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The Effect of Small Changes in Flux Basicity on

the Acicular Ferrite Content and Mechanical

Properties of Submerged Arc Weld Metal of
Navy HY-100 Steel
Oxygen content, inclusion size and acicular ferrite formation are all
influenced by the basicity in flux and filler metal


ABSTRACT. The effect of small differ- metal, the composition of the flux used the alloying elements such as carbon,
ences in flux basicity on the microstruc- during welding and the cooling rate of nickel, chromium, copper and niobium
ture and mechanical properties of sub- the weld metal during the transformation are present to give the required strength
merged arc weld metal of Navy HY-100 of the undercooled metastable austenite. levels, and a fortuitous outcome of their
steel has been investigated. It was found The strength and toughness of weld metal presence is a continuous cooling trans-
that an increase in the flux basicity index improves as the amount of acicular fer- formation (CCT) diagram with features
from 2.5 to 3.0 (calculated by the formula rite increases due to its fine "basket that mean that bainite (or, more correctly,
proposed by Tuliani, Boniszewski and weave"microstructure, and so it is im- fine mixtures of lath ferrite, lath marten-
Eaton, 1969, Weld. Met. and Fab. 37 (8): portant to understand the mechanism of site and both interlath and "blocky" re-
327-329) led to a decrease in the total its formation so that the volume fraction tained austenite, which are best de-
oxygen content of the weld metal from of acicular ferrite can be maximized. This scribed as granular ferrite in low-carbon
0.034 to 0.027 wt-%. This decrease in topic has been extensively studied. For steels since carbides characteristic of bai-
weld metal oxygen content led to in- recent reviews see Refs. 1-4. However, nite are usually absent) is the major trans-
creasing average nonmetallic inclusion as yet, the welding conditions appropri- formation product in the fusion zone dur-
size and an increased propensity for aci- ate to maximizing the amount of acicu- ing submerged arc welding of these
cular ferrite formation, which were found lar ferrite in Navy HY-100 steel during steels, provided suitable heat inputs and
to increase both the strength and tough- submerged arc welding have yet to be es- preheat/interpass temperatures are cho-
ness of the weld metal. These results sug- tablished. sen during multipass welding. Since aci-
gest that careful control of the chemistry The chemical composition of the filler cular ferrite is also nucleated at similar
of both the filler metal and flux is neces- metal principally determines the final weld metal cooling rates (Refs. 7, 8),
sary to produce consistently high composition of the weld metal, although some workers effectively describe it as
strength and toughness in weld metal the composition of the base plate is im- intragranularly nucleated bainite (Refs.
during the submerged arc welding of HY- portant because of dilution effects. Also, 1,9, 10). It would appear that controlling
100 steel. there may be transfer of elements from the weld thermal cycle so that conditions
the flux (Refs. 5, 6). In high-strength steels are favorable for acicular ferrite nucle-
Introduction ation is not a problem, although bainite
(granular ferrite) and martensite are usu-
The origin of acicular ferrite in the fu- ally also formed. This subject will be dis-
sion zone of submerged arc weldments KEY WORDS cussed again later.
on high-strength steels is very complex Once a suitable weld metal harden-
and depends upon the chemical compo- HY-100 ability and cooling rate have been estab-
sition of the steel base plate and filler Submerged Arc Welding lished, the amount of acicular ferrite nu-
CCT Diagram cleated will depend upon oxygen
A.G. FOX and M.W EAKESare with the Cen- Weld Metal Toughness content and the size, number, distribu-
ter for Materials Science and Engineering, tion and chemical composition of the
High-Strength Steel
United States Naval Postgraduate School,
nonmetallic inclusions present (Refs.
Flux Basicity
Monterey, Calif. G. L. FRANKE is with Code 1-4, 6-63, 69). Appropriate inclusions
Filler Metal
615 Welding Branch, Annapolis Detachment,
appear to be in the size range 0.2-2.0 pm
Acicular Ferrite
Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare
with a mean size of about 0.4 IJm being
an optimum value (Refs. 1,2, 34). These
Center, Annapolis, Md.

330-s I OCTOBER 1996

inclusions usually contain manganese,
silicon, aluminum and titanium as their
major constituents and do not appear to
be exactly spherical but have a "faceted" O w

or slightly angular appearance. Some

workers have suggested that manganese
sulfide-containing inclusions are effec-
tive in nucleating acicular ferrite. For ex-
ample, Yamamoto, et al. (Ref. 40), have
argued that MnS, which sometimes
grows on the surfaces of the titanium
oxide-containing inclusions, is responsi- • °

