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System 800xA Operator Effectiveness

It’s all about smooth operations
2 A B B A B I L I T Y ™ S Y S T E M 8 0 0 X A O P E R ATO R E F F E C T I V E N E S S

Focused operations and operators
for increased performance

Process plants and control systems are becoming increasingly complex. Production
flexibility is key to performance and the market is trending toward using larger
process areas with less people to do the job. The result is additional data to interpret
and more alarms to process.

Improving Operator Effectiveness is all about em- accomplishes this by integrating information
powering plant operators to do their job better regardless of its source and filtering out irrele-
and make more accurate, timely decisions. vant data with features like personalized work-
places, advanced alarm management, and
Process operators live under constant challenge. multi-system integration. In addition, extended
The operator’s actions have a direct impact on operator workplace console keeps the ‘operator
uptime, production output, quality, and safety. in focus’ by providing unparalleled operator
However, operators are often hindered by a lack ergonomics, control room consolidation and
of attention to human factors like: operator a preintegrated large screen operator view
interface design, information flow and preparation display for clear and concise plant-wide
on how to handle abnormal situations. visualization.

System 800xA and its use of Aspect Object™ Integrating operations opens up a new world of
technology provides a unified environment for efficiency – processes flow as never before while
operations that helps to increase operator effec- operators gain fresh insights, work smarter and
tiveness and thus, production performance. It can make better informed decisions.

On average global annual production
is lost due to unscheduled downtime.

of unscheduled shutdowns
of which are caused
are preventable... by humans.

How do we tackle this opportunity to

maximizeproduction and quality, while
minimizing the risks of accidents and
unscheduled downtime?
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The four pillars of Operator Effectiveness

Integrated High performance Human Factors Operator

Operations HMI Competence
Intuitive access to Clear process graphics and Ergonomic operator Simulation mimics environ-
actionable information great support for implemen- environment built to reduce ment for active and intuitive
and dynamic views allow tation of high performance stress and operator fatigue. decision-making.
management to seamlessly alarm management
consolidate and rationalize strategies.
data from various sources.

ABB is at the forefront of operator effective- Attention to human factors

ness. To help customers reach the optimal goal Just as manufacturing processes are designed
we have brought together the necessary tech- to be carefully controlled and manipulated to
nology and business practices as four essential achieve desired outcomes, high-performance
pillars: control rooms and operator stations must be
designed with operator performance in mind.
Integrated operations and embedded
functionality Operator competence and confidence
Raw data and other input must be transformed Operator training simulators ensure process
into actionable information in context with plant operator competence and confidence when dea-
equipment to promote better decision making. ling with normal production as well as unplanned
The challenge is to provide seamless access to events. In today‘s business climate simulators
multiple sources of information while being care- make even more sense due to the lack of experi-
ful not to overload the operator with irrelevant enced resources to instruct new, inexperienced
data. operators.

High performance HMI

The user interface must be intuitive and allow Operator Effectiveness is about
operators to manage views dynamically and
efficiently. A high performance interface
the operators’ ability to supervise
supports situation awareness with how the and control processes in the most
information is displayed. It supports abnormal
situation handling through efficient navigation
efficient, safe and profitable way.
and the application of best practices in alarm
4 A B B A B I L I T Y ™ S Y S T E M 8 0 0 X A O P E R ATO R E F F E C T I V E N E S S

Integrated operations enabled
with embedded functionality

— Electrical control
Effectively balance availability and consumption
Enable timely and intuitive of energy. Include load-shedding to enable fast
decision-making using actionable and safe automated shutdown of selected process
sections in case of a power shortage or soaring
information with ready-made energy prices.
embedded functionality.
Multi-system integration promotes enterprise
One common Interface collaboration and control center consolidation
800xA operator interface can be put on top of all Multi-system integration makes it possible to su-
ABB control systems. Likewise, it can be put on pervise and operate several 800xA systems from
top of any other vendor’s PLC or DCS system. This one central control room in a safe and effective
enables safe and cost-efficient system evolution. way. The systems can be located in the same plant
One common and consistent operator environ- or distributed, i.e. geographically separated from
ment, regardless of the underlying control sys- each other. They can still be engineered separately,
tem, lets operators supervise and control larger and be in different life cycles or versions.
parts of their process with an improved insight
and visualization.

