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Another example of his special patronage is the naming of a secondary school in Kibera, ST ALOYSIUS GONZAGA

Nairobi, Kenya in his honor. This is St Aloysius Gonzaga School, a school for youth who PATRON OF YOUTH
themselves or whose families have been affected by AIDS. Together with Blessed Anwarite
Nengapeta, Aloysius is also patron of the African Jesuit Aids Network (AJAN).


Determination, clear thinking, dedication to one’s goals are most admirable and very
Patron Saint of Service Programs much-needed qualities. St Aloysius Gonzaga had these qualities to a very high degree.
In a recent letter, the Holy See, mindful of the anniversary of the birth of Aloysius Gonzaga, Because of this, he has been named by three recent Popes as the patron of youth.
has announced the celebration of a Jubilee Year of St Aloysius, from March 9, 2018, until March
How did all this happen in his life? What were the choices he faced? How did he respond?
9, 2019, commemorating the 450th anniversary of his birth. The jubilee is especially fitting as
How did he come to be a saint of the Catholic Church, dying at the very young age of 23?
the church focuses its attention on young people with the October 2018 Synod of Bishops in
In what other ways is he a model, a patron saint for our age?
Rome on “Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment” and the January 2019 World
Youth Day in Panama.
His Early Years
Father Arturo Sosa, SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, has invited Jesuits Aloysius was born on March 9th in the year 1568 into the noble Gonzaga family. His future
“to find the best manner of celebrating, in a culturally contextualized way, this time of grace, was made, because of the wealth and influence
which draws our attention to the rich contributions young people bring to society, the Church of his father, Ferrante, the Marquis of
and the Society of Jesus.” We might suggest that one way would be to celebrate St Aloysius Castiglione, near Mantua, in northern Italy. His
as the patron saint of the Service Programs which are now found in Jesuit and other father was ruler over much territory, and in
educational institutions throughout the world. These programs guide students and Jesuit charge of a small army to protect his land.
Volunteers to reach out, as St. Aloysius did, to respond to the needs of those at the peripheries. Aloysius was the first- born, the eldest son, and
would be trained to inherit the power and
wealth of his father.

Yet even at an early age, something seemed

different with Aloysius. He was supposed to be
familiar with the lifestyle of a prince, become
acquainted with famous leaders, attend
magnifi-cent banquets, make friends with
beautiful and wealthy women. But instead
Aloysius was troubled by all this. And he was
right, because at this time in Italy, royal families
were often more pagan than Christian. Life in
high circles exposed one to numerous
temptations. It was very difficult to be a good
Christian in the midst of this social

As a youth he spent three years in Spain as an

attendant, associated with the court of King
Philip II. It was towards the end of his three-year
stay in Spain that he firmly promised himself that he would enter religious life, rather than
continue in the worldly life of the royal courts.
Aloysius saw the dangers of court life very clearly and reacted against it. There was much St Aloysius Gonzaga, patron of youth, patron of students, patron of those
vanity and much intrigue. Instead of this life of power and influence, and often of suffering from AIDS and those caring for AIDS patients, and patron of Service
immorality, sexual liberty and corruption, he decided that he wanted to give his life to God. Programs at educational institutions, pray for us.
He wanted to serve not an earthly king, but the Eternal King and High Priest, Jesus Christ.
He felt called to be a priest, a holy and well-trained priest. He saw that some of the priests
were poorly trained, and that the reforms of the Council of Trent were slow in becoming a Prayer
reality. More specifically, he wished to become a priest member of the Society of Jesus, the
Jesuits. Aloysius, you have drawn me to you, gentle teacher, loving guide. I am filled with
gratitude to you, I love you. Just to see you, to sit with your image, is to see all the
Clearly Aloysius was not exaggerating in his views of the shallow and sinful life in the places
simplicity, the trust, and the innocence of the children of the kingdom. Aloysius, let
of power. In fact, two of his brothers would be murdered, an uncle would be assassinated,
me serve, let me love as you love people on earth! Teach me to leave the dark
and his mother would be stabbed, all in power struggles. Aloysius turned sharply against
this way of life. destructive forces within for the Light in the presence of Our Savior, Jesus. Aloysius,
teach me to pray unceasingly; better yet, pray with me, sit near me, kneel with me,
Some may have felt he was avoiding his responsibility as the firstborn son, but in his own take my hand, and finally, when my life here is over, come to lead me Home. Amen.
eyes, this was the only way that he could keep away from sin: by avoiding the occasions of
sin, the temptations, the sinful life of the royal palaces. How did this come about? And how Text by Fr Peter Schineller, SJ
would his family, especially his father, respond to such a choice?