ble for the formation of acicular ferrite, 20 pm •

although Chijiiwa, et al. (Ref. 42), and
Abson (Ref. 36) claim that the presence Fig. 1 - - Backscattered scanning electron mi- Fig. 2 - - Optical micrograph o f sample
crograph of a typical inclusion field in sample F296 showing acicular ferrite microstruc-
of sulfides leads to a reduction in the F296. ture.
amount of acicular ferrite. When no sul-
fur is present, it has been surmized that
the inclusions are oxides since they are considering the kinetics
composed of strongly deoxidizing ele- of inclusion formation;
ments, although Barbaro, et al. (Ref. 41 ), they regard MnO.AI203 ~" 0.025
as likely to be a major A
suggested that the titanium present in
suitable inclusions can be present as TiN. constituent in the inclu- ~ 0.02-
This is certainly possible in weld metals sions responsible for F296
with lower oxygen activity (Ref. 69). Al- acicular ferrite forma- I •
though appropriately sized inclusions tion, together with ~ 0.015-
which contain very little titanium and • Ai
AI203, SiO2, Ti305 and
whose composition is dominated by TiO 2. Babu, et al., also ~ 0.01- • TI
manganese, aluminum and silicon are indicated that TiO can
apparently capable of nucleating acicu- occur for certain weld
lar ferrite, their effectiveness appears to metal compositions i 0.005- A
• • |
be markedly improved as the titanium thus agreeing with with
content of the weld metal is increased Abson (Ref. 36) and o
above about 45 ppm (Refs. 1-3, 54). Evans (Ref. 52). These 250 32 3;0 375
Using transmission electron microscopy experimental results
Weld metal oxygen (ppm)
(TEM) and convergent beam electron dif- and the calculations of
fraction, Dowling, et al. (Ref. 31), have Babu, et al. (Ref. 58),
suggested that the faceted inclusions re- strongly suggest that the 3
sponsible for acicular ferrite in alu- oxidation state of the ti- ~"
minum-killed, low-titanium steels have tanium in these inclu- 2.5-
the MnO.AI203 (galaxite) structure. sions can vary and, if
However, more recently, Gregg and so, will depend on the ~ 2-
Bhadesia (Refs. 59, 60) have suggested weld metal composi- 8
that, on its own, MnO.AI203 is ineffec- tion, particularly with • •
respect to the major de- ._ • • • M~
tive in nucleating acicular ferrite. The © 1.5-
oxidizing elements, m
compositions and phases present in in- • Si
clusions containing Mn, AI, Si and Ti Mn, Si, AI and Ti, and ~ l-
have not yet been thoroughly character- the welding process "~
ized because they are multiphase, too and its conditions. The ~ 0.5- • • 0~0 •
small for SEM microchemical analysis mechanism by which "e
and often too thick for TEM diffraction these inclusions nucle- ~" 0
analysis. As a result the oxidation state of ate acicular ferrite is un- 250 37s
the titanium in them is often unknown clear although four
and titanium has been variously reported have been suggested. Weld metal oxygen content (ppm)
as different oxides. For example, Abson These are :1 ) simple nu-
(Ref. 36) and Evans (Ref. 52) claim TiO cleation of acicular fer- Fig. 3 - - A - - Weld metal Zr, AI, Ti, Si and; B - - Mn vs. weld metal
for the welds they studied. Lau, et al. rite on an inert sub- oxygen.
(Refs. 37, 44), assumed TiO 2 in their strate, 2) epitaxial
work and Kluken and Grong (Ref. 47) growth of the ferrite on
chemical effects of the precipitation of
chose Ti203. Fox and Brothers (Ref. 62) suitably oriented crystallites in the inclu-
inclusions on the hardenability of the sur-
suggested two-phase mixtures of sions (lattice matching), 3) nucleation
rounding steel.
MnO.TiO 2 and MnO-AI203 could be re- arising from the strain energy associated
If classical heterogeneous nucleation
sponsible for the nucleation of acicular with the interfacial region between the
theory is considered to apply to the nu-
ferrite. Babu, et al. (Ref. 58), have devel- inclusions and the steel matrix resulting cleation of acicular ferrite from austenite,
oped a model to predict the nature of in- from cooling (the inclusions and steel then the inclusions will be less effective
clusions in submerged arc weld metal by matrix have significantly different coeffi- at nucleating acicular ferrite than grain
using equilibrium thermodynamics and cients of thermal expansion) and 4), boundary surfaces (Ref. 22). This is be-


Table 1 I Welding Control Parameters Table 2 - - Chemistry of Base, Filler and Weld Metals

Plate thickness 25.4 mm Filler Base

Number of passes 21 or 24 Metal Plate F289 F292 F293 F295 F296
Wire type L-TEC 120
(HT 120022) C 0.081 0.157 0.062 0.062 0.056 0.064 0.064
Wire diameter 2.38 mm Mn 1.57 0.33 1.45 1.49 1.28 1.51 1.54
Current 500 A, DCRP Si 0.40 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.42 0.28 0.34
Voltage 35 V P 0.004 0.003 0.007 0.005 0.004 0.015 0.008
Weld speed 0.8 mm s-1 S 0.006 0.005 0.010 0.006 0.006 0.011 0.007
Heat input 2.177 kJ mm-1 Ni 2.25 2.79 2.33 2.56 2.51 2.34 2.34
Preheat/Interpass 121-135°C Mo 0.42 0.36 0.46 0.52 0.47 0.47 0.49
temperature Cr 0.28 1.28 0.25 0.43 0.40 0.47 0.50
Cooling rate 10-13 Cs 1 at 538°C V 0.001 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.004 0.003
AI 0.012 0.018 0.013 0.020 0.011 0.011 0.014
Ti 0.014 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.004 0.005 0.006
cause the inclusions present a convex Zr 0.012 0.00 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.004
curved interface in the austenite so that a Cu 0.011 0.097 0.020 0.023 0.017 0.021 0.026
larger amount of interfacial area has to be O 0.003 0.0054 0.030 0.027 0.034 0.035 0.032
created between the nucleus and parent N 0.004 0.016 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.009 0.006
B 0.004 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.001
phase per unit volume of nucleus. Also, H 0.00028 0.00011 0.00002 0.00004 0.00004 0.00003 0.00008
the energy of the interface between the
ferrite and the inclusion is likely to be
larger than would be the case when the sions as well as to the austenite. Grong, Ti20 3 case, depletion of Mn in the steel
ferrite nucleates on austenite grain et al. (Ref. 69), have followed up this near the interface reaction zone seemed
boundaries. The concept of lattice work and have made TEM observations to be associated with the formation of
matching leading to epitaxial growth has which show that T-AI20 3, MnO-AI203 bainite. In addition, Gregg and Bhadesia
been considered by several workers and TiN inclusions can be responsible for (Refs. 59, 60) studied the possibility that
(Refs. 12, 1 3, 15, 38) and has led to the the nucleation of acicular ferrite pro- epitaxial growth (lattice matching)
suggestion that TiN, TiO and other vided they are appropriately oriented so and/or lattice strain contribute to bainite
phases showing a small disregistry with that the lattice disregistry between them nucleation. This work indicated that lat-
appropriately oriented ferrite will be ef- and ferrite is small. In addition, they sug- tice matching theory alone may not be
fective in nucleating acicular ferrite. Un- gest that these inclusions must also be able to predict whether a phase will be
fortunately, some experimental data ap- oriented so that they have an orientation an effective nucleant of bainite, and thus
pear to suggest that the ferrite/inclusion relationship w h i c h allows the subse- acicular ferrite, and that there is appar-
orientation relationship tends to be ran- quently nucleated acicular ferrite to be ently no simple correlation between bai-
dom (Ref. 31), with the orientation rela- oriented within the Bain region with re- nite nucleation potency of a steel/inclu-
tionship between the acicular ferrite and spect to the prior austenite. With these sion interface and the thermal expansion
the parent austenite always being of the ideas and a simple probability analysis, difference between the metal and the ce-
Kurdjumov-Sachs or Nishiyama-Wasser- Grong, et al. (Ref. 69), proceeded to cal- ramic phases.
man type. However, Kluken, et al. (Refs. culate that only 12% of the total number The preceding discussion indicates
53, 57), have indicated that 5-ferrite can of inclusions that could nucleate acicu- that the overall chemical composition of
nucleate from the molten steel epitaxially lar ferrite actually do so and found the the steel base plate and welding wire
on inclusions so that the subsequently volume of an acicular ferrite lath to be 2 with respect to oxygen, manganese, sili-
formed acicular ferrite can retain a crys- x 10 -7 mm ~, which is in reasonable con, aluminum and titanium is very im-
tallographic relationship to the inclu- agreement with measured values (Ref. 1). portant. Manganese is usually present in
Recently, Gregg and significant amounts in high-strength
Bhadesia (Refs. 59, 60) steels and their filler metals (about 1.0 to
[] have suggested some inter- 1.5 wt-%) because it is an important
I esting chemical reactions strengthener, toughener and hardenabil-
F296 that could be responsible ity agent. Silicon is usually maintained at
0.75 - for creating conditions levels below 0.4 wt-% in high-strength
suitable for the nucleation steels because it is usually considered to
0 of acicular ferrite. For ex- be detrimental to fracture toughness, al-
ample, they have shown though this low level of silicon still al-
0.5- that the TiO 2 at a lows this element to take part in the de-
steel/TiO2-bonded inter- oxidation process as discussed
face annealed at 1473 K previously. High-strength steels and their
can release oxygen into
weld ing wires are usually deoxidized
0,25 - the steel, possibly causing
O with aluminum and calcium treated so
[] local decarburization and
[] O that sulfur contents are kept below 60
thus increased stability of
ppm in order to enhance resistance to
ferrite near the interface
lamellar tearing and hydrogen-induced
0 ! I I due to reduced steel hard-
enability. These workers cracking. Titanium may be present either
250 275 300 325 350 375
also found that TiO and as an impurity in steel welding wire or it
Weld metal oxygen content (ppm) Ti203, like TiO2, were ef- may be added deliberately. A review of
fective at nucleating bai- previous work suggests that a steel weld
Fig. 4 1 Inclusion volume fraction vs. weld metal oxygen. nite. The mechanism is not metal AI + Ti content of about 300 ppm
yet clear although, in the with an AI/Ti ratio of about 2.0 is ideal for

