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1 An industrial freezer is designed to operate with internal air temperature of -20 o C when the

external air temperature is 25oC and internal and external heat transfer coefficients are 12 W/m 2-
K and 8 W/m2-K respectively. The wall of the freezer are composite construction comprising of an
inner layer of plastic 3 mm thick with thermal conductivity of 1 W/m o C .An Outer layer of
stainless steel of thickness 1 mm and thermal conductivity of 16 W/m o C. Sandwiched between
these layers is a layer of insulation material with thermal conductivity of 0.07 W/m o C. Find the
width of the insulation required to reduce the convective heat loss 15 W/m 2 (1d, 08

1 1
Ri= = =0.083
hi 12

1 1
Ro= = =0.125
ho 8

L1 0.003
R 1= = =0.003
K1 1

L2 L2
R 2= =
K 2 0.07

L3 0.001
R 3= = =0.0000625
K3 16

T i−T o
R i + R 1+ R 2+ R 3 + R o
0.083+ 0.003+ 2 +0.0000625+ 0.125


L2 0.195
R 2= = =2.78
K 2 0.07

U= =0.333W / m2 K
Ri + R1 + R2 + R3 + R o

2. A furnace has a composite wall constructed of a refractory material for the inside layer and an
insulating material on the outside. The total wall thickness is limited to 60cms. The mean
temperature of the gases within the Furnace is 850 oC, the external air temperature is 30 oC and the
temperature of the interface of the two materials of the Furnace wall is 500 oC.The thermal
conductivities of refractory and insulating materials are 2 and 0.2 W/m-K respectively. The
coefficients of heat transfer between the gases and refractory surface is 200 W/m 2-K and between
outside surface and atmosphere is 40W/m2K Find i) the required thickness of each material ii) the
rate of heat loss iii) the temperatures of the external and internal surfaces (1b,08 June/July 2015,

1 1
Ri= = =0.005
hi 200

1 1
Ro= = =0.025
ho 40
L1 L1
R 1= = =0.5 L1
K1 2

L2 0.6−L1
R 2= = =5(0.6−L1)
K2 0.2

T i−T 2 T i−T o
q= =
R i + R 1 R i + R 1 + R 2+ R o

850−500 850−30
0.005+0.5 L1 0.005+0.5 L1 +5(0.6−L1)+ 0.025



T i−T 2 850−500 2
q= = =1296.29 W /m
Ri + R 1 0.005+0.265

q=hi (T i−T 1)

1296.29=200 (850−T 1 )


q=h o (T 3 −T o )

1296.29=40(T 3−30)


Q lost to atmosphere in one day=(1296.4x3600)/1000=4680 kW/m 2

3. The interior of a refrigerator having inside dimensions of 0.5 X0.5 m base area and 1 meter height is
to be maintained at 6oC.The walls of the refrigerator are constructed of 2 mild steel sheets of three (3
mm) thick (K =46. 5 W/mo C ) with a 50 mm of glass wool insulation (K=0.046 W/m o C) between them.
If the average heat transfer Coefficient at the inner and outer surfaces are 11.6 W/m 2C and
14.5W/m2C respectively. Calculate i) the rate at which the heat must be removed from the Interior to
maintain the specified temperature in the kitchen at 25oC and ii) the temperature on the outer surface
of the metal sheet (1b,10 Dec 2015/Jan 216)
1 1
Ri= = =0.086
hi 11.6

1 1
Ro= = =0.069
ho 14.5

L1 0.003
R 1= = =0.0000645
K 1 46.5

L2 0.05
R 2= = =1.087
K 2 0.046

L3 0.003
R 3= = =0.0000645
K 3 46.5

T i−T o
R i + R 1+ R 2+ R 3 + R o

q= =15.29 W /m 2
0.086+0.0000645+1.087+ 0.0000645+ 0.069

Q=qxArea=15.29x0.5x1=7.65 W

q=h o (T 4−T o )

15.29=14.5 (T 4−25)


4. A pipe with outside diameter 20 mm is covered with two insulating materials. The thickness of each
insulating layer is 10 mm. The conductivity of Ist insulating layer is 6 times that of the 2 nd insulating layer.
Initially insulating layer is placed in the order of 1 st and 2nd layer. Then it is placed in the order of 2 nd
layer and 1st layer. Calculate percentage change in heat transfer and increase or decrease. Assume a
length of 1 m. In both the arrangement, there is no change in temperature (1c,06 June/July2016)

T 1 −T 3
r2 r
2 πL [ ln
ln 3
K2 ]
T 1 −T 3
q= =1.92 ( T 1−T 3 ) 2 πL K 2
0.02 0.03
2 πL 6 K 2
K2 ]
T 1 −T 3
r2 r
2 πL [ ln
ln 3

K2 6 K2
T 1 −T 3
q= =0.91 ( T 1−T 3 ) 2 πL K 2
0.02 0.03
2 πL
6K2 ]
Case 1 is better than Case 2

% higher =(1.92-.91)/0.91=110%

5.The wall of a house in a cold region consists of three layers, an outer brickwork 20 cm thick, and
inner wooden panel 1.4 cm thick and an intermediate layer made of an insulating material 10 cm
thick. The inside and outside temperatures of a composite wall are 28 oC and −¿12oC respectively. The
thermal conductivity of brick and wood or 0.7 W/m.K and 0.18W/mK respectively. If the layer of
insulation has a thermal conductivity of 0.023 W/mK, find i)The heat loss per unit area of the wall ii)
Overall heat transfer coefficient (1c,09 Dec 16/Jan17)

