Scrip:: Tourism Industry

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Mở đầu: Service
After the COVID-19 outbreak, the Ministry of Planning and Investment discussed two
possible scenarios and its impact on the country's services sector. In the case that the
coronavirus can be contained in the second quarter of 2020, the services sector was
projected to increase by 6.47 percent.

(Chuyển ý): The Covid-19 epidemic had make a big impact on the srevice industry in
which, the Tourism industry has been severely affected.

Nội dung chính: Tourism

- The flight bans, travel restrictions and the fear of tourists due to fear of the impact
of the Covid-19 epidemic have caused many hotels, restaurants and retail chains in
tourist destinations to become empty, with no revenue. ---> The tourism industry
declined sharply.
According to experts,the recovery of Vietnam's tourism will depend on when the
Covid-19 epidemic is brought under control in the world.
- ( So know I want all of you, with me, we will looking back on the impact of the
Covid-19 epidemic on Vietnam's tourism ).
+ First, The number of International visitors is only available in January and
February, and from March there are almost no visitors.

(chú thích ảnh)

+ For the nine months of 2020,
international visitors arrival to our
country reached 3,788.5 thousand,
down 70.6% over to the same
period last year
+ If we take a look more deeper.
The number for tourist travel by
airway drop 70%, Roadway drop
76.4% and Seaway drop 23.8%.

(According to the General Statistics Office, international visitors to Vietnam in the

third quarter of 2020.)
+ Not only International visitors decrease but Domestic tourists also dropped sharply
due to the complicated development of the epidemic and Vietnam implemented social

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