English 2ND Assignment Full Report

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Company Name: Promising Meals Sdn Bhd

Title: A Report on The Food Inspection and Quality Control of Minda Café

Prepared by:

Noor Aliah Syafirah binti Khairur Anuar

Siti Asyiqin binti Shikh Ahmad Alias

Muhammad Izz Qayyim bin Juzaimi

Lim Hui Wen

Miza Syahira binti Ahmad

Muhammad Nazhim bin Mohd Noor

This report was prepared with the collaboration between Induksi Minda Management & Services, in
fulfillment of the requirements for food quality control.

Date of submission: 12th May 2019


Contents Page
Introduction 3
Details of the Inspection 2
Inspection procedure 5
Findings 7
Conclusion 10
Appendices 11
Title: A Report on The Food Inspection and Quality Control of Minda Café

1.0 Introduction

Nowadays, safe food handling procedures draw public attention to ensure the food that eaten by
public is fresh and healthy in order to stay away from food poisoning. Therefore, local council and
public health department always inspect restaurant and food stall operators to alert them to focus on
cleanliness in preparing food to serve their customer and keep their premise clean all the time. The
priority to keep food safety and hygienic is important to satisfy our customers. As part of the situation
above, Promising Meals Sdn Bhd are requested to undertake a site inspection of the cafeteria in
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, kampus Pagoh. The purpose on doing this inspection is to find
out about the local students and staff's satisfaction on the cleanliness of the cafeteria. This inspection
will be done at one of the cafeterias that are available there, which is known as Minda Café. Also, the
questionnaire will be filled by students and staffs of UTHM to gain information about safety practices
and hygiene of Minda Café. The inspection was conducted on 30 th April 2019.

2.0 Details of the Inspection

The details regarding the inspection are as follows:

2.1 Vendor(s) details

Trading name Minda Café number for JR0004438K

Legal name Induksi Mind Management & Services

Business address NO 1, CAFE KAMPUS UTHM PAGOH, 84500, PAGOH, MUAR, JOHOR


Date of
Phone 019-6550550 18/09/2017

Registration number for


2.2 Auditor details

Auditor name 1) Noor Aliah Syafirah binti Accreditation # 1)Head Inspector

Khairur Anuar

2) Siti Asyiqin binti Shikh

Ahmad Alias
2)Co-head Inspector
3)Muhammad Izz Qayyim bin
3)Checklist Marker

4)Information Analyst
4)Lim Hui Wen

5)Information Analyst
5)Miza Syahira binti Ahmad

6)Muhammad Nazhim bin
Mohd Noor

1)013-6103642 1) aliahsyafirah@gmail.com

2)017-6041893 2)asyiqinalias98@gmail.com

3)016-3552775 3) izzqayyim@gmail.com
Phone Email
4)012-7038805 4)huiwen20000@gmail.com

5)017-7493787 5) mizzsyahira@gmail.com

6)011-33664889 6) mnazhim00@gmail.com



Signature Date 30/4/2019



2.3 Assessment result

Overall result (Pass/Fail) Pass

The cafe is clean and students can eat the food without any worries
because of the way the workers handle the food is considered
Non-compliance summary
appropriate and safe. This café has followed the requirements
suggested with minimal violations found.

2.5 Confidentiality

The information contained in the report is confidential, privileged and only for the information of the
intended recipient and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent
from our company, Promising Meals Sdn. Bhd.

2.6 Disclaimer and distribution

The opinions expressed are made with full consideration and the report has been prepared with every
care and abiding to the guidelines given. Our company, Promising Meals Sdn. Bhd. do not distribute
representations of the report in any sort, and do not give warranties of any kind with regards to the
report, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any kind of information, facts
and/or opinions contained. Our group members cannot be held liable for the use of and the reliance of
the opinions, estimation and the findings in the report.

3.0 Inspection Procedure

3.1 Record of inspection

The report contains the data of the café’s performance based on the elements stated above. The
record is only accessible for the team who conducted this inspection from our company.

3.2 Overall process

The focus of this inspection is to evaluate the cafeteria’s overall performance in providing the best
food and beverage services for the students in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, kampus Pagoh. There are
also questionnaire distributed by the members of our group to the faithful customer who often
frequented the premise to find out about their opinions regarding the performance of the café. The
inspection was conducted on the 30th April 2019, at No 1, Café Kampus UTHM Pagoh, 84500, Pagoh,
Muar, Johor at 12.30 p.m.

The inspection was done with referring to the SIP (Standard Inspection Procedure).

