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Dr. Ammar Ibne Anwar

K-78, Safina Apartment
Medical Road, AMU,
Aligarh – 202002, U.P.
 : 0571-704950, INDIA.
: 9411491455, 9411413479
Website :
Father’s Name : Mr. Anwar Rafiq Siddiqui,
M.A., P.G. Dip., L.L. & L.R., C.L.O.C[GoldMedalist].
Ex-Assistant Controller (Admissions), AMU, Aligarh.
Consultant (Admissions), AMU, Aligarh.
Mother’s Name : Dr. Ufera Khatoon,
Ph.D., M.A. (Hindi), M.A. (Sociology), B.Ed., I.G.D.
Nationality : Indian
Sex : Male
Date of Birth : 6th,, June,1976
Marital Status : Married
Designation Faculty Member, F/O Unani Medicine, Aligarh
Muslim University, Aligarh
A- M.D. [Hifzan-e-Sehat wa Samaji Tib (Community Medicine)] F/o Unani
Medicine, A.K.T.C, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
B- B.U.M.S. [F/o Unani Medicine, A.K.T.C, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.]
C- Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (Indira Gandhi National Open
D- Certificate of Computer in DOS, Lotus, FOXPRO, BASIC of Duty Society
AMU Aligarh.
E- Certificate of Computer in Windows 98, Office 2000 and Internet tools of
AMU – Tata InfoTech Training Facility, Aligarh.
F- Online certificate course on “Practical Oral Care for People with
Developmental Disabilities” by National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial
Research, U.S. Deptt. Of Health and Human Services, U.S.A., 2005.
G- Online certificate course of the Prevention Pathways by Substance Abuse
Mental Health Service Administration Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
on “Environmental Strategies for Prevention”, U.S. Deptt. Of Health and
Human Services, U.S.A., 9th, June, 2006.
H- Online certificate course of the Prevention Pathways by Substance Abuse
Mental Health Service Administration Center for Substance Abuse Prevention

on “Holding the Lifeline- Suicide Prevention”, U.S. Deptt. Of Health and Human
Services, U.S.A., 7th, April, 2007.


A- “Smoking and Chewing, A prevailing health

disaster”, 2003, published by National Educational Society, Aligarh.
Articles :

1. “Autologus Blood Transfusion”, Vol. 10, No. 3, August 2002, My Doctor, Medifast
Publications, Santa Cruz (E), Mumbai.

2. “Bones – Your Frame work for health”, Volume 11, No. 5, October 2003, My Doctor,
Leading Medifast Publications, Santa Cruz (E), Mumbai.

3. “Food Adulterations Deteriorating Health and Wealth”, Volume 11, No.7, December
2003, My Doctor, Medifast Publications, Santa Cruz (E), Mumbai.
4. “Your Health & Cellular Phone”, Vol. 11, No. 9, February 2004, My Doctor, Medifast
Publication, Santa Cruz (E), Mumbai.

5. “Computer Related Health Consequences & Its Preventive Measures”, Vol. 11, No. 10,
March 2004, My Doctor, Medifast publication, Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai.

6. “When Food Becomes Health Enemy”, Volume VII, No. 3, March 2004, Longevity &
Health, Central News Agency, Connaught Circus, New Delhi.

7. “Health & Genetically Modified Food”, Volume 7, No.8, June 2004, Processed Food
Industry, The Computype Media, 208, IJS Place, X 320 Delhi Gate, New Delhi.
Available at

8. ‘’Health Hazards Of Cosmetics’’, Part-I, Vol.12, No.7, Dec.2004, My Doctor, Medifast

publication, Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai.

9. “Preventive Measures to Combat Nosocomial Infection”, Aina-e-Tib,Platinum Jubilee

Issue, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Faculty of Unani Medicine,Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh,2004.

10. ‘’Health Benefits Of Chocolate’’, Vol.8,No.3,Jan.2005, Processed Food Industry, The

Computype Media ,208, IJS Place, X 320 Delhi Gate, New Delhi. Available at

11. ‘’Electronic Health-Medical Informatics’’, Vol.12, No.9, Feb.2005, My Doctor, Medifast

publication, Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai.

