Public International Law

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What is the importance of the Public International Law ? ea . itis impossible today for a country to develop itself isolation it is impossible today for a country to pursue politics, social , political and economic or external affairs solenly . itis impossible today for a country to maintain any affaires in which other country or international relation are involved to be solely in its own national interest . . Today it becomes necessary especially for the country to maintain the good relation and also planned the all sent of development with respect to international affairs All above What are the kind of treaties ? eooanorp Bilateral treaties Plurilateral treaties . Unilateral treaties . Multilateral treaties (a).(b) and (4). State the purpose of | the United Nation Organizations ? e. a. To maintain the international peace b. c To develop friendly relation amongst nations To achieve international Co-operation in solving International problems of economic, social , cultural or humanitarian in character |. To take effective and preventive measures for the removal of threat to the peace All above What is the subject of International Law ? aoe only international law states only United Nations - states, International organizati 5. 6. 1 10. ff re McQ Banks ‘The admission of new political entity into the united nations can be termed as? 3. Conditional recognition b. express recognition ¢. collective recognition d. defacto recognition What is mean by monism ? International Law and state legal system b. International L: one system ¢. International L 4, International Law and state Law having a. Law represent two entirely distint aw and state Law are concomitant aspects of the aw and state Law are not enforceable different constitution Constitutive and declaratory theories of state related to a, Law of sea b, Law of Air space c. Law of outer space d. State recognition Which of the following involves is states succession ? a. adefinite replacement of one state by another b, the change of government c..a definite replacement of one another in.respect of . sovereignty over:a given territory..." a ands d. one state acting as the delegate or agent of another, for legal purpose . oe Which of the following is not the objective of United nations a. Maintenance of International peace and security . b. Ensuring respect for treaty obligation c. Establishment of democratic governmen! d. promotion of better standard of life ts throughout world f outbreak of war ? tes come to an‘end prohibited e following is result o! belligerent sta! between the states are Which among th All treaties between the . trading and intercourse during the war period public enemy property is seized : under international law the soldiers of the belligerent state are divided into two categories lawful and unlawful All above oP ao ° “Answers are given on last page of chapter. LL.B-II (Sem, ; AP MCQ Banks | 11. 12. 13. 14. Which of the following isnot the source of International Law? 1c} a. Treaties . b. Constitutions of sovereign states c. International states _ d; International converting. Who among the following is not the source of international Law ? a. cerotius b. Hobbes c. Holland d. Darwin The term aggression has defined in ? a. 1974 b. 1975 c. 1976 d, 1977 Whatare the right of neutral states ? a. The rights of the Neutral states otherwise known as the duties of the belligerent states No war like acts should be committed in the territory of the neutral state ac - + oe s ““e. The territory of the neutral statés‘should'not be used by the 15. belligerent states for-making:preparations of war d. Neutral states cable lines:in the sea should not be damaged bythe belligerent states e. All above Explain the term ‘Intervention’ a. Intervention means interference with the affairs of the state upon which otherwise a state has been an absolute right b. Intervention may be astate or by a group of states c. In this sense it can be said that intervention is dictatorial interference by a state in the affairs of another state d. Intervention may be to compel to do anything or refrain from doing something e. All above P ¥ McQ Banks peace keeping operation ex 1 - care iece keepin, on explain the term? Cen ee includes observer operation as well United Nations ate eetloyment of armed (ois, keeping activities een engaged in various types of pear’ security which a oF maintaining international peace a” Peace keepi re called peace keeping operations > keeping operation was operation made for solving the relation among the belligerent states d. (a) and (b) Which among the following is result of outbre: a. All treaties between the belligerent states come b. Trading and intercourse between the states are prohil during the war period c. public enemy property is seized d. under international law the soldiers of the belligerent states are divided into two categories lawful and unlawful e. Allabove a. b. 47. ak of war? to an end bited xplain concept as Material Sources tional law can international law e? therwise known s the rules about the Internal 48, Modern sources of I a, Modern sources are 0 b, From material source: be collected c. Decision of judi cial and Arbitral Tribunal Juristic work, decision of the organs of international institution, international comities ctl are somé of the modern’sources ‘of international law” 4, General principles of law recognized by the civilized states international i stomsandinternational treaties are some modern sources of International law e. Allabove 19, International crimin a. Rio conference b. Rome statute oft c Part of UN d. All of above al Court based on minal Court the International Cr sential of real and Binding Blockade ? 20, State the es a. Proper establishment L. ctiveness 4 e eral be maintained bya fore plocka d. Allthe ce sufficient to enforce the de - pove AP'S MCQ Banks LL.B-Il {Sem 21 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. Under the Convention of the Law of the Sea, the breadth of the Territorial Sea is: a. 6 nautical miles b. 8 nautical miles c. 12 nautical miles d. None of these Vienna Congress took place in: a. 1815 b. 1919 c. 1945 d. None of these Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in: a. 1966 b. 1968 c 1948 d. None of these Judges of the ICJ are: a. Elected by the Security Council b. Elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council c. Appointed by the Secretary General in consultation with the five permanent members of the Security Council. = nd: None of these . League of’ Nations was not joined by: a. USA b. France c. UK d. None of these Rights of hand-locked states are governed by a. Rules of customary international law b. Convention on the Law of Sea c. Mutual Consent d. None of these The concep; a. Anattil b. Adero; c. Not co) d. None o} Ee teria AP MCQ Banks LL.B-II (Sem-I) 28,. The term of judges of the International Court of justice is: a. 3 years ; b. S years c. 9years d. None of these 29. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations was adopted in: a. 1945 b. 1961 c. 1962 d. None of these 30, International Law Commission is a body to: a_ Investigate situations which may threaten international peace b and security Codify International Law c Conciliate between the disputing States d None of these 31, According to the “Floating island Theory”, a floating island is a. An island within 3 nautical miles from the coast of a country b. An island on the high seas which is not the territory of any particular State .¢. A ship bearing the national flag of a State | d. None of these a 32. Vienna Conference of 1961 is related to a. Diplomatic inter course and immunities b. Prisoners-of-war c. Recognition of states d. None of these 33. Who is called ‘the father of International Law’? a. Hago Grotius b. Oppenhein c. Suerez d. None of these 34, Foreign warships have a. The right of free passage in the territorial waters b. The right of innocent passage in the territorial waters c. To stay in the territorial waters.” d. None of these

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