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The International Journol of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Clinical, Radiographic, and

Histalogic Evaluation of Human
Periodontal Defects Treated with
Bio-Oss and Bio-Gide

Marcelo Cameio*/Marc L Nevins. DMD, MMSc"'/ Numerous bone substitutes are

Robert K. Schenk, MD'"/Mosslmo Simian, MD, DDS'"'/ currently available for use in
Giuiio Rasperini DDS""/Samuei E. Lynoh, DMD, DMSc'""/ periodontics. It is important to
Myroti Nevins. DDS""" assess these materials accord-
ing to standardized criteria prior
This study evoiuoted the dinicai, radiographie, and histoiogic response to Bio-Oss
to widespread clinical use, A
parous bone minerai when used aipne or in combination with Bio-Gide biiayer
coiiagen membrane in human periodontal defects. Four intrabany periadontal hierarchy of evidence assists in
defects were treated: two received Bia-Oss aione and two were treated with o the critical evaluation of puta-
combinotion of Bio-Oss and Bio-Gide. Radiographs, ciinical prabing depths, and tive bone regenerotive materi-
attachment ieveis were obtained preoperativeiy and ó fo 9 months postopera- als.'-^ According to these crite-
tive, and teeth and surrounding tissues were biopsied. Both treatments signiñcant-
ria the relative importance of
iy improved dinicai probing depths and attachment ieveis. and the radiographie
appearance suggested osseous fili. Histoiogic evaiuatian revealed that both evidence, from ieost to most
treatments produced new cementum with inserting coiiagen fibers and new important, is derived from the
bone formation on the surfyce of the graft particies: this regenerative effect was following sources;
more pranounced using the Bio-Oss/Bio-Gide combination, which resuited in 7
mm of new cementum and periodontai iigament and eiäensive new bone
incorporating the graft. The membrane was Intact at 7 months and partiaiiy 1, Animal studies using surgi-
degraded by 9 months after treatment This human histoiogio study demonstrates colly induced bone loss
that the porous bane minerai matrix used has the capacity to stimuiate substan- 2, Animal studies using notural
tiai new bane and cementum formation and that this capacity is further disease
increased when the graft Is used with a slowly resorbing coliagen membrane.
(IntJPeriodontRest Dent 1998:18:321-331,) 3, Humon studies measuring
ciinicoi and rodiographic
'Privofe Pracfice, Belo Horizonte, Brozii,
"insfructar, iHarvord Schooi of Dental Medicine, Boston, 4, Human studies meosuring
Mossochusefts, clinical and radiographie
•"Professor Emeritus, University of Bern, Switzeriond. parameters including these
""Consultant Professor, University of Miion, Itoiy.
'**'*Clinicol Associate Professor, SUNV Stony Brooit New York; and obtoined during reentry
Director, Osteotieolth Campony, Shiriey, New Yori(. 5, Human studies inciuding his-
••"•'Director, institute far Advanced Dentai Studies, Swampscott, tologie evaluation of the
type of wound healing that
Reprint requests: Or Myron Nevins, 90 Humphrey Street, hos occurred, ie, repair or
Swampscott, Massachusetts 01907, regeneration

