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A mere snippet of a song from the past can trigger vivid memories, including emotions ranging from unabashed joy to deep sorrow, Trigonomettic functions describe the pitch, loudness, and quality of musical notes, In this chapter, you will lean how trigonometry models the sound of music. ‘Synthesizers that electronically reproduce musical sounds Section 4.8 opener ‘Modeling music: Blitzer Bonus on page 635, ‘Modeling notes that have different tones: Section 6.2 opener Sound quality: Blitzer Bonus on page 663 Sinusoidal sounds: Blitzer Bonus on page 688 Using the sum of sines to deseribe the sounds of simple molodias: Exercise Set 5.4, Exercises 27, 28, and 62, 650 Chapter 5 Analytic Trigonometry What am | supposed to learn? ‘After studying this section, you should be abl to: © Use the tundamental ‘trigonometric identities ‘to verify identities. -GREAT QUESTION! _ Do have to memorize the identities in the box? Yer, You may need to use variations of these fundamental identities For example, instead of sintx + co88x = 1 you might want to use sinkx = 1 - cos 1 sins ‘Therefore, itis important to know each relationship well so that ‘mental algebraic manipulation is possible, © teeth tndamena ‘teonomate Kens to verity identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities Do you enjoy solving puzzles? The process is a natural way to develop problem-solving skills that are important in every area of our lives Engaging in problem solving for sheer pleasure releases chemicals in the brain that enhance our feeling of well-being Perhaps this is why puzzles have {ascinated people for over 12,000 years. Thousands of relationships exist among the six trigonometric functions, Verifying these relationships is like solving a puzzle, Why? There are no rigid rules for the process. Thus, proving a trigonometric relationship requires you to be creative in your approach to problem solving. By learning to establish these relationships, you will become a better, more confident problem solver. Furthermore, you may enjoy the feeling of satisfaction that accompanies solving each “puzzle.” ‘The Fundamental Identi In Chapter 4, we used the unit circle to establish relationships among the trigonometric functions. The fundamental identities listed in the following box are ‘true for all values of x for which the expressions are defined, s Fundamental Trigonometric Identiti Reciprocal Identities sinx =~ cosx =~ tan = sex se tx 1 1 tye ers SD eer cols ‘Quotient Hdentites cos sinx Pythagorean Identities sity + cotx=1 1+ tam'x=sectx 1+ cox Even-Odd Identities sin(—x) = -sinx —cos(—x) = cox tan(—x) = —tanx ese(—x) = esx se0(-x) = seex —cot(—x) = —cotx Using Fundamental Identities to Verify Other Identities ‘The fundamental trigonometric identities are used to establish other relationships among trigonometric functions. To verify an identity, we show that one side of the identity can be simplified so that itis identical to the other side. Each side of the equation is manipulated independently of the other side of the equation. Start with the side containing the more complicated expression. If you substitute one or more TECHNOLOGY ‘Numerie and Graphic Connections Section 5.1 Verifying Trigonometric Identities 651 fundamental identities on the more complicated side, you will often be able to rewrite it in a form identical to that of the other side, ‘No one method or technique can be used to verify every identity. Some identities can be verified by rewriting the more complicated side so that it contains only sines and cosines. EXAMPLE 1 Changing to Sines and Cosines to Verify an Identity Verify the identity: sec x cot x = csc x. SOLUTION The left side of the equation contains the more complicated expression, Thus, We ‘work with the left side. Let us express this side of the identity in terms of sines and cosines. Perhaps this strategy will enable us to transform the left side into ese x, the ‘expression on the right, 1 cos Apply reciprocal identity, see cos sinx coe see x cot x quotient identity: cot Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 28 x the common factor [Multply the remaining factors in the numerator and denominator. sine esex Apply 4 reciprocal identity: ese x = sy By