Bio-Energy Distributors Solution Limited

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Company Name: Bio-Energy Distributors of

Solution Limited
Address: Plot No. 34659, Off Kasama Road, Libala South,
Chalala Hillview;
Lusaka, Zambia

Prepared for:
Date: 2nd January 2018

Contact Person: Kasongo Museka


Contact: (+260) 950 105 803

(+260) 961 322 960

Proposal Title: Production of Charcoal Briquettes for the


This document contains confidential and proprietary

information belonging exclusively to Zamlink Charcoal
Briquette Distributors
Dear Sir/Madam:
Biomass, an energy-producing source, is used principally in the form of firewood and charcoal.
Currently, biomass provides about 93% of Zambia’s consumed energy source as firewood and
charcoal. In the interest of assisting Zambia to curb the heavy burden of energy products and
mitigation of deforestation, we wish to submit this proposal for the request of funding a charcoal
briquette production program.
Based on your interest in biomass energy projects, we believe the business proposal for charcoal
briquettes may be of interest to you. Charcoal briquettes are an innovative product for use in the
energy sector, especially at a time when Zambia is experiencing an energy crisis. Our mission is to
establish ourselves as a leader in the charcoal briquette industry. We have targeted the markets for our
product as the rural areas where much of the charcoal is massively used, thereby trying to alleviate the
unprecedented cutting of trees. The ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and versatility of our product
separates us from the competition and will propel demand as we ramp up our marketing efforts. We
are seeking K60 900.00 in funding and in return will consider a share of the equity of the company, or
other options as we may agree on.
Thank you for your consideration and interest in Zamlink Charcoal Briquette Distributors. For further
details, we will be readily available to provide additional information if needed. If you complete your
review of our submission and would like to discuss matters sooner please contact us at your
Yours Faithful,

Executive Director

Global warming, caused by CO2 and other substances, has become an international concern in recent years. To
protect forestry resources, which act as major absorbers of CO2, controlling the ever-increasing deforestation,
along with the increase in the consumption of wood fuels, such as firewood and charcoal, is an urgent issue.
Given this, the development of a substitute fuel for charcoal is necessary. Briquette production technology, a
type of clean charcoal technology, can help prevent flooding and serve as a global warming countermeasure by
conserving forestry resources through the provision of a stable supply of briquettes as a substitute for charcoal
and firewood.

Bio-Energy Distributors Solution Limited (BEDS) is a standard charcoal briquette production and distribution
firm under the subsidiary of Zamlink Translation Solution based in Lusaka district of the Lusaka Province of
the Republic of Zambia. Although are a small servicing business and household in around Lusaka district, but
that will not in any way stop us from maximizing our potential in the charcoal briquette production and
distribution line of business. We hope to grow the business beyond Lusaka district to other districts in Zambia
and the rest of the world.

We have developed a method of producing charcoal from previously unused charcoal dust waste and agri-waste
products. Charcoal provides significant advantages over raw biomass fuels because the process of carbonization
reduces the particulate emissions, and reduces the risk of developing respiratory infections. In order to
contribute to the reduction in deforestation, the improved charcoal process needs to be a low-cost, timesaving
technique that produces the high yield of good quality charcoal using locally available material to ensure this
technology is appropriate.


Although Zambia is an agricultural country with vast amounts of forests and trees, at the present time, the
majority of its agricultural waste is not being fully utilized for the production of energy. Our failure to transform
Zambia’s natural agricultural wastes into charcoal briquettes has resulted in an increased exploitation of
Zambia’s primary forests. Most Zambian households use wood, charcoal, biomass and coal as their primary
source of cooking fuel. Widespread burning of unprocessed biomass in Zambia has well-characterized impacts
on health and environment. Indoor air pollution, which is large to exposure to smoke and particulate matter
emitted by the combustion of unprocessed biomass estimated to cause much deaths in women and children.
Deforestation also causes soil erosion, increasing vulnerability to flooding and causing lower crop yields from