332-s I OCTOBER 1996

40 40
F289 average size = 0.32 pm F292 average size = 0.378 p m

30- 30 -

tno i'o- 1
I I I I I I I I l I l I I -- illi |

0.3 0-~ 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 0.~ 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5
Inclusion size (microns) Inclusion Size (microns)

40 40
F293 average size = 0.322 F295 average size = 0.323 pm

30 - 30 -

qJ 20 - ~ 20 -

10- lo-

0 , ~--~' T 0 , , , , '7 , ,
0 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5

Inclusion size (microns) Inclusion size (microns)

the nucleation of large amounts of acic- oxygen content

ular ferrite, although it would seem that much above 300 40
the a l u m i n u m is not necessary since ppm apparently
large amounts of acicular ferrite can be generates many
%. F296 average size = 0.423 pm
found in weldments even if the weld more small oxide
metal aluminum content is low provided inclusions (<0.2 30-
sufficient titanium is present (Ref. 3). Fi- vm), w h i c h can
nally, it would seem that the oxygen ac- pin austenite grain
tivity of the submergerd arc w e l d i n g boundaries and

(SAW) flux should be such that the final reduce prior
weld metal total oxygen content is austenite grain
around 200 to 300 ppm if large amounts size so that grain
of acicular ferrite are to be nucleated boundary-nucle-
(Refs. 28, 63). This, of course, can be cor- ated microcon-
related with the comments concerning stituents form
the size, distribution and composition of rather than acicu-
the oxide inclusions made previously. lar ferrite (Refs. 1, 0 , I ! I I
. .
. .
Lower levels of total oxygen (< 200 ppm) 2, 32). Total oxy- 0 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5
mean that insufficient inclusion numbers gen contents
are generated for the formation of acicu- around 250 to 300 Inclusion size (microns)
lar ferrite so that other microconstituents ppm are routinely
such as bainite or Widmanst~tten ferrite achieved in sub-
are formed preferentially. Increasing total merged arc weld- Fi,~. 5 - - Inclusion size distributions for all samples.


