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“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn

Being self-disciplined is half the work done as it catapults excuses which become biggest hurdle when it comes to
people to become achievers in life. It is required everywhere achieving goals; they always look like the easiest thing to do,
for e.g. in the world of sport the relentless pursuit of but in the long run they are going to hurt you.
excellence as reflected by the likes of Federer, Nadal and
Bolt is a testimony for this. Just like you need oxygen and The positive side is that anyone can become self-

food to live, you need self-discipline to achieve your goals. disciplined, as it is a skill and not a trait, so it can be
developed and inculcated in daily behaviour. The rough
For a student, self-discipline is to learn new things on side is that it cannot be obtained overnight; you need to
daily basis, and the cumulative effect of daily sustained work on it every day. Just like a muscle, you have to train it
learning will naturally be seen in the examination. It every day to make it stronger.
basically requires toughness with oneself so as to overcome
deviations and desires. This tough love with yourself is If you are looking to take control of your habits and choices,

actually the greatest gift to yourself because it is due to self- here are some powerful things you can do to master self-

discipline only that you can make your life meaningful and discipline, and to live a happier life:

Acknowledge your shortcomings, whatever they may be.

Self-discipline makes the entire difference between winning Often people either try to pretend their vulnerabilities don't

and losing. But, despite the overwhelming consensus on its exist or cover up any pitfalls in their lives. So own up your

value, it is hard to go through a day without seeing examples flaws, pen them properly and paste them as daily

where people simply refuse to discipline themselves. For reminder.

e.g. people know that being overweight is bad, yet they cannot
Set yourself up for success by removing bad influences.
resist high calorie food and thus the ranks of the obese continue
The fewer distractions you have, the more focused you will
to climb. This happen because people often rely on
be on accomplishing your goals. If you want to improve your
productivity at work, then remove common temptations, then you will give yourself an extra boost of motivation
such as turn off social media notifications and silence your toward making those goals a reality.
cell phone, which eat up lots of time. Reply to them only
once in a day. Have a back-up plan in case of some off days which may
result from social engagements. Try to create an overall
To achieve self-discipline, you must have a clear vision of schedule which has space for absorbing occasional
what you hope to accomplish. You must also have an deviations. You will also save energy by not having to make a
understanding of what success means to you. Figure out sudden decision based on your emotional state.
who you are and what you want to become. A clear plan
outlines each step you must take in order to reach your Even with all of our best intentions and well-laid plans, we

goals. sometimes fall short. It happens. You will have ups and
downs, great successes and dismal failures. The key is to
Break your goal into small, doable steps. Instead of trying keep moving forward.
to change everything at once, focus on doing one thing
consistently and master self-discipline with that goal in If you stumble, acknowledge what caused it and move on.

mind. Take baby steps. Eventually, when you're ready, you Don't let yourself get wrapped up in guilt, anger or

can add more goals to your list. frustration, because these emotions will only drag you
further down and impede future progress. Learn from
If you believe you have a limited amount of willpower, you your missteps and forgive yourself. Then get your head
probably won't surpass those limits. Remove back in the game and refocus on your goals.
subconscious obstacles and truly believe you can do it,

“The only discipline that lasts is self-discipline.” – Bum Philips

Adopt the above steps for a happier life!

Part One 20


# GS Paper (Prelims) & GS Paper II (Main)


#Mission #Health 20


#Water Resources 22
# GS Paper (Prelims) & GS Paper II (Main)
#Election 24
#West Asia #Geopolitics 02
Limited peace: On UAE-Israel peace agreement 06
#Sixth Schedule 26
#Geopolitics 06 #Empowerment 27
#Geopolitics 08 #Empowerment 28


#Geopolitics 09 #Social Issue 30


#International Organisations 10 #Judgement #Audit 32


#Governance 33
#International treaties 11
#Governance 34
#International organisation 13
#Democracy 37
#India and its Neighbourhood 14
#Bilateral Relations 16 NAGA PEACE
KAVAZ #Security 40

#Military Exercise 18 DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE

PLACES IN NEWS #Justice 41


#Recruitment 43
#Development 45

#Reservation 46 #StartUps 72


#Language 48 # Manufacturing 73


# Manufacturing 73

51 # Infrastructure 74


# Govt. Initiatives 74
# GS Paper (Prelims) & GS Paper III (Main)
# Govt. Initiatives 75
#Government Policies 51
# Agriculture 76
#Banking 53
# Agriculture 77
#Banking 55
# External Sector 77
#Banking 57
# Labour 79
#Banking 58
# Index 80
# Index 81
#Banking 60
# Index 82
#Banking 61
REPORT # Index 83
#Banking 63
#Taxes #Cooperative Federalism 63
#Taxation 65
# GDP 67


# Economic Growth 69


# Manufacturing 71 # GS Paper I & GS Paper II (Main)
# Education 72 # Health 86

INSTITUTIONAL DELIVERIES #Health #Biotechnology 97



# Education #Technology 87 VACCINE NATIONALISM

Take the digital plunge 87 #Health 98


# Human Right 88 #Internet 100


# Report 89 #Health 101


# Rules 89 #Health #Technology 102


# Education 90 #Health 102


# Empowerment 90 #Nuclear Power 103

Right by birth: On daughters and Hindu succession act 91 PRACTICE QUESTIONS 104


# Empowerment 92
# Empowerment 93
# GS Paper (Prelims) and GS Paper I & III(Main)
# Empowerment 94
#Disaster Management 105
# Community 94
#Conservation 107
# Financial Inclusion 94
#Conservation 109
# Empowerment 95
#Conservation #Biodiversity 109
# Benefits 95
#Conservation #Biodiversity 111
# Report #Health 95
#Conservation #Biodiversity 111


97 #Conservation 112

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY #Conservation 112

# GS Paper (Prelims) & GS Paper III (Main) AIR QUALITY INDEX


#Conservation 114

#Health #Pollution 114
# GS Paper III (Main)

117 # Security #India and the World 128

A new dimension: On Quad 129

HISTORY, HERITAGE & CULTURE How China Strengthens the Quad 129

# GS Paper (Prelims) & GS Paper I (Main) ARMS IMPORT BAN

LINGARAJ TEMPLE # Equipment 131

#Art and Culture 117

#Art and Culture 118
Part TWO
#Art and Culture 118
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
#Art and Culture 118
#Ethics #Integrity #Aptitude# 133
#Modern India 119
CASE STUDIES for Practice
#Modern India #Personality 119




Part Three
Essays of the month


BIHU 123
# Science # Society


URDU LANGUAGE 126 # Governance 146

Part ONE

logical .simple .targeted
analysis & explanation
of all relevant news of the month
# GS Paper (Prelims) & GS Paper II (Main)

Lead Article


#West Asia #Geopolitics

UAE and Israel have agreed to establish full diplomatic ties as
part of a deal to halt the annexation of occupied land by Israel
sought by the Palestinians for their future state. It makes UAE
the first Gulf Arab state to do so and only the third Arab nation
after Egypt and Jordan to have active diplomatic ties to Israel.


FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 2

International Relations



The details of the deal are: -

1. Israel and the UAE will sit to finalise bilateral ties and cover
areas of investment, tourism, the establishment of direct
flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy,
healthcare, cultural exchange, environmental issues, and
the establishment of embassies, in addition to other areas
of cooperation. The joint statement mentioned that Israel
and the UAE would also be “forging closer people-to-
people relations”. On priority, Israel and UAE will work
together to find a treatment and a vaccine for Covid-19.

2. It commits Israel to give up a stated plan to annex parts of

the occupied the West Bank, which the Palestinians view as
the heartland of their future state.

3. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had earlier

vowed to annex the Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
The Trump administration, as part of the President’s peace
plan announced in January, had backed the annexation
plan despite international criticism. But now, as part of the
agreement, Israel “will suspend declaring sovereignty over
areas” of the West Bank and “focus its efforts on
expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and
Muslim world”.


• Arab-Israeli ties have historically been conflict-ridden. Arab
countries, including Egypt, Transjordan, Syria and Iraq,
fought their first war with Israel in 1948 after the
formation of the state of Israel was announced. The war
ended with Israel capturing more territories, including

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 3

International Relations

West Jerusalem, than what the UN Partition Plan originally and Russia present their own roadmap to a permanent
proposed for a Jewish state. two-state solution to the conflict.

• After that, Israel and Arab states fought three more major • 2019: Israeli PM says he intends to annex West Bank
wars — the 1956 Suez conflict, the 1967 Six-Day War and settlements, and much of the Jordan Valley, if elected.
the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Later, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo effectively
backs Israel’s claimed right to build Jewish settlements in
the occupied West Bank by abandoning a four-decade-old
U.S. position that they were inconsistent with international
THE GOLAN HEIGHTS • The Iran factor: The old enmity between Arab countries
and Israel has dissipated. The Sunni Arab kingdoms in the
• 1967 – UN Security Council Resolution 242: After the Six-
Gulf region such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE had
Day War, U.N. Security Council Resolution 242 called for
developed backroom contacts with Israel over the past
the “withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories
several years. One of the major factors that brought them
occupied in the recent conflict” in return for all states in
closer has been their shared antipathy towards Iran
the area to respect each other’s sovereignty, territorial
because -
integrity and independence.
o Iran is a Shia nation.
• 1978 – Camp David agreement: Israel and Egypt agree on
a framework for regional peace that called for an Israeli o Iran is also a military power
withdrawal in stages from Egypt’s Sinai and a transitional o Iran is in the process of developing military technology
Palestinian government in the West Bank and Gaza. The UAE’s large reserves of oil have made it the second
• 1979 – Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty: The first peace largest economy in the Middle East, and that has allowed it to
treaty between Israel and an Arab country set out plans grow its military and economic might enough to play an
for a complete Israeli withdrawal from Sinai within three influential role in the region. Over the past two decades, the
years. UAE has also focused on curbing Iran and Islamic militancy.

• 1994 – Israel-Jordan agreement: Jordan became the • The security concern: Rise of Islamic State in Syria and
second Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israel. Iraq. Iran has already targeted Saudi civilians with missiles
• 1993-1995 – Oslo Accords: Israel and the PLO hold secret launched by its proxy forces in Iraq and Yemen
talks in Norway that resulted in interim peace accords • Making the cancellation of Iran nuclear deal
calling for the establishment of a Palestinian interim self- irreversible
government and an elected council in the West Bank and o Both these blocs were wary of U.S. President Barack
Gaza for a five-year transitional period, Israeli troop Obama’s Iran outreach.
withdrawals and negotiations on a permanent settlement.
o However, this is an election year in the U.S. and if a
• 2002-2003 – Bush Declaration/Arab peace Democratic President comes to power and restores the
initiative/Road Map: George W. Bush became the first Iran deal, both the Israeli and the Arab blocs in West Asia
U.S. president to call for the creation of a Palestinian would come under pressure to live with an empowered
state, living side-by-side with Israel “in peace and security”. Iran in what President Obama called “cold peace”.
• 2002 – Saudi Arabia presents Arab League-endorsed o A formal agreement and enhanced security and economic
peace plan for full Israeli withdrawal from occupied ties make the Arab and Israeli sides better prepared to
territory and Israel’s acceptance of a Palestinian state in face such a situation. So, there is a convergence of
return for normal relations with Arab countries. interests for the UAE, Israel and the U.S. to come together
The United States, the European Union, the United Nations in the region. They want to ensure that coming out of Iran
nuclear deal is irreversible.

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 4

International Relations

• Growing slow and sustainable ties • Turkey and Iran emerge as the strongest supporters of the

o Israelis and Emiratis have shared intelligence initiatives to Palestinians in the Muslim world. This tripolar contest is

counter Iranian influence. When Mr. Trump became the already at work in West Asia. The UAE-Israel thaw could

President, his administration brought these two blocs of sharpen it further.

West Asia, both American allies, together. • China has good ties with both Saudi Arabia and Iran. Role

o In February 2019, the U.S. brokered a security conference of China will become crucial in deciding the tilt of balance.
in Warsaw to build a global strategy against Iran. • India has maintained historic ties with both Shia and
o Following this conference, in August 2019, the U.S. Sunni world. India will have to walk on the tighter rope in
arranged secret talks between the UAE and Israel. These the geopolitical terrain.
meetings laid the foundations for the agreement. • The Arab Peace Initiative, a Saudi Arabia initiative
• Israeli PM in a fix: Netanyahu, who has been facing mass endorsed by the Arab League, offered recognition to Israel
protests for weeks against his mishandling of in exchange for its full withdrawal from the occupied
the coronavirus outbreak, a drop in popularity in his territories.
country, and is on trial for corruption, may be banking on • Ironically, the UAE’s peace agreement comes close on the
this agreement to revive his image. As Prime Minister heels of the Trump administration’s back-to-back decisions
Netanyahu said, Israel made peace with an Arab country to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and its
without “our returning to the 1967 borders”. sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights.
• Failure of President Trump's foreign policy • Clearly, the UAE has moved away from the Arab initiative.
o With the US presidential elections around the corner, • The question now is whether the Emirates would be able
Trump may consider this agreement to be a foreign policy to press the Jewish state to relax its inhuman and illegal
success. occupation of the Palestinian territories and start talks
o The deal has salvaged something resembling an between the occupier and the occupied. If it cannot, the
achievement for Trump from the ruins of his foreign UAE-Israel deal would be of little significance for the
policy. Palestinians.

o His attempts to create a lasting legacy in the Koreas • The Palestinian leadership, on its part, should understand
bombed, while the Afghanistan peace process is still the emerging reality in West Asia — the Arab-Israel conflict
struggling to get on its feet. US-China relations are on the is coming to a close, but the Palestine-Israel conflict is to
rocks. continue without any respite.

o Traditional NATO allies in Europe have been sidelined. INDIA'S STAND

Even if the UAE-Israel agreement does not bring Israel- • India has consistently supported peace, stability and
Palestine peace, the new equations that it will give rise to, development in West Asia, which is our extended
including the isolation of Iran, are already being heralded neighborhood. In that context, India welcomes the full
in the US as an achievement. normalization of ties between UAE and Israel.
HOW DOES THE REGION’S GEOPOLITICS CHANGE? • India will also need to watch ties with Iran, which has
• If the Arab states do fall in line, it would dramatically bring slammed the agreement and will see Arab-Israeli tie-ups as
all Sunni nations in the region in an anti-Iran alliance with a direct threat to its security.
Israel that they have secretly wished for all these years. • The deal opens up new opportunities for India to play a
• Iran and its proxies and allies – in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, much larger role in the regional security and stability in the
the Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen – Gulf, where India enjoys special relations with both Abu
have been weakened and broken by war, the ISIS and al- Dhabi and Jerusalem.
Qaeda. Hezbollah, which Israel has treated as enemy • This is a region where India has deep stakes in terms of
number 1 after Iran, faces a domestic backlash in Lebanon energy supplies and expatriate populations. India should
after the explosion that has destroyed Beirut.

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 5

International Relations

use this unexpected opportunity to give itself a bigger role Israel’s suspension of a planned annexation, not for any
in a region which is its strategic backyard. relaxation of the actual occupation. As Prime Minister

• In recent years, China has indicated its willingness to play a Netanyahu said, Israel made peace with an Arab country

larger role in this region, and is close to both UAE and without “our returning to the 1967 borders”. The Arab Peace

Israel and, increasingly, Saudi Arabia. India should make its Initiative, a Saudi Arabia initiative endorsed by the Arab

moves before this market and this extended League, offered recognition to Israel in exchange for its full

neighbourhood come under the Chinese sphere of withdrawal from the occupied territories. Ironically, the UAE’s

influence. peace agreement comes close on the heels of the Trump

administration’s back-to-back decisions to recognise
Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and its sovereignty over the
 RELATED OPINION FOR REFERENCE Syrian Golan Heights. Clearly, the UAE has moved away from
the Arab initiative.
Limited peace: On UAE-Israel The question now is whether the Emiratis would be able to

peace agreement press the Jewish state to relax its inhuman and illegal
occupation of the Palestinian territories and start talks
between the occupier and the occupied. If it cannot, the UAE-
Israel deal would be of little significance for the Palestinians.
The peace agreement reached between Israel and the United
The Palestinian leadership, on its part, should understand the
Arab Emirates has formalised the thaw in Arab-Israeli
emerging reality in West Asia — the Arab-Israel conflict is
relations that has been under way for a few years. As part of
coming to a close, but the Palestine-Israel conflict is to
the deal announced by U.S. President Trump, the UAE would
continue without any respite.
recognise the state of Israel and establish formal diplomatic
relations, while Israel would halt its controversial plan to
annex swathes of the Palestinian West Bank. It is a landmark
agreement given that the UAE is only the third Arab country
and the first in the Gulf recognising Israel. It could pave the #Geopolitics
way for the region’s Sunni Arab kingdoms and the Jewish-
majority Israel enhancing regional cooperation against their
common foe, Shia Iran.
Israel has said it would focus on “expanding ties with other
Among war of words between India and China, China has
countries in the Arab and Muslim world”, while the U.S. has
waded into Jammu and Kashmir which is India’s internal
expressed hope that more Arab countries would follow the
matter. In this backdrop despite continuous calls for isolating
UAE’s lead — Arab-Israeli relations have largely been conflict-
China, it would be difficult in reality to achieve this
ridden ever since the state of Israel was declared in 1948. For
proposition. So let us analyse as to how difficult it would be to
Mr. Trump who played a critical role, it is a rare diplomatic
isolate China in reality.
victory just months before he seeks re-election. His other
foreign policy bets — Iran, North Korea or Afghanistan — DIFFICULT TO TAKE SIDES FOR CHINA’S NEIGHBOURS
were either disastrous or inconclusive. But in the case of IN COLD WAR 2.0
Israel and the UAE, both allies of the U.S., quiet diplomacy
• In this era of New Cold War or Cold War 2.0 the world at
worked. The U.S. had arranged several meetings between
the macro level, is slowly shifting its allegiance with US or
Israeli and Emirati officials last year, which probably laid the
China especially amid declining US-China relations. India is
foundations for the agreement.
no different despite India not agreeing to a kind of
While the deal has the potential to change Arab-Israeli alignment which US seeks for its own geo-political
relations for good, it also shows how the Arab countries are comforts. However, countries in Asia are in a difficult
gradually decoupling themselves from the Palestine question. position as they do not want to overtly express allegiance
The UAE offered full diplomatic recognition in return for especially with a belligerent China as neighbour.

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 6

International Relations

FEAR OF CHINA – CHINA’S EXPANSIONISTS PURSUITS • China seems confident that its stranglehold on the global
SINCE 1970S economy ensures that it does not face any real challenge.

• China is clearly more feared than loved (exception • It would be wise for India to recognise that China
Pakistan) no Asian country has any doubt about China’s maintains a strong grip over global economy.
‘imperialist ambitions’, or about Chinese President Xi • It is equally necessary to realise how fickle some of these
Jinping’s authoritarian world view. countries can be when it comes to economic issues.
• China’s takeover of Hong Kong, rampant land grab in the Australia is a prime example. Australia made it clear that
South China sea – an expedition which started in the China is important for Australia, that it would not do
1970s. In the 1970s, China grabbed control over the anything contrary to its interests, and a strong economic
Paracel Islands from Vietnam. In the 1990s, it occupied engagement was an essential link in the Australia-China
Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands, an area of the South relationship.
China Sea that the Philippines had always considered its • Likewise, the U.K.’s Secretary of State for Foreign and
territory. Commonwealth Affairs, recently stated in its Parliament,
• In the 21st Century, China has continued with the same that the U.K. wants a positive relationship with China,
tactics of taking control over territories belonging to would work with China, and that there was enormous
smaller neighbours; one which attracted international scope for positive constructive engagement.
attention was the Scarborough Shoal confrontation in • It is thus more than evident that few nations across the
2012, when Chinese Marine Surveillance Ships came into world are willing to risk China’s ire because of strong
direct confrontation with the Philippine Navy. economic ties that have been forged over the years.
• China’s expansionist attitude extends beyond South China • Economic ties are proving way stronger than military and
Sea and Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia and South strategic ones.
Korea have all complained about China’s expansionist
• Even in Asia, while a majority of ASEAN countries have
appetite. So, hardly any country in Asia is willing to openly
grave concerns about China’s predatory tactics, with the
confront China, and side with the U.S.
ASEAN having become one of China’s biggest trading
• Neither the presence of U.S. aircraft carriers in the South partners, it adopts a default position. viz., “not to take
China Sea, the presence of China’s missile sites in recently sides”.
reclaimed areas, or the wariness that most Association of
Southeast Asian Nations display vis-à-vis China, has been
enough to make countries in the region openly side with • At this time, when the dice should actually have been
the U.S. and against China. loaded against China, it is India that is finding many of its
traditional friends being less than helpful.
• Meanwhile, China is determined to press home its
advantage, irrespective of international law or regional • While India’s relations with Pakistan had nowhere to go
concerns. but downhill, India’s present stand-off with China has
provided Pakistan with yet another opportunity to fish in
troubled waters, including the production of a “fake map”
DELIGHT DESPITE SANCTIONS FROM WEST of Pakistan, which includes parts of Indian territory such as
• What is specially disconcerting is that despite a series of Siachen, Jammu and Kashmir and Gujarat.
diktats from Washington to restrict economic and other • India’s relations with Nepal, meanwhile, have hit a road
relations with China, the United Kingdom’s decision to end block. Relations have soured in recent months, and Nepal
reliance on Chinese imports and call off its Huawei 5G has gone to the extent of publishing new maps which
project, and growing anti-China sentiments heard across show the ‘Kalapani area’ as a part of Nepal.
Europe — all of which make for good copy — China
• In Sri Lanka, the return of the Rajapaksas to power after
remains unfazed.
the recent elections does not augur too well for India-Sri
Lanka relations.

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 7

International Relations

• It is, however, the strain in India-Bangladesh relations no time since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in
(notwithstanding the warm relationship that exists 1949 has such public bonhomie been seen between leaders of
between Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Russia and China. It has sparked intense discussion on
Indian leaders), that is a real cause for concern, since it whether they are moving in the direction of a formal alliance,
can provide a beachhead against Chinese activities in the and what that could mean for the rest of the world.
CHINA MOVES AHEAD - TRANS-HIMALAYAN MULTI- • The triangular relationship between America, China and
DIMENSIONAL CONNECTIVITY NETWORK Russia has, for the most part, shaped global politics since
• China is, meanwhile, busy ‘stirring the pot’ elsewhere in 1950.
South Asia. • The disintegration of the Soviet Union essentially negated
• In July, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi organised a the Russian threat in Chinese eyes.
virtual meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Nepal, • For the American Cold Warriors, the road to victory lay
Afghanistan and Pakistan,. Here, he proposed taking through Beijing; today, the Kremlin seems to believe that
forward an economic corridor plan with Nepal, styled as the road to revival of Russian power and prestige similarly
the Trans-Himalayan Multi-Dimensional Connectivity runs through it.
Network, and expanding the China-Pakistan Economic
• Hence, a proper appraisal of the Sino-Russian relationship
Corridor (CPEC) to Afghanistan, touting benefits of new
will be critical to our foreign policy calculus.
economic corridors on the lines of the CPEC.
• China has also made headway in Iran to an extent, again at
India’s expense. Iran and China are reported to be The three pillars on which the Sino-Russian partnership
currently pursuing an economic and security partnership currently rests are:
that would involve massive Chinese investments in energy 1. A peaceful boundary;
and other sectors in Iran, in exchange for China receiving
2. Expanding trade; and
regular supplies of Iranian oil for the next 25 years.
3. A shared distrust of American intentions.
• China has also dexterously positioned itself to circumvent
India’s monopoly over the Chabahar Port, by providing a • Western sanctions have tended to push the Russians

munificent aid package for the Chabahar-Afghanistan Rail closer to China. Falling oil prices and fears of new

link, thereby undercutting India’s offer of aid and sanctions on Russian gas supplies (Nord Stream 2) are

assistance for the rail project. demolishing the core of Russian exports to Europe, thus
compelling them to depend to an even greater degree on
WAY FORWARD the Chinese.
Geo-balancing is not happening to China’s disadvantage. This • Ironically, even though it is in neither Russia’s nor the
lesson must be well understood, when countries like India European Union’s interest to hasten a bi-polar world,
plan their future strategy. western actions to punish Russia have served to
strengthen China’s position in the strategic triangle.


• After the western sanctions, China-Russia trade has
more than doubled to $108 billion, Russia’s central bank
has increased its Chinese currency reserves from less than
#Geopolitics one per cent to over 13%, and China has surpassed
Germany as the principal supplier of industrial plant and
• Most of the Chinese exports to Russia are now at a higher
Recently Chinese President Xi Jinping described Russian technology level while the share of labor-intensive goods
President Vladimir Putin, as “my best friend and colleague”. At has declined. At the other end of the spectrum, Russian

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 8

International Relations

exports have continued to focus on raw materials, politically agnostic, commercially motivated Russia that no
especially oil and gas. longer shares our concerns about China.

• Coordinated action in multilateral forums, increasingly • A strategic partnership with Russia based on the absence
sophisticated joint military exercises, and including of fundamental conflicts of interest and a shared belief
activities with third countries such as Iran, reinforce that some form of multipolarity is better than any sort of
western beliefs about it morphing into an alliance. Sino-U.S. condominium, is important for India, and this

• China has strategically invested in Russia such as the $400 relationship deserves more attention from both sides.

billion deal over 30 years to supply gas to China along the

1,800 miles long pipeline known as the Power of Siberia.

• Russia remains wary about allowing any dominating role

for China in oil and gas. In fact, over the long term, their #Geopolitics
economic interests are divergent. Russia presumably
thinks to control China through its energy dependency, a
situation that the Chinese will not accept; and China feels
that it can integrate Russia into its economy by re-directing
Russian oil and gas eastwards. In January, U.K allowed Huawei to have a limited role in its
telecommunications network. However after a review, U.K. has
finally decided to ban the Chinese company. This entails
• Chinese continue to nurse historical grievances despite the banning U.K. mobile providers from buying new Huawei 5G
formal resolution of the border issue, and still make critical equipment after the end of this year as well as removing all of
references to the nearly 600,000 square miles of Chinese Huawei’s 5G kit from their networks by 2027. U.S. sanctions
territory that Tsarist Russia allegedly annexed in the late imposed on Huawei has created uncertainty around Huawei’s
19th century. supply chain. Let us understand the impact of such restrictions
• Russians have concerns over Chinese migration in the imposed on this Chinese company and also its geostrategic
Russian Far East. importance and India’s response.

• Each still hopes to repair ties with USA. THE DOMINO EFFECT
• Russia has supplied S-400 missile system to China and • The US government has banned Huawei from the
Russia does not want China to become self-sufficient in country’s networks and has advised the UK, Australia, New
defence. Zealand and Canada to do the same. The US claims that
• The new reality of Sino-Russian relations is thus one where Huawei’s close ties with the Chinese government and its
substantial expansion of bilateral cooperation is army make it a national security risk.
accompanied by growing asymmetry and China’s pre- • Last December, Huawei’s chief financial officer Meng
eminence, including in Russian ‘backyards’ such as Central Wanzhou was arrested by Canadian authorities at the
Asia and the Arctic regions. request of the US, with which it has an extradition treaty.
• Moscow is in real danger of permanently becoming the • In August 2018, the Australian government banned Huawei
‘junior partner’. and ZTE from supplying telecom equipment for 5G

WHAT IT MEANS TO INDIA? network, citing national security concerns.

• In November, New Zealand’s security services too blocked

• There has been call by many political analysts to re-
Huawei from supplying mobile network kit to a local
calculate our relationship with Russia.
company on concerns of national security.
• There is an opinion that Politically reliable, trustworthy
• France also decided to limit the use of Huawei’s 5G kit by
defence supplier with shared misgivings about the Beijing,
issuing limited term licences.
that the Soviet Union was, has long been replaced by a

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• Germany too is reducing its reliance on Huawei as the • Presently, India-China ties have altered due to the border
mood against China has soured across Europe. crisis and Chinese insensitivity to Indian concerns.

• For Huawei, a domino effect across Europe might pose a • India is toughening its posture across domains and it looks
serious challenge given that almost a quarter of its sales rather unlikely that Huawei would get to participate in the
come from the European market. 5G network roll-out in India.

ALLEGATION AGAINST HUAWEI • India is signalling that it is willing to bear economic and
technological costs if it means limiting Chinese
1. Close ties of Huawei with the communist government -
involvement in critical infrastructure.
it was founded by an engineer who has earlier worked in
PLA and is also a member of the Communist Party • Losing such a large market might be a devastating blow to
of China. Journalist Richard McGregor, the author of The Huawei.
Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers, had • It is becoming increasingly clear that the decision on
claimed that Huawei has received state support at crucial Huawei is not merely a technological or economic decision
points in its development. but a fundamentally political decision for most countries.
2. National security risk due to hidden backdoors in the • China’s decision to weaponize trade and technology ties
software - The concerns are over a perceived security risk might now come back to haunt it as other nations begin to
posed by Huawei to countries it is operating in. For pay back in the same coin.
example, as per a report in Bloomberg quoting security
briefing documents from 2009 and 2011 of Vodafone,
which was using Huawei equipment, Vodafone had ILO CONVENTIONS ON
identified hidden backdoors in the software that could
have given Huawei unauthorized access to the carrier’s CHILD LABOUR
fixed-line network in Italy. According to the report,
Vodafone had asked Huawei to remove backdoors in #International Organisations
home routers in 2011 and received assurances that the
issues were fixed, but further testing revealed that the
security vulnerabilities remained. IN NEWS
3. Skirting US sanctions - U.S accuses Huawei of running a ILO Convention No. 182 is the first ILO Convention to achieve
Hong Kong-based company, Skycom, as an unofficial universal ratification.
subsidiary to obtain US-origin goods, technology and
services, including banking services, otherwise prohibited
to China. • The two ILO Conventions on child labour are Convention
No.138 on Minimum Age and Convention No. 182 on
the Worst Forms of Child Labour. These Conventions are
• In India, there has been confusion among telecom “fundamental” Conventions.
operators on what to do about Huawei when they switch
• This means that, under the ILO Declaration on
to 5G networks. Huawei network equipment has been
Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, all ILO
used by Vodafone Idea and Airtel in many circles, but the
member States have an obligation to respect, promote and
Chinese company has still not got a nod on 5G trials.
realize the abolition of child labour, even if they have not
Huawei and ZTE were barred from taking part in the trials
ratified the Conventions in question.
• ILO Convention No. 182 is the first ILO Convention to
• The Indian response is being closely watched: Last year,
achieve universal ratification. It was also the most
India had allowed Huawei to participate in 5G trials which
rapidly ratified Convention in the history of the ILO, with
could not happen because of the disruptions caused by
the majority of ratifications occurring within the first 3
the pandemic.

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years after it was adopted in 1999. ILO Convention No. 138
has also been widely ratified by ILO member States.

• A majority of countries have now adopted legislation to

#International treaties
prohibit or place severe restrictions on the employment
and work of children, much of it following ratification of
the child labour Conventions.
• In spite of these efforts, child labour continues to exist on
a massive scale, sometimes in appalling conditions, Outer Space has been the arena of most memorable
particularly in the developing world. This is because child demonstrations since second world war. Russian Sputnik (first
labour is an immensely complex issue. It cannot be made artificial space satellite) and American Apollo 11 (Landed on
to disappear simply by the stroke of a pen. moon) were seen as symbols of geopolitical competition during
the cold war era. Even during the COVID pandemic a lot of
• Nevertheless, the basis of determined and concerted
space related activity has taken place.
action must be legislation, which sets the total elimination
of child labour as the ultimate goal of policy, and puts This highlights that outer space is witnessing unprecedented
measures into place for this purpose, and which explicitly activity. In this background let us understand the need for
identifies and prohibits the worst forms of child labour to reforming the present treaties that govern the outer space.
be eliminated as a matter of priority. RECENTLY LAUNCHED MISSIONS
• India has ratified both the conventions. • Tianwen-1 - Chinese Mars mission
CONVENTION NO. 182 ON THE WORST FORMS OF • Hope orbiter - United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) Mars Mission
CHILD LABOUR COMPRISE OF: • A six-wheeled rover named Perseverance to Mars -
a. all forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as USA
the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and • The first astronaut trip to orbit on a commercial enterprise
serfdom and forced or compulsory labour, including built by Space X.
forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in
• ‘BeiDou’ - Chinese satellite navigation system
armed conflict;
• Russia conducted a “non-destructive test of a space-based
b. the use, procuring or offering of a child for prostitution, for
anti-satellite weapon”
the production of pornography or for pornographic
performances; • This highlights that outer space is witnessing
unprecedented activity.
c. the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities,
in particular for the production and trafficking of drugs as OUTER SPACE TREATIES
defined in the relevant international treaties; There are five UN treaties relating to activities in Outer Space.
d. work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it The primary treaty is the Outer Space Treaty, 1967.
is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals
of children.

Outer Space Treaty 1967

SUMMARY Article III reiterates that "exploration Article IX ensures the peaceful uses of
The Outer Space Treaty was signed in and use of outer space" will be carried outer space exploration; if one State
January of 1967 and entered into force in out "in accordance with international Part/ believes that the activities of
October of that same year. The law, including the Charter of the United another State Party "would cause
significant principles behind its 35-year Nations..." potentially harmful interference" with

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success include the prohibition of Article IV prohibits the deployment of the activities of other States Parties in
nuclear weapons in space, and the "nuclear weapons or any other kinds of outer space, "appropriate international
guarantee of cooperation between states weapons of mass destruction... in outer consultations" can be called for;
in all peaceful uses of outer space. space..." It further prohibits "the Article X states that all launches may be
However, with the rapid development of establishment of military bases, observed by other States Parties, but
laser technology, outer space can easily installations and fortifications, the testing that this opportunity "and the conditions
be militarized without the deployment of of any type of weapons and the conduct under which it could be afforded shall be
nuclear weapons. Furthermore, with the of military manoeuvers on celestial determined by agreement between the
US' stated plans of "dominating the bodies..." States";
space dimension of military Article V renders "astronauts as envoys Article XI calls for States Parties to
operations...(and) integrating space of mankind" and shall be assisted in any inform the Secretary-General, the public,
forces into war fighting capabilities of full way by all countries; and "the international scientific
spectrum of conflict," the Treaty is Article VI upholds nation-states as the community" of all of its activities in outer
insufficient against saving outer space bearer of responsibility for all activities in space "to the greatest extent possible."
from weaponisation. outer space, including those conducted The Secretary-GeneraI in turn
Article I maintains that "the exploration by nongovernmental entities; disseminates this information
and use of outer space... shall be carried furthermore, all activities require "immediately and effectively";
out for the benefit and in the interests of "authorization and continuing Article XII ensures that all installations
all countries..." supervision" by nation-states; and equipment are open to other States
Article II states that "outer space... is not Article VII holds a State Party Parties "on a basis of reciprocity";
subject to national appropriation by "internationally liable" if an object Article XIII holds all States Parties
claim of sovereignty..." launched into outer space should inflict responsible for resolving disputes under
damage onto the territory of another this Treaty.
State Party;
Article VIII maintains that a State Party
has control over any object that they
launch into space;

1 U.S. Space Command's Vision for 2020.

2 The 1968 Rescue Agreement (formally titled as the Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the
Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space). further elucidates the principles contained in Article V of the Outer Space
3 In 1972, 87 countries signed the "Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, which further
elucidates the compensation and liability clauses contained in Article VII of the Outer Space Treaty. Available at:

• The four other treaties are: o The Registration Convention of 1975 requires States to

o The Rescue Agreement of 1968 requires States to assist register all objects launched into outer space with the

an astronaut in case of accident, distress, emergency or United Nations.

unintended landing. o The Moon Agreement of 1979 elaborates on the

o The Liability Convention of 1972 establishes the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty as they apply to the

standards of liability for damage caused by space objects. Moon and other celestial bodies.

Note: India has signed all the five treaties but only ratified
four whereby Moon Agreement is pending.

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Challenges in fulfilling the potential of space: The outer • Projection - 80,000 satellites could be in space compared
space is becoming democratised, commercialised and to less than 3,000 at present.
crowded, the multilateral framework for its governance is
becoming obsolete. Since most of the Treaties governing the
The world needs a space legislation enabling coherence
outer space were finalised in 1960s-70s.
across technical, legal, commercial, diplomatic and defence
ISSUES WITH THE PRESENT FRAMEWORK goals. Our space vision also needs to address global
• Space law does not have a dispute settlement mechanism, governance, regulatory and arms control issues. As space
is silent on collisions and debris, and offers insufficient opens up our space vision needs broadening too.
guidance on interference with others’ space assets.

• These gaps heighten the potential for conflict in an era of

congested orbits and breakneck technological change. FATF
ISSUES WITH LEGAL FRAMEWORK #International organisation
The legal framework is state-centric, places responsibility on
states alone. Non-state entities are now in the fray for
commercial space exploration and utilisation. IN NEWS
SPACE ARMS RACE Pakistan was earlier placed on the grey list by the FATF last
• Space arms race is inevitable. Example - Russia conducted year for failing to curb anti-terror financing. It has been
a “non-destructive test of a space-based anti-satellite scrambling in recent months to avoid being added to a list of
weapon”. India's Mission Shakti. countries deemed non-compliant with anti-money laundering
and terrorist financing regulations
• Despite concerns about military activity in outer space for
long, not much progress has been made in addressing ABOUT FATF
• The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money
• Various initiatives to counter the Space arms race have not laundering and terrorist financing watchdog.
made any progress.
• The inter-governmental body sets international standards
EXPANSION OF SPACE INDUSTRY that aim to prevent these illegal activities and the harm
• Declining cost of space missions - A decade ago NASA’s they cause to society.
space shuttle cost about $54,500 per kg; now, SpaceX’s • As a policy-making body, the FATF works to generate the
Falcon 9 advertises a cost of $2,720 per kg. In a decade, necessary political will to bring about national legislative
the cost could be less than $100 per kg. Reduced cost and regulatory reforms in these areas.
enhances human space travel possibilities by leveraging
• With more than 200 countries and jurisdictions committed
new commercial capabilities.
to implementing them. The FATF has developed the
• According to a Bank of America Report, the $350 billion FATF Recommendations, or FATF Standards, which
space market today will touch $2.7 trillion by 2050. ensure a co-ordinated global response to prevent
• Starlink, the constellation being constructed by SpaceX to organised crime, corruption and terrorism.
provide global Internet access, plans more than 10,000 • They help authorities go after the money of criminals
mass-produced small satellites in low Earth orbit. It aims at dealing in illegal drugs, human trafficking and other
transcending the digital divide and provide everyone, crimes.
everywhere access to services such as distance education
• The FATF also works to stop funding for weapons of
and telemedicine.
mass destruction.
• Amazon’s Project Kuiper - will launch more than 3,000
• The FATF reviews money laundering and terrorist
financing techniques and continuously strengthens its

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standards to address new risks, such as the regulation of
virtual assets, which have spread as cryptocurrencies gain
#India and its Neighbourhood
• The FATF monitors countries to ensure they implement the
FATF Standards fully and effectively, and holds countries to
account that do not comply.
• FATF does not address at all issues related to low tax
Taliban announced cease fire for three days during Id-ul-Adha.
jurisdiction or tax competition.
The Taliban’s ceasefire was seen as an opportunity to kick-
• The FATF mandate focuses only on the fight against start intra-Afghan peace talks. In this background, let us
laundering of proceeds of crimes and the financing of understand the issue of Afghan peace process and India’s
terrorism. stand on the issue.
• FATF issues a report containing a set of Forty • Since 2001 Taliban has announced ceasefire only thrice. In
Recommendations, which are intended to provide a June 2018 and May this year, the Taliban had announced
comprehensive plan of action needed to fight against ceasefire to mark the end of the holy month of Ramzan.
money laundering. But it did not extend the ceasefire on both the occasions.

• In 2001, the development of standards in the fight against • This time the ceasefire could be extended because Taliban
terrorist financing was added to the mission of the FATF and the Afghan government are planning to start the
thereby further adding 9 Special Recommendations. intra-Afghan talks that were promised in the U.S.-
Taliban deal.
• FATF has formed 40 recommendations against money
laundering and 9 special recommendations against • These talks were to begin in March. But both sides failed to
terrorist financing, which forms the commonly known reach an agreement on prisoner exchange, which the U.S.
‘40+9’ FATF Standards. had agreed with the Taliban.


• The FATF conducts peer reviews of each member to assess Through this the US agreed to:
levels of implementation of the FATF Recommendations. • Within the first 135 days of the deal the US will reduce its
• It provides an in-depth description and analysis of each forces in Afghanistan to 8,600, with allies also drawing

country’s system for preventing criminal abuse of the down their forces proportionately.

financial system. • The deal also provides for a prisoner swap arrangement.
Some 5,000 Taliban prisoners and 1,000 Afghan security
force prisoners were to be exchanged in March when talks
• FATF issues a list of ‘Non-Cooperative Countries or between the Taliban and the Afghan government were due
Territories’ (NCCTs), commonly called the FATF Blacklist. to start.
• These countries or territories are considered to be • The US will also lift sanctions against the Taliban and work
uncooperative in international efforts against money with the UN to lift its separate sanctions against the group.
laundering and terrorism financing.
• The grey list is a list of countries or territories with
• In the peace deal US did not insist on a ceasefire.
strategic anti-money laundering/countering the financing
of terrorism deficiencies for which they have developed an • USA kept the Afghanistan government out of the peace

action plan with the FATF. process.

• Due to this Afghanistan has witnessed continuous violence

led by the Taliban.

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• The recently held presidential elections witnessed a very • He backed off, but only after being appointed the head of
low voter turnout. the High Council for National Reconciliation that will lead

• As a result, the main opposition candidate Abdullah talks with the Taliban

Abdullah did not recognise the elected government. • Due to this, the Taliban has an upper hand in the
prevailing situation in Afghanistan.

UN SECRETARIAT - 6+2+1 MEETING • 6 neighbours of Afghanistan (China, Iran, Pakistan,

Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan), 2 global players
• UN Secretariat held a “6+2+1” meeting on regional efforts
(the USA and Russia) and 1 (Afghanistan) attended the
to support peace in Afghanistan.

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International Relations

• India was not invited to this meeting • Establishment of democratic process with respect for
human rights, including women’s rights.
• The peace process should not leave any ungoverned
• It was sighted that India shares no physical boundary with
spaces where terrorists and their proxies can relocate.

• India never announced its support to the US Taliban

peace process • Regional Balance of Power: Afghanistan is tied to India’s

• India’s resistance to publicly talking to Taliban has also vision of being a regional leader and a great power,

contributed to absence of invitation. coupled with its competition with China over resources
and its need to counter Pakistani influence.
• India’s ability to mentor a nascent democracy will go a long
• India has thus far not recognized the Taliban, which has
way to demonstrate to the world that India is indeed a
had links with terror groups like the Lashkar – e - Toiba major power, especially a responsible one.
and Jaish - e - Mohammad, who have targeted Indians in
• India’s interest in Afghanistan relates to its need to reduce
Afghanistan. India was also not invited to a UN-led regional
Pakistani influence in the region.
conference on the peace process.
• Energy Security: The pipeline project TAPI (Turkmenistan-
• India wants the democratically elected government of
Afghanistan-Pakistan-India), which seeks to connect an
Ashraf Ghani government to continue in office as it is more
energy-rich Central to South Asia, will only see the light of
friendly towards India.
the day if stability is established in Afghanistan
• Taliban as an organization gets a lot of support from
• Strategic Location: For access to the landlocked Central
Pakistan and ISI and hence, Taliban, victory in the peace
Asian countries that border Afghanistan.
deal would be a blow to India’s effort to reach to Central
Asia and positively engage Afghan government. • Natural Resources: The country is home to resource
deposits worth one trillion dollars, according to the US
• If Taliban comes to power, then there is a high chance that
Geological Survey.
China will get free access to Afghanistan and this will be
another blow to India’s strategic interests. • Regional Security: A stable Afghanistan is important for
regional security in South Asia.
• Above all, if Taliban comes to power then India’s effort to
fight terrorism in Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir
may also suffer a blow.


• The peace process has to be Afghan-led, Afghan-owned PAKISTAN
and Afghan-controlled.
#Bilateral Relations
• Afghanistan should build national consensus for talks with
the Taliban.

• India was among the countries that had refused to

recognise the Taliban regime of 1996-2001, as Taliban’s
growth in Afghanistan was being driven by deep state in On the eve of the first anniversary of the withdrawal of Jammu
Pakistan and Kashmir’s special status under Article 370 and its
bifurcation into Union territories, Pakistan released a new
• All initiatives and processes must include all sections of the
political map which depicts J&K as a disputed territory, and
Afghan society, including the legitimately elected
claims the regions of Sir Creek and the erstwhile state
of Junagadh in Gujarat as part of its territory,
• Any process should respect the constitutional legacy and
political mandate.

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International Relations

PROBLEMS WITH THE NEW POLITICAL MAP OF • The map also shows the Federally Administered Tribal
PAKISTAN Areas as being part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

• The map depicts the entirety of Jammu and Kashmir as a • In the new map of Pakistan, it draws a line demarcating
disputed territory while also incorporating Siachen as part Gilgit-Baltistan separately from the part of Kashmir under
of Pakistan. its control (Pakistan occupied Kashmir), and renames
Jammu and Kashmir as “Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu
• It does not show any borders in the east of Kashmir,
and Kashmir” and has left the claim line with Ladakh
where China illegally occupied Aksai Chin.
• It also incorporates Sir Creek into Pakistani territory as well
as parts of the erstwhile princely state of Junagadh.

INDIA’S REACTION • These ridiculous assertions have neither legal validity nor
international credibility.
• Ministry of External Affairs has categorised this effort by
Pakistan as political absurdity” and accused Pakistan of • In fact, this new effort only confirms the reality of
attempting a form of “territorial aggrandisement (an act Pakistan’s obsession with territorial aggrandisement
undertaken to increase one’s power and influence or to supported by cross-border terrorism.
draw attention to your own importance) supported by
cross-border terrorism.

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International Relations

• A huge explosion near the centre of Beirut killed around
200 people, sending shockwaves across the Lebanese
#Military Exercise
• Beirut is the capital and largest city of Lebanon.

India has withdrawn its participation in Kavkaz 2020
multinational exercise in Russia in September due to the
participation of Chinese troops.
• Russia and India are close and privileged strategic
partners. At Russia’s invitation, India has been participating
in many international events. However, in view of the
pandemic and consequent difficulties in exercise, including
arrangements of logistics, India has decided not to send
the contingent to Kavkaz 2020.
• The same has been informed to the Russian side. Other
reasons include participation of Chinese troops and the • Turkey said it will hold a military exercise off northwest
Georgian breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Cyprus, amid growing tension with Greece over disputed
Ossetia which have been recognized only by Russia and a claims to exploration rights in the east Mediterranean.
few other countries.
• The long-running dispute between Turkey and Greece,
• The invitees to Kavkaz 2020 strategic command-post both NATO members, flared after the two countries
exercise, also referred to as Caucasus-2020, is to be held agreed rival accords on their maritime boundaries with
in Astrakhan in Southern Russia in September. It includes
Libya and Egypt, and Turkey sent a survey vessel into
Pakistan, Turkey and other member-states of the Shanghai
contested waters.
Cooperation Organisation (SCO).
• Both sides have held military exercises in the east
Mediterranean, highlighting the potential for the dispute to

PLACES IN NEWS escalate into confrontation.

