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Week 6 Journals

Monday (6/14/2021): 7: 19 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours

I got in at 7:19 and worked on all the different things I have been assigned until 9am. At

9am I headed down to the Environmental Services office for their huddle until 9:20. I went back

and forth from my desk until 12:30 performing audits. I had a quick lunch and then began

laminating at 1pm. At 2:40 I went back to my desk and worked on my A3 some more. At 3pm I

had a meeting with Chris from the office of quality to go over my A3 and to answer any

questions I have. Our meeting ended at 4 so I collected my things and went home.

Tuesday (6/15/2021): 7: 17 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours

I got in at 7:17 to help with another round of N95 mask fit testing until 10:30. I headed

back up to my office to print out more audit forms. I audit the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor from 11am

until 2:30. After I finish my last audit I head to my supervisor’s office where I voice some

concerns I saw during my audits that needed to be addressed. At 3:30 I headed up to my office to

input the audits into the computer system until 4pm.

Wednesday (6/16/2021): 7: 21 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours

At 7:21am I got up to my office and worked on my A3 until 8:15. At 8:15 I headed down

to my supervisor’s office to discuss the issues I saw the previous day. We decided we had to

discuss these issues with someone in administration and got a meeting with them for Thursday.

At 9am I headed to the EVS huddle and listened to some of their frustrations with the barriers

they face when cleaning. At 9:15 I laminated for my supervisor until 10:30 then headed back to

my desk. I worked on a mockup of a checklist for pre-cleaning that my supervisor wanted to

present to the nursing administration at the hospital. At 12:15 I ate some lunch while I continued
on more of my written work translating and preparing for my meetings for Thursday. I worked at

my desk until 4 and then headed home.

Thursday (6/17/2021): 7: 20 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours

I got in and worked at my desk until 10am when I had a meeting with the EVS

supervisors to go over our latest audit scores and issues that needed to be addressed. At 11 we

had Clean Hands Safe Hands officials come in and observe EVS employee’s hand cleaning

techniques and ensure they are doing it properly. I took the officials up to the brand new 6th

floor where they activated the hand cleaning sensors and installed new ones. At 1pm I had a

meeting with the director of nursing administration to discuss issues being seen on the floors

when it comes to the pre-cleaning duties of the nurses and techs and how they are not doing their

jobs creating a barrier for EVS workers. I was given the responsibility to create a new standard

operating procedure at discharge for the nurses and technicians. Around 2:25 I helped my

supervisor put up new COVID mask wearing signs throughout the hospital. At 3:30 I went up to

my desk to start on the new work I was given until 4.

Friday (5/18/2021): 7: 19 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours

I got into work and sat at my desk to print out the audit scores for the last couple weeks to

post on the EVS huddle board. At 9am I headed down to EVS huddle to post the latest scores I

had printed out earlier. I stopped by my supervisor’s office to see what was up for the day. I was

supposed to meet back with her at 11:30 so I went back to my desk to do some work and check

my emails. At 11:30 I met up with my supervisor again. She wanted me to come with her to each

of the floors to examine different medical machines to see the issues with cleaning they were

having in the hospital. We visited the ICU and 3rd floor medical, I took pictures of some of the

machines so that I could look them up on OneSource to write up an Excel sheet on what is
appropriate to clean each machine with. At 1pm I went back up to my office to eat some lunch

and begin on the Excel for my supervisor and the machine cleaning. I worked at my desk

answering emails and working on all my lists and SOPs until 4 and then went home.

Weekly Hours: 40

Total Hours to date: 231

This week I gained a lot more confidence in myself and my knowledge. I felt like I was

actually making an impact a difference here at EJCH. I am really enjoying developing

relationships with the hospital staff. A challenge for me this week was making sure I told people

the right information and communication was not optimal this week.

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