steel could be developed. If successful
Table 3 - - Flux Composition (wt-%), Basicity Index and Acicular Ferrite (AF) Content of each
this would allow the U.S. Navy to con-
of the Five Weld Metals
sistently produce submerged arc weld-
F289 F292 F293 F295 F296 ments of HY-100 steel with optimum me-
chanical properties.
AI203 18.42 18.57 14.00 16.95 15.62
Fe203 1.10 1.37 1.28 2.01 1.07
K20 1.00 0.69 1.32 0.39 1.36 Experimental Procedure
MgO 29.25 28.46 30.23 35.10 32.56
Na20 0.95 0.72 2.13 1.23 1.22 Five multipass submerged arc welds
CaO 10.29 12.58 18.44 8.13 9.99 designated F289, F292, F293, F295 and
CaF2 22.45 22.40 14.92 17.31 21.26 F296 were made with L-Tec 120S weld-
SiO2 14.87 13.63 17.63 15.64 14.71 ing wire and 25.4-mm-thick HY-100
TiO2 0.73 0.71 0.00 0.68 0.53 base plate using the conditions shown in
MnO 0.91 0.84 0.05 2.53 1.62
Table 1. A single V (45-deg angle) butt
ZrO2 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.06
Basicity Index 2.65 2.83 2.75 2.63 2.97 joint geometry supported from below by
AF content (vol.%) 43 65 41 27 78 an HY-100 backing bar was adopted with
a 12.7-mm root opening. Between 21
and 24 passes were necessary to com-
plete the weldment. Two or three passes
Table 4 - - Room Temperature Tensile Test Results for the Five Weld Metals were used in the first (root) layer and be-
tween six and seven layers with three to
Yield Strength Ultimate Tensile Reduction in four passes per layer were needed to fill
(MPa) Strength (MPa) Elongation (%) Area (%)
the groove without undercut at the top
F289 694 819 22.0 62.5 surface. The chemical compositions of
F292 752 857 19.5 63.0 the base plate, welding wire and result-
F293 687 790 22.5 69.5 ing weld metal were determined by
F295 705 823 21.0 63.5 Luvac laboratories using conventional
F296 825 873 16.5 39.5 analytical techniques as shown in Table
Mil. Spec. (min) 703 14 2. It should be noted that the analysis of
Mil. Spec. (max) 848
the weld metal was performed on pulled
tensile specimens (discussed below) so
Table 5 - - Charpy V-Notch Energy (CVNE) Data for the Five Weld Metals (The temperatures
that the mechanical properties data
of testing are indicated) could be directly correlated with weld
metal chemistry. Analysis of the metallic
Mil. Spec. elements and boron was performed by
F289 F292 F293 F295 F296 min. plasma emission, sulfur and carbon by
the combustion infrared method, oxygen
CVNE (J) 6.6 2.6 8.9 4.1 5.9 and nitrogen by inert gas fusion and hy-
at -151°C drogen by vacuum hot extraction. The
CVNE (J) 10.3 10.3 9.2 5.9 16.2
confidence limits reported by Luvac (in
at -118°C
CVNE (J) 28.5 23.3 14.2 21.0 34.5 wt-%) for each measurement were Ni
at -84°C 0.05, Cr, Mn 0.02, Si and Mo 0.01, AI
CVNE (J) 52.2 46.1 35.9 32.5 48.8 33.2 and P 0.002, C, S, V, Ti, Zr, Cu, O, N and
at -51 °C B 0.001 and H 0.00001. Different pro-
CVNE (J) 66.8 62.9 63.5 46.3 63.9 44.3 prietary fluxes were used for each weld-
at -18°C ment and these were chemically
CVNE (J) 77.3 67.4 76.3 55.9 63.4 analysed using x-ray fluorescence, in-
at 16°C ductively coupled plasma and optical
CVNE 0) 77.7 69.9 84.0 64.0 67.9
emission spectroscopy. This allowed a
at 49°C
CVNE (J) 77.3 70.1 90.6 67.5 70.4 good estimate of the chemical composi-
at 82°C tion of each flux. The major constituents
CVNE (J) 78.2 72.7 90.4 70.8 76.0 of these are shown in Table 3. It should
at 116°C be noted that the flux associated with
sample F293 contains small amounts of
cerium and lanthanum oxides. It is not
ing of high-strength steels by the use of a in steel weld metal (Ref. 54). clear why they are present but both are
flux with an appropriate composition The purpose of the present work was strong hydride-formers and so they could
and basicity index (Refs. 28 and 63). to carefully analyze the nonmetallic in- have been added deliberately in the hope
Consistent with these comments about clusions and microstructure in the fusion that La and Ce ions in the molten flux
grain size is the fact that boron promotes zone of five SAW multipass weldments would scavenge hydrogen. Samples for
the formation of acicular ferrite since B made with different proprietary fluxes on tensile and Charpy impact testing were
segregates to austenite grain boundaries, aluminum killed HY-100 steel using weld cut from the weldments to be represen-
lowers the boundary energy and thereby wire containing 120 ppm aluminum, 140 tative of multipass regions in the weld
favors acicular ferrite formation (Refs ppm titanium and 40 ppm boron. A spe- metal, i.e., machined from as near to the
1-3, 54). Indeed, weld metals containing cific aim was to elucidate the role of flux center of the weld metal as possible. The
about fifty ppm B and several hundred basicity on the nucleation of acicular fer- tensile samples were cut from all weld
ppm Ti have proved very effective at gen- rite in steel weld metal so that an appro- metal in the welding direction with
erating large amounts of acicular ferrite priate flux formulation for welding this gauge length 50.8 mm and diameter 12.8

334-s I O C T O B E R 1 9 9 6
0.425 U

o I O

0.4- F296 .~.


0.375 -

= 0.35
0.35 -

0 0 []
0.3 , , ,
0.3 I I I I 0 500 1000 15J00 2000 2500
250 275 300 325 350 375

Weld metal oxygen content (ppm) Weld oxygen/Inclusion volume fraction (ppm x I00)

Fi~. 6 - - Inclusion size vs. weld metal oxy,~en. The correlatk~n coet L Fi,~. 7 - - Inclusion size vs. normalized weld metal oxy,~ten (weld metal
ficient, t, tor the best linear fit is indicated (0.356) and it is c/ear that oxy,~en/inclusion vc~lume #action).
there is no linear conelation between these two variables, as discussed
in the text.