• Turkey issued a NAVTEX notice — an advisory message to

# Locations mariners — saying it would be holding a “gunnery
exercise” off northwest Cyprus.

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practice questions

Q1. Sinai Peninsula sometimes seen in the news is (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
located in which of the following countries?
(a) Israel (b) Egypt Q4. Which of the following statements is/are correct
(c) Lebanon (d) Syria about the Financial Action Task force (FATF)?
1. It works to stop funding for weapons of mass destruction
Q2. Gulf of Aqaba is located in which of the following 2. It addresses issues related to low tax jurisdiction or tax
seas ? competition.
(a) Mediterranean Sea (b) Persian Gulf Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(c) Red Sea (d) North Sea (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q3. West bank sometimes seen in news shares borders
with which of the following countries? Q5. Cyprus sometimes seen in the news is located in
1. Israel 2. Jordan which of the following seas?
3. Syria (a) Mediterranean Sea (b) Persian Gulf
Select the correct answer using the code given below: (c) Red Sea (d) North Sea
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only

descriptive Questions
Q1. Explain how the UAE – Israel agreement will impact the geopolitics of the region? What should be India’s stand on the
agreement? (250 Words)

Q2. “Multilateralism and Strategic autonomy have always been a part of India’s Foreign policy”. Discuss. (250 Words)

Answers to above MCQs: 1 (b), 2 (c), 3 (b), 4(a), 5(a)

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# GS Paper (Prelims) & GS Paper II (Main)

Lead Article
treatments, all historical health records etc. All these
records will be stored in a common database through a

single National Health Identity Card.

• The National Digital Health Mission includes health ID,

#Mission #Health digidoctor, telemedicine, e-pharmacy, healthcare registry
and personal health records digitally stored.


As part of Independence Day Speech, Prime Minister Narendra • Integration of health care activities - NDHM is holistic
Modi unveiled the National Digital Health Mission and voluntary healthcare programme which will integrate
(NDHM) where every Indian will get a Health Identity Card doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, insurance companies to
which will have health details of all Indians. create a digital health infrastructure.
The National Health Authority (NHA), an attached office of the • Core Building Blocks - The core building blocks of NDHM
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare which runs the Ayushman such as Health ID, Digi-Doctor and Health Facility Registry
Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, will design, build, shall be owned, operated and maintained by the
roll-out and implement the NDHM. Government of India.

VISION & AIM OF NATIONAL DIGITAL HEALTH • Health ID to have Details - Every Health ID will create
MISSION (NDHM) health account of citizens which will contain health details
of citizens like blood test reports, report on every disease,
• The vision of NDHM is to create a national digital health
visits of the doctor, medicines taken as well the diagnosis
ecosystem which provides timely and efficient access to
provided by the doctor. The Health ID card will be created
inclusive, affordable, and safe healthcare to all citizens.
with details like Aadhar, mobile number and generate
• Aim to significantly improve the efficiency, effectiveness, unique ID for each individual.
and transparency of health service delivery and will be a
• Portable Information - According to the government,
major stride towards achievement of the SDG Goal 3 of
these informations will be very useful as it is portable and
Universal Health Coverage.
easily accessible even if the patient shifts to new place or
• Every Indian citizen will get a Health ID which will be a visits a new doctor.
repository of all health-related information of a person
• Private Sector Involvement - Private stakeholders will
such as medical tests, previous prescriptions, diagnosis,
have an equal opportunity to integrate with these building

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Constituti0n, Polity and
blocks and create their own products. However, core • A Coverage and Claims platform: building blocks to
activities and verifications, for example, generation of support large health protection schemes, enable
Health ID or approval of a doctor/facility shall remain with horizontal and vertical expansion of PM Rashtriya
the government. Swasthya Suraksha Mission (PMRSSM) - RSSM by states

• The scheme would first be tested in the Union Territories and robust fraud detection.

of Chandigarh, Ladakh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and • A Federated Personal Health Records (PHR)
Daman and Diu, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Framework: to solve twin challenges of access to their
and Lakshadweep. own health data by patients and availability of health data
for medical research, critical for advancing our
understanding of human health.
• A National Health Analytics Platform: to bring a holistic
• The National Health Stack (NHS) is a visionary digital
view combining information on multiple health initiatives
framework of NITI Aayog which can be used both by the
and feed into smart policy making, for instance, through
centre and state governments across public and private
improved predictive analytics.
sectors. The document was released by NITI Aayog in
July2018. • Other horizontal Components: including, and not
restricted to, unique Digital Health ID, Health Data
• NHS represents a holistic platform that supports a
Dictionaries and Supply Chain Management for Drugs,
multitude of health verticals and their different branches
payment gateways etc shared across all health programs.
and is capable of integrating future IT solutions for the

• National Health Stack (NHS) is a digital infrastructure • So, based on National Health Stack as suggested by NITI
built with a deep understanding of the structures Aayog, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare came up with
prevalent in the Indian healthcare ecosystem. the policy of National Digital Health Blueprint to build
an ecosystem which can integrate the existing disparate
• So, National Health Stack is a set of building blocks which
health information systems.
are essential in implementing digital health initiatives
which would be built as a Common Public Good to avoid • NDHB identifies the necessity to establish a specific
duplication of efforts and successfully achieve organisation, called the National Digital Health Mission
convergence. (NDHM) that can facilitate the implementation of the
blueprint, to support and simplify the development of a
• Aim of the National Health Stack (NHS) is to facilitate
national digital health ecosystem.
collection of comprehensive healthcare data across the
country. NHS will help in data analysis which will allow • The key features of this blueprint include a unified
policy makers to experiment with policies, detect fraud in architecture, a set of architectural elements, a five-layered
health insurance, measure outcomes and move towards structure of architectural institutional blocks, a Unique Health
smart policy making. ID (UHID), privacy and consent control, national portability,
electronic health records, appropriate principles and
• It will also engage market players (NGOs, researchers,
guidelines, and, health analytics.
watchdog organizations) to innovate and build relevant
services on top of the platform and fill the gaps. • Based on the Blueprint, Prime Minister of India announced
National Digital Health Mission from the ramparts of
• The design is geared to generate vast amounts of data
Red Fort on the eve of Indian Independence.
resulting in some of the largest health databases with
secured aggregated data that will put India at the forefront LEGAL CHALLENGES THAT MAY LIE AHEAD
of medical research in the world. • Use of Aadhaar Card to create National Health Card
KEY COMPONENTS OF NATIONAL HEALTH STACK without approval of law may create legal hassles as such
linking may not be approved under the Aadhaar Act and
• National Health Electronic Registries: to create a single
also infringes right to privacy of citizens.
source for and manage Master Health Data of the country.

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Constituti0n, Polity and

• The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 has defined
Sensitive Personal Data which includes (i) financial data;
(ii) health data; (iii) official identifier; (iv) sex life; (v) sexual
orientation; (vi) biometric data; (vii) genetic data; (viii)
#Water Resources
transgender status; (ix) intersex status; (x) caste or tribe;
(xi) religious or political belief or affiliation or if the Central
Government in consultation with Data Protection Authority IN NEWS
categorises Personal Data as Sensitive Personal Data. Punjab Chief Minister has asked the Central government to be
• Personal Data means data about or relating to a natural cautious on the contentious Sutlej-Yamuna Link (SYL) canal
person who is directly or indirectly identifiable, having regard issue, which has been the focal point of water sharing dispute
to any characteristic, trait, attribute or any other feature of between Punjab and Haryana. According to the CM of Punjab,
the identity of such natural person, whether online or offline, if SYL issue is not settled amicably, then it has the potential to
or any combination of such features with any other disturb the nation’s security.
information, and shall include any inference drawn from such Apart from domestic issue of water sharing CM of Punjab
data for the purpose of profiling. highlighted that Pakistan has been making continuous
• Commercial Exploitation and harvesting of Sensitive attempts to foment trouble and to try and revive the separatist
Personal Data of individuals on the dark web may create movement through the banned Sikhs for Justice Organisation.
further challenges for the government as such data can be The water issue could further destabilise the State of Punjab as
used by pharmaceutical giants, insurance companies or it shares border with Pakistan.
other interested stakeholders to profile individual based
on their health or sexual orientation.

• India with its sizeable population will become the black

market for data theft as such data can be misused by
corporates including social media giants like Amazon,
Facebook etc.

• Another problem is that as per The Personal Data

Protection Bill, 2019, present government sees storage of
individual data for public good and does not take into
account a rights based approach. This gives government
the right to use, monetise and exploit data in any manner
it desires so long as it guards against security incidents
such as breaches and unauthorised access. This mindset
of the government has allowed selling or transferring
sensitive personal data by the fiduciary to a third party in
the Data Protection Bill of 2019.

Introduction of National Digital Health Mission to achieve
universal health coverage is a noble idea which must be
backed by a law passed by Parliament which not only • Sutlej Yamuna Link Canal (SYL) is a proposed 214-
protects sensitive personal data of citizens but also guards kilometer-long canal to connect river Sutlej and Yamuna
against commercial exploitation of such data by corporates along the states of Punjab and Haryana.
and other private stakeholders including insurance sector for • Sutlej river originates near Lake Rakshastal in Tibet
profit. then enters India at Shipki La pass in Himachal Pradesh

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Constituti0n, Polity and
and flows south west through Punjab before entering • However, under Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi, a new
Pakistan. settlement was reached between Punjab Haryana and

• Whereas river Yamuna originates from Yamunotri glacier Rajasthan in 1981 where share of Punjab and Rajasthan

of lower Himalayas in Uttrakhand. It initially flows south was increased. All states withdrew their suits from the

and then take left turn towards south east before meeting Supreme Court following the signing of agreement.

river Ganga at Allahabad. • Thus in April 1982, Mrs. Gandhi formally launched the
construction of SYL in Punjab. Under the terms of the
“Punjab Accord” a tribunal was to be set up to investigate
the river water claims of Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan.
• However, Akali Dal government came back to power in
• The entire issue erupted with the partition of India in 1947
1985 in Punjab and repudiated the 1981 Punjab Accord.
which also resulted in partition of Punjab by the
• The Ravi and Beas Waters Tribunal (Eradi Tribunal) was
recommendation of Radcliffe Commission. The issue of
constituted on 2 April 1986 which was chaired by V.
separation of riparian and non-riparian states came to the
Balakrishna Eradi upheld the legality of the agreements of
core as major rivers flowed to the then created Pakistan.
1955, 1976 and 1981 on water sharing of the three rivers
• The dispute between Indian and Pakistan was settled
in 1987.
through the Indus Water Treaty, 1960. However, the river
• The Tribunal increased shares of both Punjab and
disputes among the Indian states still remained.
Haryana, allocating them 5 MAF and 3.83 MAF waters
• In January 1955, the states of Punjab, PEPSU- (State of
respectively. It also noted that while the canal's portion
Punjab, Patiala and East Punjab States Union), Rajasthan
had been completed in Haryana, but not in Punjab and
and Jammu & Kashmir came to an agreement regarding
urged Punjab government to complete it expeditiously.
the distribution of water from the rivers Sutlej, Ravi and
The Akali Dal government in Punjab started the
construction of canal in 1990.
• The dispute over sharing of river water emerged after re-
• The canal however remained incomplete due to dispute
organisation of states in 1966 when PEPSU was added to
over the issue. In 1999, Haryana filed a suit in the Supreme
Punjab and a separate state was carved out from Punjab
Court seeking construction of the canal. In 2002, the
namely Haryana.
Supreme Court directed Punjab to complete the SYL canal
• Haryana demanded 4.8 MAF (million acre-feet) of water within a year.
out of Punjab's total 7.2 MAF share of water from the
• Punjab refused the Court’s order and filed a Review
rivers after states re-organisation. Punjab denied sharing
Petition which was rejected by the Supreme Court. In 2004,
any volume of water so Haryana asked the Union
the Supreme Court directed the Union government to get
government to settle the issue.
the canal completed through a Central Agency. The Central
• Union Government through an executive order in 1976 Public Works Department (CPWD) was appointed on 2 July
(during emergency) allocated 3.5 MAF of water to Punjab 2004 to take over the canal work from Punjab government.
and Haryana while Delhi received the remaining 0.2 MAF.
• However, on 12 July 2004, the Punjab Legislative Assembly
The Union government also proposed the Sutlej-Yamuna
passed the Punjab Termination of Agreements Act,
Link Canal for proper utilisation of water between the two
2004 which abrogated all its river water agreements with
states. The decision was met with opposition in Punjab.
neighbouring states.
• After coming to power in 1977, the Shiromani Akali
• The President of India then referred this bill to the
Dal demanded that the water sharing between Punjab,
Supreme Court in the same year under Article 143 of the
Haryana and Rajasthan be adjudicated by Supreme
Indian Constitution which deals with power of the
Court and filed a suit against the order of the Union
President to consult Supreme Court.
• In March 2016, the Punjab Assembly passed the Punjab SYL
Canal (Rehabilitation and Re-vesting of Proprietary Rights) Bill

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Constituti0n, Polity and
2016. It provided for return of the 5,376 acres of land in legislation Punjab Sutlej-Yamuna Link Canal Land (Transfer
acquired for the incomplete SYL canal to the land owners of Propriety Rights) Bill, 2016 to de-notify land meant for
which ruled out any further construction of the canal. construction of the canal and sought to return it to original
HARYANA PLEAD BEFORE THE SUPREME COURT? In 2019: Supreme Court gave four more months to Punjab,
Haryana, and the Centre to find an amicable solution to break
• State of Punjab said that the entire matter could be
the deadlock between the two states over the Sutlej-Yamuna
referred to the Inter-State Water Tribunal since
Link Canal.
circumstances regarding availability of water had changed

• Punjab also pleaded that since the Court verdicts on the OF CANAL (HARYANA)
SYL were no longer valid in view of the 2004 Act, the 2016 • Capt. Amarinder said it was necessary to set up a tribunal
legislation for the return of SYL land did not violate any SC for fair adjudication of the water availability, and pointed
order. out that the water sharing proposed by Eradi Commission

• Punjab pleaded for a fresh tribunal to ascertain the was 40 years old, while international norms require a

present flow of waters and decide the entitlement of each review every 25 years to ascertain the status.

state on the basis of the rights of riparian and non-riparian • However, CM of Haryana said that SYL should be
states under national and international law. constructed as construction of SYL canal and availability of

• Whereas State of Haryana pleaded that Punjab had water are two different issues and completely

enacted the 2004 Act to nullify the SC verdicts for the unconnected and should not be confused with. The talks

completion of the SYL canal and to deny it a share in the between both CM of Punjab and Haryana will continue.

Ravi-Beas waters while the 2016 Act was meant to render CONCLUSION
the Presidential reference irrelevant.
The matter is still subjudice and further development on the
WHAT DID THE SUPREME COURT SAY? amicable solution will be covered in subsequent edition

In 2016 based on judgments provided by Supreme Court.

• Five Judge Constitutional Bench of Supreme Court ruled

that Punjab had no right to unilaterally terminate water-
sharing agreements with neighbouring states and declared
“Punjab Termination of Agreement Act, 2004”
unconstitutional. The matter was raised as a Presidential
Reference under Article 143 of the Indian Constitution. #Election
• The court gave special impetus to the completion of SYL
which so far remains incomplete. The Court also said that
State of Punjab cannot absolve itself from its duties and IN NEWS
liabilities arising out of the Agreement and cannot Ahead of the Bihar Assembly poll, the Election Commission
unilaterally move out of the agreement involving other (EC) has approved guidelines for conducting polls during the
states and deprive them of their right to use water. COVID-19 pandemic, allowing public meetings and roadshows,
• Supreme Court also restored and revived the decree subject to social distancing and other safety norms. Election
passed by itself in 2004 whereby the Union government Commission is convinced that elections can be held
was directed to mobilise a central agency to take control of successfully with proper supervision and precautions as
the canal works from Punjab immediately and complete countries like Singapore and South Korea have demonstrated
the remaining work. recently. Hence, the EC has released guidelines for elections

• The bench also called it “unwarranted” that while it was based on feedback from political parties. The broad guidelines
hearing the Reference, the Punjab legislature had brought for elections and by-elections include allowing online

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Constituti0n, Polity and
submission of nomination forms, affidavits and security (2) The Election Commission shall consist of the Chief Election
amount, and limiting the number of people accompanying Commissioner and such number of other Election
candidates for filing nomination to two. Commissioners, if any, as the President may from time to time
fix and the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner
and other Election Commissioners shall, subject to the
• The Commission has revised the norms of number of provisions of any law made in that behalf by Parliament, be
persons accompanying the candidate and number of
made by the President.
vehicles at the time of nomination.
(3) When any other Election Commissioner is so appointed the
• It has created optional facility to fill the nomination form
Chief Election Commissioner shall act as the Chairman of the
and the affidavit online and submission of the same, after Election Commission.
taking print before the Returning Officer concerned.
 Conduct of election is done successfully by the
• For the first time, the candidates will have the option to
Election Commission with the help of officers whose
deposit security amount for contesting the elections
role and responsibilities are prescribed under
electoral laws of India: Let us go through important role
• Keeping the containment guidelines in view, the and functions performed by Chief Electoral Officer,
Commission has limited the number of persons including District Election Officer and Returning Officers in India
candidate for door to door campaign to five. during the conduct of elections.
• Public meeting and road shows shall be permissible with Chief Electoral Officer – Section 13A – Representation of
suitable instructions subject to containment instructions People Act, 1950
issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs/State.
• The law provides for a chief electoral officer for each State
• Face Mask, Sanitizer, Thermal scanners, gloves, face shield who shall be such officer of Government as the Election
and PPE kits shall be used during the electoral process Commission may, in consultation the respective
ensuring social distancing norms. Government designate or nominate in its behalf.
• Hand gloves shall be provided to all the electors for signing • Subject to the superintendence, direction and control of
on the voter register and pressing button of EVM for the Election Commission, the chief electoral officer shall
voting. supervise the preparation, revision and correction of all
• The Chief Electoral Officers of concerned States/UTs, shall electoral rolls in the State under the Representation of
make comprehensive State/District wise election plans People Act, 1950.
regarding arrangement and preventive measures following District Election Officers - Section 13AA – Representation
these guidelines taking local conditions into account. of People Act, 1950
• These plans will be prepared in consultation with Nodal • As per this provision, for each district in a State, the
Officer for COVID-19 in their respective States/UTs. Election Commission shall, in consultation with the
Government of the State, designate or nominate a district
election officer who shall be an officer of Government.
• Election Commission may designate or nominate more
Article 324 - Superintendence, direction and control of
than one such officer for a district if the Election
elections to be vested in an Election Commission
Commission is satisfied that the functions of the office
(1) The superintendence, direction and control of the preparation cannot be performed satisfactorily by a single officer.
of the electoral rolls for, and the conduct of, all elections to
• Subject to the superintendence, direction and control of
Parliament and to the Legislature of every State and of
the chief electoral officer, the district election officer shall
elections to the offices of President and Vice-President held
coordinate and supervise all work in the district or in the
under this Constitution shall be vested in a Commission
area within his jurisdiction in connection with the
(referred to in this Constitution as the Election Commission).
preparation and revision of the electoral rolls for all

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Constituti0n, Polity and
parliamentary, assembly and council constituencies within IN NEWS
the district.
State Government of Arunachal Pradesh has decided to appeal
• The district election officer shall also perform such other to the Centre for bringing the State under the purview of the
functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Election Sixth Schedule of the Constitution towards protecting the
Commission and the chief electoral officer. rights of its indigenous peoples. The Sixth Schedule consists of
Returning Officers – Section 21 – Representation of provisions for the administration of tribal areas in Assam,
People Act, 1951 Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.

• For every constituency, for every election to fill a seat or In this regard, the State government had a fortnight ago
seats in the Council of States and for every election by the formed a Consultative Committee headed by Deputy Chief
members of the Legislative Assembly of a State to fill a Minister to hold a meeting with the community-based
seat or seats in the Legislative Council of the State, the organisations for discussing issues related to constitutional
Election Commission shall, in consultation with the safeguards for the indigenous peoples.
Government of the State, designate or nominate a The demand for the creation of two autonomous councils —
returning officer who shall be [an officer of Government or Mon Autonomous Region in the western part and Patkai
of a local authority. Autonomous Council in the eastern part — had led to the
• Election Commission can designate or nominate the same creation of the committee.
person as the returning officer for more than one TRIBES IN ARUNACHAL PRADESH
• Arunachal has 26 major tribes like Adis, Apatanis, Buguns,
Observers – Section 20B – Representation of People Act, Hrusso, Singphos, Mishmis, Monpas, Nyishi, Sherdukpens,
1951 Tagins, Khamtis, Wanchos, Noctes, Yobin and Khambas
• The Election Commission may nominate an Observer who and Membas.
shall be an officer of Government to watch the conduct of • The 'Adis' tribe is democratic and organized tribal people
election or elections in a constituency or a group of and the women are known for their very good weaving
constituencies and to perform such other functions as may skills.
be entrusted to him by the Election Commission.
• The 'Apatanis' tribe are a settled agriculturist and are good
• Power to Stop Counting of Votes - The Observer cultivators of both wet and terrace cultivation.
nominated by the Commission shall have the power to
• The 'Buguns' and 'Monpas' are a gentle and hospitable
direct the returning officer
tribe. 'Hrusso' tribe are mainly focused in the trading of
 to stop the counting of votes at any time before the clothing and various items.
declaration of the result or
• The 'Singphos' tribe are an expert blacksmiths and good
 not to declare the result if in the opinion of the Observer weavers. 'Mishmi' tribes are good in agriculture and are
booth capturing has taken place at a large number of also good in trade.
polling stations
• The 'Nyishi' are a large tribe inhabiting the major part of
 to stop counting if the votes have been tampered with. Lower Subansiri district, the ‘Tagins’ inhabitant Upper
Sunansiri district and the 'Sherdukpens' are a small tribe of
Arunachal Pradesh.


• The state government stated that they were under the
#Sixth Schedule wrong impression of being protected through Inner Line
Permit in the state which is primarily an official travel

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Constituti0n, Polity and
document issued by the State government to let in an effect from such date as may be specified in the order; (b)
Indian citizen into a protected area for a limited period. the Legislative Assembly of the State of Arunachal Pradesh

• The provisions of Article 371(H) for Arunachal Pradesh do shall consist of not less than thirty members.

not ensure full protection to the State’s people.

• The Inner Line Permit was established by the British FOR DAUGHTERS
government under the Bengal Eastern Frontier
Regulations, 1873 to safeguard tribals of eastern part of #Empowerment
Bengal. The 1873 regulation is also known as Inner Line
Regulation (ILR) or Inner Line Permit (ILP).
 The system requires outsiders to obtain a permit from the IN NEWS
government to enter the designated territory. In a significant judgment of Vineeta Sharma v Rakesh Sharma,
 It can be issued for travel purposes solely. Three Judge Bench of Supreme Court has held that a daughter
will have a share in ancestral property as per Hindu Succession
 The main objective of the ILP system is to provide a special
(Amendment) Act, 2005, irrespective of whether her father was
protection of the distinct identity and safeguard for the
alive or not at the time of the amendment.
peaceful existence of the indigenous people of the state
where it is applicable. About Coparcener: Coparcener is a person who has a
birthright to parental property. Earlier, as per Hindu
 System of ILP is applicable in Arunachal Pradesh,
Succession Act, 1955, only son was considered as coparcener
Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram.
having birthright to parental property and daughters did not
ARTICLE 371H – ADDED BY CONSTITUTION 55TH have this right.
• Special provision with respect to the State of
• The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 included
Arunachal Pradesh - the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh
daughters to be coparceners to parental property in Joint
shall have special responsibility with respect to law and
Hindu Family.
order in the State of Arunachal Pradesh and in the
discharge of his functions in relation thereto, the Governor • The 174th Law Commission Report had also
shall, after consulting the Council of Ministers, exercise his recommended this reform in Hindu succession law. Even
individual judgment as to the action to be taken: before the 2005 amendment, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu had made this change in the
 Provided that if any question arises whether any matter is
law, and Kerala had abolished the Hindu Joint Family
or is not a matter as respects which the Governor is under
System in 1975.
this clause required to act in the exercise of his individual
judgment, the decision of the Governor in his discretion • The 2005 Amendment: Section 6 - Devolution of interest
shall be final, and the validity of anything done by the in coparcenary property
Governor shall not be called in question on the ground (1) On and from the commencement of the Hindu Succession
that he ought or ought not to have acted in the exercise of (Amendment) Act, 2005, in a Joint Hindu family governed
his individual judgment. by the Mitakshara law, the daughter of a coparcener shall–
 Provided further that if the President on receipt of a report (a) by birth become a coparcener in her own right the same
from the Governor or otherwise is satisfied that it is no manner as the son;
longer necessary for the Governor to have special
(b) have the same rights in the coparcenery property as she
responsibility with respect to law and order in the State of
would have had if she had been a son
Arunachal Pradesh, he may by order direct that the
Governor shall cease to have such responsibility with

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Constituti0n, Polity and
(c) be subject to the same liabilities in respect of the said to ancestral property, will have a retrospective effect as
coparcenery property as that of a son and any reference rights of daughters are accrued by their birth.
to a Hindu Mitakshara coparcener shall be deemed to • Thus, the Court agreed with the view that the substituted
include a reference to a daughter of a coparcener. Section 6 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 confers the
BACKDROP TO THE PRESENT JUDGEMENT status of ‘coparcener’ to a daughter born before or after
the amendment in the same manner as a son.
• While the 2005 law granted equal rights to women,
questions were raised in multiple cases on whether the • Since the right to coparcenary of a daughter is by birth, it is
law applied retrospectively, and if the rights of women not necessary that the father should be alive as on
depended on the living status of the father through whom September 9, 2005. The Supreme Court has thus overruled
they would inherit. an earlier 2015 decision.

• Different benches of the Supreme Court had taken • Thus, the present ruling of Supreme Court now overrules
conflicting views on the issue. Different High Courts had the contrary observations made in Prakash v. Phulavati and
also followed different views of the top court as binding Mangammal v. T.B. Raju.
precedents. Recognising Equal Status of Daughters as Right Accrues
• Prakash v Phulwati (2015) - Division Bench of Supreme by Birth : The apex court has now categorically ruled that the
Court held that the benefit of the 2005 amendment could daughters’ right flows from their birth and not by any other
be granted only to “living daughters of living coparceners” factor such as the existence of their fathers. The court has
as on September 9, 2005 (the date when the amendment rightly recognised that the amendment conferred equal
came into force). status as a coparcener on daughters in Hindu families
governed by Mitakshara law, and this right accrued by birth.
• In February 2018, contrary to the 2015 ruling, another
Division Bench held that the share of a father who died in WAKE UP CALL FOR JOINT FAMILY BUSINESS
2001 will also pass to his daughters as coparceners during • Traditional Business Families which have not yet
the partition of the property as per the 2005 law. recognised the rights of daughters will now (post SC
• In April 2018 of the same year, yet another Division Bench verdict) have to accommodate rights of daughters in
reiterated the position taken in by Supreme Court in 2015. sharing wealth and allowing them to take part in family
business. If they fail to do so, daughters can claim their
• These conflicting views by Benches of equal strength led to
right by filing petition in the Court.
a reference to a three-judge Bench in the current case.
• The judgment further reinstates faith in the judicial system
There were two problems in this case
by making it loud and clear that daughters can no longer
1. Whether the amendment which came into effect on 9 be deprived of their rights to ancestral property, no matter
September, 2005 would apply to all daughters born before when they were born.
the said amendment.
2. If a father died without a Will (also referred as intestate)
before 9 September 2005 i.e. before coming into effect of EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES
Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005 - then in such
situation - whether inheritance will be governed by the old FOR WOMEN IN INDIAN
section 6 of Hindu Succession Act or as per the amended
Section 6 of the Act which gave coparcenary rights to ARMY


• Supreme Court has held that daughters have an equal
birthright along with sons to inherit joint Hindu family
property. The Supreme Court held that the amended IN NEWS
Hindu Succession Act, which gives daughters equal rights Supreme Court in a landmark judgment in February, 2020 in
the case of Secretary, Ministry of Defence v Babita Puniya and

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Constituti0n, Polity and
Others held that that all serving women officers recruited in 10 QUEST FOR EQUALITY IN COURTS
combat support arms and services of the Indian Army under
Delhi HC Judgment 2010
the Short Service Commission (SSC) scheme will have to be
considered for Permanent Commission (PC). • Women officers of the Air Force and Army on Short Service
Commission (SSC) scheme who had sought Permanent
Accordingly, Ministry of Defence (MOD) has issued an order for
Commission but were not granted that status, would be
grant of Permanent Commission to women officers in the
entitled to Permanent Commission at par with male SSC
Army. So, in July, 2020, MOD issued formal sanction offering
officers. However, this benefit was only available to
Permanent Commission to women officers of the Indian Army.
women officers in service who had instituted proceedings
So, the SC judgment is the culmination of a struggle for equal
before the High Court, and had retired during the
opportunity that began almost 27 years ago when the Army
pendency of the writ petitions. Women officers who had
inducted the first batches of women as officers in non-medical
not attained the age of superannuation for permanently
corps. The Indian Air Force was first among the three services
commissioned officers would be reinstated with all
to grant PC to SSC women officers.
consequential benefits.
BACKGROUND – WOMEN IN INDIAN ARMY • The government challenged the order in the Supreme
• The induction of women officers in the Army started in Court, and even though the High Court judgment was not
1992. They were commissioned for a period of five years in stayed, the Defence Ministry did not implement those
certain chosen streams such as Army Education Corps, directions.
Corps of Signals, Intelligence Corps, and Corps of New Order of MOD – February 2019
• While the proceedings were on, the government passed an
• Recruits under the Women Special Entry Scheme (WSES) order in February 2019 for the grant of PC to SSC women
had a shorter pre-commission training period than their officers in eight streams of the Army, in addition to the JAG
male counterparts who were commissioned under the and AEC, which had been opened up in 2008. But they
Short Service Commission (SSC) scheme. would not be offered any command appointments, and
• In 2006, the WSES scheme was replaced with the SSC would serve only in staff posts.
scheme, which was extended to women officers. They New Proposal Made by the Government in Supreme
were commissioned for a period of 10 years, extendable Court
up to 14 years. Serving WSES officers were given the
• During the hearing, the government came up with a
option to move to the new SSC scheme, or to continue
proposal whereby women officers of up to 14 years of
under the erstwhile WSES.
service would be granted Permanent Commission in line
• Women Officers were however restricted to roles in with the letter of February 2019.
streams specified earlier (Army Education Corps, Corps of • Women officers with more than 14 years of service would
Signals, Intelligence Corps, and Corps of Engineers) which be permitted to serve for up to 20 years without being
excluded combat arms such as infantry and armoured considered for Permanent Commission, but would retire
corps. with pension, and those with more than 20 years of service
THE PROBLEM would be released with pensionary benefits immediately.

• While male SSC officers could opt for permanent SUPREME COURT FINAL DECISION
commission at the end of 10 years of service, this option • Supreme Court rejected the arguments presented by the
was not available to women officers. government saying they are based on sex stereotypes
premised on assumptions about socially ascribed roles of
• They were, thus, kept out of any command appointment,
gender which discriminate against women. It has also said
and could not qualify for government pension, which
that such arguments of the centre only show the need to
starts only after 20 years of service as an officer.
emphasise the need for change in mindsets to bring about
• The first batch of women officers under the new scheme true equality in the Army.
entered the Army in 2008.

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Constituti0n, Polity and
• So, the SC has done away with all discrimination on the • Serve till retirement
basis of years of service for grant of PC in 10 streams of • Command Appointments-If women officers had served
combat support arms and services, bringing them on a par only in staff, they would not have gone beyond the rank of
with male officers. Colonel. Now, women officers can be considered for
• The Court has also removed the restriction of women command roles, career postings and many other
officers only being allowed to serve in staff appointments, opportunities to distinguish themselves professionally.
which is the most significant and far-reaching aspect of the • Other Additional Benefits - A grant of PC will accrue
judgment. many other employee benefits, as, ‘In service career
DIRECTIONS GIVEN BY THE SUPREME COURT courses’ (such as the National Defence College, College of
Defence Management, the Army War College, etc), the
• The policy decision which has been taken by the Union
Defence Services Staff College, options in higher studies
Government allowing for the grant of PCs to SSC
(such as a Master of Business Administration or a Master
women officers in all the ten streams where women
of Technology), pension, ex-servicemen status and
have been granted SSC in the Indian Army is accepted
consequent benefits to name a few.
subject to the following:
• Mitigate Shortage of Staff - In addition, allowing a
o All serving women officers on SSC shall be considered for
motivated set of experienced women officers in
the grant of PCs irrespective of any of them having crossed
permanent cadre would be a small way to mitigate the
fourteen years or, as the case may be, twenty years of
shortage of officers in the Indian Army.
• Attending same training Courses - It also means that in
o The option shall be granted to all women presently in
junior ranks and career courses, women officers would be
service as SSC officers.
attending the same training courses and tenanting critical
o Women officers on SSC with more than fourteen years of appointments, which are necessary for higher promotions.
service who do not opt for being considered for the grant
of the PCs will be entitled to continue in service until they CONCLUSION - TIME FOR PATRIARCHAL MINDSET TO
attain twenty years of pensionable service. CHANGE IN INDIA

o As a one-time measure, the benefit of continuing in service • The judgment is important not only because it allows
until the attainment of pensionable service shall also apply women officers equal opportunities to serve in the Indian
to all the existing SSC officers with more than fourteen Army but also because the judgment addresses the issue
years of service who are not appointed on PC. of regressive mindsets.

o SSC women officers with over twenty years of service who • With women already in combat support arms and Services,
are not granted PC shall retire on pension in terms of the the question remains as to whether women shall be
policy decision. allowed in COMBAT ARMS. Here, we need to overcome the
regressive Patriarchal mindset and integrate women in the
o At the stage of opting for the grant of PC, all the choices for
evolving nature of warfare supported by technology.
specialisation shall be available to women officers on the
same terms as for the male SSC officers. Women SSC
officers shall be entitled to exercise their options for being
considered for the grant of PCs on the same terms as their TO REVIEW AGE OF
male counterparts.
o SSC women officers who are granted PC in pursuance of MARRIAGE FOR GIRLS
the above directions will be entitled to all consequential
benefits including promotion and financial benefits.
#Social Issue
However, these benefits would be made available to those
officers in service or those who had moved the Delhi High
Court by filing the Writ Petitions and those who had retired IN NEWS
during the course of the pendency of the proceedings. On the eve of Independence Day, Prime Minister of India
BENEFITS OF THE JUDGEMENT announced that the government may take a relook at the age

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Constituti0n, Polity and
of marriage of women in its bid to fight malnutrition. • The government has formed Ten Member Panel which
Currently, the law prescribes a minimum age of 21 years for includes Secretaries from the Ministries of Human
men and 18 years for women. Resource Development, Women and Child Development,
and Health and Family Welfare, Dr Vinod Paul from NITI
Aayog among others. The Panel is headed by former
• The minimum age of marriage is distinct from the age of Samata Party president Jaya Jaitely.
majority which is gender-neutral. An individual attains the
age of majority at 18 as per the Indian Majority Act, 1875. PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN DUE TO EARLY MARRIAGE
• The Special Marriage Act, 1954 and the Prohibition of Child
Marriage Act, 2006 also prescribe 18 and 21 years as the • A study conducted by International Food Policy Research
minimum age of consent for marriage for women and men Institute (IFPRI) and published last year in The Lancet Child
respectively. and Adolescent Health showed that children born to
adolescent mothers (10-19 years) were 5 percentage
• The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 had set 16 and 18
points more likely to be stunted (shorter for their age) than
years as the minimum age of marriage for girls and boys
those born to young adults (20-24 years), and 11
respectively. The law, popularly known as the Sarda Act
percentage points more stunted than children born to
after its sponsor Har Bilas Sarda, a judge and a member of
adult mothers.
Arya Samaj, was eventually amended in 1978 to prescribe
18 and 21 years as the age of marriage for a woman and a • Children born to adolescent mothers also had 10
man respectively. percentage points higher prevalence of low weight as adult
mothers. It also highlighted other factors, such as lower
• For Hindus, The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, sets 18 years as
education among teenage mothers and their poor
the minimum age for the bride and 21 years as the
economic status, which had the strongest links with a
minimum age for the groom.
child’s height and weight measurements.
• The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872 also prescribes the
• It recommended that “increasing age at first marriage, age
minimum age of marriage – 21 years for man and 18 years
at first birth, and girl’s education are a promising approach
for woman.
to improve maternal and child nutrition.
• However, in Islam, the marriage of a minor who has
attained puberty is considered valid.
COMMITTEE FORMED BY MINISTRY FOR WOMEN The National Coalition Advocating for Adolescent Concerns

on behalf of 21 NGOs in its submission to the Task Force
• On 2 June, the Union Ministry for Women and Child asserted that increasing the legal age of marriage for girls
Development set up a task force to examine matters will only “artificially expand the numbers of married
pertaining to age of motherhood, imperatives of lowering persons deemed underage and criminalise them and
Maternal Mortality Ratio and the improvement of render underage married girls without legal protection.
nutritional levels among women.
• Instead, transformative, well resourced measures that
• The task force will examine the correlation of age of increase girls’ access to education and health, create
marriage and motherhood with health, medical well-being, enabling opportunities and place girl’s empowerment at
and nutritional status of the mother and neonate, infant or the centre will not just delay marriage but lead to a long
child, during pregnancy, birth and thereafter. term, positive health and education outcomes.
• The Committee will also look at key parameters like Infant • The NGO has rather called for the need for awareness
Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Total about safe sex, access to reproductive health information,
Fertility Rate (TFR), Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) and Child Sex improving access to education, and retaining girls in the
Ratio (CSR), and will examine the possibility of increasing education system so that they are able to transition from
the age of marriage for women from the present 18 years
to 21 years.

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elementary to secondary education, and beyond which can • To render financial assistance, provide grants of payments
then delay marriage. of money or take such other steps as may be deemed

WAY FORWARD necessary by the Board of Trustees to the affected

While legal enactment to prevent child marriages is
necessary, we must simultaneously work towards keeping • To undertake any other activity, which is not inconsistent
girls in school, invest in economic and social empowerment with the above Objects.
of women and girls, as well as targeted social and behaviour
change communication (SBCC) campaigns to put an end to
this harmful practice. • Prime Minister is the ex-officio Chairman of the PM CARES
Fund and Minister of Defence, Minister of Home Affairs
and Minister of Finance, Government of India are ex-officio

PM-CARES Trustees of the Fund.

• The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees (Prime Minister)

#Judgement #Audit shall have the power to nominate three trustees to the
Board of Trustees who shall be eminent persons in the
field of research, health, science, social work, law, public
administration and philanthropy.
The Supreme Court has endorsed the PM CARES Fund as a
• Any person appointed a Trustee shall act in a pro bono
“public charitable trust” to which donors contribute
voluntarily. The Court observed that there is “no occasion” for
the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) to audit a public OTHER IMPORTANT DETAILS
charitable trust independent of budgetary support or • The fund consists entirely of voluntary contributions from
government money. The court said that it is “not open” for a individuals/organizations and does not get any budgetary
PIL petitioner to question the “wisdom” that created the fund support. The fund will be utilised in meeting the objectives
in an hour of need. So, the Court held that no exception can be as stated above.
taken to the constitution of a public charitable trust, namely,
• Donations to PM CARES Fund would qualify for 80G
benefits for 100% exemption under the Income Tax Act,
About PM-CARES: Keeping in mind the need for having a 1961. Donations to PM CARES Fund will also qualify to be
dedicated national fund with the primary objective of dealing counted as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
with any kind of emergency or distress situation, like posed expenditure under the Companies Act, 2013
by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide relief to the
• PM CARES Fund has also got exemption under the FCRA
affected, a public charitable trust under the name of ‘Prime
and a separate account for receiving foreign donations has
Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency
been opened. This enables PM CARES Fund to accept
Situations Fund (PM CARES Fund)’ has been set up.
donations and contributions from individuals and
OBJECTIVES organizations based in foreign countries. This is consistent

• To undertake and support relief or assistance of any kind with respect to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund

relating to a public health emergency or any other kind of (PMNRF). PMNRF has also received foreign contributions

emergency, calamity or distress, either man-made or as a public trust since 2011.

natural, including the creation or upgradation of • During 2019-20 (from 27th to 31st March, 2020), an
healthcare or pharmaceutical facilities, other necessary amount of Rs. 3076.62 Crore has been collected under PM
infrastructure, funding relevant research or any other type CARES Fund
of support.

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• According to the transaction of business rules, “police,
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has notified The
public order, All India Services and anti-corruption” will fall
Transaction of Business of the Government of Union Territory
under the executive functions of the L-G, implying that the
of Jammu and Kashmir Rules, 2019 that specify the functions
Chief Minister or the Council of Ministers will have no say
of the Lieutenant-Governor (L-G) and the Council of Ministers
in their functioning.
(CoM). J&K has been without a Chief Minister since June 2018.
According to the requirements of the Jammu and Kashmir • According to the Rules, the proposals relating to matters
Reorganisation Act, 2019, fresh elections will be held after the connected with All India Services Officers and Anti-
delimitation exercise is completed next year. Corruption Bureau shall be submitted to the Lieutenant
Governor by the commissioner or secretary of the General
Administration Department.
• The Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019
• Proposals or matters which affects or are likely to affect
provides that the Union Territory (UT) of Jammu and
peace and tranquility or the interest of any minority
Kashmir (J&K) will have an elected legislature and
community, the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes
accordingly has provided for powers and functions of
and the Backward Classes shall essentially be submitted to
Council of Ministers and LG for the UT of J&K.
the Lieutenant Governor through the Chief Secretary,
• Let us first for all go through the provisions of J&K under intimation to the Chief Minister, before issuing any
Reorganisation Act and then we will understand about the orders.
notification issued by Ministry of Home Affairs allocating
functions of LG & CoM.
• The Council of Ministers, led by the CM, will decide service
• Section 53(1) of J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019: There
matters of non-All India Services officers, proposal to
shall be a Council of Ministers consisting of not more than
impose new tax, land revenue, sale grant or lease of
ten percent of the total number of members in the
government property, reconstituting departments or
Legislative Assembly with the Chief Minister at the head to
offices and draft legislation.
aid and advise the Lieutenant Governor in the exercise of
his functions in relation to matters with respect to which In cases of Difference of Opinion between CoM & LG
the Legislative Assembly has power to make laws except DECISION OF LG IS FINAL IF MATTER NOT RESOLVED
where the LG is required to act in his discretion or under WITHIN 30 DAYS
any law to exercise any judicial or quasi-judicial functions.
• Under the Rules, in case of a difference of opinion
• Section 53(2) of J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019: The between LG and a minister of the Jammu and Kashmir
Lieutenant Governor shall, in the exercise of his functions, Union Territory on any matter, the LG can refer such
act in his discretion in a matter: matter to the Council of Ministers.
(i) which falls outside the purview of the powers conferred • If the difference of opinion persists, the Lieutenant
on the Legislative Assembly; or
Governor may direct that the matter be referred to the
(ii) in which he is required by or under any law to act in his Council of Minister, which shall consider the matter in its
discretion or to exercise any judicial functions. next scheduled meeting and shall convey its decision - not
(iii) related to All India Services and Anti Corruption Bureau

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later than 15 days from the date on which the matter was
referred by the LG.

• In case no such decision is received within 15 days from STANDING COMMITTEE

the date of such reference by LG, the decision of the
Lieutenant Governor shall be deemed to have been #GovernancE
accepted by the Council of Ministers.


A day after Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla wrote to chairpersons
• In case of difference of opinion between the Lieutenant of parliamentary standing committees advising them to ensure
Governor and the Council with regard to any matter, the confidentiality of panel meetings, Rajya Sabha Chairman M.
Lieutenant Governor shall refer it to the Central Venkaiah Naidu also wrote an advisory on similar lines. In this
Government for the decision of the President and shall act context, let us understand about Parliamentary Committees.
according to the decision of the President. ABOUT PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES
• So now, the President of India will have the final say on any • Parliamentary Committee means a Committee which is
matter over which differences may arise between the LG appointed or elected by the House or nominated by the
and J&K’s Council of Ministers. Speaker and which works under the direction of the
Speaker and presents its report to the House or to the
• Further, the LG of J&K has also been empowered to pass
Speaker and the Secretariat.
directions in such situations that action taken by the
Council of Ministers will be suspended for as long as it • By their nature, Parliamentary Committees are of two

takes the President of India to decide on the cases referred kinds: Standing Committees and Ad hoc Committees.

to her. o Standing Committees are permanent and regular

committees which are constituted from time to time in
pursuance of the provisions of an Act of Parliament or
MATTERS Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha.
• The rules state that any matter which is likely to bring the The work of these Committees is of continuous nature.
Government of the Union territory into controversy with The Financial Committees, Department Related Standing
Committees (DRSCs) and some other Committees come
the Central Government or with any State Government
under the category of Standing Committees.
shall, as soon as possible, be brought to the notice of the
L-G and the CM by the Secretary concerned through the o Ad hoc Committees are appointed for a specific purpose
and they cease to exist when they finish the task assigned
Chief Secretary.
to them and submit a report. The principal Ad hoc
• As per the rules, all communications received from the Committees are the Select and Joint Committees on Bills.
Centre, including those from the Prime Minister and other Railway Convention Committee, Joint Committee on Food
Ministers (other than those of a routine or unimportant Management in Parliament House Complex etc also come
character) shall as soon as possible after their receipt, be under the category of ad hoc Committees.
submitted by the Secretary to NEED FOR PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES
 Chief Secretary, • Scrutiny - The need for Committees arises out of two
 Minister in charge, factors, the first one being the need for vigilance on the
part of the Legislature over the actions of the Executive,
 Chief Minister and
while the second one is that the modern Legislature these
 L-G for information. days is over-burdened with heavy volume of work with
limited time at its disposal. It thus becomes impossible

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that every matter should be thoroughly and systematically SCRUTINISE AND Government Assurances
scrutinised and considered on the floor of the House. CONTROL (b) Committee on Subordinate
• Consider Complexity & Nature of Bills - Considering the Legislation and
complexity of Bills, nature of conduct of business of (c) Committee on Papers Laid
Parliament and limited time available at Parliament’s on the Table
disposal (Budget Session, Monsoon Session & Winter
3 COMMITTEES (a) Business Advisory
Session), good deal of Parliament’s business is therefore,
transacted in Committees of the House, known as
TO-DAY BUSINESS OF (b) Rules Committee.
Parliamentary Committees.
• Deliberation & Discussion - In a Committee, the matter is
deliberated at length, views are expressed freely, the 4 HOUSE KEEPING (a) House Committee;
COMMITTEES (b) General Purposes
matter is considered in depth, in a business-like manner
Committee; and
and in a calmer atmosphere.
(c) Committee on Provision of
• Vibrant Link between Legislature, Executive & Public -
Computers to Members of
In most of the Committees, public is directly or indirectly
Rajya Sabha
associated when memoranda containing suggestions are
received, on-the-spot studies are conducted and oral
evidence is taken which helps the Committees in arriving
at the conclusions. Thus, Parliamentary Committees acts
as vibrant link between the Parliament, the Executive and
the general public. • The need to constitute some kind of Subject Specific
Committees or the Department-related Parliamentary
• Assist Legislature & Prevent Misuse of Power of
Standing Committees was felt for the last several years.
Executive - The Committees aid and assist the Legislature
in discharging its duties and regulating its functions • In 1989, in fact, 3 Standing Committees were constituted
effectively, expeditiously and efficiently. Through which dealt with Agriculture, Science and Technology and
Committees, Parliament exercises its control and influence Environment and Forests.
over administration. Parliamentary Committees have a • In 1993, it was finally decided to set up 17 Department-
salutary effect on the Executive. The Committees are not related Parliamentary Standing Committees each
meant to weaken the administration, instead they prevent consisting of 15 members of Rajya Sabha and 30 from Lok
misuse of power exercisable by the Executive. Sabha to cover various Ministries/Departments of the
• Provides Expertise - Entrusting certain functions of the Union Government in order to further strengthen the
House to the Committees has, therefore, become a normal accountability of the Government to Parliament.
practice. This has become all the more necessary as a • With the addition of 7 more Committees in July 2004, the
Committee provides the expertise on a matter which is number of Department-related Parliamentary Standing
referred to it. Committees was raised to 24 but with reduced

STANDING COMMITTEE – RAJYA SABHA membership of 10 members from Rajya Sabha and 21
members from Lok Sabha.
It may be divided in terms of their functions under four broad
• Of the total Department-related Parliamentary Standing
Committees, 8 were placed within the jurisdiction of the
1 COMMITTEES TO (a) Committee on Petitions Chairman, Rajya Sabha and 16 within the jurisdiction of the
ENQUIRE (b) Committee of Privileges Speaker, Lok Sabha.
(c) Ethics Committee. • The Chairmen of the first 8 Committees are appointed
by Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the remaining
2 COMMITTEES TO (a) Committee on
16 by the Speaker of Lok Sabha.

