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Documentation has always remained a weak spot in the

functioning of the Council. This is an effort to address that issue. When we
started the movement in the name of Consumer Council, Tiruchi in 1974
and canvassed for Life Membership, often this question was put to me:
whether the Life membership was for the life of the Council or for the life of
the members making it plain that they did not expect our initiative to last long.
We do not really blame them for the idea was so new and Tamilnadu has not
heard of it. (Late R.R.Dhalavai was running an organisation earlier but it was
limited to coop.societies’ ration shops.)
By the faith reposed by the public and members and, by the Central
and State Governments on us and by God’s grace, we have crossed 46 active
years and counting. As the membership profile keeps changing, younger
members who may not know our history and for the benefit of prospective
members and for the record, this simple booklet is being published. We hope
that this will serve its purpose.
We acknowledge with gratitude the contribution of nearly 200
Executive Members who have served the Council over the years. Owing to
space constraints, we have published the names of the Executive Committee
members currently serving.
Hope the reader will find it useful and we do expect many
youngsters to get inspired by what we have done and come forward to carry
the movement in the years to come. Students desirous of doing Ph.D, M.Phil
or M.A. Projects or to write collegiate or school essays on our Council based
on this booklet are welcome to do so provided they acknowledge the source.
Please remember what is published is only “ Some Highlights” and this does
not purport to be a comprehensive or exhaustive history of our activities.
We are very grateful to all the consumers who were members at
one time or the other without whose subscription, and participation in our
activities, the Council could not have survived so well, and to the press and
Television channels for taking our message to the public. Look forward to our
Product Testing Lab. soon.
- S.Pushpavanam

Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu 3

Tiruchirapalli-18. Regd.No: 31/80

The Consumer movement in Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu was started in Jan.1974
after Bombay and Calcutta, by Dr. Rajiv Taranath, Late Dinamalar Mr. R. Krishnamurthy,
Late Advocate M.Meenakshisundaram and S. Pushpavanam.
Its objectives are:
a. To inform itself about consumer's problems
b. To Channalise consumer's grievances to officials
c . To educate the consumers of their rights and help them exercise them.
d. To protect consumer's interest in general.
Encouraged by public support, from a small beginning, we moved on to bring in
substantial benefits for consumers. We started with 30 members and now we have 1200
members. We have made our mark at the National Level and at the International Level. Now
we function in the name of Consumer Protection Council,Tamilnad.( 1974-79) functioned
in the name of Consumers council, Tiruchi.)
What does this Council do?
A brief resume of our activities is presented here classified as follows: a brief resume
of our activities classified as follows:
1. Consumer Education:
We educate the consumers of their rights and help them exercise their rights. The
council meets monthly. (now once in two months) we give Lectures, Radio talks, TV
interviews press releases and articles in the press. We publish a bulletin now and then. With
the help of an Overhead projector, we conduct rural consumer education camps.
2. Consumer Research:
We conduct surveys on important issues like services of public utilities and publish
the results.
3. Lobbying:
As we are members in several bodies, we lobby for solution
to various consumer problems. We actively take part in the
meetings of Civil Supply Commissioner, District Collector,
Electricity Board,DC. Transport Corporation and in several bodies
where we are invited. Besides, whenever necessary, we meet the
district, state and Union Ministers and officials, MLPs and MLAs
and promote consumer's causes.
4. Direct Action:
Depending on the importance of issues, whenever need arises,
we organise processions, agitations. We did so, to protest against petrol
hike, superfast surcharge, bad roads etc.,
5. Product Testing:
We frequently test products/services on complaints and publish the
results showing their quality/quantity. We have conducted tests to measure
Toothpaste quantity, Battery quality, noise pollution and food adulteration.
6. Legal Action:
We resort to legal remedy for issues that could be solved only through legal action.
We have filed cases demanding interest on deposits by gas consumers, and demanding

4 Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu

norms for Superfast sur-charge. After the advent of Consumer Protection Act, we have filed
675 cases before the District Fora, State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission and
National Commission. Priority in telephone connection for consumer organisation and
compensation for negligence by Railways have been obtained.
7. Complaints Handling:
We handle about 200 (Telephone, Email and Hard copy and
inperson)complaints a year now. Besides, we offer guidance and
counsel to consumers to person and over telephone on how they
should redress their grievances themselves. Lakhs of rupees have
been refunded to the consumers and compensations have been paid,
through the efforts of the Council.


1974 April 26, in the first General meeting of the Council Regional
Transport Officer ordered the removal of air-horn.: series of
checks on fair price shops- recorded under weighment and
under measurement –several shopkeepers transferred

1974 November 7th, Secretary gave Oral Evidence before the

Joint Select Committee of Parliament Reg. Prevention of
Food Adulteration Act.

1975 December, Our Survey on the needs

of Tiruchi-Madras Rail Passengers
resulted in two carriages getting
added to Rock Fort Express.

1976 Emergency came to our aid. Air-horn completely removed-

started checking fair price shops- started checking milk
supply and detected under-measurement-First interview in
Ananda Vikatan. Point 17 of 20-point prog. was Consumer
Protection-demanded CP Act-ensured stationery shs display
prices of note books and hotels prices of eatables. On our
complaint, a hotel was closed

1979 Council started functioning in this new name. New

Registration, 600 people demonstrated in front of A/c.
Cinema hall protesting against beating up of a member
who demanded A/c. – A/c. restored..Collector orders if
A/c is not operated, fare must be reduced and orders in
future all cinemas must have A/c14-04-1979

1980 Intensified fair price shop checking .

Demanded comprehensive Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu 5

1981 Participated in Green Trichy – Green Trichy
presented City's problems in a Public meeting
with the Collector.
Southern Railways declared 5 trains Rockfort,
Pandian, Nellai, Cholan, Ganga-Cauvery as Super
Fast Expresses and charged Super Fast surcharges
of Rs.6/- and Rs. 12/-. Protested – campaigned
formed a committee - decided to stop the train in the middle of Cauvery
Bridge on July 1st Railways withdrew the surcharges and made them Express
trains on June 30th night.

1982 Activity campaigned against adulteration-took

samples worked with Dr.Murali, Municipal Health
Officer created awareness. Cover story in Junior

1983 Govt. appoints Watch Dog Panels for every fair

price shop responding to our demand-our
members made members of WDP - conducted
monthly meetings inviting officials of State and
centre. Demanded speedy implementation of
Underground Drainage project.