working with the left side and simplifying it so that it is identical to the right side, we have verified the given identity. one You can use a graphing uility to provide evidence of an identity. Enter each side ofthe identity separately under y; and y:.Then, use the [TABLE] feature or the graphs The table should show thatthe function values are the same except for those values of x for which y;, yp, oF both, are undefined. The graphs should appear to be identical, Let's check the identity in Example ‘Numeric Check see x cot Graphic Check Display a table for y; and y). We started Display graphs for y; and yy our table at —7 and used ATI mereee) (yy =m Futile thew sey fre a fa ek Yi debt ae ended $lby(-4, 4,1) The gape appar denial. 652 Chapter 5 Analytic Trigonometry _GREAT QUESTION! G Check Point 1. Verify the identity: esextan x = sec x In verifying an identity, stay focused on your goal. When manipulating one side of the equation, continue to look at the other side to keep the desited form of the result in mind. ‘What's the difference between solving a conditional equation and verifying that an equation is an identity? ‘You solve equations by working with both sides at once, adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing the sides by the same expression. You verify an identity by manipulating each side independently of the other sce. Because you are famuliar with solving conditional equations it may feel strange to verify identities by working separately with the sides ofthe equation. Here is an algebraic example that illustrates the difference between solving an equation and verifying an identity Solving an Equation Verifying an Identity Solve 5G@x +2) - 4 = 24 Verity SQr+2)-4= 18 +6. 15x +10 — 4 = -24 Use the distributive property, ‘Work with the left side of the equation, Continue working with both sides. 15x +6 = -24 Simplify Sx +2) —4 = 13x 410-4 Use the distributive 15x = -30 Subtract 6 from both sides, pene = =2__Divide both sides by 15 The solution setis (2). = se +6 Simplify By working with the left side and simplifying itso tha itis identical to the right side, we have verified the identity. ‘Why can't you verify an identity by such methods as adding the same expression to each side and obtaining a true statement? If you do this, you have already assumed tha the given statement is true. You do not know that itis true until after you have verified it. to-rite the variable associated th each trigonometric function? Yes, Do not get lazy and write lor sina tan.x + cos because sin, tan, and cos are ‘meaningless without specified variables EXAMPLE 2) Changing to Sines and Cosines to Verify an Identity Veri the identity: sin xtan.x + cos x = sex. SOLUTION The left side is more complicated, so we start with it. Notice that the left side contains the sum of two terms, but the right side contains only one term. This means that somewhere during the verification process, the two terms on the left side must be combined to form one term. Let's begin by expressing the left side of the identity so that it contains only sines and cosines. Thus, we apply a quotient identity and replace tan x by °°. Perhaps this strategy will enable us to transform the leit side into sec.x, the expression on the right. sinxtan x + cos = sins( #24) + cosx Aopy seit enti tn x = = cose ‘Multiply. : Tle cme dentro sin’ x 808% Write the second expression with a cos SF cose drome a cr sintx | cos ~ cosx * cosx Model Section 5.1 Verifying Trigonometric Identities 653, ‘Add numerators and place this sum over the least common deneminator. 1 Apply « Pythagorean identity cos x sind + coe x 1 = secx Apply a reciprocal identity: see x =< By working with the left side and arriving at the right side, the identity is verified, GD Check Point 2 Verity the idemtity: cos.xeot x + sinx = esex. Some identities are verified using factoring to simplify a trigonometric expression, EXAMPLE 3 Using Factoring to Verify an Identity Verify the identity: cos x ~ cos.xsin®x = cos? x SOLUTION ‘We start with the more complicated side, the left side. Factor out the greatest ‘common factor, cos x, from cach of the two terms. cos. x — cos.x sin?x = cos x(1— sin? x) Factor cos x from the wo terms = cosx-cosx Use a vation of sin? x + cos! x = 1 Selving for