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• Rules 268 to 277 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of 21 Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers
Business in the Conduct of States and Rules 331 C to 331 N
of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok 22 Committee on Rural Development
Sabha govern the Constitution and functioning of these
Committees. 23 Committee on Coal and Steel

DRPSC WHICH COMES UNDER THE PURVIEW OF 24 Committee on Social Justice & Empowerment

1 Committee on Commerce
2 Committee on Home Affairs
3 Committee on Human Resource Development
4 Committee on Industry
(a) to consider the Demands for Grants of the related
5 Committee on Science & Technology, Environment Ministries/ Departments and report thereon. The report
& Forest shall not suggest anything of the nature of cut motions;

6 Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture (b) to examine Bills, pertaining to the related Ministries/
Departments, referred to the Committee by the Chairman
7 Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law
or the Speaker, as the case may be, and report thereon;
and Justice
(c) to consider the annual reports of the Ministries/
8 Committee on Health and Family Welfare
Departments and report thereon; and
DRPSC WHICH COMES UNDER THE PURVIEW OF (d) to consider national basic long term policy documents
SPEAKER - LOK SABHA presented to the Houses, if referred to the Committee by

9 Committee on Agriculture the Chairman or the Speaker, as the case may be, and
report thereon:
10 Committee on Information Technology
Provided that the Standing Committees shall not consider
11 Committee on Defence matters of day to-day administration of the related
12 Committee on Energy
13 Committee on External Affairs
1. The report of the Standing Committee shall be based on
14 Committee on Finance
broad consensus.
15 Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public 2. Any member of the Committee may record a minute of
dissent on the report of the Committee.
16 Committee on Labour 3. The report of the Committee, together with the minutes of
dissent, if any, shall be presented to the Houses.
17 Committee on Petroleum & Natural Gas
A Standing Committee shall not ordinarily consider matters
18 Committee on Railways
within the purview of any other Parliamentary Committee.
19 Committee on Urban Development The report of a Standing Committee shall have persuasive
value and shall be treated as considered advice given by the
20 Committee on Water Resources

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Constituti0n, Polity and

power as an end in itself has obliterated institutional
legitimacy due to failure in observance of rule of law.

DEMOCRACIES IN • Obsessive raw power pursued by democracies for a set of

goals and ideologies nurtures jingoistic nationalism which

PRESENT COVID TIMES then thrives on saga of fake news and misinformation. This
disturbs the balance between demands of security and
#Democracy sanctity of civil rights without discrimination.

3. No Concerns for Loss of Jobs

• COVID has brought unprecedented times of economic

crisis as millions across the globe has lost their jobs and it
In disturbing time of COVID-19 pandemic, modern world where is estimated that roughly 3.4 trillion dollars have been lost
technology has far exceeded the regulations and control by in labour revenue. This economic crisis has increased
state actions needs to be regulated through political will and social distress, heightened geopolitical rivalries, increased
able leadership. Let us go through some of the highlighted racism and xenophobia.
concerns which have the potential to disturb a liberal, inclusive
• In such situations of grief, there is a need for an
and egalitarian society with the help of intrusive technological
international cooperative endeavour to chart out policies
surveillance placed at all corners.
to revive the global economy including reviving the supply
HIGHLIGHTED CONCERNS chain which has been disrupted due to COVID crisis. Such
1. Millennium Development Goals: The United Nations economic crisis should not be used as an opportunity by
Millennium Development Goals are eight goals that all UN nations to increase their power without doing much to
member states had agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015 restore economy and jobs for millions.
by signing the United Nations Millennium Declaration in 4. Increasing encroachment of private life through
September, 2000. The Eight Millennium Development Goals ‘surveillance state’
• Increasing encroachment of the private sphere by a
1. to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; ‘surveillance state’ through the abuse of digital
2. to achieve universal primary education; technologies and Artificial Intelligence systems raise
discomforting questions about the flawed dominance of
3. to promote gender equality and empower women;
efficiency over ethics and power over principle.
4. to reduce child mortality;
• Further, the omnipresence of algorithm-driven platforms
5. to improve maternal health;
and commercial harvesting of personal data raise
6. to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases; uncomfortable questions about privacy rights and human
7. to ensure environmental sustainability; and dignity.

8. to develop a global partnership for development. • Digital Surveillance by state in complicity of private entities
raises questions over infringement of rights including right
Concerns –Failed leadership across the world has ensured
to life and personal liberty as well as right to privacy
that MDG set out in September, 2000 still needs to be
(Article 21).
achieved. The present disruption caused due to pandemic
and digital divide are another obstacle in achieving MDG 5. Lack of Cyber Security
completely by all UN Member States. • There is a need to develop global norms on cybersecurity
2. Retreat of Democracies in Pursuit of Raw Power which must be adhered as law by all UN member states by
incorporating such norms as part of domestic laws.
• A phenomenon of global retreat of democracies has been
observed in the pursuit of raw power and this presents a • Such an effort at international level will bring more
daunting and depressing picture especially with respect to accountability into the system as it will keep a check on
liberty, equality and justice. Obsessive pursuit of raw over increasing cases of cyberbullying and use of

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Constituti0n, Polity and
technology for communal polarisation used by political WAY FORWARD
parties to suit their political ends.
Existentialist questions of the day magnify the importance of
• Such an effort will also ensure rights and dignity of citizens inspiring leadership committed to a liberal, inclusive and a
including those of minorities and oppressed classes across truly egalitarian order. The time for such a leadership is
the globe. here. Thus, integrity, consistency, empathy, relentless
6. Diminished Authority of State – Absence of Boundaries determination, self-effacing humility, a binding moral
of Digital World compass and the ability to motivate masses within the
inviolate ethical and ideological framework of politics are
• Modern World has seen the rise of algorithm based cyber
leadership attributes which are more relevant and required
world and its impact are also severe on different aspects of
today than ever in a fast changing world penetrated by
life. In such scenario, the diminished authority of the state
to regulate the impact of technology on our social and
political life questions the original premises of the
agreement on which citizens agreed to obey state laws
(social contract or social compact). UNITED NATIONS POLICY
• So, the absence of enforceable boundaries of the digital
world could lead us to a life where decisions would be
based on algorithms set to harvest commercial or political
• This new world in which life will be re-engineered and #Education
adapted to unprecedented changes will need
extraordinary leadership that can not only apply
knowledge of the new age but also rise to the unforeseen IN NEWS
challenges and safeguard freedom and fairness.
United Nations Policy Brief on Education during COVID-19 and
7. Concentration of Wealth in Few Hands beyond highlights that children are at risk of not returning to
• Another problem brought by democracy is free market school next year due to the economic fallout of COVID-19. The
which results in concentration of wealth. Concentration of report also mentioned that the educational financing gap is
wealth in few hands has the potential to change the fabrics also likely to increase by one third in upcoming times. So, let
of free and fair elections in India through use of money us go through the important highlights about the UN Report.
power and lobbying between corporates and government • Impact on Education due to COVID: The COVID-19
in power. pandemic has created the largest disruption of education
• Credit Suisse India Report of 2018 - The richest 10% of systems in history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in
Indians own 77.4% of the country’s wealth whereas the more than 190 countries and all continents. Closures of
bottom 60%, the majority of the population, owns only schools and other learning spaces have impacted
4.7% of the total wealth in India. And top of it, richest 1% 94 per cent of the world’s student population, up to
Indians controls more than 51% of the wealth. India's 99 per cent in low and lower-middle income countries.
richest 1% got richer by 39% in 2018 while the bottom-half • Most impacted by the COVID Crisis: The crisis has
saw just 3% rise in their wealth. reduced opportunities for many in their continued
• Thus, concentration of wealth and Political Power has learning process including most vulnerable children, youth,
become a more general global phenomena and can be and adults, those living in poor or rural areas, girls,
seen in the US, China, Russia, India, Brazil, Hungary, Turkey refugees, persons with disabilities and forcibly displaced
and elsewhere. persons.

• Learning will be impacted in future: Learning losses also

threaten to extend beyond this generation and erase

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Constituti0n, Polity and
decades of progress, not least in support of girls and mitigate the potentially devastating consequences of the
young women’s educational access and retention. Some COVID-19 pandemic, governments and stakeholders are
23.8 million additional children and youth (from pre- encouraged to pursue the following policy responses:
primary to tertiary) may drop out or not have access to 1. Suppress transmission of the virus and plan thoroughly
school next year due to the pandemic’s economic impact for school re-openings: While re-opening the schools, it is
alone. important to ensure the safety of all, plan for inclusive re-
• Impact of Closure of Educational Institutions opening, listen to the voices of all concerned and coordinate
worldwide: The education disruption has had, and will with key stakeholders including the health community.
continue to have, substantial effects beyond education. 2. Protect education financing and coordinate for impact:
Closures of educational institutions hamper the provision National authorities and the international community need to
of essential services to children and communities, protect education financing through the following avenues:
including access to nutritious food, affect the ability of
o strengthen domestic revenue mobilization;
many parents to work, and increase risks of violence
against women and girls. o preserve the share of expenditure for education as a top
priority and address inefficiencies in education spending;
• Fiscal Strain on Education: As fiscal pressure increases,
and development assistance comes under strain, the o strengthen international coordination to address the debt
financing of education could also face major challenges in crisis; and
the future leading to worsening of massive pre-COVID-19 o protect official development assistance (ODA) for
education funding gaps. For low income countries and education.
lower-middle-income countries, for instance, that gap has
3. Build resilient education systems for equitable and
reached a staggering $148 billion annually and it could
sustainable development: Strengthening the resilience of
now increase by up to one-third.
education systems enables countries to respond to the
• Some Positives & Challenges: Despite the challenges, the immediate challenges of safely reopening schools and
crisis has stimulated innovation within the education positions them to better cope with future crises. In this
sector. We have seen innovative approaches in support of regard, governments could consider the following:
education and training continuity: from radio and
o focus on equity and inclusion;
television to online education including take-home
packages. Distance learning solutions have been o reinforce capacities for risk management, at all levels of

developed thanks to quick responses by governments and the system;

partners all over the world supporting education o ensure strong leadership and coordination; and
continuity, including the Global Education Coalition o enhance consultation and communication mechanisms.
covered by UNESCO. However, the crisis has also
4. Reimagine education and accelerate change in
reminded us that the promising future of learning, and the
teaching and learning: There is a need to find new ways to
accelerated changes in modes of delivering quality
address the learning crisis and bring about a set of solutions
education, cannot be separated from the imperative of
previously considered difficult or impossible to implement.
leaving no one behind. This is true for children and youth
The following entry points could be to the fore of our efforts:
affected by a lack of resources or enabling environment
including children from vulnerable sections to access new o focus on addressing learning losses and preventing
form of learning including online learning. Thus, dropouts, particularly of marginalized groups;
governments and important stakeholders must come o offer skills for employability programmes;
together to provide access of education to such students
o support the teaching profession and teachers’ readiness;
who lack adequate resources at their disposal.
o expand the definition of the right to education to include
Preventing a learning crisis from becoming a generational o remove barriers to connectivity;
catastrophe requires urgent action from all. So, in order to

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Constituti0n, Polity and
o strengthen data and monitoring of learning; • On August 3, 2015, the Centre signed a framework

o strengthen the articulation and flexibility across levels; agreement with the NSCN (I-M) to resolve the Naga issue,

and but both sides maintained secrecy about its contents.

o strengthen types of education and training. • The optimism among some Naga groups eroded a bit
when the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) were
brought on board the peace process on November 17,
Education is not only a fundamental human right. It is an 2017.
enabling right with direct impact on the realization of all
• The NNPGs are a group of Seven Naga outfits and
other human rights. It is a global common good and a organizations who along with NSCN-IM are also involved in
primary driver of progress across all 17 Sustainable
talks with the Centre to sign a Final Agreement to the Naga
Development Goals as a bedrock of just, equal, inclusive
issue. NNGPs and NSCN (I-M) are not on same page
peaceful societies. When education systems collapse, peace,
regarding the political solution of Nagaland. This aspect of
prosperous and productive societies cannot be sustained.
division among Naga Group was kept in mind by the
Indian Government while bringing NNGPs along with
NSCN (I-M) in the peace deal.
NAGA PEACE • So, according to NSCN (I-M) bringing along NNGPs on
board the peace deal created suspicion about New Delhi
#Security exploiting divisions within the Nagas on tribal and
geopolitical lines. It was also a throwback to the first peace
deal, The Shillong Accord of 1975 that Naga hardliners
had rejected.

IN NEWS • Rejection of the Shillong Accord had led to the birth of the
NSCN in January 1980. However, differences surfaced
The Framework Agreement signed in August 2015 between
within the outfit a few years later over initiating a dialogue
Government of India and National Socialist Council of
process with the Indian government. Because of the
Nagalim, or the NSCN (I-M) promised roads to peace in
difference, NSCN split into the NSCN (I-M) and NSCN
Nagaland. The contents of the Agreement were kept
(Khaplang) in April 1988 who often engaged in fratricidal
confidential by mutual consent between the government and
NSCN (I-M) “for security reasons”.

Recently, on the eve of independence-day, the contents of the

agreement were made public by NSCN (I-M) signaling the GOVERNMENT AND NSCN (I-M)
growing tension with the Union Government. NSCN (I-M) • When Mr. Ravi was appointed as Nagaland’s Governor in
released the draft because it believed that Centre’s July 2019, there was certain amount of euphoria that the
interlocutor for talks Mr. R.N. Ravi who is also the Governor of peace deal would eventually be fruitful and there would be
Nagaland had made unilateral changes to the Framework light at the end of long drawn tunnel. As the Centre’s
Agreement which NSCN (I-M) did not agree to. Earlier, Mr. R.N. interlocutor, Mr. Ravi had signed the framework
Ravi had said that all important agreements on the peace deal agreement in the presence of the Prime Minister.
were settled in October 2019 and only some minor outstanding
• In October 2019, Mr. Ravi issued a statement blaming the
issues were left to be worked upon.
“procrastinating attitude” of the NSCN (I-M) for the delay in
However, there seem certain problems with the peace process a mutually-agreed draft comprehensive settlement. He
as NSCN (I-M) has demanded removal of R.N. Ravi who has also said the NSCN (I-M) imputed “imaginary contents” to
been Centre’s interlocutor for the last 23-year-old in the peace the framework agreement while referring to the
process. government’s purported acceptance of a ‘Naga national
HISTORICAL BACKDROP TO THE 2015 FRAMEWORK flag’ and ‘Naga Yezhabo (constitution)’ as part of the deal.


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Constituti0n, Polity and
• In June 2020, the NSCN (I-M) took offence to Mr. Ravi’s keeps the government separate from Mr. Ravi which also
letter to Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio in which he allows a window of opportunity for the government to
referred to them as “armed gangs” running parallel peacefully settle the deal as per the Framework Agreement
governments. The NSCN (I-M) reacted by demanding Mr. agreed upon in 2015 in the presence of Indian Prime
Ravi’s removal from the peace process. However, this Minister.
demand was opposed by Naga National Political Groups
(NNPGs), a conglomerate of seven rival groups, and some
social organisations as they want Mr. Ravi to stay as the
• Greater Nagalim - NSCN (I-M) believes in the idea of
Greater Nagalim, which is a homeland encompassing all IN NEWS
Naga-inhabited areas in Nagaland and beyond including
Theories of distributive justice seek to specify what is meant by
parts of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Manipur.
a just distribution of goods among members of
• Problem in Accepting the demand of Greater Nagalim - society. Distributive Justice is an important idea which deals
Accepting this demand would leave the centre no choice with distribution of burden and benefits among members of
but to reorganize the states of Nagaland, Assam, Manipur any society. This idea is also provided in the Indian
and Arunachal. No states presently would agree to such a Constitution as part of Directive Principles of State Policy
proposal which carves away their settled territory. The (which cannot be enforced) under Article 39(b) and Article
Assam government has vowed not to part with “even an 39(c).
inch of land”, the All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union
The provision states that the State shall in particular direct its
warned against any “territorial changes” while finding a
policy towards securing that the ownership and control of the
solution. Manipur Chief Minister said he has received the
material resources of the community are so distributed as best to
Centre’s assurance that the peace deal with the NSCN (I-M)
subserve the common good and that the operation of the
will not affect the territorial integrity of Manipur.
economic system does not result in the concentration of wealth
• Peaceful Settlement outside the purview of Indian and means of production to the common detriment. So, in this
Constitution – NSCN (I-M) wants settlement of peace backdrop let us go through the concept of distributive justice
outside the purview of Indian Constitution as that will based on distribution of burdens and benefits among members
allow them to fulfill their demand of peaceful co-existence of the society and also learn about John Rawl’s Theory of Justice.
of two sovereign entities. Now, in his ‘Naga Independence
Day’ speech on August 14, NSCN (I-M) general secretary UPSC MAINS – GS PAPER 4 – (2016)
Thuingaleng Muivah insisted the Nagas “will never merge Q. Analyse John Rawl’s concept of Social Justice in the Indian
with India and strongly indicated a settlement outside the Context. (10 Marks) (150 Words)
purview of the Constitution of India.
• Demand for a separate Flag and Constitution – NSCN (I-
►Justice as Fairness
M) faction have demanded a separate Flag and
Constitution for their Greater Nagalim. However, so far the • One of the most famous American philosophers to focus
Naga leaders are divided around the demand for a on the topic of distributive justice was John Rawls. In his
separate flag and a constitution separate from the Indian work, A Theory of Justice, Rawls mentions about as
constitution as NNGPs are ready to go ahead with the “Justice as Fairness.”
peace deal even without a separate flag and constitution. • The wellbeing of representatives is assessed by their
Way Forward: So, the NSCN, by making public the original allocation of what Rawls terms primary goods. There are
copy of the Framework Agreement of 2015 has blamed Mr. two classes of primary goods. The first class comprises
Ravi for doctoring the peace deal. However, this step also Social Primary Goods, such as Liberty and Wealth. The

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Constituti0n, Polity and
second class comprises Natural Primary Goods - such as ►Understanding Distributive Justice
personal characteristics. Justice as fairness is concerned
• Distribution of Benefits and Burdens in societies - The
with the distribution of social primary goods. economic, political and social frameworks that each society
►Difference Principle has its laws, institutions, policies, etc. which result in

• The part of Rawls’ theory that addresses economic different distributions of benefits and burdens across

inequalities is often referred to as the “Difference members of the society. These frameworks are the result

Principle.” According to Rawls, a just society is one whose of human political processes and they constantly change

major political, social, and economic institutions, taken both across societies and within societies over time. The
together, satisfy the following two principles: structure of these frameworks is important because the
distributions of benefits and burdens resulting from them
1. Each person has an equal claim to a scheme of basic rights
fundamentally affect people’s lives. Arguments about
and liberties that is the maximum consistent with the
which frameworks and/or resulting distributions are
same scheme for all.
morally preferable constitute the topic of distributive
2. Social and economic inequalities are permissible only if: (a) justice.
they confer the greatest benefit to the least-advantaged
• Moral Guidance - Principles of distributive justice are
members of society, and (b) they are attached to positions
therefore best thought of as providing moral guidance for
and offices open to all under conditions of fair equality of
the political processes and structures that affect the
distribution of benefits and burdens in societies, and any
• The basic rights and liberties in Principle 1 include the principles which do offer this kind of moral guidance on
rights and liberties of democratic citizenship, such as the distribution, regardless of the terminology they employ,
right to vote; the right to run for office in free should be considered principles of distributive justice.
elections; freedom of speech, assembly, and religion; the
• Distributive justice is a concept that addresses the
right to a fair trial; and more generally, the right to the rule
ownership of goods in a society. It assumes that there is a
of law. Principle 1 is accorded strict priority over principle
large amount of fairness in the distribution of goods. Equal
2, which regulates social and economic inequalities.
work should provide individuals with an equal outcome in
• Principle 2 combines two ideals. The first, known as the terms of goods acquired or the ability to acquire goods.
“Difference Principle,” requires that any unequal Distributive justice is absent when equal work does not
distribution of social or economic goods (e.g., wealth) must produce equal outcomes or when an individual or a group
be such that the least-advantaged members of society acquires a disproportionate amount of goods.
would be better off under that distribution than they
• Distributive principles vary in numerous dimensions -
would be under any other distribution consistent with
They vary in what is considered relevant to distributive
principle 1, including an equal distribution. This is because
justice (income, wealth, opportunities, jobs, welfare, utility,
a slightly unequal distribution might benefit the least
etc.); in the nature of the recipients of the distribution
advantaged by encouraging greater overall productivity.
(individual persons, groups of persons, reference classes,
• The second ideal of Principle 2 is Meritocracy and is etc.); and on what basis the distribution should be made
understood in a very demanding way. According to Rawls, (equality, maximization, according to individual
fair equality of opportunity obtains in a society when all characteristics, according to free transactions, etc.).
persons with the same native talent (genetic inheritance)
and the same degree of ambition have the same prospects
for success in all competitions for positions that confer Sharing to reduce inequality
special economic and social advantages. Based on these • At the very least, justice requires that we not be greedy
understandings, let us go through the principle of and grab things; instead, we share them with those we
distributive justice. don’t know or love. Simply put, a sense of justice is born
when we begin sharing things with strangers.

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Constituti0n, Polity and
• The basic idea of justice is that ‘each person gets what is • So, even though we start as equals, those who are talented
properly due to him or her’, that the benefits and burdens or work hard should be rewarded with more benefits and
of society be distributed in a manner that gives each be less burdened. Conversely, those contributing
person his or her due. unequally to the creation of wealth or cultural assets, do
not deserve the same benefits yielded by them. This
underpins the idea of equal opportunity to all, albeit with
• Now, the question arises is that what is a person’s due and
justified inequalities of outcome.
how to determine it. It is here where we can distinguish
between hierarchical and egalitarian notions of justice. FINDING THE BALANCE

• In hierarchical notions, what is due to a person is • Most reasonable egalitarian conceptions of justice try to

established by her or his place within a hierarchical find a balance between need and desert. They try to

system. For instance, by rank determined at birth. Certain ensure a distribution of goods and abilities (benefits) that

groups are born privileged. Therefore, their members are satisfies everyone’s needs, and a fair distribution of social

entitled to a disproportionately large share of benefits, and burdens or sacrifices required for fulfilling them. After this,

a disproportionately small share of burdens. On this rewards are permissible to those who by virtue of natural

conception, justice requires that the benefits and burdens gift, social learning and personal effort, deserve more.

be unequally shared or distributed. INEQUALITY INCREASING IN OUR SOCIETY

• To take just one example, in a society ridden with caste • Our society is afflicted by deep material, cultural and
hierarchies, those born in high castes are entitled to a knowledge-related inequalities and these inequalities are
much greater share of wealth, power, cultural status and growing by the day. Sometimes these inequalities are
knowledge. Conversely, those born in ‘low castes’ get accompanied by blatant assertions of unequal moral
whatever is their proper due — very little, sometimes worth, though today, a deafening silence on social and
nothing. The hierarchical conception of justice has distributive justice is more common.
rarely remained unchallenged.
• Overall we can say that we are falling way short of
ESSENCE OF EGALITARIAN DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE standards of social and distributive justice as provided in

• In societies still infested with live hierarchies, people must the Preamble. Putting justice back into public discourse

first struggle for recognition as equals, for what might be should be government’s priority as it will help in removing

called basic social justice. Then, they must decide how to inequality from the society thereby fulfilling the mandate
share all social benefits and burdens among equal of Directive Principles of State Policy Particularly Article

persons, the essence of egalitarian distributive justice. 39.


• For the first need-based principle, what is due to a person
is what she really needs, i.e., whatever is necessary for
general human well-being. Since our basic needs are
identical, justice requires their fulfillment in every single
person. Beyond this basic threshold, our needs usually #Recruitment
vary, and therefore justice further requires the fulfillment
of different needs — say, the specific needs of a scholar, as
well as the very different needs of a mountaineer. IN NEWS
• Second, the principle of desert for which what is due to a
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister has approved the
person is what he or she deserves, determined not by
proposal to set up the National Recruitment Agency (NRA),
birth or tradition but by a person’s own qualities, for
paving the way for a transformational reform in the
instance ‘natural’ talent or productive effort.
recruitment process for central government jobs.

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Constituti0n, Polity and
NRA has been set up as an independent, professional, • Special focus will be on creating examination
specialist organization for conduct of a computer based online infrastructure in all the 117 Aspirational Districts as it will
common eligibility test for recruitment and will help in go a long way in providing access to candidates at a place
bringing reform in the area of recruitment. The Government nearer to where they reside. This will immensely benefit
has sanctioned a sum of Rs. 1517.57 crore for the National the candidates in terms of cost, effort, safety and time.
Recruitment Agency (NRA). The expenditure will be undertaken ►Relief to Candidates
over a period of three years. Apart from setting up the NRA,
• The proposal will not only ease access to rural candidates,
costs will be incurred for setting up examination infrastructure
it will also motivate the rural candidates residing in the far-
in the 117 Aspirational Districts.
flung areas to take the examination and thereby, enhance
NEED FOR RECRUITMENT REFORM their representation in Central Government jobs. Taking
• At present, candidates seeking government jobs have to job opportunities closer to the people is an important step
appear for separate examinations conducted by multiple that would greatly enhance ease of living for the youth.
recruiting agencies for various posts, for which similar • Presently, the candidates have to appear in multiple
eligibility conditions have been prescribed. Candidates examinations conducted by multiple agencies. Apart from
have to pay fee to multiple recruiting agencies and also the examination fees, candidates have to incur additional
have to travel long distances for appearing in various expenses for travel, boarding, lodging and other such. A
exams. single examination would reduce the financial burden on
• These multiple recruitment examinations are a burden on candidates to a large extent.
the candidates, as also on the respective recruitment ►Benefits for Women Candidates
agencies, involving avoidable/repetitive expenditure, law
• Women candidates especially from rural areas face
and order/security related issues and venue related
constraints in appearing in multiple examinations as they
have to arrange for transportation and places to stay in
• On an average, 2.5 crore to 3 crore candidates appear in places that are far away. They sometimes have to find
each of these examinations. A Common Eligibility Test suitable persons to accompany them to these Centres that
would enable these candidates to appear once and apply are located far away. The location of test centres in every
to any or all of these recruitment agencies for the higher District would greatly benefit candidates from rural areas
level of examination. in general and women candidates in particular.
COMMON ELIGIBILITY TEST TO BE CONDUCTED BY ►NRA will allow Candidates to compete for more post
• Given the financial and other constraints, earlier the
• National Recruitment Agency (NRA) will conduct a candidates from rural background had to make a choice as
Common Eligibility Test (CET) to screen/shortlist to which examination they want to appear in.
candidates for the Group B and C (non-technical) posts.
• Under the NRA, the candidates by appearing in one
• NRA will have representatives of Ministry of Railways, examination will get an opportunity to compete for many
Ministry of Finance/Department of Financial Services, the posts. NRA will conduct the first-level /Tier I Examination
SSC, RRB & IBPS. which is the stepping stone for many other selections.
• It is envisioned that the NRA would be a specialist body ►CET Score to be valid for three years, no bar on
bringing the state-of-the-art technology and best practices attempts
to the field of Central Government recruitment.
• The CET score of the candidate shall be valid for a period
MAJOR BENEFITS OF NRA of three years from the date of declaration of the result.

►Examination Centre in Every District • The best of the valid scores shall be deemed to be the
current score of the candidate. There shall be no
• Examination Centres in every District of the country would
restriction on the number of attempts to be taken by a
greatly enhance access to the candidates located in far-
flung areas.

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 44

Constituti0n, Polity and
candidate to appear in the CET subject to the upper age and Private Sector. This would help such organizations in
limit. saving costs and time spent on recruitment.

• Relaxation in the upper age limit shall be given to

candidates of SC/ST/OBC and other categories as per the
extant policy of the Government. This would go a long way ISLAND DEVELOPMENT
in mitigating the hardship of candidates who spend a
considerable amount of time, money and effort preparing AGENCY
and giving these examinations every year.

►Separate Testing for different Grades – Reduce Burden

of Candidates

• NRA shall conduct a separate CET each for the three levels
of graduate, higher secondary (12th pass) and the
matriculate (10 pass) candidates, for those non-technical While launching the submarine Optical Fibre Cable (OFC)
posts to which recruitment is presently carried out by the connecting Andaman & Nicobar Islands to the mainland, Prime
Staff Selection Commission (SSC), the Railway Recruitment Minister highlighted that the Island Development Agency (IDA)
Boards (RRBs) and by the Institute of Banking Personnel which was formed in 2017 has been reviewing the progress of
Selection (IBPS). the important works carried out in the islands of Andaman

• Based on the screening done at the CET score level, final and Nicobar Islands and in the Lakshadweep islands.

selection for recruitment shall be made through separate IMPORTANT HIGHLIGHTS - MEETING OF ISLAND
specialised Tiers (II, III etc) of examination which shall be DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
conducted by the respective recruitment agencies.
• The Union Home Minister chaired the Sixth meeting of IDA
• The curriculum for this test would be common as would be
where he reviewed the progress made towards the
the standard. This would greatly ease the burden of
programme “Holistic development of islands”.
candidates who are at present required to prepare for
each of the examinations separately as per different • For the first time under the guidance of IDA, an initiative of
curriculum. sustainable development in the identified Islands within
scientifically-assessed carrying capacity was taken-up.
• The meeting also focused on creation of jobs for the
The CET would be available in a number of languages. This
islanders through tourism promotion as well as export
would greatly facilitate people from different parts of the
of seafood and coconut-based products made in the
country to take the exam and have an equal opportunity of
being selected.
• Model tourism projects both Land-based and Water Villas
is planned and bids have been invited for private sector
• Initially the scores would be used by the three major
• As a unique initiative, to spur investment, it was decided to
recruitment agencies. However, over a period of time it is
obtain clearances for implementation of the planned
expected that other recruitment agencies in the Central
projects up-front. Environment and Coastal Regulation
Government would adopt the same. Further, it would be
open for other agencies in the public as well as private Zone (CRZ) clearances have already been obtained for four

domain to adopt it if they so choose. exemplary tourism projects of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

• Thus, in the long run, the CET score could be shared with • Improving air, sea and digital connectivity was also
other recruiting agencies in the Central Government, State discussed and on similar lines government has announced
Governments/Union Territories, Public Sector Undertaking inauguration of submarine Optical Fibre Cable (OFC)
connecting Chennai and Port Blair.

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Constituti0n, Polity and
• The submarine cable will also connect Port Blair to Swaraj These islands carry importance because of their size and
Dweep (Havelock), Little Andaman, Car Nicobar, strategic location.
Kamorta, Great Nicobar, Long Island, and Rangat. This
connectivity will enable delivery of faster and more reliable
mobile and landline telecom services to Andaman & SCHEDULED
Nicobar Islands, at par with other parts of India.

• Better communication services would facilitate setting up CASTE/SCHEDULED TRIBES

of Information Technology based and other Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the islands with
incentives through Lakshadweep and Andaman &
Nicobar Islands Industrial Development Scheme
(LANIDS), 2018 notified on 1st January, 2019. All new
industrial units and existing industrial units undertaking
substantial expansion in manufacturing and services
sectors located in the Lakshadweep and Andaman & In State of Punjab v Davindar Singh, a five-judge Constitution
Bench of Supreme Court observed that there can be sub
Nicobar Islands, will be eligible for incentives under the
classifications within Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled
Tribes (STs) to provide preferential treatment in reservation to
HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT OF IDENTIFIED ISLANDS– the “weakest of the weak”. Accordingly, the Supreme Court
NITI AAYOG held that the decision of similar bench in E V Chinnaiah vs

• For overall development of the islands of Andaman and State of Andhra Pradesh and Others requires to be revisited
and referred the matter to the Chief Justice for placing it
Nicobar and Lakshadweep, the initiative “Holistic
before an appropriate larger seven judge bench.
Development of Identified Islands” was accorded high
priority by the Government and NITI Aayog was mandated REASON FOR THE PRESENT JUDGEMENT
to steer the process. • Section 4(5) of the Punjab Scheduled Castes and Backward
• In consultation with the UT Administrations, the concerned Classes (Reservation in Services) Act, 2006 provides that
Central Ministries/ Departments and other stakeholders, fifty per cent of the vacancies of the quota reserved for
10 islands namely Aves, Long, Little Andaman, Smith and Scheduled Castes in direct recruitment, shall be offered to
Ross in Andaman & Nicobar and Bangaram, Cheriyam, Balmikis and Mazhbi Sikhs, if available, as a first

Minicoy, Suheli and innakara in Lakshadweep were initially preference from amongst the Scheduled Castes.

identified for sustainable development. • This provision was held unconstitutional by Punjab and
Haryana High Court as the Court relied on the judgment
• Subsequently, 17 more islands (12 in Andaman & Nicobar
pronounced in V Chinnaiah vs State of Andhra Pradesh and
and 5 in Lakshadweep) were identified for coverage under
Others which disallows such sub-categorisation in
the initiative. These include North Passage, Cinque, Inglis,
reservation for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes.
Viper, Shaheed Dweep (Bharatpur Beach), Ramnagar
Beach, Karmatang Beach, Dhaninallah Beach, Kalipur • E.V. Chinnaiah Judgement held that that all the castes in

Beach, Rutland, North Bay and Great Nicobar (B Quarry) in the Presidential Order under Article 341(1) of the
Constitution formed one class of homogeneous group and
Andaman & Nicobar and Kalpeni, Kadmat, Agatti, Chetlat
the same could not be further sub divided.
and Bitra in Lakshadweep.
• Presidential Order for SC - Article 341 – With respect to
• Further, potential sites for sustainable development in
State and Union Territories, the President after consulting
Little Andaman and Great Nicobar, outside Tribal Reserves,
with the Governor, through public notification specify the
are being identified separately for coverage under the
castes, races or tribes or parts of or groups within castes,
initiative “Holistic Development of Identified Islands”. -
races or tribes which shall for the purposes of this

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Constituti0n, Polity and
Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Castes in relation in the services under the State.
to that State or Union territory.
• Presidential Order for ST - Article 342 - With respect to
State and Union Territories, the President after consulting • The Court held that the provisions of Articles 341, 342, and
with the Governor, through public notification specify the 342A are pari material i.e. same subject matter and the
tribes or tribal communities or parts of or groups within reservation for socially and educationally backward classes
tribes or tribal communities which shall for the purposes was the subject matter under consideration in Indra
of this Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Tribes in Sawhney judgment.
relation to that State or Union territory. • Thus, the question arises how different opinions can be
expressed with respect to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled
Tribes, and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes for
the purposes of classification as Indra Sawhney judgment
►Sub-classification favours Article 14 allowed creamy layer among the Other Backward Classes
• The court observed that sub-classification made under based on economic criteria.
Section 4(5) of the Punjab Act was to ensure that the • So, a sort of creamy layer for members of SC/ST who have
benefit of the reservation percolate down to the deprived progressed or advanced in their life can be created as
section, to provide benefit to all and give them equal compared to the weakest among the weaker sections of
treatment. On the question whether it is violative of Article Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe.
14, the bench observed:
• The Court also held that the provisions of Article 16(4) and
It would be permissible on rationale basis to make such sub-- Article 342A indicate that it would not be permissible to
classification to provide benefit to all to bring equality, and it adopt different criteria for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled
would not amount to exclusion from the list as no class (caste) is Tribes, and socially and educationally backward classes.
deprived of reservation in totality. In case benefit which is meant
for the emancipation of all the castes, included in the list of
Scheduled Castes, is permitted to be usurped by few castes those SECTIONS OF SC/ST
who are adequately represented, have advanced and belonged to • The Court said that there is cry and caste struggle within
the creamy layer, then it would tantamount to creating inequality the reserved class as benefit of reservation in services and
whereas in case of hunger every person is required to be fed and education is being enjoyed, who are doing better
provided bread. The entire basket of fruits cannot be given to hereditary occupation. The scavenger class given the name
mighty at the cost of others under the guise of forming a of Balmikis remains more or less where it was, and so on,
homogenous class. disparity within Scheduled Caste is writ large from various
Article 342A - inserted by the Constitution (One Hundred and
• The Constitution is an effective tool of social
Second Amendment) Act, 2018 - The President may with respect
to any State or Union territory, and where it is a State, after transformation; removal of inequalities intends to wipe off
tears from every eye. The social realities cannot be ignored
consultation with the Governor thereof, by public notification,
specify the socially and educationally backward classes which and overlooked while the Constitution aims at the
comprehensive removal of the disparities.
shall for the purposes of this Constitution be deemed to be
socially and educationally backward classes in relation to that • The very purpose of providing reservation is to take care of
State or Union territory. disparities. The Constitution takes care of inequalities but

Article 16 - Equality of opportunity in matters of public still in reality there are unequals within the list of
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Socially and
employment - Article 16(4) - Nothing in this article shall prevent
the State from making any provision for the reservation of Educationally Backward Classes.

appointments or posts in favour of any backward class of citizens • Various reports indicate that Scheduled Castes and
which, in the opinion of the State, is not adequately represented Scheduled Tribes do not constitute a homogenous group.
The aspiration of equal treatment of the lowest strata, to

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Constituti0n, Polity and
whom the fruits of the reservation have not effectively • Justice Arun Mishra held that in a federal structure, the
reached, remains a dream. At the same time, various State Government cannot be denied the power to make
castes by and large remain where they were, and they laws to give preferential treatment to sub-categories
remain unequals. within the reservation list.

STATE’S OBLIGATION • However, in view of the contrary view expressed by a 5-

judge bench in EV Chinniah, the bench said that the issue
• According to the Court, it is the State’s obligation to
needs reconsideration by a larger seven judge bench.
undertake the emancipation of the deprived section of the
community and eradicate inequalities. When the
reservation creates inequalities within the reserved
castes itself, it is required to be taken care of by the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE ACT,
State making sub-classification and adopting a
distributive justice method so that State largesse does 1963
not concentrate in few hands and equal justice to all is
provided. It involves redistribution and reallocation of #Language
resources and opportunities and equitable access to all
public and social goods to fulfil the very purpose of the
constitutional mandate of equal justice to all. IN NEWS
• Providing a percentage of the reservation within Supreme Court stayed the Delhi High Court’s contempt of court
permissible limit is within the powers of the State proceedings initiated against the Ministry of Environment and
legislatures. It cannot be deprived of its concomitant Forest (MOEF) for failing to publish the draft EIA notification in
power to make reasonable classification within the 22 regional languages as provided in the Eight Schedule to the
particular classes of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Indian Constitution. The Official Languages Act 1963 stipulates
and socially and educationally backward classes without the government to publish rules only in Hindi and English.
depriving others in the list. DECISION OF DELHI HIGH COURT
• To achieve the real purpose of reservation, within • Delhi High Court earlier ordered the government to
constitutional dynamics, needy can always be given publish the Draft Environment Impact Assessment Report
benefit; otherwise, it would mean that inequality being issued by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
perpetuated within the class if preferential classification is Change in 22 languages as provided in Eight Schedule of
not made ensuring benefit to all. the Indian Constitution.
• The State Government is conferred with the power to • The EIA should reach the maximum number of people
provide reservation and to distribute it equitably. The State without discrimination to any part of the country,
Government is the best judge as to the disparities in especially the non-Hindi speaking parts of India. It should
different areas. Thus, it is for the State Government to reach and be understood by the rural population of the
judge the equitable manner in which reservation has to be country.
distributed. It can work out its methodology and give the
• The High Court wanted to ensure maximum public
preferential treatment to a particular class more backward
participation, so that people studied the draft and
out of Scheduled Castes without depriving others of
responded with suggestions and objections. SC said that it
has no objection to the Delhi High Court judgment.
• So, the bench expressed the view that once a State
• However, the centre failed to obey orders of Delhi High
Government has the power to make reservation, it
Court. Accordingly, a contempt proceeding was initiated
also has the power to make sub-classifications and
against MOEF. Accordingly, decision of Delhi Court was
that such sub-classification will not amount to
challenged before three Judge Bench of Supreme Court
tinkering with the reservation list.
headed by CJI.

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Constituti0n, Polity and
Supreme Court’s Decision: Chief Justice of India Sharad A. of a State may, with the previous consent of the President,
Bobde while hearing an appeal against the Delhi High Court authorise the use of Hindi or the official language of the
judgment observed that the government should consider State, in addition to the English language, for the purposes
amending the Official Languages Act of 1963 to include more of any judgment, decree or order passed or made by the
vernacular languages in governance, and not just confine it to High Court for that State. Where any judgment, decree or
Hindi and English as there are many people in India who do order is passed or made in any such language (other than
not know Hindi and English. CJI has asked the petitioner i.e. the English language), it shall be accompanied by a
the government to review the decision of Delhi High Court translation of the same in the English language issued
under the authority of the High Court.
• Article 343(1) - The official language of the Union shall be
Hindi in Devanagari script. The form of numerals to be • Contempt of Court proceedings in India is governed
used for the official purposes of the Union shall be the through The Contempt of Courts Act, 1971. The Act defines
international form of Indian numerals. contempt as civil contempt or criminal contempt.

• Article 343(2) - provides that English shall also be • “Civil Contempt” means willful disobedience to any
continued to be used in official work of the Union for a judgment, decree, direction, order, writ or other process of
period of 15 years from the date of commencement of the a court or willful breach of an undertaking given to a court.
constitution, i.e., up to the 25th of January 1965. • “Criminal Contempt” means the publication (whether by
• Again, Article 343(3) made provisions for the continuation words, spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible
of English from 26th January 1965 by empowering the representations, or otherwise) of any matter or the doing
parliament to make laws to that effect. of any other act whatsoever which

• Accordingly, Parliament passed The Official Languages (i) scandalises or tends to scandalise, or lowers or tends to
Act, 1963 to provide for the languages which may be used lower the authority of, any court; or
for the official purposes of the Union, for transaction of (ii) prejudices, or interferes or tends to interfere with, the due
business in Parliament, for Central and State Acts and for course of any judicial proceeding; or
certain purposes in High Courts.
(iii) interferes or tends to interfere with, or obstructs or tends
• The Official Languages Act, 1963 allowed continuance of to obstruct, the administration of justice in any other
English language for official purposes of the Union and for manner.
use in Parliament even after1965. As per the Act, both
• Contempt of Court is a punishable offence and High Court
English and Hindi shall be used for certain specified
and Supreme Court can provide for certain punishment as
purposes like resolutions, rules, general orders,
per the Act.
notifications, press communiqués, administrative and
other reports, licenses, tenders, etc. PROCEDURE WHERE CONTEMPT IS IN THE FACE OF
• The Act provides for the following – THE SUPREME COURT OR A HIGH COURT (SECTION
 English language shall be used for purposes of
communication between the Union and a State which has • When it is alleged, or appears to the Supreme Court or the
not adopted Hindi as its official language. High Court upon its own view, that a person has been
guilty of contempt committed in its presence or hearing,
 For communication between states where only one state
the Court may cause such person to be detained in
has recognised Hindi as its official language, then
custody, and, at any time before the rising of the Court, on
communication in Hindi shall be accompanied by a
the same day, or as early as possible thereafter, shall –
translation of the same in the English language.
(a) cause him to be informed in writing of the contempt with
• Optional use of Hindi or other official language in
which he is charged,
judgments, etc., of High Courts - As from the appointed
day (26 January, 1965) or any day thereafter the Governor

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Constituti0n, Polity and
(b) afford him an opportunity to make his defence to the (d) make such order for the punishment or discharge of such
charge, person as may be just.

(c) after taking such evidence as may be necessary or as may

be offered by such person and after hearing him, proceed,
either forthwith or after adjournment, to determine the
matter of the charge; and

practice questions
Q1. The meetings of Island Development Agency is 2. Separate Constitution and Flag
chaired by Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) Prime Minister (b) CEO-NITI Aayog (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Home Minister (d) Finance Minister (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q2. Consider the following statements: Q4. The concept of “National Health Stack” has been
1. The Constitution of India does not mention about suggested by
India’s Official Language. (a) NITI Aayog (b) Ministry of Health
2. Eight Schedule of the Indian Constitution has listed 22 (c) Ministry of Finance (d) Finance Commission
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Q5. Consider the following statements:
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 1. Article 371H was added through the Constitution (Fifty-
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Fifth Amendment) Act, 1986.
2. The Constitution (Fifty-Fifth Amendment) Act, 1986
Q3. Which of the following can be said to be the major conferred statehood on the erstwhile Union Territory
hurdle/s in finalising the Naga Framework of Arunachal Pradesh.
Agreement signed in 2015? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. Idea of Greater Nagalim encompassing areas of other (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
states (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

descriptive Questions
Q1. Highlight the salient features of National Digital Health Mission as proposed by the Prime Minister of India. Mention the
challenges which the government of India might face while implementing the National Digital Health Mission. (250 Words)
Q2. Trace the historical backdrop to the Framework Agreement signed in August 2015 between Government of India and
National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN-IM). Elaborate the reasons as to why the framework agreement is still under
negotiations and is not able to see the light of the day. (250 Words)
Answers to above MCQs: 1 (c), 2 (b), 3 (c), 4(a), 5(c)

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 50

# GS Paper (Prelims) & GS Paper III (Main)

Lead Article
world. Electric vehicles (EVs) can improve that scenario by
reducing local concentrations of pollutants in cities. Data

capture and analysis - Mobility has undergone a digital
revolution. This has created possibility of a greater
utilization of existing transportation assets to move
#Government Policies towards electric mobility.

