How Has Social Media Affected Interpersonal Communication

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How has social media affected interpersonal communication?


It is argued that social media has given a massive impact in the way people interact. There has been
positive and negative impacts that social media brings to our communication.

Paragraph 1:

- Social media make people feel closer. Making relationship become much easier than before.
People can exchange information more quickly.

Paragraph 2:

- On the other hand, impact of social media is the decrease in face to face interaction among
the member of society. Many people spend more time looking at their mobile phone or
computer screens than interacting with each other directly.


- Social media has positive and negative effects in human interaction. The benefits of this
technology invention will outweigh the drawback if people use it wisely.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “It is more important for students to study
art and literature than it is to study math and science.” Provide reasons and examples to support
your opinion


- Some people think that it is more crucial for students to learn art and literature than math
and science. If I was forced to choose, I would disagree with this opinion. I feel this way for a
number of reasons.

Paragraph 1:

- First and foremost, math and science are essentially needed by student to learn several
topics at school. Math and science are basic knowledge that should conquered by every
student when they intend to study some particular subject such as geography, physics,
accounting, and chemistry.

Paragraph 2:

- Secondly, math and science are playing an important role in modern technology. There are
many inventions based on math and science. Communication devices are primary examples.


- it is no doubt that all of subject at school is important for students, but I strongly believe
that math and science are more necessary to learn than art and literature.
Should the developed world care about the accessibility of technology worldwide?


- No one can deny that technology has played an important role in world advancement
nowadays. The advanced countries should pay attention about the approachability of global
technology since it could bring several benefits not only for other country but also for the
developed country itself.

Paragraph 1:

- Technology supports the economic growth. The developed world could help other country
through accessibility of technology. Internet is a primary example, it makes people
connected around the world. The developing countries and their people could access
information about what they need to do to improve their economic system. They also can
export their local commodities to other countries through online marketing platform.

Paragraph 2:

- The developed country has a modern technology system that can be sold to other countries.
They could transfer their knowledge and sell their invention to the third world at the same
time. Through this way, the developed world could strengthen their influence and power in
global relationship.


- The developed world should concern about accessibility of technology worldwide since it is
not only help other countries but also beneficial for the advanced country.

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