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‘Paint Like Paint Like Masters hat is it that elevates an artist to a master? Is ican innovative approach to art? Pethaps its a reputation as dramatic and ‘unpredictable as their brush strokes? Or maybe ita combination of both talent and temper, as isthe case for Britains most celebrated seascape artist, JMW Turner = ivalled in his mastery of the skies and seas, Turner's status as a master is all the more Incredible, considering his controversial reputation and eccentric nature, Over the following pages, delve into the stories of some of the world’s most prodigious artists, from Rembrandt and Raphael, to Monet and Matisse. Find out the incredible tales of some of the world’s greatest masterpieces, including Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night and Sir [ohn Everett Millas’ Ophelia ‘Most importantly, however, we will reveal the skills and techniques you need to re-create your own, modern-day masterpieces inspired by the masters. So what are you waiting for? Find your palette, grab your paints, and get going! ay This bookazine sprinted on recycled paper. I's important that ‘we care about eur planet and make a difference where we can, for usand every generation that follows Paint Like THE Masters laiasiieeX bookazine serie Se Getting started with oils Howard yen explains how to get started in painting with ails, from choosing the right colours to acquiring kt is for arranging and mixing ol paints How to apply your oil paints Canvas stretching and setting up canvases, and ind outthe best way tose An introduction to acrylics ifyou'e new acre print, Syvia Paul gives an in-depth ide ina ow to make the most ofthis modern medium the paint sherightbrsh Use acrylics with other mediums Challenge yourself tndpushnebourcafesofyourpontng 28 no a MASTERS The Old Masters Find out how these artistic geniuses earned their status Michaelanglo Merisi da Caravaggio ane The Pre-Raphaelites J.M.W. Turner Sr Vincent Van Gogh Discover th fe and ar ofthis tortura sour Paul Cézanne Find gut how this artist paved the way for Cubism rx | Claude Monet How the art ofthis master want from despisa to adored rool Henri Matisse A tralblazer of colow, whose work shaped the 20th century Kandinsky INTRODUCTION TO Getting started with oils Howard on explain how to get started in painting with oi, rom choosing the ghtcolurs to saquring kit Arrange and mix your oils tnyourpalete, wal oer fovea o How to apply your oil paints Canwas stretching and setting up Save money and eam how to setch and prime your own canvases, end find outthe best way to secure your sketches An introduction to acrylics Ifyou new to acrylic pants, Syvia Pau gies an in-depth Tools & how to apply the paint Overtse toe eam hn cease it bases for Use acrylics with other mediums BIPM Fors more domate unc ete why mtr combiing Challenge yourself Findout Sits dp tps lowing yourself xperiment trupush he bona of you pang An introduction to mediums In this first tutorial, here'san undeserved mystique around il painting that has put Uupsome intimidating bari for some artis weaning tose this ‘wonderful medium, hope to emove those concerns nd providea basic foundation of knowledge to help you getsurted Oil pints pigment bound in drying (sccatve) oi The most common is Tinsced i extracted fom Max sds, but saz ind paint botnd in walt, {afflomer or oer ol The pigments are sgznenlythesameas those found in A spectrum of colours There re hunceds of cous 0 chee but sta wh aban plete tat overs th pectum and vl ge you ond rixof warm and cots. Pr-gode blew contan mor pigment which wi ‘ecutin more acute clout meg, nd taille esstenoedingin uri 5 Titanium white Cadmivon. yal lghe “iw ehee admin eight Alizarin crime Toanparons red nde Burne wonder ea under Phehale green Ukrmmarine Be vey Hack Be oleliberate Every stoke you make shad have purpose What shape, colour ard vast stoke yore tying toma? Stay focused and pit with intent. HH UHL | | > explains how to get started in painting with oils, \waterolous paselsand acrylics, Oi ins offer arches of colour an its surface allows the creation of beatiful textes, Youcan pain thick thin, dietyor use glazes Olsen be used on paper wood, meal plastic canvasand ‘many other surfaces. youte ast geting started, dont get