12. “Food Industry Hygiene” Safety Express, RoSPA Occupational Journal, May –
June, 2005, Edgbaston Park, 353 Bristol Rd. Birmingham, U.K.

13. “When Work Begets Pain” Science Reporter, Vol. 43 No. 3, March 2006 Issue 0036-
8512, National Institute of Science Communication & Information Resources
(NISCAIR), CSIR, New Delhi.

14. “My Pets & My Health” Part-I, Vol.14, No.6, Nov.2006, My Doctor, Medifast publication,
Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai.

15. “Health Iodized Salt“ Vol.14, No.8, Jan.2007, My Doctor, Medifast publication, Santa
Cruz (E) Mumbai.

16. “Kitchen Health Hazards“ Vol.14, No.12, May.2007, My Doctor, Medifast publication,
Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai.

17. “Mosquito Repellent & Health” Vol.17, No.3, Aug.2007, My Doctor, Medifast
publication, Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai.

18. “Fifth Disease-Unani Aspect of Prevention”Aug,2007, Herbal Uni Med,Niamath

Science Academy, Royapettah, Chennai.

19. “Avicenna Thoughts on Child Health”,Jan-March,2008,Vol VII, No. 1, Nature & Wealth,
Foundation of Promotion of Natural Product, New Delhi.

20. “Healthy Colours for New Year” Vol.15, No.9, Feb.2008, My Doctor, Medifast
publication, Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai.

21. “Unhealthy Food Combinations” Feb. 2008,I.D. 1014966, online publication at the

22. “Lychee-A Health Booster” Vol.16, No.1, June.2008, My Doctor, Medifast publication,
Santa Cruz (E) Mumbai.

23. “Ketchup- Healthy Heart” Issue 149, July 2008, Positive Health Magazine, Positive
Health Publications Ltd, 105, Madeira Road, Portsmouth, United Kingdom.

24. “Comprehensive Review of Food Additive Reaction & its Prevention”, Vol. 35 No. 7,
JULY 2008, Beverage & Food World Journal, The Amalgamated Press, Mumbai.

25. “Muskmelon”,Jul-Sep,2008,Vol VII, No. 3, Nature & Wealth, Foundation of Promotion

of Natural Product, New Delhi.

26. “Microwave Oven & Health”, Everyman’s Science Journal, Vol.XLIII, No. 7, April-May
2008, The Indian Science Congress publication, Kolkata.

27. “Decisive Review of Milk Hygiene”, Vol. II, Issue2, October2006-March2007, Unimed
Kulliyat, A journal of Unani Medicine, F/O Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University.


a. “Smoking – A Prevalent disaster”, 28 Oct., 2000. Souvenir of International Conference on
Unani System of Medicine, Chennai.

b. “Magneto therapy Magnetizing the Curative Power of illness with incredible Magnitude – A
Unani Approach”, Souvenir of International Conference Sponsored by Ministry of Health &
Family Welfare (Govt. of India), New Delhi, at A.K. Tibbiya College, A.M.U., Aligarh on 29-
31, May 2001.

c. “Rejuvenation Therapy in Unani System – An Endow for New Era”, Souvenir of National
Seminar on Relevance of Unani Medicine in present Health Scenario, sponsored by Y3K
InfoTech Solution, Allahabad, 25 August, 2001.

d. “Study of Relationship of Smoking and Albuminuria”, Souvenir of First National Seminar

on Moalijat, Organized by Dept. of Moalijat Faculty of Unani Medicine, A.M.U., Aligarh on
10-11, Feb. 2002.

e. The Safest Blood is your own – An Autologus Blood Transfusion”, Souvenir of National
Seminar on Munafeul Aza, Organized by Dept. of Tashreeh wa Munafeul Aza, Faculty of
Unani Medicine, A.M.U., Aligarh, 6-7 April, 2002.

