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International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials

Volume 21, Number 1, January 2014, Page 36

DOI: 10.1007/s12613-014-0862-4

Dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in high manganese austenitic

stainless steel during hot compression

Amir Momeni1), Shahab Kazemi2), Golam Ebrahimi3), and Alireza Maldar 3)

1) Materials Science and Engineering Department, Hamedan University of Technology, Hamedan 3733-1-65169, Iran
2) Department of Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan 4161-65174, Iran
3) Department of Materials and Polymer Engineering, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar 9617976487, Iran
(Received: 18 July 2013; revised: 3 September 2013; accepted: 9 September 2013)

Abstract: Dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in a high manganese austenitic stainless steel were investigated by hot compression
tests over temperatures of 950-1150°C at strain rates of 0.001 s−1-1 s−1. All the flow curves within the studied deformation regimes were typ-
ical of dynamic recrystallization. A window was constructed to determine the value of apparent activation energy as a function of strain rate
and deformation temperature. The kinetics of dynamic recrystallization was analyzed using the Avrami kinetics equation. A range of
apparent activation energy for hot deformation from 303 kJ/mol to 477 kJ/mol is obtained at different deformation regimes. Microscopic
characterization confirms that under a certain deformation condition (medium Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) values), dynamic recrystalliza-
tion appears at first, but large particles can not inhibit the recrystallization. At low or high Z values, dynamic recrystallization may occur be-
fore dynamic precipitation and proceeds faster. In both cases, secondary phase precipitation is observed along prior austenite grain bounda-
ries. Stress relaxation tests at the same deformation temperatures also confirm the possibility of dynamic precipitation. Unexpectedly, the
Avrami's exponent value increases with the increase of Z value. It is associated with the priority of dynamic recrystallization to dynamic pre-
cipitation at higher Z values.

Keywords: austenitic stainless steel; hot deformation; dynamic recrystallization; precipitation; activation energy

variables, material characteristics and processing parameters.

1. Introduction In some materials, secondary phase precipitation may be
stimulated by the deformation and interaction with DRX.
The microstructure evolution of metallic materials during Because both precipitation and recrystallization consume the
hot deformation has the practical importance due to its rela- stored energy of deformation, the occurrence of dynamic
tionship with mechanical properties of final products. Sev- precipitation or phase transformation preceding DRX may
eral softening processes, such as dynamic recovery (DRV), use up the deformation energy, retarding or inhibiting the
dynamic recrystallization (DRX), static recrystallization occurrence of recrystallization. The interactions between
(SRX), and metadynamic recrystallization (MDRX), can in- strain-induced precipitation (SIP) and SRX as well as dy-
fluence the microstructures of deformed materials [1-5]. In namic precipitation (DP) and DRX in microalloyed steels
some industrial hot working processes, such as rapid rod have been studied extensively [10-14].
rolling or hot forging, the strain value is large enough to The resistance of DP on DRX is not only from the con-
trigger DRX in austenitic materials due to low stacking fault sumption of deformation energy stored in materials but also
energy (SFE) [6]. The influences of DRX on microstructure, from the pinning effect of high-angle boundaries (HAGBs)
flow behavior, and instability have been the subject of many by fine secondary phase particles. The pinning effect of pre-
investigations in recent years [7-9]. cipitation on HAGBs was investigated and modeled in re-
The kinetics and extent of DRX strongly depend on two cent years by Xu et al. [11]. Jonas [15] also indicated that

Corresponding author: Amir Momeni E-mail:

© University of Science and Technology Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
A. Momeni et al., Dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in high manganese austenitic stainless steel during hot … 37

