provided by the CONTRACTED PARTY, shall schedule with its Client a date for inspection for Site Preliminary Acceptance. 8.2. If no pending issues or flaws are found by the CONTRACTING PARTY’s Client on the inspected site according to Article 6.1 above, the site will be preliminarily accepted by the CONTRACTING PARTY’s Client, and then the issuance, by the hg? * 3 Page 130150 se Projets da GONTRATANTE autorizara a CONTRATADA a omtir a segunda PCAF para submissao, aprovacao e posterior pagamento. 5.3, Caso seja encontrada uma Unica e simpies pendéncia ou faina, inclusive relacionadas a qualidade, em qualquer um dos sites inspecionados, a Cliente da CONTRATANTE rejeitard o site, dando & CONTRATANTE um prazo para que a pendéncia ou faha seja sanada, A CONTRATADA, em seguida, seré notifcada sobre a pendéncia ou falha encontrada fo site @ © prazo que tera para efetuar 0 reparo ou ‘corregao, recebendo juntamente com a notficagao um relatério que deveré ser preenchido e devolvido CONTRATANTE. 5.3.1. Uma vez sanadas as pendéncias ¢ entreques 098 relatérios devidamente preenchidos, devers a CONTRATANTE informar sua Cliente do fato e solictar que a mesma refaca a vistoria no respectivo site, que, a seu critério, poderd ser feita pessoalmente visitande © site novamente ou mediante relatério fotografico. 5.3.2, Caso n&o seja encontrada qualquer endéncia ou falha nesta nova inspec, o site sera preliminarmente aceito pela’ Cliente. da CONTRATANTE, momento em que o Gerente de Projetos da CONTRATANTE autorizaré. a CONTRATADA a emitir a segunda PCAF para submissdo, aprovagéo e posterior pagamento. 5.3.3. Este proceso de aceitagdo se repetira quantas vezes forem necessarias, até que os Servigos ‘estejam de acordo com os padrées especificados pela CONTRATANTE nos termos do Anexo 2. Feasor tea e0a250035956190384214 CONTRACTED PARTY, of the second PCAF for ‘submission, approval and posterior payment shall be ‘authonzed by the CONTRACTING PARTY. 5.3. If a simple or single pending issue or flaw is found, including quality standard ones, in any of the inspected sites, the CONTRACTING PARTY's Client shall reject the site, giving the CONTRACTED PARTY ‘a deadline to remove the pending flaws. The CONTRACTED PARTY then shall be notified about ‘such pending issues or flaws found in the site and about the deadline for the repair or correction, receiving alongside an appropriate report to be filed ‘out and retumed to the CONTRACTING PARTY. 5.3.1. Once the pending issues are solved and the reports duly filled out are delivered, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall inform its Client and ‘request the Client to perform a new inspection in the respective site, which can be done by visiting the sites ‘again or by photograph report. at its own discretion 5.3.2. If no pending issues or flaws are found on the ‘new inspection, the site shall be preliminarily accepted by the CONTRACTING PARTY's Client, s0 the CONTRACTING PARTY’s Project Manager shall authorize the CONTRACTED PARTY to issue the second PCAF for submission, approval and posterior payment 5.3.3. This acceptance procedure shall be repeated ‘as many times as necessary, until the Services are in the CONTRACTING PARTY's standards set forth in Annex 2 accordance with FPA6071BRA18092600359581 90364214 Page 14 01 50 se 5.4. Caso 0 pagamento das parcelas relacionadas as PCAFS tenha sido efetuado sem a aceitagao preliminar e/ou final do Cliente da CONTRATANTE, Permanece a CONTRATADA obrigada a prestar os servigos de clean up, sem qualquer custo adicional @ CONTRATANTE, sempre que se fizer necessario, ‘sob pena da aplicagéo da penalidade estabelecida na Clausuia 92. CLAUSULA SEXTA - DOS REQUISITOS DE QUALIDADE E SEGURANGA 6.41. & aplicével a todos 0s Servigos a serem prestados nos termos deste Contrato todas as disposighes constantes do Anexo 2 (Padrées de Qualidade e Instalagao), no qual estdo descritos os Padrbes minimos de qualidade a serem seguidos pela CONTRATADA, incluindo ilustragdes e detalhes de instalagdo de forma a auxiiar a CONTRATANTE a evitar erros e problemas de instalacdo. 6.2, A CONTRATADA deverd utiizar-se, durante © periodo de prestacdo dos Servigos, de um sistema de gerenciamento de qualidade proprio, devendo disponibilizar também engenheiros de qualidade suficientes para execugdo dos Servigos @ serem realizados em conjunto com o time de projeto & qualidade da CONTRATANTE. 