Volume 18, Number 4,1993


The aim cf fhis sfudy was fc membrane's pctenfiai to inhibif to the defect area te serve as a
determine the type of healing fhe migration of the epithelium fixed reference poinf fer relafive
fhaf occurs in human infrabcny oiong the roct surfaoe fcilcwing atfachment ievei measure-
periodontai defecfs foilawing pericdonfai surgery and its ments. Pocket probing depth
plocemenf cf porous bone potential for promcfing peric- and attachment ievei measure-
mineral (Bio-Oss, Osteohealfh) donfai regenerafion have net ments were obtained immedi-
alcne or in combinafion wifh a been previously evaluafed. ateiy prior to surgery.
coliagen biiayer membrane The primary objectives cf Foiiowing administrotion ef
(Bio-Gide. Osfeohealfh). The this study were: (1) tc deter- iooai anesthesia, tuil-thickness
perçus bcne minerai is pro- mine the type of heaiing that muccperiosteal flaps were ele-
duced by extracting aii prcfein occurs following fhe piace- vated. Granuiaticn fissue was
from bovine canceiious cr cor- ment of Bio-Oss pcrous bone carefuiiy removed frcm the
ficol bone. The resultant bcne minerai inte human pericdcn- csseous defecfs and fhe feefh
minerai matrix has been re- tal defects and (2) fc defer- were thoroughly scaied and
ported to be highly simiiar tc mine if fhe ccllagen mem- rcct pianed with hand instru-
the mineral matrix of human brane Bio-Gide can exclude ments. The waiis of the osseous
bane.^ The abiiify of fhis mafer- fhe epifheiium ond enhance defecfs were perforated ap-
iai fo enhance bone regenero- pericdcnfai regeneration when proximately three times with a
fion has been evaluated in ani- used in ccmbinafion wifh one-haif round bur. The defeots
mal and human clinical studies porous bone minerai. The sec- were then filed with canceiious
with promising results,""'' buf ifs ondary objectives were: (1) fc pereus bone minerai (Bie-Oss).
effect en the healing cf human defermine fhe bicccmpatibility in two treatment sites a siowly
periodonfal defecfs has not ef the materiais evaiuated ond resorbing biiayer coiiagen
been previcusiy reported. (2) to determine the osteocen- membrane (Bie-Gide) was
A bioresorbabie coiiagen ductive petential ef the pereus adapted to the tooth and cov-
biioyer membrane has been bone minerai in human intro- ered the graft. No sutures were
recentiy deveioped for guided osseous periodontai defects. used te fix the membrane
bone regenerafion. If is cam- because it appeared to natu-
posed of ccllagen types I and rally adhere to the teeth sur-
Mi from pcrcine sources. This Method and materiais face. The tissues were fhen
membrane appears to main- sufured fe achieve primary clo-
tain its barrier functian fcr 4 fc ó Four anterior teeth with intra- sure over fhe fesf site. A perio-
months, significantiy longer than bony periodontai defects were dentai dressing (OeePai<) was
cfher currenfly avaiiabie mem- selected for freafment. Two clini- piaced; it remained for 2 weeks.
branes."^ A prcspecfive human cians nef invalved in fhe study Patients received peniciiiin VK (1
ciinicai frial and a nonhuman judged fhese feeth to have a g per day for 7 days) and were
primafe study have demon- hopeless pregnesis. Initial prepa- instructed fe rinse with 0.12%
strated ifs ability to provide ration consisted ef complete- chierhexidine digiuconate twice
resuifs ccmparabie tc expand- mouth scaiing and root planing daiiy for 8 weei<s.
ed poiytetrafiuoroethyiene (e- 4 weeks prior te surgical treat- Posfoperafive examinaficn
PTFE) membranes when used ment, and eral hygiene instruc- and oieansing of the surgicai sife
in guided bone regeneration flans. In addition, an amaigam wifh chiorhexidine occurred af 7.
procedures around endas- restoration was placed en the 14, and 21 days. Oral hygiene
seous implanfs.'''"^ However, fhis surface ef each feefh corenal assessmenf and supragingival

The infernationai Journal af Periodontics & Restorafive Denfisfry


Table 1 Clinical measurements (mm)

Pocket depth Ciinicoi ottochment levei

Case Treatment Precp Postop Chonge Preop Postop Chcnge Recession
1 Bio-Oss 9 5 4 9 5 4 0
2 Bio-Oss 10 4 ó 10 5 5 1
3 Bia-Oss & Bio-Gide 11 3 8 11 4 7 1
4 Bio-Oss & Bic-Gide 10 5 5 10 ó 4 1