1984-85 Attended two meetings of Union Ministry of

Food and Civil Supplies Contributed to the
discussion on the draft of consumer protection
act in New Delhi – presented 4 papers. Met
several Railway officials on Super Fast express

1986 Measured Noise Pollution sound level metres with sound

level investments at 5 places in Tiruchy 14 hours a day for 8
days drew noise map of Tiruchi.
t In a big meeting with officials stressed removal of Air
Horns - Airhorns removed.
t Campaigned on the qualities of batteries published
articles nation wide.
t Questions in parliament-Minister appoints
committee from April – Oct. 1987 all battery cells
brought under mandatory ISI certification. Every
cell comes with date of manufacture printed
t Stopped the Money circulating scheme ABC- had
the promoter arrested

1987 For irregularities in reduction sales in Sarathas, a Textile shop, on our

complaint MRTP Commission intervened -issued warning to Textile Shop –
Textile Shop gives an undertaking to MRTP Commission.
04-04-1987- Panchajanyam Award for Best Article on Consumer Awareness”
by Vigil for secretary's article in Society” Dear Advertiser”
t Toll collecting contractor for the new coleroon bridge keeps old bridge
closed. We moved the Central Government to intervene-kept the old

6 Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu

1987 bridge open for local traffic-stayed toll collection
Held exhibition on March 15th when Consumers' Rights
Day was celebrated in Tiruchi by the State Govt. Shri.
T.V.Antony appreciated our efforts- our Secretary was the
main Speaker for several years in all State Govt. conferences-
Organised on Sep.20th, 1987 the First State
Level Conference of consumer groups and
individuals in /Tiruchi-One day training Food
Minister Shri.Panruti Ramachandran
presided- M.N.Bhat, DG MRTP spoke-.
Several branches in Tamilnadu started with
the name Consumer Protection Council TN- Council had 14 branches-
Mettupalayam, Sirumugai, Singanallur-Coimbatore, Kodaikanal,
Pazhani, Darapuram, Ponmalai, Chintharipet, Subramaniapuram, Karur,
Kulithalai, Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Tiruvannamalai, Erode etc.,

1988 April 24th –Madras – Bombay Super fast train introduced

-campaigned it was not super fast –distributed pamphlets Superfast
in the train- published articles- June 17th Railways becomes
redesignates the train as “Express Train” The
representation in Central Consumer Protection Council –
Govt. of India. The Only one for Tamilnadu.
t Nominated as Founder-Member, the Bureau of
Indian Standards only consumer representative
from Southern States and to CPC
t At the invitation of USA Govt, under
International Visitor's program toured USA for
40 days-met several voluntary organisations -
visited Consumers' Union-
t Sep.27th met, Ralph Nader worked
with his team for a week.
t Toured consumer organisations in
UK & Europe visited IOCU
Headquarter in The Hague,
t As a British Council Scholar visited consumer organisations England and
Wales - spoke in Hyde Park.

1989 Got LPG connections to 250 people from BHEL without

their having to buy a stove in the same agency-
Transferred 150 BPC – LPG customers in Indian Oil
Corporation when they complained of poor service.
t Obtained LPG Connections to 14 people who were
denied for the past 5 years.
t Published a survey on tooth paste, quantity at
National level-Sunday mag. Called it “ This is what
consumer protection is “
t Conducted a survey at national level on the
delivery system of post offices and established
t Conducted a survey at National Level on Telegram Services-publications
results in improvement

Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu 7

1989 Rs. 20,000/- compensation to a baby boy, when a doctor while injec-ting
left broken needle inside for a day. Before the Forum was set up.
Got a direction from National Commission in our case against Railways
for classification of Superfast trains- - 06-11-1989; 08 of 1989. P 346-347
CPR vol.1991 (1)
t First case in State Commission, first case in national
1990 Represented
Commission India as one member-delegation in the
International Standards Organisations in Florida, USA
t Visited Standard Organizations in USA
t Member of the ISO working group to evolve ISO guide on
product information and instructions for use.
t Survey on public telephones.
t Exposed loop holes in free nice distribution of
Government of Tamilnadu - Demanded its withdrawal -
in State Consumer Protection Council Meeting in
October. Food minister accepted our demand and
withdrew the scheme.
t Filed a medical negligence case against Dr.Sundaram in Negligence
State Commn.

1991 April 13th Food Minister inaugurates District Consumer

Disputes Redressal Forum Tiruchy in our meeting
t March 20, 1991. First case before State Commision.
Rs.8,000 as compensation awarded by state commission
for a passenger who has to travel in an unreserved
compartment to Bombay because a reserved ticket was
given on a day in which the train did not run
t State Commission declares we are entitled to telephone
connection on priority.
t Food minister announces appointed of consumer
organisations representatives in vigilance panel for Fair
Price Shops. Getting the vigilance panel itself our effort in 1983.
t A Doctor apologies in Newspaper when a boy died in a 24 hour nursing
home which was unattended for 4 hours during which the boy died.
t Courier companies and TV companies pay compensation.
t 4 berths allotted for Tiruchy in Madras-Tuticorin Express on our lobbying.
t Department of Posts advances the closure of Post-offices to 6 pm
campaigned and extended it to 8 pm.
t Case in St.Com. against Telecom- no compensation but direction that
VCOs must be given priority in telephone connection in our case in
Supreme Court.

1992 Ten rural consumer education camps.

With aid of Central Government 100 Adulteration
Detection Kits were prepared and distributed to all
consumer groups in Tamilnadu. Food minister presided.
Nominated to the working group on Public utilities
commission to regulate public utilities like transport,
power and communication.
Secretary visits Public Utility Commission in four states
of USA.
Visited ANIs,USA,Testing institute, CPSC, BSI in UK. CA in UK

8 Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu

1992 Rs. 13,148/- awarded as compensation by state
commission as Railways evicted a passenger who had a
confirmed reserved ticket to Bombay.
Persuaded the Union Minister Tele-communication to
nominate consumer organisation representatives in
Telecom Advisory Committees all over India.
Secretary and many others nominated to Tamilnadu
Telecom Advisory Committee.
Case against Indu couriers –awarded Rs.1000/- by NC.
Won a compensation of Rs. 5.5 Lakhs from National
Commission for the widow of a passenger who had a tragic
death inside a TTC Bus. PURC
Visited Public utility Regulatory commissions in USA.-our
report incorporated in GoI report on PURC.