1 1
R i= = =0.04
hi 25
1 1
Ro= = =0.083
ho 12

L1 0.25
R 1= = =0.15
K 1 1.65

L2 0.1
R 2= = =0.011
K 2 9.2

L3 0.15
R 3= =
K3 K3

T i−T 1 1250−1100
q= = =3750W /m2
Ri 0.04

T i−T o
R i + R 1+ R 2+ R 3 + R o

0.04 +0.15+0.011+ +0.083


R i + R 1 + R 2 + R3 + R o

U= =3.058 W /m2 K
0.04 +0.15+0.011+ +0.083

6. A mild steel tank of wall thickness 20 mm is used to store water at 95 oC. Thermal conductivity of mild
steel is 45 W/moC and the heat transfer coefficient inside and outside the tank are 2850 W/m 2 oC and
10 W/m2 oC respectively if the surrounding a temperature is 20 oC,calculate rate of heat transfer per
unit area of the tank (1c, 04 June/July 2018 15ME63)
1 1
Ri= = =0.00035
hi 2850

1 1
Ro= = =0.1
ho 10

L1 0.02
R 1= = =0.00044
K 1 45

T i−T 1 95−20
q= = =744.12 W /m2
Ri + R1+ R o 0.00035+0.1+0.00044

7. The wall of a house in cold region consists of three layers, an outer brickwork 15cm thick ,the inner
wooden panel 1.2 cm thick, the intermediate layer is insulator of 7 cm thick. The k for brick and
wood are 0.7 and 0.18 W/mK .The inside and outside temperature of the Wall of 21 and −¿15oC. If
insulation layer offer twice the thermal resistance of the brick wall ,calculate i)heat loss per unit area
ii) k of insulator (2b,08 marks June/July 18,15 scheme)
L1 0.15
R 1= = =0.21
K 1 0.7

R 2=2 R1=2 x 0.21=0.42

L3 0.012
R 3= = =0.067
K 3 0.18

R 2=


K 2=0.167W /mK

T 1−T 4
R 1+ R 2+ R 3

q= =50.79 W /m 2

8 A composite wall consist of 10 cm layer of building brick (0.7 W/m o C ) and 3cm plaster 0.5 W/m o C. An
insulating material of K = 0.08 W/mo C is to be added to reduce the heat transfer through the wall
by 70%. Determine the thickness of insulating layer 08 June/July 2013
L1 0.1
R 1= = =0.143
K 1 0.7

L2 0.03
R 2= = =0.06
K 2 0.5

L3 L3
R 3= =
K 3 0.08

R with out insulation=R1 + R2 =0.143+0.06=0.203

R with out insulation 0.203

R with insulation= = =0.677
0.3 0.3

R1 + R2 + R3=0.677

0.143+0.06+ R3=0.677




11. A composite wall consisting of four different materials is shown in Fig P3.10. Using the
thermal resistance concept determine the heat transfer rate per m 2 of the exposed
surface for a temperature difference of 300 0 C between the two outer surfaces. Also
draw the thermal circuit for the composite wall.
k1 = 100 W/(m-K) ; L1 =0.04 m;

k1 k2 k2 k4 k2 = 0.04 W/(m-K) ; L2 = 0.1 m;

k3 = 20 W/(m-K) ; L3 = 0.1 m ;
k4 = 70 W/(m-K) ; L4 = 0.05 m;
W = Width of the wall perpendicular to the plane of paper = 1 m (assumed).
k3 1 m
T1 – T4 = 300 0 C.
A1 = A4 = 1 x 2 = 2 m2.
A2 = A3 = 1 x 1 = 1 m2.
4cm 10 cm 5 cm


R1 = L1 / (A1k1) = ---------------- = 0.0002 0 C / W.
2 x 100

R2 = L2 / (A2k2) = ---------------- = 0.00143 C / W.
1 x 70

R3 = L3 / (A3k3) = --------------- = 0.005 C / W.
1 x 20

R4 = L4 / (A4k4) = ------------------ = 0.00036 0 C / W.
2 x 70
Q R2
R1 R4

Thermal potential = T1 – T4

R2 and R3 are resistances in parallel and they can be replaced by a single equivalent resistance Re, where
R2 R3 0.00143 x 0.005
1 / Re = 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 or Re = --------------- = ----------------------- = 0.0011 0C/W
(R2 + R3) (0.00143 + 0.005)

Now R1, Re and R4 are resistances in series so that

(T1 – T4) 300

Q = --------------------- = ------------------------------------ = 86.705 x 10 3 W
(R1 + Re + R4) [0.002 + 0.0011 + 0.00036]

Heat transfer per unit area of the exposed surface is given by

q = Q / A1 = 86.705 / 2.0 = 43.35 kW.

12.A composite wall consists of two different materials A [k = 0.1 W/(m-k)] of thickness 2
cm and B[ k = 0.05 W/(m-K)] of the thickness 4 cm. The outer surface of layer A is in
contact with a fluid at 2000C with a surface heat transfer coefficient of 15 W/(m 2-K) and the
outer surface of layer B is in contact with another fluid at 50 0 C with a surface heat transfer
coefficient of 25 W/(m2-K). The contact resistance between layer A and layer B is 0.33 (m 2-
K) /W. Determine the heat transfer rate through the composite wall per unit area of the
surface. Also calculate the interfacial temperatures and the inner and outer surface

Ti = 200 0 C ; T0 = 50 0 C ;
hi = 15 W/(m2 – K) ; h0 = 25W/(m2– K)
kA kB
kA = 0.1 W/(m-K) ; kB = 0.05 W/(m-K)
Rcont = 0.33 (m2 – K) /W.

The equivalent thermal circuit is also shown in the figure.

T1 Rci = 1/(hiAA) = ------- = 0.067 m2-K/W
Tc1 (15 x 1)

Tc2 T2 R1 = LA/(kAAA) = 0.02 / (0.1 x 1)

= 0.2 m2-K / W.

R2 = LB / (kBAB) = 0.04 / (0.05 x 1) = 0.8 m2 – K / W.

Rco = 1 / (hoAB) = 1 / ( 25 x 1) = 0.04 m2 – K / W.

∑R = Rci + R1 + Rcont + R2 + Rco = 0.067 + 0.2 + 0.33 + 0.8 + 0.04 = 1.437 m 2 – K / W.