The elements that are inspected in the inspection are in terms of its’ worker’s hygiene, the overall
cleanliness of the stall, the methods of food handling and food preparation and also the price of the
foods provided by the café itself. The criteria for every aspects evaluated are based on the standard
guidelines in SIP and the standard that our company has provided. During the inspection, the team
does the full evaluation of the café with the other members, made observations for each category and
taking pictures for documentation purposes. Then, we hand out the questionnaire to the students who
are the frequent customer of the café to enquire about their opinions of the café and ways of
improvement for better food and drink services.

4.0 Findings
4.1 Worker’s hygiene

From our observation according to the checklist, the workers here presented an above average
hygiene maintenance. The workers here covered their open sores, cut, or splints and bandages on
hands while handling food. This is important to prevent any form of cross-contamination from
happening. Second, the employees here have good personal hygiene maintenance, such as they
keep their nails short, wear appropriate clothes to prepare and serve food and cover their hair while
handling food. Third, the employees took appropriate action while sneezing and coughing. They do
not cough or sneeze directly at the food. Instead, they either cover their mouth with a tissue or
handkerchief or they cough/sneeze at other place, far from the food that is served.

However, we do not have any evaluation regarding the worker’s hygiene in our questionnaire, as most
of the customers seldom interact with the workers at the café, except for the cashier.

4.2 Cleanliness

Based on our observation, the overall cleanliness of the café is quite a stark contrast from the
worker’s hygiene. First, there are parts of the floor surface inside the café is dirty. There are water
marks and shoe prints on the floor. Second, there are evidences of pest present. During our
observation, there were a number of flies that are hovering around the area of the food. Third, the
garbage cans are emptied as necessary. There were no evidence of garbage bags scattered around
unattended. Fourth, the overall kitchen unit and the back of the shop appear to be clean. The washed
appliances can be seen arranged perfectly according to their places to dry under the sun.

Based on the questionnaire, some of the respondents claimed that there are presences of
cockroaches at the premise. Most of the encounters with the pest are either near or around the café.
The respondents expressed their feeling of disgust upon seeing the insect at the café.

Picture 1: the image of the floor surface, which appears to have shoe prints
Picture 2: the image of the garbage bins, there were no sight of overflowing rubbish.

4.3 Food preparations/ handling

Based on our observation, there is no bulging or leaking canned goods in the storage. This indicates
that the stall only use canned goods that are not past their expiry date. Second, the foods appear
freshly cooked. This ensures that there are moderate to minimal chance of food poisoning as the
foods are served right after they were cooked. Third, the foods are not protected from contamination.
This is because most of the foods are not covered with lid even if there are no customers that are
buying food at the time. The workers also seldom attend to the food, which increase the possibility of
the food being contaminated by pests such as flies. Fourth, the workers use utensils and clean hands
when handling food. Fifth, the other pieces of equipment that are used for serving, such as tongs,
ladle appears to be clean. The same goes for other equipment that are used for cooking and storage
such as storage shelves, fryers and stove appears to be quite clean with minimal stain. Sixth, the
utensils are handled correctly. This means that the workers make sure that the parts that are in direct
contact with the food will not be touched by the customers.

Based on the questionnaire, for this part, some of the customers complimented the café for providing
a variety of dishes for the customers. However, 10% of the respondents say that the food in the
cafeteria is deemed unhealthy for students and they are lacking in providing healthy foods for their
customers. This is because, along with serving cooked meals for the students and the university staff,
they also sell snacks such as sunflower seeds, sweets and ice-cream. Plus, there are also canned
and bottled drinks. The respondents also stated that some of the foods are too oily and greasy, thus
for them, it is considered as unhealthy. 80% of the respondents say that the cutlery that is being used
is dirty.

Picture 3: the workers handling food, with appropriate utensils used

4.4 Price

Based on our observation, the food price are not reasonable for students. This is because most of the
meals provided are priced above the average from the other cafés. A full-set meal, including a drink
can go up to RM 5-7, which is quite pricy for students who come from low-middle income family.

Based on the questionnaire distributed, the results are also similar. 20% of the customers say that the
foods that are served at the café are quite expensive for a student. They also complained that the
price range is not fixed, so the meal price can be more expensive.
5.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, for the final verdict, this café is given a fail from our company. This is because although
the worker’s appearance and service standard is in par, the results for the food handling and
preparation, the café’s overall cleanliness and the food price are considered below par for our team.
For further inspection, the café should improve more in terms of maintaining the food quality and its
price to ensure its’ fame in the future.
6.0 Appendices

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