6.2.1. A CONTRATADA esta obrigada a prestar os Servigos de maneira eficiente e utilizando-se das melhores técnicas disponiveis no mercado, devendo fomecer toda a méo-de-obra, material equipamentos —_necessérios-—exigidos pela CONTRATANTE. FPA6OT1BRA1809260035988 100364214 one 84. In the event the payment of the installments related to the PCAFs had been performed without the Preliminary and/or final acceptance by the CONTRACTING PARTY's Client, the CONTRACTED PARTY remains obligated to provide the clean up services, at no additional cost to the CONTRACTING PARTY, whenever necessary, under the penalty of the application of the fee established in the Clause 92 ARTICLE SIX QUALITY AND SAFETY ‘STANDARDS 6.1, It is applicable to all Services to be executed Under the terms of this Contract all the provisions in ‘Annex 2 (Quality & Installation Standards), which contains the description of the minimum Quality & Installation Standards to be followed by the CONTRACTED PARTY, including photos and installation details that may help the CONTRACTING PARTY in avoiding mistakes and installation probiems, 6.2, The CONTRACTED PARTY shall use, during the provision of Services, @ quality management system of its own and also must provide enough ‘quality engineers for the execution of the Services to be performed together with the CONTRACTING PARTY’s project and quality team. 6.2.4. The CONTRACTED PARTY shall effectively Provide the Services, using the best available techniques and products in the market, as well as provide all the necessary labor force, material and ‘equipment required by the CONTRACTING PARTY. co ur Shins nse FPA6071BRA1809260035958190364214 7 Page 150150 6.2.2. A CONTRATADA se compromete a fomecer pessoal com capacidade técnica adequada necesséria a execugdo de todos os Servigos contratados nos termos deste instruments, zelando pelo bom comportamento e disciplina dos mesmos, sendo a CONTRATADA considerada, para todos os fins @ efeitos legais, como sua unica e exclusiva ‘empregadora, nao havendo entre a CONTRATANTE qualquer cardter de exclusividade com relagdo aos ‘empregados. da CONTRATADA uflizados na prestagao dos Servigos. 6.3, No periodo que precede 0 inicio dos Servicos ou até mesmo antes dos mesmos serem finalizados, as informages do Anexo 2 (Padres de Qualidade e instelagao) poderdo ser complementadas ou alteradas, mediante entrega 4 CONTRATADA ce novos documentos de padres de qualidade, incluindo esclarecimentos eventualmente necessarios ou ainda mesmo adaptando o disposto no Anexo 2 (Padrbes de Qualidade @ instataglo) aos padrbes de qualidade do Cliente da CONTRATANTE. 3.1. Em caso de discrepancia entre os documentos constantes no Anexo 2 (Padrbes de Qualidade @ InstalagSo) @ aqueles entregues posteriormente pela CONTRATANTE, devergo prevalecer os padrées de qualidade emitidos posteriormente. 6.4. A CONTRATADA seré responsavel por realizar por conta propria uma vistoria dos Servigos nos sites finalizados, de acordo com as regras estabelecidas no Anexo 2 (Padrées de Qualidade e Instalagao). Apés a conclusdo desta vistoria, 2 CONTRATADA devera informar imediatamente a -FPAGOT 1BRA180$260095958190364214 i spe 6.22, The CONTRACTED PARTY undertakes to provide technically capable personnel, with good discipline and behavior. for the execution of the Services herein contracted. The CONTRACTED PARTY is considered, by all legal means and effect, ‘2s the personnel exclusive employer, without any ‘employment relationship between the CONTRACTING PARTY and the employees of the CONTRACTED PARTY used in the provision of Services. 6.3. Previously to the beginning of the Services or even before is finalization, the information of the ‘Annex 2 (Quality & Installation Standards) may be complemented or amended, upon the deliverance to the CONTRACTED PARTY of new quality standards documents, which may include clarifications ‘eventually needed or even adapting the documents in the Annex 2 (Quality & Installation Standards) to the quality standards of the CONTRACTING PARTY’s Client 6.3.4. In case of any discrepancy between the documents verified in the Annex 2 (Quality & installation Standards) and those delivered afterwards by the CONTRACTING PARTY, the quality standard documents delivered later and agreed by the Parties shail prevail. 64 The CONTRACTED PARTY shall be responsible to perform on their own the inspection for the finished Services on the sites, as set forth in ‘Annexes 2 (Quality & Installation Standards). After the ‘conclusion of such inspection, the CONTRACTED PARTY shail inform immediately the CONTRACTING FPA6071BRA1809260035958190364214 Page 16 0f 50,

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