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Read © ea A Revolution in History What would it be like if you had to go a whole day without using wheels? You'd have to walk everywhere, you wouldn't know what the time was, you'd have no books and no computers, and you'd have to carry everything you needed with you. It’s a strange idea, isn't it? We don’t know who invented the wheel, nor do we know exactly when someone decided to use it fr tr but we do know that the wheel completely changed the way people lived. It might just be the most important invention in our planet's history! About five thousand years ago, before the wheel ‘was invented, people relied on animals to transport many really heavy things, like building stones, the animals weren't strong enough, so ‘transportation was a big problem. Most things were moved using wooden rollers, like logs, but that was hard work. ° ‘© This region was one of the first to use wheels. OMthink Do you understand everything? If not, re-read the paragraphs you're not sure about. Atleast, it was hard work until a clever person from Sumer had a good idea. This person figured out that you could attach a wheel to both ends of 2 roller That made an axle! And on top of the axle, you could put a wooden platform a flat surface, like a sheet of wood. The axle kept the wheels in place, and the wheels rotated just the same way that rollers did. You could also get an ox or a donkey to pull it along, but even more importantly, you could carry a lot of things, and even people, Without realizing it, the Sumerian had invented the world’s frst vehicle Early wheels were made out of flat disks of wood, which 2 In time, wheels became lighter and more durable. were heavy and difficult to ratate. The Egyptians found a way to make a wheel that looked like a ring instead ofa‘ Machines of every size and shape, from watches and disk, making it much lighter. They attached support rods _ blenders to printing presses, wouldn't work if the rotation of called spokes to the center of the wheel, and then they wheel gears hadn't been developed. A day without wheels added an iron rim. All these improvements gave the wheel __ would mean empty schools and office buildings, Trucks and better traction and made it more durable. trains could not transport food to stores, Planes could not take off or land. There would be no bikes, skateboards in-line skates, or robots. And even now, five thousand years after its invention, the wheel stil inspiring new technology. Wheels will always be a central part of life, and the need for them will grow as long as humans think, invent, and change. 26 The wheel didn’t just change the way people got from place to place. Ancient man leamed how to use the power of running water to turn large mill wheels. Small wheels called gears connected the mill wheel to a grinding machine. When the gears rotated, power was transferred from one to the other. This meant that people could make bread because they were able to grind wheat and make it into flour. The same idea of wheels and gears was used inthe invention of a huge number of mechanical devices. Think: Do you understand everything? If not, re-read the paragraphs you're not sure about. ® Today, we use wheels of all shapes and sizes. Wheels continue to make our lives easier. 51 Understand Comprehension —— Think Talk with your partner about three new things you learned CS from “A Revolution in History.” What did you already know? © Re-read the last paragraph on page 51. Answer the questions. Name two types of machines that wouldn't exist without the rotation of wheel gears. What couldn’t take off or land without wheels? How do we transport food to stores? © Read the questions and discuss them in small groups. Compare your answers with the other groups. 52 wewna When was the wheel invented? Where was a wheel first attached to an axle? What change did the Egyptians make to the wheel? How were wheels used in a mill? What is the most important use of wheels? Give your reasons. Words in Context Look again at the words you circled in the text. Then write them in the correct sentences. 1 ou Ff wn Many people think the London Eye is an ht Metal isa very_____________type of material. A is used to transport things from one place to another. The train stopped because ofa_ problem. You can grind pepper with a pepper The principal stood on a and spoke to the whole school. Unit Comprehension

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