cos” x we obtain coe x = cos! Maly We worked with the left side and arrived at the right side, Thus, the identity is verified aoe G Check Point 3 Verity the identity: sin x ~ sin x cos? x = sin* x. There is often more than one technique that can be used to verify an identity EXAMPLE 4) Using Two Techniques to Verify an Identity very itentiy: 189° — goo sane SOLUTION Method 1. Separating a Single-Term Quotient into Two Terms Let's separate the quotient on the left side into two terms using atb aid aye Perhaps this strategy will enable us to transform the left side into sec + tan 6, the ssum on the right, Ltsing 1, sino E+ $89 Dine each tr in the numerator by cs 0 cos 8 cos@ cos ” = 0c O + tan Apply a reciprocal identity and a quotient identity ‘in 8 sec = andtan = ‘We worked with the left side and arrived at the right side. Thus, the identity is verified 654 Chapter 5 Analytic Trigonometry GREAT QUESTIO! In Example 5, the left side ‘contains the sum of two fractional ‘expressions. You found a common denominator and combined them into one fraction. What should I do if Fm having problems with ‘the fractions? Some students have difficulty verifying identities due to problems working with fractions If this applies to you, review Section P6, Objective 5 Method 2. Changing to Sines and Cosines We need to verify the identity Tap = seco + tan. Let's work with the right side and express it so that it contains only sines and cosines. 1 sing Apply a reciprocal identity and a quotient identity: seco + tane se no and tan g 208 cos” cos@ 26 = Sj and tung = 1+ sind Add numerators. Put this sum over the common cos 8 denominator We worked with the right side and arrived at the left side, Thus, the identity is verified, oe Lt cos GD Check Point 4 Verity the identity: 112% — cso + cote. sin @ How do we verify identities in which sums or differences of fractions with ‘trigonometric functions appear on one side? Use the least common denominator and combine the fractions. This technique is especially useful when the other side of the identity contains only one term. EXAMPLE 5| Combining Fractional Expressions to Verify an Identity Verity he identity, 228% Le sinx enfy the idemity: —S°%*— 4 2 *8OX _ 9 soe y ¥ “1+ sina cos x SOLUTION We start with the more complicated side, the left side. The least common denominator of the fractions is (1 + sin x)(cos x). We express each fraction in terms of this least common denominator by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the extra factor needed to form (1 + sin x)(cos x). cosx | L+sinx “The least common denominator Tesinx ' cose (0+ ain sco 9 _cosx(corx) (1 + sim (1 + sim) Rewrite each Faction wth the least ~ + sinay(cosx) * (1+ sinx)(eosx) commen denominator cox Le sine sin? x Use the FOIL method to mt TF sin NGOSH) "TF sinx\(Cosx) > snl ¥ sn. _ cost y + 1+ 2siny + sin! ‘Add numerstors. Put this sm over ad + sinay(cosx) the least common denominator. _ (sin? x + cos? x) +1 + 2sinx Regroup terms to apply a ~ + sin.x)(608 x) Pythagorean identi _ 41+ 2sine Apply» Pythagorean identi. ~ (1 ¥ sin x)(cos x) sin + cost x= 1 _ 2+ 2sine {Add constant terms inthe > 1 + sin x)(cos x) numerator: 1 +1 = 2, > Ge snjees) Factor and simply =2seex ‘opi sepa enti We worked with the leit side and arrived at the right side, Thus, the identity is verified, eee DISCOVERY Verify the identity in Example 6 bby making the right side look like the left side. Start with the expression on the right. Multiply the numerator and denominator by 1 + cos x DISCOVERY ‘Try simplifying SPE 4 sine T+ core ‘by multiplying the two terms in the numerator and the two terms in the denominator by cos x ‘This method for simplifying the complex fraction involves sultiplying the numerator and the denominator by the least common denominator ofall fractions in the expression. Do you prefer this simplification procedure over the sethod used on the next page? Section 5.1 Verifying Trigonometric Identities 655 sinx 14 cosx GD Check Point 5 Verity the identity: T+cosr* sine S°* Some identities are verified using a technique that may remind you of rationalizing a denominator. EXAMPLE 6) Multiplying the Numerator and Denominator by the Same Factor to Verify an Identity Verity tides SOLUTION ‘The suggestions given in the previous examples