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Assignment Cover page

Victory Training and Development Institute

Kingdom of Bahrain
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

) Word Count:1,590(

An assignment submitted in part of the requirement for the CIPD Diploma in Human Resource
Practice (HRP) - Foundation Level
Hussain Al Assaf Prepared by
Understanding Organization and the Role of Human Resources Unit Title
3HRC Unit Code
Written Assignment Type
5798257X .CIPD Membership No
Eman Mattar Student’s Assessor
1st Attempt Submission Status
22-03-2021 Submission Date

:Student’s authentication
I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided work, and
.has not been, in whole or in part, knowingly presented elsewhere for assessment
 I have read the assessment regulations and understand that if I am found to have
‘copied’ from published work without acknowledgement, or from other candidate’s
work, this may be regarded as plagiarism which is an offence against the assessment
regulations and leads to failure in the relevant unit and formal disciplinary action.
 I agree to this work being subjected to scrutiny by textual analysis software if required
 I understand that my work may be used for future academic/quality assurance purposes
in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998.
 I understand that the work/evidence submitted for assessment may not be returned to
me and that I have retained a copy for my records.

I understand that until such time as the assessment grade has been ratified through
.internal and external quality assurance processes it is not final

:Signature Date: 22-03-2021

Institute of Ibtkar and Knowledge Higher Training

:Executive summary
One of the biggest concerns is education, qualification and awareness raising, which
are the instructions that laid the first pillar of the governance and management
system, and chose the specialized directorates system for the advancement of the
various branches of services and production, which confirms its great concern for
.education and learning
This is indicative of the importance of this sector in developing and improving the
performance of the cadres working in the march of advancement and continuing to
.give and considered one of the most important pillars of the goals of Vision 2030


Training is a fundamental pillar for the success of organizations and countries. It is also a
.milestone for individuals in all their stages, whether they are educational or practical

Now, in light of the Kingdom's vision 2030, we are keeping pace with rapid and remarkable
.development in all fields to move forward towards achieving its goals and objectives

One of its most important capabilities and means is training and rehabilitation, as it is
,considered one of the vision criteria that directly contributes to its success

Recently, it received sufficient support, which played a major role in developing the
environment of training institutes and academies efficiently and effectively which created
.strong competition and reliance on quality and service provision with high distinction

AC 1.1

We, Ibtkar of Higher Cognitive Training Institute rely on providing high-quality training for "
trainees to reflect positively on the need of the labor market, which is the real beneficiary of
the qualified and trained cadres, this is choosing the highest levels of training personnel and
]CITATION httpsibtkaredusa \l 1033[".the latest technology used

Its members devote their efforts to ensure the level of quality and provide unlimited "
support and assistance to reach the satisfaction of the last beneficiaries in the labor market,
]CITATION httpsibtkaredusa \l 1033[".from the public and private sectors


Ibtkar of Higher Cognitive Training Institute aspires to be one of the best leading and "
distinguished entities that provide the highest levels of service and quality in the field of
training and qualification for all disciplines, and to be the first destination for the beneficiary
]CITATION httpsibtkaredusa \l 1033[".to include all segments of society


.Commitment to religious teachings

.Continuous development

.Healthy and suitable working environment

.Exceeding the expectations of the beneficiary

.Excellence in service


AC 1.2

:Diploma programs

:Human Resources Diploma -1

This program aims to qualify the trainee with the skills and information necessary to practice
.work in the task of human resources management

.Diploma for two years and a half

:Diploma in Office Management -2

This program aims to qualify the trainee with the skills and information necessary to practice
work in the task of office administration, secretarial and administrative support in a
.professional manner, using modern technologies

.Diploma for two years and a half

:Accounting diploma -3
This program aims to qualify the trainee with the skills and information necessary to practice
.work in the job of an accountant

.Diploma for two years and a half

:Qualifying courses programs

:Data entry and word processing

.Training for six months

:Development courses

Developmental training courses throughout the year by qualified trainers with elaborate and
distinguished content to enhance the skills and productivity of individuals working in the
.private and public sectors and those who are going to work

:Services provided for trainers

.Training schedule continuing throughout the year

.Training specialized areas

.A training staff of experts and specialists

.Programs designed to enhance the skills and abilities of the trainees

.Review and approval of bags and training content

.The work of an administrative team and supportive

.Training through modern means and technologies

.Development courses commensurate with the needs of customers

AC 1.2

:Public sector -1

.Civil and military sectors of government employees

:Private sector -2

.Employees and job seekers in private companies and institutions

:The non-profit sector -3

.Employees and job seekers in associations and social institutions

AC 1.3
:General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training -1

The Public Institution for guidance to the Ibtkar Institute affected in terms of the basic rules
.and the Institute not to go out of scope

:Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) -2

The institute affected at the time of partial and total quarantine in terms of income, but
.even at the time of quarantine, it was still working through the Internet

:Competition institutes in the Kingdom -3

Competitions in terms of prices and providing the appropriate environment for the trainee
.at the institute

:The reputation of the institute -4

Reputation factor in a significant impact on customers who want to engage in the training
.field and his assessment

AC 2.1

Training Department

This department works:

 Training programs
 Credits
 Admission and registration
 Trainees and trainers Affairs
 Training projects
 Community posts

Marketing Department

This department works:

 Public relations
 Media

Human Resource Management

This department works:

 Personnel Affairs
 Administrative services
 Government relations
 Insurance
 Human Resource Development
Account management
This department works:

 Financial department
 Purchases
 Collection and clearing
 The fund

Warehouse management and maintenance

This department works:

 Information Technology
 Warehouses
 Maintenance
 Utility services

AC 2.2

Beginning with the Human Resources Department by appointing employees

with appropriate competencies and skills and preparing a work environment
for them. After that, the entire academic needs of the trainees by the Training

Now it is the turn of marketing to work promotional advertisements, collect

.applicants' data, and communicate with them by the marketing team

After communicating with the client and inviting him to register, the Training
Department completes the trainee's procedures and informs him of the terms
.and conditions

The account management calculates the cost of the program and gives the
new trainee complete freedom in the method of paying in cash or paying

Finally, the warehouse management monitors and ensures that all devices in
.place are ready to work
AC 2.3

Providing all information and directions before starting the program and
facilitating all operations to enable the new trainee to enter the program

Dealing and sympathy for those for whom an emergency situation occurred or
a problem occurred to them and stop attending at any time for the lectures by
.standing with him with his crisis in complete secrecy

Making exceptions for those who are the heroes of the nation and those with
.special needs by providing all programs free

AC 3.1

Make the facility based on a specific principle by providing everything that fits
.with the mission, vision and values

Implementing the strategic plan to gain competitive advantage to become the

.first Ibtkar institute in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Put people at the heart of your firm’s future. Craft, refine and apply a strategy to "
]CITATION Org21 \l 1033 [".achieve organizational transformation

Define and implement a culture that promotes energy, human potential and high-"
]CITATION Org21 \l 1033 [".impact performance

AC 3.2

The Human Resources Department is concerned with supporting employees,

motivating them, creating competition between them and strengthening
.relations between them, so that every employee can work appropriately
Acquire the skills to ensure your employees fully engaged, empowered to think "
CITATION Org21 \l [".creatively and can thrive in a changing business environment
Discover how your HR department can maximize its contribution to the overall "
]CITATION Org21 \l 1033 [".success of your organization

Develop your personal action plan – and implement it as soon as you return to "
]CITATION Org21 \l 1033 [".work
:About the case

:The Answer is

First, giving the director all the information about the Saudi labor laws, the
internal regulations for work, and the General Organization for Technical and
.Vocational Training

Then, an overview of what the institute offers in terms of activities and

.introduce the director to the mission, vision and values of the institute

Familiarizing the manager with the tasks and responsibilities directed by

.senior management to him and the time of their completion
If they are daily, monthly or annual tasks, according to the plan submitted to
.him by the institute

Finally, introducing the new manager to all employees in all departments, the
.tasks and responsibilities assigned to them


The training sector is the main and supportive arm of development and a
strong economy that contributes effectively to the renaissance and
development of countries, and the role of the training sector is to build, qualify
and equip the trainee for the labor market to provide a sound infrastructure for
.all services and accelerate the growth of the economy

This makes the responsibility for our institutions with different activities to
reach the highest levels of quality and efficiency, and today the Institute for
Higher Knowledge Innovation works as a pioneering national institution that
contributes to bridging the gap in the need for qualification and training
stemming from the institute’s values and objectives for which this entity was

We aspire to be more distinguished on the basis of operational efficiencies

and quality and through a clear vision and raising the levels of high
performance that qualify us to obtain the highest rankings of the top
institutions and companies, in a way that strongly qualifies us to compete in
.providing the highest levels of quality

.Attracting the largest number of talent for training in all fields

General renovation of the building to create a suitable environment for


Training on the institute's platform completely and canceling attendance at

.the institute, except in the case of general inquiries to reduce costs

.Accreditation work by the civil service

Institute, I. o. H. c. T., 2020. Ibtkar of Higher cognitive Training Institute. [Online]
Available at:

Organisations, H. S. i. T., 2021. HR Strategy in Transforming Organisations. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 24-28 May 2021].

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