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Reflection About Gymnastics

It is important to create a safe, inclusive and respectful environment in your class. In

order to do so, you must be aware of your students capabilities and disabilities. Being a
flexible teacher and adapting the environment to your students needs such as, adding
extra padding, cones and making boundaries. The teacher must be considerate of time
and duration of each activity to make sure the students are engaged throughout. Having
set rules and regulation in the class will regulate the students engagement (knowing
when to freeze or stop, knowing what is off limits). As a teacher you must be aware of
you students abilities and be able to make modifications to the criteria to create a safe,
challenging and provide opportunities for success.
When an educator includes large apparatuses within a class, the safety level increases.
The educator must implement rules for the use of the apparatus. An educator may be
concerned with the supervision around the apparatus, especially if there is many large
pieces in use. Make sure to have an adequate amount of mats surrounding the large
apparatus to protect students falls.
Educational gymnastics encourages students to think critically and creatively about their
body movements. Embracing all variety of basic movement patters and skills will
generate an inclusive and creative environment.
Many schools do not have gymnastics equipment however, this should not deter the
educator from teaching gymnastics. The educator can focus on body movement and be
creative with the equipment which the school has such as, benches, hoola-hoops etc.

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