soaiing were performed 28 and gradients of oioohol. and infil- 1. Length of new cementum, in
42 days and 3,4.5, ond 6 months trated ond embedded in mm
postoperative. methyi methaoryiate. Sériai sec- 2. Length (height) ot new
Clinical measurements tions were obtained in a bone, in mm
were r e p e a t e d and radio- mesiodistal piane. 3. Percentage of each major
graphs were o b t a i n e d b e - The following qualitative tissue type fiiling the original
tween 6 and 9 months post- histoiogio parometers were defect (eg, bone, periodon-
o p e r o t i v e , Following locoi evaluated: tai ligament (PDL), marrov/
anesthesio the region of the vosculoture, groff), mea-
originai osseous defect and 1. Overaii assessment of tissue sured os: the cross-sectionoi
a d j a c e n t t o o t h structure health area of each tissue type
were r e m o v e d en bioc as 2. Degree of infiommation divided by the oross-sec-
previously desoribedJ' The associated with the graft tional area ot the original
marginai gingiva and osseous and membrane as deter- defect
tissue to the base of the origi- mined by the presence or
nai periodontai defect were obsence of inflammotory
inciuded, with a minimum of cells, eg, neufrophiis and Results
extra tissue. After biock ex- macrophoges
traction the residuai defect 3. integrity of coilogen mem- Aii sites healed uneventtully.
was g r a f t e d with a bone brane There were no clinical signs of
autograft or aliograft as indi- 4. Location of junctionai epi- inflammation except those
c a t e d , a n d barrier mem- theiium in relation to new customory during the first few
branes were p i a c e d to re- bone weeks after surgery, Presurgical
oonstfuot the region for 5. integration of porous bone and postsurgiooi pocket
future insertion of endosseous minerol particles in new depths and clinicai a t t a c h -
impiants. bone versus fibrous fissue ment levéis for each patient
The biopsies were fixed in are shown in Table 1, Each
10% buffered formalin, subse- The foilowing quantitative case is desoribed in the Case
quentiy dehydrated in step parameters were evaiuated: repcrts section.

Volume 18, Number 4 1998


Fig la Preoperative radiograph Fig lb Six-miiiimeter intrabony dereci Fig Ic Intrabony defect graffed wifh
reveaiing a substantiai intrabany peria- on the mesiai aspect af the maxiiiary Bio-Oss.
dantai defect. A Michigan O probe is ieft canine. The defect has fhree wails
piaced ta the base af the defect. and is conHned to the mesial surface af
the canine.

Table 2 Qualitative histoiogic analysis

Tissue Membrane
Case Treafment health Biocompatibility integrity
1 Bio-Oss Fxoellont Excellent
2 Bio-Oss Excellent Excellent
3 Bio-Oss & Bio-Gide Excellent Mild inflammotion adjacent to membrane Partial
4 Bio-Oss & Bio-Gide Excellent Exceiient Complete

Case ; and pink with ne clinical signs ef exceiient as determined by the

inflammation. Rodiographically, iack of ony histoiogic markers
Case 1 consisted af a 6-mm the areq of the eriginai lesion of inflammation, eg, neutrophiis
three-wall intrabony iesion on exhibited increased radiepacity a n d mocrophoges (Table 2),
the mesiol ospect of the mqxil- with na ciear deiineation be- New bone had grown into the
iary ieft c a n i n e t r e q t e d with tween the graffed area and sur- grafted area. The bone mineral
porous bane mineral qiane (Figs rounding bone (Fig Id). portieles a d j o c e n t to the os-
lG to I c ) , After 9 manths, the Histologieally, there were no seous walls were completely
attachment level increased by signs of inflammation associ- e m b e d d e d in dense compos-
4 m m . There h a d beer\ nc a t e d with the groff material; ite lamellar q n d woven bone.
recessioh. The tissues were firm t h e tissue h e o l f h a p p e a r e d Towards the root surface, new

The Internotionai Journal of Periodontics & Restorotive Dentistry


Fig I d (ieft) Nine-month postopera-

tive radiograph showing ffl of the bony

fig J0 (right) Histaiogic section of the

maxiiiary left canine 9 months affer
grafting. The area grafted with Bio-Oss is
invaded with new bone. New bone for-
mation is beginning on the gran particle
surfaces apicaily. New cementum (dark
pink. biaci< orrows) is presenf on the root
surface. The apical extent of the epithe-
iium Is denoted by the white arrow
Gran particles were not observed in
direct contact with the root surface.
(Original magnification X 3.2:hema-
toxyiin-eosin stain.)

