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Nim : 201911028

Prodi : D3 Keperawatan


1. What should you do when you meet a patient in the first meeting?

Answer :

- Greet clients and greet clients by name

- Introducing yourself

- Perform a time contract

- Describe the objectives and implementation procedures

- Asking the client's willingness to take action

- Bring the tools "

2. What are the procedures of patient admission generally?

Answer :

a. Place the patient at the appropriate admission point

b. Assess the patient's health problems and needs

c. Determine the patient's financial resources to pay for the services provided

d. Explain patient rights

e. Orient the service location policies and procedures

f. Conduct initial examinations and screening (specific for each place of service)

g. Develop a treatment plan according to individual needs

h. Making plans to go home

3. Please Give explanation about outpatient admission procedure

Answer :
- bring your own identity card / KTP

-Bring a BPJS Health card or a JKN (National Health Insurance) card

-Bring a referral letter from the puskesmas / RSUD doctor

4. Please Give explanation about inpatient admission procedure

Answer :

- Patients who require inpatient care according to medical indications will receive an inpatient warrant
from a specialist RSGMP or from the ER or bring an inpatient referral letter from a polyclinic or IGD

- The inpatient warrant will be followed up by visiting the registration section to confirm the inpatient

- The inpatient registration section at the hospital will issue a RSGM Nursing Certificate.

- The patient / patient's family determines the desired treatment room or in accordance with the
provisions of the insurance agency.

- If a patient needs further diagnostic investigations or medical action, he must check the Evidence of
Examination and Action.

- After each hospitalization, the participant / parent must see the proof of hospitalization and the
patient will receive an order to return to the specialist.

- The patient will bring a control warrant back from the specialist to get a referral for a specialist doctor
at the designated hospital. Furthermore, according to the outpatient procedure of a specialist doctor at

5. Please mention and Explain the function the parts of human heart

Answer :

a. The main function of the liver is to filter blood coming from the digestive tract before it helps to
circulate it throughout the body.

b. nutriai storage

c. the body's nutrient storage, For example iron, vitamins A, B12, D, and K, and folic acid.

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