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73006/07.82 ODD RZADIZAL- Servo Systems 3Axes-Single Phase Thyristor Control Amplifier Functional Description and Instruction for Initial Start-Up ULNIDIRZALIZN 3 TRM 2 o Modular Structured Two-Pulse Control Unit for DC-Servo Motors, Type MDC Summary | General 3 Functional Description 4 initial Start-Up 10 Technical Documentation 17 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. General 2, Functional Description of SCR-Control Amplifier 3 TRM2 2.1 Speed Controtler Y lniertelation betwoen Desirad-Valve Voltage anc Speed 22 Speed-Dependent Firing-Angle Limit 23. Linearizing Network 24 Axis Module TSS 4/XXX 2.5 Summing Amplifiers V 104 and V 105 28 Control Unit 27 Dynamic Current Limit 28 Synchronization 1 Internal Synchronization 2 extemal Syncheonization 29 Firing-Angle Overlapping ~ Preconduction Current 2.10 Controller and Pulse Release 1 Controilar Release (RF). 2 Pulse Release (iF) Voltage Monitoring System 2.12 Power Supply 219 Fuses 1 Control Section 2 Pomse Section 2.14 S0/60Hz Conversion 3. Initial Start-Up 3.1 Equipment for initial Star-Uo 42. Checks 83. Initial Start-Up, Example for Axis 1 1 Speed Calioraton 2 Spee Zera-agjustment 3.4 Checking the Moment of Load 1 Motor Tarque Measurement with he As at Current Consumption 2 8ase Torque m the Feed Range 3 Motor Forque at apie Traverse Aate 45 Adjusting tne Balance of weignt 36 Checking the Soeed Control Loo 37 Adjustment of Fiing-Angle Overlapping and Pre-Current Page 10 10 10 W " " n u" Page 38 Adjustment of Dynamic Current Limit, 2 39 Start-and-Stop Operation of the Servo Drive . 12 3.10 Interconnection with the Numerical Control. 12 1 Detining the Sease of Control eanuge, BS) 2 Harmonie Content of he Desired-Value Signal - 14 3 Desirad-Value Voltage/Speed Ratio 14 ‘4 Gain af the Position-Gontrol-System -Ky-Factor 14 5 Slope, Two Gain Characteristic 14 Documentation ........:s6.cse+ ast? Type code. 7 Connection Diagram Drawing-No. 109-380-3601-2/ @ Transformers, 3 Servodrives) 18 Connection Diagram Drawing-No, 109-380-3602-2/8 (1 Transtormer, 3 Servodrives) 19 Block Diagram "3TRM2" Drawing-No. 109-380-3603-0/ «...+..2+...20 Circuit Diagram “TAM: Deawing-No. 103-380-1401 -S/01/E. 21 ‘STRM" Component Layout Drawing-No. 109-360-1901-5 -....eeseeesee 23 Power Supply "NTS" Circuit Diagram Drawing-No, 109-980-3402-9/E 24 ‘Component Layout "NTS" Drawing-No. 109-380-2908-5, 24 Component Layout “ZAM3" Craming-No, 109-980-2908-2 25 Component Layout "TSS" Brawing-No, 109-380-4902-2 25 Table of Contents Figures, Tables, Na Page No: Page 4a Connection Diagram for 3 Orive Axes 1 STAM2 Versions wns ‘with Power Transtormers 3 1b Connection Diagram for 3 Drive Axes with 1 Power Transformer 3 2 Gusant-Speed-Otgram inthe Fou Quadrants 4 3 Qutput-Voltage Range U 103 o! the Speed Contiollerasa Functionofine Speed ....... 5 4 Lingarizing Network wee 5 5 AnExample of Axis Module 6 © Output Signals ota Tigger Pulse Generator ....-+ - 6 7 Synchronization : 5a ft 8 Internal Synchronization 8 9 External Synchronization « a 40 Transformation of the voltages which are proportional to the firing angle into trigger pulses synchronized with the mains 3 11, Characterstis of Speed Cont Loop for Various Pl-Elerents ... " 12 Limiting Values for Adjustment of Pro-Current series 2 43. Limiting Current of the Motor as a Function ofthe Voltage U 12 44 Signal Sequence: Start-Stop-Operation .... 19 15. Functicnal Diagram ofthe Position Centro! System... 13 38 KeDiagram 4 General 1 General The 9 TAM 2 INDRAMAT SCR Como! Amplifier is a highly compact single-phase static converter specially 46 ‘signed for three-axas drive systems. The armature-circut control feature allows continuous driving and braking at changing torque in four-quadrant mode of operation, The device is especially Cesigned for operation with INDRAMAT Permanent Magnet Direct-Current Servomo- tors. “The deviea is constructed in compact casseite-type de- sign with IP 00 type of enclosure for switch-cabinat mou ting. The drive interfaces meet the requirements of VDI-D rective 3422 The standard version of a drive package for 3 axes is composes of the following: (cI. Figure 1a) 1 SCR Control Amplifier 3 TAM 2 3 