overchelmed. Be patient with yourself and ecopnise that Take aie time getihe hang thisbeauiful medium Don'toveromplicate it. either To begin well goover the key materials needed foryou to gtstartd, Mostart, eda Pears ie fro er aes Oil painting requires a variety of brushes from choosing the right paint colours and brushes, to pulling together an essential kitbag material resold in at east two grades student and professional, Whenever possible purchase pro-grade materials. ind thedifferencen price off because pro materials almost aay ast Jongerand the paint goes further. Abowt HOWARD ‘mercan For, Uta, USA Howar has deep ove ant ‘npreiton fr ar histor, ‘ect expanding hs work create ning npr ys forte ld asters we howeryon com prefer Rosemary & Co. bushes but alsoracormend Siver Grand Pricand Tket. Hog bristle rushes so versate, not erly expensive end alow a vay of angeatons, ner hored brushes, borat and shot, can give youan even smoather ish ane make ver ine deal possible oO A surface to paint The most common surfaces 0 BR pon secon, con arcwoed Yout TEM rocco o1me te surace witha gescocr BA unto pent acs nite part fromeomocingi rect. Are pess0is nse arcanbeepled witha brah rte A ward hardboard panel ‘and rath, ard day ee heap F) Ghioase a patete for your paint ‘Yau needs alte for your pant. This canbe a dispsabl ne can tabletop or ahardheld wood prt ora pice of as that canbe qucky scraped clean. Whatever you se, choose something tha’ large enough to alow fr easy mang andcan be used ergonoicaly [5 A gonfortabie east ‘A sold ese! s importants tht your ‘workable, safe andremains ata good warkingheght wie youte pit, Youcan urcase smal mea tpod-stve ese at Canbeused sting erstedng or consie 3 Yong wood ease or lerge studio mode ‘hater meant remsinin st. © sand ste, are vid either when siting or sennd O Heframe seyle easel for sto we range aed ceimes tn var aas set field enrd,. versace and. poreable An introduction to mediums ARRANGE AND st petstartedby covering how to fe paintout ont your pale personally like to arange my ‘colors fom the mos intense shades to theless intense grouped into warm and «ool colours "yeseen studens squeeze out colour randomly and it becomes tricky 1 keep ‘things organises the piting progresses. Choose a layout, ticki it MIX YOUR OILS _ and you wont have to thinkabout where your colours are "llmixupa pile (or nut of paint and ‘make adasments tothe ple by ming ‘colour int portion of. fyou remix the ‘whole pile tcan getaway fom you and then the whole nutis wasted. For ‘eample iT havea base skin tone that ree io make cooler or warmer, Imi im the left and ight sides of saving Arrange your paint on the palette iit eel how you aonge colo, song as you const so that you tnow where your clos ae, Soro ret pa warmandcol ‘erst f ech cluror range hem fe ROYGBIY seg win ack and hte at ends. recommend teoping ings ariced and conse Peiningcenbe du, working within, meagre ples pint mkesthe process ven harder Moka yur fe ease and use a decent amount o paint on your pale some ofthe original colour. You wil find ‘hat your clout wll tay cleaner ifyou «an mixwith two or thee colour instead fofsixor seven also helps reduce the Intensity of your colours by mixing ina sreyolthesamevalue instead of mixing na complement or adding blak In summary mixunt ou have the righteolout Checkit adjustitand then star painting ‘Mix on your palette Use a pale kite rater thn your trash to malo art pies. Th wl help eee partout your bush Yee (the meta cll at hel te brie). Koop the ved pant erpised ar you need, cope your plete down 0 yOu favs cean space amcor. The prine wil prend ues yo mar se your palette haste 7 cv epee maxed prine back ute a hice eompacr ple eat Gas eae ae ees Keep your mixes versatile Reduce the chroma ‘Wher esting pint on your let, kite aporion four pe ‘When parting fom most claus out fhe tbe Wl be to taherttan re whos thn. Thebenets ae freeok:igres yuma "ene. frat i's best reduce my colour by ming na eyo ho parting optons provides youwih evar of yours endfyeu Same va, rae thn meng in acompement Back. Clo stay trans helo ip aud ose he wine. Gleaner end you eanconal he vues mor easy Tale your time Mixing tricolor and vu athe begring of your process rakesiissdantng youwontto start os | Tenstryurpi cndatne woxpier Store your paint Extenayour paint’ by Keeping tina reeer or fe. your paete doesn’ tor space i riod, "raster your pain to wax paper and putalthe panna row, then ot up toreduce the amountof space it takes up. © An introduction to mediums HOW TO APPLY ———- OSES peiteretlienee Different brush effects However you can use oils without ding a medium, Mou of ey work is ddone with paint direct fom the tube Some mem are added to shorten ot lengthen dying ines: thers change the characteristics ofthe paint. Paintout of tetube sovien called stfoeshor, and will tain your brush stroke especially ith couse brushes, you add Mid ‘medium, such aslinsed oll or Depending on what ype of brush you use and how hard youpyess ol pant an look very iferensromone soo othe net. Inaction, ang trner or medium to ‘hepa, as wel as changing the angle ofthe brush, wake the wextreand impact of tem bratedusn— Seynthete — Gansolandinn start pane Brash Sootnawth a Sate Notes Syatetebsh foci Nee ee amr NDT ATI as 7 ee aero an Lee Aro) -YOUR OIL PAINTS — turpentine, becomes eat’ known a Jong Itt sean the peaks ofthe brush strokes, but wil ve out for more smooth sult Paintingsare generally moreinteresting when you tne a varetyofteenigaes when comes to applying pai. nother form of contre that provides varity and complexity andi add Aimension to your fina Wook, Use palette knives Pale krives are ut for ang pit. nat, yu 0 some ives marketed as pairing krives Realy, jot use whatever ste ob doe. ye used ae, ast uty tows fr resin rocky totus in some lrger pigs. re eee Te Aap ieee pe aa [F) Sexape the paint Femcving aintcan somatimes ba as effective ae adding “Tehothetine se whatyour pintcandowithouthaveg ary expctatons in ind, Woepaitotesing pavertone ana (1) Different mediums Dertbsceme overwhelmed by the vaety of mediums out aie. ve used otto snabe, ad rushes with dry pantin ham, there Hers a photo of some ofthe parting mediums hat ve tied "as, knives and tooth to remewe pant for fect. There are also Enjoy the diferent effects you can achive, but doitbe tad > rubbersipped scrapers sid nat stores that work welt ths atta andthe press entothe cans keep things smn or sre o experiment. Oisare atthe bestnten theyre alonedtobe pint Doxtworktoohardtoremove bush solos and ox. Let ‘the psintbea record ofyour scons onthe cawas. Get creative Denil ito toast th too you ‘rin the at store inthe past Ive used tho asic wrap tothbrushes, my breath F Pano ‘oblow pan rund, fingers and oer Thing riscolaneous tools. Norman Rockwell used W.Paitappinct piece eplisiewrsp andthonprosses_ anything sroundat the ire, ncuding sind, team furand straw taddtexze. © An introduction to mediums CANVAS STRETCHING AND SETTING UP xen came en weed pan, | aan cletico pumice scars wooden dl Cx fore astanfatneste adie au hota oreo cn neve intone hesricecseen "Camel aap athe mont ‘oppose mie aipaimingson catonisachap. common ae piel Tesea groan my ring Sheraton ted and ined su ining yar an theca Pfc ad mwa Sreyovakecnte wareer chance cate pre peat Wiyosiechyouroyncamasthen ote mone andy cance eet they net npoceen ne se youinsneslotefmony Lsmingio that yourping Seneping orn sil {broward bier prac | Uno piing cope om Once yor dings kor ‘Sdoitcomsenty. commend agnor om iy ne sess hat en youn sing Tvcinginagondpivermnelon hence Flin ae ie owl oad wi Stretch your canvas Cutyou cama wih 225 nches van of the steer bar, hen lao few stoplesin hemi fone se rate he onoste se Move toe ter ses andropat Work tom hemes oe comer Ther gees cab cr pocklng base ‘pict ten piu me Panay fp oe oat leet gies ms me err nace, aa 3 1] par applying. ges learn your craft Gesso panels and canvas ‘Teking the tne to oar about the mara, processes and Cihbesed gessoes on canvas require a sizing before applying. fst tea yourel te best cis Fabbsn gue taste tou cane GAC 10 Pc, (Spach eee to Aye snes ond pose neato sengandcen be spied recty. Brushes, oer ad towel ar al useful for gesscing. ae entire refoence sage ei acces, due te ize or aitulability. i a peter “a gucck Gather the best reference Toke te tee ora a nov se your cara, One of te biggest iss ace whe evan tert wert tale rfrence heen the wer, La toma costumes ac ete madara, Ths canbe an invaluable ad fun par of he process. Spray fermeve i a onsy way Oakes yor deating cate teed through or inponrrinen placing. My, dirabe wich wirhne che