01 02-已轉檔

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01. Have You Seen This? & 02.


familiar audiences overnight grab found

1. If this sounds ________________, you’ve probably seen one of Asia’s biggest viral
videos of 2016.
2. Viewers of all ages and nationalities ______________ the “Dramatic Chipmunk”
video funny.
3. Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and Katy Perry regularly attract huge _______________.
4. Some videos _____________ the public’s attention for a few days, and then
5. It became an _______________ success thanks to social media.

solid extremely stress influential identify

6. See if you can _____________ others’ emotions and emotional reasons for their
7. Having to worry about our IQ is bad enough. Do we have to _____________ about
EQ, too?
8. People with high EQ become ______________ leaders and helpful managers.
9. Having a good understanding of emotions is _______________ important in any
10. Understanding your partner’s emotions can certainly help you create a
_____________ relationship.

*Make your own sentences.

1. concentrate
2. whether
3. attract
4. improve
5. expect
6. deal with
人+ spend+ 時間/金錢 + on / V-ing
事物 + take + (人) 時間 + to+V
事物 + cost + (人) 金錢

EX1. 我花了 2 個小時讀英文

= I spent 2 hours studying English.
= It took me 2 hours to study English.
E2. 這輛車花了 John 兩百萬元
= This car cost John two million dollars.
= John spent two million dollars on this car.

1. Kevin 花了兩個星期準備考試
2. 那雙鞋花了 Lisa 五千元
3. 從台北開車到高雄要四個小時
4. 我花了整個下午洗浴室


have tell
make +受詞 + VR ask + 受詞+ to V
let want

1. 那位圖書館員叫我們安靜
2. 上星期五我生日,所以經理讓我放一天假
3. 保全人員請那些酒醉的人離開
4. 校長要你去他的辦公室
5. 媽媽要 Frank 看電視之前先做完作業

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