Single-phase isolating transformers for supplying tne power section 3 Reactors for smoothing the armature currents 3 INDRAMAT 0C-Servomotors, In special cases use of a single-phase isolating trans- former for 3 axes is possible as wall (ef. Figure 1b). The following descriptions refer to INDRAMAT Per- manent Magnet Direct-Current Servomotors, as far as the DC motors connected are concerned. Lb Table 1:3 TRM2 Versions “ie following versions of the device are produced: (see tadle 1) Type Symbol STAM STE Designa ‘snation (Unit) en G2 Gai_| am one, Supply NTS avaiaio | — | avaliable | | Rated AC Supply Voltage" Un Mi] te0eaber da 250 | Rated 0¢ Output Votage uM] 140) 140 220 | | Maximum Allowable OC Output Curent (2Axe5)|Elyau (Al 70 70 7 | | Maximum Allowable DC Output Current (1 Axis) | teu, tA) 33 3 3 | Fated Output 28 os | 154 | Power Dissipation } 15 9 | 125 | Maximum Ambient Temperature | 4s 8 3 | | worgnt 28 69 98 | | Use Maximum allowable rated secondary voitage of transformer, maasured between phase and neutral, | 10 % overvotlage possible | j Us = Maximum DC output voltage possible (average valu) at rated AC supply voltage (elie Allowable continuous RMS-value of DC output current at maximum ambient temperature | | Poe Us" laa | | | Pane Power dissipation at | 0 Hz oF 60 Hz operation, respectively, by choice | Sane ark colour ‘The principe aitterenee between the two connection diagrams, fs showa in Tiana Sagie-crase Inciating Transloemers J Pe Opsreavaces | Fig. 10 Smooining moc Reactors) (Servoreters) Fig ta Fig. 1b: Connection Olagram lor 3 Drive Ases with 1 Power SENET Fig, ta: Connection Diagram tor) Orive Aces with 3 Power Transtormers Functional Descrintidy 2 Functional Description of SCR Control Amplifier 3 TRM 2 The description refers to the internal circuit diagram and the block diagram (see Documentation). The design Of the control saction is eentical for all3 axes: therefore the component designations have been chosen in such fa way that the first digit indicates the respective axis, 2.g.R243= Axis 2, Resistor 43. Based on axis 1 the functioning of the device shall be explained ‘The contral section for axis 1 essentially consists of: ‘© Speed Controller V 102 (© Speed-cependent Delay-Angie Limiter V 103 (V1, V2.0n ‘Axis Module TS3#) © Linearizing Network (on Axis Module TSS4) © Dynamic Current Limiter V 107 ‘© Summing Amplifier V 104, V 105 © Control Unit(comprises the Pulse Generator Modules IC 101. IC 102. Pulse Amplifiers T 101, T 102 and Pulse Transtormers TR 101, TR 192) ‘The main assemblies and their functionalintersalations ‘shown in the block diagram (see Documentation) Forsetting aspeed value a speed-prorortional voltages applied to Speed controller V 102 via the desired-vaiue in- Ute 101 or E 102. The actual speed valve is provided by a Tacno generator and apolied to the speed controller viata- he ingut 103. The speed controller forms the ierence Between the desired and the actual speed value and varies its output voltage accordingly, : “The Pl-behaviour of the seed contreller (resistor and cacacitor in the feed-back loop) ensures optimum control without stationary deviation. The fineg-angle limitar limits the output voltage of the speed controler in order to maintain tne peak current va- Ice end to safaguard tne commutation and darnagnes- zation limits of the asscciated OC motor. This voltage 1S jolie to the pulse generator modules IC 101. iC 102 via ip etwork and tne summing amplitiors V 104 ing angie ofthe SCF unitsmfts n accordance n the voltage variations ana the output voltage cf the evics enanges. Tha voltage difference between device cutput voltage and motor EMF changes and hence the motor current changes, The resuting moter torgue acce- lorates the mess of the drive unit and iteauses a soe va- natien eountersctin ference between the desired ‘ane the actual values at the input of the cortraller, 9 the armature curr the prasat current limit ior an excessive gerice of time. thes the dymamic cure fimiter stars to aat via Y #07 and reduces the armature current :o the preset limiting vaiie ‘The siicon-controlled rectifiers 9perate with adjustapie firing-angie-overiapaing te ensura a nich dagree af crive- Ingleity and to