It came about, above all, because Aloysius kept close to God through prayer, the daily
recitation of the seven penitential psalms (Psalms 6, 31[32], 37[38], 50[51], 101[102], 129[130],
and 142[143]), and the daily Office of Our Lady. His most constant prayer was “Lord, direct
me,” a prayer that could well be made by youth and adult alike. Above all, he wanted to do
what God wanted him to do. And God did help him to see his way clearly.

An Important Meeting
He was well educated, and he had met some Jesuit priests. He studied their way of life, and
also inquired into other religious congregations. The Jesuits seemed to provide the
alternative he needed, the life dedicated to God that he sought. If he became a Jesuit priest,
he could not become a bishop (which was quite likely if became a diocesan priest, because
of his talent and his family background). If he became a Jesuit, he would be free from all the
family wealth, and the heavy responsibilities and temptations that went with it. He would
be free to give his life to God.

It is clear that Aloysius was not just running away from the temptations of court life, the
temptations of power. He was moving to follow the call most fully. He was not just rebelling
against his milieu, he was running to embrace the way of Jesus Christ.
Produced by JHIA.
Preserving memory and promoting historical knowledge in Africa and Madagascar.
A Difficult Permission
He wrote a final letter to his mother, asking her not to grieve for him, as he would be able But before he could begin studies for the priesthood, he needed to obtain permission from
to help her more by his prayers in heaven, and that their separation will not be for long. his father, and he knew this would be difficult, for his father had great hopes in Aloysius to
“There we shall see one another again and be happy without ever growing tired, united be the next leader of the family.
together with our Redeemer.”
When he announced his intention to his father, the father was enraged. He even told him
His condition turned worse, and at noon on June 20th, he was given Holy Communion. The to leave the house! How could the young Aloysius turn his back on the family heritage? How
Provincial Superior visited Aloysius, and Aloysius seemed so joyful and at peace that the could he not take over the leadership from his father? Sure, Aloysius had other younger
Provincial remarked, “He is talking of going brothers, but clearly they did not have the same talent and ability as Aloysius. The father
to Heaven, as if going for a picnic.” would hear nothing of a vocation to the Jesuits, and tried various ways to persuade the son
to change his mind. He had famous men and even a bishop speak with him. Why not
Then, in the evening of June 20th, 1591, the
become a diocesan priest, so he can then be a church leader as a bishop? Aloysius always
prayers for the dying were recited. Fr Robert
remained very courteous to his father, but he also remained firm in his own desire. His
Bellarmine (who later became a saint), who
continual prayer to God was, “God, direct me.”
had been with him earlier in the day, left
him, thinking that he would surely survive After much discussion, much reluctance, and three years of persistence on the part of
the night. But God called Aloysius once Aloysius, the father allowed his favorite son to pursue his desire to be a Jesuit priest.
again, and he responded; he went this time Gradually the father had come to see how serious and resolute his son was. Earlier on, his
to join the angels and saints in God’s father had urged the son: “Whatever line of life you adopt, make the very most of it.” By now
heavenly kingdom. He died peacefully with it was clear that Aloysius was called to be a Jesuit priest.
a candle in his hand, a symbol of the faith he
had received at baptism. He died with the Then there was the legal matter of handing over his right to the inheritance. Because the
Holy Name of Jesus on his lips. He was now family fortune was so large, it took several months to work out a legal agreement, and this
home with his Savior and Master. delayed his entrance into the Jesuit novitiate for two months.

The tomb and altar of St Aloysius Gonzaga in the Church of St Ignatius in Rome. Finally it was signed and Aloysius was never so happy, never so much at peace. He entered
the Jesuit novitiate in Rome in 1585, at the age of 17, for the beginning of his training to the
Saint Aloysius Declared a Saint, Patron of Youth, Students, Patron of AIDS priesthood. He carried with him a letter from his father, Ferrante, to the Superior General
Patients and Caregivers of the Jesuits. This letter shows the father’s love and admiration for his favorite son:

