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Ethical Reasoning Framework: 

Domestic Violence in the NFL

Communication Management

Lindsey Rieben

University of Denver - University College

March 12, 2021

Faculty: Lauren Hooten, MD

Director: Cindy Cragg, MPS

Dean: Michael J. McGuire, MLS



O P T I O N 1 A N A LY S I S
O P T I O N 2 A N A LY S I S
O P T I O N 3 A N A LY S I S

In 2014, Baltimore Ravens running back Ray
Rice was arrested following an altercation with
his fiance in which he struck her in the face,
knocking her unconscious. This incident
revealed a previous string of domestic violence
arrests and a lack in the severity of punishment
for domestic violence cases in the NFL (Axon
2019). These problems were exacerbated by the
next five years involving more arrests of the
league’s prominent members.

This is an ethical challenge because it calls into

question the ethics and morals of the NFL as a
league and how to address those issues with
members.  Is it ethical for a company to be held
responsible for its members' social actions and
is it ethical for the league to provide
punishments when the law is already involved?

The NFL’s ethical predicament seems to align

with Immanuel Kant’s theory of Deontology. This
theory states that some principles are right or
wrong, regardless of consequences (Gower 2018,
3). Deontology supports that ethical actions
follow duty, even if it does not benefit the
individual making the decision. Following these
ethical principles, the NFL has a responsibility to
ensure that its members are upholding the
league’s standards while also recognizing that
these players are role models for others. It is
their duty to act ethically and respect others,
their team, and their communities. 

This sticky situation leaves the NFL with the issue

of how to respond. The following pages are my
proposal on how to handle that response in an
ethical manner. 



When making an ethical decision, it very

rarely will only affect one person or group.
The NFL is a highly praised and widely
recognized league that can have a sizeable
impact on communities across America. With
that in mind, it is important to note all facts
that may be pertinent to the issue in order to
understand available ethical options. Below
is  a list of relevant facts about the case
based around the timeframe of the Ray Rice
case in 2014.

In 2014, there were 83 arrests in the NFL associated with domestic violence, resulting in a 55.4%
relative arrest rate compared to the national average (Morris 2014).
An average of around 16-17 million fans visit NFL games, indicating the league has a wide reach
(Gough 2021).
Stakeholders have a reputational and financial stake by association.
Belonging to a group helps individuals create their identity (Martin & Wright 2016, 177). 
Media representation of these cases will be released regardless of NFL coverage or comments.
The NFL already has reported cases of domestic violence before 2014 (Morris 2014).
The penalty for domestic violence incidents is less than that of drug use (Morris 2014).
NFL players have lower arrest rates than the average (Morris 2014).
Some victims of domestic violence dropped charges before the case was tried.
Domestic violence cases in the U.S. equal about 10 million per year, making the case more high
profile in connecting with others (NCADV.org n.d.).
The NFL participates in philanthropic events/ donations like Inspire Change, Salute to Service,
and Crucial Catch (NFL.com n.d.).



Internal stakeholders include employees, league members,

shareholders, team owners, and other NFL players.

While it is impossible to speak for all internal stakeholders, most

are probably frustrated, disappointed, and even scared
following these events. While the NFL provided punishments for
all players involved, it seems that they may have been a “slap on
the wrist” in comparison to the crimes committed and the
potential future effects on their victims. This allegation
is furthered upon finding out Ray Rice received a lesser penalty
than those players that were reprimanded for substance abuse
(Wertheimer 2014).


External stakeholders include fans, distributors, affiliate

companies, investors, communities, government agencies,

As this is an ongoing issue for the NFL, I feel that I am an

external stakeholder. I personally feel disappointed in the NFL
for their lack of persistence in reprimanding players that are
perpetrators in domestic violence cases. The punishment is
clearly not enough as there have been many cases prior to the
Ray Rice case. Given the proof that the NFL has not done
enough to stop its individuals from committing acts of domestic
violence, external stakeholders are probably also feeling
disappointed and frustrated that the multi-billion dollar
organization has done so little to stop this immoral and
unethical behavior. Sports fans can feel so deeply connected to
a sports team or players, they can actually feel the same shame
as those athletes (Archer & Matheson 2019). Given that the NFL
has had many members from different teams commit these
acts, the shame from being associated with a certain team can
extend across the country to millions of stakeholders.


When considering this ethical dilemma, it is important to consider both

personal and organizational values. Taking these key values into
consideration will help keep the company's response in line with
organizational guidelines. 