make ure that the motor follows immedia- taly the contrcl actions, also at low speed values and at the linear 105, 2.1 Speed Controller An operational amolifier particularly stable with tempe- ature, wim amaxmum offget-veitage crit of uv 'K only 's used in the saeed controller The soeeo-2270 aclustmant icrive suc ull for desirea-value zero, caa De certarmed oy means cf potentiomater P 102, The external excultry of the controle ler ensures optimum contro! acticn of ine assocsated crive tune te Chacter 38) ally a stand 211 Interrelation between Desived-value Voltage and Speed ‘The desirad-value voltage to speed ratio at the desired value inputs E 10) and E 102 is fixed and indicated on the respective axis module, In case a different ratio is desired. tne input resistors (1 or R2, respectively) must be calcula ted according to equation {1) and its recommended to in icale the new desired-value voltage/speed ratio on the ‘axis module under pos. 5 (ct Chapter 2, 4} u At or R2, respectively = SK tk-Ohm} wo iI or FR, respectively = input resistor required in -Ohms, desired-value input voltage, in Vols desired speed valu, in min" ‘constant, resulting from the ingut sensitivity of 0.39 [nA/min] i= 30 | Uses k It for instance, it is desired that the motor reaches 1000 min" fora desired-value voltage of 8 Vat the input, the fol owing desired-value input resistor is required 3000 = 24 {k-Ohm] 2.2 Speed-dependent Firing-angle Limit Task Inorder to maintain speed-dependent maximum current \veiues on the one hand and to allow peak current values in the working range on the other hand. the firing-angle can be limited a8 a function of the speed, according to the commutation charactaristic of the associated servomotcr. Tris fring-angle limiting eesults in a current-speed-da- {gram in he four quadrants, as showin Fig. 2 Arita 7 WALLA L Fig. 2: Current-Speed-Diagram in the Four Quadrants The fiing-angle limitatien consists of a basic value of fraadom, limiting the firng-ancle at speed = O.and the adacive portion which ineraasesthesveedindrivingd- rection with increasing speed, about tra same pro: portionas the EMF increases. The spead-controller out- fut voltage (U 1031 a measure of the firng-angia. Functional Description This output voltage is limited to the basic value of free. dom at speed = 0 [as evigent rom Fig.3). This is achieved va V102, withthe resistor ratio 12/R 11 forthe positive ba sig value of freedom. The speed: controller output voltage Increases by the adaptive portion with inereasing speed in the direction of driving current and it cecreases accord- ingly by this portion in the direction of braking current 2.3 Linearizing Network Task: I equalizes the nonlinearity of the firingrangle versus, motor current characteristic and inus allows stable opera tion with a high degree of drive-rigidity Fig. 4: Linearizing Network Pertormance: The output currentie Fig. 4) ofthe linearizing netwark is praeortional tothe firing-angle, The currant isinereases i+ nearly with the controller output voltage U 103 until at 90 int & the threshold voltage of the dioce appears. When further increasing U 103 the currant remains constant via 16 and a further increase of iscan only ne achieved via Rid. This results in a nonlinear relationship between U 103 ang is wnicn compensates for the nonlinearity of ne firing-angle versus motor current relationship to a large extent 2.4 Axis Modul TSS4/XXX ‘The axis module TSS allows optimum adaption of the: SCR control amplifier tothe associated drive combination. For each combination of motor. transformer and reactor the following assembly wirings are fixed on the TSS4 axis module card © The speed-dependent fring-angle limitation (@ The speed-controller wiring (© The linearizing network (© The input wiring (ct. Black Diagram, Documentation) ‘The most important iaformation is indicated on the axis-module imprint (ct. Fig 5) Axis module no. TSS4/XXX 1) SCA control amplifier STAM 2 2) Servomotor MOC 10.20F * 3} Smoothing choke Gi2 4) Power transformer ETT3,6/2x140V S) input 1: Input voltage/speed (min") 10/2000 8) Input E2: Input voltage/speed (min'') free to choose 7) Overload curtent lilt nae = 3nd associated measuring voltage SOA/S The assembled drive combination and the corréspon- ding wiring of the axis-module card TSS4are suminari- sed by means of the axis-module number. 