1993 Union Minister for Railways for the first time fixes norms –
55 kmph – for super fast trains in India. 23 Trains deleted
from super fast list in supreme court case filed by us.

1994, 95 Prepared the report on citizen's charter for the working group of Central
Consumer Protection Council
t Won several cases in District, state and National Consumer Commission
Resolving over 200 complaints a year

1994 Conducted Regional Programme of Training of Trainees in Working Group

association with consumer coordination council New Delhi First Citizens
for co.orgs reps from all are south. Food Minister presided. Charter
t Won a case in District Consumer Forum against City
Cooperation Bank which refused to give the interest rate contracted as per
FDR. Bank ordered to pay compensation of plus interest.
t Did a survey on the impact of withdrawal/reduction of exise duty as
several commodities in Union Budget widely published.
t Conducted two workshops for Rilways one in Chennai and one in Tiruchi
with financial assistance from Ministry of Personnel to train them in
Citizens'' Charter.
t Nominated to central Consumer Protection Council

1995 Nominated member Doordharsan Advisory committee council

re. nominated to Telecom Advisory Committee conducted state
level training programme for 80 consumer activist at Tiruchi.
t Took up the case of Rehana Begum a girl of 8 needle broke and
struck inside while giving injection in Govt. Hospital – doctor and nurse
t Won a case in National consumer dispute redressed commission against
Railways when a passenger with confirmed ticket was detrained
compensation of Rs. 16,000/- obtained for the passenger.
t Public Utility Regulatory Commission published

1996 Elected to Governing Council of consumer coordination council an apex body

of consumer organisations.
t Detected a cement adulteration unit a Thiruvanaikovil Tiruchi and civil
supply police took action.
t Seized 1 bag of ration rice while it was being siphoned off. in 7th cross,
Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu 9
1997 Nominated to Divisional Railway users consultation council.
Under took a 48 hour fast attention on Dept. of Telecom not insisting on
the display of information about tariff and permitting excess collection by
STD/PCO booths. Resulted in action by DoT.

1998 Participated in an International Workshop on 'Public

Administration / Issues of Governance' in Theodore Huss
Academy,Guethesbagh, Germany for 10 days.
Studied functioning of Citizen's Charter in London at the delivery
point for 3 weeks. 1997-1998.Cabine office of PM fixed
t Celebrated Public Utilities Week, arranged meeting
by CGM Telecom, PMG Posts. Addl.GM, S.Rly.
t Obtained an order for compensation from Banking
ombudsman for the first time in Tiruchi for a bank
customer for his loss.
t Complained against Green Glory & Thivya Jothi two
money Circulation Schemes and stopped their
operation completely and saved thousands of
consumers from fraud.
t Obtained compensation from a courier from state
consumer commission for a consumer at
t Conducted workshop on citizens charts on railways in Chennai
association with consumer coordination council GM S.Rly. Inaugurated.
t Obtained Refund of Tuition Fees for a college student – This set a trend.

1999 Invited by the Union Finance Minister for pre-budget consultation.

Conducted consultation meet on Citizen's Charter for Railways
in Tiruchi – Addl.GM inaugurated prepared the model charter.
Participated in a live-phone-in Programme with
Southern Railway GM for ½ hours in DD Chennai
answering questions from viewers on Feb.13th .
Won a compensation plus sum assured from LIC for
the family of Mrs. Rajalakshmi who died in an accident
(Rs. 60,000)
Won a compensation plus sum assured from LIC for the
family of Mr. Anand who died suddenly early claim (Rs. 2.5
lakhs) Both in District Forum, Tiruchi.
N. Vittal, CVC addressed our members.

2000 Invited by Union Finance Minister for prebudget consultation of Jan.7th. Two
of our suggestions accepted.
t Won a compensation plus sum assured for Rs. 1.5 lakhs to Mrs. Rajam in a
case filed against LIC.
t Nominated again to a Central Consumer Protection
t Detected 317 bogus cards in ration shop.
t Worked in Close association with District
Administration to get 235 layouts approved in
Tiruchi City.

10 Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu

2000 Trapped with the help of CBI, two Telecom Linesmen while they received
bribe. Gave witness Linesman dismissed.
Nominated as Member, Public Hearing on Pollution Control.

2000 Silver Jubilee Celebrated

March t State Level Conference II-Celebrated to mark our
Silver Jubilee. Dr. A.S. Thambiah, ADGP Kumara-
samy, L.K. Tripathi, IAS, A.M.Swaminathan
IAS(Retd.), G.Sundaram (Union Secretary),
K.N.Nehru, N.Vittal addressed 80 participants from
all over the state. Seminars on Quality in Medical service, in Seminars on
Quality in Medical Service, in Transport, in PDS, in Police in Petroleum
Products and on Free Market Economy were conducted. Founders were
t Won 35 cases against Chinthamani and got the depositors refund with
interest refund with interest, compensation and cost.

2001 Invited again by Union Finance Minister for pre-

budget consultation.
t Campaigned for amendments to Consumer
Protection Act through newspaper articles and in
CCPC Meetings.
t Won compensation for a Railway Passenger Stephen
who could not board the train for want of information
reg. cancellation of I class.
t Helped District Collector in Verification of electoral
rolls with volunteers.
t Filed another 410 cases against Chinthamani on behalf
of depositors. Awarded refund and compensation in
283 cases. The rest pending.
t Got sundry deposit unpaid for 11 years from LIC to
Ms. Lalitha through a case filed in Thanjavur Dt Forum
t Won compensation and return of money for a BHEL, Co-op Bank
Customer who was defrauded by a Bank.

2002 Measured noise pollution with sound level metre. Noise pollution seminar
with SR College campaigned for ban on air-horn.
t Won a case against Kasi Housing Ltd., on behalf of Prof.Usha Devi.
t Surveyed the distance of bus step from ground level and campaigned for
t Started a campaign for reduction of fax charges.

