Fill in The Blank Slow Oil Rougher Smoother Force Opposite

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Fill in the blank

slow oil rougher smoother
force opposite

Friction is a ___________________ between two ______________

that are trying to slide, across each other. Friction always works in
the direction ________________________ to the direction in
which the object is moving. Friction always ____________ a
moving object down
The amount of friction depends on the materials from which the
two surfaces are made. The ____________________ the surface,
the more friction is produced. The _______________ the surface,
the less friction is produced. Friction can also produces
Friction can be a useful _____________ because it prevents
something slipping on the surface. Sometimes, we want to reduce
friction. We use ________________ to reduce the friction between
the moving parts inside a car engine.

2. There are 4 points on the coordinate system: M (-3;2); N (5;2); P

(5; -3) and Q. MNPQ is a rectangle. Find the co-ordinates of the
point Q.
3. There are 4 points on the coordinate system: B (0;0); C (0; -2);
D (-2; -2) and A. Find the co-ordinates of the point A and ABCD is a

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