2.5 Summing Amplifiers V 104 and V 105, The current values from the linearizing network, the firing-angle overlapping and tne dynamic current lim ‘are summed upin the summing amplifiers andare fed to Fig, 3: Output-Voltage Range U 103 oft ‘Speed Controller 99 8 Function af the Speed Functional Descxpton tnepulse-generator maduies IC 1OrandIC proporwonal othe twing-angie 21 Block Oiagraen Gocumentatien AXIS MODULE TSS4/ Xxx 3TRM2Z 5| 10V/2000 MOci020F [6 Gib2 «dt ETT3S/2x140V Fig. 5: An Example o! Axis Module = le[s|— 2.6 Controt Unit fr consists of the pulse-generator modules, the pulse: amplitier stages anc the pulse transformers. Tesk “Tne control unit renstorms the vettage values which are proportional to the firng-angle into trigger pulses Sym Chronized by the mains, simiar to an A/D-converter. Perormance For inet purpese the contra! unit compares the outout voltages of V 104 £1 Fes! poini 109 IC 10% anc atv ¥ Test point 110 in IC 162 with the san-iooth voltage Sym chronized by the mains, (cf Block Diagrams, Documen: falion anc Fig, 10). As long as the saw-tocth valcage €x- ceeds the oulput voltage, the corresponding siicon-cen- trolled rectifiers are tiggeres by meenso’ wrigger pulses. Ie i01 controls the positive group of SCR's andiG 102 tne negative one, One o! the trigger pillsesis shown in Fig. 6 Fig. 6: Output Signals of a Tigger Pulse Generator 2.7 Dynamic Current Limit Task Trallows high accelerating currants limited ia time anc protects rom prolonged exceeding of the fixed current i ant Pestormance ‘The actual currant values ces former and vs apolied to amet es the current limit geting of petentiomeser 104 ath ihe Gctual current value (ef Internal Circut Diagram, Ocu: mmantation), ln case the actual current value exceeds the 7 Tris ene comos cunent-iumt seting. ampidier V 197 integrates towards tne negative range, staring fom its maximum positive output voliage {12 ». 4 V) ang acts upon the summing ampitiers V 104 and V 105 n 2 liming manner. The res: ponse tine is depending, upon exceeding the current hit setting TAL INDRAMAT the Current limit setting is adjusted to double the motor currentrating anc this valueisindicaied onthe respective anis magule under position 7 (c! Fig 8). in case alternate settings are desired. please retey Chapter 3B Attention: ifs cillerant voltage value is indicated on the zx mo ule uncer position 7 wher excnanairg axis modules, the limit must be readjustee in accordance with the 104), ew task. (P 2.8 Synchronization lsetion ensures that the pulse-cenera rol unit ere able te generete 2 sem ge of The synichror modules in 28 cot ootr voutage synerronous with the seconsary W ine power transtorme’s. Pertermancs: On prineipie the TAM < for internal oF external synchronization is eesibie. ce nding an tre tye of aociicetion. In al! ese cases me amlifig: V 108 ich, Fig. 7) generates a pulssting OC voitag U 106 [Synenrs DE) out 21 ene sunenronizing AC. satin musi Wve seconcary voix ine power CF the nersion MOGLIssIC 707.1 102, Thus IC 107 gene- ‘sen-tooth voltage syachranized by the mains mile iG 102 ceriecically switenes ine Ingger-pulse relee- 2is 2.8.1. Internal Synchconization nal synearcnization isnossibie fer Sucoly rensieemerin aower sunoly NT5 25 nell fansiormers TA 1, TR2 anc TASare conn re seme snese was. (See Fg. 8) ree sxas the jum= sion mus be mace per Sy mus: ce sclcere in. N “minals Sy t, Sy 2 and Sy3 2.8,2 External Synchronization Extesnal synchronization is required if We 9 TAM 2-ersion does not include a Dower SUPEIY snit (2.9. Copying Contrath bythe power transiarmess are connected to eiferent phase ares, tor Detter loac ststrieution puraases (see Fig. For external synenromestion jumpes Sy mu! ‘yoltages Sy | S72. Sy. must veg, The synchre prase-comecence 1 ual axes, 2.9 Firing-Angle Overlapping ~ Preconduction Current Task The fieng-angle o ovs-nqidity also at ‘ow 5% tional dead bane inne contro Functional Oesetiption Fig. 7: Synchronization Performance The control voltages U 109 and U 110(ef Internal Circuit Diagram) are adjusted by means of trimming potentiome- ter