Zamlink Charcoal Briquette Distributors is a Zambian based charcoal briquette firm under a subsidiary
company of Zamlink Translation Solution, dedicated to promoting, facilitating and advocating for the
widespread adoption of energy efficient solutions for communities around the country that depend on biomass
energy as their primary source of fuel for cooking and household energy. As a way to carry out our mission and
support the alleviation of energy poverty, we are starting a robust campaign and advocacy in the production of
charcoal briquettes using biomass waste products. We believe in the slogan of “No waste goes to waste”, as any
waste material is a variable tool to an alternative energy product.


We will be providing alternative biomass energy products to promote the sustainable use of waste products for
heat and micro-power generation and be a viable trading business that ensures all those engaged are enhanced
in their abilities and fairly recompensed for their efforts by applying the benefits of our innovations and
enterprise to promote the localised provision of energy solutions that in turn create skilled employment,
promote low carbon economies and engender community cohesion.


The need for this proposal cannot be overemphasized as the demand for efficiency energy is too high and the
unprecedented levels of deforestation is getting out of hand, hence the need for a viable alternative source that
will reduce the heavy energy burden and mitigate deforestation. We will be producing and distributing
alternative renewable energy products such as charcoal briquettes, briquette geysers, briquette braziers and
briquette boilers across national borders and continental regions. Our intention of starting a charcoal briquette
production and distribution Company is to promote the efficiency usage of alternative renewable energy
sources as a replacement of ordinary charcoal, solar power and hydro-energy products. This project will
endeavour to provide charcoal briquettes as an alternative source of fuel energy to charcoal and firewood,
which are the most prevalent and less efficient sources. The initial goal for this project is to establish a charcoal
briquette production and distribution mechanism for the local communities using local agricultural waste
materials such as sawdust, charcoal dust and many other agro wastes i.e. Maize husks, straw. Once in place and
operational, we will provide energy efficient options to the community at large to include fuel, briquette stoves,
briquette geyser and boilers. In turn the farmers will benefit massively in the value chain production of
briquettes that they may be using for their energy needs and get some income through the selling of briquettes.

Depending on the availability of funds, we intend to run this program on a continuous annual production of
the briquettes in order to grow this industry in becoming a beacon of development among charcoal vendors
and farmers. Proposed Project can commence production within 2-4 weeks after sanction and first
disbursement of term loan.


We are very much aware of the importance of having very good products and service. This is one of the
reasons why we have made great plans to have the best of products and services. We will be producing and
distributing alternative renewable energy products that will include; charcoal briquettes, water briquette geysers,
briquette stoves, briquette boilers and biogas fuel products. These products will be sold across Zambia and for
the international market. Our intention of starting Bio-Energy Distribution Solution Company is to make
profit from the production of bio-energy products and promote the efficiency usage of alternative renewable
energy sources as a replacement of ordinary charcoal solar power and hydro-energy products.

This project will result in significant co-benefits, categorized below using the three pillars of sustainable
development: economic, social and environmental impacts.

Economic Impacts

 Income- and employment-generating effects through the improvement of existing businesses and the
promotion of new businesses
 Reduced money spent on fuel wood, freeing up financial resources for tuition, clothes, books, food,
tools and equipment of students institution of learning who have been affected by load-shedding.

Social Impacts

 Improved working conditions and health status of the cooks

 Reduced indoor air pollution and associated respiratory illness
 Less pain and physical stress caused by smoke, intense heat, burns and accidents
 Increased environmental awareness through good practices;

Environmental Impact

 Reduced deforestation leading to protection of water, and maintaining the biodiversity due to preserved
forest cover


The project will have a greater economic impact among the men and women, as it will provide direct source of
revenue and alleviate the poverty levels among the men, women and youths. Since the raw material for the
production of charcoal briquettes is readily available and the production process is not complicated as
compared to lump charcoal, the product will be cheaply obtained among many users of this product. The
project will benefit un-employed people in rural areas; self help groups (SHGs) – men and women, farmers and