• Opportunities through Improved battery technology:

Advances in battery technology have led to higher energy
densities, faster charging and reduced battery degradation
from charging.
Recently, the Delhi Government has come out with the Electric
• Energy security: EV’s will facilitate lower reliance on fossil
Vehicles Policy 2020 in order to ensure that at least 25% of the
fuel imports and at the same time reduce India's Current
registered new vehicles should be electric by the end of 2024.
Account Deficit (CAD).
The Government of India has also come up with a number of
• Lower Maintenance of Electric Vehicles due to less
policy initiatives for the faster adoption and manufacturing of
number of moving parts.
Electric Vehicles. However, these Initiatives have so far had
limited success. NITI Aayog in its recent report has highlighted that making
India's passenger mobility shared, electric and connected can
In this regard, from the Perspective of UPSC Exam, let us focus
cut its energy demand by 64% and carbon emissions by 37%.
on the following dimensions:
This roughly translates into savings of Rs 3.9 lakh crores by
1. Need to Push for Electric Mobility
2. Initiatives taken for Electric Mobility
3. Challenges/ Concerns
• National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020: Aims to
4. What should be done to address these concerns? have 6-7 Million Electric Vehicles by the end of 2020.
NEED TO PUSH FOR ELECTRIC MOBILITY Implemented by Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public
• Climatic change: India has committed to cutting its GHG
emissions intensity by 33% to 35% percent below 2005 • National Council for Electric Mobility: Inter-Ministerial
levels by 2030 team headed by Minister of Heavy Industries to approve
Electric Mobility Plans.
• Advances in renewable energy and battery technology:
Lower cost of clean, low-carbon energy with higher energy • National Board for Electric Mobility: Inter-Secretarial
densities, faster charging and long-lasting batteries. team headed by Secretary, Department of Heavy
Industries to recommend Policies for adoption of Electric
• Rapid urbanization: According to a recent study by WHO,
India is home to 14 out of 20 most polluted cities in the

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Economic Development

• FAME Scheme (Phase II): The Department of Heavy • Higher Capital costs of Electric vehicles in comparison to
Industries is implementing phase 2 of the FAME Scheme conventional vehicles.
(Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric • Lower efficiency of Electric vehicles in terms of average
Vehicles) for a period of 3 years starting from 1st April speed and distance travelled.
• Energy Insecurity: The Fossil fuels account for almost 65%
o Objective: Target to achieve 6-7 million sales of hybrid and
of electricity needs in India. Hence, the higher demand for
electric vehicles year on year from 2020 onwards. electricity to charge electric vehicles could lead to
o Mandate: Demand Incentive and Charging Infrastructure. increased demand for fossil fuels.
o Nature of Demand Incentive: The higher cost of Electric • Lack of skilled manpower for the manufacture of Electric
vehicles can act as prohibitive factor. Hence, the and hybrid vehicles.
Government provides for upfront demand incentive on
purchase of Electric Vehicles. This demand incentive leads
to decrease in purchasing cost of Electric vehicle for the
consumer. For example, to buy Electric Vehicle worth Rs • Revisiting FAME Scheme: India has a unique mobility
1.5 lakh, the customer would be required to pay only Rs pattern which is quite distinct from other countries. The
1.3 lakhs. The remaining amount of Rs 20,000 is later vehicle fleet in India is dominated by two-wheelers which
reimbursed by the Government to the manufacturer. account for almost 80% of vehicles, while premium four-
wheelers (costing more than 10 lakhs) account for only 2%.
o Applicability: Applicable for all vehicles (Two-Wheelers,
Hence, incentives have to be designed keeping in mind the
Three-Wheelers, Four-Wheelers, Buses etc) used for both
unique aspect of vehicle fleet in India.
Public and Private Transportation. However, higher
preference is being given for Public Transportation However, the demand incentive under FAME scheme
vehicles. Further, incentive depends upon battery capacity depends upon the battery capacity. Higher the battery
of vehicles. Higher the battery capacity, higher would be capacity, higher the demand incentive. Such an incentive
the demand incentive. structure tends to provide higher incentive for premium
four-wheelers as compared to two-wheelers. Further,
Government's additional requirements on two-wheelers
VEHICLES such as higher average speed and higher travel distance
In spite of these initiatives, the share of Electric vehicles in upon charging has led to absence of demand incentive on
India has remained below 1%. This is quite low as compared purchase of large number of electric vehicles.
to countries such as Norway where the share of electric • Battery Swapping: The batteries account for around 50%
vehicles is as high as 40%. Similarly, last year, China alone of the Electric Vehicles and thus increase their cost. Hence,
accounted for more than half of the global sale of Electric people should be allowed to purchase Electric cars without
Vehicles. Some of the constraints and Challenges are: batteries. Later, the vehicle owner can fit the fully charged
• Higher Dependence on Raw Materials: India does not battery from a service centre owned by a private company.
have enough reserves of rare earth minerals such as As and when, the battery runs out, the vehicle owner
Lithium, Cobalt etc. which are required for manufacturing would pay replace the existing battery with another fully
batteries. Most of these minerals are imported from charged battery. Here, the vehicle owner would not bear
countries such as China. the cost of entire battery, rather he would pay only for the

• Poor Charging Infrastructure: Once fully charged, the charging. The batteries would continue to be owned by the

Electric Vehicles can run for an average maximum distance private company operating the service centre.

of around 250 km. Hence, unless the charging • Retrofitting Existing Vehicle Fleet by enabling them to
infrastructure improves, the demand for electric vehicles act as Hybrid Vehicles (both Petrol/Diesel and Electric).
would remain lower. • Ensuring availability of critical and strategic minerals
such as Lithium, Cobalt etc by acquiring mines overseas.

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Economic Development

The setting up of Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL) to ensure • Added thrust on Renewable energy projects such as
mineral security is a step in the right direction. Solar, Wind etc. for charging of Electric Vehicles and to

• Providing charging infrastructure: The limiting factor of ensure energy security.

batteries on driving range may be addressed by • Explore innovative incentives to promote Electric Vehicles
developing charging infrastructure for fast charging of such as Doing away with Road Tax and Registration
batteries. charges, Free toll, free parking, dedicated parking spaces in

• Import Duty and Make in India: Finished electric cars offices and residential buildings etc.

should have highest import duty. However, components As discussed before, unlike other countries, the vehicle fleet
such as batteries, drive-trains etc. should have lower in India is dominated by smaller vehicles such as Two-
customs duty as compared to finished Electric cars. wheelers, Three-wheelers, shared four-wheelers (taxi

• GST rates: The GST rates should favour commercial aggregators such as Uber). Hence Electric vehicles policy

vehicles in comparison to private vehicles. must be tailor made to suit India’s needs and requirements.
India has unique opportunity to take up leadership role in
• Invest in Research and Development in new approaches
Electric Vehicles, emerge as global manufacturer and become
and technologies such as hydrogen fuel-cells, new battery-
Aatma Nirbhar. It has to leverage this opportunity through
chemistries (with higher specific energy and energy
the measures highlighted above to push for electric mobility
densities) etc. Appropriate guidelines have to be laid down
and achieve multi-faceted objectives- Addressing Climate
for providing tax exemption and utilisation of CSR Funds.
Change and Pollution, Energy Security, Make in India and Job

Banking and Finance

2. Resolution Framework for COVID-19-related Stress

3. Debt Restructuring for MSMEs

FRAMEWORK TO DEAL 4. Review of Priority Sector Guidelines

5. Additional Special Liquidity Facility (ASLF)

6. Advances against Gold Ornaments and Jewellery

#Banking 7. Flexibility in Management of Cash Reserve Requirements

8. Offline Retail Payments using Cards/Wallets/ Mobile Devices


The CPI rate of Inflation in June 2020 has increased to 6.1%.
The increase in rate of Inflation is mainly attributed to
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to worst health and Economic temporary supply side factors- Supply chain disruptions,
Crisis in India. Hence, there is a need for dynamic, proactive Increase in Vegetable Prices, increased taxes on fuels etc.
and balanced approach to deal with the crisis. In this regard, Hence, contraction in GDP growth accompanied by higher
the RBI has recently announced a number of policy rate of Inflation had put Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) in
announcements to minimize the impact of COVID-19 and a fix as to whether the Repo Rate should be reduced or not.
promote economic revival. We shall focus on the following
It is to be noted that the Primary Mandate of the MPC is to
keep rate of Inflation between 2%-6%. Hence, keeping in
1. Recent Decisions of MPC mind its primary mandate, the MPC has unanimously decided

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Economic Development

to keep the policy rates unchanged and not to reduce them o Facility to undertake Debt Restructuring would be available
further. It also decided to continue with its accommodative to the Banks only until December 31, 2020.
Policy Stance. o In case of multiple Banks lending to a single borrower, the
Policy rates: Inter-Creditor Agreement needs to be signed between
these Banks. Further, the resolution plan/Restructuring
• Repo Rate: 4%
plan has to be approved within a period of 30 days.
• MSF and Bank rate: 4.25%
o Banks must make additional provisioning of 10% for such
• Reverse Repo: 3.35% loans.
RESOLUTION FRAMEWORK FOR COVID-19-RELATED o The Loans which have undergone Debt Restructuring
STRESS would continue to categorised as Standard Assets by
Background: In March 2020, the RBI had announced Banks.
Moratorium on the repayment of loans for the corporates Appointment of Expert Committee: The RBI has also
and Individuals for a period of 6 months from March 2020 to constituted an Expert Committee under the Chairmanship of
August 2020. Even after 6 months, a large number of K.V. Kamath which shall make recommendations to the RBI
Individuals and Businesses are not in position to repay back on the required financial parameters to be factored into
the loans. Hence, it was being speculated that RBI may resolution plans. The Expert Committee shall also have the
extend the moratorium by another 3-6 months. responsibility of vetting the resolution plans where the
However, the RBI has decided not to extend the moratorium exposure of banks is more than Rs 1500 crores.
on repayment of loans beyond the month of August. DEBT RESTRUCTURING FOR MSMES
However, doing so, may lead to increase in NPAs of Banks.
Background: In Feb 2020, the RBI had allowed the Banks to
Announcement: To deal with problem of possible increase in carry out one-time debt restructuring of Loans given to
NPAs, RBI has allowed the Banks to carry out debt- MSMEs. This facility was applicable to only those MSMEs
restructuring of the loans given to Corporates as well as whose total borrowings was less than Rs 25 crores. Further,
Individuals. As part of one-time debt restructuring, the Banks the loans should have been a Standard Asset as on January 1,
can extend the tenure of loans, sanction additional loans, 2020.
convert debt into Equity etc.
New Announcement: The earlier Debt Structuring scheme
Rationale behind Debt Restructuring: A large number of for MSMEs was applicable only until December 31, 2020. The
corporate and Individual borrowers may have a good track RBI has now decided to extend this by another 3 months up
record in repayment of loans, however, due to COVID-19, to March 31, 2021.
they are not in a position to repay loans. Hence, lack of
provision of Debt Restructuring would be unfair to them. At
the same time, lack of debt restructuring would lead to Additional special liquidity facility of Rs 10,000 crore will be
increase in NPAs, affect balance sheets of Banks leading to provided at the Repo rate.
decrease in Credit Creation and consequently prolong the • Rs 5,000 crore to the National Housing Bank (NHB) to
economic revival. augment the flow of finance to the sector through housing

RESTRUCTURING • Rs 5,000 crore to the NABARD to ensure flow of finances to

o Facility would be extended to only those loans that have NBFCs and MFIs.

been stressed purely on account of CoVID-19. Every Bank ADVANCES AGAINST GOLD ORNAMENTS AND
should frame Board approved policies to identify such JEWELLERY
Background: As per existing guidelines, loans sanctioned by
o Facility would be extended to only those loans which were banks against pledge of gold ornaments and jewellery for
classified as Standard and not in default for more than 30 non-agricultural purposes should not exceed 75 per cent of
days as on March 1, 2020. the value of gold ornaments and jewellery.

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Economic Development

New Announcement: In order to mitigate the impact of New Announcement: The RBI has announced a pilot scheme
COVID-19 on households, it has been decided to increase the to encourage technological innovations to enable offline
permissible loan to value ratio (LTV) for such loans to 90 digital transactions through Cards, Wallets and Mobile
per cent. This relaxation shall be available till March 31, 2021. devices.


The RBI has decided to introduce an automated mechanism
in e-Kuber System to provide banks more
flexibility/discretion in managing their liquidity and
maintenance of cash reserve requirements. (From perspective
of UPSC Prelims, automated mechanism is not important. But
one needs to be aware about e-Kuber System).
The e-Kuber is the Core Banking Solution of the RBI which
enables each bank to connect their single current account
across the country. The e-Kuber is also used by RBI to
execute various transactions with banks such as carrying out
overnight and term repos, reverse repos etc The RBI has recently decided to transfer Rs 57,000 crores as
dividend to the Government for the accounting year 2019-20.
Prior to this, last year, the RBI had transferred Rs 1.76 lakh
MOBILE DEVICES crore based upon the recommendations of Bimal Jalan
Background: Absence of internet connectivity, especially in Committee on Economic Capital Framework.
remote areas, is a major impediment for adoption of digital
payments. Availability of options to make offline payments,
using cards, wallets or mobile devices could boost the The RBI is a statutory body under the RBI Act, 1934. The
adoption of digital payments. Section 47 of the RBI Act states that profits made by the RBI
from its operations has to be sent to the Centre.

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 55

Economic Development

The following are considered to be main sources of Income Usha Thorat committee (2004) had examined the question
for the RBI: of what the ideal size of RBI’s reserves should be and
concluded that reserves should be around 18% (as against
• Returns on the foreign currency assets such as bonds and
28.92%). Subsequently, Malegam committee (2013-14)
treasury bills of other central banks.
recommended that since the Reserves were in excess of the
• Appreciation in the value of Gold held in its custody. buffers needed, there was no need to make any more
• Interest on its holdings of G-Secs. transfers to these funds. The entire surplus should be
transferred to the Central government. Accordingly, since
• Interest on the loans given to the banks.
2013-14, the RBI has been transferring the entire profits to
• Management commission on handling the borrowings of the Centre without adding any profits to its Reserves.
state governments and the central government.
Note: The Net profit is calculated by subtracting the
operation expenditures and other expenses as stipulated in
Economic Capital Framework
section 47 of the RBI Act.
Realized Equity Revaluation Reserves
Note: The Government follows April-March as the Financial
Unrealized profits/ Notional
Nature Realized Profits
year. However, presently, the RBI's financial year runs from Profits
July-June. From the next financial year 2021-22, the RBI's • Interest on loans given to
financial year would be harmonised with the government’s Banks • Appreciation in foreign
Sources of Profits • Interest on G -Sees Currency with the RBI
April-March Financial year. In the current year i.e. 2020-21,
• Interest on loans to State • Appreciation in Gold etc.
the RBI will have a nine-month financial year, ending in March Governments etc.
2021. Transferrable to Govt. Yes No

RECENT TUSSLE BETWEEN RBI AND GOVERNMENT How much Reserves 5.5% – 6.5% of the total
15.3% – 18.9% of total Assets
to be maintained? Assets
• The total asset of the RBI for 2017-18 was Rs 36 lakh crores
• Composition of Economic Capital: The committee has
and it comprises of the Gold, Foreign Currency Assets
defined Economic capital as a combination of realized
(FCA), Government Securities, Loans to Central and State
equity and revaluation reserves. The realized equity is the
Governments, Loans to Banks etc. total realized profits of the RBI while the revaluation
• From these assets, the RBI earns profits. Certain reserves is the unrealized and notional profits of the RBI
percentage of the profits are used to meet its own which may arise from changes in the valuation of Gold,
expenses and later the remaining amount is transferred to Foreign Currency or foreign securities.
its Reserves. The total reserve with the RBI in 2018-19 was • Adequacy of Economic Capital: The realized equity
around 10 lakh crores which is around 28.92% of the total should be maintained at within a range of 6.5 per cent to
assets. 5.5 per cent of the RBI’s balance sheet, comprising 5.5 to

• Last year, there was tussle between RBI and Government 4.5 per cent for monetary and financial stability risks and

over the transfer of its surplus Reserves. The Government 1.0 per cent for credit and operational risks. Further, any
shortfall in revaluation balances would add to the
wanted RBI to transfer at least 1/3 of its Reserves, but it
requirement for realized equity.
was rejected by the RBI on the grounds that it would
affects its functioning as a Central bank. Finally, to sort out • Transfer Policy: The Committee has stated that the
this issue, the Government had appointed Bimal Jalan surplus distribution policy must take into the account the
Committee to decide on the Economic Capital total realized equity. Only if realized equity is above its

framework i.e. how much Reserves should RBI maintain requirement (6.5 per cent to 5.5 per cent), the entire net
income should be transferable to the Government. If it is
and how should be transferred to Government.
below the lower bound of requirement, risk provisioning

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 56

Economic Development

will be made to the extent necessary and only the residual behavior necessary to make sound financial decisions and
net income should be transferred to the Government. ultimately achieve individual financial well-being".

DECISION OF THE RBI'S CENTRAL BOARD (2019) • Financial Education, on the other hand is defined as the
process by which financial consumers/investors improve
Realized Equity: The available realized equity stood at 6.8
their understanding of financial products, concepts and
per cent of balance sheet, while the requirement
risks and through information, instruction and/or objective
recommended by the Committee was 6.5 per cent to 5.5 per
advice, develop the skills and confidence to become more
cent of balance sheet. The Central Board has decided to
aware of financial risks and opportunities, to make
maintain the realized equity level at 5.5 per cent of balance
informed choices, to know where to go for help and to
sheet and transfer Rs 52,000 crore of excess provisions
take other effective actions to improve their financial well-
identified as per the revised Economic Capital Framework
• As can be seen, the term Financial Education and Financial
Economic capital levels: The revised framework would allow
Literacy are not the same, these are related concepts.
the RBI’s economic capital levels to lie within the range of
People achieve Financial Literacy through the process of
24.5 per cent to 20.0 per cent of balance sheet. Presently, the
Financial Education. The achievement of Financial Literacy
economic capital stood at 23.3 per cent of balance sheet. In
empowers the users to make sound financial decisions
this regard, the RBI has decided to transfer its entire net
which result in financial well-being of the individual.
income of Rs 1.23 lakh crores (2018-19) to the Government.
The latest available World Bank’s Findex 2017 Report had
NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR brought out that the proportion of adults with a formal
account in the country has risen from 35% in 2011 to 80%
FINANCIAL INCLUSION in 2017. India has also made extraordinary progress in
reducing the country’s gender gap in account ownership,
2020-25 from nearly 20% in 2014 to 6% in 2017.

• The improvement in Financial inclusion is attributed to

#Banking various schemes and initiatives such as Pradhan Mantri
Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), social security schemes such as
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan
IN NEWS Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Atal Pension Yojana
Improvement in Financial Inclusion is considered as key (APY), Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY),
enabler to promote socio-economic development in a country. Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Mann Dhan Yojana (PM-SYM)
Financial literacy supports the pursuit of financial inclusion by and Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY).
empowering the customers to make informed choices leading • Hence, in order to take forward the benefits achieved
to their financial well-being. In this regard, the RBI has recently through the financial inclusion efforts, financial literacy will
released National Strategy for Financial Inclusion 2020-25. have to play a central role in ensuring that people use
This is second such strategy after the completion of the period appropriate formal financial services to ensure their
of the first National Strategy for Financial Education (2013- financial well-being.
2018). Let us look at some of the important highlights of the NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR FINANCIAL EDUCATION
new strategy.
Prepared by: National Centre for Financial Education
(NCFE) in consultation with Financial regulators such as RBI,
• OECD defines Financial Literacy as "A combination of SEBI, IRDA, PFRDA etc.
financial awareness, knowledge, skills, attitude and

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 57

Economic Development

Objectives: Inculcate financial literacy concepts; Encourage o Streamline efforts of other stakeholders for financial
active savings behaviour; Improve usage of digital financial literacy.
services; Encourage participation in financial markets;
Manage risks through suitable insurance cover; Plan for old- CONSUMER CONFIDENCE
age and retirement etc.

Approach: The document recommends adoption of a ‘5 C’

approach as under: #Banking
• Content

o Financial Literacy content for school children, teachers,

young adults, women, new entrants at
workplace/entrepreneurs (MSMEs), senior citizens, Recently, the RBI has published the Consumer Confidence

persons with disabilities, illiterate people, etc. Survey for July 2020.

• Capacity

o Develop the capacity of various intermediaries who can be • In case of India, the consumption expenditure accounts
for almost 60% of India's GDP and hence it is considered
involved in providing financial literacy.
to be the major driver of economic growth and
o Develop a ‘Code of Conduct’ for financial education development.
• The main driver of the consumption expenditure is the
• Community Consumer Confidence. If the consumers are optimistic

o Evolve community led approaches for disseminating about the current and future economic state of country,
then they would spend more money leading to increase in
financial literacy in a sustainable manner.
the GDP. On the other hand, if the Consumer confidence is
• Communication low, this can lead to decrease in the consumption
o Use technology, mass media channels and innovative ways expenditure and hence impacts the GDP Growth rate.

of communication for dissemination of financial education • Hence, there is a need to measure the consumer
messages. confidence in a country to understand the prospects of
economic growth.
o Identify a specific period in the year to disseminate
financial literacy messages on a large/ focused scale. ABOUT CONSUMER CONFIDENCE SURVEY (CCS)

o Leverage on Public Places with greater visibility (e.g. Bus • The Consumer Confidence survey is conducted by the RBI
in 13 major cities of India and covers almost over 5,000
Stands, Railway Stations, etc.) for meaningful
respondents. The survey measures consumer perception
dissemination of financial literacy messages.
(current and future) on five economic variables -
• Collaboration economic situation, employment, the price level,
o Preparation of an Information Dashboard. income and spending.

o Integrate financial education content in school curriculum, • The Consumer Confidence survey has two main indices -
current situation index and future expectations index.
various Professional and Vocational courses (undertaken
The current situation index measures the change in
by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
consumer perception over an economic issue in the last
(MSD&E) through their Sector Skilling Missions and the
one year while the future expectations index measures
likes of B.Ed./M.Ed. programmes.
what consumer thinks about the same variables, one year
o Integrate financial education dissemination as part of ahead.
various on-going programmes.

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• A consumer confidence Index above 100 gives below 100 denotes pessimistic perception.
optimistic perception of the consumers while reading


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Economic Development

• Though SEBI conceptualised the idea of IDRs in 2000, only

RECEIPTS in 2010 did the first, and only, IDR take off from Standard
Chartered Bank. The Bank had raised around Rs 2,500
#FINANCE crores through IDR route.

• India has not been able to attract foreign companies to

raise funds through IDR route on account of various
IN NEWS reasons such as lack of interest in IDRs, Initial entry
Recently, Standard Chartered Bank decided to de-list its Indian barrier, lack of fungibility awareness, tax issues and failure
Depository Receipts (IDRs) from stock exchanges. It was the to popularise the product across the globe.
only listed IDR, which was unveiled exactly a decade ago in
June 2010. Hence, in this regard, the concept of IDRs become
quite important from the perspective of UPSC Prelims exam.

• The American Depository Receipts (ADRs)/ Global #Banking
Depository receipts (GDRs) are the financial instruments
through which the Indian Companies can raise capital
from the equity markets based in other countries. Indian IN NEWS
companies are prohibited from directly issuing rupee Recently, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
denominated securities which can be listed abroad on completed six years of successful implementation.
foreign stock exchanges. Thus, the equity shares of an
Indian company cannot be directly listed on, say, the New ABOUT PMJDY
York Stock Exchange. To overcome this problem, Indian • Launched under the National Mission for Financial
companies adopt the ADR/ GDR route. Inclusion initially for a period of 4 years (in two phases) in
• An ADR is quoted in US dollars and one ADR represents a August 2014. It envisages universal access to banking
certain number of equity shares in the Indian company. facilities with at least one basic banking account for
The foreign investors can then directly buy and sell the every household, financial literacy, access to credit,
ADRs as if they were the shares of a foreign corporation. insurance and pension. It comes under the Department
of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance.

• It has provided a platform for social security schemes i.e.

Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan
Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Atal Pension Yojana
(APY) and Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY).

• The Government has decided to extend the

comprehensive PMJDY program beyond 2018 with the
change in focus on opening accounts from “every
household” to “every adult”, with following modification:
o Existing Over Draft (OD) limit of Rs. 5,000 revised to Rs.
• Similarly, the Indian Depository Receipts (IDRs) are 10,000.
issued by the foreign companies in India to raise
o No conditions attached for active PMJDY accounts availing
capital from the Indian investors.
OD up to Rs. 2,000.
• They are denominated in terms of Rupees and listed on
o Age limit for availing OD facility revised from 18-60 years to
Indian Stock exchanges. Just like ADRs, the IDRs are
18-65 years.
created against the shares of an overseas company.

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Economic Development

o The accidental insurance cover for new RuPay card holders NEW CHANGES/ MODIFICATIONS
raised from existing Rs.1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh to new PMJDY
In the interest of better customer service, it has been decided
accounts opened after 2018
to make the following changes:
BENEFITS UNDER PMJDY o No limit on number and value of deposits that can be
• One basic savings bank account(BSBA) is opened for made in a month.
unbanked person. o Minimum of four withdrawals in a month, including ATM
• There is no requirement to maintain any minimum withdrawals.
balance in PMJDY accounts. o ATM Card or ATM-cum-Debit Card.
• Interest is earned on the deposit in PMJDY accounts. o Banks are free to provide additional value-added services,
• Rupay Debit card is provided to PMJDY account holder. including issue of cheque book, beyond the above

• Accident Insurance Cover of Rs.1 lakh (enhanced to Rs. 2 minimum facilities, which may/may not be prized.

lakh to new PMJDY accounts opened after 2018. Are PMJDY accounts same as BSBD account? PMJDY

• Life Insurance Cover of Rs. 30,000 to eligible PMJDY accounts are BSBD accounts in nature with additional facility

account holders who opened their account for the first of RuPay Debit card with accident insurance coverage and

time between 15th August 2014 and 31st January 2015. overdraft facility.

• An overdraft (OD) facility up to Rs. 10,000 to eligible ACHIEVEMENTS SO FAR

account holders is available. o Total number of PMJDY Accounts: 40.35 Crores (Rural-

• PMJDY accounts are eligible for Direct Benefit Transfer 64%; Women- 55%)
(DBT), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), o Number of Operative accounts: 34.81 crores (86%).
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Atal (Account is treated as inoperative if there are no customer
Pendion Yojana (APY), Micro Units Development & induced transactions in the account for over a period of
Refinance Agency Bank (MUDRA) scheme. two years)
WHAT IS BASIC SAVINGS BANK DEPOSIT ACCOUNT o Total Balances: Deposits have increased about 5.7 times

(BSBDA)? to around Rs 1.31 lakh crores.

The BSBD Account is designed as a savings account which o Average deposit per account has increased over 2.5

would offer certain minimum facilities, free of charge, to the times to Rs 3200.
holders of such accounts. These accounts were earlier known
as "No-frills account"

The BSBD can be opened by any individual and is not PRIORITY SECTOR
restricted to only poor and weaker sections.

An individual is eligible to have only one Basic Savings Bank LENDING NORMS
Deposit Account in one bank. Further, following conditions
are applicable to BSBD Small Accounts, which are opened on
the basis of simplified KYC norms:
o Total credits in such accounts should not exceed one lakh IN NEWS
rupees in a year.
The RBI has decided to comprehensively review the Priority
o Maximum balance in the account should not exceed fifty Sector Lending (PSL) guidelines. The Revised PSL guidelines will
thousand rupees at any time enable better credit penetration to credit deficient areas;
o The total debits by cash withdrawals and transfers in a increase the lending to small and marginal farmers and
month cannot exceed Rs 10,000. weaker sections; boost credit to renewable energy, and health

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DETAILS ABOUT PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING (PSL) event of shortfall. This also incentivizes surplus banks as it
NORMS allows them to sell their excess achievement over targets
thereby enhancing lending to the categories under priority
As part of PSL, all the banks are required to give certain
sector. Under the PSLC mechanism, the seller sells fulfilment
percentage of their loans to the sectors categorized as
of priority sector obligation and the buyer buys the obligation
Priority sectors. This has been introduced by the RBI to
with no transfer of risk or loan assets.
promote financial inclusion and ensure access to credit for
certain vulnerable sectors to promote economic growth and NON-ACHIEVEMENT OF PRIORITY SECTOR TARGETS
development. The below table shows that sectors identified • Banks having any shortfall in lending to priority sector shall
as Priority Sectors and the targets laid down for the be allocated amounts for contribution to the Rural
scheduled Banks. Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) established with
NABARD and other funds with NABARD/NHB/SIDBI/
MUDRA Ltd., as decided by the Reserve Bank from time to
Agriculture 18% (Out of 18%, 10% time.
should be earmarked for • For example, the foreign banks having shortfall in lending
Small and Marginal to stipulated priority sector targets /sub-targets will be
farmers) required to contribute to Small Enterprises Development
Fund (SEDF) to be set up by Small Industries
Micro Enterprises 7.5%
Development Bank of India (SIDBI). The interest rates on
Advances to Weaker 12% such contributions by the Banks is fixed by the RBI.

• Export Credit Remaining • Address Regional Disparities in flow of PSL Credit: The
• Education RBI has been decided to rank districts on the basis of per
• Housing capita credit flow to priority sector and build an incentive
• Social Infrastructure framework for districts with comparatively lower flow of
(Schools, Health Care credit and a dis-incentive framework for districts with
Facilities etc.) comparatively higher flow of priority sector credit.
• Renewable Energy Accordingly, from FY 2021-22 onwards, a higher weight
(125%) would be assigned to priority sector credit in the
Total 40% identified districts where the credit flow is comparatively
lower and a lower weight (90%) would be assigned for
incremental priority sector credit in the identified districts
• Scheduled commercial banks (excluding Regional Rural where the credit flow is comparatively higher.
Banks) : 40%
• Push to Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs): Higher
• Foreign Banks with less than 20 branches: 40% (32% can credit limit (Rs 5 crore per borrowing entity) has been
be in the form of lending to Exports and at least 8% can be specified for FPOs undertaking farming with assured
to any other priority sector) marketing of their produce at a pre-determined price.
• Regional Rural banks: 75% of total loans • Push to Renewable Energy: Loan limits for renewable
• Small Finance Banks: 75% of total loans energy have been doubled to Rs 30 crore. Loans to
farmers both for installation of solar power plants for
• Urban Cooperative Banks: 40% of total loans.
solarisation of grid-connected agriculture pumps, and for
PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING CERTIFICATES (PSLCS): setting up compressed biogas (CBG) plants have been
Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs) are a mechanism included as fresh categories eligible for finance under the
to enable banks to achieve the priority sector lending target priority sector.
and sub-targets by purchase of these instruments in the

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• Boost to Start-Up Ecosystem: Loans of up to Rs 5 crores • It is quite distinct from Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) wherein
to the Start-ups would be considered as Priority sector the Banks are required to maintain certain percentage of
lending. depositors' money with the RBI in the form of Cash.
Presently, the CRR rate is 4%.


• Between 27 March and 31 July, banks have raised fresh
deposits worth Rs 5.95 trillion. Of this, around Rs 5.32
trillion has been invested in government securities as part
of SLR. This essentially means that close to 89% of the
fresh deposits have been invested in government
securities, as against the mandated 18%. This mainly
There has been increase in the Bank Deposits in the aftermath
highlights multiple things:
of Economic Slowdown in Indian Economy. However, this has
failed to translate into higher credit creation as Banks have
• Lockdown due to COVID-19 has led to increased savings
and hence increase in Bank deposits.
been investing the deposits in the G-Secs rather than lend
loans to private corporate entities. This shows the extent of • People have been reluctant to borrow following the covid-
risk aversion of both Banks and lenders during COVID-19 19 outbreak.
pandemic. So, let us understand this issue in detail. • Risk aversion of the Banks due to fear of the NPAs has
STATUTORY LIQUIDITY RATIO (SLR) prevented Credit Creation.

• The SLR is one of the monetary policy tools used by the RBI • The problem is not of shortage of liquidity; rather shortage
to control the amount of money supply in the economy. As of confidence over future growth prospects.
part of SLR, the Banks are required to maintain certain
percentage of depositors' money with themselves in the
form of G-Secs, Gold or Cash. Presently, the SLR rate is

Taxation / Govt. Budgeting

shortfall in the GST Compensation requirement. However, the
opposition-ruled states have openly rejected these options and

accused the Centre of abdicating its responsibility under the
GST Compensation Act.

FISCAL FEDERALISM The Introduction of GST was heralded as the new era of
Cooperative Federalism. However, the recent tussle between
#Taxes #Cooperative Federalism the Centre and States over the payment of GST Compensation
has raised questions over Fiscal Federalism in India. In this
regard, we will focus on the following dimensions:
IN NEWS 1. Mechanism of GST Compensation
The outbreak of COVID-19 has led to large-scale decline in the 2. Shortfall in GST Compensation
GST collection and has accordingly led to increase in the GST
3. Options given to the States
compensation requirement to the states. Accordingly, the
Finance Minister has given 2 options to the States to bridge the 4. Arguments of the State Governments

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Economic Development

5. Details about GST Council- Prelims perspective of total shortfall of Rs 2.35 lakh crores, only Rs 97,000

UNDERSTANDING THE GST COMPENSATION crores is on account of GST implementation due to rate cut

MECHANISM or lower tax returns, the rest Rs 1.38 lakh crores is on

• The introduction of the GST was a major tax reform aimed
at simplifying and rationalizing the indirect tax regime in • It is to be noted that there is no constitutional obligation
India. It subsumed a number of central and state indirect on the Centre to compensate the States from the
taxes such as Excise Duty, Service tax, Central Sales Tax, Consolidated Fund of India in case of shortfall in the GST
VAT/ Sales Tax, Octroi duty etc.
Compensation Fund. Hence, the question arose as to how
• Some of the states had apprehension that introduction of the States need to be compensated for this revenue loss?
the GST would lead to fall in their revenue. Hence, in order
to allay the fears of the states, the Central Government OPTIONS GIVEN TO STATES
promised for compensating the states for the losses in The Centre has proposed to continue to impose the GST
their revenue through the imposition of GST
Compensation Cess beyond the mandated 5 year period to
Compensation cess.
compensate the States for their revenue loss incurred during
• Compensation cess is levied on luxury and sin goods, the transition period July 2017 to June 2022. In order to
and the proceeds are used to compensate states for any
compensate the States for their revenue loss during the
loss they incur within the first five years of GST
present financial year, the States have been given two
• According to the GST Act, States and UTs with Assemblies
are guaranteed compensation if the GST revenue growth is Option 1: States could borrow Rs 97,000 crores (Shortfall
less than 14 per cent. The amount is paid bi-monthly. purely on account of GST Implementation) from the RBI
through a special window at G-Sec linked Interest rate. The
borrowed amount would be repaid from the GST
Compensation cess extended beyond 5-year period. Plus, the
States would also be entitled to their compensation
requirement due to COVID-19.

Option 2: States could borrow the entire shortfall amount of

2.35 Lakh crores from the open Market which would be
facilitated by RBI. This entire borrowed amount would be
repaid from GST Compensation Cess after 2022.

Arguments of the States: Some of the States such as West

SHORTFALL IN GST COMPENSATION: Bengal demanded that the Centre should compensate the
States from the Cess that it collects from other taxes such as
• The Centre has highlighted that the States could face GST
Education and Health Cess, Road and Infrastructure cess
revenue gap of Rs 3 lakh crores in the Financial year 2020-
imposed on petroleum products etc. On the other hand,
21. However, the GST Compensation Cess amount which
Delhi argued that when the GST compensation amount was
would be collected would be only around Rs 65,000 crores.
in excess during the first 2 years, the excess money was
Hence, the States are expected to see a shortfall of almost
transferred to the Consolidated Fund of India. Hence, in case
around Rs 2.35 lakh crores in the present financial year.
of shortfall, the Centre should tap into Consolidated Fund of
• However, this entire shortfall of Rs 2.35 lakh crores is not
India to compensate the States.
due to GST implementation alone, it is also on account of
COVID-19. Accordingly, the Centre has estimated that out

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Economic Development

Some of the States such as Punjab argued that the Centre reforms like Faceless Assessment, Faceless Appeal and
should itself borrow money in order to compensate the Taxpayers Charter.
The States have also been arguing that GST Council has given
up its earlier consensus oriented approach. Instead, the
• Faceless Assessment and Appeal
Centre is forcing its views and opinions upon the State
Governments. The aim of this scheme is to eliminate the face-to-face
interactions between taxpayers and Income Tax
Overall, the shortfall in the GST Compensation requirement is
considered as a one of the biggest challenges to Federal Department officers. Under faceless assessment, a central

structure in the recent times. computer picks up tax returns for scrutiny based on risk
parameters and mismatch and then allots them randomly to
a team of officers. This allocation is reviewed by officers at
The GST Council is a constitutional body for making
another randomly selected location and only if concurred, a
recommendations to the Union and State Government on
notice is sent by the centralised computer system. However,
issues related to Goods and Service Tax. The GST Council is
exceptions will be made in cases of serious fraud, major tax
chaired by the Union Finance Minister and other members
evasion, sensitive and search matters, international tax
are the Union State Minister of Revenue or Finance and
charges, Black Money Act and Benami property.
Ministers in-charge of Finance or Taxation of all the States.
Every decision of the Goods and Services Tax Council shall be
taken by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the • Ease of Compliance for taxpayers

weighted votes of the members present and voting, in • No human Interface leading to transparency and efficiency
accordance with the following principles, namely:
• Improvement in quality of assessment
• The vote of the Central Government shall have a
• Expeditious disposal of cases.
weightage of one third of the total votes cast, and
• Taxpayer charter
• The votes of all the State Governments taken together
The Finance Minister had proposed to introduce Taxpayers
shall have a weightage of two-thirds of the total votes cast.
charter in the Union Budget 2020-21. The Taxpayers Charter,
like the Citizens' charter, highlights the roles and

TAXPAYERS CHARTER responsibilities of Citizens and Tax authorities, obligations of

the tax payers and provides a mechanism for Grievance

#Taxation redressal. The introduction of taxpayers' charter would

reduce the compliance burden, enhance trust between the
taxpayers and tax authorities, reduce litigations and thus
Promote good Governance Practices.

Now, through the Taxpayers charter, the Income tax

department has committed itself to 14-points, while the Tax
Prime Minister has recently unveiled the new platform known
payers are required to follow 6-points.
as “Transparent Taxation - Honouring the Honest” in order to
implement various tax reforms. The platform has major

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Government Policies /



The lockdown imposed due to COVID-19 has led to both

demand and supply side disruption to the Indian Economy.

According to a recent report published by National Statistical

Office (NSO), the GDP has contracted by 24% in the first

quarter (April-June) of 2020-21 as compared to 5% growth

registered in Q1 2019-20.

It is for the first time that India has recorded contraction in the

quarterly GDP data since it started publishing GDP data on a

quarterly basis since 1996. Further, India has seen contraction

in GDP for the first time in the last 41 years since 1979.


The GDP at Constant (2011-12) Prices in Q1 of 2020-21 is

estimated at Rs 27 lakh crore, as against Rs 35 lakh crore in

Q1 of 2019-20. As seen in the figure below, barring Indian

agriculture, all other sectors have seen contraction, with the

largest decline in the labour-Intensive construction sector.

Further, the major drivers of India's GDP, Consumption

Expenditure and Investment have both seen a decline. The

only saving grace was the increase in the Government's

expenditure to provide stimulus. In the absence of increase in

Government's expenditure, the GDP contraction would have

been far higher.

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Economic Development

Two important points:

1. Increase or decrease in Investment does not immediately

impact the Economic growth. Usually, the impact of either
increase or decrease in Investment on the GDP growth is
ECONOMIC RECESSION IN INDIA seen after a period of 4 years. This is known as lagged
effect of Investment on GDP Growth rates.
Recession is defined as a fall in the overall economic activity
for two consecutive quarters (six months) accompanied by a 2. Similar to lagged effect of Investment on GDP growth,
there is a lagged effect of economic growth on
decline in income, sales and employment. In independent
Consumption. The impact of increase or decrease in the
India's history, four such years of negative GDP growth were
GDP growth on the consumption is usually seen after a
registered. They saw contraction of -1.2% (FY58), -3.66% period of 2-3 years.
(FY66), -0.32% (FY73) and -5.2% (FY80). The economic
contraction in the next quarter of 2020-21 could see India
• The Investment rate within Indian Economy started
entering into its 5th Recession in its economic history.
declining from 2012-13. However, in spite of decline in
REASONS FOR PRESENT ECONOMIC SLOWDOWN Investment, the Indian economy continued on higher GDP
growth trajectory for the next 4 years. Ultimately, the
The Economic survey 2018-19 had recommended for
decline in Investment led to decline in GDP growth rates
sustaining virtuous economic cycle of higher investment- from 2016-17 i.e. after a period of 4 years due to lagged
higher GDP growth- higher consumption in order to realise effect.
the vision of $5 trillion economy. The increase in Investment • The decline in the GDP growth rate from 2016-17 did not
rates leads to greater employment creation, increase in immediately impact the consumption. The Consumption
production and exports leading to higher GDP growth rates. expenditure started declining only in first quarter of 2019-
20 due to lagged effect of 2-3 years. The decline in
The higher GDP growth rates leads to increase in disposable
consumption expenditure has in turn led to decrease in
income levels of the people leading to increase in
Investment rates.
consumption expenditure. The higher demand for goods and
• Hence, the present economic slowdown can be traced to
services, in turn incentivises greater amount of private sector
2012-13 when the Investment rate started declining. Thus,
Investment leading to virtuous economic cycle. India is facing economic slowdown because of its inability
to sustain virtuous economic cycle.

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Economic Development

DECODING INVESTMENT SLOWDOWN attract investment, create Jobs, Boost Exports and hence
sustain virtuous economic cycle. In line such a strategy, NITI
Trends in Investment Rates
Aayog has taken a significant step by developing the first-ever
The Total Investment rate within Indian Economy has Export Preparedness Index for Indian states.
declined from 34% in 2011-12 to 28.5% in 2017-18. The
Household sector is one of the dominant sources of
Investment. However, the share of household Investment has Based upon the experience of East Asian Economies, the
reduced from 16% in 2011-12 to 10.5% in 2017-18. The share exports are considered as Engines of Growth. Countries such
of Private corporate sector and Public sector has remained as Japan, South Korea, Singapore etc. have been able to
stagnant at 11% and 7% respectively. sustain higher economic growth by following export-led
strategy. In the recent times, such an export-led strategy has
benefitted both bigger economies such as China as well as
smaller economies such as Vietnam.


• Household sector: Maximum Investment in Real estate
sector. The poor financial position of Banks and NBFCs
has led to decline in household Investment in Real estate
sector. (Drag of Financial sector on Real Estate Sector)

• Private Corporate Sector: Stagnant Private Corporate

Investment due to higher NPAs of Banks (Drag of Financial
sector on Corporate Investment)

These two factors highlight that the Investment cycle within

Economy would kick in only when the financial position of India’s growth drivers highlight that its economic growth has
Banks and NBFCs improve. This is quite critical to sustain the been primarily propelled by domestic demand which
virtuous economic cycle. accounts for 60% of India's GDP. However, exports account
for only 12% GDP.

While it is necessary to accelerate domestic demand to

EXPORT PREPAREDNESS promote higher consumption and investment, it should also

INDEX 2020
be recognised that an economy with only $2,000 per capita
income will not be able to expand simply based on domestic
demand. Moreover, too much focus on domestic demand
# Economic Growth might strengthen imports faster than exports, which could
potentially lead to a widening deficit. Consequently, it is
essential for India to not merely rely on domestic demand,
IN NEWS but also boost its export potential to enhance its growth.
India’s vision of becoming a $ 5 trillion economy by 2024 is
intricately linked with an export-oriented approach. Greater
integration with global value chains (GVCs) will enable India to

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FIGURE: India’s share in World Exports, Share of Manufactured & Non-Manufactured Items in India’s Total
Merchandise Exports

Note: The years
mentioned are calendar

• Total Merchandise Exports: In the year 2018-19, the total • Increase in share of manufactured exports: The
merchandise exports from India was around $ 337 billion merchandise exports from India could be categorized into
accounting for around 12% of India's GDP. Manufactured and Non-Manufactured Exports. Increase in

• Trends in Merchandise Exports: Between 2009 to 2014, the share of manufactured exports is due to better
the merchandise exports accounted for 16% of GDP. integration of Indian Economy into Global Value Chains
However, since then the merchandise exports as % of GDP (GVCs).
have steadily declined to 11.3% of GDP in first half of 2019- • Top 5 Export commodities: Petroleum Products, Pearls
20. and Precious Stones, Drug Formulations, Gold Jewelry, Iron

• Trends in India's share of World's exports: As shown in and Steel.

the figure, India's share in the world's exports has • Top 5 Export Destinations for India: USA, UAE, China,
remained stagnant at 1.6% in the last decade. Hongkong and Singapore.


Logistics Performance Trading Across Borders - Trade Facilitation
Index Enabling Trade Index
Index (LPI) Doing Business Index
World Bank World Bank OECD World Economic Forum
What it Assessment of trade
Time and cost of the Factors, policies and services
measures Logistics Friendliness of facilitation policies,
logistical process of that facilitate trade across
countries areas for action and
countries borders and to destination.
impact of reforms
India's Rank 44/160(2016) 68/190 (2019) 1.52/2 (2018) 102/136 (As per 2016)
Best Austria, Belgium,
performing Denmark. France. Top 5: Singapore,
Top 5: Germany. Sweden.
states/ Hungary. Italy. 1.86/2- Netherlands Netherlands. Hong Kong.
8elgium, Austria. Japan
countries Netherlands. Spain all tied Luxembourg. Sweden
for Rank 1

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Economic Development

• The Economic Survey 2017-18 established that the states
which engage with the world markets as well as with the # Manufacturing
other states within the country are richer. The findings
highlight that: a state’s GSDP per capita is highly correlated
with its export share in GSDP. This implies that the IN NEWS
participation of the states in the global economy, Recently, the Government has highlighted that a total
therefore, becomes vitally important for the economic of 22 companies have filed application under the PLI Scheme
growth and the standard of living for the states. for the Large-Scale Electronics Manufacturing which was
notified on 1st April, 2020.
• As of present, 70 per cent of India’s export has been
dominated by five states – Maharashtra, Gujarat, PRODUCTION LINKED INCENTIVE (PLI) SCHEME
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Telangana. There is a need to • Objective: Boost domestic manufacturing and attract
large investments in mobile phone manufacturing and
boost exports from other states to promote regional
development. specified electronic components including Assembly,
Testing, Marking and Packaging (ATMP) units.
• Incentives: Extend an incentive of 4% to 6% on
• Mandate: Examine export preparedness and performance incremental sales (over base year of 2019-20) of goods
of Indian states, Identify challenges and opportunities; manufactured in India for a period of 5 years.
enhance the effectiveness of government policies; and
• Target Segments: Mobile phones (which sell for more
encourage a facilitative regulatory framework. than Rs 15,000) and specified electronic components such
• Parameters considered: 4 pillars –Policy; Business as Printed circuit boards, Semiconductor devices etc.
Ecosystem; Export Ecosystem; Export Performance – and • Eligibility: Incentives are provided under the scheme to
11 sub-pillars –Export Promotion Policy; Institutional only those companies which cross the threshold level in
Framework; Business Environment; Infrastructure; terms of incremental sale of Manufactured Goods and
Transport Connectivity; Access to Finance; Export Incremental investment over the base year. For example,

Infrastructure; Trade Support; R&D Infrastructure; Export to avail benefits in the first year, Incremental investment
for the first year should be Rs 250 crores and Incremental
Diversification; and Growth Orientation.
sales of goods should be worth Rs 4000 crores.
• Macro-view: On the whole, India has scored an average of
• Tenure of Scheme: 5 years
39 on the index. Both Policy and Business Ecosystem are
the two highest scoring pillars, with the Export Ecosystem
• Financial Implications: The total cost of the proposed
scheme is around Rs 41,000 Crores.
being the least scoring pillar.
Which companies have shown interest so far? Global
• Ranking of States:
MNCs such as Samsung, Foxconn, Rising Star, Wistron and
o Top 3 states: Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. Pegatron have already shown interest. Out of these, 3
o Rajasthan is top ranked State among the land-locked companies namely Foxcon, Wistron and Pegatron are
contract manufacturers for Apple iPhones. Apple (37%) and
states, followed by Telangana and Haryana.
Samsung (22%) together account for nearly 60% of global
o Among the Himalayan states, Uttarakhand is top ranked
sales revenue of mobile phones and this scheme is expected
followed by Tripura and Himachal Pradesh. to increase their manufacturing base in India. Further,
o Across Union Territories/City States, Delhi has performed domestic companies such as Lava, Micromax etc have also

the best, followed by Goa and Chandigarh. applied under the scheme

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BENEFITS • Increased the authorized Share Capital of HEFA to Rs

• Attract global MNCs to manufacture in India. 10,000 crores.

• Boost domestic Industries. • HEFA to mobilise Rs 1 lakh crores over the next 4 years till
• Assemble in India to be integrated with Make in India. 2022 to meet the infrastructure needs of the institutions.