him and for each weldment two tensile Table 6 - - Charpy V-Notch Fracture Appearance Data for the Five Weld Metals, the
tests were performed using a Instron ten- Percentage Brittle Fracture (%BF) and the Temperatures of Testing
sile testing nlachine. Standard (10 mm 2
cross-section) Charpy samples were cut F289 F292 F293 F295 F296
so that the 2 - m m - d e e p 45-deg notch
w o u k i progress through the center of the %BF at 95 100 100 100 95
-151 °C
weld metal in the welding direction dur- %BF at 90 100 100 90 80
ing testing and three tests were per- _118oc
formed at each of the temperatures %BF at 67.5 87.5 83.3 63.3 60
shown in Table 5. The results of the room 84°C
temperature tensile testing (averaged for %BF at 44 46 54 53.3 30
the two tests for each sample) are shown -51 °C
in Table 4 and the Charpy impact testing %BF at 30 14 28 36.7 10
(averaged for the three tests at each tenl- -18°C
perature) in Table 5 together with the mil- %BF at 5 (1 12.5 10 3
itary specifications for the mechanical %BF at 1.67 0 1.67 1.67 2.5
properties of Navy HY-100 steel. The 49oC
fracture appearance data resulting from %8F at 0 0 0 0 0
the Charpy tests is given in Table 6 (per- 82°C
cent brittle fracture) and the fracture ap- %BF at 0 0 0 0 0
pearance transition temperatures (FATT) 116°C
(50% brittle fracture) and the ductile-to-
brittle transition temperatures (DBTT)
( m i d p o i n t between upper and l o w e r Table 7 J Charpy V-Notch Transition Temperature Data for the Five Weld Metals Calculated
from the Data in Tables 5 and 6
shelves) deduced from Tables 5 and 6 are
presented in Table 7.
F289 F292 F293 F295 F296
Cross-section samples of each weld-
ment were cut and polished down to one DBTT (C) -64 -65 -62 -42 -78
I]m diamond and areas corresponding to FATT (C) -54 -54 -49 -47 -73
the positions from which the mechanical
properties test pieces were machined
were identified. For subsequent micro-
scopical examination every attempt was Table 8 - - Average Inclusion Composition (atomic %) for each Sample Determined by Energy
made to examine those regions where Dispersive X-ray Analysis in the Transmission Electron Microscope
the Charpy notch was likely to have been
(i.e., in the center of the weld metal). F289 F292 F293 F295 F296
These areas were examined in the un-
Mn 38.40 25.05 36.95 46.48 38.42
etched condition in a Cambridge $200 Ti 8.41 12.16 5.68 5.42 7.96
s(anning ele{tron microscope (SEM) op- AI 28.69 50.87 25.15 20.29 29.77
erating in the backscattered imaging Si 23.08 9.77 30.54 26.87 21.9(1
Zr 1.41 2.18 1.69 0.94 1.95


F296 [] []

2.9 2.9 - r = 0.86~


2.8 - 2.8"

2.7 - 2."/-

[] []
2.6 . , , , 2.6
250 275 300 325 350 375 0 $00 1000 15100 2(;00 2500
Weld oxygen/Inclusion volume fraction (ppm x 100)
Weld metal oxygen content (ppm)

Fig. 8 - - Basicity index vs. weld metal oxygen. There is no linear cor- Fig. 9 - - Basicity Index vs. normalized weld metal oxygen.
relation between these two variables (r = 0.294), as discussed in the text.

mode at 20 kV in order to determine the content for each weld metal is given in examined in a JEOL 100 CX transmission
size distribution and volume fraction of Table 3. The balance of the microstruc- electron microscope (TEM) equipped
the nonmetallic inclusions. This was ac- ture in each case was found to be pre- with a Kevex Quantum light element x-
complished by counting and sizing the dominantly bainite, which is consistent ray detector. This allowed a quantitative
inclusions in 100 random fields observed with other microstructural observations chemical analysis of the elements with
at a magnification of 7040 X with a work- on high-strength steels containing acicu- atomic number greater than 11 in the in-
ing distance of 9 mm. Use of the SEM in lar ferrite (Refs. 1, 43, 50). Attempts to clusions and a qualitative appraisal of the
this way allowed inclusions as small as modernize this procedure using ad- light elements present. For each sample,
50 nm to be included in the count. A typ- vanced image processing software forty inclusions over the whole size range
ical inclusion field is shown in Fig. 1. The proved difficult since the boundaries be- were chemically analyzed and very little
samples were then etched with 5% Nital tween the microstructural constituents variation in the chemical compositions
and optical micrographs were taken from were not well defined. After optical ex- within each set of forty was found.
the same areas from which the inclusion amination, the etched samples were
counts were taken - - Fig. 2. From these coated with about 20 nm of carbon in a Results and Discussion
the amount of acicular ferrite was deter- Fullam EFFA evaporator and then etched
mined by the linear intercept method ap- again (with Nital) to obtain extraction From the flux compositions shown in
plied to ten fields taken at a magnifica- replicas from the same areas which had Table 3, the basicity indices (BI) of each
tion of 500X with ten random lines been examined optically and by SEM; flux were calculated by putting the
analyzed per field. The acicular ferrite these were placed on copper grids and weight percentages of each flux con-
stituent into the following formula (Ref.
CaO + C a F 2 +MgO + N a 2 0 +
BI= K20+Li20+O'5(MnO+FeO)
Si02 +0"5( AI203 +Ti02 +Zr02) (1)
It should be noted that F293 contained
very little MnO compared with the other
fluxes and, as discussed by Palm (Ref. 5),
low flux MnO can lead to Mn losses in
steel weld metal. This effect does not
seem to depend on flux basicity. To avoid
such losses in Navy HY-100 steel about
1.0 wt-% MnO is needed in the flux for-
mulation. However, it should be noted
io that excessive additions of MnO to the
TIME ( SECONOS) flux can lead to increased levels of man-
ganese in HY-100 weld metal which may
Fig. 10 - - CCT diagram for AX90 and AX110 filler metals (Ref. 67). be undesirable (Ref. 68).
The overall chemical analyses of the

336-s I OCTOBER 1996

base plate, welding wire and weld metal acteristics which are unpredictable, to
are shown in Table 2. It is important to say the least, in submerged arc weld
note that the welding wire contains 120 metal because of the turbulence of the
ppm AI, 140 ppm Ti and 4 ppm B, as well weld pool, the rapid solidification asso-
as larger amounts of Si and Mn and thus ciated with welding and the effects of
has the potential to generate significant multiple passes. It is also possible that
amounts of acicular ferrite provided the the inclusions are not distributed uni-
flux basicity, heat input and preheat/in- formly and that many more fields need
terpass temperatures are chosen cor- to be studied, although each experiment
rectly. It is clear that the weld metal as- was performed twice (thrice for F296) in
sociated with flux F293 (low in MnO) has different weld metal regions. Further-
a significantly lower Mn content com- more, because equilibrium is not Fig. 11 - - Transmission electron micrograph of
pared with the other weld metals, as ex- achieved during welding the partition- an extraction replica taken from the weld metal
pected, otherwise these have composi- ing of the oxygen between that dissolved of sample F296 showing acicular ferrite nucle-
tions consistent with the welding wire in the metal and that present as inclu- ated by an inclusion.
composition after dilution to a certain ex- sions may differ
tent by the base plate. Since deoxidation for different welds
is responsible for inclusions and hence produced using
the potential nucleation of intragranular the same welding ~'
acicular ferrite, it is important to examine conditions. ~ 50. 0
the behavior of the strong "trace" deoxi- As well as in- "" F296 •
dants Zr, AI, Ti, Si and Mn as a function
of total oxygen content. These trends are
clusion volume
fraction, inclu-
,10- I O AI