Due to poverty in most rural areas, and the escalating high load-shedding crisis, the demand of charcoal
briquettes in most areas is tremendous and likely to increase with the increase in population of below poverty
line. Institutions, households, restaurants and farmers all have different heating requirements and by meeting
those needs charcoal briquettes will become more attractive to them. Customization through blending
feedstock will also provide charcoal briquettes with a competitive advantage over conventional charcoal. Better
market research is required to assess consumer requirements across the main market segments in order to tailor
briquette products for their use. In time, we intend to start exporting briquettes to nearby countries in the sub-
Saharan region and the entire continent including Europe, Asia and Australia.

10.1. Market Trends

It is a common trend in the charcoal production and distribution business to find charcoal retailers positioning
their business in locations and communities where the average households make use of coal stoves as against
gas cookers, kerosene stoves or electric stoves. If you make the mistake of positioning this type of business in
highbrow areas, you are going to struggle to make headway in the business. Lastly, in the bid to stay afloat and
continue to make profits from this line of business, most people that retail charcoal tends to look beyond the
market in their immediate community to international market. This is why you will find standard charcoal
production and distribution companies engage in exporting charcoal to other countries of the world where the
demand of quality charcoal briquette is high.
10.2. Our Target Market
The number of our target market is calculated based on the longevity of the briquettes and it will include;
individual rural and urban households, hotels, lodges, restaurants, poultry farms, schools, hospitals, clinics,
refugee camps, correctional facilities and small scale charcoal vendors. We intend to start exporting briquettes
to the sub-Saharan region and the entire continent including Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americans.

10.3. Marketing Strategy & Sales Strategy

Before choosing a location to launch Bio-Energy Distributors Solution Company, we will conduct a thorough
market survey and feasibility studies in order for us to be able to be able to penetrate the available market in
Lusaka Province and other cities where we intend positioning our business. We have detailed information and
data that we are able to utilize to structure our business to attract the numbers of customers we want to attract
per time and also for to compete with other kerosene retailing business. We will hire experts who have good
understanding of the charcoal production and distribution line of business to help us develop marketing
strategies that will help us achieve our business goal of winning a larger percentage of the available market in
Lusaka and Zambia at large.

In order to continue to be in business and grow, we must continue to sell our charcoal to the available market,
which is why we will go all out to empower our sales, and marketing team to deliver our corporate sales by;

 Introducing our charcoal production and distribution business by sending introductory letters to
residence, merchants and other stakeholders in both Lusaka and other Provinces in Zambia
 Opening our production and distribution business with a network service provider so as to capture the
attention of residence who are our first targets
 Engaging in road show in targeted communities all around Lusaka Province from time to time to sell
our products
 Advertising our products in community based newspapers, local TV and radio stations
 Listing our business and products on yellow pages’ ads (local directories)
 Leverage on the internet to promote our charcoal production and distribution business
 Engage in direct marketing and sales
 Establishing distribution sales points across major towns and regions country wide
 Encourage the use of Word of mouth marketing (referrals)

10.4. Competition
Given the current energy status of Zambia, a large number of companies have moved into the production of
energy incentives, mainly the solar power. However, dependence on solar alone is not a solution enough
especially in times when the heat energy from the sun is considered to be at very low rate. Hence, biomass
energy is considered to be the most efficiency and cheap energy source and easy to produce for the countrywide
supply. Other than our own company, there is not a multi-fuel charcoal briquette production and distribution
company, which is able to produce charcoal briquettes for a nationwide and international market base. To that
end, we will maximize this period to have a greater mass increase in the production of briquettes in order to
meet the wide client base for the product. Therefore, we will utilize this period to provide a good quality
product meting the international standard quality product.