do not apply here. Everything is already expressed in terms of sines and cosines. Furthermore, there are no fractions to combine and neither side looks more complicated than the other. Let's solve the puzzle by working with the leit side and making it look like the expression on the right. The expression on the right contains 1 — cos x in the numerator. This suggests multiplying the numerator and denominator of the left side by 1 — cos x. By doing this, we obtain a factor of 1 — cos x in the numerator, as in the numerator on the right, T+ cosx T+ cosx 1 — cosy [Multiply numerator and denominator by 1 — cos x. sin x(1— cosx) Muli. Use (A + BNA ~ B) = A? — 8°, with = Tooke An land B= cor x to multiply denominators __ sin x(1 — 6082) Use a variation of sin? x} cos? x = 1. Sohing for ae sin x we obtain sn? x = 1 — coe? 1 cos sine si sine Sim ne sin x sn We worked with the left side and arrived at the right side, Thus, the identity is verified one cose _ 1—siny GD Check Point 6 Verity the identity: L+sinx cose EXAMPLE 7 Changing to Sines and Cosines to Verify an Identity Verify the identity: SOLUTION ‘We begin with the left side. Our goal is to obtain tan x, the expression on the right. tanx — sin(-x) _ tan — (-sin.x) The sine function is odd 1+ cosx 1 + osx. inf) = sin _tanx + sin as Simplify 2 4 sn pny qatintdentiy 1+ cox 656 Chapter 5 Analytic Trigonometry xpress the terms in the rumerator with the least commen denominator, c05 x sin.x + six cos x 608 x [Addin the numerator 1+ cose sinx + sinxcosx | 1+ cos Rewrite the main fraction bar cos x 1 a sins +sinxeosx 1 Invert the divisor and multiply. cos x T+ core 1 sinx(teosxy 1 sinx Gt eos) 1 __ Factor and spl cos x 1+ cose iy. sin -Mtipy the remaining cose factors othe numerator and in the denominator = tan Apply a quotient identity. ‘The left side simplifies to tan.x, the right side of the given equation. Thus, the identity is verified. . G Check Point 7 Verify the identity: Is every identity verified by working with only one side? No. You can sometimes work with each side separately and show that both sides are equal to the same trigonometric expression. This is illustrated in Example 8, EXAMPLE 8) Working with Both Sides Separately to Verify an Identity 1 18 , Verity the identity: og ty cogg = 2 + Zeot’e SOLUTION We begin by working with the left side. 1 1 “The lest common 1+ cosé * 1 cos8 denominator is (1 cos Ot ~ cos ‘ Rewrite each fraction t=, NO 208 hte et commen 1+ cos (1 — cos) * (+ cos a)(L — cosa) ne les _ l= cose +1+ cos ‘Add numerstors Put this = G+ cos Nd = cos 6 thm ever the least commen » ? denominator. . 2 Simply the numerator: ~ (14 cos @)(1 = cos 6) ~cos 0 + eo8 0 = O and tet=2 ‘Multiply the factors in the denominator Section 5.1 Verifying Trigonometric Identities 657 Now we work with the right side. Our goal is to transform this side into the simplified form attained for the left side, 5 1 = cos cos sin’ 0 2sin?@ , 2eos?@ Rewrite each term with the least common = Tame * inte denominatr, sin? 0 Zsint 9 + 2eost@ Add numerators Put this sum over the least = ‘commen denominator sin’ 8 (sin? @ + cos? 9) = x Factor out the greatest common facta, 2 2 identi Pa + cos? “3 Apply «Pythagorean identi sin? 8+ es -_2 Use a vation of sin? 0 + cs? 0 = 1 and soe 1 cote ford Bsn 01 cad 2 The identity is verified because both sides are equal to —> wee ¥ ‘a — cos? 0 GD Check Point 8 Verity the identity: shee poting 72 20086 Guidelines for Verifying Trigonometric Identities There is often more than one correct way to solve a puzzle, although one method may be shorter and more efficient than another. The same is true for verifying an identity, For example, how would you verify So = cot at ‘One approach is to use a Pythagorean identity,1 + cot? x = esc? x, om the leit side ‘Then change the resulting expression to sines and cosines. cost x cottx _sin?x wex Tt ‘Anny Pago iti Wea an, A more efficient strategy for verifying this identity may not be apparent at first glance. Work with the left side and divide each term in the numerator by the denominator, ese? x esx With this strategy, we again obtain cos" x, the expression on the right side, and it takes fower steps than the first approach. 