(200 – 50)
Heat flux = q = (Ti – To) / ∑R = ------------------ = 104.4 W/m 2

Now q = (Ti – TA) / Rci or TA = Ti – q Rci = 200 – (104.4 x 0.067) = 193 0 C.

Similarly T c1 = TA – q R1 = 193 – (104.4 x 0.2) = 172.12 0 C.

T c2 = Tc1 – q Rcont = 172.12 – (104.4 x 0.33) = 137.67 0 C.

T B = Tc2 – q R2 = 137.67 – (104.4 x 0.8) = 54.15 0 C.

Check : T o = TB – q Rco = 54.15 – (104.4 x 0.04) = 49.97 0 C

13. A plane wall 4 cm thick has one of its surfaces in contact with a fluid at 130 0C with a surface heat
transfer coefficient of 250 W/(m2 – K) and the other surface is in contact with another fluid at 30 0C
with a surface heat transfer coefficient of 500 W/(m2-K). The thermal conductivity of the wall varies
with temperature according to the law
k = 20 [ 1 + 0.001 T]
where T is the temperature. Determine the rate of heat transfer through the wall and the surface
temperatures of the wall.

Given:- L = 0.04 m; Ti = 130 0C; hi = 250 W/(m2-k); To = 30 0C; ho = 500

W/(m2-K); k = 20 [ 1 + 0.001 T].

To find:- (i) Qx (ii) T1 and T2

Rci = Thermal resistance for convection at the surface at T i = 1/(hiA) = 1 / (250 x 1)
= 0.004 m2 – K /W
Rco = Thermal resistance for convection at the surface at T o = 1/(hoA) = 1/(500 x 1)

Or Rco = 0.002 m2-K/W

Now Q = (Ti – T1) / Rci, where T1 = Surface temperature in contact with fluid at T i.
Hence T1 = Ti – QRci = 130 – 0.004 Q ………………………………………….(1)
Similarly Q = (T2 – To) / Rco
Or T2 = To + QRco = 30 + 0.002Q ……………………………………………(2)
From equations (1) and (2) we have
T1 – T2 = 100 – 0.006Q ………………………………………………………….(3)
And Tm = ( T1 + T2) / 2 = 80 – 0.001Q ...……………………………………….(4)
Hence km = ko [ 1 + βTm] = 20 x [1 + 0.001x {80 – 0.001Q}]
= 21.6 – 2 x 10 − 5Q
Hence thermal resistance offered by the wall = R = L/(Ak m)
Or R = ---------------------------
[21.6 – 2 x 10 − 5Q]

[T1 – T2] [100 – 0.006Q] [21.6 – 2 x 10 − 5Q]

Q = --------------------- = ---------------------------x --------------------------
R 0.04

Cross multiplying we have

0.04Q = 2160 – 0.1316Q + 1.2 x 10 − 7 Q2
Or Q2 – 1.41 x 10 6 Q + 1.8 x 10 10 = 0.Hence Q = (1.41 x 10 6 ±1.39 x 10 6) / 2
For physically meaningful solution T1 should lie between Ti and To. This is possible only
Q = (1.41 x 10 6 − 1.39 x 10 6) / 2 = 10000 W.
Now T1 = Ti – QRci = 130 – 10000 x 0.004 = 90 0C
and T2 = T0 + Q Rco = 30 + 10000 x 0.002 = 50 0C.

T max −T 2 ( Z+1 )2
T 1−T 2 4Z

q g L2 8 X 106 X 0.12
Z= = =1.48
2 K ( T 1−T 2 ) 2 x 145 ( 180−120 )

T max −120 ( Z 1.48+1 )2

= =182.40 C
180−120 4 X 1.48

X Z−1
L 2Z

X 1.48−1
0.1 2 X 1.48

X=0.0162 m

Q=VolumeX q g =0.1 X 1 X 1 X 8 X 106=800000 kJ

10 The temperature distribution across a wall, 1m thick at a certain instant of time is given as

T ( x )=900−300 x−50 x 2 , where T is in degree Celsius and x in meter.The uniform heat

generation of 1000 W/ m3 is present in wall of area 10 m 2 having the properties ρ=¿1600kg/m3
k=40 W/ mK and C= 4 kJ/kg K, determine

i) The rate of heat transfer entering the wall at x =0 and leaving the wall X= 1 m
ii) The rate of change of internal energy of the wall
iii) The time rate of temperature change at x=0, 0.5 m (1c, 08 Dec17/Jan18)

Critical Thickness of Insulation:

12. A wire of 8 mm diameter at a temperature of 60 oC is to be insulated by a material having K=0.174
W/mo C. Heat transfer Coefficient h a= 8 W/m2K and ambient temperature Ta= 25oC.For
maximum heat loss , find the minimum thickness of insulation. Find increase in heat
dissipation due to insulation (08 June/july 2013)

K 0.174
Rc = = =0.02175 m=21.75mm
h 8
Thick ness of insulation=21.75−4=17.75 mm

Case 1 :

2 πL ( T 1−T o ) 2 XπX 1 ( 60−25 )

q 1= = =7.0336 W /m
1 1
[ ]
ho r o 8 X 0.004

Case 2 :

2 πL ( T 1−T o ) r1 1
q 2=
[ R 1+ R o ]
, where R1=
K insulation
, R o=
hor c [ ]
2 πL ( T 1−T o ) 2 πX 1 ( 60−25 )
q 2= = =14.25W /m
rc 0.02175

[ ln
K insulation
[ ]
ho r c ][ ln
+ [ 1
8 X 0.02175 ]
q 2−q 1 14.25−7.0336
% increase = ( q1 ) (
7.0336 )
100=102.65 %

13. An electric cable of 10 mm diameter is to be laid in atmosphere at 20 o C .The estimated surface

temperature of the cable due to heat generation is 65 oC. Find the maximum percentage
increase in heat dissipation when the wire is insulated with rubber having a 0.155 W/m o C and
h= 88.5 W/m2 o C (2a,6marks Dec13/Jan14)