2003 Published “ A Handbook on Consumer Protection Act.”. At a

function Chennai C..Sitaram & co has sold two editions so far.
t Nominated to the Zonal Advisory Committee for the
second term
t Nominated to the Grievance Redressal Forum of TNEB
Tiruchi- second term

2004 Wins case in National Commission against Chinthamani coop society for
payment of deposits

Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu 11

2004 A written agreement with Chinthamani coop society
by which society would pay Rs. 7.5 lakhs every
month to the depositors through the council towards
Principal long denied.
Reduced Public fax charges from Rs.30 to Rs.10 per

2005 Won two cases against LIC – got Rs. 2 lakhs and Rs.20, 000 for policy
holders. Got a refund of 70,000 for defective A/c machine.
Won a case against dealer for refund of defective TV.
For the First time a coop-Society signed an MoU with
a voluntary organization to pay the depositors in
installments of Rs.20 lakhs each month for 14 months
and they were paid.
The National Commission order asking the Registrar
to take criminal action against the officials
responsible for mismanagement and directing the Registrar to get a loan
from the State Government and repay the dues are the most significant
events of the year under review.
Lobbied against Amendment to Postal Act that wanted minimum 300 gm.
for courier service and played a role in Government dropping the

2006 Got Rs. 3.12 Crores Principal back for 497 depositors of Chinthamani coop
The completion of the effort to get the refund for 497
Chinthamni depositors a total amount of Rs.3.16 $316
0 0000

crores. 12 seminars and meetings were addressed this

year. Appointed Member of the Grievance Redressal
Forum of TNEB.

2007 National Commission directs Chinthamani to pay

interest within 2 years
Transport Minister addressed our council-presented
the grievances before K. N. Nehru
Won cases against insurance and got compensation
for fall of compound wall.

2008 Started a column titled “Consumer Notes” in Times of India Chennai

edition on August 8th.continuing till 2012 May
N.Gopalswami CEC addressed the Council; our
campaign resulted in Underground drainage CONSUMER
reaching extended areas in Tiruchi thanks to NOTES
Shri.Swaran Singh. Started a column “ Consumer
Notes” in Times of India.

2009 Chinthamani pays interest to all depositors who filed

cases through us Rs.1.08 crores as interest @8% as per $108

National Commission direction.

Started a campaign against Railways to scrap unfair
charges. Economic Times carried secretary's article on
June 26th. CNN-IBN, UTV and Headlines Today had Secretary in the live
discussion panel on the same day July 3rd - Railway Budget Day.

12 Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu

2010 Organised protest against tariff revision of EB - demanded reduction of
the loss-ade member of Code review committee of TN Energy Regulatory
Commission - attended two meetings. Participated in live discussion in
Headlines Today TV on Railway Budget.
Conducted Quiz on consumer protection for College
and School students in Tiruchirappalli- wide
participation. Won cases against Indian Bank-for
failure to insure and got compensation of Rs.70,000/-

2011-12 Won several cases in District Forum and State Commission in particular
against idian Bank and insurance; Panelist in Headlines Today and puthia
Thalaimurai TVs for Railway Budget. Participated twice in Vijay TV in En
Desam En makkal.
After two years in Chennai city edtion, Consumer Notes column in Times
of india was resumed in Tiruchi. Coimbatore and Madurai editions.
Ambrose our member attended a workship in Delhi organised by IIPM

2012-13 Panelist in Headlines Today, Puthia Thalamurai TVs for Railway Budget,
Also participated on several other issues in Thanthi TV, Sun TV. Won all
the appeals made by Sastra university, Thanjavur.
Won the appeals before the State Commission in two Indian Bank cases
and Air-india case. More cases filed and argued in Thanjavur, Dindigul,
Chingelput, Tiruchi district Fora.
Won a medical negligence case getting a compensation of Rs.2 lakhs for
the consumer-appealed for enhancement of compensation.

2013 For the first time in Tamilnadu/ India, we

launched 5 Autorickshaws with metre at less than
Government rate with a printer that would give
out a printed receipt ( as in ATM) for the journey

2013-14 Won all the seven appeals made by Sastra DU before St. Comm. Won two
cases in Chennai North-one for refund of tuition fees and another on
insurance claim-Won a case of medical negligence getting a compensation
of Rs.2 lakhs for Ramesh.
tOrganised a State level seminar on Food Safety&
stds. Act on March 22nd and a workshop on RTI on
23rd.Funded by Govt. of TN. Commr for
Consumer protection, Addl. Food comm.. St. Infor.
Comm. and Police Commr addressed.
Got back Rs.1 lakh for Sudha Nair of Bombay as refund of tuition fees from
corner stone inst. by sheer correspondence. Panellist in Puthia
Thalaimurai TV, Thanthi TV. Prog.Vijay TV twice.
Conducted two seminars one on Right to information and another on
Food safety on March 22nd and 23rd 2014 at Tiruchi with financial
assistance from TANSSCOPE. 40 selected organizations across
Tamilnadu participated Commissioner of CS and CP and District
Collector, Information Commissioner and FSSAI officials and Trade
leaders participated

2014-15 Won cases in Dindigul, North Madras against colleges for non-return of
certificates and refund.
SASTRA DU filed three defamation cases against the Secretary. All of
them were dismissed after three years of trial.

Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu 13

2014-15 National Commission decided against SASTRA DU and in our favour on
Nov.13th, 2014. Supreme Court refused to list the special leave petitions of
the Deemed University unless the certificates were returned. Deemed
university at once returned the certificates.-On 16th February 2015,
Supreme Court heard the Special Leave Petitions of the Deemed
University and dismissed it as having no merit. The Deemed University
refunded the tuition fees and also the money collected to return the
certificates to the students. This is a precedence for all such cases.
Won another case against insurance co. In State Commission-Rs.20 lakhs
ordered. Gone on appeal to NC as our demand was Rs.1 crore.
Filed a Public interest Litigation against violation of Thillainagar
buildings in High Court ,Madurai.
Won several cases in District Forum and State Commissions. Two can be
mentioned. We got refund for KLN Phani from MOP Vaishnav Women'c
college by a North Chennai District Forum decision. Ramesh Tiruchi got
Rs.2.3 lakhs compensations for his wife's death due to medical negligence
in GVN Hospital