when the particles gradually coarsened during deformation After a total true strain of 0.7, the deformed samples were
and lost their pinning force, DRX might resume and proceed immediately quenched in water, cut along the longitudinal
at a lower speed. Results obtained from the released litera- axis, and then prepared with the standard metallographic
ture confirm that an in-depth knowledge about the interac- techniques. The electrolytic etching of 60vol% HNO3 solu-
tion between DRX and DP is crucial to the proper design of tion was used to reveal the outline of microstructure.
hot working processes for different alloys.
The existence of Cr (as a strong carbide former element)
and Mn, which often cooperate in the formation of carbides,
makes AISI 200 series of stainless steels prone to DP poten-
tially. This category of austenitic stainless steels is an alter-
native to AISI 300 series, due to the lower cost, higher
strength, and moderate corrosion resistance [16]. Although
dynamic precipitation in high Cr stainless steels has been
observed in stainless steels [17], their capability to interact
with DRX, when other elements, such as Nb, are absent, is
still in doubt [18]. On the other hand, the formation of Cr
carbides increases the tendency of pitting and general corro-
sion because of Cr depletion that often occurs around grain Fig. 1. Starting microstructure of AISI 202 stainless steel used
boundaries [19]. Therefore, the research on the formation of in this investigation.
Cr-carbides during hot working helps us to avoid pitting and
general corrosion or design an appropriate post-deformation Stress relaxation tests were conducted after the same re-
heat treatment to provide a single phase austenitic structure heating regime mentioned above. The technique was proved
for a better corrosion resistance. Hence, the aim of the pre- to be reliable in revealing the start and finish time of pre-
sent work was to analyze the deformation, recrystallization, cipitation, the strain-induced precipitation, and the interac-
and precipitation behaviors of AISI 202 stainless steel to tions between recrystallization and precipitation [20]. The
determine the best processing condition and find a better constant pre-strain for stress relaxation was adopted as 0.05
working response of final products. to avoid the static recrystallization when stress would be
monitored. Therefore, the variation of stress with time re-
2. Experimental procedures flected the dynamic recovery and likely the precipitation ef-
fect which was very analogous to the onset of hot compres-
The material used in this investigation was AISI 202 sion tests.
high-manganese austenitic stainless steel with the composi-
tion of 0.12% C, 18.1% Cr, 0.7% Si, 8.5% Mn, 0.03% P, 3. Results and discussion
0.01% S, 5.1% Ni, and the balance of Fe by mass. Cylindri-
3.1. Flow curves and constitutive analysis
cal compression samples of 10 mm in diameter and 15 mm
in height were prepared from the as-received bar whose ini- True stress-strain curves obtained from the load-stroke
tial microstructure is shown in Fig. 1. Concentric grooves of data are shown in Fig. 2. The curves mostly exhibit a single
0.5 mm in depth were machined on the surfaces of com- peak that is often attributed to the occurrence of DRX dur-
pression samples to keep the lubricant (boron nitride) in the ing hot deformation. From the start of testing up to the peak,
contacting surfaces. A 1-mm chamfer was machined at an DRV and work hardening occur concomitantly. When the
angle of 45° on the specimen edges to avoid the fold-over of dislocation density reaches a critical value, new grains nu-
the specimen at the early stages of hot compression testing. cleate and lead to flow softening. The steady-state condition
A Zwick-Roell 250 testing machine, equipped with a fully is attained when the material is fully recrystallized and a
computerized furnace, was used to perform hot compression balance is established between DRX and work hardening.
tests. Before testing, all the specimens were reheated to Flow curves in Fig. 2 clearly indicate that the peak point and
1200°C, held for 15 min, and then cooled down to the test- the steady-state condition are shifted to higher strains when
ing temperature. Continuous hot compression tests were the temperature declines or the strain rate rises. These ef-
carried out at temperatures of 950°C to 1100°C with the in- fects clearly show that the kinetics of DRX directly depends
tervals of 50°C and at strain rates from 0.001 s−1 to 1 s−1. on the deformation condition. Thus, the general stress-strain
38 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan. 2014

behavior suggests that DRX occurs in a wide temperature bolic sine constitutive equation was given as below.
range from 950°C to 1100°C and at strain rate ranging from ⎛ Q ⎞ n
Z = ε&exp ⎜ ⎟ = A ⎡⎣sinh(ασ p ) ⎤⎦ (1)
0.001 s−1 to 1 s−1. It is observed that the effects of tempera- ⎝ RT ⎠
ture and strain rate on flow stress are significant for all test- where Z is Zener-Hollomon parameter, ε& the strain rate, Q
ing conditions. The typical influences of temperature and the apparent activation energy for hot deformation, R the gas
strain rate on flow stress are observed clearly. To correlate constant that is equal to 8.314 J/(mol·K), T the temperature,
the peak flow stress to the deformation condition, a hyper- σp the peak stress, and A, n, and α the material constants.

Fig. 2. Flow curves obtained under dif-

ferent deformation conditions: (a) 950°C;
(b) 1000°C; (c) 1050°C; (d) 1100°C; (e)