bone was beginning to torm on

the particie surfoces ond some
porticies were bridged by new
bone. Neor the root surfoce
and of the coronol ospect of
the grafted oreo, however,
some particles were olso sur-
rounded by connective tissue
(Figs 1 e and 10- A new cemen-
tum-like substance v^/qs present
on fhe root surface adjacent to
the bone gratt. The area of
new cementum wos 5.2 mm in
length, represehting 69% ot the
depth ot the originai defect
(Toble 3). The tissue fiiiing fhe
ariginqi osseous iesion was 24.9%
bone, 26,2% bone mineral, and fig if Higher magnification shows a dense ingrowth of new bone (') incorporating
48,9% PDL and marrow vascuior Bio-Oss particies at the base and vertical waiis af fhe bony defect. New bone formaron
is beginning on the graft particle surfaces (white arrow) near fhe roat surtace. New
tissue. The height of new bohe cemenfum is apparent on the root surface (block arrow). (Originai magniñcation
wos 4.8 mm (Table 3). X 12.5: hematoxyiin-eoàn sfoin.)

Voiume 18, Number 4,1998


Table 3 Quantitative histoiogic analysis

Tissue distribution
Length of Height of New Bone Sott tissue
new cementum new bone bone minerai (PDL marrow.
Case Treatment (mm) (mm) (%) (%) vascuiature, etc) (%)
1 Bio-Oss 5.2 4.8 24.9 26,2 48.9
2 Bio-Oss 5.1 4,2 31.ó 33,7 34.7
3 Bio-Oss & Bio-Gide 7.0 5,3 25.7 33,8 40.5
4 Bio-Oss & Bio-Gide 7.6 4.5 5.2 31,5 63.4

Case 2 the grott were embedded in canine measuring 7 mm in

connective tissue that was par- depth (Figs 2a and 2b), There
Case 2 was o ó-mm three-wall tially anchored in new cemen- was an 11-mm loss of clinical
intrabony lesion on the distal tum. The junctionai epithelium attachment level. The combi-
aspect of the mandibular left ended coronai tc the osseous notion of Bio-Oss and the Bio-
lateral incisor Initially there was crest, A widened area of more Gide membrane was used tc
10 mm of relative ottachment longitudinaily oriented fibers in trect the defect (Fig 2c). At 7
loss and a pocket depth ot 7 the coronal third of the iesion months posttreatment there
mm. The defect was treafed suggested tooth mobility during was a 7-mm gain in oiinicai
with Bio-Oss alone. At 6 months heaiing. The new cementum a t t a c h m e n t and 1 mm of
postoperative, there was a min- was 5,1 mm in iength, represent- recession (Fig 2d). All tissues sur-
imal 1 mm of recession and c ing 85% of the original osseous rounding the defect appeared
clinicai attachment gain of 5 lesion. The tissue fiiiing the origi- healthy Radiogrophicoily there
mm. The tissues o p p e a r e d nai osseous defect was 31.6% appeared to be compiete fiil
heaithy with no signs of inflam- new bone, 33,7% bone mineral, of the original osseous lesion
mation. Radiographically, the and 34,7% PDL and marrow vas- (Fig 2e),
original defect was barely visi- cuiar fissue. The height of new Histologicaiiy, there was
ble by 6 months. bone was 4,2 mm. robust new bone formation
Histologicaiiy, the graft was throughout the majority of the
completely biocompatibie; grafted site (Figs 2f to 2i). New
new bone had invaded the Case 3 cementum formation was pre-
bone mineral particies from the sent along the entire root sur-
walls and the apical border of Case 3 was a three-wall intra- face adjacent to the original
the defect. Bone mineral parti- bony lesion on the distal as- osseous defect. Collagen fibers
cles in the coronal portion cf pect of the mandibular right were organized perpendicular