As a Public Relaitons professional, keeping personal morals in tact is

crucial when making decisions. When ethical dilemmas are not
easily solved by ethical decision-making models, falling back on
personal beliefs is a common practice (Martin & Wright 2016, 200). 
The number one personal value I consider here is respect for others.
Situations of domestic violence show blatant disrespect for others’
personal safety and livelihood, and the effects can last a lifetime
(ncadv.org1 n.d.) The loss of respect involved in domestic violence
ususally shows an additional lack of empathy and authenticity as a
person for the perpetrator. 


According to the NFL, their responsibility is:

“Every member of the NFL community embraces our unique

leadership role in society, and assumes the trust, character, and
responsibility that comes with that role. We bring fans and
communities from all walks of life together to celebrate a game that
is constantly evolving, balancing the authenticity of tradition with the
power of innovation” (NFL.com 2019).

The company also reports their values as: respect, integrity,

responsibility to team, and resiliency (NFL.com 2019).
The written responsibilty of the NFL ties directly back into the ethical
theory of Deontology.  Deontology and duty-based ethics holds that
some things are right or wrong, regardless of the end result and that
those actions should show good intent (Gower 2018, 3). It is the duty
of the NFL to act as role models for others. Taking that into account
will help to determine proper courses of action to ensure all members
of the NFL are demonstrating their core values to be in a respectful
leadership role.

O P T I O N 1 A N A LY S I S  


Issue an apology on behalf of the NFL as a whole, but state the person
accused of domestic violence was acting on their own accord, it does not
reflect the values of the league, and allow the law to handle the matter. 

Giving the player individual freedom resolves the NFL of any and all responsibility for that player.
This option closley relates to ends-based ethial theory of consequentialism. Consequentialism
states that actions are neither moral or immoral, but should be judged based on the end result being
good for the greatest number of those involved (Gower 2018, 6). Consequences for the NFL would
probably be positive as they are able to remove themselves from the situation, creating the greatest
benefit for the most stakeholders. 



Company may benefit from OPTION

Could 3: loss
result in DEFINITIVE
of internal and
separation with the player. external stakeholder loyalty.
Lower financial costs by not using Does not respect justice for the
legal resources. vicitm.
Supports the duty of the company Missed opportunity to reaffirm
to continue to thrive and provide company standards. 
jobs to other employees.  Person in question may be harmed
Stakeholders benefit from not in dealing with the situation alone. 
associating  with a damaged Could result in a repuatational loss
reputation.  from cutting off legal resources to
Respects the freedom of the the person in question. 
individual to handle the situation as Not commenting on the act may
they see fit.  draw more attention to previous
Could result in some stakeholder domestic violence, cases,  indicating
loyalty. neglegence.
Does not respect values as a "team."

O P T I O N 2 A N A LY S I S  


Issue an immediate apology to publics and stakeholders on behalf of the

NFL explaining the league's code of ethics and the reprecussions given to
the player or coach.
This approach closely relates to disruptive justice. Disruptive justice gives audiences information and
allows them to make a decision for themselves (Gower 2018, 7). In this case, stakeholders and publics
will decide whether or not to continue to follow the NFL or the person in question based on the
information and apology provided.
The Professional Responsibily Theory is an ethical decision-making framework used in the Public
Relations field. It seeks to serve soceity as well as clients (Martin & Wright 2016, 199). Using the
Professional Responsibility Theory ethical framework, I have considered harms and benefits for all
stakeholders, how these actions demonstrate respects for all involved, and how rewards and costs will
be evently distributed to benefit society. 



May produce a feeling of loyalty and OPTION

attention to the case may
trust from stakeholders by expose previous domestic violence
apologizing. cases and cause more media
Possible improvement of player coverage. 
retention due to feelings of support. Potential for stakeholders to feel
Supports the values of the NFL as a that not enough action was taken to
"team."  support the apology. 
Fulfills the duty of the NFL to act as Stakeholders may experience shame
role model and apologize for associated with the person in
wrongdoings.  question and the team they
Respects the integrity of the person represent. 
in question to handle the situation Potential reputation loss for the NFL
individually and as a part of the by association with the player.
NFL.  May not do victims justice to only
Respects the integrity and rights of apologize and may expose those
the victim by apologizing.  victims to the media. 

O P T I O N 3   A N A LY S I S  


In addition to an apology, list how the NFL will be changing their actions
to ensure harsher punishment to perpetrators of domestic violence and
any training involved to ensure reform including active service in
philathropic events against domestic violence, talk therapy, anger
management, education, and harsher punishments. 
The public outcry against the two-game suspension for Ray Rice communicated that punishments for
domestic violence are not harsh enough. This option also follows the Professional Responsibility
Theory along with a two-way communication model by taking into consideration public feedback 
(Martin & Wright 2016, 201). 



