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Universities are often referred to as the citadel of learning and represent the apex

institution for the acquisition of knowledge. Based on this perception, Ifidon (1998) as cited by

Ahemba et al (2018), holds that universities are established for four related purposes, for

teaching, learning, and research and community/public service. That is, the university library

supports the teaching, learning and research needs of the institution they serve. The

responsibility of academic libraries is to ensure that the use of its information resources and

services are maximized to benefit its users, hence the need for library user education program

which is also in line with the National University Commission which encourage university

libraries in other to equip students with the effective use of library materials (NUC, 2007).

Uwakwe et al (2016), pointed out one of the fundamental laws of the library according to S.R

Ranganthan, is that books and non-books are for use and it is the duty of the librarian to acquire

and provide access to the books and non-book materials housed in the library. The user is very

important in the practice of librarianship, this simply implies that the library process revolves

around the users. To a large extent, library use measures the effectiveness and efficiency of

library resources and defines/informs the fundamental policy objectives of libraries.

Ogunmedede and Emeahara (2010), observed that no matter how large the stock of a library is, if

the services and its resources are not fully utilized, such a library will be a white elephant

User education according to Uwakwe et al (2016), refers to “the process of making

library patrons learn how to make effective and efficient use of the library system through the

acquaintance of skills in identification, location, search, retrieval and use of information

resources”. It encompasses all activities undertaken to help the undergraduate student become

efficient users of information. These include library instruction, library orientation, bibliographic

instruction and information literacy. Fjallbrant (2015), defines User Education as “the teaching

of those skills that will enable students to locate and use materials effectively and feel confident

in using the library.” He also opined that User Education aims to inform and educate users with

the use of materials in the libraries.

Fleming (2012) also defined User Education as “the various programs of instruction,

education and exploration provided by libraries to users to enable them to make effective,

efficient and independent use of information sources and services to which these libraries

provide access.” Bello (2013) defined library User Education as: “A means devised by the

librarians to educate users on how to use the resources available in the library in result oriented

ways.” Broadly (2014) also stated that, Library User Education (also called library

instruction) teaches users how to make the most effective use of the library system. User

education encompasses all activity undertaken to help students become efficient users of

information-i.e., how to identify the information need and then how to find, evaluate, and select

the best information to meet that need. Activities to achieve that goal include orientation

sessions, workshops, handouts, and course-related and course- integrated instruction. The term

“library user education” has more recently been broadened to include the concept of information

In a similar vein, Olaniyan (2012) opined that user education acquaints students with the

most useful reference works, books, periodicals and their field of study. It impacts on them how

to use the card catalogue, indexes, teaches them the proper form and rules for making a scientific

bibliography, teaches them how to prepare a scientific or technical report. Discussing on various

methods of imparting or teaching the skills on the use of library, Maduako (2013) explained that,

methods of teaching user education consist of all types of activities designed to teach user about

library facilities, services, organizations, resources and search strategies in order to equip with

basic skills to enable them to make optimal, effective, efficient and independent use of

information resources and services available in the library. User Education can be in the form of

orientation/training programs, workshop, and seminar; “know your library programs”

occasionally organized by the library for both new and old library users, Maduako (2013). These

programs/activities may be packaged in hard copy that is manuals, handout or in soft copies in

Flash Drives and other storage devices. The fundamental objective of User Education is to

expose, enlighten and inculcate in the clients, the basic knowledge of understanding and skills

which are necessary for effective and efficient use of the library resources and services, Iheaturu

(2012). Thus its concerned with information retrieval, since the objectives of the User Education

in academic library according to Osagie (2013) are: To enable students’ need to “develop the art

of discrimination” to be able to judge the value of books to develop critical judgment, To imbibe

in the students’ the need to become independent learners-to teach themselves, To make students’

need to continue to read and study-to become lifelong learners, To be able to see library

catalogues as indexes to the entire collection and use them as such, To enable the users to see the

library as a repository of knowledge that determines the success of the students’ academic

program, etc.
Considering the impact of user education on users, Vasanthi (2010) stated that, the aim of

user education is to widen the use of the varying library resources which will enable lecturers to

improve their teaching and research while the students learn more in order to achieve better

results in their work. User education is a process whereby potential users of the library are made

to learn how to make efficient and effective use of the library and its resources through the

acquisition of knowledge and skills in identification, location, retrieval and exploitation of

information, Iheaturu (2012). User education can be in the form of orientation/training programs,

workshop, seminar, “know your library programs” occasionally organized by the library for both

new and old library users. These programs/activities may be packaged in hard copies, i.e.