10.5. Our Competitive Advantage

First and foremost, the fact that anybody with a business cum retailing skills and the required start – up capital
can decide to start charcoal production and distribution business means that the business is open to all and
sundry hence it is expected that there will be high – level competition in the industry. There is hardly any busy
community or even street that you won’t find one or more people retailing charcoal especially on a small scale
level. As a standard charcoal production and distribution company, we know that gaining a competitive edge
requires a detailed analysis of the demographics of the surrounding area and the nature of existing competitors.

Moreover, even if you are successful at first, new competitors could enter your market at any time to steal your
regular customers. Hence, we will not hesitate to adopt successful and workable strategies from our
competitors. We are going to be one of the very few charcoal briquette production and distribution companies
in Zambia that will also engage in wholesale distribution and exportation of charcoal briquettes. Another
competitive advantage that we have is the vast experience of our management team, we have people on board
who are highly experienced and understands how to grow business from the scratch to becoming a national
phenomenon. Our large and robust distribution network and of course our excellent customer service culture
will definitely count as a strong strength for the business.

One thing is certain, we will ensure that in future, we open our outlets in various cities not just in Lusaka, but
also all across Zambia. With that, our brand will be well communicated and accepted nationally. These outlets
will contain all our different sizes of charcoal briquettes in excess for the consumers to have access. Each outlet
will serve a determined geographical location based on the population value. We will ensure that our employees
will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry.
10.6. Publicity & Advertising Strategy
Regardless of the fact that our charcoal briquette production and distribution business is a standard one that
can favourably compete with other leading charcoal production and distribution business in Zambia as a whole,
we will still go ahead to intensify publicity for all our products and brand. We are going to explore all available
means to promote our products and services. We have a long-term plan of opening outlets in various locations
all around Lusaka province and other key cities in Zambia, which is why we will deliberately build our brand to
be well accepted in Lusaka province before venturing out to other cities in Zambia. In fact, our publicity and
advertising strategy is not solely for selling our products but to also effectively communicate our brand. Here
are the platforms we intend leveraging on to promote and advertise Zamlink Charcoal Briquettes Distribution

 Place adverts on both print and electronic media platforms

 Leverage on the internet and social media platforms.
 Install our Bill Boards on strategic locations all around major communities in Lusaka province.
 Engage in road show and distributing our fliers and handbills in target areas in Lusaka province

Despite being around for a number of years, knowledge of briquettes and how they differ over firewood and
regular charcoal, is largely unknown among populations in Zambia. Therefore, we intend to have a robust
countrywide marketing, utilizing every opportunity and meeting the consumers in their native language when
explaining our product concept.

We intend to establish a vigorous online community that nurtures and promotes a countrywide community of
charcoal briquette stakeholders. This website will utilize best practices to employ social media and networking
in the service of alleviating energy poverty around the country. We shall provide a dynamic and active online
hub with access to a thriving marketplace of shared ideas and experiences, free resources and the latest news
concerning biomass development. We will be hosting some international conference indabas for sub-Saharan
countries that will lay a blueprint for achieving sustainable production and use of solid biomass fuels like wood
fuels and charcoal.


We have prepared a budget for the implementation of our business plan. This includes the revenue and costs
for our sales projections as well as the start-up capital requirements for testing, new premises and equipment
and funding of growth. Our assumptions about the factors affecting financial performance such as customer
numbers, sales value and overheads will form Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and we will use these to
monitor progress. Following an analysis financial measure, in order to sustain this project, a total funding
request of K60 900.00 will be required as the following tables highlight.