658 Chapter 5 Analytic Trigonometry ‘An even longer strategy to verify “"“\—* = cos* x, but one that works, is to esx 1 replace each of the two occurrences of csc? x on the left side by —,~. This may be the approach that you first consider, particularly if you become accustomed to rewriting the more complicated side in terms of sines and cosines. The selection of an appropriate fundamental identity to solve the puzzle most efficiently is learned through lots of practice. ‘The more identities you prove, the more confident and efficient you will become. Although practice is the only way to learn how to verify identities, there are some guidelines developed throughout the section that should help you get started, Guidelines for Verifying Trigonometric Identities ‘+ Work with each side of the equation independently of the other side. Start with the more complicated side and ‘transform it in a step-by-step fashion until it looks exactly like the other side. * Analyze the identity and look for opportunities to apply the fundamental identities. * ‘ry using one or more of the following techniques: 1. Rewrite the more complicated side in terms of sines and cosines. 2. Factor out the greatest common factor. 3. Separate a single-term quotient into two terms: atb_a.b a-b_a_b a4 4 ana 4. Combine fractional expressions using the least common denominator. 5. Multiply the numerator and the denominator by a binomial factor that appears on the other side of the identity. * Don’t be afraid to stop and start over again if you are not getting anywhere. Creative puzzle solvers know that strategies leading to dead ends often provide good problem-solving ideas. CONCEPT AND VOCABULARY CHECK Fill in each blank so that the resulting statement is true, 1, To verify an identity, start with the more —_____ 1 1 side and transform it in a step-by-step fashion untilit, sex = 1 cgex + 1 SON be Simplified using is identical to the side. as the least common denominator. 2, Iis sometimes helpful to verify an identity by 5, You can use your graphing calculator to provide rewriting one of the sides in terms of evidence of an identity. Graph the left side and and and then simplifying the result the right side separately, and see if the two graphs 3. True or false:To verily the identity are T+cose sine we should begin by multiplying both sides by sin x(1 + cos x), the least common denominator. EXERCISE SET 5.1 Practice Exercises gy, meet ng va, cose sn Exercises 1-60, verify each identity set coe 1 - 2 AS, sin? o(L + cot?) = 146, cos O(L + tant 9) = sin xseex = tan cosxesex = cote : > tan(-aeosx = =siny A. cotl=x)siny = —c05x ay, ginvtanr 272g, cosreots = LSM! tan ese x cosy = 1 6 cotxseersinx = 1 ! cost sing . seex ~ see sin? x Bcscx—esexeoty=siny yy, SE cer cecy ww, 2 - secreser 9, cost x ~ sinty = cot tant 10, cos x ~ sin? tants cate a, PE = sect — cost = eter ~ sine IL. coo ~ sine tan 6 + cote = sec ese feet eset cos ese — cot sing rec — wane Section 5.1 Verifying Trigonometric Identities 659 Practice Plus sin cos In Exercises 61-66, half of an identity and the graph of this half as, Hint , cost are given, Use the graph to make a conjecture as to what the right ser” seer ‘ideo the idetiy shoul Be Then prove your conjectre OFS OFF es cosy (scex + tans)iteex ~ tans) Brant cot Ot a. Weer siat ee 1 sishx = cosx 30.1 — cots = sinx ETT 08x 1+ sinx Pe Pee coset snx erat] M4. csc xsecx = secx + csc xcot x vec x c8c sex —cscx _tanx-1 esex ~ secx _ cotx—1 sect + se’ 3S eer beex anz>1 sex tsecx cotx +1 gS OO ay cone tan? x — cot? x 7 tana = cots PETE 39. tan? 2x + sin? 2x + cos? 2x = sec? 2x 4 cot22e + co 2x + sn 2x = exe eae lig -4A) tan 20+ cot26 tan 20+ eot26 ese 20 enya sec 26 a osx + cot xsin x tenet lany _ sinscosy + conssiny cotx “ y » , Can tany ~ cass cosy sin siny cotx + coty _ cosxsiny + sin veos TS eatteaty "anny enzeay vaN 45, cca — tansy = Poss Y 46, (cscx ~ cota) = 1 Se* Pain FT Paa ay ted eset cotr ‘ we 1 + ant cotr eset +d gg, So8NtaM tan + Doone 2, fee] tens? AEE Gace 5 cots? gost + deost +4 _ 2seer +1 %. cost +2 sect SI. cos‘ ~ sin'r = 1 — 2 sin? X 7X 7 $2. sin‘ t — cost = 1 — 2eos*t 5 EEE | OHO pce sino cos 0 Ee, 20, F]by 4.4.1) 4 - sind + cone 1 cota” tang —1 “. at 55. (an! 0 + 1)(cos'@ + 1) = tno +2 56 57, 58 gp, cO8 x= sins 1a tans sinx + cose (cot + int +1) (cos ~ sina} + (€056 + sin? = 2 . (Beond — sin OY + (Bos d+ Ssin oy? = 28 cot? +2 coe? » Uy \ \ (2n.20, $oy-441 660 Chapter Analytic Trigonometry Lt cose T+ core UW 66. MN (an.2n FTby-44.0) In Exercises 67-74, rewrite each expression in terms of the given {function or functions. tanz + cots feox + cic 67, OE co54 69, OSES sn cos 1 9, 8% tan as cosx Savnaey 7 cotsicot Te sine * * sinx cose ~ SRO 1 cose ™ 1K cosx 1+ conn * 7. (seex + ese x(sinx + c08x) = 2 ~ cots tan Ta oh gg yitee and tan Tsiny 1+ sinz soc xand tan x TF sinx in Explaining the Concepts 75, Explain how to verily an identity 116, Describe two strategies that can be used to verify identities. 