• Creation of 8 lakh direct and indirect jobs.

# Education
The Union Government has recently launched “Chunauti”- Next
IN NEWS Generation Start-up Challenge Contest to further boost start-
ups and software products with special focus on Tier-II towns
The Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has received a funding
of India.
of Rs 450 crores from Higher Education Financing Agency
(HEFA) to improve its infrastructure.
• Under this challenge the Ministry of Electronics and IT will
ABOUT HIGHER EDUCATION FINANCING AGENCY invite start-ups in the various areas of work such as
(HEFA) Edutech, Agritech, Fintech, logistics management etc. The
start-ups selected through Chunauti will be provided
It is a joint venture company of Canara Bank and Ministry of
various support from the Government through Software
Education GoI. HEFA provides financial assistance for creation Technology Parks of India centers across India.
of educational infrastructure and R&D in India’s premier • They will get incubation facilities, mentorship, security
educational Institutions. testing facilities, access to venture capitalist funding,
industry connect as well as advisories in legal, Human
• Mandate:
Resource (HR), IPR and Patent matters. They will also get
o Provide timely finance at low interest rates for capital seed funding of up to Rs 25 lakhs.
assets in centrally funded higher education institutions
o Develop India’s top ranked institutions into Globally top- PRELIMS PERSPECTIVE
ranking institutions through financial capital expenditure. Definition of Start-up: An entity is considered as a Start-up
o Supplements the loans with the grants by channelizing the for up to ten years (earlier 7 years) from the date of its
incorporation/ registration, with an annual turnover not
CSR fund and donations
exceeding Rs 100 crores (earlier Rs 25 crores) for any of the
• Eligibility: All the Centrally Funded Higher Educational financial years since incorporation/ registration.
Institutions are eligible • Initiatives to boost Start-Ups:

• Existing Arrangement: Entire principal amount repaid by o Startup India Scheme

Institution over the next 10 years and Interest portion  Three Year Income Tax Exemption
given by the Government in form of Grant.  Self-Certification based Compliance Regime: Compliance

REVITALIZING INFRASTRUCTURE AND SYSTEMS IN norms relating to Environmental and Labour laws have
been eased in order to reduce the regulatory burden on
 Start-up India web portal

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 States’ Start-up Ranking Framework employment and help private Agarbatti manufacturers to
 Relaxed norms in Public Procurement: Central Ministries/ scale up Agarbatti production without any capital
investment by them.
Departments have to relax condition of prior turnover and
prior experience in public procurement to all Start-ups. • Under the scheme, KVIC will provide Automatic Agarbatti
making machines and powder mixing machines to the
o Fund-of-Funds (FFS) for Start-ups: The Government has
artisans through the successful private Agarbatti
set up FFS with initial corpus of Rs 10,000 crores. It makes
manufacturers who will sign the agreement as business
contribution to the corpus of Alternate Investment Funds
partners. KVIC has decided to procure only locally made
(AIFs) for investing in equity of start-up companies. This
machines by Indian manufacturers which also aims at
fund is managed by SIDBI.
encouraging local production.
o Stand-up India Scheme: Facilitate bank loans between 10 • KVIC will provide 25% subsidy on the cost of the machines
lakh and 1 crore to at least one scheduled caste (SC) or and will recover the remaining 75% of the cost from the
Scheduled Tribe, borrower and at least one women per artisans in easy instalments every month. The business
bank branch for setting up a greenfield enterprise. partner will provide the raw material to the artisans for
Note: The Start-up India scheme comes under the Ministry of making Agarbatti and will pay them wages on job work
Commerce and Industry while Stand-up India scheme comes basis. After recovery of the 75% cost, the ownership of the
under Ministry of Finance. machines will automatically be transferred to the artisans.


# Manufacturing
# Manufacturing The tradition of Toy making in India is as old as Indus valley
Civilization. However, today India is not self-reliant in
manufacturing of toys. In this regard, Prime Minister has
IN NEWS called upon startups and entrepreneurs to "team up for toys".
Further, the Prime Minister had also recently chaired a
The Government has recently approved a unique employment
meeting aimed at boosting India’s share in the global toy trade
generation program to make India Aatmanirbhar in Agarbatti
in which China is one of the largest manufacturers and
production. The program named as “Khadi Agarbatti
Aatmanirbhar Mission (KAAM)” aims at creating employment
for unemployed and migrant workers in different parts of the Present Status of Toy Industry in India: The global toy
country while increasing domestic Agarbatti production market is worth Rs 7 lakh crores, however, India's share is
substantially. quite miniscule. Over 85% of toys in India are imported,
mainly from China, followed by Sri Lanka and Malaysia. The
Need for the scheme: The current consumption of Agarbatti
country’s imports of toys and related items grew almost 8%
in the country is approximately 1490 MT per day; however,
to $650million in 2018-19. Further, the QCI’s quality test
India’s per day production of Agarbatti is just 760 MT. There is
found that 80% of the plastic toy samples failed on
a huge gap between the demand and the supply and hence,
mechanical and physical safety properties.
immense scope for job creation.
• The scheme designed by Khadi and Village Industries
• Employment Opportunities: India is home to several toy
Commission (KVIC) on PPP mode is unique in the sense
that in a very less investment and create sustainable clusters and thousands of artisans who produce

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indigenous toys which not only have cultural connect but • RO-RO train services were first introduced in Indian
also helps in building life-skills. Railways on Konkan Railways in 1999 and are running
successfully since then.
• Improved Learning Outcomes: Playing with toys can
improve the psychomotor / cognitive skills of children. • RORO services are combination of best features of road
Hence, they can be used as pedagogical tools across all and rail transports in the sense that they offer door to
Anganwadi Centres and Schools for all-round development door service.
of children. • Road transport has advantage of door to door delivery of
• Promote Cultural Values: Toys reflect India's heritage goods. On the other hand, Railways provide hassle free
and environmentally friendly transport to medium to large
and culture and hence can be an excellent medium to
quantum of freight. Rail transport is most fuel efficient of
further the spirit of "Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat".
all means of transport and is much safer than road.
• Opportunity to be Self-Reliant: According to a recent
report by the Department for Promotion of Industry and
Internal Trade (DPIIT), increasing wages in China is making • Faster movement of goods and essentials
Toy Manufacturing unprofitable and hence India needs to • Reduces congestion on the roads.
leverage this opportunity.
• Saves precious fuel.
• Relief to crew of truck as it avoids long distance driving.
• Increase in Customs Duty: The Budget 2020-21 had • No hassles of check posts/toll gates etc.
proposed 200% increase in the customs duty on Toys from
• Seamless Inter-operability between roadways & Railways-
20% to 60% to prevent dumping of Toys and to boost
Inter-modal transport on existing track.
domestic Manufacturing.
• Ensuring uninterrupted supply of essential commodities.
• Quality Control Order: Toys manufactured in India or
imported for use by Children below the age of 14 should • RO-RO will help government initiatives like "operation
green" to stabilize prices of TOP ( Tomato, Potato and
comply with the BIS Standards from September 1, 2020.
• Toy Manufacturing Cluster: The Karnataka Government
• Provides link between agriculture producing regions and
has recently announced setting up of India's first toy
agro consumption centres
manufacturing cluster at Koppal.
• Ensures farmers get the right market and right price for
their produce

RORO SERVICE • Connects and Balances the commodity deficient and

surplus markets.
# Infrastructure

Recently, the first ever RORO service of South Western Railways RESOURCE UNIT
was flagged on Bengaluru- Solapur section. It is also India's first
privately operated RORO train services on Indian Railways. # Govt. Initiatives
• Roll on Roll Off (RORO) is a concept of carrying road
vehicles loaded with various commodities, on open flat
railway wagons. The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has set
up Price Monitoring and Resource Unit (PMRU) in the state of

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Karnataka. Till now National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority • Increase or decrease the prices of the drugs listed under
(NPPA) is headquartered at Delhi only and with the setting up NLEM. Example: NPPA has recently increased the prices of
of PMRUs in States/ UTs, NPPA shall have outreach at State the 21 essential medicines by almost 50%.
Level as well.

Details: The primary function of PMRUs is to assist NPPA in

monitoring of prices of drugs, ensuring availability of drugs MEIS
and raising consumer awareness. They act as collaborating
partners of NPPA with information gathering mechanism at
# Govt. Initiatives
the grass-roots level. They will render necessary technical
assistance to both the NPPA and the respective State Drug
Controllers of States/ Union Territories. IN NEWS
REGULATION OF DRUG PRICES IN INDIA The government has recently decided to cap the benefits under
the Merchandise Export from India Scheme (MEIS) at Rs 2 crore
• The Drug Price Control Orders (DPCO) are issued by the
per exporter on exports made between September 1, 2020 to
Government in exercise of the powers conferred under the
December 31, 2020. Further, the Government has decided to
Essential Commodities Act, 1955. This enables the
withdraw MEIS from 1st Jan 2021. In this regard, the
Government to declare ceiling price for lifesaving
Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) has
medicines so as to ensure that these medicines are
highlighted that the Government's move would have serious
available at a reasonable price to the general public.
impact on the traders.
• The Price controls are applicable to “Scheduled drugs” or
About MEIS Scheme: This scheme was introduced in the
“Scheduled formulations” i.e. those medicines which are
Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 to incentivise exports from
listed out in the Schedule I of DPCO, also referred to as
India. Under this Scheme, the exporters are given incentive in
National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM).
the form of duty scrips on exporting goods from India. The
• The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) fixes
value of the duty scrips depends upon the type of product as
the prices of controlled drugs and formulations and
well as the country to which the goods are exported. These
enforces prices and availability of the medicines in the
duty scrips can be used by the exporters to pay the customs
duty, whenever they import goods. The duty scrips can also
• It is to be noted that the NPPA not only fixes the prices of be sold by the exporters in the open market to other
Essential Medicines, but it also ensures that the prices of exporters.
the non-scheduled drugs do not increase by more than
10% every year.
• In 2019, the US Government had filed a complaint before
the WTO Dispute panel against India's MEIS Scheme on
FIXED? grounds that it is violative of WTO agreement on Subsidies
The prices of the medicines are fixed based on Market pricing and Countervailing Measures (SCM). It had argued that the
model. The ceiling price of the Essential drugs is the fixed by subsidies given by the Indian Government come under the
calculating the simple average price of all the brands having category of prohibited subsidies and hence India should
at least 1% of the market share. Further, under Paragraph 19 not be allowed to provide such subsidies. Based upon this
of DPCO, the NPPA has been given the following exceptional argument, the WTO dispute panel has recommended India
powers: to withdraw these prohibited subsidies in provisions with
the WTO agreement on SCM.
• Fix the prices of even those drugs that are not listed under
NLEM. Example: In pursuance of these powers, the NPPA • Accordingly, the Government has sought to introduce
has fixed the ceiling prices of Cardiac Stents and Knee WTO-Compliant scheme known as Remission of Duties
implants. or Taxes on Export Product (RoDTEP)

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REMISSION OF DUTIES OR TAXES ON EXPORT • Hence, the Union Cabinet has "Remission of Duties and
PRODUCT (RoDTEP) Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP)". Under this scheme,
the exporters are provided with reimbursement of taxes/
• The introduction of GST was a major indirect tax reform. It
duties/ levies imposed at the central, state and local level.
has subsumed a number of indirect taxes and at the same
The refund is provided in the form of Duty Credit Scrip.
time it provides for input tax credit. All of these measures
These scrips can be used by the exporters to pay various
seek to do away with the Cascading effect of tax-on-tax
taxes/duties to the Government. These duty scrips can
and boost the manufacturing sector.
also be sold by the exporters in the open market.
• However, even today, the Industries pay number of taxes
and levies which are outside the GST regime. Hence, the
Industries cannot avail input tax credit on such taxes. This The government has recently decided to cap the benefits
in turn leads to increase in the prices of the Goods. Such under the Merchandise Export from India Scheme (MEIS) at
taxes and levies called as "Embedded taxes". Some of Rs 2 crore per exporter on exports made between September
these embedded taxes are Electricity duty, duties on fuel, 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. It has also decided to
clean energy cess, mandi tax etc. withdraw MEIS from 1st Jan 2021. This has been done mainly
on account of 2 reasons:
• Just imagine as to what would happen when such Goods
with Embedded taxes are exported to other countries? 1. Introduce more WTO-Compliant Remission of Duties or
Obviously, this would lead to increase in the prices of our Taxes on Export Product (RoDTEP)
exported Goods and make them costlier and 2. Fund crunch on account on COVID-19.
uncompetitive in the destination country.

The model of Arakunomics has been used by the Naandi
Foundation the regions of Araku, Wardha and New Delhi. This


vision can be summarized as the ‘ABCDEFGH’ approach:
• AGRICULTURE, NOT FARMING: Traditionally, agriculture

2020 was a culture, a way of life where people lived in harmony

with nature. Over time, the world transitioned from
agriculture to farming, an economic activity, an input
# Agriculture
versus output battle focusing heavily on how to get more
by putting in less.
• BIOLOGY, NOT CHEMISTRY: Till the green revolution in
India, the approach to agriculture was based on life
The Rockefeller Foundation has selected Hyderabad-based science, on biology. At the centre of it was the use of
non-profit, Naandi Foundation, as one of the ‘Top 10 natural elements, activation of biomes & microbes, all of
Visionaries’ in the world for the Food Vision 2050 Prize. The which contributed to the goodness of the soil. It was only
Naandi Foundation has adopted unique model of agriculture when we moved from biology to chemistry did we trigger
known as "Arakunomics" which has shown as to how the collapse of the natural symbiotic agriculture system.
agriculture can be practiced profitably without affecting the
• COMPOST, NOT CHEMICALS: In all three, replaced the use
of Chemicals with Compost. Democratized scientific
ARAKUNOMIS knowledge about organic cultivation. As a result, not only
enhanced produce, but also reversed soil erosion and
mitigated impact of climate change.

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preparation, Bio Fertilizer spraying, pruning and harvesting
The Union Government has recently launched Krishi Megh
are all decentralized and executed in a customized manner (National Agricultural Research & Education System -Cloud
at the farm level. Infrastructure and Services). It is the Data Recovery Centre of
• ENTREPRENEUR, NOT SUBSISTENCE FARMER: A farmer Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
should function as an entrepreneur and should be able to DETAILS ABOUT KRISHI MEGH
make profits through quality, value addition and
• Currently, the main data centre of the ICAR is at the Indian
ownership. He or she should not have to rely on wages or
Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI) in New
subsistence income through subsidies. Such an approach
Delhi. Now, Krishi Megh has been set up at National
has been adopted in all our regions of work.
Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM)
• FAMILY, NOT MALE ALPHA FARMER: Farming is in Hyderabad.
sustainable only when it is made a viable option for the • Hyderabad has been chosen as it lies in a low intensity
next generation. seismic zone. Hyderabad is also suitable as skilled IT
• GLOBAL MARKETS, RATHER THAN MINIMUM SUPPORT manpower is available along with other suitable climatic
PRICES: Farmers are empowered not only to withstand conditions such as low humidity level which is controllable
impact of globalization but also to enter global markets. in the data centre environment.
Araku coffee farmers get the highest price a coffee farmer • Krishi Megh has been set up under the National
gets anywhere in India or the world. Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP), funded
• HEADSTAND: Only when we turn the current approach on by both the government and World Bank.
its head, can we expect to solve India’s food and FEATURES OF KRISHI MEGH
agriculture system crisis. • Built to mitigate the risk, enhance the quality, availability
About Food System Vision Prize: It is an initiative of and accessibility of e-governance, research, extension and
Rockfeller foundation in association with SecondMuse and education in the field of agriculture in India.
OpenIDEO to develop a Vision of the regenerative and • Latest AI/Deep learning software/tools kits for building and
nourishing food system that they aspire to create by the year deploying of deep learning based applications such as
2050. disease and pest identification using image analysis,
detection of maturity and ripening of fruits through image
analysis, disease identification in livestock etc.
KRISHI MEGH • Out-reach of existing ICAR Data Centre is broadened to
cover the Agriculture Universities enabling them to host
# Agriculture their websites and IT solutions.

External Sector


The World Bank's " Doing Business" Report is considered to be
# External Sector one of the most authoritative reports to measure the Ease of

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Doing Business across different countries. It has been used as • For example, an ease of doing business score of 75 in
a valuable tool by countries such as India to improve their Doing Business 2019 means an economy was 25
business climate and attract Investment. However, a number percentage points away from the best regulatory
of irregularities have been reported related to the authenticity performance constructed across all economies and across
and integrity of the data published in the report in the last 2-3 time. A score of 80 in Doing Business 2020 would indicate
years. Hence, the World Bank has decided to pause the the economy is improving.
publication of this Report. It has asked its internal audit team About India' Performance: India has successfully improved
to perform an audit of the process of the data collection and its position from 142nd rank in 2014 to 63 in 2020. It is to be
review the methodology of report to ensure data Integrity. noted that Government has set a target of bringing India
From the perspective of UPSC Exam, we would focus on the within the top 50 rankings in the Doing Business Index.
following dimensions: India’s score improved from 67.23 (2019) to 71.0 (2020).

1. About Doing Business Report FLAWS IN THE REPORT

2. India's Performance on Ease of Doing Business • Poor Correlation between Economic Growth and Ease
3. Flaws in the Report of Doing Rankings: Inspite of improvement in rankings,
most of the economies have failed to see improvement in
FDI inflows or GDP growth rates. In fact, improvement in
• The Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business, the rankings of countries such as Russia has been
from 1–190. A high ease of doing business ranking means accompanied by stagnation in Investment. On the other
the regulatory environment is more conducive to the hand, countries such as India and China had attracted
starting and operation of a local firm. huge FDI inflows inspite of poor rankings between 2005 to
• The Doing Business Index covers 12 areas of business 2015. Similarly, phenomenal increase in India's rankings in
regulation. Ten of these areas—starting a business, dealing last 4-5 years has not translated into higher FDI inflows.
with construction permits, getting electricity, registering • Unrepresentative: Data for computing the Index obtained
property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, from only 2 cities- Mumbai and Delhi and hence not
paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, representative of entire country.
and resolving insolvency—are included in the ease of
• Selection Bias: Since Delhi and Mumbai are majorly
doing business score and ease of doing business ranking.
Sevice-based economies, higher focus on easing
• Doing Business also measures regulation on employing restrictions in Services sector and lower focus on
workers and contracting with the government, which are improving business climate in Manufacturing and
not included in the ease of doing business score and Agriculture.
• Unrealistic Assumptions: The Report only looks at
EASE OF DOING BUSINESS SCORE reforms introduced by the Government and assumes that
• It captures the gap of each economy from the best these reform measures will automatically be implemented
regulatory performance observed on each of the in effective manner. It does not measure the actual
indicators across all economies. One can both see the gap implementation of the reforms. For example, introduction
between a particular economy’s performance and the best of GST and IBC has led to improvement in India's rankings,
performance at any point in time and assess the absolute but the implementation of these reforms has been quite
change in the economy’s regulatory environment over poor.
time as measured by Doing Business. • Lack of Focus on Easing Laws: Complexity in the labour
• An economy’s ease of doing business score is reflected on laws is considered as one of the biggest hindrances to Ease
a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the lowest and of Doing Business. However, the report does not explicitly
100 represents the best performance. consider the Indicator of Labour Laws for calculating the

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• Political and Ideological Biasedness: Convention No. 182 on Worst forms of Child Labour became
o The rankings have an inherent bias towards Capitalism the first International labour standard ever to achieve

and tend to discriminate against socialism. For example, as universal ratification. This is a significant event considering the

recently reported in Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Chile's fact that the UN General Assembly has declared 2021 as the

ranking deteriorated under Socialist Government and then International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour.

improved under Conservative Government without any Further, last year in 2019, the ILO celebrated its 100th
substantial changes at the ground level. anniversary. In this regard, ILO and its various labour
o The Indicators used in the Report mainly focus on convention, including Convention No. 182 become quite

improving business climate for the entrepreneurs and important for the UPSC exam. In this regard, we will discuss on

private sector. It does not measure the improvement in the following dimensions:

the "Ease of Living" such as Government's initiatives to • About International Labour Organization (ILO)
promote Social Welfare, improvement in Social Indicators • International Labour Standards
such as Education, Health etc.
• ILO Convention 182
• Data Manipulation: As reported in Wall Street Journal
• India and ILO
(WSJ) recently, some of the countries such as China, UAE,
Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan have been accused of not ABOUT INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION
presently the actual data to the World Bank for the (ILO)
publication of Report.
• Establishment and its Role: The ILO was created in 1919
WAY FORWARD as part of the Treaty of Versailles after the end of First

The flaws in the report indicate that the Government of India World War. It is a United Nations agency that sets
international labour standards and promotes social
should stop chasing ranks on an Index which is considered to
be faulty. The Government must realize that higher Focus on protection and work opportunities for all. It is
headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
improving the ranking has led to lack of focus on improving
"Ease of Living" of the people. At the same time, the World • Unique Structure of ILO: Unlike other UN specialized
Bank should see the halt in the publication of the report as an agencies, the ILO has a tripartite governing structure
opportunity to address the inherent flaws and make the that brings together governments, employers, and workers
report more inclusive, flawless and politically and to set labour standards.
ideologically unbiased. • How ILO Works? The ILO accomplishes its work through
three main bodies which comprise governments,
employers and workers' representatives:

UNIVERSAL RATIFICATION • International labour Conference: It sets the International

labour standards and the broad policies of the ILO. It

OF ILO CONVENTION meets annually in Geneva and it is also as international

Parliament of labour.
# Labour • Governing body: It is the executive council of the ILO.

• International Labour Office: It is the permanent

secretariat of the International Labour Organization.
• Supervision of Labour Standards: The ILO regularly
Presently, more than 152 million children are employed examines the application of standards in member states
globally with 73 million in hazardous work. Hence, since its and points out areas where they could be better applied. If
inception, one of the main goals of International Labour there are any problems in the application of standards, the
Organization (ILO) has been to end child labour. This objective ILO seeks to assist countries through social dialogue and
got a major thrust when for the first time recently, ILO technical assistance.

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• Reports published by ILO: ABOUT ILO CONVENTION 182

 World Employment and Social Outlook • The two ILO Conventions on child labour are Convention
 Global Wage Report No.138 on Minimum Age and Convention No. 182 on
the Worst Forms of Child Labour. These Conventions are
 World Social Protection Report
“fundamental” Conventions. This means that, all ILO
INTERNATIONAL LABOUR STANDARDS member States have an obligation to respect, promote and
realize the abolition of child labour, even if they have not
• International labour standards are legal instruments
ratified the Conventions in question.The ILO defines as a
setting out basic principles and rights at work. They are
“child” a person under 18 years of age.
either Conventions (or Protocols), which are legally
binding international treaties that may be ratified by • ILO Convention 182 requires ratifying states to eliminate
member states, or Recommendations, which serve as the worst forms of child labour, including: all forms of
slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and
non-binding guidelines. In many cases, a Convention lays
trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and
down the basic principles to be implemented by ratifying
forced or compulsory labour, child prostitution and
countries, while a related Recommendation supplements
pornography and work which is likely to harm the health,
the Convention by providing more detailed guidelines on
safety or morals of children.
how it could be applied.
• The Convention requires ratifying states to provide the
• 8 Fundamental ILO Conventions are:
necessary and appropriate direct assistance for the
ILO Convention Name Convention removal of children from the worst forms of child labour
Number and for their rehabilitation and social integration. It
complements the ILO's efforts under the 1973 Minimum
Freedom of Association and Protection of the 87
age convention to prevent employment of children.
Right to Organise
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining 98
• India is a founding member of ILO. India has so far ratified
47 ILO Conventions. Out of the 8 Fundamental
Forced Labour Convention 29 Conventions highlighted above, India has ratified 6.

Abolition of Forced Labour Convention 105 • The Conventions which are not ratified by India are-
Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to
Minimum Age for Admission to Employment 138
Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) and Right to Organise
Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention 182 and Collective Bargaining Convention (No. 98).

Equal Remuneration Convention 100 • India has signalled its legal commitment to the elimination
of child labour with its 2017 ratification of Convention
Discrimination in Respect of Employment and 111 182 and the instrument prescribing the minimum age of
Occupation work for children.

Important Indices in news

INDEX (PMI) According to the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for August
2020, the manufacturing sector has rebounded to the pre-
# Index

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COVID levels after four months of contraction. The Index stood

Statistical Office
at 52 in August as compared to 46 in July.

DETAILS ABOUT PMI Does not track the actual Tracks the actual
Published by: PMI Data is published by Japanese firm Production Production
Nikkei but compiled and constructed by Markit
Economics (for the US, it is the Institute of Supply Covers only 500 private Covers both Private Sector
Management). sector companies as well as PSUs

Covers both Covers only the
• PMI is calculated on the basis of information received from Manufacturing and Manufacturing Sector
companies on various factors that represent demand Services
conditions. It is very different from IIP which is indicative of
actual production. The PMI takes in responses from a Less Comprehensive since More Comprehensive
company on a monthly basis on whether there has been it covers only private
improvement, deterioration or no change for a set of sector companies
parameters relative to the previous month.
• It takes into account the following parameters for the Not used for GDP Used for GDP Calculation to
calculation: new orders, output, employment, supplier's calculation account for the
delivery and stock of purchases. This questionnaire is unorganised sector
administered to 500 private sector companies and the
comprehensive score is arrived at.
• The PMI is constructed separately for manufacturing and
services sector. But the manufacturing sector holds more
# Index
• A figure above 50 denotes expansion in business
activity. Anything below 50 denotes contraction. Higher IN NEWS
the difference from this mid-point greater the expansion According to the Hurun Global Unicorn Index 2020, India has
or contraction. The rate of expansion can also be judged been ranked at 4th place behind US, China and UK.
by comparing the PMI with that of the previous month
Details about Hurun Global Unicorn Index: The Unicorn is
defined as a tech start-up founded in the 2000s that has
• If the figure is higher than the previous month’s then the reached a valuation of US$1bn, but not yet listed on a public
economy is expanding at a faster rate. If it is lower than
exchange. The Hurun Global Unicorns attempts to capture all
the previous month then it is growing at a lower rate.
of the world’s unicorns into one list. It is published by Hurun
Importance of PMI: The PMI is usually released at the start Research Institute located in UK.
of the month, much before most of the official data on
industrial output, manufacturing and GDP growth becomes
available. It is, therefore, considered a good leading indicator Hurun Research found 586 unicorns in the world, based in 29
of economic activity. countries and 145 cities. The total value of all known unicorns
in the world is US$1.9tn, equivalent to the GDP of Italy.
• Top Countries: The world’s unicorns are based in only 29
Purchasing Managers Index of Industrial countries around the world. USA has the around 233
Index (PMI) Production (IIP) unicorns and is ranked at first place. It is followed by China
with almost 227 unicorns. Both USA and China together
Published by Nikkei Published by National account for over 80% of the world’s unicorns. India has 21

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unicorns such as payments solutions platform One97 o However, India fares poorly in terms of Internet quality
Communications, Ola Cabs and OYO Rooms. wherein it has been placed at 78th position.

• Top Companies: China based Ant Financial, whose main SOME IMPORTANT INITIATIVES UNDER DIGITAL
business is online payment platform, Alipay is the most INDIA
valuable unicorn in the world. It is followed by two other
The Government has launched Digital India Campaign to
Chinese based companies - Byte dance (which runs video
transform India into digital empowered society and
sharing application TikTok) and Didi Chuxing (Cab-hailing
knowledge economy. Some of the key initiatives under the
Digital India include:
• Top Industries: E-commerce and fintech make up 31% of
• e-Hastakshar: e-Sign service facilitates instant signing of
the world’s unicorns, followed by cloud and AI.
documents online by citizens in a legally acceptable form.
The services are being leveraged by various applications,
such as, Digital Locker, Financial Sector, various
DIGITAL QUALITY OF LIFE Government agencies etc.

INDEX 2020 • GI Cloud (MeghRaj): MeghRaj initiative is intended to

deliver ICT services over cloud to all the
departments/Ministries at the Centre and States/UTs. The
# Index
vision of this initiative is to accelerate delivery of e-Services
in the country, while optimizing ICT spending of the

IN NEWS Government.

• National Knowledge Network (NKN): The objective of

According to the Digital Quality of Life Index 2020, India has
the National Knowledge Network (NKN) is to interconnect
been ranked quite lower at 57th place out of 85 countries.
all institutions of higher learning and research with a high
ABOUT DIGITAL QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX 2020 speed data communication network to facilitate
• Published by: SurfShark, an online privacy solutions knowledge sharing and collaborative research.
provider. • Vikaspedia Project: The Ministry of Electronics and IT
• Mandate: Analyses 85 countries around the world in (MeitY) has implemented Vikaspedia project for providing
terms of five core pillars: internet affordability, internet e-knowledge and using ICT-based applications for
quality, e-infrastructure, e-security, and e-government. empowerment of poor (rural and urban). It seeks to
Underpinning these pillars are 12 indicators that are maximise utility of ongoing Government programmes
interrelated and work together to provide a measure of through provision of universally accessible digital
overall digital quality of life. The indicators are given equal information resources in Indian languages.
weights within their pillar. • Unified Mobile Application for New-Age Governance
• Global Rankings: The Scandinavian countries excel in (UMANG): UMANG has been developed as a single mobile
offering high quality digital wellbeing to their citizens. At platform to deliver major Government services.
the same time, 7 out of 10 countries with the highest DQL • Electronic Transaction Aggregation and Analysis Layer
are in Europe. (eTaal) : It acts as an electronic dashboard for providing a
• India's performance: real time aggregated view of eServices being delivered
o India stands out in the field of e-government advancement across different States and levels of Government.

despite lower than average digital quality of life level. • Jeevan Pramaan: Using Jeevan Pramaan platform, a
Similarly, India makes it into the top 10 in terms of Internet pensioner can now digitally provide proof of his existence
affordability. With a ranking of nine, it outperforms to the authorities for continuity of pension every year
countries such as the U.K., the U.S. and China. instead of requiring to present himself physically or
through a Life Certificate issued by specified authorities.

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• PRAGATI (Pro-Active Governance and Timely achieved using only the basic starchy staple for a given
Implementation): It is a multi-purpose and multi-modal country (e.g. maize, wheat or rice only).
platform that is aimed at addressing common man’s • “NUTRIENT ADEQUATE DIET”: This diet not only provides
grievances, and simultaneously monitoring and reviewing adequate calories (per the energy sufficient diet above),
important programmes and projects of the Government of but also relevant nutrient through a balanced mix of
India as well as projects flagged by State Governments. carbohydrates, protein, fat, essential vitamins and
• DARPAN (Dashboard for Analytical Review of Projects minerals
across Nation): It is an online tool that can be used to • “HEALTHY DIET”: This diet provides adequate calories
monitor and analyse the implementation of critical and and nutrients (per the energy sufficient and nutrient
high priority projects of the State. adequate diets above), but also includes a more diverse
intake of foods from several different food groups.
• For “healthy diet” FAO uses actual recommendations for

STATE OF FOOD SECURITY selected countries. The Indian recommendation includes

consumption of items from six groups: starchy staples,

AND NUTRITION IN THE protein-rich food (legumes, meat and eggs), dairy,
vegetables, fruits, and fats. It includes 30 gm of cereal, 30

WORLD 2020 REPORT gm of pulses, 50 gm of meat/chicken/fish and 50 gm of

eggs, 100 gm of milk, 100 gm of vegetables and fruit each,
# Index and 5 gm of oil a day. In short, a balanced and healthy
meal but not excessive in any way.


IN NEWS • Energy-sufficient diet costs around 80 cents a day in South
According to the latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in Asia. It is thus affordable to a poor person or one defined
the World 2020 Report, world is progressing neither towards as having an income of $1.9 a day.
SDG target 2.1, of ensuring access to safe, nutritious and • The nutrient-adequate diet costs $2.12 a day. If a person
sufficient food for all people all year round, nor towards target with income just above the poverty line spent her entire
2.2, of eradicating all forms of malnutrition. In this regard, let daily expenditure on food (ignoring fuel, transport, rent,
us look at some of important highlights of this report. medicines or any other expenditure), even then she would
About State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World not be able to afford the nutrient-adequate diet.
2020 Report: The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the • The healthy diet costs $4.07 a day, or more than twice the
World is an annual flagship report jointly prepared by Food international poverty line. In other words, a healthy diet is
and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Fund totally unaffordable for those with incomes at even twice
for Agricultural Development, UNICEF, World Food the poverty line
Programme and World Health Organization.
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE REPORT • Indian poverty line of 2011-12, as defined by the Tendulkar
Progress on ending Hunger: Current estimates are that Committee, amounted to Rs 33 per day in urban areas and
nearly 690 million people (8.9%) are suffering from hunger. Rs 27 per day in rural areas, and corresponded roughly to
The majority of the world’s undernourished – 381 million – $1 a day at international PPP prices. The Indian poverty
are still found in Asia. Further, the world is not on track to line is thus lower than the international poverty line used
achieve Zero Hunger by 2030. If recent trends continue, the in the SOFI Report. So actual number of people unable to
number of people affected by hunger will surpass 840 million afford “Basic energy sufficient” and "Healthy diet" will be
by 2030, or 9.8 percent of the population. much higher.

TYPES OF DIETS • Hence, if we want to reduce malnutrition and food

insecurity, we have to address the problem of affordability
• “ENERGY SUFFICIENT DIET”: This diet provides adequate
of healthy diets.
calories for energy balance for work each day. This is

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Prelims Pointers
• Functions under Ministry of Tribal Affairs.

• Nodal agency for implementing the MSP for Minor Forest
Farmers in West Bengal are trying to introduce Pokkali Rice Produce (MSP) Scheme and the Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan
variety from Kerala. Yojana (PMVDY)

DETAILS • Markets tribal products through the network of its retail

outlets ‘TRIBES INDIA’.
Pokkali is a unique saline tolerant rice variety that is
cultivated in an organic way in the water-logged coastal • Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) organises National Tribal
regions of Alappuzha, Thrissur and Ernakulam districts of Festival titled “Aadi Mahotsav” in collaboration with
Kerala. The rice is cultivated from June to early November TRIFED.
when the salinity level of the water in the fields is low.

From mid-November to mid-April, when the salinity is high,

prawn farming takes over. The prawn seedlings, which swim KISAN RAIL
in from the sea and the backwaters after the rice harvest,
In line with the Budget 2020-21 announcement, recently the
feed on the leftovers of the harvested crop. The rice crop,
Government has unveiled the KISAN rail for benefit of
which get no other fertilizer or manure, draw nutrients from
farmers. This train will help in bringing perishable agricultural
the prawns' excrement and other remnants. The uniqueness
products like vegetables, fruits to the market in a short period
of the rice has brought it the Geographical Indication (GI) tag
of time. The train with frozen containers is expected to build
and is the subject of continuing research.
a seamless national cold supply chain for perishables,
inclusive of fish, meat and milk.

TRIBAL COOPERATIVE Indian Railways has earlier run single commodity special
trains like Banana Specials etc. But this will be the first ever

MARKETING multi commodity trains and will carry fresh fruits and

NEWS A solar tree is a structure where solar modules are planted
on a single pillar, which looks like a tree trunk. It serves the
TRIFED has recently celebrated its 33th foundation day on
dual purpose of being an artwork and an energy generator.
August 6, 2020.
CSIR-CMERI has developed the World’s Largest Solar Tree,
which is installed at CSIR-CMERI Residential Colony,
• Established in 1987 under Multi-State Cooperative Durgapur. It has the annual capacity to generate 12,000-
Societies Act, 1984 for socio-economic development of 14,000 units of Clean and Green Power”.

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practice questions

Q1. With reference to FAME Scheme, consider the 4. Currency in circulation
following statements: Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1. The Scheme provides for demand-incentive on (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1, 2 and 3 only
purchase of only Public Transportation Vehicles. (c) 1, 2 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
2. The incentive provided under the scheme depends
upon the Battery capacity.
Q4. Consider the following statements:
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. Economic Recession is defined as contraction in GDP
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only growth for at least 4 consecutive quarters.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 2. India has not faced Economic Recession so far.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Q2. What does e-Kuber, which was recently in news (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
deals with?
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) Treasury Management of Finance Ministry
(b) Core Banking Solution of RBI
Q5. Which among the following agencies has recently
(c) E-Governance Initiative for Land Records published "Export Preparedness Index 2020"
(d) None of the above recently?
(a) Reserve Bank of India
Q3. Which among the following is/are considered as (b) Ministry of Commerce and Industry
assets of RBI? (c) NITI Aayog
1. G-Secs in custody of RBI (d) EXIM Bank
2. Gold
3. Loans to Centre and States

descriptive Questions
Q1. In spite of Government's initiatives, the adoption of Electric Mobility in India is saddled with multi-faceted challenges.

Q2. Do you think the present Economic Slowdown is entirely on account of disruption caused due to COVID-19? Give
arguments in support of your answer.

Answers to above MCQs: 1 (b), 2 (b), 3 (b), 4(d), 5(c)

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# GS Paper I & GS Paper II (Main)

immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV interferes with body's
ability to fight infection and disease, by damaging

immune system.


# Health • Decline in annual new HIV infections was only 27% from
2010 to 2017 against a national target of a 75% decline by
• People Living With HIV/AIDS (PHLIV): 2.1 million in 2017.
As per survey Indian Council of Medical Research Study, India
• States with highest number of PHLIV in 2017:
is likely to miss target of eradicating AIDS by 2030.
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
• In 2016, at the UN’s High-Level Meeting on AIDS, India
• Signs of rising new HIV infections in the low-burden states
committed towards the goal of ‘ending the AIDS epidemic
of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Mizoram etc. in 2017
as a public health threat by 2030'.
compared with 2010.
• SDG 3.3 aims to end AIDS as a public health threat by
• National AIDS Control Programme, based on three
pillars-Prevention, Care-counselling and Treatment.

• National Strategic Plan (2017-24) on HIV/AIDS and

Sexually Transmitted Infection.

• Project Sunrise for prevention of AIDS in 8 North-Eastern


# Health

As per survey on the state of India's health conducted by the
National Statistical Office (NSO),institutional deliveries have
increased over the past two decades.

• Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, WHAT IS INSTITUTIONAL DELIVERY?

life-threatening condition caused by the human • Giving birth to a child in a healthcare institution under the

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Society and Social Justice

overall supervision of trained and competent health IN NEWS

personnel where there are more amenities to handle the
Ministry of Human Resource Development launches India
situation to care and save the life of the child and mother
Report of Digital Education. The Report elaborates on the
is Institutional delivery.
innovative methods adopted by MHRD, Education
• Giving birth at home is Non - institutional delivery. The Departments of States and UTs for ensuring accessible and
chances of getting infected from the unhygienic inclusive education to children at home and reducing learning
environment are more in the case of delivery of a child at gaps.
home. Sometimes, it is very tough or impossible to handle
• COVID-19 has led to closure of schools and has impacted
childbirth complications.
learning of over 240 million children in India.
• The ancient method of delivering the child at home is still
• Also, MHRD recently released PRAGYATA guidelines for
prevalent practice in India. It is seen to be more common
digital education.
in rural areas as compared to urban areas.
• Institutional births result in reduced infant and maternal
mortality and increased overall health status of the • Report identifies 3 broad pathways being followed to
mother and the child. ensure continuous learning, depending upon level of
available technology as follows:
o Where videoconferencing tools are available, live classes
• Over past two decades, proportion of women delivering a are being held. It is tried in 25 States and UTs.
child in a hospital (or health care institution) increased by
o Where digital technology is completely absent, classes are
nearly 73% in rural India and 37% points in urban India.
broadcasted via television in at least 25 States and UTs
• At least 9 of every 10 women now deliver a child in a and radio is being used in 18 State and UTs.
hospital availing better health care facilities.
o Most common type of distance learning seems to be
• 28.1% of women who deliver in hospital undergoes a asynchronous digital education that uses already
caesarean-section or C-section surgery, leading to prepared digital content hosted on platforms such as
increase in overall cost for childbirth. (ideal rate is 10 to DIKSHA.
15%, as per WHO).
• It mentions following plans for imagining & shaping digital
o Personal preferences, older mothers and role of private education as long-term learning strategy:
sector hospitals are reasons for high rate of C-section.
o Developing digital classrooms as an instructional
• Institutional deliveries can significantly reduce the risk of modality.
maternal and neonatal deaths attributable to
o Virtual vocational training, skill development courses etc.
prematurity etc. E.g. Infant Mortality Rate (number of
deaths under one year of age for 1000 live births in a o Developing quality e-content in local languages.
year) declined to 32 in 2018 from 129 in 1971.

• Schemes to promote institutional deliveries: Janani RELATED OPINION FOR REFERENCE

Suraksha Yojana (under National Health Mission),
Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana, Pradhan Take the digital plunge
Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan etc.

DIGITAL EDUCATION With the closure of educational institutions during the

lockdown, approximately 1.72 billion learners have been
# Education #Technology affected worldwide, and around 32 crores in India alone,
resulting in high socio-economic costs for education

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The inaccessibility to physical classrooms encouraged ed- regimented one-desk-one-child seating arrangement could
tech platforms to announce free live sessions, thereby be implemented once schools re-open. Parents may opt for
questioning the role of education institutions. In response, home schooling, if the situation worsens. While this strategy
private schools were quick to adopt, mandate, and may not result in finishing the quarterly curriculum, it will at
implement new educational pedagogy — learning through least reduce the learning gap that students are likely to
digital means. experience if schools continue to remain shut.

LEARNING FOR ALL Blended learning could also be the next normal. Schools can
explore tutoring platforms with video conference facilities,
In this situation, the teacher’s role was challenging. Besides,
customised modules, and assessments using technology and
teaching online, they also had to support students to
data that can help analyse what students like, their learning
complete assessments and tests. They stayed in constant
patterns, and their understanding of the concepts.
touch with parents about their wards’ progress through
WhatsApp groups, and virtual parent-teacher meetings. This With the challenges and gaps associated with digital
blurring of professional and personal boundaries took a toll learning, the launch of a new education policy could serve as
but they got the opportunity to gain more knowledge and the first step for Indian education to transition into the
skills. Parents had to invest in seamless wi-fi connectivity and digital sphere.
ensure that their children paid attention to classes. In some
cases, new gadgets had to be bought as well. However,
students were quick to adapt to online classes and, even if COMMONWEALTH
they missed a session, teachers shared recorded sessions.
Thus, it became possible to independently navigate the HUMAN RIGHT INITIATIVE
world of online learning.


The government has also encouraged digital learning # Human Right
through initiatives such as DIKSHA and eVidya. However,
students belonging to less affluent families or living in
remote places with no mobile network were left behind IN NEWS
because of the cost of digital devices, data plans, or network A report released by Walk Free (Global anti-slavery
connectivity. All this led to the broadening of the digital organization) and CHRI (international NGO) highlights the
divide. need for renewed urgency to eradicate modern slavery and
State administrations took a plunge to fill the gap for achieve SDG Target 8.7 by 2030.
children studying in government schools by developing apps, • Modern slavery refers to situations of exploitation that a
sharing content through WhatsApp groups, and person cannot refuse or leave because of threats,
broadcasting content on radio, Doordarshan or other violence, coercion, deception, or abuse of power.
regional TV channels.
SDG Target 8.7 by 2030: Take immediate and effective
BLENDED LEARNING measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery
Various tech and ed-tech companies supported live classes, and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and
made recorded classroom sessions available on YouTube elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including
channels, allowed access to interactive study material rich in recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child
video and graphics, and helped students understand labour in all its forms.
concepts easily. ILO Flagship Program: International Programme on the
Considerable planning will be required once the lockdown Elimination of Child Labour and Forced Labour (IPEC+)
lifts. It is imperative to re-evaluate every school activity and In line with Sustainable Development Target 8.7, IPEC+
emerge with new systems, which will become the ‘new focuses on the elimination of child labour in all its forms by
normal’. Following strict social distancing measures and

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2025 and the eradication of forced labour, modern slavery Act, 1961, and Unorganised Workers' Social Security Act,
and human trafficking by 2030 2008.

The Commonwealth of Nations, simply known as the • Social security refers to measures to ensure access to
Commonwealth, is a political association of 54 member health care and provision of income security to workers.
states, nearly all former territories of the British Empire. • It is one of the four codes that amalgamates 44 Acts
KEY FINDINGS pertaining to labour issues. Others are Code on Wages;
Code on Occupation Safety, health & working conditions
and Code on Industrial Relations.
• Estimated one in every 150 people in the Commonwealth
living in conditions of modern slavery.
• Definition of social security be modified to make it in line
• 71% of all victims of modern slavery are women and girls.
with ILO Convention on Social Security (minimum
• Only 1/3rd of Commonwealth members criminalise standards) 1952.
forced marriage. India accounted for one-third of all child
• Expand the definition of employee so as to encompass all
brides in the world.
sorts of workers such as 'Anganwadi' and 'Asha' workers.
• Clearly mention the status of the gig workers and
• A fifth of countries have yet to criminalise human platform workers.
trafficking, while forced labour is not yet criminalised in
• Determine wage thresholds through an automatic
35% of countries.
process of wages indexation with Consumer Price Index
• India had not ratified 2011 Domestic Workers Convention periodically.
& 2014 Forced Labour Protocol.
• Specify the source of funding for running social security
• India has the weakest response on national schemes enshrined in the Code.
coordination, with no national coordinating body or
National Action Plan in place.

Suggestions: Support survivors; Strengthen Criminal Justice;

improve coordination among national agencies and
accountability; eradicate exploitation from supply chains; AUTHENTICATION
strengthening and enforcing national laws and policies etc.
# Rules


SECURITY (CSS), 2019 Aadhaar authentication for good governance (social welfare,
innovation, knowledge) Rules, 2020, notified.
# Report • As per Rules, Central government may allow Aadhaar
authentication by requesting entities for the following
o usage of digital platforms to ensure good governance;
The Parliamentary Standing Committee on labour submits
report on 'Code on Social Security (CSS), 2019. o prevention of dissipation of social welfare benefits;

• Code was introduced in Lok Sabha in 2019 and then o enablement of innovation and spread of knowledge.
referred to the Standing Committee by the Speaker. • Till now, the government has allowed seeding of Aadhaar
• CSS replaces nine laws related to social security, including number for delivery of social welfare benefits under some
Employees' Provident Fund Act, 1952, Maternity Benefit programmes such as Public Distribution System. However,

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new rules would expand the scope of Aadhaar for spontaneous atmosphere.
agriculture, education and health schemes etc. • In his vision of education moral man is placed above the
• For availing authentication services, individual government commercial man, but education that promotes economic
departments will have to seek approval of Unique success and benefits is not devalued.
Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), • Education is that social process by which man attains
• UIDAI is statutory body to manage Aadhaar and runs physical progress and spiritual wholeness.
Aadhaar-based services. • Difference of Opinion with Gandhiji: Gandhiji was highly
• Also, only the government agencies would be allowed to critical of Western civilisation and its worship of machines
use Aadhaar authentication services, not any private and technology. Tagore wanted to combine elements of
entity. modern Western civilisation with best within Indian

• This is in line with the 2018 Supreme Court judgment that tradition.

Aadhaar could only be used to authenticate beneficiaries

of government subsidy schemes.

• There are arguments that Aadhaar and Other Laws INHERITANCE RIGHTS
(Amendment) Act, 2019 seeks to effectively allow private
# Empowerment
entities access to Aadhaar-based authentication. That,
however, is under constitutional challenge in the Supreme
According to the Supreme Court, daughters have equal

inheritance rights. SC judgment came on a batch of appeals
that raised a legal issue whether the Hindu Succession

EDUCATION (Amendment) Act, 2005:

o Has a retrospective effect?

