RLW Module 4 - Autobiography

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Joshua G. Javier BEEd1-A

A pleasant day to you Ma’am Dalusung. I am Joshua G. Javier, 19 years old,

living in Mabalacat City, Pampanga.

It is indeed true that in our minds, concrete experiences from our past do remain
alive even after years from the actual event. And we call them memories. I personally
have a lot of stocked memories during my childhood.

I remember being a pre-schooler kid. My mother always bought me a pack of

biscuits and Dutchmill or Zesto drink, which I think could be the culprit why I always
defecate in school. I can vividly recall those memories where our teacher brings us to
the basketball court nearby and we used to sing “Sasara ang bulaklak, bubuka ang
bulaklak” and some other legendary children songs. Ma’am Cecile was so thoughtful
that she always visits our house and brings me toys. I shall never forget her name.

I could still recollect making friendships in the community. I remember singing

Christmas carols with my friends around the neighborhood, and there are times when
we pressed their doorbells and ran as fast as we could. We were all laughing and
having fun together. But time has passed, and we moved to another place, a new

I was glad that I was able to find friends immediately. We would always play at
the park. After our school, we used to go to the creek and play with water and mud. And
when the security guard sees us, we will run swiftly while laughing. Of course, we fight,
but we are able to settle it after a few days. We were able to build strong bonds
because we are also from the same school. And I remember encountering a computer
for the first time, after I saw one of my friends, playing an online game for kids on the
Internet, I still don’t know how to use it back then.

Although at school, I was being bullied during my elementary days, and it did
affect my self-esteem and the way I view myself in comparison with other people, but
what made it memorable is how I made friends with some of those bullies when we
reached high school. I am glad that I saw them changing for the better and seeing them
becoming good people. It taught me to deal with that nightmare, to face it, and
overcome it. Of course, I would not forget the countless times where I was chased by
scary dogs and I would really shout my heart out to scare the dog while I myself am
shaking. I am a bit proud of myself that none among those dogs ever succeeded in
biting me.

Well, I have memories too during my childhood in our church. I could still recall
when we visited our co-church member’s resthouse at the foot of a mountain. It was a
blissful experience, as we climb up and down the mountain while wearing thick
sweaters, because of the cold temperature. The stars back then were so bright and
we’re just relaxing while the older people sing in the karaoke.

And there are many more that I think three minutes is short to mention all the
other memories I had. These are the memories that have shown me the genuine joy of
life and the intrinsic goodness of people. I was able to see people as they are, and not
as how I interpreted them to be. And I will forever keep these memories alive within me.

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