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indication they really had no idea, and some were so convinced they

had the right recipe.

Of course, I tried to make them at home and failed three times (twice, I
was adding vinegar). It was only in late 2004 that I learned the right
recipe. The manong who sold fishballs at our home in Navotas told me
about his fish ball sauce recipe. The thing is, I didn’t get to making it til
a year later. It was too late for me to thank him because we already
moved to Malabon, but I’m forever thankful. Charot!

Okay, enough blabber. I have never shared this recipe with anyone
before. But because of a friend from down under (yes, you bes Mavz!
), I decided to post here. And just to make sure I’m giving you the
correct fishball sauce recipe with that familiar taste we all love, I tested
this twice ’cause the last time I made this was in 2011. I hope you
enjoy this recipe!

Fish Ball Sauce Recipe – Just Like Manong’s!


4 cups water
2 tbsps cornstarch
Update: If the sauce doesn’t thicken quickly, just add more
cornstarch or flour. Do this gradually since you might end up
with a very thick sauce.
2 tbsps all purpose flour
3/4 cup brown sugar
4 tbsps Silver Swan soy sauce
I’m sure other brands will work, but I have never tried any other
soy sauce. Let me know if you tried other brands and got the
same taste. I think my family already had too much fishballs for
me to test again.
Update: We heard Marca Piña soy sauce worked well too, so it’s
okay to try other brands.
1 small red onion, chopped or minced
I prefer minced. Make sure you only use 1 small red onion,
otherwise the flavor would be too strong. But, if you prefer it that
way, then go ahead.
2 small garlic cloves, minced
Again, use small ones, but adjust to your liking.
1 siling labuyo / chili pepper
Adjust to your preferred hotness or skip this altogether if you’re
making this for kids. But, I think they’ll be okay with 1 chili.
1 tsp salt
Update: If you check the comments below, you’ll see some
people suggested you add a few tablespoons of Sprite or 7up.
So you might want to do this if in case you’re still not happy with
the outcome.
I minced the garlic, onion and chili in one go using our Tupperware
Speedy Chopper.

How to Make Fishball Sauce

1. (NOTE: Do not put this on the stove yet.) Mix water, cornstarch, all
purpose flour, brown sugar and soy sauce in a sauce pan until the dry
ingredients are dissolved. The reason why you shouldn’t heat this yet
is because the cornstarch won’t dissolve properly in hot water.
2. Once all the dry ingredients are dissolved, place the sauce pan over
medium heat.

3. Stir often until the mixture boils.

4. Add the garlic, onions, chili and salt. Reduce heat to low.

This is the perfect time for you to start frying those fishballs! I prefer
them real crunchy. We only used regular fishballs you can buy frozen
from the grocery or at the market. (We’ll see if we can come up with
our own fishball recipe soon for our foodie friends abroad. )
5. Stir the mixture frequently and wait til you ALMOST get the
consistency or thickness you prefer.

My first attempt (shown in the photos on this post) got a li’l too thick
’cause I was already eating some of the cooked fishballs and forgot to
turn off the heat. So make sure you remove the pan off the heat as
soon as you see the thickness of the fishball sauce to be closer to your
preference. It’ll continue to thicken because of the residual heat.

Sorry, I only had chopsticks available.

That’s it! Super easy, right?! You can now transfer this to a bowl or a
jar (I recycled our Biscoff cookie butter jars). Tusukin ang fishballs and
dip them in this sweet, spicy fishball sauce!
You can use this for fried kikiam, chicken balls and squid balls. The fun
part is you can double dip all you want! Go ahead! Let us know if
you’ve tried making this fishball sauce at home and how it went.

If you’re looking for fish oil supplements, this is a useful source.

Bio Latest Posts

Michelle Ignacio
Michelle (aka Mhel / blankPixels) is a social media
nerd and works as a Digital Marketing Lead for
one of the top online companies in the Philippines.
On her free time, she travels, goes on food trip
and loves to take photos. She's the main editor of
this food blog.

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7 months ago
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Hi. I tried this by mine was pretty dark and not as thick. How to get it
to the same color in the last few photos of your post. Thanks.
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10 months ago
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thanks for sharing this! felt like cooking some fish ball this evening
and this one tastes just like the one in the philippines!
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LaMére d'Gabriel
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