K 0.155
Rc = = =0.0182 m=18.2 mm
h 8.5
Thick ness of insulation=18.2−5=13.2 mm

Case 1 :

2 πL ( T 1−T o ) 2 XπX 1 ( 65−20 )

q 1= = =12.02 W /m
1 1
[ ]
ho r o 8.5 X 0.005

Case 2 :

2 πL ( T 1−T o ) r1 1
q 2=
[ R 1+ R o ]
, where R1=
K insulation
, R o=
[ ]
hor c

R 1= =6.26
Ro = [ 8.5 X 0.0132
=8.91 ]
2 πL ( T 1−T o ) 2 πX 1 ( 65−20 )
q 2= = =18.6 W /m
rc [ 6.26+ 8.91 ]

[ ln
K insulation
[ ]
hor c ]
q 2−q 1 18.6−12.02
% increase = ( q1 ) (
100=54.5 % )
14. A small electric heating application uses 1.82mm diameter wire with 0.71mm thickness K
(insulation) =0.118W/mK and ho=34.1W/m2K. Determine the critical thickness of insulation for
this case and change in heat transfer rate if critical thickness was used. Assume the
temperature difference between surface of wire and surrounding air remain unchanged
(1c,06 June/July 2015)

Case 1
2 πL ( T 1−T o ) r1
q 1=
[ R 1+ R o ]
, whe ℜ R1 =
K insulation
, R o=
ho r 2 [ ]
R 1= =4.89
Ro = [ 34.1 X 0.00162
=18.1 ]
2 πL ( T 1 −T o ) 2 πX 1 ( T 1−T o )
q 1= = =0.273 ( T 1−T o ) W /m
r [ 4.89+18.1 ]

[ ln c
[ ]
K insulation h o r c ]
Case 2
K 0.118
Rc = = =0.00346 m=3.46 mm
h 34.1
Thick ness of insulation=3.46−0.91=2.55 mm

2 πL ( T 1−T o ) 1 r1
q 2=
[ R 1+ R o ]
, where R1=
K insulation
, R o=
hor c [ ]
R 1= =11.3

Ro = [ 34.1 X 0.00346
=8.48 ]
2 πL ( T 1−T o ) 2 πX 1 ( T 1 −T o )
q 2= = =0.317 ( T 1−T o ) W /m
r [ 11.3 +8.48 ]

[ ln c
[ ]
K insulation ho r c ]
q2 0.317
= =1.16
q1 0.273

Case 2 will transfer more heat than Case 1

Module 2:Fins

15. In order to reduce the thermal resistance at the surface of a vertical plane wall (50x50cm) , 100 fins
(1cm diameter, 10cm long) are attached. If the pin fins are made of copper having a thermal
conductivity of 300W/mK and the value of the surface heat transfer coefficient is 15 W/m 2K,
calculate the decrease in the thermal resistance. Also calculate the consequent increase in heat
transfer rate from the wall if it is maintained at a temperature of 200 oC and the surroundings
are at 30oC (1c,10,Dec 2013/Jan 14)

P πD 4
= =
A πD 2

hP h4 15 X 4
√ √ √
300 X 0.01
=4.472 ¿

Case finite length of fin

Q= √ hPKA ( T −T ∞ )
[ tanhmL+

tanhmL ]
15 XπX 0.01 X 300 XπX D2
√ 4
( 200−30 )
[ tanh ( 4.472 X 0.1 ) +

300 X 4.472
300 X 4.472
tanh ( 4.472 X 0.1 ) ]
Q=4.29 WX 100 Fins = 429 Watts

π 0.012
Qsurface=hA ( T −T ∞ )=15 0.5 X 0.5−100 X
4 ]
( 200−30 )=617.48 W
Q total=429+ 617.48=1046.48 Watts

Q without fins=hA ( T s−T ∞ )=15 X 0.5 X 0.5 ( 200−30 )=637.5 Watts

Increase in Q=1046.48-637.5 = 408.98Watts

( T −T ∞ ) 170
Rt with fin= = =0.162
Qt 1046.48

( T −T ∞ ) 170
Rt withoutfin = = =0.267
Q without fin 637.5

Decrease∈thermal resistance=0.267−0.162=0.1047 m2 K /W

16. A set of aluminium fins (K= 180 W/m o C) that are to be fitted to a small air compressor. The device
dissipates 1 kW by convecting to the surrounding air which is at 20 o C. Each fin is 100 mm long
30 mm high and 5 mm thick. The tip of each fin may be assumed to be adiabatic and a heat
transfer coefficient of 15 W/m2 o C acts over the remaining surfaces. Estimate the number of fins
required to ensure the base temperature does not exceed 120 o C (2b, 10 marks June/July14)

A=widthXthickness=0.03 X 0.045=0.00135 m 2

P=2 X 0.045+2 X 0.03=0.15 m

hP 15 X 0.15
√ √KA
180 X 0.00135
Case Fin end insulated
=3.04 ¿

Q= √ hPKA ( T −T ∞ ) tanhmL

Q= √ 15 X 0.15 X 180 X 0.00135 (120−20 ) tanh ⁡(3.04 x 0.1)

Number of fins= =47.43=48 fins

17. Find the amount of heat transferred to an iron fin of thickness of 5 mm, height 50 mm and width 100
cm. Also determine the temperature difference θ at the tip of fin assuming atmospheric
temperature of 28 oC and base temperature of fin to be 108 W/m o C. Take Kfin =50 W/mK , h=10
W/m2 K
A=widthXthickness=0.005 X 1=0.005 m2

P=2 X 0.005+2 X 1=2.01 m

hP 10 X 2.01
√ √ KA
50 X 0.005
Case Fin end insulated
=8.97 ¿

Q= √ hPKA ( T −T ∞ ) tanhmL

Q= √ 10 X 2.01 X 50 X 0.005 ( 108−28 ) tanh ⁡(8.97 x 0.05)