2015-16 Participated in Misleading Advertisement committee

of the Dept of Consumer Affairs, GoI. $316

Filed Writ Appeal against the order of HC on

Organised Smart City Seminar on Oct.2nd inviting
experts from different fields and Shri.Swaran Singh
I.A.S and Commissioner, City corporation. The seminar was funded by
Tamilnadu government. Published a Booklet on Smart City.
Exposed Carmel English School running without affiliation to CBSE and
without permission from State Govt.( jan.2016).............
Won a case against Kodaikanal school in Dindigul district Forum and got
2016-17 Was asked to run the Consumer Helpline on behalf of
the Government of Tamilnadu.
t another case against a college when
Srivillliputhur, Virudhunagar District Forum ordered
refund. Won a case against United Insurance on
behalf of K.P.Gupta when State Commission ordered
Rs.11 lakhs. We have gone on appeal to National Commission.
Met Railway Minister Shri. Suresh Prabhu on December 3rd at his
office and pleaded for Railway Reforms. Earlier published articles in
Economic times, the, The Indian Express and in The Hindu
pleading for reforms in Railways.
From August 2016, we started compiling and bringing out
“Tamilnadu Nugarvor Kavasam, a monthly magazine of Department
of Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection after winning the tender.
2017 – Organised a quiz and essay contest for college and school
students with the financial assistance from TANSSCOPE. Created a
Question Bank for Quiz (March 15th, 2017) Won 4 cases in District
Forum getting compensation for consumers two for lost parcel and
one for defective cell phone and one for school refund. Won the tender
for running the State Consumer Helpline of Dept. of Civil Supplies &
consumer protection, Chennai

14 Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu

2017-18 From Ausust 2016 to September 2018 brought at 25 issues of Tamilnadu
Nugarvor Kavasam on behalf of Govt of Tamilnadu. Well appreciated as a
source for consumer education.

2018-19 Won on case against Sastra in the Division Bench of High Court ( Madurai
Bench) and continued to win several case of fee refund in many district
consumer food and other cases. Started on campaign for Trichy,
Bengaluru additional train.
22 - M Met Sri Girish Pillai, Member Traffic of Railway Board on 22.01.2019
to Run an additional Ex press for additional train for Bengaluru.
Railways ran a special day time Train in response to our demand as on
December 29th and Jan 13th. Pressed for regularization of this train
Nalini Krishnamoorthy got back refund of Rs.1,01,000/- from an
Egnineering college at Tiruvallur District Velmurugan of Chennai
Also got his refund from the same college-Rs.1,20,000/-
Mr.Arunodhayam got back Rs.4449/- from online shop for defective
mobile phone on our writing -Mr.Murthy got back his BSNL refund. Kept
writing to Shri. Piyush Goyal for Bengaluru train
Cases filed so far 654. Pending 30.3 trips to Delhi for National Commision
cases - 5 trips to Chennai for refund, bank and post office cases State
Commission .
2018-19 Protested against collection of parking fees on public
roads- corporation gave it up : continued with two
campaigns, one for the Bangalore train and another
for shifting of Gandhi market-passed resolutions ,
wrote letters met the Collector thrice. Three PILs are
planned. One against Thuillainager bldg.
against the Aristo arm of the bridge and another
against Sastra are due. Campaigned for allocation of
Tiruchi Mayor set for General category.
tSix cases filed in Tiruchi DF, one in Thanjavur and
one in Salem and one in North Chennai. Phone-in
prog. In All India Radion on March 15th
Attended Natonal Commission hearing on March 10th. Protested against
National commission decision taking Education out of purview of CP Act.
Some progress in land allocation for land for Product Test Lab.
COVID 19 destablised activites till June 30th.

2020-21 Filed 3 PIL in Madurai High Court- Got direction to

the Government to complete the incomplete bridge in
10 weeks- Attended national commission and High
court hearing through video conferencing.
At last scanned about 650 files 93, 000 papers and 600
photographs and completed digitalization of
documents project .

This is besides the Annual Reports where our routine activities have been recorded.
-: S.Pushpavanam :-
You may look forward to our Product Test lab
Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu 15
S. Tribu-
Dt Case No CPC for Opposite Party Date of Order Order
No nal
1 DF TPJ OP/02/1991 CPC Telecom District Manager 19.04.1991 Case Lost
2 DF TPJ OP/03/1991 Balakumar TNEB 25.02.1992 Case Lost
3 DF TPJ OP/ /1992 T.L.Stephen DRM,S,Railway,TPJ 08-10-1992 Rs.4000+500
4 DF TPJ OP/432/1992 R. Srinivasan Special Officer, Co-op Housing 13.09.1994 Case Lost
5 DF TPJ OP/--/1994 Sivandandham City Coop.Bank Ppl+ int.refunded
6 DF TPJ OP/ 34/1996 M/s. J.Tex Canara Bank Chairman 20.03.1997 Case Lost
7 DF TPJ OP/183/96 CPC Anandavikatan 24-04-1998 complaint dismissed
8 DF TPJ OP/52/1998 Ms.Ramkishnan Sea Horse Hospital case lost
9 DF TPJ OP/166/1998 Residents Parsn Riverina Rs.75,000
10 DF TPJ OP/03/1999 Arumugham Dept.of Telecom 08-06-1999 Rs.4000+500
11 DF TPJ CC/141/1999 Rajamani L.I.C Manager 30.09.1999 Rs.50,000 @ 12% +
Rs.1000 + Rs.300
12 DF TPJ CC/164/1999 E.Balasubrmnn Sr.BM,LIC Rs.2 lakhs +1000
13 DF TJ CC/168/2000 D.Lalitha LIC,Thanjavur 20-07-2001 Rs.4800/-refunded
14 DF TPJ CC/294/2000 K. Usha Devi M/s kasi Housing Developments 22.10.2001 Rs.1,23,200 + Rs.37,000 +
15 DF TPJ CC/313/2001 Manickam B.H.E.L Manager 19.10.2001 Rs.20,000 @ 6% p.a + Rs.3000
+ Rs.2000
16 DF TPJ CC/336/2001 Natarajan, Fedility Finance Ltd 17.10.2001 Rs.16,000 @ 13% p.a + Rs.2000
Thirumalai + Rs.200 + Rs.300
17 DF TPJ CC/410/2001 P. Kannan Railway Manager 05.02.2002 Case Lost
18 DF TPJ CC/434/2001 P.Singaraj Cheif Engr. TNEB 20.12.2001 Case Dismissed
19 DF TPJ OP/13/2002 S.Sridhar HDFC Bank 01-05-2005 Compl. Dismissed
20 DF TPJ CC/232/2002 Milenda Rena Kamala Niketan Montessori 25.05.2004 Case Dismissed
Van Halten
21 DF TPJ CC/233/2004 R.Sekar Kamala Niketan 20-02-2006 Complaint dismisd
22 DF TPJ CC/234/2004 N.Palanisamy Kamala Niketan 20-02-2006 Compl. Dismissed
23 DF TJ CC/62/2004 Gokulnath Sastra Deemed University(DU) 27.06.2007 Rs.42,750 + Rs.5000
+ Rs.1000/-
24 DF TPJ CC/20/2005 Dr. Jeyamurali Sea Horse Hospital 24.02.2005 Case Dismissed
25 DF TJ CC/44/2005 Natarajan Sastra (DU) 27.06.2007 Rs.44,750 @12%int + Rs.500/-
and certificates
26 DF TJ CC/65/2005 S. Govindarajan Sastra DU 27.06.2007 Rs.40850 @12% int + Rs.1000/-
27 DF TPJ CC/207/2006 Rajasekar PLA Motors 25.06.2007 Rs.3,58,000 + Rs.20,000
+ Rs.10,000/-
28 DF TPJ CC/27/2008
Sandra Doss Jainsons TPJ 30.09.2008 Rs.3000 + Rs.2500 + Rs.25
29 DF TPJ CC/36/2008
Pushpavanam Indian Bank 19-07-2010 .47,630+2000+500
30 DF TPJ CC/32/2008
K.L.N.Phani Indian Bank 19-07-2008 Compl. Dismissed
31 DF TPJ CC/37/2008
Ramesh GVN Hospital Dr.Hema Malini 30.07.2012 Rs.2,00,000 + Rs.2000
32 DF TJ CC/48/2008
S. N. Soundar- Sastra Deemed University 28.02.2011 Refund Rs.43,750 + Rs.4000
rajan + Rs.1000
33 DF TPJ CC/127/2008 N. Gnana- Nat. Br. Manager,TPJ 3 05.05.2010 Case Lost
34 DF TPJ CC/206/2008 T.Prakash Babu Shiva Automobiles 19.01.2010 Case Lost
35 DF SCi CC/502/2008 S. Nagarajan Gandhi Nagr CO-OP House 18.03.2011 Rs.1,18,650 + Rs.10000
Construction Society + Rs.5000/-
36 DF TPJ CC/01/2009 Balaguru United India Insurance Co 20.07.2010 Rs.46,000 + Rs.2000 + Rs.500
37 DF TPJ CC/02/2009 D.Bala Mobile StoresTrichy 21-04-2010 7.079+1000+1000
38 DF TPJ CC/160/2009 R. Gopalan Track on Courier 30.04.2010 Rs.15,500 + Rs.1500
+ Rs.1000 + Rs.500/-
39 DF TPJ CC/166/2009 A. Vinoth Mahen’s Mobile, TPJ 05.05.2010 Refund Rs.7,700 @ 18% int
+ Rs.5000/-
40 DF TPJ CC/177/2009 Div. Rly. Annamalai Automobile 13.12.2011 Rs.1,81,006 + Rs.1000
Manager + Rs.10,000
41 DF TPJ CC/178/2009 Ganesh Kumar Mahen’s Mobile,TPJ 05.05.2009 Rs.6450 + Rs.9500 + Rs.250
42 DF SCi CC/1022/2009 Ms. M. Lakshmi Indian Bank, Ch 04.03.2016 Rs.13,000 + Rs.10,000
+ Rs.5000