Eq. (2) is obtained by taking logarithm for both sides of By substituting the experimental values of strain rate and
Eq. (1). flow stress (at the peak points) into Eq. (2), the dependence
Q of ln[sinh(ασp)] on ln ε& and 1/T is plotted as shown in Fig. 3.
lnε& + = ln A + n ln ⎡⎣sinh(ασ p ) ⎤⎦ (2)
RT α, the stress multiplier, is an adjustable constant, which is
A. Momeni et al., Dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in high manganese austenitic stainless steel during hot … 39

determined by try and error to adjust the curves in the most parameter with deformation temperature in Fig. 4, it is de-
linear and parallel condition, and defined as 0.014 here. The duced that the hot workability degrades at ~1050°C. A bet-
strain rate sensitivity parameter (m) is often defined as ter workability at 950°C and 1000°C is observed, which is
∂lnσ/∂ln ε& [21], but according to Eq. (2), as (1/n) is equal contrary to the general expectation as getting a better
to ∂ln[sinh(ασp)]/∂ln ε& , it can be taken as an index of the workability at higher temperatures [22-23]. This hot worka-
sensitivity of flow stress to strain rate. It is approved that bility wave trough needs to be further addressed and ana-
there is a direct relationship between the strain rate sensitiv- lyzed by upcoming flow analysis and microstructural char-
ity parameter (1/n) and the hot workability of materials. acterization. Eq. (2) is also used to determine the apparent
Hence, according to the variation of strain rate sensitivity activation energy as the following equation.

Fig. 3. Variation of peak flow stress with strain rate (a) and reciprocal of temperature (b) in the frame of the hyperbolic sine con-
stitutive equation (S stands for the slope of curve, and Savg the average of slope).

determines how easy DRX starts at a given deformation

condition (temperature and strain rate). Therefore, the win-
dow of Q values as a function of strain rate and temperature
that is prepared by the same method described by Eqs. (1) to
(3) can be used to evaluate the feasibility of DRX in the
studied alloy. Fig. 5 provides the window to determine the
value of Q at any strain rate and deformation temperature.
This window indicates that at the temperature range of
1000-1100°C and low strain rates of 0.001 s−1 and 0.01 s−1,

Fig. 4. Strain rate sensitivity (1/n) as a function of deforma-

tion temperature.

Q = nR
∂ ln ⎡⎣sinh(ασ p ) ⎤⎦ } (3)
∂ (1/T )
The apparent activation energy at the peak point reflects the
required energy to trigger DRX and flow softening. There-
fore, it particularly depends on the chemical composition,
deformation condition, and microstructure during hot work-
ing. The average value of Q for the studied material can be
determined as 388 kJ/mol by multiplying the average slope Fig. 5. Window of Q values (the required energy to reach the
(Savg=1.11) in Fig. 3(b) by the average value of n (=1/Savg= peak point of the flow curve) at the different strain rates and
4.2) in Fig. 3(a) and R. According to Eq. (3), the value of Q deformation temperatures.
40 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan. 2014

the value of Q is unexpectedly high and decreases as the erage diameter about 1 μm and larger often accelerate the
strain rate rises. At temperatures beyond this critical range, recrystallization through the particle stimulating recrystalli-
e.g., 1150°C, and low strain rates, the tendency for DRX in- zation (PSN) mechanism, while the finer ones may delay or
creases so that it can be triggered at low activation energies. inhibit the recrystallization [6].
The value of Q increases when a competing microstructural Fig. 6 reflects the variation of peak stress (σp) and strain
phenomenon, such as DP, consumes the energy that is (εp) as functions of Z parameter. The practical importance of
pumped into the material by deformation. Dynamic precipi- these curves is to predict the starting point of flow softening
tation may be delayed or completely prohibited, depending at any deformation condition and to generalize the lab re-
on the nature of precipitates. In microalloyed steels, it has sults to the industrial applications. It is manifest that both σp
been well-understood that very fine (actually nanosized) and εp increase with increasing Z (increasing strain rate
carbides of microalloying elements pin grain boundaries and and/or decreasing deformation temperature). Indeed, the re-
effectively inhibit DRX during hot deformation [10-14]. As sults confirm that DRX commences at a higher stress and
a rule of thumb, it is believed that precipitates with the av- strain when the temperature declines or the strain rate rises.

Fig. 6. Variation of peak strain (a) and peak stress (b) with Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z).