P 103 in such a way that they sink below the saw-tooth voltage level at a speed-controlier output U 103 = OV and ‘cause a small firing-angle at the silicon-controlied recti- fiers (cl Fig, 10). ue to this the silicon-controlled recti- fiers are carrying a preconduction current whieh flows in the secandary circuit of the transformer. For preconduc- tion-current adjustment refer to Chapter 3.7 2.10 Controller and Pulse Release Task: ‘These assemblias otter the possibilty to lock the entire automatic soeed conirol system exiematly, The controller release acts ugon the speed controller. the pule release Upon the control unit. (ef. Chapter 3). 2.10.1 Controller Release (RF) Controler ralease is effected by applying a voltage (= 5 Vv. = 20 V)toinput BF terminal), PET 101 becomes nigh impedance due to this voltage via comparator Y 101 ang thus the Phiviring of speed controller V 102 becomes at fective. The controler release setfectea without delay and itis cancalied aoout 220 ms after the signal has been taken away. (el, Internal Cireutt Diagram, Documentation) 2.10.2, Pulse Release (IF) Applying avoltage( + $V... +30V)to terminals 1 and/or 2 (inputs IF) causes pulse release without delay. After tak- ing away the voltage the trigger pulses are blocked with a delay of about 400 ms. Attention: The controller and pulse release signals must be issued corly tis sacueed that there igo germanent alacking of the drive system, e.g, due to a brace held off slectncally The motor does not deliver any torque wnen the pulses or the cortrotler are inhigited. The drive's fav to move, ero ieee it has not bosn slockas mernanically 2.11 Voltage Monitoring System Task ‘Thevoltage monitoring system switches off the cevicein cease of a control-valtage malfunction. in order to avoid er- ratic functioning, Performance: If there is na maitunction of control voltages (+ 18 V). then transistors T1, 12, T@and T$ are conducting. Relay d1 has pulled up and reporss..Readiness for Operation” via a floating contact (normally-opon contacts 8b 1 and Bb 2) (cf- Internal Circuit Diagram, Documentation). tf now. for instance, the positive controivoltage drops below +14.5V, the transistors Ti ang T3 are cutting off and the relay drops out, The ready to run contact BD opens and the lightemitting diode ht incicatas the maifunction, pro- vided tha + 24 V voltage is prasent. At the same time the pulsa generator modules are locked 2.12 Power Supply ‘The central power suaply unit and the associated trans- formar are located uncleraath the swivelling circult board. The power supply orovices the supply voltages for the o0e" and closed loo eantral sections, the load voltages for:riggaring the o¢akes ar the syncnronizing AC for the ‘control unit for internal syncnvanieation. Attention: Connect power-supply transiormer and power trans~ former to the same ahase wira in case of internal synchro- nization For furtnar infarmation see IE 71 000, 213 Fuses 2.13.1 Contral Section Fine-wire fuses on the power-sunoly card 2.22 =1.0Amedium-stow for the primary 21 the gewer-stoply transformer e3 © = 4.0 A medum-stow for = 24 Functional Deserition 2.13.2 Power Section “The necessary fusing for the power section has to be chosen dependent on application. The necessary infor: (ration for calculation of fuse rating can be found in brocnure IE 71 000. 2.44 50/60 Hz Conversion Solder in the jumpers Br 101, Br 201 and Gr 301 for ope ration with 60 Hz mains frequency (of. identiication print 3 TAN) Don tinsert jumpers Br 101, Br 207 and Br 30! for50 He-operation! Thereafter it becomes necessary to check the fiing-angle overlapping, (cf. Chapter 3.7). Riu) 5 (U2) RIL) s (2) T1) Functional Description Presentation for $0.2 Onecation oem sone ime 271.8 i | a 15 Piung-Angte averlapping) | | | |e : ers | | Ul eure gees prenens Sone raterus ae neon ELS ars etna To EnSbawe Fang ngs Fi, 10: | Transtormationot the | voltages which ar ge Satern seine eacion st | proportional othe Rants fing angiaintotwaaer pulses synenronzad with themeine Stat Up 3. Initial Start-Up For starting-up the drive combination itis recommen: doa to proceed in accordance with the following describe tion 3A ‘© Multimeter for DC and AC (with moving-coil instrument ‘movement, centre 22°0) @ Oscilloscope (Hloating via isolating transformer) @ Battery supply for adjustable desirec-value inputs Up to 10V. © Precision resistor measuring tmOhm (100A~ 100m) Start-Up Equipment 3.2 Checks During the subsequent checks watch that the wires are firmly seated inside the terminals 4, External wiring (Check that the external wiring isin agreement with the connection diagram. 