O Ti
plotted in Fig. 3A and B. Since oxygen sion size is impor-
activities are very high in SAW weld tant and, accord- C 30- [] O • O Zr
metal, manganese also takes part in the ing to Fleck, et al. • • O A
• Q • Si
deoxidation process. However, the over- (Ref. 32), the in- ~ 20-
all Mn content of the weld metal seems clusion size in .~ • Mn
to be little affected by oxygen content as weld metals "~
n lO-
shown in Fig. 3B, although sample F293 should decrease ..~ 0 0
has a low Mn content due to the low as the oxygen " 0 0 0 Oo
'~ 0
MnO content of the flux. The Zr, AI, Ti content increases ~ As 375
and Si contents all appear to decrease in submerged arc
with increasing oxygen content (with the weld metal. The Weld metal oxygen (ppm)
exception of F296, which appears to inclusion size dis-
have AI, Ti and Zr contents somewhat tributions for all Fig. 12 - - Inclusion Mn, Si, AI, Ti and Zr vs. weld metal oxygen.
higher than its oxygen content of 320 the samples are
ppm would suggest) and this occurs since shown in Fig. 5
increasing the oxygen content leads to and the average
increased consumption of deoxidants in inclusion size is
the molten state to form oxides. Some of plotted vs. oxygen
these deoxidation products float up into content in Fig. 6.
the slag while others remain as non- Between 270 and
metallic inclusions. 300 ppm oxygen
The nature of the size, distribution the average inclu-
and chemical analysis of the nonmetallic sion size drops
inclusions in the weld metal proved very from 0.38 pm to
complex. For example, the inclusion vol- about 0.32 lam
ume fraction should be expected to in- and then stays J _ - ~ - ° ' ~ T" " " . \ w,,.J~,*~t,

crease with increasing oxygen content. fairly constant ex-

However, Fig. 4 shows that this is not the cept for sample
case. In fact there appears to be no clear F296 which has
relation between volume fraction of in- an oxygen con- ,-
clusions and the oxygen content, and the tent of 320 ppm
amount of inclusions in the weld metal and a high aver-
associated with flux F296 is very much age inclusion size
higher than the others. It should be of 0.42 lam. It
pointed out that the inclusion count for should be remem-
sample F296 was performed three times bered that F296
in the center of three different weld cross had a very high
sections and the variation in the inclu- inclusion volume
sion volume fraction between the three fraction and a Fig. 13 - - MnO.SiO2.AI203 ternary phase diagram adapted from Ref. 14
observations was found to be minimal. simple calcula- showing the different inclusion compositions obtained in steels killed
The reason for this erratic volume frac- tion based on the with varying amounts of Mn, AI and 5i. The open squares indicate the
tion behavior must almost certainly be inclusions being data of the present work.
associated with inclusion float-out char- spherical and as-


80 80
F296 ~ra

70- 70-


20 ! !

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

20 I I I I
250 275 300 325 350 375
Weld oxygen/inclusion volume fraction (ppm x 100
Weld metal oxygen (ppm)

Fig. 14 - - A c i c u l a r ferrite content vs. w e l d metal oxy,~en. Fig. 15 - - A c i c u l a r ferrite content vs. n o r m a l i z e d w e l d m e t a l oxygen.

80 80


o/ 70-


t.. 50- • 50-

40- 40-

30 X
20 I I I I 20 , , ,

0.3 0.325 0.35 0.375 0.4 0.425 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3

Average Inclusion Size (microns) Baslcity Index

Fig,. 16 - - A c i c u l a r ferrite content vs. inclusion size. Fig. 17 - - A c i c u l a r f~rrite content vs. basicity index.

suming F296 to have an inclusion vol- weld metal oxygen content by dividing it work the value of A for the weld metal as-
ume fraction which is an average of the by inclusion volume fraction. The rea- sociated with F296 is very different than
other four samples (0.00187) predicts the soning for this comes from a simple ex- F289 through F295. However, we can
oxygen content of F296 to be 290 ppm. pression relating oxygen content (wt-% normalize with respect to A by ignoring
This suggests that if the float-out rate in O) and oxide inclusion volume fraction, the dissolved oxygen, (wt-% O) dis-
F296 had been similar to the other sam- Vf, in the weldments which can be of the solved, (this is usally small compared
ples then its oxygen content would have form with the amount present as inclusions)
been of this order. This is consistent with wt-% O = AVf + (wt-% O)dissolve d (2) and divide wt-% O by Vf. This is impor-
the weld metal total AI, Zr, Ti and Si con- where A should be a constant if the weld- tant since acicular ferrite is nucleated by
tents for F296 discussed earlier. A simple ing conditions for all the weldments stud- inclusions and the weld metal acicular
way of dealing with the effect of these er- ied are the same and the sulfur in the in- ferrite content will increase with increas-
ratic float-out rates is to normalize the clusions is ignored (Ref. 1). In the present ing inclusion volume fraction and de-