“ABB’s 800xA Multisystem
Early alerts of deviations
Recent performance visualization is yet another
Integration (MSI) functionality
800xA feature that improves operator insight and provided a great solution for
overview. This built-in HMI function displays the
recent performance data of an object right next to
integrating the remote stations
the object graphic and its current status. Having provider systems into the Genesis
recent operating values side-by-side with real-
time status alerts operators to deviations before
Hydro Main Control Centre
they develop into something more serious. Recent for monitoring and control.”
performance graphics can be shown at all times Robert Woods, Senior Project Engineer, Genesis Energy, New Zealand

and for all objects – operators no longer have to

call up dedicated trend display windows. Point of Control clearly defines responsibilities
Point of Control is a recent 800xA addition. It
Alarm philosophy fully integrated in System means that control responsibilities automatically
800xA follow a pre-determined system set up. The inter-
ABB’s alarm management is fully integrated in face shows everyone involved who is responsible
System 800xA, which improves navigation, analysis for what, which eliminates misunderstandings.
and handling, and reduces the cost associated with When a predesignated operator assumes control
running and maintaining a non-integrated system. responsibility, the alarm list automatically trans-
Without a separate system to distract them, fers to him. Addition in 6.1.1 - location based POC
operators can devote more time to running a (control can be done from a group of operator
safe and efficient process nodes - location more important than the user).

Safety Automation CMMS reduces process disturbance and down-

800xA High Integrity integrates safety automation time
into process automation in ways unmatched by any With CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Manage-
other vendor. Operators enjoy a familiar all-in-one ment System) fully integrated with 800xA, process
process overview with full visualization and com- operators can issue equipment fault reports to
mon alarm lists that improve the understanding plant maintenance with only a few mouse clicks.
of process events and thus, reduce risk. This increases the rate of reporting malfunction-
O P E R ATO R E F F E C T I V E N E S S A B B A B I L I T Y ™ S Y S T E M 8 0 0 X A 5

ing objects. Furthermore, since the equipment time on the workplace) by creating a composite
information is automatically filled in, manual image of 4 or 12 camera images and delivering a
errors are drastically reduced, saving time. The single video stream of configurable size.
fault report is available for the maintenance
department as soon as the operator clicks submit, Telecom improves operator collaboration
thus enhancing collaboration and allowing ample A wide array of telecommunication possibilities,
opportunity to tend to anomalies before they neg- such as voice communication, public address or
atively affect operation. TMS enable effective collaboration with other
operators, field technicians, shift supervisors, or
Documentation ensures correct action maintenance staff, resulting in improved stability,
Process operators need continuous access to CAD productivity and safety. In their daily work, control
drawings, user-instructions and more. The worse- room operators communicate extensively with
case scenario involves frantic searches for pieces other people in a variety of ways. Instead of having
of paper or hard-to-find binders. Once located, the different communication tools lying on work-
there’s always the risk that the information is old station desks, 800xA operators can rely on the
or incorrect. The 800xA scenario is different. system to connect them to the right person. Pre-
Calmly right-clicking a context menu immediately configured messages (translated into several
gives operators the correct documentation for languages if needed) can be sent out as voice mes-
whatever task they want to perform, e.g. instruc- sages over the PA system according to the specific
tions and drawings for a planned shutdown. It’s all alarm situation. Equivalent typed messages can
directly linked to the specific process object on the also be sent out at the push of a button.