The Internotional Journai of Periadantics & Restorative Dentistry


to the root surface and ap- Case 4

peared fc interdigifafe wifh fhe
coiiagen fibers of fhe mem- Case 4 exhibifed a fwo-woii. 7-
brane. The rescrbabie barrier mm infrabony defect en fhe
membrane appeared fo be mesiai aspect of the maxiliory
infact, aithough résorption was right canine. There was 10 mm
beginning to occur. The june- of ciinicai attachment ioss pre-
tienai epitheiium ended coro- operativeiy, which wos treated
nai to the membrane (Fig 2g); with the combination cf porcus
the barrier had thus perfcrmed bone minerai and coiiagen
ifs function of inhibifing epifhe- membrane. The 9-menfh pesf-
iiai downgrowth. operative examination re-
The graff parficies were veaied a 4-mm gain in oiinicai
almcsf enfirely embedded in attachment and 1 mm cf
new bcne (Fig 2i). The new recession. The iesion exhibifed
bone fermafion appeared to inoreosed radiopacity radie-
begin en the surface of fhe graphicaiiy, but the grafted
graft particies and often fci- area was still discernabie.
lowed their confour. The porcus Histoiegio examination re-
' b o n e minerai particles thus veoied fhaf the membrane was
served as a nidus for bone for- partiaiiy degraded. The defect
mation. There was new dense was ccmpieteiy fiiied with graff
bene adjacent to the criginai particies that were ingrown with
bony woiis ot the defect: it was new bone in the apicai extent
less pronounced tcward the of the iesion. The graft materiai
rcot surface and membrane. near the root surtace and in the-
New celiagen fibers insert- coronai haif cf the iesion was
ing infa fhe new cemenfum surrounded by connective tis-
were present (Fig 2h). These sue. A mild infiammotory re-
inserting coliagen fibers ex- sponse was noted between the
tended from the base tc the ceronai extent of fhe graft and
coronal extent of the eriginai fhe membrane. Similar te case
osseeus defect and cerres- 3. new cementum was present
ponding inferior surface of fhe on the root surface fhreughout
membrane. The Iengfh of the fhe entire length of the original
new cementum was 7 mm, rep- defecf (7 mm), represenfing
resenting 100% of the depth of 100% cf the original defect. The
the original defecf. The tissue fiii- tissues fiiiing fhe defect were
ing the originai osseous defect 5.2% new bone, 31.5% bene
was 25.7% new bone, 33.8% minerai, and ó3.4% PDL marrew
bane mineral, and 40.5% PDL vascuiafure, and connecfive
and marrow vascuiar fissue. fissue.

Volume 18. Number 4,1998


Fig 2a Preoperative radiograph show- fig 2b Seven-millimeter intrabony Fig 2c intrabany defect grafted with
ing a significant introbony iesion. A defect on fhe distol ospeot of the canceiious Bia-Oss. 0.25 to 1.0 mm.
Michigan O probe is ptaced to the mondibutar right canine. The defect has A Bio-Gide membrane wos trimmed
base of the intrabony defect. Poctcet fhree walls and is confihed to the distai and pioced oyer the groft moteriat
depth is ! 1 mm. surface of the canine. ond adapted to the root surface. No
sutures were used to fix the membrane.

Fig 2d Tissues appear very hedithy at Fig 20 Seyen-month postoperotive

7 manths pastoperatiye. There is 2 to 3 radiograph showing fiii of Wie bony
mm of probing depth with minimoi defect.

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Fig 2f (left) Histotogic section 7 monfhs

affer grafting with Bio-Oss and Bio-Gide.
The grafted areq is nearly compieteiy
invaded with new bone. New bone is
present on the surface of the Bio-Oss
granuies apicaiiy. The membrane is stiii
presente), '^le apical extent of the
epithelium (blaok arrow) Is coronai to
fhe membrane The apical extent of the
root planing is denoted by the white
orrow. New cementum is present along
fhe entire raat surfoce adjacent ta the
original defect. Coiiagen fibers are ori-
ented perpendicular to fhe roof sur-
face. No groft particles were abserved
in direct contact with the root surface.
(Original maghificdtion x 3.2: hema-
toxyiin-eosin stain.)
Fig 2g (right) Higher magnification af
coronai box from Fig 2f shows apicai
exfent ofjuhctionai epithelium (orrow).
(Original magniñcatian x 50: hema-
taxyiih-eosin stain.)

