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Design of Concrete Structures - II

Dr. Dhanya B. S.
Asst. Professor in Civil Engineering
RIT, Kottayam

Room No. 303

Circular slabs
Slab simply supported at edges and carrying udl
Slabs fixed at edges and carrying udl
Slabs partially fixed at edges and carrying udl
Design of circular slab

• A circular room has 5m diameter from inside. Design the

circular roof slab for the room to carry a super imposed load
of 3800 N/m2. Assume that the slab is simply supported.
Use M15 concrete and Fe 250 steel.
• Solution:
• Design constants
• Fy = 250 N/ mm2
• Fck = 15 N/ mm2
• For Fe- 250;
• Xumax/d = 0.531
• Mulim/fck bd 2 = 0.149
SP 16
Design of circular slab

• Loading and BM
• Let total thickness of slab = 120 mm
• Self weight = 0.12*1*25 = 3 kN/m2
• Super imposed load = 3.8 kN/m2
• Total load = 6.8 kN/ m2
• (Mr) c = (Mθ)c = +3/16 wa2 = 3/16 *6.8*2.5*2.5 = 7.97 kNm
• (Mθ)e = 2/16 wa2 = 2/16 *6.8*2.5*2.5 = 5.313 kNm
• Design of the section
• The slab need to be designed for the greater of the two
• Design moment = 1.5 * 7.97 = 11.96 kNm
• Mulim/fck bd 2 = 0.149
11.96 ×106
• d req > = 73.14 mm
15 ×0.149
• d prov = 120 – 20 – 5 = 95 mm (assuming 20 mm clear cover
and 10 mm diameter bars)
• Design of steel reinforcement
• Reinforcement at the bottom (for both circular and radial moments)
• (Mr) c = (Mθ)c = +3/16 wa2 = 3/16 *6.8*2.5*2.5 = 7.97 kNm
• Design moment = 1.5 * 7.97 = 11.96 kNm
• Mu/bd2 = 11.96*10^6/1000*95*95 = 1.33
• Pt = 0.692
• Ast = 657 mm2
• Using 10 mm diameter bars, spacing = 119 mm
• Hence provide both radial and circumferential reinforcement in the form of a mesh
consisting of 10 mm diameter bars spaced at 110 mm c/c in two layers at right
angles to each other.
• Near the edges the bars do not have proper anchorage as they are free. There will
be slipping tendency and the bars wil not be capable of taking any tension. At the
edges, radial tensile stress is zero, but circumferential tensile stresses exist.
• (Mθ)e = 2/16 wa2 = 2/16 *6.8*2.5*2.5 = 5.313 kNm
• Design circumferential tensile stress = 1.5 *5.313 = 7.97 kNm
• The tension slipping can be avoided by providing extra circumferential
reinforcement in the form of rings placed in a width equal to development length of
the mesh bars.
• Design of reinforcement at the edges
(radial stresses – zero; circumferential
stresses exist)
• Design circumferential tensile stress =
1.5 *5.313 = 7.97 kNm
• Available d for the rings (assuming 10
mm diameter) = 120-20-10- 10 -5 = 75
• Mu/bd2 = 7.97*10^6/1000*75*75 =
• Pt = 0.747
• Ast = 560 mm2
• Using 10 mm diameter bars, spacing =
140 mm
• Development length = φσs/4τbd =
10*0.87*250/(4*1.2) =453 mm
• No. of rings required = 453 / 140 + 1 =
4 nos
• Because the slab is thin, no need of
temperature / shrinkage reinforcement
• Check for shear
• Max. shear force at the edges = Vr = ½ w a = ½ * 6.8 * 2.5 =
8.5 kN
• Design shear force = 1.5 * 8.5 = 12. 75 kN
• τv = Vu/bd= 12.75 * 1000 / 1000* 95 = 0.134 N/ mm2
• From table 19, corresponding to pt = 0.69, for M15 grade
concrete, τc = 0.521 N/mm2
• Hence safe in shear
• Thin shell generated by the revolution of a regular curve
about one of its axes
• Shape of dome depends on the type of the curve and the
direction of the axis of revolution
Spherical dome - generated by revolving a circular curve about its
vertical diameter