Live video resolves problems faster ”Thanks to video integration, we
System 800xA lets operators make full use of each
and every camera without having to know where
are able to monitor and control
all are located. With an integrated approach, live vital processes and integrate
video images are available on an object level via
just two mouse clicks. Operators are quickly pre-
images with process graphics on
sented with a visual overview and can take fast ac- the operator monitors”
tions. Operators can also have embedded camera Stein Holse, Process Control Engineer, Statoil Hydro, Norway

views in process displays, access to group dis-

plays, share images with anyone in the plant or Snapshot reports improve process stability and
outside, and control any camera directly from the safety
screen. As several people can view at the same Snapshot reporting is driven by an 800xA search
time, problem-solving and recovery are more effi- engine and report tool extension that searches
cient. and presents information from the object data-
• Widescreen: support for additional aspect ra- base. Its findings increase engineering efficiency
dios, default is 16:9 and system quality, and provides early warnings.
• Integrated video wall (enables displaying several Benefits include reduced time for shift handovers
streams from integrated cameras at the same and shorter maintenance cycles.
6 A B B A B I L I T Y ™ S Y S T E M 8 0 0 X A O P E R ATO R E F F E C T I V E N E S S

High Performance HMI for
personalized and intuitive

Improving operator effectiveness through high-performance HMI is all about improving

the operator’s situation awareness and their effective situation handling.

System 800xA offers a high-performance HMI that workplace appears automatically according to
provides operators with an easy-to-use, optimized loging information.
interface that supports fast operator-process inter-
action and reduces the risk of disturbances and High performance graphics for consistent
unplanned downtime. environment
Together with the object-orientated architecture
A perfect process overview for everyone of System 800xA, process graphics play a key role
Different users require access to different infor- in helping plant operators work efficiently, act
mation depending on their needs. With System quickly and make correct decisions. System 800xA
800xA you can personalize workplaces with easy high performance graphics convey a representa-
access to the right information in the right place to tive illustration of the process flow. Their design
speed up decision-making and corrective action. supports pattern recognition and highlights the
Users can ­create role-focused work environments most important information for the operator. This
with information arranged according to user results in an easy-to-understand environment
workflow. Furthermore, creating specific work- where reduced stress and distraction contribute
places for specific users is simple; the correct to confident decision-making.
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Intuitive navigation allows time for collabora- • Full-vector graphics enable distortion-free scal-
tion and enhanced decision-making ing with maintained resolution
Since all relevant and up-to-date information is • Fast, cost-effective graphics builder
connected to a specific object, it can be accessed • Solution library allows graphics reuse via drag-
in real time by clicking on that object. Consistently, and-drop
one-click navigation gives process operators more • Display Documentation takes a snapshot of any
time to act. engineered graphic and converts all details to a
standard Excel file for record keeping
Instead of spending time and energy looking for • User-friendly expression editor with simple and
information, they can concentrate on applying it. intuitive syntax
They can also share data with colleagues and field • Built-in animation support speeds up creation
operators. Collaboration like this is the key to run- while simplifying the build process
ning and maintaining an optimized process.
Better image quality for process operators
Simplify view-handling and eliminate overload System 800xA process graphics not only provide
A multitude of time-saving navigation tools is at graphics builders with better engineering tools,
each operator’s disposal, many designed to sim- they give process operators a improved image to
plify view-handling, eliminate ‘window-overload’, view. True vector graphics enable scaling with
and make the most of the multiple-screens in- maintained resolution. This effect is especially
creasingly found in modern control environments. appreciated when operators need to scale-down
graphic image windows to fit several onto one
In System 800xA, a trend display always opens in screen. Process graphics is now extended with
the same window as the previous, and an alarm list "rich" trend functionality.
is never covered by another view. As well as saving
time and minimizing stress, this no-surprises view- Easy-to-learn and use full-vector process graphics
handling simplifies the use of multiple monitors With information designed and presented for
so that operators can supervise and control larger human interpretation, operators can see what is
process areas with the same efficiency and safety. going on and act promptly. Key tasks like moni-
toring the process, solving problems and creating
Built-in process graphics support across whole the conditions for uninterrupted, cost-effective
interface production become much easier. Graphics are be-
System 800xA has built-in process graphics sup- coming more and more intuitive and the tendency
port that reaches across the complete operator is towards reducing elements and colors instead
interface, including fast and effective creation: of overloading process overviews, helping opera-
tions flow more smoothly.
8 A B B A B I L I T Y ™ S Y S T E M 8 0 0 X A O P E R ATO R E F F E C T I V E N E S S