Q=75.38 W
T −T ∞ Coshm (L−x)
T b −T ∞ CoshmL
At X=L
T −T ∞ Coshm (0) 1
= =
T b −T ∞ CoshmL CoshmL
T −28 1
108−28 cosh (8.97 X 0.05)


18. A motor Body is 360 mm in diameter (OD) and 240 mm long. Its surface temperature should not
exceed 55oC when dissipating 340 watts. Longitudinal fins of 15 mm thickness and 40 mm height
are produced. The convection heat transfer coefficient is 40 W/m 2 o C . Determine the number of
fins required. Assume, the atmospheric temperature is 30 oC for a finite fin (2b,12 Dec 15/Jan
A=widthXthickness=0.24 X 0.015=0.0036 m2

P=2 X 0.24 +2 X 0.015=0.48 m

hP 40 X 0.48
√ √
40 X 0.0036
Case Fin end insulated
=11.55 ¿

Q= √ hPKA ( T −T ∞ ) tanhmL

Q= √ 40 X 0.48 X 40 X 0.0036 ( 55−30 ) tanh ⁡(11.55 x 0.04)

Q=18.98 W
Number of fins= =17.93=18 fins

19. The Aluminum square fins( 0.6 mmx 0.6mm), 12 mm long are provided on the surface of a
semiconductor electronics device to carry 2W of energy generated. The temperature at the
surface of the device should not exceed 85 oC, when the surrounding is at 35 oC .Given K= 200
W/mK h =15 W/m2K. Determine the number of fins required to carry out the about duty.
Neglect the heat loss from the end of the fin (2b, 10 Dec 16/Jan17)

A=widthXthickness=0.0006 X 0.0006=0.00000036 m 2

P=2 X 0.0006+ 2 X 0.0006=0.0024 m

hP 15 X 0.0024
√ √
200 X 0.00000036
Case Fin end insulated
=22.36 ¿
Q= √ hPKA ( T −T ∞ ) tanhmL

Q= √ 15 X 0.0024 X 200 X 0.00000036 ( 85−35 ) tanh ⁡( 22.36 x 0.012)

Number of fins= =95.2=96 fins

21. A rod (K= 200 W/mK) 5 mm in diameter and 5 cm long has its one end maintained at 100 oC. The
surface of the rod is exposed to ambient air at 25 oC with convection heat transfer coefficient of
100 W/m2K. Assuming the other end is insulated. Determine i)the temperature of the rod at 20
mm distance from the end at 100 oC ii) Heat dissipation rate from the surface of the rod iii)
effectiveness iv) Effectiveness of fin (2c,06 June/July2018)

π D 2 π 0.0052 2
A= = =0.00001963 m
4 4

P=πD=π 0.005=0.0157 m
hP 100 X 0.0157
√ √
200 X 0.00001963
Case Fin end insulated
=20 ¿

Q= √ hPKA ( T −T ∞ ) tanhmL

Q= √ 100 X 0.0157 X 200 X 0.00001963 ( 100−25 ) tanh ⁡(20 x 0.05)

Q=4.48 W

√ hPKA ( T −T ∞ ) tanhmL
h A s ( T −T ∞ )

4.48 4.48
Efficiency= = =0.762∨76.2 %
100 XπX 0.005 X 0.05 ( 100−25 ) 5.88

T −T ∞ Coshm ( L−X )
T b −T ∞ CoshmL
T −25 cosh (20( 0.05−0.02))
100−25 cosh (20 X 0.05)
T −25 1.185
100−25 1.543

20. A steel rod (K= 30 W/mK ) 1 cm diameter and 5 cm long with insulation end is to be used as a spine.
It is exposed to the surrounding temperature of 65 oC , and heat transfer coefficient of 50
W/m2K. The temperature of the base is 98 oC. Determine i) Fin efficiency ii)Temperature at the
end of spine iii) Heat dissipation from spine (2c, 08 June/July 17)

π D 2 π 0.012 2
A= = =0.0000785 m
4 4

P=πD=π 0.01=0.0314 m
hP 50 X 0.0314
√ √
30 X 0.0000785
Case Fin end insulated
=25.8 ¿

Q= √ hPKA ( T −T ∞ ) tanhmL

Q= √ 50 X 0.0314 X 30 X 0.0000785 ( 98−65 ) tanh ⁡( 25.8 x 0.05)

Q=1.724 W

√ hPKA ( T −T ∞ ) tanhmL
h A s ( T −T ∞ )

1.724 1.724
Efficiency= = =66.6 %
50 XπX 0.01 X 0.05 ( 98−65 ) 2.59
T −T ∞ Coshm ( L−X )
T b −T ∞ CoshmL
T −65 1
98−65 cosh (25.8 X 0.05)

22. A very long rod, 25 mm in diameter has one end maintained at 100 oC. The surface of the rod is
exposed to ambient air at 25 oC with Convection coefficient of 10 W/m 2K .What are the heat
losses from the rods, constructed of pure copper with K= 398 W/mK and stainless steel with
K=14 W/mK ? Also, estimate how long the rods must be considered infinite (2c, 08 marks

Case 1 Copper:
π D 2 π 0.0252 2
A= = =0.00049 m
4 4

P=πD=π 0.025=0.0785 m
hP 10 X 0.0785
√ √
398 X 0.00049
Case Fin end insulated
=2.01 ¿

Q= √ hPKA ( T −T ∞ )

Q= √ 10 X 0.0785 X 398 X 0.00049 (100−25 )

T −T o −mx
T b −T o
T −25
=e−2.01 x
Let T=26C, and by trail and error , X=4.43 m

Case 2 SS Steel:
π D 2 π 0.0252 2
A= = =0.00049 m
4 4
P=πD=π 0.025=0.0785 m
hP 10 X 0.0785
√ √
14 X 0.00049
Case Fin end insulated
=10.69 ¿

Q= √ hP KA ( T −T ∞ )

Q= √ 10 X 0.0785 X 14 X 0.00049 ( 100−25 )

Q=5.51 W
T −T o
T b −T o
T −25
=e−10.69 x
Let T=26C, and by trail and error , X=0.834 m
23. :- The handle of a ladle used for pouring molten lead at 327 C is 30 cm long and is
made of 2.5 cm x 1.5 cm mild steel bar stock (k = 43 W/(m-K)). In order to reduce the grip
temperature, it is proposed to make a hollow handle of mild steel plate 1.5 mm thick to the
same rectangular shape. If the surface heat transfer coefficient is 14.5 W/(m 2-K) and the
ambient temperature is 27 0C, estimate the reduction in the temperature of the grip.
Neglect the heat transfer from the inner surface of the hollow shape.