f. “Teaching of Prophets and Verdict of Holy Quran emphasizing on smoking cessation”,

National Seminar on Tibb-e-Nabvi, Jointly organized by Unani Medicine, Development
Academy and International Institute of Islamic Medicine, A.P. Chapter, Hyderabad 12-13,
Oct. 2002.

g. “New Approach Enhancing Quality of Health, e-health” Souvenir of National Conference

on Need Based Physical Education and Sports in India, organized by Dept. of Physical
Health and Sports Education, A.M.U., Aligarh, 25-27 Oct., 2002.

h. “Food Born Risks in Pregnency &its Prevention” Souvenir of National Seminar on PG

Department of Qabalat Wa Amraz e Niswan , Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh.
Sponsored by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 20-21

i. “Iatrogenic Diseases & Its Preventions” Souvenir of National Seminar on Hifzane Sehat,
organized by Dept. of Hifzane Sehat Wa Samaji Tib , Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU,
Aligarh. 5-6 October,2004.

j. “Hand Arm Vibration and its Preventions”, Souvenir of International Seminar on Hifzan-e-
Sehat Aur Maholiyat (Hygiene & Environment) organized by Deptt. Of Hifzan-e-Sehat wa
Samaji Tib, F/o Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh, 29-30 March, 2005.

k. “Earthquake- A Health Catastrophe”, Souvenir of National Seminar on Kulliyat Organized

by Dept. of Kulliyat, Faculty of Unani Medicine, A.M.U., Aligarh, 3-4 Dec, 2005.

l. “Decisive Review Of Iatrogenic Diseases in Unani Medicine”, Souvenir of International

Conference on Research Advancement in Traditional Medicine: Challenges &
Opportunities, Organized by Foundation of Natural Products, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi,
30-31, October,2007.

m. “Geriatric Perspective of Riyazat”, Souvenir of International Conference, Sponsored by
PG Dept. of Kulliyat, at A.K. Tibbiya College, A.M.U., Aligarh on 5-7, Nov, 2007.
1. International Conference Organized by Niamath Science Academy, Chennai 28th and
29th Oct. 2000 at Kalivarnar Aranyam, Chennai.
2. International Conference sponsored by Ministry of Health and F.W. (Govt. of India) New
Delhi at A.K. Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh on May 29-31, 2001.
3. National Seminar on Prevalence of Unani Medicine in Presented Health Scenario at Hotel
Kanha Shyam Allahabad, on 25th August, 2001 sponsored by Y3K Infotech Solution,
4. First National Seminar on Moalijat Organized by Dept. of Moalijat, Faculty of Unani
Medicine, AMU, Aligarh on 10-11 Feb. 2002.
5. National Seminar on Munafeul Aza Organized by Dept. of Tashreeh, Faculty of Unani
Medicine, A.M.U., Aligarh, April 6-7, 2001.
6. National Seminar on Tibb-e-Nabvi Jointly organised by Unani Medicine Development
Academy and International Institute of Islamic Medicine, A.P. Chapter, 12-13 October,
2002, Hyderabad.
7. National Conference on Need Based Physical Education and Sports in India, Organized
by Dept. of Physical Health and Sports Education, AMU, Aligarh October 25-27, 2002.
8. National Seminar on PG Department of Qabalat Wa Amraz e Niswan, Faculty of Unani
Medicine, AMU, Aligarh. Sponsored by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India 20-21 March, 2004.
9. National Seminar on Hifzan e Sehat, Organized by Department of Hifzane Sehat Wa
Samaji Tib, , Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 5-6
10. International Seminar on Hifzan-e-Sehat Aur Maholiyat Organized by Deptt. Of Hifzan-e-
Sehat wa Samaji Tib, F/o Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh, 29-30 March, 2005.
11. National Seminar on Kulliyat Organized by Dept. of Kulliyat, Faculty of Unani Medicine,
A.M.U., Aligarh, 3-4 Dec, 2005.
12. International Conference on Research Advancement in Traditional Medicine: Challenges
& Opportunities, Organized by Foundation of Natural Products ,Jamia Hamdard, New
Delhi, 30-31, October,2007.
13. International Conference Sponsored by PG Dept. of Kulliyat, at A.K. Tibbiya College,
A.M.U., Aligarh on 5-7, Nov, 2007.