Increased situation awareness
with the latest research in Human

The control room is the most important room in your facility – it‘s where daily
decision-making affects corporate goals and return on plant assets. ABB‘s
dedication to human factors and ergonomic research ensures the most efficient
control room environment for System 800xA.

ABB provides complete control room solutions nature means that it can immediately show any
with a clear focus on operator performance, information relevant to any situation to anyone
health and job satisfaction. Our solutions often they choose – either in the control room or else-
exceed current ISO/EEMUA requirements. Get where. This facilitates collaborative problem solv-
ABB involved early in your next project, and we’ll ing by ensuring that key personnel groups always
provide layout proposals that include the latest have a clear view of what is happening, and can
and most advanced environments and solutions see what needs to be done.
– for the control room as well as adjacent areas.
More effective operations from a much reduced
Reduce operator stress and increase focus working space
Good workstation ergonomics and a well- Since operators always have personalized, inter-
designed control room layout reduce operator active displays close at hand, the need for huge
stress and increase focus. ‘full-wall, cinema-like’ screens is eliminated,
which naturally saves space in all directions. Floor
System 800xA with Extended Operator Workplace space requirements can be cut by a third or more
(EOW) offers unparalleled ergonomics, visualiza- using modular design and integrating informa-
tion and communication solutions for operators. tion into one operator environment. Additional
Everything is designed to support effective inter- features such as directed ‘sound showers’ (where
action and collaboration: only the operator at a specific console will hear a
conversation) mean that they can sit closer to one
• Plant visualization and information all in one another yet still enjoy a quiet workplace free from
view distraction.
• Process overviews on close-by large interactive
panels Going beyond the control room walls
• One fast-acting functional keyboard for control- In our view of plant operations, the whole control
ling the complete operator environment infrastructure should enhance operator perfor-
• Control room space reduced by around 30% or mance via improved information flow and collab-
more oration. Our attention to operator well-being and
• Improved plant-wide collaboration and optimi- efficiency thus extends beyond the control room
zation walls to encompass the entire operations center.
• Increased applicant appeal and job satisfaction
ABB offers 800xA Control Room Pre-studies as
Large-screen interactive overview boosts part of the 800xA portfolio for control room
control and collaboration design with special attention to human factors.
Operators have close-by, large-screen overview
displays and several personal screens. The EOW By tackling not only the control room but the
workstation is customized with either two or entire operations center, we ensure that all who
three large overview displays. Operators can work there enjoy an effective operating environ-
arrange graphics to give an optimal view of the ment that inspires them to greater productivity
process under their control. The EOW’s interactive and new levels of collaboration.
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Effective alarm management for
fast corrective action

An effective alarm system lets operators focus —

on important events and act accordingly. They
must always know what a particular alarm means,
“The environment in the control
and what they should do to address it. Acknow- room reflects how the plant is
ledging or silencing it without investigating is
not an option.
Morgan Wännlund, operations manager at Gärstadsverket,
Tekniska Verken, Linköping, Sweden
To help operators see and react correctly to an
alarm, the system itself must be proactive and
Several alarm system functions help promote safe
user-friendly, especially with fewer operators
plant operation. Consistent right-click navigation
controlling larger process areas.
to and from the alarm list makes alarm-related
information instantly available. In addition, alarm
Operators focus on key events and correct
shelving temporarily moves an alarm from the list
to a special shelved list for a defined period of
With every relevant fact and event in a single sys-
time or a certain occurrence.
tem, operators get consolidated time-stamped
alarm lists that include power automation safety —
and all controllers irrespective of brand or supplier.
This leads to an improved overview of what has
“Instead of constantly reacting to
happened in the process (and in exactly what alarms, operators can now
order) in addition to what is happening right now.
Troubleshooting becomes faster and more effec-
address alarm situations before
tive through enhanced collaboration with other they occur”
key functions. Thomas Elfving, System Engineer,
AkzoNobel Functional Chemicals, Sweden.