Solution: (a) When the handle is made of solid steel bar:

2.5 cm
h = 14.5 W/(m2-K) ;
k = 43 W/(m-K)
1.5 cm θ0 = 327 – 27 = 300 0 C

Cross section of the handle

Area of cross section of the bar = A = 2.5 x 1.5 x 10 ─ 4 m2 = 3.75 x 10 ─ 4 m2

Perimeter of the bar = P = 2 [ 2.5 + 1.5] x 10 ─ 2 m = 8 x 10 ─ 2 m
( hP)(1/2) √ [14.5 x 8 x 10 ─ 2]
Therefore m = ------ = -------------------------- = 8.48 (1/m)
(kA)(1/2) √[43 x 3.75 x 10 ─ 4]

refore mL = 8.48 x 0.3 = 2.54.
When the heat loss from the tip of the handle is neglected the temperature at any point along the
length of the handle is given by
cosh m(L – x)
θ(x) = θ 0 ----------------------
cosh mL

Therefore θ(x)| x=L = θ0 / cosh mL = 300 / cosh 2.54 = 47 0 C.

Or T(x)| x=L = 47 + 27 = 74 0 C.

(b) When the handle is hollow made out of a sheet:

Area of the cross section of the fin is
2.5 cm A = [(2.5 x 1.5) – (2.5 – 0.3) x (1.5 – 0.3)]
= 1.11 cm 2 = 1.11 x 10 − 4 m2
P = 2 x [ 2.5 + 1.5 ] = 8 cm = 8 x 10 − 2 m
√(14.5 x 8 x 10 − 2)
1.5 cm m = √(hP) / (kA) = ----------------------------
√( 43 x 1.11 x 10 − 4)

1.5 mm thick

Or m = 15.59 1/m. Therefore mL = 15.59 x 0.3 = 4.68

θ0 (327 – 27)
θ(x)|x=L = -------------------- = ----------------- = 5.57 0 C.
cosh mL cosh 4.68
Therefore T(x)|x=L = 5.57 + 27 = 32.57 0 C.
Reduction in grip temperature = 74 – 32.57 = 41.43 0 C.

M2:Transient Heat Conduction : Lumped parametric analysis

24. A steel ball bearings (K=50W/mK, α=1.3 x10-5m2/sec.), 40mm in diameter are heated to a
temperature of 650oC. It is then quenched in a oil bath at 50 oC, where the heat transfer coefficient is
estimated to be 300W/m2K. Calculate

i) Time required for bearing to reach 200 oC

ii) The total amount of heat removed from a bearing during this time and
iii) The instantaneous heat transfer rate from the bearings , when they are first immersed in oil
bath and whey reach 200oC (3b, 14, Dec13/Jan14)

Sphere,T=2000C, Ti=6500C, T∞=500C. L=Ch Length=(r/3)

hL 3 300 X 0. 02
Bi= = = =0.04 <0.1 hence Lumped analysis
K K 3 X 50
∝t ∝t 1.3 X 105 t
F o= 2 = = =0.2925t
L r 2 0.02 2
3() ( ) 3
T −T ∞
=e−B F i o

T i−T ∞
200−50 −0.2925t
t=120.67 sec
Q=∫ hA(T i−T ∞ )e B F dt i o

Q=hA(T i−T ∞ )(1−e ¿ ¿ B i F o) ¿
Bi F o
Q=300 X 4 XπX 0.022 ( 650−50 ) ( 1−e 0.04 X 35.3 ) =5.79 X 10 4 W
0.04 X 35.31
Qi at t =0=hA ( T i−T ∞ ) =300 X 4 XπX 0.022 ( 650−50 ) =897 W
Q i at t =120.67 sec =hA ( T −T ∞ )=300 X 4 XπX 0.022 ( 200−50 )=2 26 W

4. 25. The temperature of a gas stream is measured with a thermocouple. The junction may be
approximated as a sphere of diameter 1mm K=25W/m oC, ρ=¿8400 kg /m3 , Cp=0.4kJ/ kg K, h=
560W/m2K. How long will it take for the thermocouple to record 99% of the applied difference?.
(3c, 08, June/July14)

Sphere,d=1mm,T −T ∞=0.01(T i−T ∞ ). L=Ch Length=(r/3)=(0.005/3)=1.67X10-4 m

hL 3 560 X 0. 000167
Bi= = = =0.0112 <0.1 hence Lumped analysis
K K 25
T −T ∞ −B Fi o
T i−T ∞
T −T ∞ ρV C
¿ =e
T i−T ∞
4 3
V 3 r
Lc = = =
A 4 πr 2

0.01(T i −T ∞ ) 8400 X 1.67 X 10
X 400
T i−T ∞
t=4.6 sec
27. A steel ball of 5 cm diameter at 450 oC is suddenly placed in a controlled environment of 100 oC,
Considering the following data, find the time required for the ball to attain a temperature of 150
C Take Cp=450 J/Kg K, K= 35 W/mK h =10 W/m2K ρ=¿8000 kg/m3 (3b,06,June/July15 )

Sphere,d=2.5cm,T =150 C , T i =450 C , T ∞=100 C h Length=(r/3)=(0.025/3)=0.0083 m

hL 3 10 X 0. 0083
Bi= = = =0.0023< 0.1hence Lumped analysis
K K 35
T −T ∞
=e−B Fi o