Because of his holy life and death, Aloysius was canonized, proclaimed a saint by Pope Most Illustrious and Most Reverend Sir,
Benedict XIII on 31 December 1726. In 1729 the same Pope proclaimed him patron of youth.
My profound respects. In the past I considered it my duty to refuse to this,
Two hundred years later, on the anniversary of his canonization, he was proclaimed patron my son Aloysius, permission to enter your holy Society. Now I think that I am sure
of all students by Pope Pius XI in 1926. that it is God who is calling him, and so I should feel it on my conscience were I to
refuse him the permission that he has longed to receive, and has prayed for from me
But it does not end there. In view of his heroic life and his death in 1591, and in light of his so urgently and so long. So, freely and willingly, with my mind at peace and full of
generous service to the sick and the plague stricken, Aloysius was declared patron of those God’s good consolation, I send him and commend him to Your Reverence, who will
suffering from AIDS by Pope John Paul II in 1991, which was the fourth centenary of his be to him a more helpful Father than I can be. I am giving into Your Reverence’s
death. hands the most precious thing that I possess in all the world, and my chiefest hope,
that I placed entirely in him, of maintaining and giving glory to my Family.
More recently this has been extended from those suffering from AIDS to recognize him as
the patron of those who assist, minister to and are caregivers for those with AIDS. Your Reverence’s most devoted servant the Prince Marquis of
In some ways, Aloysius found the novitiate easier than the life he had led before. While he but rather, because he attained holiness so young and under such difficult circumstances.
prayed much as a novice, he had prayed more, and had done more penance to himself He could have been successful in any way of life. He was clever and astute, well-educated
before. But with the strong determination that led him to the seminary, he adjusted, he and strong-willed. But from the age of seven he began to see clearly that the way of life his
obeyed his superiors in every way, and he became an exemplary novice. family had set before him was wrong for him, and that he was created for something better.
He was not willing to join in the corrupt world of power-seeking and lust. He would not let
This was at times difficult, because Cardinals and Archbishops wished to visit him. They himself be fooled, duped, or misled by the sinful powers of the world.
knew his family, some of them were relatives. Even as a novice, he could not escape notice.
And his days at the novitiate were saddened too with the news of the death of his father. Through his prayer it became clear that God wanted him for something special and
He wrote a beautiful and consoling letter to his mother on that sad occasion, but was not different. He saw that the freedom of the children of God meant following the way and will
allowed to go home for the funeral. of God. He would live his own life, in God’s way. He was like the wealthy young man in the
Gospel who had kept all the commandments from his youth. But unlike the young man in
After his two-year novitiate, in 1587, he pronounced the perpetual vows of poverty, chastity, the Gospel, Aloysius was ready and willing to sell all he had, to give to the poor, and follow
and obedience. For him, this would be a very large sacrifice indeed: to rely on the Jesuits Jesus. He is the patron of students because he studied hard, and all his studies were to
rather than on family wealth; to give up enable him to serve God and God’s people better. His constant prayer, as already
the opportunity to have a family and mentioned, was, “God, direct me.” As a result his whole life was in the direction of God.
continue the Gonzaga line; and to become Aloysius had a deep and living faith in God, nourished by prayer. He had strength of
obedient to Jesuit superiors rather than, as character and firmness of will. He did not compromise. He had a clear vision and resolution
a Marquis or Duke, to give orders to others. to be the best he could. These are the attributes that make him a model for youth of his day,
and the youth of every age.
A Jesuit Seminarian and Student
He did well in his studies. He could speak
and read French, Italian, German, Spanish,
and Latin. At times he suffered from ill Patron of those Ministering to the Sick
health. He was very hard on himself, but In 1591, when he was studying theology in
whatever he did in regard to fasting, Rome, a serious plague broke out. Hospitals
prayer, and penance, he only did with the were filled. People were even dying in the
permission of his superiors. streets; thousands died of fever. In addition to
obtaining funds from his mother to help the
Jesuit seminarians, in addition to the life of sick, Aloysius volunteered to nurse the sick in
studies and prayer, also teach catechism, the hospitals. He carried the sick and dying on
and serve the poor and needy. Aloysius did his shoulders to the hospitals to get them some
this, and did it well. On some occasions, relief and to prepare them for the reception of
however, there was the added difficulty the Sacraments before they died. He did not
that people would recognise him on the find this work easy—no one would—but he
streets as the famous young prince, the lad who gave up his wealth to become a seminarian. resolved to do all he could to assist the sick and
And this disturbed Aloysius, since he only wanted to serve God, and not gain fame or the dying.
After several weeks of intense work with the
sick he fell sick himself. Whether he had
caught some disease, or was simply exhausted,
A Patron of Youth we do not know. When word spread that he was
How and why was he selected as the patron of youth? Why is he a model for the youth of seriously ill, famous church leaders came to visit and pray for him. In June 1591, in the heat
his time and of every age? He is the patron of youth not because of his noble origin, of the summer, Aloysius knew that he was going to die. Others did not at first believe him.

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