16 Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu

S. Tribu-
Dt Case No CPC for Opposite Party Date of Order Order
No nal
43 DF TPJ CC/03/2010 Krishnamurthy M. Rajalingam Promoter 11.11.2010 Refund Rs.7450 + Rs.35,000 +
MNK Apartment Rs.52,500 @ 12%int + Rs.5000
+ Rs.2000
44 DF S.chi CC/1029/2010 Anita Union Bank 09-07-2011 Rs.25,000+500
45 DF TPJ CC/37/2010 Pushpavanam Indian Bank 20.04.2012 Rs.47,630 + Rs.2000 + Rs.50
46 DF TPJ CC/69/2010 Subramaniam Ratna Firm,TPJ-8 30-06-2010 New Fridge+Rs.1500
47 DF TJ CC/54/2010 R.S.Gowtaman Sastra Deemed University 28.02.2011 Rs.36,868 + Rs.2,48,000 @ 6%
int p.a+50,000+5000+Rs.1000
48 DF TJ CC/82/2010 Bindu Sadhagan Kumbakonam TNEB 30.08.2011Rs.2,58,003 @ 6%
int + Rs.33450 + 6% & refund
of deposits
49 DF TJ CC/87/2010 Y. Jayaraman Sastra Deemed University 27.07.2011 Refund of Rs.50,100 + Rs.5000
+ Rs.1000 with certificates
50 DF TJ CC/88/2010 T.S.Subramanian Sastra Deemed University 27.07.2011 Rs.50,100 + Rs.5000/- +
Rs.1000/- refund with certificates
51 DF TJ CC/89/2010
Padmavathy Sastra Deemed University(DU) 27.07.2011 Rs.50,100 + Rs.5000/- +
Rajendran Rs.1000/- refund with certificates
52 DF TPJ CC/115/2010 KLN Phani Air India 19.01.2011 Rs.1800 + Rs.2913
+ Rs.10000 + Rs.500/-
53 DF SCi CC/307/2010 Nedungudi The Branch Manager, 19.03.2014 Rs.9,97,876.50 @ 6% +
Haridas Karnataka Bank Rs.10,000 + Rs.5000/-
54 DF TJ CC/20/2011 Devendra Sastra Deemed University 31.05.2011 Rs.30,050 + Rs.15000/-
Prasad, Bihar + Rs.1000 with return of
55 DF TJ CC/57/2011 B. S. Manohar Sastra Deemed University 27.06.2007 Rs.1,12,000 @ 6% int and
56 DF TPJ CC/106/2011 Ramkumar, TPJ United India Insurance 06.03.2012 Rs.17,000 with interest 8.5%
+ Rs.2500/-
57 DF N.Ch CC/02/2012 KLN Phani The Principal, MOP Vaishnav 17.05.2013 Rs.28,430 with 9% int
College for Women Rs.20,000 + Rs.2000
Return Certificates
58 DF TPJ CC/11/2012 R.Saranathan SBI Srirangam 28-08-2012 lost
59 DF Dgl CC/08/2012 D. Sivakumar Bavan’s Gandhi Vidhyashram, 25.05.2015 Refund Rs.15,000/-
Kodaikanal + Rs.10,000/- + Rs.500.
60 DF TPJ CC/11/2012 Saranathan SBI Manager, Srirangam 28.08.2012 Case Lost
61 DF TPJ CC/34/2012 Frank Janson Manager Indian Bank 04-10-2019 lost but appealed
and Odath
62 DF chpt CC/47 /2012 M.N. Raman Principal Rajiv Gandhi 12.04.2017 Refund Rs.42,636 with 6% p.a
College of Engg. Int. + Rs.5000 + Rs.5000
63 DF TJ CC/48/2012 Srinivasamurthy Sastra Deemed University
64 DF TPJ CC/64/2012 S. Venkatesan Susee Automotive Pvt ltd., 23.05.2016 Rs.1,50,000/- @ 9% int
+ Rs.2000/-
65 DF NCi CC/223/2012 Manicklal Rathi The Br. Manager, National 20.01.2014 Rs.79,163 + Rs.5000
Insurance Co, Ch – 600001. + Rs.2000 + 9% interest
66 DF TPJ CC/26/2013 P. Nallusamy BHEL Matric School 12.11.2013 Rs.9185 + Rs.2000 + Rs.1000
67 DF Vr CC/28/2014 S. Vigneshwaran Principal Mepco Schlenk 30.09.2015 Refund Rs.93,815 with 6% p.a
Engg. College Int. + Rs.10000, Rs.5000
68 DF RR FA/62/2014 Ms. Unnati Vepa Kamesam 08.02.2017 Rs.1,12,500 @ 12% int
Gupta +Rs.20000+Rs.3000+Rs.5000
69 DF TPJ CC/86/2014 Theresa Post Master General 09.05.2018 (Rs.3900+Rs.5000)
TPJ, Coimbatore, Ch @ 6% int + Rs.2000/-
70 DF TPJ CC/23/2016 M. Edward Universal 28.11.2018 Refund Rs.6,400 + Rs.4000 +
Rs.5000 + Rs.2000
71 DF TPJ CC/29/2016 Anil Kumar The Proprietor TPJ 29.12.2016 Rs.2,93,014 @ 9% + Rs.10,000
– Erode Transport + Rs.2000/-

Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu 17

S. Tribu-
Dt Case No CPC for Opposite Party Date of Order Order
No nal
72 DF TPJ CC/30/2016 M/s Prakash Praveen Express Manager 23.01.2017 Refund of Rs.53,335
Textiles + Rs.10,000/-
73 DF TPJ CC/68/2016 Mohamed Ali Pavendar Bharathidasan 30.11.2016 Rs.5000 + Rs.4000
College Principal
74 DF TPJ CC/69/2016 Mohamed The Principal MAM 26.12.2017 Rs.41,700 @ 6% int
Udman sadath Mat.Hr.Sec. School + Rs.5000 + Rs.2000/-
75 DF Tvr CC/25/2018 S. Velmurugan Rajalakshmi Institute 19.11.2018 Refund Rs.1,52,500/- with int +
of Technology Rs.25,000/- + Rs.5000/-
76 DF Tvr CC/27/2018 Naline Ppl.Rajalakshmi Inst. Of Tech. 15-02-2019 Rs.1,02,000/- + Rs.5000/-
77 St.c Ch A.P. No.75/91 CPC Tele-Communication 25.10.1991 Case Lost
78 St.c Ch AP/ /1991 CPC TNEB 1992(2)CPR474
79 St.c Ch OP/07/1991 Mehta Karnik GM, S Railway 20-03-1991 Rs.7500+500
80 St.c Ch O.P.No. CPC Indu Couriers 25.02.1993 Case Won
- 204/92
81 St.c Ch OP/206/1992 Rajmohan Dr.M.Sundaram 18-02-1993 case lost
82 St.c Ch OP/ /1994 Jayarama Sastri GM,S Railways Rs.13000+500
83 St.c Ch AP/411/1999 Arumugham Dept. of Telecom DF order confirmed
84 St.c Ch AP/192/2000 E.Balasubrmnn Sr.BM, LIC of India Appeal allowed
85 St.c Ch O.P.No. - R. Srinivasan Air Freight Ltd Chairman 17.03.1997 Rs.1000 @ 18% + Rs.500/-
86 St.c Ch A.P.No. CPC S.Balasubramanian, 08.08.2001 OP asked to desist UTP
- 452/1998 S.Narayanan (Ananda Vikatan)
87 St.c Ch AP No. E.Balasubrmnin L.I.C of India 30.07.2001 Case Lost
192/2000 on
OP No.164/99
88 St.c Ch FA/419/2006 N.Palanisamy Kamala Niketan 31.08.2010 Rs.4380+500
89 St.c FA/420/2006 Sekar Kamala Niketan School 31.08.2010 Rs.4500+500
90 St.c FA/466/2007 Gokulnath Sastra-DU 31.08.2010 Rs.42,750 + Rs.1000
+ Rs.5000/-
91 St.c FA/463/2007 Govindarajan Sastra-DU 31.08.2014 Rs.40,850 @ 12% int
92 St.c Ch FA/465/2007 S. Natarajan Sastra-DU 31.08.2010 certs+ Rs.44,750
+ 12% int. + Rs.500
93 St.c Ch FA/330/2008 Joseph Rex SBI 16.09.2008 Appeal dismissed
94 St.c Ch FA/ /2008 S.Pushpavanam United 23.11.2010
95 St.c Ch R.P. - 56/2010 Div. Rly Manager Annamalai Automobile 21.06.2011 Revised petition allowed
96 St.c MDU FA/766/2010 Balaguru United Ind.Ins.Co 13-02-2014 46000+2000
97 St.c Ch FA/783/2010 Pushpavanam Indian Bank,Trichi 20-04-2012 Rs.51000/-
98 St.c Ch FA/194/2011 KLN Phani IndianBank,Thilaingr 24.07.2012 Rs.57,130 + . 5000 +Rs.3000 +
99 St.c Ch FA/96/2012 KLN Phani BM,Air-India 17.05.2013 Rs.10, 213+500
100 St.c Mdu FA/253/2012 Padmavathy Sastra DU 11.07.2013 Return of Rs.50,100 + Rs.5000
Rajendran Ch + Rs.1000
101 St.c Mdu FA/205/2012 Devendra Sastra DU 07.08.2013 Rs.30,050 + Rs.15,000 +
Prasath Bihar Rs.1000 DF Order confirmed
102 St.c Mdu FA/252/2012 T.S.Subramania Sastra DU 07.08.2013 Rs.50,100 + Rs.5000 + Rs.1000
103 St.c Mdu FA/265/2012 R.S.Gowthman Sastra DU 07.08.2013 Rs.30,050 + Rs.15,000 +
Rs.1000/- DF order confirmed
104 St.c Mdu FA/566/2012 Bindu Sadhagan TNEB 19.12.2013 Refund of Rs.2,91,453
105 St.c Mdu FA/251/2012 Y. Jayaraman, Sastra DU 07.08.2012 DF order confirmed Rs.50,100 +
Ch-37 Rs.5000+Rs.1000&Certificates
106 St.c Ch CC/78/2012 K. P. Gupta United India Insurance Co. Ltd., 09.04.2015 Rs.11.63 lakhs @ 9% int +
Rs.70,000 + Rs.10,000/-
107 St.c Mdu FA/507/2012 Subramaniam Ratna stores 22.07.2014 OP appeal dismissed
108 St.c Mdu FA/563/2012. S. Ramesh GVN hospital 08.05.2015 OP Appeal dismissed
109 St.c Tlg FA/62/2014 Ms. Unnati Vepa Kamesam 08.02.2017 Rs.1,12,500 @ 2%int +
Gupta Rs.20,000 + Rs.3000/- +
110 St.c Mdu FA/134/2015 S. Vigneswaran Principal Mepco 18-02-2019 Rs.93,815with 10% int. +
Schlenk Engg. College 10,000 + 5000