2 Protective measure Check that the protective measures stipulated have been adhered to {in particular the non-tused earthed conductor atthe ground connections of device, motor, transformer and reactor), 3. Axis-module data Check that the axis-module data are in agreement with the data of ie transformer, motor. amplifiar and reactor installed, 4, Mains supply: mains frequency 1a) Check that the lacal mains supply voltage is ia agreement with the primary voltages of the transtor~ ers [Translormer for Power Supply and Power Sec: tion) bb) Check that the local mains frequency isin agreement mith the operating-frequency setting of the amplifier (see Chapter 2.14), 5. Apply mains supply voltage ‘Apel mains supply voltage f0 the control section (ier ‘minais ReS); Don't switen on the power section, 6. Error display The error cisolay for measuring voltages must not ight up. otherwise recheck the voltage values. 7. Emergency Off Check the proper tunctianing of the Emergency-Ott- Chain’, in particular the emergeney-cutout by means cof the safely limit switches. Erratic functioning of the drive can not be excluded ‘shan the systam is emergency-off situation [tis therefore necessary to cut off the powsr. Yet as are sultef tscutting-offo! thepoweracontrolledbraking waite minimum braking distance is no tonger possible. in order to shorten the braking distance under these circumstances the armature circuit can be short Cireuitad via a resistor simultaneously with the ean: lag atthe power contactorct (tar details of 1E 71000), ‘This braking by snort-circutting the armatureisspeed: Gepencent and does not ensure any holding torque. ‘Rnainina hack ata praked drive's required (2.g. in he case of vertical axes) a brake ited electtically must tbe provided in the motar, or if not available @ mecha: nical brake must be provided. nany case an erratic drive motion mustbe taken into account until the drive has come to a standstill in an emergency-off situation) andthe extento! this motion Gopends on the kind of malfunction and on the ope- faling condition of the drive at the moment the mal function occurs. Endangering of personnel due to er fatic deve motions must therefore be excluded by means of an overriding safety feature on the equip- mentside ‘The salety limit switches must be arranged in such 2 way that the machine is unable to move against fixed stops. The istance between the safety limit switch land the fixed stop must be larger than the braking distance of the drive. 8. Mechanical Blocking Check that the mechanical blocking is unblocked Upon the signals Controller Release and Pulse Re- lease. The drive shaft must be free tomove, 3.3 Initial Start-Up, e.g. for Axis 1 1. For the intial start-up its practical to uncouple the ser- vometor from the systom. In ease this proves to be im- possible, the proper functioning of the emergency-oft Circuitry will be of utmost importance. (cf. Chapter 3.2 Emergency-Otf 2, Disconnect the connecting wire for the Pulse Release (iF) at tha axes 2 ane 3. At axis | apply the Contralier- ‘and Pulse-ionibit signel (0 V at terminals IF and AF, 3, Change the plug-in jumpers for motor-torgue reduct- ion trom postion Pl to position P. 4, Disconnect all the cesired-value inouts of the control fon the equipment side from the SCA-Controi Ampiitior. Cannect ine battery supply for adjustable desirec-vaive irouls with a maximum of © 10 to the desired-va input ofaxis 1 (and OV to tarminal). Theingutsensiti- ity's ire cated on the respective axis meduie following Point 5. 5, Switch on the power supply forthe control and the po- ver section. 