T i−T ∞
T −T ∞ ρV C
¿ =e
T i−T ∞
4 3
V 3 r
Lc = = = =0.0083
A 4 πr 2

(150−100) 8000 X 0.0083 t
X 450
t=5843 sec

29. A 15 mm diameter mild steel Sphere ( K =42 W/m o C) is exposed to cooling air flow at 20 o C resulting
in the convective heat transfer Coefficient at h=120 W/m 2 o C. Determine the following i) Time
required to cool the sphere from 550 oC to 90oC .ii ) Instantaneous heat transfer rate 2 minutes
after start of cooling iii) Total energy stored from the sphere during the first 2 minutes For mild
steel take : ρ=¿7850 kg /m3 Cp=475J/ kg K, α=0.045 m2/hr.(3b, 10, Dec15/Jan16)

Sphere,d=15mm,T =90 C , T i=55 0 C , T ∞=20 C h Length=(r/3)=(0.0075/3)=0.0025 m

hL 3 120 X 0. 0025
Bi= = = =0.007< 0.1 hence Lumped analysis
K K 42
T −T ∞ −B F
i o
T i−T ∞
T −T ∞ ρV C
¿ =e
T i−T ∞
4 3
V 3 r
Lc = = = =0.0025
A 4 πr 2

(90−20) 7850 X −120

0.0025 X 475
t=155.45 sec
(T −20) (2 x 60)
=e 7850 X 0.0025 X 475

Qi=hA ( T −T ∞ )=120 X 4 XπX 0.00752 ( 134.07−20 )=9.67 W
Q= ρV C p (T −T o )

Q t=7850 X 1.767 X 10−6 X 475 ( 134.07−550 ) =−2740 W

30. A hot mild steel Sphere( K=43 W/mK) having 10 mm diameter is planned to be cooled by an air
flow at 25 oC. The Convection heat transfer coefficient is 115 W/m 2K. Calculate the following i) time
required to cool the sphere from 600 oC to 100 oC.ii) Instantaneous heat transfer rate 1.5 minute
after the start of Cooling iii) Total energy transferred from the sphere during the first 1.5 min ( 3c,
8 June/July 16)

hL 3 115 X 0.0017
Bi= = = =0.0044< 0.1hence Lumped analysis
K K 43
T −T ∞
=e−B F i o

T i−T ∞
T −T ∞ ρV C
¿ =e
T i−T ∞
4 3
V 3 r
Lc = = = =0.0017
A 4 πr 2

(100−25) 7850 X 0.0017 X 475 t
t=113.35 sec
(T −25) 1.5 x 60
7850 X 0.0017 X 475
T =137.320C

Qi=hA ( T −T ∞ )=115 X 4 XπX 0.0052 ( 137.32−25 )=4.05W

Q= ρV C p ( T −T o ) =7850 X π 0.0053 X 475 ( 137.32−600 )=902. 8 6 W
31. An Aluminum sphere weighing 6 kg and initially at a temperature of 420 oC is suddenly immersed in
a fluid at 18oC. The convective heat transfer coefficient is 45 W/m 2K. Estimate the time required to cool
the sphere to 120 oC. Also find the total heat flow from the sphere to the surrounding when it cools from
300 oC to 120oC (For aluminum ρ=¿ 2700 kg/m3 C=900 J/kgK ,K= 200 W/mK) (3b,10 Dec2016/Jan17)
m 6
V= = =0.0022
ρ 2700
V = π r3
0.0022= π r 3
r 0.081
R=0.081m, = =0.02698
3 3

hL 3 45 X 0. 02698
Bi= = = =0.03<0.1 hence Lumped analysis
K K 40
T −T ∞
=e−B Fi o

T i−T ∞
T −T ∞ ρV C
¿ =e
T i−T ∞
4 3
V 3 r
Lc = = = =0.02698
A 4 πr 2

(120−18) 2700 X 0.02698 t
X 900
t=1999.24 sec

Q 1=ρV C p ( T −T o )=2700 X 0.0022 X 900 ( 120−420 )=−1603800 W

Q 2=ρV C p ( T −T o )=2700 X 0.0022 X 900 ( 300−420 )=−641520W
Heat to surroundings=(Q2-Q1)=962280W

32. A steel ball 5 cm diameter and initially at 900 o C is placed in still air at 30 o C. Find i)temperature
of the ball after 30 seconds ii) the rate of cooling in o C /min after 30secs
Assume h=20 W/m2 oC , K (Steel)=40 W/m oC, ρ( Steel)=¿ 7800 kg/m3 Cp(Steel )=460 J/kg (3c, 08

23. A household electric iron ( ρ=¿2700 kg /m3 , Cp= 0.896 kJ/kgK and K=200 W/m o C) and weighs 1.5
kg .The total area of iron is 0.06m2 and it is heated with 500 W heating element. Initially the iron is
at 25o C (ambient temperature) . How long it takes for the iron to reach 100 o C and take ha =15 W/m2
C (3c,06M June/July13)

m 1.5
V= = =0.00056 m 3
ρ 2700
V 0.00056
h 15 X
hL A 0.06
Bi= = = =0.00069<0.1 hence Lumped analysis
K K 200
T −T ∞ −B Fi o
T i−T ∞
T −T ∞ ρV C
¿ =e
T i−T ∞
V 0.00056
Lc = = =0.0093
A 0.06
Q=hA(T −T ∞ )
500=15 X 0.06(110−T ∞)
T ∞=445.6 C