18 Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu

S. Tribu-
Dt Case No CPC for Opposite Party Date of Order Order
No nal
111 NC DL O.P.No.7/89 CPC Indian Oil Corporation Case Disposed off.
112 NC DL OP/08/1989 CPC Indian Railways 11-06-1989 suggested SC
113 NC DL 0.165 CPC M/s. Indian Oil Corporation 10.09.1989 SC suggested
114 NC DL O.P.No.24/91 K.Kumar Tvr Transport Corporation 27.09.1993 Rs.5.1Lakhs @18% int +
115 NC DL R.P.No.3/92 CPC Telecom District Manager Case Lost
116 NC DL FA.No. CPC Indu couriers Pvt ltd 20.10.1995 Appeal Dismissed
- 227/1993
117 NC DL R.P.No. CPC S.Balasubramaniam of Magazine advised to desist
- 1874/2001 Ananda Vikatan from UTP
118 NC DL O.P.No. U. S. Selvaraj TPJ Speciality Hospital 11.08.2014 Complaint dismissed
- 61/2002 Dr.Shanmugavel
119 NC DL CC/233/2010 CPC Southern Railways Disposed Off
120 NC DL R.P.No. CPC Sastra DU 05.01.2015 Petitioner appeal dismissed
- 4489/2013
121 NC DL R.P.No. CPC Sastra DU 05.01.2015 Petitioner appeal dismissed
- 4490/2013
122 NC DL R.P.No. CPC Sastra DU 05.01.2015 Petitioner appeal dismissed
- 4491/2013
123 NC DL R.P.No. CPC Sastra DU 05.01.2015 Petitioner appeal dismissed
- 4492/2013
124 NC DL R.P.No. CPC Sastra DU 05.01.2015 Petitioner appeal dismissed
- 4493/2013
125 NC DL R.P.No. CPC Sastra DU 05.01.2015 Petitioner appeal dismissed
- 4495/2013
126 NC DL R.P.No. CPC Sastra DU 05.01.2015 Petitioner appeal dismissed
- 4496/2013
127 NC DL RA/247/2013 Rajasekaran Managing Director, PLA Motors 29.07.2013 Review application dismissed
128 NC DL R.P.No. CPC Sastra DU 05.01.2015 Petitioner appeal dismissed
- 4494/2013
129 NC DL RP/4645/2012 K.L.N. Phani Indian Bank,Thilaingr 01-10-2013 Additional cost Rs.25,000/
130 SC DL Civil Appal CPC Char. TTC 02-09-1995 Compensation confirmed
131 SC DL SLP (C) CPC Sastra DU 19.01.2015 Return of original certificates
No.983/2015 ordered
132 SC DL SLP (C) CPC Sastra DU 16.02.2015 SPL Dismissed
133 HC F.A./456/1992 CPC Indian Oil Corporation 30.07.1993 Case Lost
134 HC Mdu WP(MD) V. Srinivasa Rao Sastra DU 02.01.2013 Case Lost
No. 13993/12
135 HC Mdu WP(MD) S. Venkatraman Sastra DU 02.01.2013 Case Lost
No. 13994/12
136 HC Mdu WP(MD) K. Ramesh Sastra DU 02.01.2013 Case Lost
No. 13995/12
137 HC Mdu WP.No. CPC Rams Maris Building Case Lost Because Lawyer
- 10530/13 Did not Appear
138 HC Mdu W.P.(MD) No. K. Sankaran Sastra DU Pending
139 HC Mdu W.P.(MD) No. Dinakarnath Sastra DU Pending
16139/2014 Reddy
140 HC Mdu W.P.(MD) No. S. Venkatesan Sastra DU Pending
141 HC Mdu SR.No. V. Srinivasa Rao Sastra DU Pending
- 23638/15
142 HC Mdu SR.No. S. Venkata- Sastra DU Pending
- 23634/15 raman
143 HC Mdu SR.No. K. Ramesh Sastra Deemed University Pending
- 23642/15

Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu 19

S. Tribu-
Dt Case No CPC for Opposite Party Date of Order Order
No nal
144 HC Mdu WA(MD) V. Srinivasa Rao Sastra Deemed University Won
No. - 426/15
145 HC Mdu WA(MD) S. Venkata- Sastra DU Won
No. - 427/15 raman
146 HC Mdu WA(MD) K. Ramesh Sastra Deemed University Won
No. - 428/15
147 HC MDU (MD)No.2627 Visweswaran Local Planning Authority& CPC OP's petition dismissed - Won
& 2628/17

Chinthamani Cases :
S.No. Year C.C. Nos.
1 2000 139 – 150/2000, 205 – 227/2000
2 2001 72 – 174/2001, 251 – 303/2001, 334/2001, 335/2001, 344/2001,
351 – 399/2001, 430/2001, 440 – 477/2001, 509 – 540/2001, 689 – 764/2001
3 2002 52 – 54/2002, 59 – 62/2002, 65 – 66/2002, 73 – 78/2002
80/2002, 83 – 89/2002, 71 – 75/2002
4 2004 198 – 230/2004
5 2005 28 – 46/2005

l cases/37 settled with Principal+interest after notice
Total beneficiaries:
l 497

Su. Srinivasan K. Chandrasekaran G. Ravindran P. Gunaseelan

20 Consumer Protection Council, Tamil Nadu

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