Fig2h Higher magnification of middie Fig2i A dense ingrowth of new bone (onows) around and between the Bio-Oss par-
bax from Fig 2f cleariy shows new ticies (•) is apparent (fram the apicai bax in Fig 2f). The new bane is most dense on the
cemenfum (dark purple, airovj) with surface of the Bio-Oss parfides. suggesting fhaf the graf! performs os an osteaconduc-
perpendicuiariy oriented inserting caiia- tive materiai, (Original magnification x 12,5: hematoxylih-eosih stain.)
gen übers. (Originai magnificatian x 50:
hematoxyiin-easin sfain.)

Volume 18, Number 4.1998


Discussion amouhf of bone regenerafion osteoinductive potentiai when

wos further increased in fhe sites impianted subcutaneousiy"" it is
A muititude of new moteriais evqiuated in this study by the not i<nown at this time whether
are being tested for their abiiity use of the collagen membrane. the periodontqi lesion repre-
to promote periodontai wound This is in contrast to the only pre- sents o ceiiular environment
heoiing. To improve fhe unitorm- viously pubiished human histo- more similar to an intrqmuscuior
ity wifh which fhese moteriais iogic report using synthetic bar- or subcutoneous implantation
are evaiuafed, ond conse- riers aione. in vi/hich iittie new site. The previous study'* con-
quenfiy focilitote proper evolu- bcne was observed. cluded that DFDBA moy func-
qtion by the ciinician, a hierar- Surprisingiy, new cementum tion primarily os an osteocon-
chy of evaluation criterio has was aiso present on fhe root sur- ductive matrix.
been estabiished.' The most face adjocent fo the gratt porti-
stringent of these criteria is the cies. Simiiqr to the observotions
documentation of new cemen- on bone, the presence of Conclusion
tum, periodontot iigoment, qnd new cementum wos further
bone by hisfoiogic mefhods enhanced by the use ot the in summory. the porous bone
based upon human sampies. To coiiogen membrane, in the sites minerai motrix ond coiiogen
date, only outogenous bone thot received both the mem- membrane vi/ere both biocom-
and demineraiized freeze-dried brane and the graft. 7 mm of patible. The porous bone min-
bone ailogrotts (DFDBAs) have new cementum was observed. eroi o p p e o r e d to act qs q
demohstrated the ability to pro- This degree of new cementum true osteooonductive mqfrix;
mote the restorotion of all fhree formafion is considerably great- new bone wos often initiolly
components in humons." Cne er than thot reported by observed forming on the sur-
report from o human sfudy sug- Coftiovy ef a l ' ^ in the only face of the gratt particies.
gests thqt bqrrier membrqnes humon histoiogic report using a There wos aiso new ottach-
can aiso enhance the forma- synthetic membrane withcut ment formation consisfing of
tion of new cementum with graff particles. coilagen fibers inserting info
inserting coliogen fibers; how- In o series of iondmork stud- new cementum odjocent to
ever, iimited amounts of new ies. Bowers and coworkers"'^ the graft. At 7 months the collo-
bone Vi/ere observed.'^ demonstroted thot DFDBA has gen membrane remoined in-
The present study demon- the capacity to enhance peric- tact in cne specimen qnd par-
strates thot the porous bone dontai regeneration based tiaiiy intact in the second
mineroi tested (Bio-Css) is highly upon human histoiogic data. specimen. The membrone inhib-
osteoconductive. Many of the Ncnetheless. its use ond pre- ited epitheiioi downgrovi/fh qnd
groft porticies were inccrpor- dictabiiify have been ques- promoted hew cementum for-
oted into newiy formed bone. tioned.'"'^ Some lots of com- mafion with perpendicularly ori-
The particies otten appeored to mercial DFDBA have been ented inserting coiiagen fibers.
serve os a nidus for bone forma- shown to be osteoinductive Aithough fhe iimited sompie
tion. Bone formafiqn oppeored when implanted inframus- size in the present study does
to be initiated on fhe surface of cuiarly. whiie other batches not oilow o stqtisficai compari-
the mineraiized graff porticies from the same or different tis- son befween the resuits seen
ohd often cahnected the parti- sue banks exhibited littie or here and those observed in
cles, formihg a dense area of no inductive capacity. No the previous human histoiogic
new minerolized tissue. The botches contoined signiticant sfudy evoiuating demineraiized

The Internationai Journal af Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


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