need Fer afte, ex mated ie ee nad oe cengrome ln og dave kere fing the fe. ea ork permanant are rb ie aera fi Psi siete eae eres TY) Tansfer a drawing “Toke your tme when vastering your fra caving A tong dena the basis of ay ood painting, 0 dont rough his ge ‘ndhave your work suf Ithnka grid isthe best method because renee your craving sk, Whatwitl remaun easy nares rd ack borat abiee Tica sa joutembjng unecessayktandeda se apa t apy or sgh dsctly er sean es , Tone tod bord wok he Secure your drawing ef wnagricach (ce your dawg is done, 3 goodiea tomato sur thats secureds0 tat when you pant ‘won'tdssaive arsmear eto go ‘over my drenings wath india rk fenablas me to sou por ‘wipe off pnt, ond nt omove tedawing. © An introduction to mediums AN INTRODUCTION TO ACRYLICS ‘fyou are new to acryics, SYLVIA PAULwil inspire you to have a go with handy tps and inspiration asubatue foros or watercolour you may find there ae disadvantages. “Theconsistency ofthe paint fers from thatof lls and adalinga medium does siveyou thesame thickness and texture Ttalso dries quickly so some techniques, such aswet in we, are more dificultin fcylcs However, iecan provide ays of ‘uying techniques similar o those of more ‘uadtonal pants i's perfect for applying I fyouare staring with acrylics as The advantages ery does dry et ater than als, but th can acy be tn odvrvone ne potng ot Sows yutobu ers chy, cette ges o even fle pat. Teometmes use aha dyer speed upthe yng process avon tare Apogee cyin day {clea ranapord who heb ¥ you oe on oly panteg enfin arcrparto ping (oun Keanbetougheaute ‘evperiely ended for arange Faterentoppocres toh ‘radtonland epee Materiols Heavy body or bsi cries i Aselecton of bushes 1 Convs, board orpeper Matte medium Fe texture paste 1 Impasto mexium 1 Greaseprot paper 1 Varistforacryics 1m Paste io 1 Gesso{acryic primer) About SYA Dovercourt Harwich UK ‘aris chnigusin one ping and ‘excellent formed media poets Find outaboutthebascpains, mediums and too and get tipson what support you ‘anworkon and ways apply the pal Be inpied with des wo bull your ‘confidence and dicover ow acrybeca be ted wither mediato create excing, vial paintings. Arlcisa versatile ti that perfec ra eine ran Inprverlookingxra fee apo BY Choosing the right paint There are many types of cre ptanaitcanbe very dauning nowng ‘rich ype taste wth, peer heavy bedyacie as hshebstobuld ro tec, houghiteanalo be tinned ot ‘requ: Mostbasicscyles ees te ‘inner consist, Ou hts wat Youle eval youcan ad mace {Bis to gvetimore body otoxie. ‘aryl comes nana and tenia spoy con Sart wah comating tesa ten adsl wen you now nhich recon your werk gong Colour choices never se paint sight fom the tubo, butixqui basic colours to got sue and interesting shades. you have two reds to blues, te vellows and white thats» good start. My favours are Cadmium Rd, ‘Magenta, Cabakt Bue, Uararne Bl, Cadmium Yalow and Leman Yolo, Tanium White esse ana other useful ous ae Vo Cedi Orange an Viran Groen. Try mikig oppesite colours togather, such sa redand a green and adding a touch of white to get subtle revs. Ifyou know the colour wie! hs whe. BF Have a go and experiment Tkabo what ou want achieve wth our pings. # you inv hat you any end suit abe, thal outa deo an te tecrenes you shou pacoe, However youtave nating ee by tepermantng and you might oven dsr ac enay ue new way of rg youse Used 0 wees, ey working with ike pata wc on acres Opie, ave 293 a ving quel and make he Ima ofth fs cry speed you ee new to pang. ty diferent tecnquessndgetioknow epi | Finishing touches | Learing asl espace bt Jonge way tee vale sucresses ht ou be rout ch Sotarot pend put on he ‘al Din! tyes of pang wl need diferent presetaton Wk on paper shui be romed bind lass using dave maura gv pace betwoon the gas andthe panting sco. “The iv of fangs bet or any misecnedis ‘wor wich induces past too Varishing il pret your wom aust and gt rape, fd woud ecorenend for won cans orbcad ats tamed vito gas. @ youre eagertoty using acc with ther media get together with ‘ends oran art group and share your materia, Fr exemple, sore ray have pastels but not pens, hil others may have ciferent ‘texture mediums Pool your resources as group and purchase itm that othr mamters can ty. | Share resources @

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