# Education o If the claim of women depended on the living status of
father as on amendment date (9.9.2005)?


According to the Prime Minister, the new Education Policy • A Hindu woman's right to be a joint heir to the ancestral
reflects ideas of Rabindranath Tagore. property is by birth and does not depend on whether her
father was alive or not when the law was enacted in 2005
i.e. it has retrospective effect.
• Three cardinal principles of his educational philosophy
• Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 granted equal
are Freedom, creative self-expression and active
rights to women and men in ancestral property and to
communication with nature and man.
intestate succession in personal property where
• Childhood ought to be a time of self-learning, outside the succession happens as per law and not through a will.
rigid and restricting discipline of the schooling system set
• Before the 2005 amendment, daughters were entitled only
up by the British.
to a share of their father's inheritance and weren’t
• Teachers had to be imaginative, understand the child, and independent coparceners (a person who has a birthright
help the child develop her curiosity. to parental property) like sons.
• Education should help develop sensitivity in a student by • Amendment had laid down a cutoff date of September 9,
directly experiencing nature. 2005 for claims, to avoid legal complications. Certain SC
• Curriculum should revolve organically around nature with rulings had subsequently said that law would not apply to
classes held in open air, under trees, to provide for a cases where the father had died before the law came into

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effect. enterprise only to sons stems from deep-rooted tradition

and the patriarchal notion in the society.
• Given this context, it is quite likely that some business
• The 1956 Act was amended in September 2005 and
families after this ruling, will bypass this ruling, to park
women were recognised as coparceners for property
their assets or write wills to bequeath assets in favour of
partitions arising from 2005.
male heirs.
• Section 6 of the Act was amended to make a daughter of a
• There is a challenge in ensuring that women are actually
coparcener also a coparcener by birth “in her own right in
empowered by this legal provision, as the majority of
the same manner as the son”.
women are not aware about their rights.
• It also gave the daughter the same rights and liabilities “in
Though the judgement is a progressive step in pursuit of
the coparcenary property as she would have had if she
creating a level-playing field in legal rights for women,
had been a son”.
bringing behavioural change in society will play a bigger role
• The law applies to ancestral property and to intestate towards the goal of gender parity.
succession in personal property, where succession
Thus, there is a need to bring a change in the patriarchal
happens as per law and not through a will.
mindset of the society and ensuring that women have access
• Background for the Amendment: The 174th Law
to the same opportunities as men in acquiring educational
Commission Report had recommended the reform in
qualifications and the training needed to run an enterprise.
Hindu succession law. Before the 2005 amendment,
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu
had made this change in the law and Kerala had abolished RELATED OPINION FOR REFERENCE
the Hindu Joint Family System in 1975.


Right by birth: On daughters
• The verdict has cleared the confusion about the law and and Hindu succession act
made it clear that the amendment to the Hindu Succession
Act, 1956 granting equal rights to daughters to inherit
ancestral property would have retrospective effect.
The latest decision of the Supreme Court on the right of
• The court recognized that gender cannot be grounds for Hindu daughters to ancestral property corrects an obvious
denying anyone their inheritance rights. This interpretation anomaly in the interpretation of a crucial 2005 amendment to
by the Supreme Court has removed male primacy over the Hindu Succession Act, 1956. The verdict settles the
Hindu ancestral property. question whether the coparcenary right of daughters comes
• Giving the daughter equal coparcenary rights is in into effect only if the father through whom they claim that
consonance with the spirit of equality, under Article 14 of right was alive on the day the amendment came into force.
the Indian constitution. The apex court has now categorically ruled that the

• A Step Towards Women Emancipation: It is a major push daughters’ right flows from their birth and not by any other

for women who lack economic resources and are often factor such as the existence of their fathers. In other words, it

marginalised by male members of the family. The fact that has rejected the common misinterpretation that only

a law and not just a will decides women’s property rights is daughters of coparceners who were alive on that day could

significant. get an equal share in property. The court has rightly

recognised that the amendment conferred equal status as a
ASSOCIATED CHALLENGES coparcener on daughters in Hindu families governed by
• While the ruling is a progressive step towards gender Mitakshara law, and this right accrued by birth. The change
parity, it is by no means a guarantee that Indian families came into effect from September 9, 2005, but with a
will willingly cede reins to their women members. provision that partitions or testamentary disposition that had
• This is because, passing on the succession of the family taken place prior to December 20, 2004 — the date on which

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the amendment Bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha — will task force to examine matters pertaining to age of
remain valid and unaffected by the change. This led to the motherhood, imperatives of lowering Maternal Mortality
interpretation that the daughters’ coparcenary rights, being Ratio and the improvement of nutritional levels among
prospective, would not come into effect unless both the women.
coparcener father and his daughter were alive on September • Minimum age of marriage was initially introduced to
9, 2005. This position was crystallised in a 2015 judgment of combat child marriages and prevent the abuse of minors.
the Supreme Court in Prakash and Others vs. Phulavati. This
• Currently, Special Marriage Act, 1954 and the
judgment now stands overruled.
Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 prescribes that
The court’s reasoning is unexceptionable. First, it locates the the minimum age of marriage is 21 years and 18 years for
origin of the coparcenary right in one’s birth. Second, it finds men and women respectively.
that there is no necessity for a predecessor coparcener to be
alive for one to acquire that status, as what is relevant is birth
within the degrees of succession to which it extends. In that OPINIONS
sense, the legislation, even though it comes into effect on a • The Special Marriage Act, 1954 and the Prohibition of Child
prescribed date, is retroactive in its application as it is linked Marriage Act, 2006 also prescribe 18 and 21 years as the
to birth, an antecedent event. It also underscores that the minimum age of consent for marriage for women and men
legislation makes it clear that the daughter’s rights are the respectively.
same “as that of a son,” and “as if she had been a son at the
• Additionally, sexual intercourse with a minor is rape, and
time of birth”. The coparcenary status given to daughters has
the ‘consent’ of a minor is regarded as invalid since she is
been a subject of reform in many States, particularly in south
deemed incapable of giving consent at that age.
India, long before the UPA regime brought in the amendment
• Arguments in favour of increasing the marriageable age
for the whole country. Kerala had introduced legislation in
for girls [note that the argument is mostly centered on
1975, Andhra Pradesh in 1986, Tamil Nadu in 1989 and
gender equality]
Maharashtra and Karnataka in 1994. The legislative aim was
that a flagrant discrimination between sons and daughters in • Gender-neutrality - Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution,
entitlement to an equal share in coparcenary property, that is which guarantee the right to equality and the right to live
property inherited from one’s father, grandfather or great- with dignity, were violated by having different legal ages
grandfather, should be done away with. It is indeed welcome for men and women to marry.
that the apex court has sought to give full effect to this intent • The international treaty Committee on the Elimination
by setting at rest doubts arising from varying interpretations. of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), calls for the
abolition of laws that prescribe different marriageable age

for men and women. Such differentiation assumes
women have a different physical or intellectual rate of


growth than men. [HOWEVER The Commission
recommended that the minimum age of marriage for both

genders must be set at 18.]

• The Law Commission consultation paper has argued that

# Empowerment having different legal standards “contributes to the
stereotype that wives must be younger than their

IN NEWS • Women’s rights activists have argued that the law also
perpetuates the stereotype that women are more mature
The Central government has set up a committee to reconsider
than men of the same age and, therefore, can be allowed
the minimum age of marriage for women. Earlier in June
to marry sooner.
2020, Ministry for Women and Child Development set up a
• Early pregnancy is associated with increased child

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mortality rates and affects the health of the mother. it.

• Raising the age at marriage by amending the law is HIGHLIGHTS OF DRAFT

costless and can be effortlessly achieved by legal fiat.
• The draft standard has been developed keeping in view
• A report published by the United Nations Population the Centre’s Jal Jeevan Mission for providing safe and
Fund (UNFPA) on July 2 said that while child marriages adequate drinking water to all rural households by 2024
were almost universally banned, “yet they happen 33,000 through individual tap connections.
times a day, every day, all around the world”.
• It lays down the requirements for water utilities, including
• UNICEF estimates suggest that each year, at least 1.5 procurement of raw water, its treatment, distribution,
million girls under the age of 18 are married in India, which quality maintenance and responsibilities of the
makes the country home to the largest number of child management.
brides in the world — accounting for a third of the global
• It outlines the requirements for a water supplier or a water
total. Nearly 16 per cent adolescent girls aged 15-19 are
utility on how they should establish, operate, maintain and
currently married.
improve their piped drinking water supply service.
ARGUMENT AGAINST INCREASING THE • Water source can either be groundwater or surface water
MARRIAGEABLE AGE FOR GIRLS sources such as rivers, streams or reservoirs.
o The change will leave the vast majority of Indian women • Water quality should conform to Indian Standard (IS)
who marry before they are 21 without the legal 1O5OO.
protections that the institution of marriage otherwise
• IS 10500 outlines acceptable limit of various substances in
provides, and make their families criminalisable.
drinking water like heavy metals and other parameters like
o Raising the age of marriage from 18 to 21 for women will pH value, odour, etc.
lead to an increase in parental backlash against young
• District metering area (DMA) should be adopted where
adults who marry against the wishes of their parents or
elope and will lead to criminalisation of sexual activity,
• DMA is a concept for controlling leakages in the water
o If the minimum age of men and women should be the
network, which is essentially divided into a number of
same for gender equality, then India must follow global
sectors, called the DMAs, and where flow meters are
norms of 18 years for both. For gender equality if
installed to detect leaks.
marriageable age of both men and women has to be the
same then, for both it must be made 18 years. However, • Water audit should be conducted on a quarterly basis.
there is no direct data analysis suggesting that increasing • It outlines the process of water supply, from raw water
the age of women will be automatically and substantially sources to household taps which aims to act as a
improving the nutritional status of women. "benchmark" for maintaining water quality and developing
a uniform process for states opting to implement it.


# Health
# Empowerment
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has prepared a draft
standard for the drinking water supply system, which aims to
act as a “benchmark” for maintaining water quality and IN NEWS
developing a uniform process for states opting to implement The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment formed

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National Council for Transgender Person. NCTP was • UBA is a Ministry of Human Resource Development
established by centre in exercise of the powers conferred by initiative which connects higher education institutions
the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019. The with villages for the economic and social betterment of
Act provides for prohibition against discrimination against rural communities.
transgender persons, right to self-perceived gender identity, • It aims to create a virtuous cycle between society and an
welfare measures by governments, offences and penalties inclusive academic system by providing knowledge and
provisions etc. practices for emerging professions.
COMPOSITION • llT Delhi is the National Coordinating Institute for the UBA.
• Chairperson - Union Minister for Social Justice;

• Vice- Chairperson - Minister of State for Social Justice;

• Members from the ministries of health, home, minority

affairs, education, rural development, labour and law.
# Community
• Members from the department of pensions, Niti Aayog,
National Human Rights Commission and National
Commission for Women.
• Siddi community has got its first representative in
• Representatives from five states or UTs, on a rotational
Karnataka State legislature.
• They are an ethnic group inhabiting India and Pakistan.
• Five members of the community and five experts, from
non-governmental organisations • They are descendants of Africans from North-East and East
Africa who were brought to India as slaves, soldiers or
• Advising central government on policies, programmes,
• In India, they are spread along the coast of Gujarat,
legislation and projects with respect to transgender
Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.
• Current estimated population: 20,000-55,000 individuals.
• Monitoring and evaluating the impact of policies and
programmes designed for achieving equality and full • Religion: Siddis are primarily Sufi Muslims, although some

participation of transgender persons. are Hindus and Roman Catholic Christians.

• Reviewing and coordinating activities of all departments.

• Redressing grievances of transgender persons. PMJDY

• Performing such other functions as prescribed by the
Centre. # Financial Inclusion

UNNAT BHARAT ABHIYAN • Recently, Bank accounts opened under PMJDY crossed 40-
crore mark.
# Empowerment
• UP accounted for maximum number of accounts (6.69
crore), followed by Bihar (4.63 crore).

• PMJDY under National Mission for Financial Inclusion was

• Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of
launched in 2014 initially for a period of 4 years.
India (TRIFED} has entered into a partnership with llT Delhi
under UBA to boost livelihood opportunities and income • Later program was extended beyond 2018 with the change

generation for tribal communities. in focus on opening accounts from every household to
every adult.

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• Accounts opened under PMJDY are Basic Savings Bank Jeevan mission (JJM). However, this needs to expand at a
Deposit accounts with additional features of RuPay debit quicker rate to meet its 2024 deadline under JJM.
card and overdraft. • Also, while Telangana and Haryana have over 80% of
households with tap connections, Uttar Pradesh and West
Bengal have less than 10%.
WOMEN • Use of contaminated water causes diseases such as

ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND diarrhea is the third leading cause of childhood mortality

in India.

EMPOWERMENT (WEE) • JJM was launched in 2019 with aim to provide

Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to every
# Empowerment rural household (Har Ghar Nal Se Jal) by 2024.
• FHTC means a tap connection to a rural household for
providing drinking water in adequate quantity (55 litres per
capita per day) on regular basis.
• It is India's First of its kind social, national initiative by llT
• Issues in JJM implementation: Funding of scheme,
Delhi and supported by Department of Science and
capacity of water supply departments to execute the
projects, may lead to neglect of local water resources,
• It aims to strengthen women entrepreneurship in the neglect of root cause of water contamination etc.
country and promote an ecosystem that enables creation
and sustenance of such enterprises by women.

• It helps women ranging from college going students to NATIONAL CANCER

middle-aged housewives to take up entrepreneurship as a
viable, fulfilling career option. REGISTRY PROGRAMME
• It connects women entrepreneurs from all across India to
potential investors and buyers for their products so that
they can take their business idea to a financially
# Report #Health
sustainable enterprise.

RURAL HOUSEHOLDS AND • Released by the Indian Council of Medical Research

(ICMR) and the National Centre for Disease Informatics

TAP WATER SUPPLY and Research (NCDIR), Bengaluru.

• Cancer cases in India are likely to increase to 15.6 lakhs by

# Benefits 2025, a 12% increase from the current estimated cases.

• Tobacco-related cancers are estimated to contribute 27.1%

of the total cancer burden.
IN NEWS • Cancers related to use of any form of tobacco were highest
51 million rural households to get tap water but pace slow for in the North Eastern region of the country and in higher
2024 target. proportions in men.

• Out of 189 million rural households in India, 51 million • A significant increase in the incidence rates of breast
households (27% of the total) were provided with tap cancers in women and lung and head and neck cancers in
water connection till August 2020. both men and women was observed.
• Of this 20 million were added in the past year under Jal

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practice questions
descriptive Questions
Q1. Critically evaluate the recent measures taken by the government to address the vulnerabilities of the transgender

Q2. Comment on the status of health of women in India. Can increasing the age of marriage help in women’s health status in

Q3. What is the significance of recent Supreme Court judgement on equal right of Hindu women to family property by birth?
How far it can go in empowering women in India?

Q4. How has COVID-19 impacted digital learning in India? What measures have been taken by government in this regard?

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# GS Paper (Prelims) & GS Paper III (Main)

• The Bill provides for the removal of DNA profiles of
suspects on filing of a police report or court order, and of

undertrials on the basis of a court order. Profiles in the
crime scene and missing persons’ index will be removed
#Health #Biotechnology on a written request.

• The committee, in its draft report, pointed out that DNA
profiles can reveal extremely sensitive information of
Currently, the use of DNA technology for identification of
an individual such as pedigree, skin colour, behaviour,
individuals is not regulated. In the past, several expert groups
illness, health status and susceptibility to diseases.
including the Law Commission, have looked at the use and
• Under the provisions of the Bill, access to such intrusive
regulation of DNA technology. The Commission submitted its
information can be misused to specifically target
report as well as a draft Bill in 2017.
individuals and their families with their own genetic data.
In this context, the DNA Technology (Use and Application)
This is particularly worrying as it could even be used to
Regulation Bill, 2018 was introduced in Lok Sabha. The Bill
incorrectly link a particular caste/community to criminal
regulates the use of DNA technology for the purpose of
identification of persons in criminal and civil matters.
• The Bill proposes to store DNA profiles of suspects,
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE BILL undertrials, victims and their relatives for future
• The Bill regulates the use of DNA technology for investigations. “While there is a good case for a DNA
establishing the identity of persons. These include database of convicts, so that repeat offenders may be
criminal matters (such as offences under the Indian Penal easily identified, there is no legal or moral justification for
Code, 1860), and civil matters such as parentage disputes, a database with DNA of the other categories as noted
emigration or immigration, and transplantation of human above, given the high potential for misuse,”.
organs. • The Bill refers to consent in several provisions, but in
• The Bill establishes a National DNA Data Bank and each of those, a magistrate can easily override
Regional DNA Data Banks. Each Data Bank will maintain consent, thereby in effect, making consent
the following indices: (i) crime scene index, (ii) suspects’ or perfunctory. There is also no guidance in the Bill on the
undertrials’ index, (iii) offenders’ index, (iv) missing grounds and reasons when the magistrate can override
persons’ index, and (v) unknown deceased persons’ index. consent, which could become a fatal flaw.

• The Bill establishes a DNA Regulatory Board. Every • The committee said in the absence of a robust data
DNA laboratory that analyses a DNA sample to establish protection legislation, the security of a huge number of
the identity of an individual, has to be accredited by the DNA profiles that will be placed with the National DNA
Board. Data bank and its regional centres is questionable. The
draft report also red-flagged certain provisions of the Bill.
• Written consent by individuals is required to collect
DNA samples from them. Consent is not required for • The Bill permits retention of DNA found at a crime
offences with punishment of more than seven years of scene in perpetuity, even if conviction of the offender
imprisonment or death. has been overturned. The committee urged the

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government to amend the provisions to ensure that if the was triggered by Social Media Platforms owned by US
person has been found innocent his DNA profile must be companies.
removed immediately from the data bank. • Cross-border nature: Data is seen as the new engine of
• The committee recommended that independent scrutiny growth and thus where the data is produced, who owns
must be done of the proposals to destroy biological the data and for what purpose have significant impact on
samples and remove DNA profiles from the database. the economies. Further with increasing deployment of

• The Bill also provides that DNA profiles for civil matters will digital technology the critical infrastructure of countries

be stored in the data banks, but without a clear and are vulnerable to attacks from across borders.
separate index. The committee questioned the necessity • Power Struggle: Internet is used by both state and non-
for storage of such profiles, pointing out that this violates state actors of one country to influence political and social
the fundamental right to privacy and does not serve any life of another. E.g. Russia in US elections.
public purpose • Equitable Use of Internet: While the use of internet for
development was discussed as early as 1998 in the UN
there is no consensus among countries with regard to
INTERNET GOVERNANCE what constitutes internet governance. For e.g. Although
the users of internet are spread across the world yet the
# IT infrastructure like undersea cables that fuel the internet is
dominated by few countries.

CONTEXT • Lack of uniform cyber laws: Given the cross-border

nature of data flow, countries lack jurisdiction over
While the cyberspace has enabled new modes of digital
another. Thus, there is an increasing need for “cyber
interaction like work-from-home etc. it is also becoming
norms” that can balance the competing demands of
increasingly vulnerable to attacks, even state-sponsored ones.
national sovereignty and transnational connectivity.
This has highlighted the need for Internet Governance.
• Current Status on the actions taken for promoting
• On one hand China and Russia have been blamed for such st
Internet Governance. As stated above, the 1 time the
state-sponsored attacks (for instance in Australia, UK, US,
issue of use of internet for development was discussed at
India etc.). On the other side, the governments across the
the UN platform in 1998. Accordingly, the UN set up a
world have imposed restrictions and bans on technology
mechanism called Group of Governmental Experts to
products like the recent app bans in India and US, ban on
discuss the issue of internet governance. However, the
5G technology rollout from Huawei in UK and US etc.
problem is this body has limited membership and thus
• While national laws have been evoked to protect the proven ineffective.
domestic assets, given the cross-border nature of the
For the 1st time in October 2019, this was made more
internet and digital technologies, the need for a global
inclusive by another mechanism called Open-Ended
framework to govern the internet is desperately felt to
Working Group which included all 193 members.
keep the cyberspace secure.

• What is Internet Governance? Refers to the rules, VACCINE NATIONALISM
policies, standards and practices that coordinate and
shape global cyberspace. Currently there is no global #Health
internet governance framework.

• Need for Internet Governance Framework: Internet has

fundamentally changed the social, economic and political
milieu of the world by its sheer reach. This has enabled There are over 200 COVID-19 vaccine candidates in
one country to shape activities in another. Eg: Arab Spring development and 27 of them are on clinical trials across the

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world. Russia has already launched its vaccine triggering a develop robots) in a race to build ventilators to ease the
race towards vaccine nationalism to score points over each country’s shortage.
other. • One of the leaders in vaccine development is the Coalition
In this context, Chief Scientist at the World Health for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a not-
Organization (WHO) Soumya Swaminathan called for for-profit organisation headquartered in Norway, that
multilateral or global approach to vaccine deployment and brings together public, private, philanthropic and civil
distribution, rather than a more nationalistic approach. organisation to develop new vaccines. Researchers from

What is “vaccine nationalism”? It is a term used to describe around the world have now joined CEPI’s effort to develop

the fact that many countries are only thinking about their a Covid-19 vaccine.

own population during vaccine development. • COVAX Facility - COVAX aims to accelerate the

Why “vaccine nationalism” is not desirable? The virus is development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines and

everywhere in the world and it would be impossible for the to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country in
world to go back to normal, and for the economy to recover if the world.

only pockets of people are protected. Political compulsions o COVAX is co-led by Gavi, the Coalition for Epidemic
are the chief cause of “vaccine nationalism”. Most political Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and WHO.
leaders would first think about protecting their own people. o The goal of COVAX is by the end of 2021 to deliver two
IF WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF VACCINES AT THE billion doses of safe, effective vaccines that have passed
BEGINNING OF 2021, WHO SHOULD GET IT FIRST? regulatory approval and/or WHO prequalification.

• People around the world must have access in an equitable • Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research is
way. a model of a North-South scientific collaboration.

• Frontline workers, health workers and social care workers, • Sanofi Pasteur and Johnson & Johnson have each
police and others at high risk of getting the infection. partnered with the US Biomedical Advanced Research and
Today, 10% of all infections have occurred in healthcare Development Authority, with BARDA contributing to the
workers. costs associated with the research being undertaking by
both companies.
Bad experiences of the past: During H1N1 pandemic
vaccines were cornered by high income countries, and very • Pfizer has also announced a partnership with BioNTech, a
little left for low income countries. Only when the pandemic German company, to develop a mRNA-based vaccine and
turned out not so serious that those countries, which had hopes to begin human trials in a few weeks.
stockpiled vaccines, gave up some of their stock for • The Serum Institute of India (SII), aiming to develop a
distribution in low income countries. This could be a terrible COVID-19 vaccine has started human trials of its Oxford
thing to happen this time around. vaccine in the country from August. It is working on the

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS UNDERTAKEN TO AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine. The SII has formally

entered into a partnership with AstraZeneca to
manufacture and supply a billion doses of the vaccine
• Chinese and Australian researchers made the COVID-19 being developed by Oxford University.
genome freely available, speeding the vaccine hunt. The
In short, from smallpox to Ebola, international collaboration
virus has since been sequenced in excess of 3,000 times,
in health and science has historically been a major success
charting both the original genome and its mutations. The
instead of vaccine nationalism. It has led to breakthroughs
much-needed vaccine would not be possible without this
and advances we could not have imagined if countries had
gone it alone. COVID-19 has not only raised the expectations
• A team of engineers, physicians, computer scientists and we have of science, it has also accentuated the fact that
others at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have global challenges require global solutions.
been working on a low-cost ventilator. Its open-source
design was taken up by a group of Indian engineers (who

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FIBRE CABLE • The Submarine Cable will help A&N in getting cheaper &
better connectivity and all the benefits of Digital India,
especially in improving online education, tele-medicine,
banking system, online trading and in boosting tourism.
CONTEXT • According to the Prime Minister, Indian Ocean has been
The Prime Minister launched an undersea Optical Fibre Cable the centre of India's trade and strategic prowess for
(OFC) connecting the Andaman and Nicobar Islands with the thousands of years and that Andaman & Nicobar is an
mainland that would provide residents of the Union Territory important centre for India’s Economic-Strategic
high-speed Internet connection. The Prime Minister had laid
Cooperation. He said all the Islands of India would be
the foundation stone for the 2,300-km-long submarine optical
playing an important role under India’s new trade strategy
fibre cable project connecting Chennai and the Andaman and
for Indo-Pacific region.
Nicobar Islands on December 30, 2018.
• Andaman & Nicobar will be developed as hub of Port Led
Development as it is at a Competitive Distance from many
ports of the World and this will help to boost trade in 21

• Under the Act-East policy, the role of Andaman and

Nicobar in India's strong relations with East Asian
countries and other countries connected to the sea is very
high and is going to increase.

• The Island Development Agency was formed 3 years ago

to strengthen its role. IDA is chaired by Union Home

ABOUT SUBMARINE OPTICAL FIBRE CABLE Minister as Home Minister is its Chairman and CEO of NITI
Aayog acts as its Convenor.
• Under-sea cable has been executed by BSNL in a record
time of less than 24 months and this will give 4G mobile • Apart from providing for better internet & mobile

services a big boost on these islands due to OFC connectivity, the effort is to further improve physical

connectivity. This will boost Digital Services like Tele- connectivity through road, air and water.

education, Tele- Health, e-Governance Services and • The Prime Minister also referred to the work on two major
tourism on the islands. bridges and the NH-4 in order to improve the road

• The Connectivity will boost the Opportunities in the connectivity of North and Middle Andaman. He said the

Andaman & Nicobar Islands says Prime Minister. It will Port Blair Airport is being enhanced to handle a Capacity of

promote Ease of Doing Business and simplify maritime 1200 passengers. Along with this the airports are ready for

logistics. operations in Diglipur, Car Nicobar and Campbell - Bay. 4

Ships being built at Kochi Shipyard shall be delivered soon
• The Andaman and Nicobar Island is to be developed as
to improve the Water connectivity between the islands and
hub of Port led Development and it will also be a major
the mainland.
port hub for international maritime trade.
• OFC project will strengthen base for Digital India and
Atmanirbhar Bharat. • Government's focus is also on promoting Ease of Business
in the sea and simplifying Maritime Logistics. Speedy

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construction of the deep draft inner harbour and the

proposal to construct Trans-Shipment Port in Great
Nicobar at an estimated cost of about Rs 10 thousand
crores. This would enable big ships to anchor and would
increase India’s share in maritime trade, along with new
employment opportunities.

• The Blue Economy like Fisheries, Aquaculture and Sea-

Weed farming in the island will accelerate in
commensurate with the modern infrastructure being
developed in Andaman and Nicobar. The efforts of the
Government will give Andaman and Nicobar, not only new
facilities but also as a prominent place on the World SOMETHINGS ABOUT T CELLS
Tourist Map. • A T cell is a type of lymphocyte, which develops in the
thymus gland (hence the name) and plays a central role
Note: Also read and revise our coverage on ‘ANDAMAN &
in the immune response.
AUGUST 2020, SECURITY section. • T cells can be distinguished from other lymphocytes by the
presence of a T-cell receptor on the cell surface.

• These immune cells originate as precursor cells, derived

T-CELL IMMUNITY from bone marrow, and develop into several distinct types
of T cells once they have migrated to the thymus gland.


• All categories of people — recovered from moderate or
severe COVID-19 disease, or in the convalescent phase
IN NEWS (recovering) after mild or severe disease or exposed family
members or healthy people — exhibited “robust memory T
A recent study has claimed that natural exposure or infection
cell responses months after infection, even in the absence
with the novel coronavirus may “prevent recurrent episodes of
of detectable circulating antibodies specific for SARS-CoV-
severe COVID-19”. This is because, once infected with SARS-
CoV-2, the immune system elicits “robust, broad and highly
• They were able to detect similar memory T cell responses
functional memory T cell responses”.
directed against the internal and surface proteins
WHAT IS RESEARCH ABOUT? (membrane and/or spike) of the virus in some people in
whom SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies could not be
• The study published by a team led by Marcus Bugger from
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, found SARS-CoV-
2-specific T cells even in family members who have been CAN T CELLS PROTECT US FROM RE INFECTION?
exposed to the virus but have tested negative on antibody • Studies undertaken in rhesus macaques had found that
blood tests. once infected, the animals were fully protected from
• SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells were also seen in convalescent
individuals with a history of asymptomatic infection and • Till date, no documented case of reinfection has been

mild COVID-19 disease. found in people anywhere in the world, whether they had
recovered from mild or severe COVID-19 disease or even
been asymptomatically infected.

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So even as antibodies wane with time, robust T cell memory dissolve in the fluid between cells, which will be washed out
formed after SARS-CoV-2 infection suggests that “potent of the brain. However, the enzyme that cuts APP into beta
adaptive immunity is maintained to provide protection amyloid is not very precise and can also result in slightly
against severe re-infection”. larger strands that do not dissolve. The longer strands are
very ‘sticky’ at the level of individual molecules and start the
process of clumping into the deposits referred to as plaques.

NEW ALZHEIMER’s TEST What are Neurofibrillary Tangles? Neurofibrillary tangles

are insoluble twisted fibers found inside the brain's cells.
#Health #Technology These tangles consist primarily of a protein called tau, which
forms part of a structure called a microtubule. The
microtubule helps transport nutrients and other important
substances from one part of the nerve cell to another. In
A new blood test may help detect Alzheimer’s disease even 20 Alzheimer's disease, however, the tau protein is abnormal
years before onset of cognitive impairment, according to a and the microtubule structures collapse.
study published in Journal of the American Medical
How Do Plaques and Tangles Cause Dementia? The
Association. Usually, Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed by
presence of plaques around a neuron causes them to die,
characterization of the amyloid plaques and tau tangles in the
possibly by triggering an immune response in the immediate
brain, typically, this is done after the person dies. In the new
area. Tangles form inside of neurons and interfere with the
study, the phosphor-tau217 protein found in the tangles could
cellular machinery used to create and recycle proteins, which
be an accurate indicator in living people.
ultimately kills the cell.
Alzheimer’s Disease: Alzheimer's disease is a progressive
disorder that causes brain cells to waste away (degenerate)
and die. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of
dementia --a continuous decline in thinking, behavioural and
social skills that disrupts a person's ability to function #Health

What are Amyloid Plaques? Amyloid is a general term for

protein fragments that the body produces normally. Beta
amyloid is a protein fragment snipped from an amyloid Lactase persistence is the continued activity in adults of the

precursor protein (APP). In a healthy brain, these protein enzyme lactase, whose role is to digest lactose. Paradoxically

fragments are broken down and eliminated. Amyloid plaques most pastoralists don’t have the ability to digest milk beyond

are hard, insoluble accumulations of beta amyloid proteins infancy. A recent study in PLOS Biology suggests that Central

that clump together between the nerve cells (neurons) in the Asians adapted either by fermenting milk or by selecting

brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients. bifidobacteria as part of their gut microbiota.

• Bifidobacteria are a group of bacteria called probiotics

that normally live in the intestines and stomach. They help
the body perform essential functions such as digestion
and staving off harmful bacteria.

• Bifidobacterium are among the first microbes to colonize

the human gastrointestinal tract and are believed to exert
positive health benefits on their host.

• Due to their purported health-promoting properties,

bifidobacteria have been incorporated into many
What Causes Beta Amyloid Plaques? Beta amyloid functional foods as active ingredients.
molecules are initially found in very small strands that can

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 102

Science & Technology

• Bifidobacteria naturally occur in a range of ecological

niches (a niche is the match of a species to a specific
environmental condition) that are either directly or IN NEWS
indirectly connected to the animal gastrointestinal tract,
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced that it has started
such as the human oral cavity, the insect gut and sewage.
operations in the first of four reactors at the Barakah nuclear
Lactase - The LCT gene provides instructions for making an power station - the first nuclear power plant in the Arab world.
enzyme called lactase. This enzyme helps to digest lactose, a
• Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC), which is
sugar found in milk and other dairy products. Lactose
building and operating the plant with Korea Electric Power
intolerance in adulthood is caused by gradually decreasing
Corporation (KEPCO) said that its subsidiary Nawah Energy
activity (expression) of the LCT gene after infancy, which
Company has successfully started up Unit 1 of the Barakah
occurs in most humans.
Nuclear Energy Plant, located in the Al Dhafrah Region of
Abu Dhabi.

• IAEA said that the plant's Unit 1 had "achieved its first

NUCLEAR POWER PLANT criticality" - that is, generation of a controlled fission chain

IN ARAB WORLD • Last year Qatar called the Barakah plant a flagrant threat
to regional peace and environment. Qatar is a bitter
#Nuclear Power regional rival of the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 103

Science & Technology

practice questions

Q1. The Serum Institute of India (SII) has partnered 2. Amyloid plaques are hard, insoluble accumulations
with which of the following organisations to that clump together between the nerve cells (neurons)
produce Oxford COVID vaccine:- in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients.
(a) Sanofi Pasteur (b) Johnson and Johnson Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(c) GAVI (d) AstraZeneca (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q2. Consider the following statements:
1. Bifidobacteria are a group of bacteria called probiotics. Q4. Consider the following statements:
2. Bifidobacteria help the body perform essential 1. A T cell is a type of lymphocyte.
functions such as digestion. 2. T cell develops in the Thyroid gland.
Which of the above given statements is/are correct? Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q3. Consider the following statements: Q5. Barakah nuclear power station is located in which
1. Amyloids are protein fragments that the body of the following countries:-
produces abnormally. (a) Qatar (c) Bahrain
(c) Egypt (d) UAE

Answers: 1-(d), 2-(c), 3-(b), 4-(a), 5-(d)

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 104

Geography, Environment,
Biodiversity & Disaster
# GS Paper (Prelims) and GS Paper I & III (Main)

Lead Article

warning. They often take place in conjunction with
earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions.

#Disaster Management • The extent and intensity of landslide depends upon

number of factors- Steepness of the slope, amount of
vegetation cover, tectonic activity, bedding plane of
the rocks etc.
The heavy rainfall in the State of Kerala has led to devastating
• Landslide Prone areas in India: The major landslide
landslide in Idukki district of Kerala leading to death of more
prone areas in India include:-
than 20 people. As per Geological Survey of India (GSI), about
1. Western Ghats and Konkan Hills (Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
0.42 million covering nearly 12.6% of land area of our
Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra);
country is prone to landslide hazards.
2. Eastern Ghats (Araku region in Andhra Pradesh);
Now, as far as UPSC Exam is concerned, Disaster
Management under GS-Paper III encompasses the Topic of 3. North-East Himalayas (Darjeeling and Sikkim);

Landslides. This topic is also included under GS Paper I as 4. North West Himalayas (Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh,
part of Indian Geography. Jammu and Kashmir).

DEFINING LANDSLIDES • The Himalayan mountain ranges and hilly tracts of the
North-Eastern region are highly susceptible to slope
• Landslide is rapid movement of rock, soil and vegetation
instability due to the immature and rugged topography,
down the slope under the influence of gravity. These
fragile rock conditions, high seismicity resulting from
materials may move downwards by falling, toppling,
proximity to the plate margins, and high rainfall. Extensive
sliding, spreading or flowing. Such movements may occur
anthropogenic interference, as part of developmental
gradually, but sudden sliding can also occur without
activities, is another significant factor.

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Geography, Environment, Biodiversity & Disaster Management

• Geological Causes: Weak, Sensitive and Weathered
material, Sensitive material, Presence of Joints and
Fissures, Variation in physical properties such as

• Morphological Causes: Tectonic or volcanic uplift, Erosion

due to Wind and Water, Higher deposition of load on the
slope or its crest, Removal of Vegetation.

• Physical Causes: Intense rainfall, Earthquake/Volcanic

eruption, Rapid snow melt/freeze

• Human Causes: Excavation of the slope or its toe,

Deposition of load on the slope, Drawdown of Reservoir,
Deforestation, Mining, Irrigation and artificial vibration.

• Short run: Loss and damage to property, loss of lives,
Destruction to agricultural crops, Damages to Vegetation,
Obstruction of vehicular movement leading to Traffic jam,
temporary loss of livelihood for the poor people etc.

• Long-run:

o Increase in the sediment load of the river which can lead to

• Similarly, the Western Ghats, though located in a
o Reduce the effective life of hydroelectric and multipurpose
relatively stable domain, experiences landslides due to
projects by adding an enormous amount of silt load to the
number of factors- steep hill slopes, high intensity
rainfall and anthropogenic activities. The Nilgiris hills
located at the convergence zone of the Eastern Ghats and o Loss of cultivable land
the Western Ghats experiences a number of landslides o Environmental impact in terms of erosion and soil loss
due to high intensity and protracted rainfall.
o Demographic Impact in terms of relocation of population
TYPES OF LANDSLIDES towards other areas
• Falls: Abrupt movements of materials that become o Frequent disruption of transportation networks leads to
detached from steep slopes or cliffs, moving by free-fall, geographical isolation and hence perpetuates under-
bouncing, and rolling. development
• Creep: Slow, steady downslope movement of soil or rock. NDMA GUIDELINES FOR LANDSLIDE DISASTER
• Debris flow: Rapid mass movement in which loose soils, MANAGEMENT
rocks, and organic matter combine with water to form • Landslide Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment:
slurry that then flows down slope. Usually associated with This includes delineating areas susceptible to landslide
steep gullies hazards in different areas and to assess the resources at
• Mudflow: Rapidly flowing mass of wet material that risk.
contains at least 50 percent sand-, silt-, and clay-sized • Early Warning Systems for Landslides: This includes the
particles. continuous monitoring of movements, development of
• Flows: General term including many types of mass stresses and the transmission of this data at regular time
movement, such as creep, debris flow, mudflow etc. intervals.

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 106

Geog raphy, Envvironmentt, Biodiverrsity & Disaaster Mannagement

• Investigation
ns for Landslide Risk A
Assessment: Multi- niques, with tthe applicatio
new investigation techn on of the
d investigations
i s of landslid
de risk assesssment elopments in remote senssing, commun
latest deve nications,
leading to forrmulation of Standards to
o mitigate imp
pact of mentation technologies.
and instrum

• Landslide Rissk Mitigation

n and Remed

o Restricting De
evelopment in
n Landslide-P
Prone Areas th
hrough CR AL WIL
Land use plan

o Laying down standards to

o be followed for Excavatio
on and
C #Con servatio n
o Protecting Existing
E Deve
elopments th
hrough restraining
w and rock anchors

o Slope
S Stabilisation measures: Genera
ally, include works
involving modification of the natural la
andslide conditions The
T as driven miggrant workerss back to
COVID-19 pandemic ha
s as topo
ography, geo
ology, ground
d water, and other their
t ny situated in
villages, including man nside or on th
he fringes
c th
hat indirectly control porttions of the entire of ng sanctuariess and national parks.
o forested arreas, includin
landslide mov
vement. These include dra
ainage improvvement Even
E as they se e livelihoods tthere, a new b
eek to remake battle has
w soil/de
ebris removal works etc. emerged
e ween the foresst departmen
betw nt (FD) and th
hese local

o Landslide Insurance and Compensation

n for Losses communities.
c It pertains to the declaratioon of a Critica
al Wildlife
H (CWH).
• Regulation and
a Enforcem
F s Act, 2006 (FRA) definees CWHs as ‘areas of
o The
T state g
governments/SDMAs will adopt the model
n aries where itt has been sp
parkss and sanctua pecifically
t framework
f fo
or ensuring co
ompliance witth land
a clearly esttablished, casse by case, on
and n the basis of scientific
use zoning an
nd landslide safety issues in all develo
a objective criteria, that such areas arre required to
and o be kept
a and plans.
as es of wildlife cconservation’..
a inviolate for the purpose
o Awareness
A an
nd Preparedn
ness: Compre
ehensive awareness
otify a CWH, the Act requirres state gove
In order to no ernments
c ta
argeting diffe
erent groups of people livving in
to establish that
t the pressence of righ
ht-holders iss causing
landslide prone areas shou
uld be carried
d out systema
irreversible da dlife and theirr habitats, and
amage to wild d that co-
• Capacity
C Development (Including
( Ed
ducation, Trraining existence
e bettween rights holders and
d wildlife wa
as not a
a Docume
entation): reasonable
r op
o Introduction of curricculum relatted to D
Managementt, including Landslides in th
he Schools
• The Chief Wildlife
W Warden of a statee will notify a
an Expert
o Training
T of the Adminisstrators to p
plan, respond and Committee for the purpose of ideentification o
of critical
mitigate the impact of Landslides wildlife hab n a national p
bitats (CWH) in park or sanctu
o Technical
T insstitutes located in vulnerrable areas should • The Expertt Committee will identify areas within national
d ade
equate techn
nical expertisse on the vvarious parks and sanctuaries, based on sccientific and objective
s relatted to landslid
de manageme
ent. criteria rele protected areaa, required to
evant to the p o be kept
• Immediate Response:
R e of wildlife co
inviolate for the purpose onservation.

o Put in place Standard Op

perating Proccedure (SoP) which • The Expertt Committee shall issue a public notice on the
s ensure coordinated and susttained action
n from H. The publicc notice shall include
intention to notify CWH
v agenccies in the afte
ermath of lan
ndslides details of areas requirred to be keept inviolate, criteria

o Research and
a Development: Go
overnment should adopted for
f dentification,
CWH id implication of the
n on ng
existin rights, aand all opttions of
e promote, an
nd support R&D activities to
nt and rehabilitation schem
resettlemen mes, if applica
a current challenge
es, offer solu
utions, and develop

FOCUUS| Sept ember 2020

2 | RAAU’S IAS 107
Geography, Environment, Biodiversity & Disaster Management

ISSUES AND CONCERNS o For some (specially Hard line conservationists), FRA was a
major tool for carrying out eviction of forest-dwellers from
• In the existing guidelines, CWH notification does not stand
Protected areas.
any public scrutiny once consultations have been carried
out. Contrast this to the notification of Eco-Sensitive Zones o If you focus on the way the Provisions of FRA have been
(ESZ) around protected areas, where the draft notification implemented, it has been observed that

of every ESZ is put up in public domain for at least 60 days o Many villages were resettled when they had rights claims
before its finalisation. pending,

• Forest rights activists have demanded that Ministry of o Others had their claims illegally rejected or incompletely
Tribal Affairs and MoEF&CC should make the guidelines granted
public, allow sufficient time to seek comments and then o Several had not even applied to this controversy erupted.
notify the guidelines. o However, there are settlements in some of these PAs, and
FOREST DWELLERS VS. WILDLIFE of course, people in villages adjacent to all the PAs are
likely to have customary rights.
• Conservationists believe that wildlife needs absolutely
“inviolate” areas — those devoid of humans and human o In spite of the court ordering rapid completion of the
activities. rights recognition process, there has been almost no
progress on this front.
• Many others believe human-wildlife co-existence is
• Issues with expert committees
generally possible and must be promoted if we are to have
“socially just conservation”. o The constitution of the expert committees is faulty. They
do not contain expert social scientists familiar with the
area. Wildlife enthusiasts are sometimes substituted for
PROVISIONS experts in life sciences.
• A careful reading of the CWH provisions in the FRA shows o Many members have challenged the very constitutionality
that it is open to both possibilities, as long as they are of the FRA, making a travesty of the idea of “objectivity” in
arrived at through a rigorous and participatory process. the process.
• It requires setting up a multi-disciplinary expert • Criteria judging the damages
committee, including representatives from local o The criteria being used by the committees to determine
communities. the threat of “irreversible damage” to wildlife are quite
• It also requires determining — using “scientific and extreme and are not supported by any consensus even
objective criteria” and consultative processes — whether, among ecologists.
and wherein the PA, the exercise of forest rights will cause o There are no objective criteria decided yet by these
irreversible damages. committees.
• It then requires determining whether coexistence is The FRA begins by recognising that forest dwellers “are
possible through a modified set of rights or management integral to the very survival and sustainability of the forest
practices. ecosystem”. In that context, the CWH provision should not be
seen as simply a tool for evicting forest-dwellers to create so-
• Only if the multi-stakeholder expert committee agrees that
called “inviolate” spaces. It is an opportunity to rigorously and
co-existence or other reasonable options are not possible,
participatory explore all avenues of co-existence. Such co-
should relocation be taken up, again with the informed
existence is indeed possible. We should never forget that
consent of the concerned gram sabhas.
forest-dwellers harbour both the knowledge and the
• For any such process to commence, the Act requires that attitudes needed for conservation. Co-managing PAs is,
all forest rights under the FRA must first be recognised. therefore, the most effective and socially just long-term
SO WHAT ARE THE ISSUES WITH THE FRA solution, and relocation should be seen as the absolute last
• Concerns of eviction

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Geography, Environment, Biodiversity & Disaster Management

• Observers also found that thousands of butterflies had
died of vehicle hits along the migratory path.

BUTTERFLIES FROM Reasons for early migration: The change in rainfall pattern
and a considerable increase in the number of sunny days

may be the major reasons for the earlier migration.

Butterfly migration pattern and climate change : The only

GHATS thing guiding butterflies on their migration

is temperature telling them when they need to travel – like a
biological trigger setting them in flight. Hence changing
pattern of their migration is the direct indication of climate
change and changing weather pattern.

It has been observed that this year the annual migration of
butterflies from the hill ranges of the Eastern Ghats towards
the Western Ghats happened early. #Conservation #Biodiversity

Century-old Mysuru zoo has become the second Indian zoo to
house the African cheetah, the fastest land animal, as it
managed to get a male and two females from a cheetah
conservation centre in South Africa under an animal exchange

Also, Supreme court had lifted seven year stay on a proposal to

introduce African cheetahs from Namibia into the Indian
habitat on an experimental basis.


• Usually, butterfly migration in south India begins in
October-November, with the onset of the northeast
monsoon, from the plains to the Ghats, and in April-June,
just before the advent of the southwest monsoon, from
the Ghats to the plains.

• But this year, the first migratory sighting was recorded in

the Parambikulam Tiger Reserve in July. Large butterfly
Why is there a need for re-introduction? Because the
movement were observed on August 21, which is still
Cheetah species has got extinct in the country and the plan is
to revive the Cheetah population in India.
• Observers noted that Blue Tiger and Dark Blue Tiger
Reintroduction of the cheetah in India involves the re-
accounted for 90% of the butterflies involved in the early
establishment of a population of cheetahs into areas where
they had previously existed. A part of the reintroduction

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 109

Geography, Environment, Biodiversity & Disaster Management

process is the identification and restoration of their former o Indian scientists requested Iran to allow them to collect
grassland scrub forest habitats some live cells of the cheetah pair in Iran itself, which can

ORIGINAL GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE then be made into living cell lines. They planned to use the
nucleus from these cells to manually reproduce their own
cheetahs, over a significantly long amount of time.

o Iran refused to cooperate (would neither send any

cheetahs to India nor would allow Indian scientists to
collect their tissue samples)

o It is said that Iran wanted an Asiatic lion in exchange for a

cheetah and that India was not willing to export any of its

• Reintroducing live Cheetahs

o So it was decided that African Cheetah would be

introduced in protected areas in India.