1. Participated in workshop on “Patent Awareness” organized by Faculty of Law, AMU, Aligarh
sponsored by Council of Science and Technology, Lucknow 12, January 2002.
2. Participated in Workshop on “Stress Management” organized by Dept. of Physical Health and
Sports Education, AMU, Aligarh on 26th October, 2002.
3. Participated in Workshop on “Healthy Aging” organized by Dept. of Physical Health and
Sports Education, AMU, Aligarh on 27th October, 2002.
4. Participated in Workshop on “In Silico Molecular Modeling & Drug Design” sponsored by
Deptt. Of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi,
Organized by the Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, A.M.U., Aligarh., March 18-19, 2008.
5. Participated in Workshop on “Biomedical Ethics” organized by Indian Council of Medical
Research, New Delhi and CCRUM, New Delhi. Funded by, National Institute of Health, U.S.A.
at Aligarh Muslim University on 2, Aug., 2008.

A- Have undergone in the Reorientation and Training Programmes for ISM Personal
organized by PG Department of Kulliyat A.K.T.C., AMU sponsored by Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare, Government of India Ist June – 15 June 2002.
B- Have undergone in Reorientation and Training programmes for teachers and physicians
organized by PG Department of Qabalat Wa Niswan A.K.T.C., AMU sponsored by
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 22 June to 6th July 2002.
C- Delivered the Guest Lecturer on the topic of “Mass Communication Strategies of Health
Education” in the Continuing Medical Education for ISM & H Medical Practitioner,
sponsored by Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, held at Faculty of Unani Medicine,
Aligarh Muslim University
a.Member of the Reviewer Committee, Journal of Religion & Health, Springer
Publication, Blanton-Peale Institute, New York.
b.Patron of Vancouver Native Health Society, British Columbia, Canada, (Registration
c.Life Member of Indian Red Cross Society (Registration No. 3450/01), State Branch, Uttar
d.Fellow of Rural Health Society (FRHS) Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine, Calcutta
(Registration No. 2428).
e.Member of International Health Association For Medical Assistance To Travelers (IAMAT),40
Regal Road, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. (Registration No. 268100).
f. Member of National Safety Management Society P. O. Box 4460, Walnut Creek, California,
USA 94596-0460. (Membership No. 8261)
g.Honorary Member of Royal Institute of General Practitioners, Mumbai, registration No.


 Worked as a Supervisor in the Pulse Polio Immunization campaign in the year 2000-2001
organized by District Health Administration, Aligarh.
 Having the certificate of Proficiency in various National Health Campaign/Field Survey and
in all type of vaccinations of A.K.T.C. Hospital, A.M.U., Aligarh.
 Certificate of Proficiency in the Principles of Unani System of Medicine of Naimath
Science Academy, Chennai.
 Worked as a Research Associate in 3rd Modified Leprosy Eradication Campaign
organized by Ministry of Health and F.W. (Leprosy Division) Govt. of India in Dist. Aligarh
on 3 to 8, October 2001.
 Worked as a supervisor in Hepatitis B Immunization Programme sponsored by Dwakhana
Tibbiya College, A.M.U., Aligarh.

 Certificate of Appreciation for the cooperation in National Seminar on Hifzan e Sehat,
Organized by Department of Hifzane Sehat Wa Samaji Tib, , Faculty of Unani Medicine,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 5-6 October,2004.
 Organizes the International Seminar on Hifzan-e-Sehat Aur Mohaliyat, organized by Dept.
of Hifzan-e-Sehat Wa Samaji Tib, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh 29-30 march,

Medical Reg. No. 8739 (Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad).

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