Conical dome - generated by revolving a right angled triangle about its

vertical axis
• Roof of circular areas, circular tanks, exhibition areas,
auditoriums, planetoriums
• Bottom of tanks, bins, bunkers
• Materials used for construction – concrete, mud, wood,
metal, glass, stone etc.
Nature of stresses in spherical dome
• Can be imagined to consist of a number of horizontal rings
placed one over the other
• Diameter of the successive rings increase in the downward
direction and the equilibrium is maintained independently
of the rings above it
• Latitude – circle of each ring
• Meridian – circle drawn
through two diametrically
opposite points on the
horizontal diameter and the
• Successive horizontal rings subtend equal angle at the
centre of the sphere
• Joints between successive horizontal rings are radial
• Every horizontal ring supports the load of the rings above it
and transmits it to the one below it
• The reaction between the rings is tangential to the curved
surface, giving rise to compression along the meridian,
known as meridional thrust
• The plan of the horizontal ring is imaged to consist of a
number of voussoirs. The joints between adjacent voussoirs
of the ring are radial. The tendency of separation of any
voussoir will be prevented because of its wedge shape and
hence hoop compression will be caused in each ring.
Types of stresses induced in a dome
• Meridional thrust (T) along the direction of meridian
• Hoop stress (H) along the latitudes
Analysis of spherical domes of uniform
• Subjected to uniformly distributed load
• Let w = udl, inclusive of the weight per unit area
• r = radius of the dome
• t= thickness of the dome shell
• T= meridional thrust
• H = hoop stress

1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
𝑤𝑟(𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝜃 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 − 1)
1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃

• If H is +ve, it is compressive in nature

• At crown, θ = 0, H= wr/2
• Intensity of hoop stress at crown H/t = wr/2t, max. value of hoop stress
• Hoop stress will decrease as θ increases and becomes zero and then tensile
• Θ when hoop stress become 0 is 51° 49’ 38”
Analysis of spherical domes of uniform
• Subjected to concentrated load at crown
• Let W = concentrated load at crown
• r = radius of the dome
• t= thickness of the dome shell
• T= meridional thrust
• H = hoop stress
2𝜋𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝜃
𝐻= 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑐 2 𝜃

• H is -ve, ie., tensile in nature throughout

• At crown, θ = 0, H becomes infinite
• Ie., any concentrated load like lanterns and all should always be distributed
over sufficient area, to reduce hoop stress at the crown. It is also desirable
to thicken the dome at the top to spread the load over great area
Stresses due to combined udl and point load
Stresses due to point load applied at the crown should be added
algebraically to the stresses developed due to udl to get the final stresses.

Coefficients for different values of θ

• Stresses due to wind load, shrinkage and temperature stress
• Tedious procedure
• Taken into account by adding an extra load of about 1 to 1.5kN/m2
of the surface of the dome

Design of RC domes
• Minimum thickness – 7.5 cm
• Min steel in both directions - 0.15% of c/s area
• This reinforcement is in addition to hoop tensile stresses
• Steel reinforcement is provided at the middle of the
thickness of the dome shell
• Near the edges, hogging bending moments may be
developed, hence meridional steel is placed near the top
• Provision of ring beam
• If the dome is not hemispherical, the meridional thrust at the base
will not be vertical. The inclined meridional thrust at the support
will have horizontal component which will cause the supporting
walls to burst outwards, causing failure
• To bear this horizontal component of the meridional thrust, a ring
beam is provided at the base of the dome
• The reinforcement provided in the ring beam takes this hoop
tension and transfer only vertical reaction to the supporting walls.
The tensile stress on the equivalent area of concrete on the ring
beam section should not exceed 12N/mm2
• Placement of reinforcement
• If the meridional reinforcements are continued upto the crown,
there will be congestion of reinforcement
• Hence from practical considerations, meridional reinforcement is
stopped at any latitude near the crown and separate mesh is
provided, which acts as both meriodional and hoop reinforcement
• Provision of openings
• Openings are provided based on functional and architectural
• Sufficient trimming reinforcement should be provided all round
the opening
• Meridional and hoop reinforcement reaching the opening should
be well anchored to the trimming reinforcement
• If there is an opening at the crown, and if there is any
concentrated load acting there, a ring beam should be provided at
the periphery of the opening
Analysis of spherical domes

Meridional thrust

Hoop stress

2. Concentrated load at crown

Meridional thrust

Hoop stress
Assume M20
grade concrete
and mild steel
• Design steps:
• Geometry of the dome
• Loading
• Calculation of stresses
• Design of reinforcement
• Design of ring beam
• At the base of the dome
• At the opening
• Detailing

• Geometry of the dome

Let the radius of the dome = r
Diameter of the base = AB = diameter of
the room = 12m
Rise = PS = 4m
(2r – PS). PS = 6 x 6
Gives r = AO = 6.5 m
• Loading
• Assumption:
There is no opening in the crown and
the weight of the extra portion of dome shell CPD is accounted by
reducing the load of the lantern and taking into consideration only
the effective weight of the lantern