Showcases the NFL's dedication to OPTION

of programs may cause
reform and duty as a team of role financial disruption.
models.  May cause shame for innocent
Can build stakeholder loyalty and players for having to participate in
trust. programs. 
Benefit of better mental health Less practice time. 
resources for NFL members.  Reputational costs from recognizing
Benefits philanthropies financially domestic violence reform needs in
and by bringing attention to their the program. 
cause.  Possible pushback from players
Displays company values. participating in reform programs
Gives victim integrity and a sense of and harsher punishments. 
justice for harsher punishments.  While practices may be good, it may
May increase NFL repuatation by not be enough to fully help
taking action on advocacy issues.  members recover from mental
illness or domestic violence


Following my own ethical reasoning framework, issuing an apology and taking a definitive action is the best
action for the NFL to take.  I came to this conclusion based on previously designed ethical decision-making
frameworks and theories combined with my own code of ethics. This decision aligns closely with virtue-
based ethics and ethics in social responsibilty. Virtue-based ethics focuses on what makes an individual
ethical instead of the act itself, whereas social responsibility theory ensures that actions do not knowingly
cause harm to others  (Gower 2018, 8).
Finding the medium between doing what is inherently virtuous and what is right for society led me to utilize
Professional Responsibility Theory of ethical decision-making when creating my own decision-making
model. This means I considered how the decision would affect others and cause the least harm,
demonstrate respect for all involved, and distributed costs and rewards as evenly as possible (Martin &
Wright 2016, 200). 

Keeping the ethical decision in mind, the NFL should take the following next steps:
Issue an apology in a press release and on social media.
An apology shows respect for the rights of victims and stakeholders by showing empathy. In Public
Relations, empathy can be equivalent to values such as integrity, fairness, and respect for others
(Martin & Wright 2016, 168). It can also be the first step to rebuiliding the NFL's reputation, fulfilling it's
duty to succeed as a business in communities. 
Take corrective actions.
Apologies mean very little if there is not action behind it. Listing the new policy for domestic violence
along with anger management and mental health educational resources that all members are
obligated to take part in is the first step. The next step is to apply harsher punishments to acts of
domestic violence such as a 6-game suspension and a cut in pay until reform courses are completed.
Spread the word of new policies and actions taken through media.
Have players involved in domestic violence cases take part in aiding domestic violence
philanthropies through service acts. 

Following the reccommended actions, the NFL should look to improve their reputation by demonstrating
virtuous character as role models. Groups and memberships help people form their own identities (Martin &
Wright 2016, 177). As a result, demonstrating virtuous character can help keep stakeholders from feeling
shame through association with the accused player or team, limiting loss of internal and external
stakeholders. It is also the hope that proactive steps to better mental health and more disciplinary action
would deter players from acting aggressively against domestic partners, limiting domestic violence cases
in the future. 


Archer, Alfred & Matheson, Benjamin. 2019. “Shame and the sports fan.” Journal of the Philosophy of Sport. Accessed
           March 3, 2021. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00948705.2019.1608213

Axon, Rachel. 2019. “Ray Rice case prompted NFL changes on domestic violence, but cases continue to test policy.”
          USA Today. Accessed March 3, 2021. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2019/09/18/nfl-
          domestic- violence-ray-rice-tyreek-hill-ezekiel-elliott-adrian-peterson/2215187001/

Gough, Christina. 2021. "Total attendance National Football League regular season games 2008-2020." Statista.
           Accessed March 10, 2021. https://www.statista.com/statistics/193420/regular-season-attendance-in-the-nfl-
           since 2006/#:~:text=In%202019%2C%20the%20regular%20season,total%20of%2016.67%20million%20sp   

Gower, Karla K. 2016. Legal and Ethical Considerations for Public Relations. 3rd ed. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press,

Martin, Dick and Wright, Donald K. 2016. Public Relations Ethics: How To Practice PR Without Losing Your Soul. 
          Business Expert Press: New York. 

Morris, Benjamin. 2014. "The Rate of Domestic Violence Arrests Among NFL Players." ABC News: FiveThirtyEight.
          Accessed March 10, 2021. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-rate-of-domestic-violence-arrests-among

NCADV.org. n.d. “Statistics.” National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Accessed March 3, 2021.

NCADV.org.n.d. “Dynamics of Abuse.” National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Accessed March 3, 2021.

NFL.com. 2019. "Mission and Values." National Football League. Accessed March 10, 2021. 

Wertheimer, Linda. 2014. “What Ray Rice’s 2-Game Suspension Say About The NFL.” National Public Radio. Accessed
           March 3, 2021. https://www.npr.org/2014/07/29/336228302/what-ray-rices-2-game-suspension-for- assault-

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