• Clash with lion conservation

o As the habitat for Asiatic lion as well as the Cheetah is

Fig: showing the range of Cheetah
similar, many sites identified for Cheetah reintroduction
CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE EXTINCTION OF clash with lion conservation. As we know that there is only
CHEETAHS a single population of Lion in India in Gir and that has
• Hunting: They were hunted into extinction during and become unsustainable due to rapid growth in their
after the Mughal Period, largely by Rajput and Maratha population and there is a need to relocate many lions from
Indian royalty and later by British colonialists, until the Gir.
early 20th century when only several thousand remained. o An expert panel formed by the government shortlisted a
• Captive (help in hunting): Trapping of large numbers of number of protected areas where cheetahs could be
adult Indian cheetahs, who had already learned hunting relocated. These were Kuno-Palpur and Nauradehi
skills from wild mothers, for assisting in royal hunts is said Wildlife Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh, Velavadar
to be another major cause of the species rapid decline in National Park in Gujarat and the Shahgarh bulge in
India as they never bred in captivity with only one record Rajasthan.
of a litter ever. o The Kuno reintroduction plan ran into trouble. The

SO WHAT ARE THE WAYS IN WHICH A CHEETAH protected area had also been shortlisted for introduction
of Asiatic Lions from heavily populated Gir in Gujarat. In
order to not give lions to Kuno, Gujarat's legal counsel had
• Biotechnology: Cloning
put forward the argument that Kuno was being used for
o India first proposed this method during last decade but it the introduction of African cheetah which might take
didn’t work. several years to fully settle down and repopulate the area

o During the early 2000s, Indian scientists from the Centre and hence reintroduction of lions should only be done

for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, after that.

proposed a plan to clone Asiatic cheetahs obtained from • Perpetual problems with India’s wildlife

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 110

Geography, Environment, Biodiversity & Disaster Management

o As the import of the Cheetahs from Africa will be very DRAGONFLY

limited, the problems being faced by the wildlife in the
country might undo the efforts.

o It is advisable to resolve following issues first:

 Human-wildlife conflict,

 loss of habitat and loss of prey

 illegal trafficking.

 The advent of climate change and growing human

populations have only made these problems worse.

 With less available land for wildlife, species that require ACTIVITIES TO BE UNDERTAKEN FOR THE
vast home range like the cheetah are placed in
competition with other animals and humans, all fighting
• Citizen science project - A ‘dragonfly backyard watch’ has
over less space.
been announced to enhance the participation of people
and improve their observation skills

• A social media campaigns

DRAGONFLY FESTIVAL • A field guide on the common dragonflies of Kerala

• Children’s dragonfly coloring and activity book

#Conservation #Biodiversity
• A knowledge hub will also be set up under the
SOS/Thumbipuranam Facebook page, which will host all
available material in the form of scientific papers, posters,
IN NEWS videos and stickers on dragonflies.

The WWF-India Kerala unit has joined hands with the Society
for Odonate Studies (SOS) [The Odonata are an order of flying
insects that includes the dragonflies and damselflies] for the BARN OWLS
first-ever State Dragonfly Festival in Kerala, named
Thumbimahotsavam 2020. ‘Pantalu’ is the official mascot of #Conservation #Biodiversity
the festival.

• This is part of a national dragonfly festival being organised

by the WWF India, Bombay Natural History Society &
Indian Dragonfly Society in association with the National IN NEWS
Biodiversity Board, United Nations Environment The Lakshadweep Administration had embarked on the ‘Pilot
Programme, United Nations Development Programme and project on Biological Control of Rodents (Rats) by Using Barn
IUCN - Centre for Environment Conservation. Owls (Tyto alba) in Kavaratti Island’.
• The festival is dedicated to dragonflies, aims to create Three pairs of barn owls shipped to the Lakshadweep Islands
awareness for the conservation of these insects. The from Kerala in 2019 have apparently proven skilful slayers of
Dragonfly Festival started in 2018 to educate and inform pesky rats which have been ravaging the coconut plantations
the public about the integral role that dragonflies, and that the Union Territory is hoping to recruit more of the
their lesser known siblings damselflies, play in our “winged assassins”.

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 111

Geography, Environment, Biodiversity & Disaster Management


classification 6,02,850 1,40,511 23.27 4,62,539 76.72
582 105 477
after revised hectare hectare % hectare %


• The government used a ‘decision support system software’
that rated forest lands on environmental parameters for
determining which of forests were too ecologically
important to touch, and which were amenable to be
opened up using.
• The barn owl (Tyto alba) is the most widely distributed
• In some cases, the CSE investigation found that results of
species of owl in the world and one of the most
the software evaluation were “tweaked” to make ‘No-Go’
widespread of all species of birds.
land into ‘Go-forests’
• It is also known as the common barn owl, to distinguish it
from the other species in its family, Tytonidae, which forms
one of the two main lineages of living owls, the other being
the typical owls (Strigidae).
• The barn owl is found almost everywhere in the world #ConservatioN
except for the polar and desert regions, Asia north of the
Himalayas, most of Indonesia, and some Pacific islands.


NO-GO ZONES Bhadbhut project in Bharuch is meant to solve freshwater

problems in this region of Gujarat. It has also faced protests

#Conservation from local fishermen for its likely impact on fishing patterns,
notably those of hilsa.


IN NEWS • It is planned to be a 1.7-km causeway-cum-weir barrage,
Center for science and environment has found that, since 2015, across the River Narmada, 5 km from Bhadbhut village,
of the 49 blocks cleared for coal mining, nine were in ‘No-Go’ and 25 km from the mouth of the river, where it flows into
areas. In 2020, of the 41 blocks put up for auction, 21 feature the Gulf of Khambhat.
in the original No-Go list. • The barrage will stop most of the excess water flowing out
The coal and environment ministries had jointly undertaken of the Sardar Sarovar Dam from reaching the sea and thus
an exercise to mark 'go' and 'no-go' areas for mining in nine create a “sweet water lake” of 600 mcm (million cubic
coal fields in June 2010. As per the parameters set by the metres) on the river.
ministries, of the 582 coal blocks over 600,000 hectares, 49 • The barrage will also have a six-lane road that will connect
per cent were declared no-go zone, where mining could be the left and right banks of the river and provide shorten
carried out in compliance with the environment and forest the land distance between two large industrial estates in
laws. Surat and Bharuch.
Initial classification and current status of 'no-go' and 'go' zones • The project also aims to prevent flooding in years when
TOTAL NO-GO ZONES GO ZONES rainfall is higher than normal. Embankments 22 km long
Total Total No of %of No of %of will be made and will extend upstream towards Bharuch,
Total land Total land
land Blocks Blocks Land Blocks Land from either side of the river.
6,52,572 3,20,684 3,31,888
classification in 605 222 49% 383 51%
hectare hectare hectare
May 2010

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Geography, Environment, Biodiversity & Disaster Management

WHY WAS THE NEED FELT FOR THIS PROJECT? What is the government’s stand on this? Government
officials say the entry of hilsa will not be restricted on account
• The main purpose of the project is to prevent salinity
of the barrage. The Kolkata-based CIFRI has been asked to
study the migration patterns for informed decision making.
• For example
o At the beginning of the 21st century, an estimated 16.30
million acre feet (MAF) of water used to be released from
the dam.
o By 2017, when the height of the dam rose, flow into the #Pollution #Index
river reduced to 4.7 MAF. Due to the reduced flow of fresh
water, saline seawater gushes into the Narmada estuary
during high tide, thus increasing salinity along the banks. IN NEWS
• The sweet water from the reservoir will aim to meet the Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown — though air pollution in
residential and industrial water requirements of Bharuch, Delhi was less compared to 2019 — the air quality of the city
Ankleshwar and Dahej. was still worst among six large cities in different parameters,
according to an analysis by the Centre for Science and
• The project is part of the larger Kalpasar Project, which
Environment (CSE).
entails construction of a 30-km dam across the Gulf of
Khambhat between Bharuch and Bhavnagar districts. The
reservoir is meant to tap the waters of the Narmada, • Awareness of daily levels of air pollution is important to
Mahisagar and Sabarmati. the citizens, especially for those who suffer from illnesses
caused by exposure to air pollution.
• Part of Aliya Bet, an island in the delta of the Narmada
and known for shrimp farming, is likely to get submerged. • Further, success of a nation to improve air quality depends
A portion of the forest in Aliya Bet too will get affected by on the support of its citizens who are well-informed about
local and national air pollution problems and about the
the project. Most of the Aliya Bet is downstream from the
progress of mitigation efforts.
• Thus, a simple yet effective communication of air quality is
The concept of an air quality index (AQI) that transforms
weighted values of individual air pollution related parameters
(e.g. SO2, CO, visibility, etc.) into a single number or set of
numbers is widely used for air quality communication and
decision making in many countries.
• Air Quality Index is a tool for effective communication of
air quality status to people in terms, which are easy to
• It transforms complex air quality data of various pollutants
into a single number (index value), nomenclature and


• The barrage is expected to interfere with the migration • There are six AQI categories, namely Good, Satisfactory,
and breeding cycle of hilsa. Moderately polluted, Poor, Very Poor, and Severe.

• A marine fish, hilsa migrate upstream and arrives in the • Each of these categories is decided based on ambient
brackish water of the Narmada estuary near Bharuch for concentration values of air pollutants and their likely
spawning usually during the monsoon months of July and health impacts (known as health breakpoints).
August, and continue doing so till November. Once the
barrage is built, it is expected to block their natural entry.

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Geography, Environment, Biodiversity & Disaster Management

• The project proposes the widening of single lane roads

into double lanes by up to 10 metres, developing highways
in Uttarakhand and thereby improving access to the Char
Dham (four shrines) — Yamunotri, Gangotri, Badrinath and
Kedar Nath. The Char Dham Programme was initially
targeted for completion by March, 2020.
• The works under Char Dham are being implemented by
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
• The projects also include mitigation measures/
stabilisation of chronic landslide & sinking spots/zones as
standalone project or part of road widening projects to
avoid land slide and safety of road users.
• Bio engineering methods like hydro seeding are being
Pollutants: AQ sub-index and health breakpoints are evolved
used for vegetative growth on fragile slopes for their
for eight pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, NH3,
stability. All these measures shall safeguard the highway
and Pb) for which short-term (upto 24-hours) National
and habitation against natural calamity.
Ambient Air Quality Standards are prescribed.
• However, the schedule date of completion of the

CHAAR DHAAM PROJECT programme has been delayed mainly due to litigation in
the NGT and further Civil Appeal by the petitioner in the
#Conservation Hon’ble Supreme Court.
• Further, the section from Dharasu bend to Gangotri
(94km) lies under Bhagirathi Eco- Sensitive Zone on which
IN NEWS works can be taken up only after approval of Master plan
A group of scientists, environmentalists and ecologists have by MoEF&CC.
written to Prime Minister demanding a halt to the Char Dham • The Hon’ble Supreme Court vide order dated 08.08.2019
road construction work and that the recommendation of has disposed of the Civil Appeal and constituted a High
environmentalist Ravi Chopra, who heads a Supreme Court- Power Committee (HPC) to look into the environmental
appointed High-Power Committee (HPC) to advise on the and other issues related to the Char Dham Programme as
sustainable execution of the project should be taken into per the terms of reference set by the Hon’ble Supreme
consideration. Court.
ABOUT CHAR DHAM PROJECT • The date of completion of the programme depends on the
report of the HPC and approval of Masterplan for
Bhagirathi Eco-Sensitive Zone by MoEF&CC.

#Health #Pollution

The Delhi government has prepared SOPs to provide oxygen
concentrators to patients who have recovered from Covid-19

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Geography, Environment, Biodiversity & Disaster Management

but continue to face breathing difficulties. According to How do Oxygen Concentrators work? An oxygen
officials, the state health department will provide 10 oxygen concentrator takes in air and removes nitrogen from it,
concentrators — a device that makes oxygen from air — to leaving an oxygen enriched gas for use by people requiring
each of the 11 districts, and two will be placed in each medical oxygen due to low oxygen levels in their blood.
government-run dispensary. Oxygen concentrators provide an economical source of
What are Oxygen Concentrators? An oxygen concentrator oxygen in industrial processes where they are also known as
is a device that concentrates the oxygen from a gas supply oxygen gas generators or oxygen generation plants.
(typically ambient air) by selectively removing nitrogen to
supply an oxygen-enriched product gas stream.

APPLICATIONS change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring

degraded soil biodiversity – resulting in both carbon
• Medical Sector: Medical oxygen concentrators are used in
drawdown and improving the water cycle.
hospitals or at home to produce oxygen for patients.
• The key to regenerative agriculture is that it not only “does
• Industry: They are a safer, less expensive, and more
no harm” to the land but actually improves it, using
convenient alternative to tanks of cryogenic oxygen or
technologies that regenerate and revitalize the soil and the
pressurise cylinders. They can be used in various
industries including pharmaceutical production, water
treatment and glass manufacture. • Regenerative agriculture leads to healthy soil, capable of
producing high quality, nutrient dense food while
simultaneously improving, rather than degrading land, and

ultimately leading to productive farms and healthy
communities and economies.

• It is dynamic and holistic, incorporating permaculture
(sustainable and self-sufficient agricultural ecosystems)
and organic farming practices, including conservation
• “Regenerative Agriculture” describes farming and grazing
tillage, cover crops, crop rotation, composting, mobile
practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate

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Geography, Environment, Biodiversity & Disaster Management

animal shelters and pasture cropping, to increase food • It has been promoted to counter loss of the world’s fertile
production, farmers’ income and especially, topsoil. soil and biodiversity, along with the loss of indigenous
seeds and knowledge.

practice questions
Q1. Consider the following statements regarding Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Cheetah: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
1. The species is extinct in India. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) None of the Above
2. They are being reintroduced in India from Namibia.
3. Cheetah is the second fastest land animal after Q4. Consider the following statements regarding
leopard. Pokkali Rice:
Which of the above statements is/are correct? 1. It is known for its saltwater resistance.
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only 2. It flourishes in Odisha
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 3. It has a GI Tag.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Q2. Consider the following statements: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
1. Landslide is rapid movement of rock, soil and (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
vegetation down the slope under the influence of
gravity. Q5. Consider the following statements :
2. Debris flow and creep are types of landslides. 1. There are six AQI categories, namely Good,
Which of the above statements is/are correct? Satisfactory, Moderately polluted, Poor, Very Poor, and
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only Severe.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) None of the Above 2. AQ sub-index and health breakpoints are evolved for
eight pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, NH3,
Q3. Consider the following statements: and Pb) for which short-term (upto 24-hours) National
1. An oxygen concentrator is a device that concentrates Ambient Air Quality Standards are prescribed.
the oxygen from a gas supply (typically ambient air) by Which of the above statements is/are correct?
selectively removing nitrogen to supply an oxygen- (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
enriched product gas stream. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) None of the Above
2. They are economical source of oxygen for patients
having breathing difficulties.

Answer for the above MCQs: 1 (a), 2 (c), 3 (c), 4 (b), 5 (c)

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History, HERITAGE & Culture
# GS Paper (Prelims) & GS Paper I (Main)

History & Culture – Part-I

o Jagamohana (assembly hall)

o Natamandira (festival hall)

#Art and Culture o and bhoga-mandapa (hall of offerings)


IN NEWS • In Kalinga Architecture, basically a temple is made in two
Odisha to give face lift to 11 century Lingaraj Temple. parts, a tower and a hall. The tower is called deula and
the hall is called jagmohan.
• The walls of both the deul and the jagmohan are lavishly
The old town area referred to as Ekamra Kshetra is the
sculpted with architectural motifs and a profusion of
heritage part of the capital city that is dotted with hundreds
of monuments and temples including the famous Lingaraj
• The most repeated form is the horseshoe shape, which
Temple, Rajarani Temple, Kedar Gouri Temple and
has come from the earliest times, starting with the large
Mukteswar Temple.
windows of the chaitya-grihas. It is the deul or deula which
• Lingaraja Temple is a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.
makes three distinct types of temples in Kalinga
• It was built by King Jajati keshari of Soma Vansh. But later Architecture.
additions were done by the Ganga rulers.
• The style consists of three distinct types of temples: Rekha
• It is an example of Kalinga Style of Architecture. This Deula, Pidha Deula and Khakhara Deula. The former two
style broadly comes under the Nagara style. are associated with Vishnu, Surya and Shiva temples while
• The temple is built in red stone. the third is mainly with Chamunda and Durga temples.

• Lingaraj is referred to as ‘Swayambhu” – self-originated


• Bindusagar lake is located in the north of the temple.

Marichi Kunda and Ganga Jamuna are other lakes existing
near the temple periphery.

• The temple is out of bounds for non-Hindus.

• It is built in the Deula style that has four components


o Vimana (structure containing the sanctum),

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History, Heritage & Culture

#Art and Culture IN NEWS
The finger-sized Karuna dolls was launched on National
Handloom Day (August 7). These dolls are being used for
IN NEWS community messaging on important issues like health etc.

The lock down due to COVID-19 has left Zardozi workers in ABOUT KARUNA DOLLS
Bhopal with mounting losses.


• Kovid Kumari symbolises hope and joy. She is one of the

many Karuna (compassion) dolls being made across the
country to highlight the plight of artisans during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Kovid Kumari from Haryana convey
the women in the villages that their family’s health is in
their hands.
• ‘Zardozi’ is a Persian word that means “Sewing with the
• It is conceptualised and promoted by the voluntary online
gold string”.
movement (CD).
• It involves weaving metallic threads on fabric to create
• These dolls are being created by women spinners, weavers
intricate patterns.
and embroiderers from their homes across India.
• Initially, the embroidery was done with pure silver wires
and real gold leaves. However, now days, craftsmen make
use of a combination of copper wire, with a golden or NAME OF DOLLS STATE
silver polish, and a silk thread. Maru Dolls Rajasthan
• It was used to embellish the attire of the Kings and the Veerawali and Veer Punjab
royals in India.
Tsunamika Puducherry
• It was used to adorn walls of the royal tents, wall hangings, Babua and Babuni Bihar
scabbards and the paraphernalia of regal elephants and
Chekutty Kerala

• It is a type of embroidery in Iran, India and Pakistan.

• It was also patronised by the Mughals (especially Akbar).

• Zardozi style is at present very popular in the Indian cities
of Bhopal, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Farrukhabad and
#Art and Culture


KARUNA DOLLS Saint Tyagaraja’s kirtanas were the earliest one to celebrate
“God Ram” musically in ragas Kalyani, Bhairavi, Begada etc.
#Art and Culture

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History, Heritage & Culture

ABOUT TYAGARAJ persecutions were committed both against the British and
the landlords.
• Tyagaraja (1767-1847), his contemporaries Syama Sastri
and Muttusvami Dikshitar are together known as the • Support: In the initial stages, the movement had the
“Trinity” of Carnatic music. support of Mahatma Gandhi and other Indian nationalist
leaders, but as it turned violent they distanced themselves
• Saint Tyagaraja has composed thousands of devotional
from it.
compositions, mostly in Telugu in the praise of Lord
Rama, many of which remain popular today. • Collapse: By the end of 1921, the rebellion was crushed by
the British who had raised a special battalion, the Malabar
• Tyagaraja saw the reigns of four kings of Maratha
Special Force for the riot.
dynasty Tulaja II (1763-1787), Amarasimha (1787-1798),
Serfoji II (1798-1832) and Sivaji II (1832-1855), although he • Wagon Tragedy: In November 1921, 67 Moplah prisoners
served none of them. were killed when they were being transported in a closed
freight wagon from Tirur to the Central Prison in Podanur.
They died of suffocation. This event is called the Wagon


• The Malabar Rebellion in 1921 started as resistance

#Modern India against the British colonial rule and the feudal system in
southern Malabar but ended in communal violence
between Hindus and Muslims.
The next year will mark the 100th anniversary of the Malabar
rebellion of 1921. BAL GANGADHAR TILAK
#Modern India #Personality
• Reasons: The trigger of the uprising came from the Non-
Cooperation Movement launched by the Congress in 1920
along with the Khilafat agitation. The anti-British sentiment IN NEWS
fuelled by these agitations affected the Muslim Mapillahs th
The 100 death anniversary of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(also known as Moplahs) of south Malabar region of
was observed by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)
through a webinar.
• New Tenancy Laws: After the death of Tipu Sultan in 1799
in the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War, Malabar had come under
British authority as part of the Madras Presidency. • Born- July 1856, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra.
The British had introduced new tenancy laws that • Died – 1 Aug,1920
tremendously favoured the landlords known as Janmis and • Profession- Lawyer
instituted a far more exploitative system for peasants than
• Known as-
o Lokmanya
The new laws deprived the peasants of all guaranteed
rights to the land, share in the produce they earlier got and o ‘Father of the Indian unrest” by British colonial rulers.

in effect rendered them landless. o ‘The maker of modern India’ by Mahatma Gandhi.

• The Communal Angle: Most of the landlords were o ‘Father of Indian revolution’ by Jawaharlal Nehru.
Namboodiri Brahmins while most of the tenants were • Newspapers -Kesari (Marathi) and Mahratta (English)
Mapillah Muslims.
• Books- Gita Rhasya and Arctic Home of the Vedas.
• The Revolt: The Mopillahs launched a violent rebellion.
• Slogan - ‘Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it’.
Numerous actions of violence were reported and series of

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History, Heritage & Culture

HOW HE MOBILISED THE SOCIETY? Muhammad Ali Jinnah for Hindu-Muslim unity in
nationalist struggle.
• With Gopal Ganesh Agarkar he founded the Deccan
Education Society (1884). TILAK’S IDEAS AND CURRENT TIME
• In the Maharashtra region, he popularised the Ganesh • Promotion to mother tongue strengthens democratic
Chaturthi festival. principles .Tilak advocated local languages and the

• Tilak propounded the celebration of Shiv Jayanti on the government is also promoting local languages through the

birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji. NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY of 2020. Further, under
Article 350A, it shall be the endeavour of every State and of
• Devout Hindu and used Hindu scriptures to rouse people
every local authority within the State to provide adequate
to fight oppression.
facilities for instruction in the mother-tongue at the
CONTRIBUTION TO INDIAN STRUGGLE FOR primary stage of education to children belonging to
INDEPENDENCE linguistic minority groups.

• He joined Indian National Congress (INC) in 1890. • Present time, Economic Nationalism through initiatives
such as ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT can be related to Tilak’s
(Note- Tilak was released from jail in 1914. But the release of
ideology of “Swadeshi” (Swadeshi product and Swadeshi
Tilak was in no way an automatic re-entry of Tilak into the
INC, because of the firm opposition from Pheroze Shah Mehta
and Gopal Krishna Gokhale. But, the death of G.K. Gokhale, • He was an opponent of untouchability and launched a
and Pheroze Shah Mehta in 1915, gave a possibility of the huge movement to unite the society divided on the basis
entry of Tilak into the INC. With Annie Besant’s help, Tilak was of caste and sects.
able to re-enter the INC.) RELATED INFORMATION: ICCR
• He encouraged people to boycott foreign goods and
• The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) was
propagated swadeshi movements.
founded in 1950 by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad,
• He was one of the most vocal earliest proponents of independent India’s first Education Minister. It is an
swarajya (self-rule) or complete independence. autonomous organisation of the Government of India,
• Along with Lala Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pal, he was • Its objectives
part of the Lal-Bal-Pal trio of leaders with extremist
o to actively participate in the formulation and
implementation of policies and programmes pertaining to
• In April 1916, he started Indian Home Rule Movement , it India’s external cultural relations;
is believed to have set the stage for the independence
o to foster and strengthen cultural relations and mutual
movement under the leadership of Annie Besant and Bal understanding between India and other countries;
Gangadhar Tilak for the educated English speaking upper
o to promote cultural exchanges with other countries and
class Indians. (It worked in Maharashtra (except Bombay),
people, and to develop relations with nations.
the Central Provinces, Karnataka and Berar.)
• The ICCR runs 36 cultural centres across the globe and its
(Note- Annie Besant started the Home Rule League in
emphasis is on making India a hub of higher education.
September, 1916 and spread it to other parts of India.)
• Since 2015, ICCR has been assigned the responsibility of
• In 1916, Lucknow Pact was signed between the INC
facilitating the celebration of the International Day of Yoga
headed by Tilak and All-India Muslim League led by
by Indian Missions/Posts abroad.

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History, Heritage & Culture

Art & Culture: Part-II


• The Jangubai Cave Templeis a popular pilgrim centre for
the Raj Gond, Pardhan and Kolam tribes of the former
composite Adilabad district. It is comparatively small in
• Indian culture portal is the first government authorized
portal where knowledge and cultural resources of
various organizations of Ministry of Culture are now • The Kaplai Caves which are said to be much longer,
available in public domain on a single platform. running into a few kilometres.

• This portal hosts documents, images, audio-video files and • Kaplai can be accessed from two routes but both the
other data from archives, museums, academies and routes are unmotorable.
libraries across the nation. • The pilgrims perform puja and visit the temple of Lord
• The larger aim of the Indian Culture portal is to create Shiva located near Kaplai in another green valley.
awareness among the citizens about the diverse
heritage of our country.

• The portal is more than a repository, it is a proud SATTRIYA DANCE

culmination of the mélange of Indian cultures that has co-
• Sattriya originated in Sattra, monastery, as a part of neo-
existed and thrived for more than five thousand years.
Vaishnavite movement started by Srimanta Sankardev in
• The content available on the portal comprises mainly of the 15th Century.
rare books, e-books, manuscripts, artefacts from museum,
• He propagated the “ek sharan naama dharma”
virtual galleries, archives, photo archives, gazetteers,
(chanting the name of one God devotedly).
Indian National Bibliography, videos, images, cuisine,
UNESCO, Musical Instruments of India among others. • It consists of dhemali, drum playing, known as gayan
bayan, where several men play drums, in various talas and
• One of the unique features of the portal is the stories,
also use hand gestures.
based on original archival documents narrated in an
interesting, easy to read and understand format. • Corpus of Sattriya dances thus consist of ankiya bhaona,
dance-dramas in Brajabuli which is understood by
• The portal also contains write-ups and beautiful pictures
common people.
on cuisines, festivals, paintings, folk art and classical art
from different states of India. • Sattriya dance tradition is governed by strictly laid down
principles in respect of hastamudras, footworks, aharyas,
• The content on the portal is available in English and Hindi
music etc.
language in an interactive, user-friendly interface.
• They also consist of Ojapali dances in which the main
• As envisioned by the Ministry, the portal also will be
singer sings and enacts abhinaya, telling stories and a
available in other regional languages in future.
group of dancers dance as back up dancers playing small

HIDDEN CAVES OF • The dance was formerly performed by celibate monks

and female roles were also enacted by them.

MAHARASHTRA • A pivotal role has been played by monasteries in

preserving and nurturing Sattriya for more than 500 years.
• The caves include the natural wonders like the Jangubai • Leading an austere and simple life, the monks are
Cave Temple and the Kaplai Caves which are known to completely devoted to the dance form.
the aboriginal people and are their pilgrim centres.

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History, Heritage & Culture

• There are more than 600 Sattras all over Assam, besides
some major ones on Majuli island. Therefore, the Sattriya
has survived.
• Bojjannakonda is located in Sankaram, Andhra

• The name Sankaram is derived from the term,
‘Sangharama’. It is famous for the whole lot of votive
stupas, rock-cut caves, brick-built structural edifices,
• Elephanta was anciently known as Gharapuri. This island
early historic pottery and Satavahana coins that date
was the capital of Konkan Mauryas.
back to the 1st century AD.
• It is celebrated for its colossal image of Mahesamurti • It is here that “Bojjannakonda along with Lingalametta
with three heads each representing a different form. are situated. They are twin Buddhist monasteries dating
• The island was renamed by Portuguese invaders after a back to the 3rd century BC.

giant stone sculpture of an elephant, which was removed • These sites have seen three forms of Buddhism – the
from the island and now stands outside the Dr. Bhau Daji Theravada period when Lord Buddha was considered a
teacher, the Mahayana, where Buddhism was more
Lad Museum.
devotional, and Vajrayana, where Buddhist tradition
• The cave temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, was excavated was more practised as Tantra and esoteric form.
sometime in the 8th century by the Rashtrakuta kings, • The main stupa was carved out of rock and then
who ruled the area between A.D. 757-973. covered with bricks, where one can see a number of
• The Elephanta caves is a conglomeration of seven caves, images of the Buddha sculpted on the rock face all over
the hill.
out of which the most important is the Mahesa-murti
cave. • At Lingalametta, one can see hundreds of rock-cut
monolithic stupas in rows.
• The main body of the cave, excluding the porticos on the
• Tourists visit the Buddhist sites in large numbers to see
three open sides and the back isle, is 27 metres square
the relic casket, the three Chaitya Halls, the votive
and is supported by rows of six columns each.
platforms, the stupas and the Vajrayana sculpture.
• The gigantic figures of 'dvarapalas' or doorkeepers are STONE PELTING AND ITS PREVENTION
very impressive.
• The villagers, as a part of the ancient ritual, used to pelt
• There are sculptured compartments in this cave with stones at a belly-shaped object, believing it to be a
remarkable images of Ardhanarisvara, Kalyana-sundara part of a demon.
Shiva, Ravana lifting Kailasa, Andhakari-Murti (slaying • This ritual is practiced on the Kanuma day during
of Andhaka demon) and Nataraja Shiva. Sankranti which has been done away with following the
intervention of the Indian National Trust for Art and
• There are also ancient Buddhist stupa mounds on the
Cultural Heritage (INTACH)
same island.
• After a sustained campaign, heritage lovers and officials
• The cave complex has been given the status of world have been successful in almost stopping the stone-pelting
heritage by UNESCO in 1987. ritual at Bojjannakonda.
• The logo of the Maharashtra Tourism Development RELATED INFORMATION: SECTS OF BUDDHISM
Corporation shows a 20 ft high monolith of the three- ►Theravada School
headed Trimurti Sadashiva representing the three
• Theravada is also known as Shravakayana or Hinayana.
aspects of Shiva. This awe-inspiring piece of carving, hewn
• They saw Buddha as a great soul but not God.
out of rocks similar to Ellora in the same State, is the
focal point of the Elephanta Caves. • They were orthodox in nature.

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History, Heritage & Culture

• Their followers believed in helping themselves over • The heroic ballads of Kerala are legendary sagas of the
others in order to attain salvation. heroes of the payattu.
• They did not believe in Bhakti and idol worship. • Kalaripayattu reached its pinnacle of glory during wars
between the Cholas, Cheras, and Pandyas in the early part
• Their scriptures are written in Sanskrit.
of the first millennium. The warring states refined the
• It was later divided into 2 sects i.e. Vaibhashika and
fighting skills and techniques prevalent in the area into a
Sautrantika. martial art form.
►Mahayana School • The inherent beauty of this art form lies in the harmonious
• It was started by Nagarjuna with its prime center in synergy of art, science and medicine.
Andhra Pradesh. • It is an art of the stage, drama, music and action eulogizing
• Its scriptures are written in Pali. the manhood and the spirit of victory. Kalaripayattu has
strongly influenced the evolution of several of Kerala's
• They see Buddha as incarnation of God and started his
theatre and dance forms, most prominently Kathakali and
idol worship.
Theyyam. Kathakali practitioners are required to train
• Mahayana attaches importance to the role of under Kalari masters to develop various attributes such as
Bodhisattvas who delay their own salvation in order to fitness, stamina, and martial movements enacted in their
help others to its path. performances.
• They believed in the concept of transmigration of soul
and rebirth.
• It was later divided into 2 sects i.e. Shunyavaad and BIHU
• Assam celebrates Bihu thrice in a year but Rongali
►Vajrayana School Bihu is the biggest and most popular.
• In the 8th century A.D Vajrayana School developed as • It is considered as the Assamese new year.
an offshoot of Mahayana school. • Rongali or the Bohag (spring) Bihu starts on the last day
• Vajrayana form also known as Tantric Buddhism of the Assamese calendar month of Chot, which
developed in India and neighbouring countries, normally falls on April 13 or 14 annually.
notably Tibet. • On the occasion, youngsters visit their elders and seek
• Vajrayana, in the history of Buddhism, marks the blessings. ‘Bihuwan’ (the traditional Assamese towel
transition from Mahayana speculative thought to the known as Gamocha) is exchanged as a mark of respect.
enactment of Buddhist ideas in individual life. • Rongali Bihu is a major source of income for singers,
• It is grounded on esoteric elements and very complex musicians, comedians, actors and everyone else
set of rituals compared with the rest of the Buddhist associated with the entertainment industry in Assam.

• It is one of the oldest existing martial arts in the world ABOUT BHOGALI OR MAGH BIHU
which dates back to the 3rd century. • Bhogali bihu or magh bihu in January, is a harvest festival
• The disciples start learning the art of payattu (fight) at celebrated in Assam.
the age of seven in kalaries i.e. the gymnasium for • This festival marks the beginning of the planning for the
martial exercises. Years of discipline and hard work are coming ploughing season, saving and exchanging
required to train the body, the mind and oneself. seeds.

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History, Heritage & Culture

• On this day the locals, show gratitude to the field and the • In Sangam literature, a large body of work, extending
sky for the good year that went by and for the year to over about six centuries, kolams have remained the
come. bastion of women.
• The rest of the day goes in visiting friends and family, or • Kolaputhagam that came in 1899 mentions about
taking part in the village games. the panchavarnam, aka five main colors used in kolam:
ABOUT PONGAL white, black, red, yellow and green.
• Most kolams today play the role of welcome mats, albeit
• It is a harvest festival celebrated in Tamil Nadu in
with intricate art and centuries of patterns to back them
• The heroes of the big day are farm animals; cows and
• Kolams have also been used in mathematical research,
bulls, especially as they play a key role in agriculture and
with their hexagons, dotted grids, hidden motifs and
toil in the fields all through the year.
• On Pongal day, they are paid with obeisance.
• The locals worship the sun and offer him the dish made
from the first harvest of the season.
• It is a classical solo dance form.
Playing games is an integral part of harvest season
celebrations and certain traditional games are played only • Mohini here refers to the celestial enchantress of Hindu
during the festival:- mythology.

 Vazhukku Maram (slippery pole) • It traces its origin to the temples of Kerala and was
performed only by women.
 Mallar Kambam (a combination of gymnastics and
yoga which involves climbing up a pole, but this is not • References of Mohiniyattam can be found in the
a slippery one) texts Vyavaharamala written in 1709 by
Mazhamagalam Narayanan Namputiri and
 Kazhumaram (involves climbing of coconut trees)
in Ghoshayatra, written later by great poet Kunjan
 Uri adithal (involves players breaking a pot that is Nambiar.
suspended at a certain height, blindfolded)
• This dance form was structured into its present-day
 Elavatta Kal (demands physical strength and expertise classical format by the Travancore Kings, Maharaja
in equal measure) Tirunal and Maharaja Swati Tirunal (18th – 19th

• The early specimens of this dance include Nangiars
(women of Nambiar community) and Dasiyattam.

• Kolam is a form of drawing that is drawn by • Mahakavi Vallatol a poet laureate of Kerala succeeded
using rice flour, chalk, chalk powder or rock powder, in giving this art form a distinct classical solo style. He
often using naturally or synthetically colored powders. established Kerela Kalamandalam (1930), a pioneer
• It is practiced in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, institute for training in art forms.

Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and some parts • Movement technique includes feminine movements, hand
of Goa, Maharashtra and a few other Asian countries. gestures and soft footwork.

• A Kolam is a geometrical line drawing composed of

curved loops, drawn around a grid pattern of dots.
• Kolams are regionally known by different names in BHAONA, ASSAM
India, Raangolee in Maharashtra, Aripan in Mithila, • Bhaona is a mythology-based theatrical performance,
Hase and Raongoli in Karnataka, Muggulu in Andhra and monastic dances that evolved into the classical
Pradesh and Telangana.
• Bhaona is a presentation of the Ankia Naat of Assam.

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History, Heritage & Culture

• In Bhaona, cultural glimpses of Assam, Bengal Orissa, • The former is played by men and is short, broad and a bit
Mathura and Brindavan can be seen. heavy. It is usually tucked into the tongali that is tied
• A Bhaona, involving dialogues, songs and dances by around the waist or inserted into the gamocha tied around
performers in costumes and ornaments, usually involves the head.
40-50 people, including those playing heavy drums and • The Lahori Gogona is performed by women. It is
cymbals. slenderer and long.
• This form of theatre began almost 500 years ago by the • While performing Bihu dance, women tuck this instrument
saint-reformer Srimanta Sankardeva who experimented into their knotted hair.
with the literary language of Brajavali.
• Shankaradeva was a Bhakti saint in Assam during the UNESCO CREATIVE CITIES
late fifteenth century.
• He emphasised devotion to Vishnu. NETWORK (UCCN)
• He composed poems and plays in Assamese. UCCN TAG
• He began the practice of setting up namghars or houses • UNESCO has designated Hyderabad as a member of
of recitation and prayer, a practice that continues to UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) in the field of
• Entertainment played a major role in the neo-Vaishnavite • UNESCO has also designated Mumbai as a member of
movement that Sankardeva started in Assam. UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) in the field of
• He wrote his prose in Sanskrit but used Assamese and FILM.
Brajavali to develop Borgeet, a new form of spiritual • Previously, 3 Indian cities were recognized as members of
music, and Bhaona. UCCN, namely- Jaipur-Crafts and Folk Arts(2015),
• Linguistic researchers say Sankardeva needed to connect Varanasi-Creative city of Music (2015), Chennai-
with his Assamese masses, who did not expect the divine Creative city of Music(2017).
characters of his plays to speak in the common man’s RELATED INFORMATION: UCCN
• UCCN, created in 2004, is a network of cities which are
• So, he created the Brajavali, a literary language limited to thriving, active centres of cultural activities in their
theatrical usage. respective countries.
• The UNESCO Creative Cities Network now counts a total of

246 cities.
• The member cities that form part of the Network come
• Gogona is made of bamboo and it resembles the Jaw from all continents and regions with different income
harp. levels and populations.

• It is played during Bihu performances, and is also used by • They work together towards a common mission: placing
the Mongoloid and Kirat tribes in their folk music. creativity and the creative economy at the core of their
urban development plans to make cities safe, resilient,
• Gogona is a vibrating reed instrument made of a single
inclusive and sustainable, in line with the United Nations
piece of seasoned bamboo or horn that has a bifurcation
on one end. It requires great skill to make the Gogona. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
• The 7 categories for recognition under UCCN are:- Crafts
• According to the size, Gogona is known by different names
such as Lahori Gogona, Ramdhan Gogona, and Xaliki and Folk Arts; Design; Film; Gastronomy; Music; Media
Gogona. Arts; Literature.

• The Ramdhan and Lahori Gogona are used more


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History, Heritage & Culture

Prabhandak Committee and the Guru Nanak

ABOUT DHRUPAD • Guru Nanak is believed to have visited Bidar during the
‘dakshinapatha’ or his southern sojourn.
• Dhruapd is a form of Nibaddha Sangeet and a part of
• Legend has it that he stopped in the hilly town of Bidar
the Hindustani Classical Music.
while returning from Sri Lanka in 1512.
• It might have had an impetus for popularity even by the
• The people of the parched land asked him for water and
14th century however, it finds a blossoming period from
he moved a stone with his toe and an eternal spring came
15th century onwards to about the 18th century.
alive there.
• There was Man Singh Tomar, the Maharaja of Gwalior.
• The spring (jhira) that bears his name still exists in the
It was he who was mainly responsible for the enormous
town near Gurudwara Guru Nanak Jhira Sahib.
vogue of dhrupad.
• There were Baiju, Bakshu and others. ABOUT GURU NANAK DEV
• Swami Haridasa a hermit of Brindavan was not only • Guru Nanak, was born in the village of Talwandi (now
a dhrupadiya, but one of the most central figures in the called Nankana) in 1469.
Bhakti cult in the Northern areas of India. By tradition, he • He died at Kartarpurin in 1538.
was the guru of Tansen, one of the best known dhrupad • He founded the Sikh faith, introducing the concept of one
singers and one of the nine jewels of Emperor Akbar's God.
• Like Kabir, Nanak also preached a casteless, universal, anti-
• There were four schools or vanis of singing the ritualistic, monotheistic and highly spiritual religion.
• He started the institution of Guru Ka Langar. Langar in
1. The Gauhar vani developed the raga or unadorned the Sikh religion refers to the common kitchen where food
melodic figures. is served to everyone without any discrimination.
2. The Dagarvani emphasized melodic curves and graces. • He emphasized the equality of women, rejected the path
3. The Khandar vani specialised in quick ornamentation of of renunciation and he rejected the authority of the Vedas.
the notes. • His approach aimed at bridging distinctions between the
4. Nauhar vani was known for its broad musical leaps and Hindus and the Muslims.
jumps. These vanis 'are now indistinguishable. • Janam-Sakhis are hagiographic narratives of his life.
• The dhrupad is even now highly respected and can be • He was the contemporary of Mughal emperor - Babur.
heard on the concert platform but more often in temples
of North India.
• The dhrupad however, has somewhat receded to the
background and is not so popular with the masses.
• The Been and Pakhawaj which were closely associated HISTORY OF URDU IN INDIA
with the dhrupad also do not find much patronage these • Urdu as a language was born out of the interaction
days. between Hindi and Persian. After the conquest of Delhi
(1192), the Turkish people settled in this region. Urdu was
born out of the interaction of these settlers and soldiers in
GURU NANAK AND BIDAR the barracks with the common people.
• Originally, it was a dialect but slowly it acquired all the
• Bidar, a town in northeastern Karnataka, holds a special features of a formal language when the authors started
place in the history of the Sikh faith as it is connected to
using Persian script.
the life of Guru Nanak and a few other religious figures.
• Role of Amir Khusrau: It has put forward that Urdu was
• Bidar town marked the 550th anniversary of Guru Nanak born, nurtured and cultured in India during the first two
with special fervour, under the aegis of the Gurudwara
decades of the 13th century by Amir Khusrau (1253-1325),

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History, Heritage & Culture

who was earliest Urdu poet. He started writing as a poet Urdu. Gradually it achieved a status where literature-both
in the reign of Sultan Balban and was a follower of poetry and prose-started being composed in it. Among
Nizam ud-din Auliya. He is said to have composed ninty- other well-known poets are Ghalib, Zauq, and Iqbal.
nine works on separate themes and numerous verses • Among the best prose writers were people like Pandit
of poetry. Among the important works composed by him Ratan Nath Sarshar, who wrote the famous Fasanah- i-
are Laila Majnun and Ayina-I-Sikandari dedicated to Azad.
• Even in the early days, Munshi Prem Chand, who is
• Urdu was further given an impetus by its use in Bahamani supposed to be a doyen of Hindi literature, wrote in Urdu.
states of Ahmadnagar, Golkunda, Bijapur and Berar. Here
• Not only this, even Punjabi language was put on the path
it was even called dakshini or daccani (southern). As
of development by Baba Farid Ganj Shakar.
time passed, it became popular with the masses of Delhi.
• Urdu became more popular in the early eighteenth
century. People even wrote accounts of later Mughals in

practice questions
Q1. Which of the following statements is/are correct 3. Tilak advocated local languages.
about Zardozi? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. It involves weaving metallic threads on fabric to create (a) 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
intricate patterns. (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1,2 and 3
2. It was also patronised by the Mughals.
Select the correct answer using the code given below: Q4. Saint Tyagaraj, is related to which of the following
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only fields:-
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) Hindustani Music (b) Carnatic Music.
(c) Kathak (d) Kathakali
Q2. The “wagon tragedy” is related to which of the
following? Q5. Consider the following statements regarding Kalinga
(a) Tebhaga Movement (b) Moplah Rebellion Architecture:
(c) Wahabi Movement (d) Deccan Riots 1. In this, a temple is made in two parts, a tower and a hall .
2. The tower is called Jagmohan and the hall is called deula.
Q3. Consider the following statements regarding Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Balgangadhar Tilak: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
1. He founded the Deccan Education Society in 1884. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. He started Indian Home Rule Movement in April 1916.

Answers to above MCQs: 1 (c), 2 (b), 3 (d), 4(b), 5(a)

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# GS Paper III (Main)

Lead Article
• US have emerged as India’s biggest defence partner in
# Security #India and the World terms of joint exercises and sale of defence equipment.

• Today, the US and India enjoy a Comprehensive Global

Strategic Partnership with wide-ranging cooperation in
every conceivable field. India-US defence ties are deep and
expanding, with several key agreements for the exchange
IN NEWS of military information, logistics support and
In recent years, India has developed close strategic communication.
partnerships with the United States of America (USA), Japan • The recently concluded Industrial Security Annex (ISA) is
and Australia in the framework of the Quadrilateral Security expected to spur cooperation for Make in India in the
Dialogue, or the QUAD. It is instructive to review how the QUAD defence sector.
partners stand on issues concerning India’s sovereignty and
territorial integrity. This is of particular significance at a time
when India is facing an aggressive China on its borders which • India and Australia have also drawn increasingly closer in
has led to a military face-off. recent years. Economic and strategic ties have been
strengthened as reflected in the outcome documents of
the virtual summit between Prime Ministers of both the
• The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue is an informal countries.
strategic forum between the United States, Japan,
• Defence and security ties are a cornerstone of the
Australia and India that is maintained by semi-regular
Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP).
summits, information exchanges and military drills
between member countries. • Joint naval exercises such as AUSINDEX and KAKADU, the
Indian Air Force’s (IAF) participation in Australia’s Pitch
• The forum was initiated as a dialogue in 2007 by Prime
Black exercise, and the conclusion of a Mutual Logistics
Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, with the support of Vice
Support Agreement (MLSA) in particular, will contribute
President of the US, Prime Minister of Australia and Prime
to the strengthening of defence cooperation.
Minister of India.
• The Joint Declaration on a Shared Vision for Maritime
• The dialogue was paralleled by joint military exercises,
Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific will provide a fillip to
titled Exercise Malabar. The diplomatic and military
Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) activity involving
arrangement was widely viewed as a response to
submarines and P8 maritime patrol aircraft of the two
increased Chinese economic and military power, and the
Chinese government responded to the Quad by issuing
formal diplomatic protests to its members. • The ‘two plus two’ dialogue, upgraded to the ministerial
level, augurs well for the future of ties.

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• On the border tensions with China, the Australian exercises together to joint operations would take time,
government has conveyed its condolences to the families something that makes the CDS’s assertion significant.
of Indian soldiers who lost their lives in the clash at It is easy to surmise that his contention that the Quad
Galwan. operations are needed to ensure there is no “fear of any
JAPAN other nation singularly trying to dominate the oceans”, is a
veiled reference to China. It is also clear that the LAC tensions
• Japan is today unquestionably one of India’s closest friends
and clashes, as well as the PLA’s refusal to implement border
with a robust Special Strategic and Global Partnership that
agreements, have convinced New Delhi that new strategies
encompasses economic and defence cooperation.
will be required to deal with China. While India continues to
• One of India’s biggest investors, Japan is present in engage China diplomatically, there is no doubt that an
virtually every large infrastructure and developmental
outcome of the tensions will be a strengthening of India’s ties
project in India. with global powers such as the U.S., as well as formations like
• It is a permanent partner since 2015 in the tri-lateral the Quad.
Malabar naval exercise, along with India and the US. A
An indication of this is the government’s plans to host a
military logistics agreement, known as the Acquisition
ministerial-level meeting of the Quad. While India considers
and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA), is under
its options, it is necessary to remember some of the reasons
for its reticence in terms of militarising the Quad in any way.
In short, the US, Japan and Australia are today among India’s Prime Minister said in 2018 that India sees the Indo-Pacific as
closest friends and partners, with growing economic a “geographical concept”, not a “strategy or a club of limited
cooperation and deepening defence and security ties. members”, and it would be important to know whether that
formulation has changed. India is the only Quad member not
already tied in a treaty alliance with the others, and External
 RELATED OPINION FOR REFERENCE Affairs Minister’s statement that India would never be part of
any “alliance system” would run counter to what the CDS
A new dimension: On Quad suggests. Finally, India is the only country in the Quad that
shares a land boundary with China, and it is unclear how the
militarisation of the Quad in Indo-Pacific waters would
In what will be seen as a significant shift of the government’s alleviate the territorial threat it faces. If, however, New Delhi’s
posture towards the India-U.S.-Australia-Japan Quadrilateral view of its Quad engagement has shifted, clarity and an
(Quad), Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat expansion of CDS statement are essential.
stated that India believes the Quad would be a “good
mechanism” to “ensure Freedom of Navigation Operations”
(FONOPs) in the Indian Ocean and surrounding oceans
including the Indo-Pacific.
How China Strengthens the
The suggestion is that India is now prepared to join Quad
military patrols, which marks a departure from its earlier Quad
reticence and public statements by the leadership. The Indian
Navy has not taken part in any joint patrols outside of the
Indian Ocean, and even within it, held its first one, with
The Quad has regained strength in the face of an aggressive
France, only recently.
China. The foreign ministers of the four countries – Australia,
In terms of the engagement with the Quad, India has not yet India, Japan, and the United States – are scheduled to meet in
formally announced a decision to include Australia in the Delhi for a face-to-face meeting in late September. That New
annual Malabar exercises with the U.S. and Japan, although it Delhi is playing host to the Quad ministerial meeting amid
is expected to do so. However, the move from conducting the COVOD-19 pandemic is particularly noteworthy. The
countries are reacting to increased bullying by China.