338-s I O C T O B E R 1996
crease with decreasing average inclLision
size (and therefore increasing oxygen
content according to Fig. 6). As a result,
a plot of inclusion size vs. this normal- • YS
ized oxygen content (Fig. 7) shows ex-
cellent correlation between these two
-40 850
parameters. This scrutiny of inclusion
size is important because Fig. 5 clearly
shows that reductions in average inclu-
sion size arise as a result of increasing G" -so "'", •
numbers of inclusions with sizes less
than 0.2 tim. As discussed by Fleck, e t a l . e~_ %%%
(Ref. 32), and Liu and Olson (Ref. 34), it
is these small inclusions that are appar-
ently responsible for pinning prior
-60 750 ~
austenite grain boundaries leading to
• / ~'%%.
smaller austenite grain size and thus re-
duced incidence of intragranular acicu-
-7o " """'/ -1oo
lar ferrite.
Although the basicity of the welding
flux is a very subjective measure of the 65O
likely oxygen activity in the weld metal, -80 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 80
the weld metal oxygen should, in princi-
ple, decrease as the basicity increases. % Acicular Ferrite
However, examination of the work of Tu-
liani, et al. (Ref. 64), and Dallam, et al.
(Ref. 63), suggests that such a variation is Fi,~. 18 Yield strength and ductile/brittle transition temperature vs. acicu-
small and difficult to determine for ba- lar t~rrite content.
sicity indices greater than about 1. This is
no doubt because of the scatter in the
weld metal oxygen contents and inclu-
sion volume fractions discussed previ-
with appropriate size distribution and steels since the intragranularly nucle-
ously. This is illustrated in Fig. 8, which
is a plot of basicity index (BI) vs. weld chemical composition, the possible for- ated ferrite in HY-IO0 and similar steels
metal oxygen for the welds studied in the mation of acicular ferrite depends on the has a much smaller aspect ratio and a
present work, and it is clear that there is nature of the CCT curve for the welding finer morphology than that observed in
very little correlation between these vari- wire and the cooling rate through the lower strength varieties as shown in the
ables, with sample F296, which has the austenite transformation region. Simple optical and transmission electron micro-
abnormally high inclusion volume frac- calculations based on the approximate graphs of Figs. 2 and 11. The TEM with
tion, really going against the trend of de- equation developed by Christensen and EDX chemical analyses of the weld
creasing BI with increasing weld metal Simonsen (Ref. 65) metal inclusions in the present work in-
oxygen. However, a plot of BI vs. the nor- dicate that these contain MnO, Al203,
malized oxygen content (Fig. 9) shows a At8 5 = 5tiE (3) SiO2, TixOy (x and y unknown) and a
high degree of correlation; this finding small amount of ZrO 2 with occasionally
suggests that it is important to take into a trace of MnS. The average inclusion
account in some way the erratic float-out indicate that the time for the weld metal composition for each sample (excluding
rate of the nonmetallic inclusions in to cool from 800°C to 500°C, At 8 5, for oxygen) is given in Table 8. Careful
order to develop a quantitative relation- the weldments studied in the present scrutiny of the light element (atomic
ship between welding parameters, flux work is around 1] s. Liu and Indacochea number, Z < 11 ) region of the energy dis-
basicity, inclusion oxygen content, total (Ref. 66) have indicated that 15 s is ideal persive x-ray spectra of the inclusions
oxygen content and, ultimately, acicular for nucleating optimum amounts of aci- failed to detect the presence of any ni-
ferrite content. Figure 9 also suggests that cular ferrite in HSLA steels. In Equation trogen. A plot of Mn, Si, AI, Ti and Zr in
the oxygen content of the inclusions is in- 3, 11 is the welding efficiency (N0.95 for the inclusions is shown in Fig. 12, and it
creasing with increasing basicity index, SAW) and E the gross heat input in kJ can be seen that the amount of strong de-
which would imply that oxides such as m m J. Figure 10 (Ref. 67), which shows oxidants (AI, Zr and Ti) decreases with
TiO 2 and AI203 are increasing at the ex- the CCT behavior of AX110 weld metal increasing oxygen content while the
pense of oxides such as MnO as the oxy- and which is very similar to that used in amount of the weaker deoxidants (Si and
gen content decreases. This is difficult to the present work, indicates that a cool- Mn) increases. This is consistent with the
prove because of the problem of quanti- ing rate of 11s between 800°C and fact that, as the oxygen activity rises,
fying the oxygen content of the inclu- 500°C would lead to the formation of weaker deoxidants such as Mn and Si are
sions by x-ray analysis in the TEM, as bainite in the absence of appropriate in- more likely to take part in the deoxida-
pointed out previously. However, as dis- clusions for acicular ferrite formation. tion process. Once again, F296 appears
cussed in the next paragraph, there is Consequently, it would seem that the to have more AI, Ti and Zr in the inclu-
clear evidence for an increase in inclu- weld thermal cyle for the fusion zones of sions than would be expected for an oxy-
sion MnO content with increasing weld the weldments studied in the present gen content of 320 ppm. This suggestion
metal oxygen. work is close to ideal for acicular ferrite reinforces the assertion that the oxygen
As indicated in the introduction, in formation. The term acicular ferrite may, content of F296 weld metal would have
addition to the presence of inclusions in fact, be a misnomer for high-strength been somewhat less than 300 ppm if the


