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The acronym NEET 1._____________ “Not in Education, Employment, or

Training.” NEET usually refers to people who have been out of work, school, and
training for some time. NEET people often have negative psychological states. Some
of these are causes of their NEET status; others are 2.___________.
Many young people become NEET because they don’t have good job
qualifications. In this slow economy, competition for jobs is fierce. Because they think
they have poor qualifications, they may 3.____________confidence. Without goals,
4.____________how to achieve them. Their NEET status can pull them into a vicious
circle: the longer they are away from a job, the more difficult it is for them to find
one and perform in it.
According to The Prince’s Trust Youth Index 2010, many NEET youth feel more
negative about the world than their peers. The 16-25-year-old people in the
5.__________were less likely to feel happy or loved most of the time. They were far
more likely to agree with statement like, “My life has no direction,” “I do not feel
valued by those around me,” “I have nothing to look forwards to,” and even “I have
felt suicidal.”
The obvious solution for NEETs is a better economy and more jobs. More
importantly, we need to create a society where being out of work is not a
6.____________ of shame. Life is about more than work. We human beings should
remember that our lives are valuable for a huge variety of reasons. A
7._____________shouldn’t be the only one.

paycheck lack stands for survey source results let alone

1. acronym 2. Refer to
3. status 4. fierce
5. qualification 6. vicious
7. suicidal 8. index
9. qualification 10. valuable

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