12.1. Project Financial Costs

Table 1: Machinery & Equipment
Description Quantity Value (KWA)
Briquetting Extruder 2 10 000
Briquetting Dryer 1 1 500
Briquette Mixer 1 1 500
Weighing Scale 1 500
Total 13 500

Table 2: Raw Materials (Per Month)

Description Quantity Value (KWA)
Char Dust 50000 kg 2 500
Cassava Powder 5000 kg 500
Sodium Nitrate 50 kg 500
Packaging Bags 25000 1 000
Sodium Borate 50 kg 500
Total 5 000

Table 3: Office Equipments

Description Quantity Cost (KWA) Total Value (KWA)
Computer Laptop 1 2 500 2 500
Printer 1 700 700
Office/Visitors Chairs 3 300 900
Office Tables 3 600 1 800
Total 5 900
Table 4: Human Resource Requirement (First Year of Operation)
Description No. Employees Salary/Month (KWA)
Executive Director 1 5 000
Production & Distribution Manager 1 5 000
Marketing & Merchandize Officer 1 4 000
Accounts Clerk 1 3 000
Corporate Affairs Officer 1 2 500
Classified Daily Workers 5 7 500
Total 10 27 000
Salaries of all employees are estimated to increase at 10% annually

Table 5: Other Expenses (Per Month)

Description Value (KWA)
Land Rent & Building 3 000
Electricity 2 000
Marketing 1 500
Transport 1 500
Stationary 1 500
Total 9 500

Table 6: Working Capital (For One Month)

Description Amount (KWA)
Raw Materials 5 000
Salaries & Wages 27 000
Other Expenses 9 500
Total 41 500

Table 7: Capital Investment for Business

Description Amount in (KWA)
Machinery & Equipments 13 500
Office Equipments 5 900
Working Capital for One Month 41 500
Total 60 900

12.2. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain when it comes to charcoal production and distribution business, if your shop is centrally
positioned and easily accessible in a place where the average household make use of coal stoves, you will always
attract customers cum sales and that will sure translate to increase in revenue generation for the business. We
are well positioned to take on the available market in Lusaka Province and every other Provinces in Zambia
where our charcoal briquettes will be sold and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of
generating enough income/profits from the first six month of operations and grow the business and our
clientele base.

We have been able to critically examine the charcoal briquette production and distribution line of business, we
have analyzed our chances in the industry, and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast.
The sales projections are based on information gathered on the field and some assumptions that are peculiar to
start-ups in Lusaka Province.

12.3. Our Pricing Strategy

Our prices will conform to what is obtainable in the industry but will ensure that within the first 6 months our
charcoal are sold a little bit below the average prices when compared to other charcoal retailing businesses
countrywide as outlined in the table below:

Table 8: Pricing Strategy (1st Year of Operation)

Description Quantity Pricing Value (KWA) Total Cost (KWA)
2 kg 12 000 bags 15 180 000
5 kg 4 800 bags 25 120 000
10 kg 2 400 bags 35 84 000
25 kg 960 bags 65 62 400
50 kg 480 bags 135 64 800
Total 20 640 bags 511 200
Table 9: Annual Revenue Generation (First Year of Operation)
Product Description Annual Bags Sale 1st Year Sales Revenue (KWA)
2 kg 144 000 2 160 000
5 kg 57 600 1 440 000
10 kg 28 800 1 008 000
25 kg 11 520 748 800
50 kg 5 760 777 600
Total 103 200 6 134 400
N.B: All the sale prices are the approximate value. Product cost and sale price of the product may be enhanced
by 10% yearly or by mutual understanding.

12.4. Other Costs

Other essential costs to be borne by the company are; promotional and communication expenses due to the
export nature orientation of the business.


The future of a business lies in the numbers of loyal customers that they have the capacity and competence of
the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a
business (company), then it will not be too long before the business close shop. One of our major goals is to
build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external
sources once the business is officially running. We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning
customers over is to retail our charcoal a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are well
prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

Household fuel use is a major energy problem in the developing world. Cooking with biomass (which is free) is
associated with childhood pneumonia; the leading cause of childhood death across the world. Wood charcoal
made traditionally is a clean alternative, but can be expensive, and is also associated with deforestation. Our
technique allows clean-burning charcoal to be made from previously unused agricultural and charcoal waste. It
allows poor farmers to make a profit from previously worthless crop waste. The technology is simple, cheap
and quick, and uses locally available materials.

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