inclusion float-out rate had been similar between experiment and theory. For ex- exception is F296 which has the lowest
to the other samples. Previous experi- ample, for a submerged arc steel weld fraction of sub-0.2 pm inclusions but has
ments in our laboratory (Ref. 62), which metal of composition (wt-%) C-0.095, Si- an inordinately high inclusion volume
were performed on sample F296 of the 0.31, Mn-1.59, Ti-0.003, AI-0.017 and fraction so that its weld metal oxygen
present work, suggest that these inclu- 0-0.024 welded using a power of 1.865 content is somewhat higher at 320 ppm.
sions are two-phase mixtures comprising kJ mm -1, Babu, et al., predict that the fol- These results suggest that increasing
galaxite MnO.AI203 and pyrophanite, lowing oxides will develop in the fol- weld metal oxygen should lead to de-
MnO-TiO 2. If a mass balance is per- lowing order in the inclusions as the tem- creasing acicular ferrite content for our
formed on our inclusion compositions, perature decreases: AI203, MnO.AI203, samples and indeed this is the case ex-
assuming that all the Ti is tied up as FeO.AI203, Ti305, TiO2, SiO 2 and MnO. cept for sample F296, as shown in Fig.
MnO.TiO2, and the composition of the It should be noted that the formation of 14. However, when the acicular ferrite
remaining ternary phase calculated then TiO was not predicted. Unfortunately, content is plotted against weld metal
these occur at the positions shown on Babu, et al., did not consider the possi- oxygen normalized to inclusion volume
the MnO-SiO2-AI203 phase diagram - - bility that the oxide phases that devel- fraction (calculated in the same manner
Fig. 13. Also shown on this phase dia- oped had time to react and, as discussed as before) then there is a very strong cor-
gram are the inclusion data of Kiessling by Fox and Brothers (Ref. 62), the mor- relation (Fig. 15) as there is when acicu-
phology of the inclusions responsible for lar ferrite content is plotted against aver-
and Lange (Ref. 14) which were drawn
acicular ferrite is very close to spherical age inclusion size - - Fig. 16. As
from many sources. Their work suggests
with only slight faceting. This suggests mentioned previously, this suggests that
that compositions of weld metal inclu-
they could have been molten at some if the inclusion float-out rate for F296
sions all lie close to a line between alu-
stage during their formation and pro- had been similar to the other weld met-
mina and rhodonite, particularly for als then its weld metal oxygen content
gressed nearer to equlibrium than pre-
weld metal containing minimal amounts would have been somewhat lower than
dicted by Babu, et al., so that fewer
of titanium. Our inclusion results also lie phases developed during cooling. In- 300 ppm. The preceding arguments in-
close to this line (for the Ti-free inclusion deed, Fox and Brothers only found two dicate that there should be a strong cor-
phase) and it would seem that the lower phases (a manganese alumino-silicate relation between increasing basicity
the oxygen content of the weld metal, and pyrophanite, MnO.TiO 2) in the in- index and acicular ferrite content and
the more likely are the inclusions to lie clusions reponsible for acicular ferrite in Fig. 17 shows that this is indeed the case.
near the alumina corner of the MnO- sample F296. In addition, there may be This finding compares very favorably
SiO2-AI203 phase diagram. This is not chemical reactions of the sort discussed with the work of Bhatti, et al. (Ref. 28),
surprising as AI is the strongest deoxi- by Gregg and Bhadesia (Refs. 59, 60) tak- who obtained similar results for a cal-
dant of the three. If MnO.TiO 2 is present ing place near the steel inclusion inter- cium-treated C-Mn microalloyed steel.
then this phase could be responsible for faces after the steel is solidified so that Finally, it is important to illustrate the
the nucleation of acicular ferrite since MnO-TiO 2 could have formed as a result effect of acicular ferrite on the strength
several studies have shown that Ti-con- of a TixOy phase in the inclusions react- and toughness of the weld metal. As
taining inclusions are most effective at ing with the oxygen and manganese in shown in Table 4, samples F289 and
nucleating acicular ferrite. the steel in their vicinity to form F293 marginally failed to meet the yield
There has been much speculation MnO.TiO 2. Such a reaction would cer- strength requirement for Navy HY-100
about how the inclusions responsible for tainly favor the formation of acicular fer- steel because both of these had lost man-
acicular ferrite develop. Uncertainty ex- rite since the steel around the inclusions ganese during welding due to the use of
ists because they are formed by a non- would have reduced hardenability and a lower basicity flux and, in the case of
equilibrium process and the experimen- thus an increased propensity for ferrite
F293, because of a low flux MnO con-
tal data suggest that they vary in formation.
composition and types of phase present tent. In addition, F289 and F293 only
It is accordingly clear that weld metal
according to the steel type and the activ- contained 43 and 41 vol-% acicular fer-
oxygen content defines the size distribu-
ities of O, AI, Ti, Si and Mn in the weld tion and chemistry of the inclusions re- rite, respectively. All the weld metals
metal. A simplistic approach would be to sponsible for acicular ferrite and work by met specification for elongation and
ignore the possible effects of nitrogen Dallam, et al. (Ref. 63), using the CaO- only one (F295) failed to meet toughness
(since its activity is low compared with SiO2-CaF 2 flux system during sub- requirements and this failure was mar-
oxygen in the present work) and then as- merged arc welding of Nb-microalloyed ginal as shown in Table 5. This is not sur-
sume that, during inclusion formation, steel suggests that the optimum oxygen prising since F295 contained the lowest
the oxide components of the inclusions content for the nucleation of a maximum amount of acicular ferrite at 27 vol-%.
develop in the following order: AI203, amount of acicular ferrite is about 260 Samples F292 and F296 easily met spec-
TixOy, SiO 2 and MnO. This merely ppm. As discussed previously, this and ifications in all respects and this is easy
places the oxide components of the in- other work suggests that for higher oxy- to understand since they lost less alloy-
clusions in order of increasing free en- gen contents more small (<0.2 pm) in- ing elements during welding (higher ba-
ergy of formation and appears to cor- clusions are formed which pin prior sicity fluxes) and contained 65 and 78
rectly predict the oxides present in the austenite grain boundaries, giving a vol-% acicular ferrite, respectively. Fig-
inclusions but not the phases. A thermo- smaller austenite grain size and leading ure 18 summarizes these comments and
dynamic calculation is required which to grain-boundary-nucleated mi- shows that the yield strength is markedly
takes into account the dissolution of oxy- crostructures. Weld metal oxygen con- increased and that the ductile/brittle
gen, stability of all the possible oxides tents significantly less than 260 ppm are transformation temperature is dramati-
and the nucleation and growth of the in- likely to have insufficient inclusion num- cally reduced by increasing the acicular
clusions during the thermal cycle associ- bers to generate large amounts of acicu-
ated with welding. Babu, et al. (Ref. 58), ferrite content of the samples studied in
lar ferrite. Figures 4, 5 and 6 are consis-
have recently performed calculations of the present work. This of course is the
tent with this trend in that the fraction of
this type for some steel compositions and smaller inclusions increases with in- reason it is desirable to maximize the
analyzed the inclusion phase and com- creasing oxygen content (taking inclu- amount of this microconstituent as both
position data and found some agreement sion volume fraction into account). The strength and toughness are improved by

340-s [ OCTOBER 1996

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