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The grouping has gained greater traction since early 2020 invariably draw any administration’s attention. A Biden
because of China’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic and the administration may differ from the Trump administration
manner in which it has attempted to hijack multilateral more in terms of style and rhetoric than actual policy when it
institutions, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) comes to China. Indeed, the two parties are competing over
and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). who is harsher on China.

The four countries are also concerned about global supply Set against these small challenges is China’s behavior, which
chain problems, recognizing the vulnerability of their serves to promote the Quad. India and Australia, the other
dependence on China. The upcoming in-person foreign two Quad parties, have recently faces even greater
ministers meeting appears, at the least, aimed at sending a aggression from Beijing.
strong message to China about the resoluteness of the Quad. Since early May, China has crossed into Indian territory and
That said, the Quad does face some minor headwinds, which engaged in violent clashes, including the one at Galwan in
are likely to be easily overcome, due to political changes in June that resulting in the deaths of 20 Indians and an
both Japan and the United States. unknown number of Chinese troops. Since then, there have

Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s sudden resignation was been several military and diplomatic discussions between

a blow to the Quad because Abe was one of the major India and China, but with no progress. China claimed that

proponents of this initiative, even if his departure does not India violated the consensus and crossed the Line of Actual

shift Japan’s policy. Under Abe’s leadership, Japan had Control (LAC). In India, both the foreign ministry and army put

become a driving force for the Quad. His strategic vision and out statements blaming China. The expectation appears to be

determined leadership in the face of China’s belligerent that the border confrontation will escalate further. India, for

behavior will be missed by Japan’s Quad partners. Although good measure, has also banned another 118 Chinese apps.

Abe was not successful in changing Japan’s pacifist Similarly, Australia has been under strident Chinese attack
constitution, he has been instrumental in bringing important almost from the beginning of 2020. China has been using
changes to Tokyo’s approach to regional and global security. coercive trade practices to target Australia for asking for an

For India, Abe was a reliable pillar of support. The big push independent investigation into the origin of the novel

for Japan to build closer relations with India happened in coronavirus. In the latest move, China targeted Australian

2004-05 because of anti-Japan protests taking place in China, barley in response to Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s

leading Tokyo to reduce the risks to its investments by announcement of a new Australian legislation that would

moving to other countries. Thus, although India-Japan ties “tear up” the Belt and Road Initiative agreements with the

had been gaining momentum even before Abe came into state of Victoria that run into billions of dollars. A few days

office, but recently it gained momentum. It led to earlier, China targeted Australian beef exports. Prior to this, it

strengthened military and security ties, including military was the Australian wine that was banned by China. But Jeffrey

exercises across all the branches of the military, and a civil Wilson of the Perth US Asia Centre says it is not that the

nuclear agreement. With Abe leaving office, it remains to be Chinese government cares about wine, beef, or barley, but

seen how bilateral India-Japan relations as well as Japan’s “the real game is to create societal splits that pressure the

broader strategic engagement in the Indo-Pacific will play out Government to change foreign policy toward China.”

with a new leader in office. China’s crude attempts to put pressure on other countries

Second, the coming presidential elections in the United States have met with increasingly stiff resistance, of which the Quad

in November also raises some concerns about a possible is a clear manifestation. In India, there have even been

change in leadership. While Joe Biden and the Democrats are suggestions for the Quad to assume a military role. Thus,

not against the Quad or the free and open Indo-Pacific whatever minor headwinds the Quad faces are likely to be

strategy, a change in the political powers that be could easily overcome by the rapidly changing attitudes in the

introduce short-term policy turbulence. It will take a few region because of China’s unrelenting pressure on others.

months for a new administration to settle into office before

addressing some of the political and strategic issues in the
Indo-Pacific region. That said, China’s aggressive behavior will

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of the Indian armed forces are concerned. The industry
can use the information in the negative list for advance
planning and eventual manufacturing in India if they
# Equipment
choose to do so.

o Third and perhaps the most important, the list has been
IN NEWS prepared by the newly created Department of Military
Affairs (DMA), headed by the Chief of Defence Staff
Prime Minister’s call for an Atma Nirbhar Bharat (Self-Reliant
(CDS), and not by the Department of Defence Production
India), and subsequent defence-specific reforms announced,
(DDP), which is in charge of the Indian defence industry
the Ministry of Defence (MoD) released a negative list of 101
and responsible for indigenisation.
defence items which are banned for import.
With the negative list in place, the Indian industry is clearly
• Among all the listed weapons and platforms, 69 items are
the biggest winner as all the identified projects are to be
banned for import from December 2020, 11 from
executed within India. This does not, however, mean that the
December 2021, four from December 2020, eight each
foreign companies will not have any role in the identified
from 2023 and 2024, and one (long range land attack
projects. The foreign companies could have a direct and
cruise missile) from December 2025.
major role if the government decides to float tenders to
• The staggering timelines seem to be driven by the current subsidiaries of foreign defence companies operating in India.
developmental status of various projects being undertaken
With the Government enhancing the defence foreign direct
by the Defence Research and Development Organisation
investment (FDI) cap from 49 per cent to 76 per cent under
(DRDO), Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs),
the automatic route, the foreign vendors through their
Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) and the private sector at
subsidiaries would like to be treated just like any other Indian
company and demand a fair chance to participate in the
• With the negative list in place, the MoD estimates that tendering process for certain embargoed items. If this is
orders worth Rs four lakh crore (US$ 53 billion) will be permitted, it would put the Indian companies in tough
placed on the domestic industry in the next five to seven competition with foreign subsidiaries and may drive a better
years. price for the armed forces.
• The importance of the list is three-fold. In short, the negative list is one more step taken by the
o One, the list recognises the ability of the Indian industry, Government to create a strong domestic arms industry and
which is otherwise known for inefficiency and poor make India self-reliant in arms production. All eyes would
innovation, to design and produce a vast range of complex now be on the MoD, particularly the DMA, as to how the
weapon systems. projects are implemented.

o Second, the listed items provide order visibility to the

Indian industry in so far as the forthcoming requirements

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Part TWO

Ethics, Integrity
& Aptitude
Coverage from varied sources
Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude


#Ethics #Integrity #Aptitude

“The first and greatest victory is to conquer self.” – Plato

In continuation and connection with the front editorial

on Self-Discipline, this section on Ethics has combined
some daily practices, modes of inculcating self-discipline
for bringing ethical behavioural changes in one’s
personality, approach, attitude and aptitude. Along with
this, the purpose is to show that the intent of UPSC is to
check general personality traits of a person, where
common daily habits can help in answering many
questions in the examination. For this, given below are • It is the ability to control one's impulses, emotions, desires
some of the UPSC Topics asked in Essay papers followed and behaviour. It is being able to turn down immediate
by LIFE LESSONS which young aspirants like you should
pleasure and instant gratification in favour of gaining the
long-term satisfaction and fulfilment from achieving
PAST UPSC ESSAYS TOPICS: higher and more meaningful goals.
1. Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys
• To possess self-discipline is to be able to make the
to success.(2019)
decisions, take the actions, and execute your game plan
2. Quick but steady wins the race. (2015)
regardless of the obstacles, discomfort, or difficulties, that
3. Be the change you want to see in others. (2013)
may come your way.
4. Discipline means success, anarchy means ruin. (2008)
5. Attitude makes, habit makes character and character • Certainly, being disciplined does not mean living a limiting
makes a man. (2007)
or a restrictive lifestyle. Nor, does not mean giving up
WHAT IS SELF-DISCIPLINE? everything you enjoy, or, to relinquish fun and relaxation.

It does mean learning how to focus your mind and

energies on your goals and persevere until they are

accomplished. It also means cultivating a mindset

whereby you are ruled by your deliberate choices rather

than by your emotions, bad habits, or the sway of others.

Self-discipline allows you to reach your goals in a

reasonable time frame and to live a more orderly and

satisfying life.

FOCUS | S eptember 2020 | RAU’S IAS 133

Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

WHY SELF DISCIPLINE IS IMPORTANT FOR SUCCESS? your self-esteem and work ethic at the same time. When
you discipline yourself, you are actually improving your
1. Self-discipline creates a habit.
work ethic by sticking to it.

• It will help you to achieve your objectives.

• However, when you complete your objectives every day,

you will start to boost your self-esteem and confidence
in your work. This is the reason self-discipline is
important for success.

5. It helps you to achieve mastery

• Success comes to those who are masters not beginners.

If you want success, you need to be master at
something. You become master by putting the work and
• Habits can make you or break you. Self-discipline creates spending adequate time on one thing.
a habit in your life that builds up only through discipline.
• Mastery comes with discipline. Most people fail because
• Most people never remain disciplined in their lives they don’t master anything. Self-discipline will bring out
because they are lazy. However, laziness is form of habit mastery and mastery will bring out success.
as well.
6. It helps you to become best version of yourself.
• Successful people discipline themselves to work and stay
• Success comes only when you deserve it. You cannot
consistent to it. And it becomes a habit. This is what
become successful with the personality you currently
attracts success in their lives.
have. So, you need improvements every single day.
2. It helps you get things done.
• You need become best version of yourself to become
• Self-discipline is important to get things done. It can be successful in life. Self-discipline helps you to improve
anything, either you commit to read books or complete a yourself daily. When you do something consistently, you
task in a timeline. become better and better everyday.

• When you discipline yourself to finish every single thing

and you form a personality around it.
• This habit makes you an achiever in your life. VERSION OF YOURSELF?
3. It helps you to focus
• We live in a world full of distractions. Self-discipline
helps you to focus on your goals. It helps you stick to the
work you want to get it done in order to achieve success. Discover yourself

When you are focused on your goal, you will complete • The greatest purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.
every single thing that needs to be done. • For this, you need to discover your calling because life
• Successful people have laser sharp focus. They are should not be lived on a default mode but in a properly
always looking forward towards their goals and planned manner.
achievements in life. This helps them achieve great level • Life has a habit of acting on you as it overpowers a
of success in their lives. person, and as a result, days become weeks, weeks

4. It boosts your self-esteem and work ethics become months, and months slip into years. This
scenario leaves behind a regret over a life half-lived.
• Success comes to those who believe in themselves and
who works relentlessly. Self-discipline helps you to boost

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Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

• So after a life half-lived, a question naturally • We tend to promise a lot in a daily conversations
emerges….”What would you do if you could live your life whether with others or with ourselves.
over again?” Naturally, you will not like to repeat similar • The most common promise that we break is ‘New Year
mistakes. Resolution’, and similarly we break many on daily basis
Maintain your focus for eg. promising somebody to meet or call but we fail to

• Is it difficult to maintain focus? Are you overpowered by abide. All these reflect basic dishonesty and it tends to
your thoughts, inertia and problems? increase regularly.

• Try to question yourself now….”Are the problems you • To become honest, start respecting and abiding with

have experienced or the challenges you might currently promises and this is the start of an ethical honest life.

be facing really as serious as you have made them out to • Be a person of your word rather than being “all talk and
be?” no action”.

• Our lives are just a blip in the realm of time so have your Regularly talk to yourself
focus and develop wisdom to enjoy the journey and • The mantra is selecting a phrase that will train you to
savour the process. focus your mind. For e.g.
Develop self-discipline  For inner peace and calm…”I am so grateful that I am a
• The golden thread of a highly successful and meaningful serene and tranquil person”;
life is self-discipline.  For confidence…..”I am delighted that I am full of
• A good sportsperson is highly self-disciplined so as to confidence and endless courage”;
improve on daily process.  For material prosperity…..”I am so grateful that money
• For a student, self-discipline is to learn new things on and opportunity is flowing into my life”.
daily basis, and the cumulative effect of daily sustained • Repeat your mantras softly like chants so as to calm
learning will naturally be seen in the examination. your nerves.
• Self-discipline basically requires toughness with oneself • According to Hazarat Inayat Khan (Sufi saint)…”The
so as to overcome deviations and desires. words that enlighten the soul are more precious than
• This tough love with yourself is actually the greatest gift jewels.”
to yourself because it is due to self-discipline only that Power of inner silence
you can make your life meaningful and rewarding.
• When was the last time you made the time to be silent
Have a positive start and still?
• A positive start to a day is half the work done. • When was the last time you carved out a chunk of time
• Silent contemplation is required for atleast 15 minutes to enjoy the power of solitude to restore, refocus and
on how the day is going to be unfolded for reaping revitalise your mind and body?
positive dividends. • Power of silence:
• For next 15 minutes, read and focus on a positive story,  Power of silence helps us in reconnecting better with
or a piece of literature so that early morning infuses and who you really are as a person and to come to know the
enlightens every remaining hour of the day. glory that rests within you.
• So start your day well and this is the beginning of right  The power of silence also helps us in becoming better
self-discipline. listener. Better listening helps us in thinking better,
 ART OF PERSONAL PROGRESS planning better and actualising better.

Develop an honesty policy List your problems

• It develops by keeping small promises intact. • According to a saying, “A problem well stated is a
problem half solved”.

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Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

• To let go the mental blockade that your problems tends • Enjoy the path, Not just the reward.
to generate, list all your worries on a piece of paper.
• Thinking just about the reward and blind pursuit of
• If you do so then this simple exercise will help you to put goals, kill seamless/smooth transition to success and
your problems into perspective and tackle them in an converts the path into a punishment rather than being
orderly, well-planned sequence. They will no longer an enriching journey.
clutter and drain your energy.
• You fail to recognise various growth charts that have
Conquer your worries already built up while relishing the journey towards
• People are spending the best years of their lives stuck in desired goals.
a state of constant worry, whether about jobs,
• Actually, this movement on the path has improved the
payments, kids, future etc.
person you are. You have built self-discipline, discovered
• Constant worrying makes people clueless and helpless, new things about your abilities and manifested more of
and also affects overall productivity and raise health your human potential.
• These are reward in and of themselves.
• One of the simple habits to conquer worry is to schedule
“worry breaks”. For e.g. Half an hour on daily basis, you Master your time

may sit alone, think, analyse and search for solutions • Each one of us gets 24 hours in a day so time is life’s
rather than letting your worries overtake you and greatest leveller.
intrude your daily hours.
• What separates the people who create great lives from
Believe in actions the also-rans is how they use these hours.
• All too often, we spend our days waiting for the ideal
• Most of us live as we have got infinite time at our
path to appear in front of us. We forget the paths are
disposal and this leads to us to procrastinate and put the
made by walking, not waiting.
achievements of our dreams on hold. This is certainly a
• Similarly, knowledge is not power. It is actually only a beacon for a life of regret.
potential power. It transforms into actual power the
• Instead of this, commit yourself in managing your time
moment you decisively act on it.
more effectively. Develop a keen sense of awareness
• According to Thomas Carlyle (philosopher), “ The end of about how important your time really is.
a man is an action and not a thought, though it were the
noblest”. The smallest of actions is always better than Prepare and carry a goal card

the boldest of intentions. • In your daily activity add a thing…..i.e. carry a goal card
 NECTOR OF SUCCESS in your wallet/purse or pocket so that you can review it
in quieter moments in a day.

• The card simply lists top life goals with clear deadlines
for achieving them.

• It inculcates discipline of reconnecting to your highest

priorities, whether personal or professional, and this is a
smart move.

• If one sticks to it then it is certain that your life’s journey

will end in complete joy.

Taking one day at a time

• A great life is nothing more than a series a great, well-

Enjoy the journey lived days strung together like a beautiful necklace.

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Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

Every day counts and contributes to the quality of end • We should not be fatalist as we are the drivers of our
result. life. “ If it is going to be, it’s up to me” is a wonderful
• The past is gone, the future is but a figment, so this day
is really all you can own. Invest it wisely. • If we don’t act on our life and take actions then it will act
on its own and give us results which we might not want.
• Today vow to increase your passion for living and
multiply your commitment you will bring to each of the • To become more active, begin to see yourself as Chief
days that will follow this one. Executive Officer (CEO) of your destiny and life.

 WAY FORWARD • Seeing yourself as CEO of your life can create a

fundamental shift in the way you perceive the world.
Discover your genius
• Thus try to become a captain of your ship instead of just
• Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
sailing through your life as a passenger.
• Hard and smart work is essential for a life of fulfilment,
but being filled with a deep sense of inspiration and
commitment to making a difference in the world is an “A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an
even more important attribute. undisciplined mind leads to suffering.” – Dalai Lama

• All of the great geniuses of the world were inspired and “The price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity
driven by their desire to enrich the lives of others. is disappointment.” – William Arthur Ward

• So with a healthy dose of inspiration, you can raise your “Success doesn’t just happen. You have to be intentional
life to a whole new plane of living and unleash your about it, and that takes discipline.” – John C. Maxwell
inner genius for your sake and for the sake of others.
“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines,
Become your life CEO practiced every day.” – Jim Rohn

“All successes begin with self-discipline. It starts with you.”

– Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

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Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

CASE STUDIES for Practice

temporary respite and take adequate step to bring her
Case 1: Suppose you are an officer in-charge of
under the fold of beneficiary of the scheme.
implementing a social service scheme to provide support to
old and destitute women. An old and illiterate woman comes This will ensure consonance between organisational and
to you to avail the benefits of the scheme. However, she has personal values.
no documents to show that she fulfils the eligibility criteria.
 Objectivity is considered as cardinal value of civil servant.
But after meeting her and listening to her you feel that she
This helps in equal and impartial treatment of all. This
certainly needs support. Your enquiries also show that she is
helps in not allowing any sense of relative deprivation to
really destitute and living in a pitiable condition. You are in a
creep in. This is why following the rule can help in
dilemma as to what to do. Putting her under the scheme
resolving ethical dilemma.
without documents would clearly be violation of rules. But
denying her the support would be cruel and inhuman. Further the problem of exclusion has to be dealt with
holistically. The issue of documentation has to be resolved
Q. Can you think of a rational way to resolve this dilemma?
for all of the likes of the old lady. For this systemic change
Give your reasons for it. (250 words)
is required. Discretionary approval of individual for the
This case presents the difficulty in implementing socially scheme will create more problems of error, nepotism and
important schemes without any exclusion. Following are corruption.
other important issues and values involved:

1. Objectivity in public service.

Case 2: You are a young, aspiring and sincere employee in a
2. Rule of law and work culture. Government office working as an assistant, to the director of
3. Empathy and compassion for poor and destitute. your deportment. Since you’ve joined recently, you need to
learn and progress. Luckily your superior is very kind and
4. Right of genuine beneficiaries to avail social service
ready to train you for your job. He is a very intelligent and
well-informed person having knowledge of various
5. Effectiveness and inclusiveness of government schemes. departments. In short, you respect your boss and are looking
forward to learn a lot from him.
6. Organisational and personal value conflict.
Since you’ve good tuning with the boss, he started depending
 The dilemma is to maintain rule of law and organisational
on you. One day due to ill health he invited you at his place
value and work culture without compromising on the
for finishing some urgent work. You reached his house and
personal value of empathy and compassion for the poor
you heard shouting noises before you could ring the bell. You
and destitute. To resolve the dilemma I will follow the rule
waited for a while. After entering, boss greeted you and
for the scheme. As per the rule old lady is not eligible for
explained the work. But you were constantly disturbed by the
the scheme. Rules are made with proper reasoning and
crying of a woman. At last, you inquired with the boss but his
for greater good of society. It provides legitimacy and
answer did not satisfy you. Next day, you were compelled to
credibility of government bodies. Understanding this will
inquire further in the office and found out that his behaviour
help me resolve my dilemma.
is very bad at home with his wife. He also beat up his wife.
However on personal level I will also try to preserve my
His wife is not well educated and is a simple woman in
own values to avoid any crisis of conscience and inner
comparison to her husband. You see that though your boss is
dissonance. I will help the old lady with some money for
a nice person in the office, he is engaged in domestic violence

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Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

at home. In such a situation, you are left with the following risk my relation with my boss without surety of justice for his
options. Analyse each option with its consequences. wife.

A. Just ignore thinking about it because it is their personal c) Your own innovative approach towards the situation.
Lasting effect can come when change from within is brought
B. Report the case to the appropriate authority. in my boss while maintaining his dignity. This will ensure
healthy and sustainable relationship between him and his
C. Your own innovative approach towards the situation.
wife. I will try following innovative approaches:
In this case there is lack of integrity in the superior as his
1. I will narrate him some moral stories, informally, at work
attitude and behaviour in public life and private life is
place, to bring attitudinal change in him.
different. Following are other issues and values involved in
the case: 2. I will invite him for some movie with persuasion power
towards respecting women and changing attitude towards
1. Good work culture at work place.
2. Right of a women to be treated with dignity and respect.
3. I will invite him at my own home with his wife and show
3. Empathy and compassion for vulnerable women. how well I treat my wife. This may move his conscience

4. Courage to bring justice against domestic violence. and he is a good person at work place.

5. Balancing personal interest at office with moral 4. I will try to find some strength and qualities in his wife

responsibility of checking Boss’s behaviour at home. which will make my boss more appreciative of her.

a) Just ignore thinking about it because it is their 5. I will present some data of domestic violence in our

personal matter. country and how it is holding back socio-economic

development of our country. My boss is person with good
Ignoring the matter will avoid putting my boss in an aptitude, hopefully he will understand.
embarrassing situation in front of me and others. It will also
not affect my relation with him and not create any hurdle for
me at work place. It will help maintain the prevailing good
work culture at office.

However, I will be held guilty in my own court of conscience. I

lose my integrity as I will not act as per my values of empathy
and compassion. Sense of guilt may arise in me leading to
inner dissonance and crisis of conscience. Also justice to my
boss’s wife will not be done. My boss behaviour will remain
the same. My value of courage will be compromised and this
will affect me all through my career, especially when my boss
knows that I can’t stand for my own values.

b) Report the case to appropriate authority

This may act as deterrent and may change my Boss

behaviour at home. This will preserve my value of courage,
empathy and compassion. I may also be able to bring justice
to my boss’s wife.

But there is no surety whether the authority will take

appropriate action. Also my boss may not change from within
and he may not develop compassion for his wife. So I would

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Part Three


the month
Selected essays from Rau’s GSI students
# Paper I

The essay is a literary device for saying almost everything Answer: Essay does not have a defined syllabus so this
about almost anything. The Concise Oxford Dictionary means that everything is a syllabus for writing a decent essay.
defines the word ‘essay’ as a literary composition (usually It is basically a benchmark of UPSC preparedness. The day, a
prose and short) on any subject. In simple words, an essay is student is able to write an effective essay on any given topic,
a written composition giving a clear and concise expression means that the student is now a UPSC fit candidate.
to one’s own personal ideas or opinions on some given topic. The Essay Paper provides an opportunity to a student to
In UPSC, the Essay Paper poses serious challenge for the explore in-depth, plan and present himself/herself as a well
candidates appearing in the mains examination but it is also organised, knowledgeable job-fit candidate.
highly crucial in determining the candidates’ personalities by Most students score a standard level of marks in four General
the UPSC examiner, as their essays completely reflect the Studies papers but it is primarily the 250 marks Essay Paper
thought process going on in their minds. The essay paper is that catapults a student towards high score in Mains
used to judge the mastery and comprehension over the examination with a potential to get high rank, that can easily
material. Students are asked to explain, comment on, or be converted to top 100 post interview.
assess a topic of study in the form of an essay.
►QUESTION: Which are the preferred thematic areas on which
From the selection point of view, the Essay Paper of 250
essays are asked in UPSC?
marks consists of enough weightage to determine the final
outcome/selection and ranking of the candidates. The Answer: In the form of topics, UPSC presents a set of
significance of the Essay Paper for the civil services aspirants problems from different thematic areas to aspirants. The
can be gauged from the fact that it has been assigned purpose is to identify an aware citizen who knows about the
compulsory status by the UPSC and designated as Paper I. existence of the problem, reasons for its prevalence and also
In order to score effectively in Essay Paper and write a the possible solution for improving the situation.
masterpiece the candidates are not only required to have a Overall our desire is to create a productive, progressive and
reservoir of information and knowledge but also the way of safe society. Hence on such consideration, the thematic areas
expression should be logical, effective and composed in a on which the topics are asked are given hereunder:
lucid language, which in turn reflects the personality of the
Frequently asked: Broad thematic areas which are
frequently asked in Essay paper are: Democracy and
Further, essay is comprehensive knowledge and it requires Governance Reforms; Economic issues for an inclusive economy;
understanding of broad issues. There is no single source to Social justice issues for a just society and philosophical & ethical
master it. The task of the student is to connect the dots of topics.
knowledge from multiple sources and that can be school
Occasionally asked: Other areas which are occasionally
textbooks, newspapers, guidelines and practice provided by
asked can be: Environment conservation; Security issues;
the mentors, audio and visual media, movies, documentaries
International issues etc.
►QUESTION: How to choose a suitable topic?
On this note, let us answer common queries about the Essay
Paper. Answer: This is the first major decision that a candidate faces
in the Essay Paper. This challenge of choice ranges from easy
►QUESTION: How does an essay impact students’ overall
to extremely difficult. The choice is easy if the candidate has
performance in the UPSC examination?
excellent command, background and factual recollections on

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one topic vis à-vis the remaining options. But it becomes The (main body) should be comprising of analysing the
trickier and more daunting if no single topic appears factors impacting the topic. The factors can be:-
favourable from the outset. Then the candidate has to make Historical/cultural, Political/Legal, Economic,
estimations of her knowledge base for different segments Geographical/Environmental, Psychological, Behavioural etc.
and viewpoints of the essay topics in question and finally So it is expected to decode right factors, analysing the gaps
undertake a judicious comparison between the topics to resulting from these factors and then suggesting logical
select the one he or she feels most strongly in command of. solutions, and the opinions should be backed by authentic
As a rule of thumb, regular and non-controversial topics
should be preferred over the more opinionated topics as a Conclusion should always be optimistic, providing a silver
safer bet, but only if the candidate has a sufficiently vast and lining and benefiting the entire society.
diverse factual base to support his or her points. Correct
►QUESTION: How much time should a student allocate in the
choice of topic can also be made by using the principle of
exam towards essay writing? How can the student get started in
three M’s: Motive, Method and Message. These not only
writing an effective essay?
define the essay but also help in achieving the
communication goals in the appropriate language and writing Answer: In Essay paper, 3 hours are allotted for writing two
style. essays. The equation is 1 Essay in 90 minutes. So, it boils
down to effective time management, because students
In case of opinionated statement based essays for e.g.
have got a tendency to write on the topic in which they are
Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life, the most
most comfortable and they lose their time track and breach
important aspect is decoding the most apt meaning of the
the limit of 90 minutes and thus they fail to do justice with
topic, convert the statement into applied writing by choosing
the second topic, and resultantly they lose marks.
most apt examples from the current society to explain it
further. More the suitable examples, the better the impact on Outcome: Even the examiner now knows that the aspirant is
the reader. The examples for these essays are mainly drawn not a good time manager and thus lacks a key element of job
from the similar realm of thematics areas, such as Polity, fitness i.e. effective time management.
Social, Economy, IR, History etc. Further, it will easily reflect that student had more inclination
But in case of any doubt in decoding the meaning of such towards safer topic only from the comfort zone. This will
essays then skip them and move towards more regular and again bring negative impression as it would portray that the
non- controversial topics. student wants to confine herself in the comfort zone and play
safe and if moves outside the zone then she is found wanting
►QUESTION: What are the key requisites of a good essay? What
and perplexed.
should be the structure of the essay?
To get started: There is a difference between reply and
Answer: The structure comprises of Introduction, Main
response. Reply is instinctive which is mostly not balanced
body and Conclusion. For 1200 words essay, the
but response is properly planned balanced reply. So, UPSC
introduction should be on 100-120 words, main body in 1000
checks planned response of a student.
words and conclusion in remaining in 100-120 words.
To do this, first 10 minutes out of 90 minutes should be
A good essay is one which induces the reader to get
utilised in collecting random points with respect to topic, note
immersed and engrossed in reading the entire text. For right
them on the rough space, and then arrange them in the serial
inducement, attractive (Introduction) of the essay is
order in the manner they should be aligned in the write up.
extremely important. It should be like an attractive movie
This will show coherent flow and reflect that the writer
trailer which gives a hint/glimpse on the things to explore
believes in proper planning and then responding.
while reading further. So, the best way of introduction is
picking a (live example) related with the topic asked. This ►QUESTION: What is the significance of language in essay
helps in connecting with the topic instantly and the examiner writing? If a student is weak in English, what kind of reading
also knows that the student understands the topic, and also should he/she do to improve his/her language proficiency?
knows what is happening currently with respect to the topic.

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Answer: The language should be simple but effective. Xth ►QUESTION: What are the features of a good essay?
standard English is more than sufficient to put thoughts
Answer: Foremost, the candidate should keep in his/her
effectively. Queen’s English is not required.
mind that the essay will lead the examiner through his/her
This is not an English test but it is a communication test. organized thoughts on a single topic. The essentials of essay
Whatever the student is writing should be understood by any writing would be the format (framework, structure),
reader, and this is a work place requirement. For e.g. information (content, substance), language (expression,
everything moves on files in govt. and whatever is noted on presentation), and logic (analysis and information).
file should be understood by subordinates, peers, seniors etc.
An essay must materialize itself as topic-centred, all
To increase effectiveness in writing, easy and interesting texts pervasive and unified, developing one theme with a definite
should be read such as school story books, English versions purpose.
of comics and newspapers.


# Science # Society

Disclaimer: The viewpoints in the topic are strictly personal of Mr. Kamal Arora recently bought a new car, he instantly
the writer above. The role of Rau’s IAS Study Circle is to present availed a great insurance deal on Policy Bazar and mobile
the write-up in its original form, hence the study circle neither application and got himself relieved from tedious paper work.
endorses nor rejects any viewpoint in the submission. The Innovation relates to formulating something new and creative
purpose is only to showcase the manner of writing. in order to help in simplifying our life. With change being the
Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the reader to use only constant, the world around us has changed in terms of
his/her intellect to check the veracity of viewpoints. functioning with the aid of innovation and technology. Today,
we are able to relish our favourite delicacies, plan an entire
Mr. Mathur is a retired bank employee in order
holiday and crack big deals from the comfort of our
to avail his pension and obtain certain
respective couches. Such a leap of change wouldn’t have
documents all he had to is call the Delhi
been possible without the ignited minds being put into
Government Helpline number to get doorstep
favourable conditions to innovate and experiment.
assistance and delivery of a lot of other services. Anita
Sharma, 63 years lives alone in Pune while her daughter is Innovation holds tremendous power to churn the wheels of
away in Bangalore. She no longer has to worry about economic growth to boost development. Exploring
standing in lines to pay her electricity bills as it is convenient Innovation in agriculture with the introduction of e-NAM
to pay online. opens up possibility of making agriculture accessible and
profitable. Further, experiencing and encouraging farmers to

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plant climate resistant crops will help us to adapt ourselves in farmers to choose wisely and plant their crop and will also aid
the climate change battle. Recently, a farmer in Assam was government to fix MSP.
encouraged by the District Agriculture Research College to
Innovation can on the other hand be equally determining
plant flood resistant variety of rice. He took a chance and
factor in social welfare. Covid-19 has put our health
planted on 1/4th of his field, he was really happy to see the
infrastructure at stress test, at this challenging hour robots
results as his 1/4th crop survived even after weeks of floods
are aiding our health professionals in hospitals by carrying
in Assam. Similarly, arsenic resistant variety of paddy in West
out routine task of delivering medicines and other supplies to
Bengal opens Pandora box to stop bioaccumulation of
patients. Innovation has brought about a number of
harmful chemicals. Not only this ‘Apiary on Wheels’
techniques to carry out tests from RT-PCR to serological tests.
undertaken by Ministry of Agriculture to help and Skill
India and Israel will soon be collaborating to develop
farmers in Agriculture answers the question of diversification
coronavirus test which gives results in less than 30 seconds.
of livelihood with aid of innovative thinking.
Similarly iLAB flagged off by government under Atmanirbhar
India has been producing PPE kits during pandemic on a war- Bharat and Make in India Programme will provide rapid
footing and was soon to rise up to 2nd manufacturing hub of response to fight the pandemic by reaching the remotest
PPE kits of the world. Opening the gates of innovation in area.
textiles can help us to fulfill our National Textile Mission of
Innovation has also come to our aid in protecting our
manufacturing and exporting technical textiles. Adidas has
environment. mStripes app, radio collar on various animals,
successfully set up a plant in Maharashtra to manufacture
camera traps have all helped us to conserve our precious
sportswear and denims utilizing tons of plastic waste
wildlife. Weather pattern monitoring mechanism with
specially bottles (single-use plastic). Reliance Industries has
prediction was used in Bandipur Forest fires to mitigate the
recently laid roads using single use plastics which have not
damage. Drones can also be leveraged in a similar way to
only proved to be durable but also help us recycling our
help prevent poaching and help in conservation.
waste innovatively.
It should be kept in mind that though innovation has helped
India’s service sector is a leading global service provider. A
us in a number of ways but it has also created fractions
shift in focus from mere provider to innovator and facilitator
within the society. One such instance is that of education
would help us enhance our economic competitiveness.
during lockdown. Technology and access to gadgets has
Finance Technology, big data analytics to aid policy making,
created a digital divide. Many university final year students
Internet of things are fields that lie unexplored but can differ
are staring at an uncertain future with delayed examination
huge potential of growth facilitating social welfare as well.
and missed opportunities.
However, being innovative while sustaining our planet should
So, in a way it can be said that innovation with equity would
be our priority. Government has worked a lot in direction of
be an enabler to our economic and social welfare. Products
Ease of Doing Business but it is time to focus on Ease of
and technologies brought about should be made available to
Living. Innovative technologies can come to our aid by
all and not just a few. For example, the government can
analysing the various factors of production and helping us in
allocate the funds to schools and colleges by providing them
better planning and efficient use of resources. For instance,
laptops and tablets to help cover classes. Mind you, this
e-NAM website can be enhanced to include the area under
wouldn’t be an over and above demand of resources but
cultivation and expected demand and supply of crops in
many previously used for maintenance can be used like this
metric tonnes. This data can be collected and uploaded by
as the institutions remaining closed.
District Agriculture Research Centres along with help from
RESOURCE SATELLITES and CARTO SAT already deployed by Therefore, equity in terms of opportunity to access will only
ISRO. Such information would clearly send signals to the help to make innovation a key determinant of economic
growth and social welfare.

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# Ethics #Society

Disclaimer: The viewpoints in the topic are strictly personal of Furthermore, unsupportive social settings, family, parents
the writer above. The role of Rau’s IAS Study Circle is to present and institutions add to the burden.
the write-up in its original form, hence the study circle neither Furthermore, it is not a hidden fact that our morals are set up
endorses nor rejects any viewpoint in the submission. The in a patriarchal background. This mindset puts numerous
purpose is only to showcase the manner of writing. restriction on the conduct and choices that women and girls
Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the reader to use have. Everything from the way of dressing, talking, eating to
his/her intellect to check the veracity of viewpoints. even choice is regulated. In such a system where progress is
hindered only backwardness prevails. All these have deprived
Mohan was a worker in a sugar mill, due to heavy
women of their economic rights and opportunities. Not only
losses faced by the industry and economic
this but this system has a process of reinforcing itself. Often
slowdown the mill was forced to close. Mohan
illiterate and economically deprived girls are forced in
had worked for decades in the mill and was
marriage where they are victim of harassment, domestic
suddenly rendered jobless. He did not possess
violence, mental abuse and dowry deaths. Had women given
any skills, required in the current time and therefore was
a chance of breaking the chains of patriarchal morality, we
unable to get any job. Sole breadwinner of the family was
would see an economically fairer and better world.
forced to indulge in theft to keep himself surviving in this
world. Ranjana, was a CEO of infrastructure company. She Coming to the economic crisis that we are facing is an
shot to fame in a limited time due to her excellent work outcome of unequal distribution of wealth. In India, top 1% of
quality and timely completion of projects. But in a the richest population controls more than 70% of
government flagship project she got to know that her firm population’s disposable income. Such a stark inequality is due
was to loose the bid. She used her money power and to lack of status and opportunity given to people. With greed
contacts to unethically got a backdoor consent for the project of richest population growing we see a destructive effect in
to save her reputation in the market. terms of growth of materialistic society which indulges in
economic exploitation often keeping the fair play rules aside.
The two individuals are differently placed in terms of their
This leads to weakening of institutions and further the entire
economic situations but that has a great influence on their
democratic setup as the rich control the machinery through
activities which they choose to undertake. Morality is a
money and muscle power. It further breads ultra-nationalism
concept concerned with the principles of right and wrong;
and causes irrepairable damage to the environment.
ethical and unethical. But a number of reasons lead to the
decision so it will be wrong to judge the behavior and choices In order to counter this, the solution lies in being guided by
of a person in isolation. Lack of equal opportunities and the values of Preamble. Such economic crisis can be ended
resources often lead to systematic deprivation to the by having justice in social, economic and political spheres by
individual in terms of his/her ability to perform. The giving equality of status and opportunity. Equality in terms of
education system prevailing often focuses on standardization education and skill based learning should be imparted. It is
of learning and outcomes in terms of marks. The important better to lend a helping hand than giving a dole. MGNREGA
aspect of quality and value based education is ignored. which is largest employment programme move a step ahead

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and introduce stipend based skilling initiatives. Further, the be nurtured and surrounded by the system which breeds
government must think to expand its reach by launching justice. This can be done by providing value based education
urban employment guaranter act to help the large population to children. Practical and textbook examples should be
of urban poor. cumulated to give an overall knowledge experience. Life
teachings of Mahatama Gandhiji, Mother Teresa, A P J Abdul
Further, we are staring at a 45yr high unemployment figures.
Kalaam, Lal Bahadur Shastri etc. should be induced.
Therefore, equality in opportunity would require creation of
many jobs. The government can use these employment In the syllabus, practical learning where pupil gets to apply
programme to revive infrastructure – health, education, and make their decisions should be done through
environmental. Assam government employed MGNREGA encouraging sports and cultural activities like dance, drama,
workers to plant fruit trees for golden langur in wildlife story telling etc. Needless to say parental support would be a
sanctuaries. Similarly, India should generate employment by major influence in the lives of children.
setting a global manufacturing of solar cells under aegis of
A moral society can also be set up by creating certainty of
solar Alliance to create Atmanirbhar Bharat (in times of
praise and punishment. When the society sees the values
energy). Section 135 of companies Act provides compulsory
gaining importance and reinforcing themselves then a
spending of income for corporate social responsibility.
change in bond to happen. Certainty of punishment requires
Instead of this the company should be motivated to be
an informed society and effective judicial functioning.
responsible from its very inception. By undertaking fair
recruitment policies, regular payment of wages, creating Lastly, it can be concluded by observing that Economic
environmental sustainable products, indulging in responsible Conditions – Moral Outcome seem to work in tandem,
consumption a lot of difference can be made. The moral crisis leading to one another. Both should be improved together to
should be tackled from the foundation of a child. He should bring sustainablility.


# Governance

The essence of democracy is decentralisation character. It was a comprehensive resolution which dealt with
of power and allowing governance to reach to administrative areas, the constitution of local bodies, their
the grass root level for welfare of people. Local functions, finances and powers. This was an important
Government elected by the people thus landmark in the evolution of local self- government in India.
imbibes democratic functioning of the society involving This led to the strengthening of local institution over a period
residents of the area. The concept of local government has of time leading to its incorporation in PART IV of the Indian
been in India ever since the dawn of civilization in various Constitution.
forms including that of Sabhas and Samitis at the village level. Article 40 of the Constitution provides for organisation of
It was in the year 1882 when Lord Ripon issued a resolution village panchayats and also endows them with such powers
on Local Self Government. Objections were raised by the and authority to enable them to function as units of self-
bureaucracy of those days against any extension of the government. But Article 40 being part of Directive Principles
powers of local bodies and giving them a democratic of State Policy could not be judicially imposed. Consequently,

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government of India constituted various committees for the functions and convergence of services for the citizens as well
proper functioning and devolution power at the ground level. as citizens centric governance structures. The Second
Government accepted the recommendations of Balwant Rai Administrative Reform Commission (2nd ARC) on Local
Mehta Committee which proposed to set up a three tier Governance has suggested various measures to address
structure of panchayats in India having gram panchayats at these core issues. Let us understand each of those issues and
the village level, Panchayat Samiti at the block level and Zilla probable solutions suggested by 2nd ARC.
Parishad at the district level. It was also considered that there
Constitutional status to panchayats and municipalities aimed
is an imperative need to enshrine in the Constitution certain
at a fundamental shift in the nature of governance. However,
basic and essential features of Panchayati Raj Institutions to
experience of the past suggests that creating structures of
impart strength, certainty and continuity to it. Thus,
elected local governments and ensuring regular elections do
accordingly the Constitution (Seventy-Third Amendment) Act,
not necessarily guarantee effective local empowerment.
1992 and Constitution (Seventy-Fourth Amendment) Act,
While Panchayats, Nagarpalikas and Municipalities have
1992 were enacted by the government.
come into existence and elections are being held, this has not
PART IX and IXA was added to the constitution after the always translated into real decentralisation of power because
amendment to the constitution. It provides for constitution of the Constitution left the issue of degree of empowerment
Panchayat at the village, intermediate and district level; Gram and devolution to the State Legislature. State Governments
Sabha at the village level consisting of persons registered in and its bureaucracy are not always in favour to effectively
the electoral rolls of the village; Reservation of seats for empower local governments because they view it as
Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, women; constitution of diminishing of their power and hold. Even mandatory
Finance Commission to review financial position of provisions like the constitution of District Planning
Panchayats and make suitable recommendations for Committees and Metropolitan Planning Committees have
devolution of funds to panchayats; elections to be conducted been ignored in many States. Thus, compulsory
for panchayats by State Election Commission. PART IXA empowerment of panchayats and municipalities by the state
provides for the constitution and composition of having a dedicated bureaucracy at ground level is necessary
Municipalities; ward committees; power to impose tax by for effective local empowerment.
municipalities; Finance Commission to review financial
Under Article 243G, while framing laws on Panchayats, State
position of municipalities and allocate taxes; election to
Legislatures should endow these institutions ‘with such
municipalities; District Planning Committee and Metropolitan
power and authority as may be necessary to enable them to
planning Committee.
function as institutions of self-government’. Thus, Panchayats
On the basis of above, the Panchayati Raj Institutions have are ‘governments at their own level’ and have autonomous
been in existence for a long time, the participation of people jurisdiction of their own. However, the problem arises when
at the grass root level have become more of a bureaucratic we find government functioning at various levels thereby
and mechanical exercise. There have been various instances creating overlapping jurisdiction and autonomy. In such a
in the past where approval from gram Sabha has been either case, autonomy of one may rub against autonomy of another
forced or forged for acquisition of land for various in similar jurisdictions. Thus, providing autonomy to
commercial purposes including mining. Even the local panchayats will also mean withdrawal of certain activities or
bureaucracy has not helped much in nurturing the institution functions from the State Government and transferring them
to grow and sustain at ground level. Merely by making to local bodies. This will give panchayats a true independent
panchayats a part of constitution will not solve the case of and autonomous identity independent from the state
grass root democracy unless its limbs are empowered. Thus, government to perform their power and functions.
the core issues of local self- governance involve the principle
Powers to panchayats and municipalities have been provided
of subsidiarity which means that what can best be done at
to enable them to function as institutions of self- governance
the lower levels of government should not be centralised at
under Article 243 (G) and 243(W) respectively. For this, they
higher levels; a clear delineation of functions entrusted to the
may also be empowered to prepare local plans for economic
local bodies; effective devolution of financial powers and
development and social justice and to implement schemes

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and perform functions including those listed in the Eleventh implement the report of SFCs which further delay the process
and Twelfth Schedules. However, the past experience of devolution of funds.
suggests that progress of devolution of powers and
The crucial issue of capacity building in urban and rural local
responsibilities to local governments at various levels have
bodies remains a largely neglected area in decentralised self-
been poor and uneven. The implementation space at local
governance. Lack of training of personnel has resulted in
levels is thus occupied by a multiplicity of governmental
capacity deficit within the Panchayat and Municipal
agencies leading to confusion, unnecessary duplication and
Institutions. Thus, a proper exercise needs to be taken for
wastage of funds. Thus, there should be clear delineation of
capacity building which includes individual development
functions for each level of local government. It has to be done
along with organisational development through various
continuously by restructuring organisations and framing
schemes. Individual development involves the development
subject-matter laws so as to avoid overlapping of functions.
of human resources including enhancement of an individual’s
2nd ARC has suggested adding subjects on education, public
knowledge, skills and access to information. It enables them
health including community health centres/area hospitals,
to improve their performance and that of their organisation.
traffic management and civic policing activities, urban
State government should encourage holistic training
environment management and heritage and land
programmes involving expertise in different fields. This can
management including registration in the 12th Schedule.
be best achieved by ‘networking’ of institutions concerned
The local bodies rely heavily on their respective state with various subjects such as financial management, rural
governments for financial inflows. The major sources of development, disaster management and general
income for local governments like property tax are not management etc.
properly collected due to lack of a proper mechanism of
Empowering local bodies at ground level is very important as
levying and collection of such tax. This makes the coffers of
it involves people at local level which helps in strengthening
local bodies extremely inadequate to meet their operational
democratic decentralisation. However, for the local bodies to
needs. Responsibility to provide civic amenities falls short of
function efficiently, they must be provided autonomy in their
expectation due to inadequacy of funds. Thus, the local
functioning. Local bodies having administrative, legislative
governments have to stay at the mercy of their state
and financial autonomy with a dedicated bureaucracy at the
government for allocation of funds through grants to meet
lower level will help in realizing the dream of Mahatma
their needs including salary of the staff. In this respect, Article
243H and 243X makes it obligatory for the State Government
to authorise the local bodies by law to impose taxes, duties “In this structure composed of innumerable villages, there will
etc. and assign to the local bodies such taxes/duties levied be ever widening, never ascending, circles. Life will not be a
and collected by the State Government. pyramid with the apex sustained by the bottom. But, it will be
an oceanic circle, whose centre will be the individual, always
State Finance Commission (SFC) under Article 243I and
ready to perish for the village, the latter ready to perish for
243Y recommends principles for distribution of funds
the circle of the villages, till at last the whole becomes one life
between the urban local bodies and different panchayats.
composed of individuals, never aggressive in their arrogance,
Thus, the role of State Finance Commission becomes
but ever humble, sharing the majesty of the oceanic circle of
important regarding devolution of financial resources for
which they are integrated units. Therefore, the outermost
panchayats and municipalities. However, devolution of
circumference will not wield power to crush the inner circle,
finance to local bodies depends upon the revenue generated
but will give strength to all within and will derive its own
by each state which is never same. While some States have
strength from it.” – Mahatma Gandhi
followed the concept of pooling of all revenues and then
sharing, others follow different percentages of devolution for
different taxes. Thus, apart from principles of devolution of
taxes, even fiscal administration of every state needs to be
improved as it involves levy and collection of taxes at local
level. State governments generally take a long time to

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