= +

• Effective weight of lantern = Actual weight of lantern –

weight of dome shell CPD
• Loading

Calculate the effective weight of lantern for two cases:

1. With live load W = 13.83 kN (obtained by providing w = 4 in the above eqn.)
2. Without live load W = 16.89 kN ((obtained by providing w = 2.5 in the above eqn.)
Calculation of stresses
• Calculation of stresses
Total stress = Stress due to uniformly
distributed load + stress due to the concentrated load

Compile stresses for different θ values

Calculation of stresses for hoop stress should be two cases:

1. With live load (w = 4.5 kN/m2; W = 13.83 kN )
2. Without live load (w = 2.5 kN/m2 ; W = 16.89 kN )

Meriodional stress will be critical in the case with live load

Calculation of stresses
• Compile the values of meridional stress various values of
θ(with live load) and identify the critical stress
(W = 13.83 kN w = 4 kN/m2 )

θ Meridional stress (N/mm2)

Due to w Due to W Total
7°4’ 0.1305 0.223 0.354 + ve sign imply
10° 0.131 0.112 0.243 Compressive stress
20° 0.134 0.029 0.163
30° 0.14 0.013 0.153
40° 0.148 0.008 0.156
50° 0.158 0.006 0.164
60° 0.174 0.004 0.178
67°23’ 0.186 0.004 0.190
Calculation of stresses
• Compilation the values of hoop stress for various values of θ
(without live load) and identify the critical stresses

θ Hoop stress (N/mm2) with Hoop stress (N/mm2) without

live load live load
Due to w Due to Total Due to w Due to Total
=4 W= = 2.5 W=
13.84 16.89
7°4’ 0.127 -0.225 -0.098 0.080 -0.275 -0.195
10° 0.125 -0.113 +0.012 0.078 -0.138 -0.060
20° 0.102 -0.029 +0.073 0.064 -0.035 +0.029
30° 0.086 -0.014 +0.072 0.054 -0.017 +0.037
40° 0.052 -0.008 +0.044 0.033 -0.010 +0.023
50° 0.009 -0.006 +0.164 0.009 -0.006 +0.003
60° -0.044 -0.004 -0.048 -0.027 -0.005 -0.032
67°23’ -0.088 -0.004 0.190 -0.092 -0.005 -0.060
Design of reinforcement
• Design of reinforcement
• Maximum compressive stress = +0.354 N/mm2
• Compare this with the permissible stress in concrete

Also, provide 8 mm diameter bars @ 320 mm c/c as meridional steel (min steel)
Design of reinforcement

Area of steel
= Load/ permissible stress
Design of reinforcement
Design of ring beam
Design of lower ring beam
θ Meridional stress (N/mm2)
Due to w Due to W Total
7°4’ 0.1305 0.223 0.354
10° 0.131 0.112 0.243
20° 0.134 0.029 0.163
30° 0.14 0.013 0.153
40° 0.148 0.008 0.156
50° 0.158 0.006 0.164
60° 0.174 0.004 0.178
67°23’ 0.186 0.004 0.190

Meridional thrust at the base

of the ring beam
Design of ring beam
Design of lower ring beam
Design of ring beam
Design of upper ring beam
θ Meridional stress (N/mm2)
Due to w Due to W Total
7°4’ 0.1305 0.223 0.354
10° 0.131 0.112 0.243
20° 0.134 0.029 0.163 Meridional thrust
30° 0.14 0.013 0.153 at the opening
40° 0.148 0.008 0.156
50° 0.158 0.006 0.164
60° 0.174 0.004 0.178
67°23’ 0.186 0.004 0.190
Design of ring beam
Design of ring beam
at the opening
Conical domes
Practice Questions….
• Explain the design procedure of a spherical dome.
• Briefly explain the use and design of ring beam in dome structure.
• A spherical dome of span 10m, and rise 2m. Its shell thickness is 120
mm thick. It carries a lantern load of 5kN at its apex. The wind load
on the dome is estimated to be 1.2 kN/m2. Examine the stresses and
design reinforcement of the dome. Also design the ring beam.
• For the data given above, design a conical dome if there is no lantern.
• Design a circular roof slab, fully restrained at edges, of inside diameter
5.50 m supported on brick walls of thickness 230 mm. The slab
supports a live load of 4 kN/m2. Use M30 concrete and Fe 415 grade
steel. Sketch the reinforcement details.
• A circular slab is 5m inside diameter and is fixed at the edges. It is
loaded with a live load of 3 kN/m2. Design the reinforcement for the
slab and sketch the details. Assume M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel
• Thank you………………

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