Operators know instantly what Many embedded alarm management features
Numerous alarm management features come
each alarm means and have both with the 800xA base system such as Alarm and
the time and the information to Events Lists, Alarm Hiding or Alarm Response
Navigation. Other popular additions are ready-
deal with it correctly. made in the system and can easily be imple-
mented. Please see our 800xA Alarm Mangement
brochure for further information.
10 A B B A B I L I T Y ™ S Y S T E M 8 0 0 X A O P E R ATO R E F F E C T I V E N E S S

Simulator training boosts
competence that brings safety

While control systems automate large sections of In addition to being able to simulate the various
most plants, human error remains a critical aspect functions of the control system, it supports essen-
in most accidents. 800xA Simulator provides a tial simulator functions for training purposes, in-
safe and realistic environment where operators cluding the ability to set initial conditions, capture
can learn to master the process, thereby reducing snap shots and freeze/resume process dynamics.
risks and the number of unplanned shutdowns.
From simulation to production
Effective operations with confident and focused For a new plant, use of an operator training simu-
operators lator can contribute to shorter initial start-up,
Better trained operators can help increase overall better operator performance and help to prevent
plant safety, reduce start-up time as well as the trips and incidents. It allows the testing of opera-
number of unplanned shutdowns. Simulation gives tional procedures and the tweaking of display and
process operators a safe and realistic environment control strategies before initial start-up, when
where they can learn to master the process and changes are always easier and less risky to make.
improve their operator skills. A simulator is also a
powerful tool for engineering testing and optimi-

zation studies to improve productivity and energy “Our documented experience
savings. Trained operators and tested process
control result in higher returns as both product
from the Ormen Lange project
quality and productivity are improved. provides evidence that the use of
Behavior identical to the real system
the simulator facility has provided
The 800xA Simulator, uses the same engineering us with good safety routines in
data, visualization and control logic as the System
800xA environment, but connected to a dynamic
the process, as well as significant
process model. This provides the most realistic savings in the startup period of
simulator solution with behavior identical to the
real system, and is much easier to maintain as
the facility.”
Geir Fillip Håseth, Operations engineer, Shell
changes are made. Skills acquired are 100% trans-
ferable from simulator to plant.
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Smooth and intuitive information handling,
with the right tools at the right time - embedded in System 800xA.

To keep your plant running safely and at its opti- environment with intelligent ergonomics, are
mum level, your operators need to be equipped some of the numerous examples of near-future
to recognize abnormal situations and handle advancements. User experience and interaction
them through effective decision making. design for ever-better human machine interfaces
and implementation into control room design for
During every shift there are hundreds of vital de- the optimal operation environment are and will
cisions made by operators.The actions they take be key focus areas.
are vital to your process and to your enterprise.
Raising productivity, increasing energy efficiency,

achieving goals. It’s all in their hands – and the more The potential benefits of an
focused, alert and in touch they are, the better they
perform. This state of operator enlightenment is
integrated approach to operator
far from easy to achieve – if it wasn’t for System effectiveness are basically the
opposite of all the problems
System 800xA offers everything needed to improve already attributed to less well
an operators’ performance in one common inter-
face: Advanced alarm management, easy naviga-
equipped operators. The key is
tion, actionable information, high performance improved decision-making. When
HMI, training simulation and ergonomics. The
whole control room environment is delivered in
operator effectiveness improves,
one integrated system with a vast number of so do productivity, efficiency,
ready-made embedded functionalities.
asset utilization, safety
ABB consistently deepens research and develop- environmental compliance and
ment in these areas. New software and hardware
such as the EOW-i, the next generation of operator
— —
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