ture range, grain boundary precipitates start and develop,

3.2. Microstructural characterization
and the particles become more or less coarse. Whereas at
The microstructure of the sample after reheating at 1150°C (Fig. 8(e)), coarse precipitates are observed in the
1200°C for 15 min is shown in Fig. 7. This observation con- grain interiors as well as grain boundaries. It is also worthy
firms that at the start of the prescribed thermomechanical of attention that the grain size gradually increases from
regimes, the sample is a single-phase austenitic alloy with 950°C to 1100°C; but at 1150°C, the grains are remarkably
the average grain size of 60 μm and free of the remarkable refined. With regard to the DRX flow curves presented in
secondary phase particles. The micrographs of hot deformed Fig. 2, it is deduced that the vast precipitation observed at all
samples at the typical strain rate of 0.001 s−1 are observed in temperatures (as shown in Fig. 8) has not effectively sup-
Fig. 8. By comparing Figs. 7 and 8, it can be found out that pressed DRX. This is an important finding that needs to be
the precipitates present at all deformation temperatures in carefully probed by studying the microstructural changes
Fig. 8 should be formed during straining. Due to the coexis- and the evolution of particles size and place. Current obser-
tence of Cr and C with high content, it is reasonable to as- vations indicate that the interaction of DP and DRX strongly
sume that the observed particles are chromium carbides that depends on deformation temperature. Figs. 8(a)-(d) suggest
are stimulated by the influence of deformation energy. The that at the temperatures of 950-1100°C, DP precedes DRX,
equilibrium phase diagram of the studied alloy in Fig. 9 and therefore, the particles appear at prior austenite grain
confirms that the particles should be the complex carbides boundaries. As the average size of carbide particles is more
composed of Cr, Mn, Fe, and C atoms. These results imply or less over 1 μm, they cannot pin the boundaries, and
that the possible interaction of DP and DRX should be con- therefore, DRX proceeds. The segregation of Cr and C at-
sidered in discussing the hot deformation behavior of the oms to prior austenite grain boundaries before deformation
studied alloy. One range of the crucial temperature in Fig. 8 is a crucial step before DP. The segregation strongly de-
is 950-1100°C (as shown in Figs. 8(a)-(d)). In this tempera- pends on temperature. At very high temperatures, e.g.,
A. Momeni et al., Dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in high manganese austenitic stainless steel during hot … 41

1150°C, the tendency for DRX increases due to the higher of DRX grains. It is notable that as the average size of the
mobility of grain boundaries. At this temperature, the solute particles is more or less about 1 μm, no PSN is observed in
atoms of Cr and C cannot diffuse as fast as the boundaries, the micrographs.
and therefore, DP lags behind DRX. It has been well de-
scribed previously that the segregation of solute atoms to
grain boundaries and the corresponding solute drag effect
degrade beyond a critical temperature [24]. In such a case,
DRX precedes DP as shown at 1150°C in Fig. 8(e), the pre-
cipitation actually occurs at the boundaries of dynamically
formed grains. In Fig. 8(e), it is also interesting to note that
particles observed inside the grains actually form at prior
austenite grain boundaries and are a bit coarser than the
grain boundary particles. In summary, at 0.001 s−1 and
950-1100°C, DP precedes DRX, and the particles decorate
prior austenite grain boundaries; at 0.001 s−1 and 1150°C, Fig. 7. Microstructure of the studied material after reheating
DRX precedes DP, and the particles decorate the boundaries at 1200°C for 15 min.

Fig. 8. Micrographs of the hot de-

formed samples at the strain rate of
0.001 s−1: (a) 950°C; (b) 1000°C; (c)
1050°C; (d) 1100°C; (e) 1150°C.
42 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan. 2014

constructed Q-window in Fig. 5. Using this correlation, the

provided discussion can be generalized to the other defor-
mation conditions. According to Fig. 5, at 950-1100°C, the
Q value decreases as the strain rate rises. This is due to the
fact that the mobility of grain boundaries and the tendency
for DRX increase with increasing strain rate. Typical mi-
crographs in Fig. 10 confirm this discussion. At a higher
strain rate (1 s−1), DRX is stimulated more than precipitation,
and the highly mobile grain boundaries accommodate less
alloying elements. Hence, after the start of DRX, when
enough solute atoms are populated at prior grain boundary
sites, DP comes into operation. Micrographs in Fig. 10
clearly indicate the population of fine carbide particles along
Fig. 9. Phase equilibrium of the studied alloy, representing prior austenite grain boundaries.
the phases expected to be present within the hot working range. In the previous work on superaustenitic stainless steel,
These results about the interaction of DRX and DP are the complex carbides of Cr, Fe, and Ni were found to be re-
also in agreement with the calculated apparent activation sponsible for DP and the interaction with DRX [25]. More
energies in Fig. 5. The higher values of Q at the temperature recently, Zeng et al. [18] showed that pure Cr carbide could
range of 950-1100°C (419-447 kJ/mol) with respect to the not form dynamically in AISI 403Nb martensitic stainless
average value of 388 kJ/mol can be simply attributed to the steel containing about 0.22wt% Nb, and the delay in DRX
priority of DP to DRX. As mentioned, although such coarse was attributed to DP of some complex carbides containing
particles cannot suppress DRX, they can delay it due to Nb, Cr, Fe, and C. The review of these previous results re-
consuming a part of deformation energy. On the contrary, at flected that in the present material, high Mn concentration
1150°C, DRX happens more easily before DP (lower Q provided a driving force for the formation of (Cr,Mn) com-
value, actually 361-390 kJ/mol), and then, DP proceeds at a plex carbides. This may be due to the mutual interaction of
lower speed. It is therefore concluded that there is a good Mn and Cr for increasing their activity at prior austenite
correlation between the microstructural observations and the grain boundaries and thereby the initiating precipitation.