6, Clese the circuit for the controller and the pulse re lease. Apply a smail desired value by means cf the Sat tery suspiy. Attention: in case the polarty of he facho generator is wreng, the rive will now acaalerate out of exrirel. Immedia’ Gate Emergency Off” and change the polarity of che tax cena generator, in case the polanity 6 correct the soeed of the drive wail follow the cesired-vaiue input, Change the plug-in jumgar of axis 1 irom position P 2ack to position Pt again 9.2.1 Speed Calibration Speed calibration is reauired for each ane af ihe axes to compensate charg: rater siiy P36 his 3 mien prowces 30 10 fe sceed iat the aver wndut wioracon of axis 1 trimming 100 %2 of the macmum voltage scesd ato) Fo iemererP 10" isuses ‘c Start-Up axis 3/901 is used, The speed value to be set is calculated 2s follows as : ‘ = avert tapactvay ttrin'l | @ ; note speedin min" Chae Toned acted wave votageinV torte, Meapechily = inptresistr used, OB = sooo) #2 i ~ 2000 | | attention: | Speed calibration must not be used to compensate for desired-value tolerances! 332 Speed Zero-Adjusiment 2707 MPIC 7 In case tne motor is drifting when the desired-value zero is applied to the speed contra! loop, substantial standstill of tne crive can Ge achieved by adjusting at trimming po- tentiometer P 102 (Axis 1). 202(Axis2) and P302 (Axis 3) Possible reasons for a 2era drift. asongst other things. are te following: Offset-voltage of the speed controler (is temperature dependent), offset-voltage in the pre contro! system, potential differences Detwaan NC ‘and measuring 22"0 of the controller. 3.4 Checking the Moment of Load It the intial operation of the servo drive has been per formed with the load uncoupled according to 3.3, then the Joad can now be coupled after proger functioning has been ascertainea. Here again the dasired-value signal to be used for the subsequent check is provided oy tne bate tery supply 3.4.1 Motor Torque Measurement with the Aid of Current Consumption The current consumption of the OC-servamator is a i- rect measure of she moment of load The factor to be used for converting current into torque usiues is indicated on the motor identification pate. stated a Ke (Mma), Currents measured by measuring the vale tage drop acrossa l-mOhm-precisionresistorconnected between motor and Mg, A moving-coll instrument in- dicates tne average value of the currant 00m Y = 100 A) to which the current-torque-factor K., applies (Nev). should be noted that ine voiage drop 1s measured at the test sockets provided for thes purpose within the load terminals, 3.42 Base Torque in the Feed Range Determine the base torque af he load in both directions of motion by measuring the current consumption at ma ‘omum speed in the feed range For further intarmation, see |E 71 000. 3.4.3 Motor Torque at Rapid Traverse Rate ‘The current consumption of the motor at rapid traverse rate must not exceed 75 % of the rated current. Some of the reasons for an excessive increase of the torque value at rapid traverse rate are the following @ insufficient fividal balance of weight for vertical axes (Sectional flow area too small) @Or-bath gear unit with accumulation of fluid in the gear-tooth system. @ Inadequate restoring of the ball in the nut of the bail 35 Adjusting the Balance of Weight Itis practical to adjust the tluidal balance of weight for a vertical machine axis by measuring the motor current in, accordance with 34.2 and 3.4.3.Perform the adjustment in such a way that the current consumption of the motor during the upwards ané downwards motion of the slide shows identical minimum values. 3.6 Checking the Speed Control Loop “The circuitry forthe spead controller wired atthe factory is generally adequate for the usuat operational require ments. A check of contraller action and an optimization that might eventually become necessary later on can be performed in accordance with the following quide lines: Disconnect the desired-value input coming fram a con- trol system on the equipment side from the SCR-contro! amplifier. Connect a battery supply with en adjustable ce- Sired-value input of 10 V maximum. To avoid excessi Speed values the input sensitivity of the axis module used ‘must be taken inta account. Appraisal and post-optimiza- tion: see Fig. 11). ro “or oceans ‘Characteristics of Speed Control Loop for various Prelements Fig. tt

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