71. Deseribe how you feel when yor succesfully verify a difficult identity. What other activites do you engage in that evoke the same leelings? 7B. A 10-point question on a quiz asks students to verily the identity ‘One student begins withthe let side and obtains the right side as follows sin? x cos?x _ sink _ cos?x How many points (out of 10) would you give this student? Explain your answer. Technology Exercises [In Exercises 79-87, graph each side of the equation in the same viewing recangle If the graphs appear to coincide, verify that the equation is an identity. Ifthe graphs do not appear to coincide, this indicates the equation is not an identity In these exercises. find 4 value of x for which both sides are defined but not equal. B.tanx sec s(sin x ~ cots) +1 80, sin y = ~cos x tan(—x) au sin( + 7) = sina + sin” 42, cos(x + 7) = cosa + cos™ 83, cos(x +m) = cosx 84, sings + 85, TH core 86. sin ~ sin x os? x 87. Vain? x + cons sins + cose Critical Thinking Exercises Make Sense? In Exercises 88-91, determine whether each statement makes sense or does not make sense, and explain your reasoning. 88, The word identity is used indifferent ways in additive identity, multiplicative identity, and trigonometric identity. 89. To prove a trigonometric identity, I select one side of the equation and transform it until itis the other side of the equation, or I manipulate both sides to a common trigonometric expression. 99, inorder to simply Ineed to know how to subtract rational expressions with unlike denominators 91. The most elficent way that T can simplify Geert Dleces— Di to immediately rewrite the six ¥ expression in terms of cosines and sines. In Exercises 92-5 verify each identity. fs = CON 1s sin x core sinx — cote +1 _ sing +1 "sine + cosx—1 cose 94, Injsce x] = —Injoos 3] 95, Inet sms = 96. Use one ofthe fundamental identities in the box on page 650 to create an original identity. Group Exercise 97. Group members are to write @ helpful list of items for a pamphlet called “The Underground Guide to Verifying entities” The pamphlet will be used primarily by students ‘who st stare, and freak out every time they are askedto verity an identity. List easy ways to remember the fundamental identities. What helpful guidelines ean you offer fom the perspective ofa student that you probably won't find in math ‘books? you have your own strategies that work particularly wel, include them inthe pamphlet. Retaining the Concepts se 98. Graph: f(s) = 5 (ection 2.6, Example 6) 1% Dosim nd geod = Sins ‘Then graph the function for 0 = x = 4, (Section 45, Example 3) 100, Find the inverse of f(x) (Section 18, Example 4) Section 6.2 Sum and Difference Formulas 661 Preview Exercises Exercises 101-103 will help you prepare for the material covered inthe next section. AOL, Give exact values for cos 30, sin 30°, cos 60°, sin 60°,cos 90", 103. Use the appropriate values from Exercise 101 to answer and sin 90°, ‘each of the following, 102, Use the appropriate values from Exercite 101 to answer ‘each of the following. ‘a Is cos(30" + 60°), oF cos 90°, equal to £0530" + cos60"? b. Is.cos(30° + 60°), or cos 90°, equal to ct 30°08 60" — sin 30° sin 60°? ‘2 Is sin(30" + 60°), oF sin 90°, equal to sin 30° + sin 60°? b. Issin(30" + 60°), or sin 90°, equal to sin 30° cos 60° + cos 30° sin 60°? Sum and Difference Formulas Listen to the same note played on a piano and a violin, The notes have a different quality or “tone.” Tone depends on the way an instrument vibrates. However, the less than 1% of the population SS __ with amusia, or true tone deafness, cannot tell the two sounds apart. Even simple, familiar tunes: such as “Happy Birthday” and “Jingle Bells” are mystifying to amuses. ‘When a note is played, it vibrates at a specific fundamental frequency and has a particular amplitude, Amusies What am | supposed to learn? ‘ter studying tis section, you shouldbe able to: © Use the formula for the cosine ofthe ditference of two angles. @ Use sum and aitference formulas for cosines and sines, cannot tell the difference between two © Use sum and cifrence sounds from tuning forks modeled by formulas for tangents p=3sin2e and p= 2sin@r+ 7), respectively. However, they can recognize the difference between the two equations. Notice that the second equation contains the sine of the sum of two angles. In this section, we will be developing identities involving the sums or differences of two angles. These formulas are called the sum and difference formulas. We begin with cos(a — ), * the cosine ofthe difference of two angles. The Cosine of the Difference of Two Angles ® , The Cosine of the Difference of Two Angles 2+ a te-p cos(a — B) = cos acos f + sinarsin B ‘The cosine of the difference of two angles equals the cosine of the first angle times the cosine of the second angle plus the sine of the first angle times the sine of the second angle. ‘We use Figure 5.1 to prove the identity in the box. The graph in Figure 5.1(a) shows a unit circle, x? + y* = 1. The figure uses the definitions of the cosine and, atyte sine functions as the x- and y-coordinates of points along the unit circle. For example, © point P corresponds to angle 8. By definition, the x-coordinate of P is cos B and the FIGURE 5.1 Using the unitcele and ——_-Y-COOrdinate is sin B. Similarly, point Q corresponds to angle a. By definition, the PO to develop a formula for cos(a~ 8) _x-coordinate of Q is cos a and the y-coordinate is sin a, 662. Chapter 5 Analytic Trigonometry x Note that if we draw a line segment between points P and Q in Figure 5.1(a),a twiangle is formed, Angle a ~ sis one of the angles of this triangle. What happens if wwe rotate this triangle so that point P falls om the x-axis a (1,0)? The result is shown in Figure §.1(b),zepeated below in the margin. This rotation changes the coordinates of points P and Q. However, it has no effect on the length of line segment PO. x We can use the distance formula, d= VG ~ x) = 02 — yy, to find ae an expression for PQ in Figure 5.1(a) and in Figure 5.1(b). By equating the two expressions for PO, we will obtain the identity forthe cosine ofthe difference of two angles, — B. We first apply the distance formula in Figure 5.1(a. 2=terassinal | P= len Bsns) ates! FIGURE 5.1(a) (repeated) PQ = V(cor a cos B) + (Gina ~ sin BE ‘Apply the distance formula d= Vig = Al + tn Wh to find the dstance between {cos B, sin 8) and (cosa, sin a), = Veos? a — 260s « cos B + cos*B + sin?a — 2sina sin B + sin’ B = Vint a + cosa) + (sin’ B + cos" B) ~ 2.c0s a cos B — 2sinasinB = Vi +1 = 2008 «cos B = 2sin asin B = V2 = 2eos acos B — 2sina sin B Square each expression wsing (An B= A= 208 = BE Regroup terms to apply 2 Pythagorean identi Because sin? x + cost expression in parenth Simplify Next, we apply the distance formula in Figure 5.1(b) to obtain a second expression for PQ. We let (x;,y1) = (1,0) and (x3, 92) = (cos(a ~ 8), sin(a — 8). ‘Apply the distance formula to find the distance between (0,0) and (caste: ~ B), sintee ~ 8). Square exch expression PQ = Vivos(a = B) = 1? + [sin(a = B) = OF = Veos'(a ~ B) — 2eos(a - B) + 1+ sin*(a — B) ira iia + eo ~ 8 = V1 =2eos(a = B) +1 Use 4 Pythagorean identity = V2=2eos(a = B) Simplify y Now we equate the two expressions for PQ. 1 2 = (en =n ~ V2 = 2eos(a — B) = V2 —2osacos B — 2sin asin B The rotation does rot change the length of PQ ‘Square both sides to iminate radicals. ‘Subtract 2 from both sides ofthe equation, Divide both sides of the equation by ~2. = 2eos(a ~ B) = 2 ~ 2e0s a cos B ~ 2sin a sin B 2 cos(a — f) = —2cos a cos 6 — 2sin asin B cos(a — ) = cos a cos B + sine sin B FIGURE 5.1(6) (cepeated) @ sett outa ort cosine ofthe aiference of wo anges ‘This proves the identity for the cosine of the difference of two angles, Now that we see where the identity for the cosine of the difference of two angles comes from, let's look at some applications of this result,

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