Fig. 10. Micrographs of the hot deformed samples at the strain rate of 1 s−1: (a) 950°C; (b) 1100°C.

(SIP). Fig. 11 provides the stress relaxation curves at differ-

3.3. Stress relaxation tests and kinetics of DRX
ent deformation conditions. When there is no possibility for
The possibility and extent of DP can be analyzed by the softening or strengthening phenomenon, the stress is
stress relaxation tests whose underlying mechanisms have expected to decrease gradually. In Fig. 11, the curves of
been described in Ref. [20]. A pre-strain of ~5% was ap- 950°C and 1000°C indicate a delay in stress release in a pe-
plied to the samples to induce precipitation. This pre-strain riod of relaxation time; however, at higher temperatures of
is taken well below the critical strain for SRX, and therefore, 1050-1150°C, even secondary hardening is observed. The
in the absence of SRX, any change of stress that is moni- delay in stress release or secondary hardening is often due to
tored can be attributed to the strain induced precipitation the interaction of SIP with moving dislocations. It should be
A. Momeni et al., Dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in high manganese austenitic stainless steel during hot … 43

noticed here that the kinetics of DP has been known to be an X = 1 − exp[ − k (ε − ε c ) n ] (4)
order of magnitude faster than SIP [26]. Therefore, stress where X denotes the fractional softening, k and n the mate-
relaxation tests are only useful to study the possibility of DP rial constants, and εc the critical strain for the initiation of
and measure the precipitation starting and finishing times DRX. The DRX volume fraction under the different defor-
roughly. The results of stress relaxation tests for the studied mation conditions can be determined by either quantitative
material confirm that DP happens during hot deformation metallographic measurement or flow curve analysis. Com-
within the studied deformation regime. It is also inferred that pared to quantitative metallographic measurement, flow
the potential of DP increases as the deformation temperature curve analysis is a more simple method, as the former needs
rises. However, as the tendency of recrystallization increases a large quantity of samples to be examined, and it can be
with increasing temperature, DRX becomes prior to DP at difficult to ascertain new grains precisely [27]. Here, to de-
high temperature. It is worthy of note that the critical tem- termine the progress of dynamic recrystallization volume
perature beyond which DRX overcomes DP increases with fraction (XDRX), the following expression is employed as
increasing strain rate. This is clearly observed from low Q σp −σ
regions in Fig. 5 and micrographs in Figs. 8 and 10. Actu- X = (5)
σp −σs
ally, the regions with low and high Q values correspond to
the priority of DRX and DP, respectively. where σp and σs are the peak and steady-state stress, and σ
the flow stress between σp and σs. To determine k and n, Eq.
(4) can be written as the following equation:
⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤
ln ⎢ ln ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ = ln k + nln(ε − ε c ) (6)
⎣ ⎝ 1 − X ⎠⎦
The Avrami's exponent (n) that is determined by Eq. (6)
can be considered as an index to the DRX completion rate.
The exponent n has a direct influence on the rate of DRX
and can be used to determine the rate at which the instant
flow stress descends from σp to σs. Therefore, the value of n
can be used to compare the recrystallization rate at different
deformation conditions and distinguish the regimes con-
trolled by DP or DRX. Fig. 12(a) represents the typical
Fig. 11. Stress relaxation curves after 5% pre-strain to un- curves drawn based on Eq. (6) to determine the value of n. It
derstand the possibility of dynamic precipitation at different is clearly observed that in the deformation regimes of 950°C
deformation temperatures. and 0.001 s−1, 1050°C and 0.001 s−1, and 1100°C and 0.1 s−1
Based on the theory of nucleation and growth, previous that all belong to high Q-value regions in Fig. 5, the values
researchers used the Avrami's kinetics equation to describe of n (slope of the curves) are lower as compared to n in the
the progression of DRX with strain as follows [25]: regime of 1000°C and 0.01 s−1. At the latter deformation

Fig. 12. Typical Avrami graphs of DRX kinetics to determine the exponent n as the slopes at different deformation conditions (a)
and the variation of exponent n with the Zener-Hollomon (Z) parameter (b).
44 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan. 2014

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