(110−445.6) 2700 X 0.0093 t
X 896
t=352. 6 sec

34. An aluminium, wire 1 mm in diameter at 200 o C is suddenly exposed to an environment at 30 o C with

h= 85.5 W/m2K. Estimate the time required to cool the wire to 90 o C. If the same wire to place in a
stream at (h= 11. 65 W/m2K ),what would be time required to reach it to 90 o C. Assume thermo-
physical properties C =900 J/kgK, ρ=¿2700 kg /m3 K=204 W/mK (3b,09 Dec17/jan18)


r 1
h 85.5 X
hL 2 1000 X 4
Bi= = = =0.000105<0.1 hence Lumped analysis
K K 204
T −T ∞ −B Fi o
T i−T ∞
T −T ∞ ρV C
¿ =e
T i−T ∞
π 2
d L
V 4 d 0.001
Lc = = = = =0.00025
A πdL 4 4
(90−30) 2700 X 0.00025 t
X 900
t=7.39 sec
Case 2 : h=11.65
(90−30) 2700 X−11.65
0.00025 X 900
t=54.24 sec

36. The average heat transfer coefficient for flow of 100 oC air over a flat plate is measured by the
temperature time history of a 3 cm thick copper slab exposed to 100 oC air, in one test run, the
initial temperature of slab was 210 oC and in 5 minute the temperature is decreased by 40 oC.
Calculate the heat transfer coefficient for this case. Assume ρ=¿9000 kg/m3C=0.38 kJ/ kg K, K= 370
W/mK (4c,06 June/July2018)

2L=3cm (for slab take 2L=Thickness)

T −T ∞ ρV C p
T i−T ∞
(170−100) 9000 X 0.015 t
X 380

Problems Using Charts:

22. A 50 mm thick iron plate (K=60W/mK,Cp=460 J/kgK, ρ =7800kg/m3, α=1.6x10-5m2/s) is initially at
2250C suddenly both surfaces are exposed to a fluid at 25 0C with h=500 W/m2K. calculate the center
and surface temperature 2 minutes after the cooling process begins (Dec 2012/Jan 2013)

2L=0.05, L=0.025

hL 500 X 0.025
Bi= = =0.208>0.1 Use chart
K 60
αt 1.6 X 10−5 X 120
F o= = =3.072
L2 0.0252
From chart, page 66(8th ed) temperature at mid plane
T o −T ∞
T i −T ∞
T o−25
T o=149o C
From chart, page 67(8th ed) temperature at any position
= =1

T X −T ∞
T o −T ∞
T X −25
T o=136.6 o C

26. Aluminum rod of 5 cm diameter and 1meter long at 200 oC is suddenly exposed to a convective
environment 70oC . Calculate the temperature of a radius of 1cm and heat lost per meter length of
the rod 1 minute after the cylinder exposed to the environment – properties of Al ρ=¿2700 kg /m3
Cp=900J/ kg K, h= 500W/m2K, α=8.5x10-5m2/s (3c, 10, Dec14/Jan15) use chart method.

hR 500 X 0.025
Bi= = =0.058 , Use chart
K 215

αt 8.5 X 10−5 X 60
F o= 2 = =8.1
R 0.0252
From chart, page 69(8th ed) temperature at Centre line
T o −T ∞
T i −T ∞
T o−70
T o=106.4 o C
From chart, page 70(8th ed) temperature at any Radius
r R
= =1

T r −T ∞
T o−T ∞
T X −70
T o=105.3o C

Qo =ρCπ Ro2 ( T i −T ∞ )=2700 X 900 X 3.14 X 0.0252 ( 200−70 )=619953 W

2 2
From chart, page 71(8th ed) Heat flow, Bi F o=0.058 X 8.1=0.027


Q=0.98 X 619953=60793 W

28. A long 15 cm diameter cylindrical shaft made of SS 314 (K= 14.9 W/mK, ρ=¿7900 kg/m3) allowed to
cool slowly in a Chamber of 150 oC with an average heat transfer coefficient of 85 W/m 2K
.Determine the temperature of the centre of the shaft 25 minutes after the start of cooling process
ii) Surface temperature at that time iii) heat transfer per unit length of shaft during this time period
(3c, 10 June/July2015)

hR 85 X 0.075
Bi= = =0.42 , Use chart
K 14.9

From page 3, SS 316 take α =3.48 X 10−6 , C=468

αt 3.48 X 10−6 X 1500

F o= 2 = =0.928
R 0.0752
From chart, page 69(8th ed) temperature at Centre line
T o −T ∞
T i −T ∞
T o−150
T o=305o C
From chart, page 70(8th ed) temperature at any Radius
r R
= =1

T r −T ∞
T o−T ∞
T X −150
T o=270.9o C

Q o =ρCπ Ro2 ( T i −T ∞ )=7900 X 468 X 3.14 X 0.075 2 ( 400−150 )=16325448 W

From chart, page 71(8th ed) Heat flow, Bi2 F o=0.422 X 0.928=0.1636


Q=0.5 X 16325448=8162724 W

35. A long cylindrical shaft 20cm in diameter is made of steel K= 14.9 W/mK ρ=¿7900 kg/m3 , C=477
J/kgK and α =¿3.95 X 10- 6 m/s. It comes out an oven at a uniform temperature of 600 oC .The shaft is
then allowed to cool slowly in an environment at 200 oC with an average heat transfer coefficient of
80 W/m2K . Calculate the temperature at the centre of the shaft , 45 mm after the start of cooling
process. Also calculate heat transfer per unit length of the shaft during this period (3c,08

hR 80 X 0.1
Bi= = =0.536 , Use chart
K 14.9

αt 3.95 X 10−6 X 2700

F o= 2 = =1.06
R 0.12
From chart, page 69(8th ed) temperature at Centre line
T o −T ∞
T i −T ∞
T o−200
T o=380o C
From chart, page 70(8th ed) temperature at any Radius
r R
= =1

T r −T ∞
T o−T ∞
T X −200
T o=340.4 o C

Q o =ρCπ Ro2 ( T i −T ∞ )=7900 X 477 X 3.14 X 0.12 ( 600−200 )=47329848W

2 2
From chart, page 71(8th ed) Heat flow, Bi F o=0.536 X 1.06=0.31


Q=0.5 X 47329848=23664924 W

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