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Sumber : Buku Tematik kelas 4A


A Cultural Parade
Udin and friends came to the square to watch the cultural parade.
The Cultural parade is showing the diversity of Indonesian culture.
The first row of the Maluku region, the group was dressed in Cele
clothes. Accompanied by Tifa sounds, the shape was like a slim and
long drum.
The next group from Bali was accompanied by a musical instrument
called Ceng –Ceng, musical instrument made of metal.
The third group from Toraja used traditional Pokko clothes and
Sappa Talung Buku, it was accompanied by the Pa’pompang music which
forms a large flute.
Udin and friends are happy to see the cultural parade, The
Indonesian culture is very diverse and impressive.
Answer The Question According The

1. What Udin and friends are doing?

Udin and friends watch the cultural parade
Answer : ________________________________________

2. What is a musical instruments from Bali region?

Ceng – ceng
Answer : ________________________________________

3. What is a musical instruments from Maluku region?

Answer : ________________________________________
4. What is the traditional clothes from the Maluku region?
Answer Sappa Tallung Buku
: ________________________________________
5. What is the material of Ceng – ceng?
Anwer Metal
: ________________________________________

Fan Dance Pakarena

Fan dance Pakarena is a dance comes from Gowa, South Sulawesi. The
fan dance Pakarena movement is rotating clockwise
which symbolizes the human life cycle. Which is
sometimes above and sometimes under the way of
dancing with softly like a Gowa woman who is polite,
loyal, obedient and respectful, this dance movement
expresses a gratitude.

Edo : “Hi, Dayu”

Dayu : “Hi, Edo”
Edo : “What arts are from your area?”
Dayu : “In my area there is a dance called Kecak dance, Pendet, also
has a musical instrument called Ceng – ceng”
Edo : “Is that interesting?”
Dayu : “ Yes of couse, then what art in your area?”
Edo : “In my area there is a musical instrument called Tifa”

 Cultural : Budaya  Shape : Bentuk

 Parade : Pawai  Drum : Kendang
 Came : Datang  Slim : Ramping
 Square : Alun – alun  Long : Panjang
 Showing : Menampilkan  Next : Selanjutnya
 Diversity : Keragaman  Made : Terbuat
 First : Pertama  Metal : Logam
 Row : Barisan  Third : Ketiga
 Region : Daerah  Musical : Musik
 Group : Rombongan  Form : Bentuk
 Dressed : Berpakaian  Large : Besar
 Clothes : Baju  Flute : Seruling
 Accompanied : Diiringi  See : Melihat
 Sounds : Suara  Diverse : Beragam

 Impressive : Menggumkan  Arts : Kesenian

 Fan : Kipas  Area : Daerah
 Dance : Menari  Interesting : Menarik
 Comes : Datang
 Movement : Gerakan
 Rotating : Berputar
 Symbolizes : Melambangkan
 Cycle : Siklus
 Softly : Lembut
 Polite : Sopan
 Loyal : Setia
 Obedient : Patuh
 Respectful : Hormat
 Expresses : Mengungkapkan
 Gratitude : Syukur/terimakasih
Answer the following questions!

1. What is the traditional clothes from Maluku?

Sappa Tallung Buku
Answer : _____________________
2. What is the traditional musical instruments from Bali ?
Ceng- ceng
Anwer : _____________________
3. Where is the dance Kecak from?
Anwer Bali
: _____________________
4. What is the traditional music instruments from Toraja ?
Anwer Pa’pompang
: _____________________
5. Where is the dance Parakena from?
Gowa, south Sulawesi
Answer : _____________________
6. What is the musical instruments from Maluku region?
Answer : _____________________
7. “Diversity” in Indonesian language is…..
Answer Kereagaman
: _____________________
8. What is the material of Ceng – ceng?
Anwer Meta
: ___________________

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