manuals, handouts or in soft copies i.e. compact disc. The fundamental objective of user

education is to expose, acquaint and inculcate in the clients, the basic knowledge or

understanding and skills which are necessary for effective and efficient use of the library services

and resource. The advent and advancement of technology as well as the development of

computer systems, have given rise to unprecedented increase in volumes of published materials,

both in print and non-print forms and compelled modern libraries and the librarianship

profession to pursue and adopt new age tools and methodologies in the discharge of its activities.

For instance, libraries have embraced the digital age and adopted several electronic methods and

devices in the discharge of library services. They include: the Online Public Access Catalogue

(OPAC) used for online search and cataloguing, Internet devices also used for information/data

search and browsing, e-mail devices used for library registration, browsing etc., Iheaturu (2012).

The adoption and implementation of these new age tools and technologies obviously place on

library service providers the responsibility of carrying library users along through the

design/packaging of quality user education program to enable library clients to acquire effective
and efficient access and utilization of library services. The quality of user education program

determines the rate of use of any library and also actualizes the sustainable optimal user

satisfaction. The corollary to this is that a poorly packed user education may account for low rate

of use of library resources and services, which equally runs counter to the user satisfaction policy

of the library. Uwakwe (2012).

Utilization is the action of using a particular item that is, making practical and effective

use of that item. In Library and information science context, it can be seen as the process of

making adequate use of the library’s information material either Books, magazines, databases

and so on. It is the act of making use of information resources that have been made widely

available for library users to access, retrieve and use, Waseem (2011). Some of the information

resources utilized in the Library According to Ahemba et al (2018), can include books,

periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, films, maps, prints, documents, microform, CDs, cassettes,

videotapes, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, E-books, Audiobooks, Databases, and other formats.

Students in Nigeria tertiary institutions are introduced to the use of library in one form or

the other, in order that they might know what to consult in their quest for information. Today,

most students in higher institute of learning find it difficult to explore the world of information

sources in the library thus leading to poor appreciation of the library and its resources, which

contributes to their inability to undergo meaningful researches or at best become poor library

users. It is believed that a concerted effort to know and understand library more will eventually

enable the individual to develop his/herself to the fullest potentials. This becomes very important

as it will enable man to contribute effectively and positively to the development of the society at

large. Library processes could be so complex that an average user may not easily comprehend
how to utilize the available resources in the library, it is therefore imperative to study the effects

User Education has on the Utilization of Library Resources in Universities.


With the availability of information resources, Library Users need sufficient knowledge

and ability to navigate and select relevant information in the Library, Library User Education

programs are necessary for all users especially the newly admitted students, because it involves

instruction on how to access and use information resources available in the library. However,

from studies carried out in the past and from personal experience of the researcher during her

industrial training program, it was observed that library users do not know how to properly use

the library and they do not ask for directions whenever they are faced with certain challenges as

to how to use the library and this can pose a huge problem to the library as it can discourage

other users who are interested in using the library from properly utilizing the library resources

The aim of this study, therefore, is to investigate the relevance of User Education and how it can

affect or influence the Utilization of library resources by Undergraduate Students in Faculty of



1. What are the methods employed in carrying out User Education programs in Faculty

of Education?

2. What are the level of effectiveness of User Education programs in Faculty of

3. What is the level of students’ satisfaction about User Education programs in Faculty

of Education?

4. What are the problems mitigating against User Education programs in Faculty of


5. What are the strategies that can enhance User Education programs in Faculty of



1. To ascertain the methods employed in carrying out User Education program in the

Faculty of Education.

2. To investigate the level of effectiveness of User Education program in the Faculty of


3. To find out the level of students’ satisfaction about User Education programs in

Faculty of Education.

4. To identify the problems mitigating against User Education programs in Faculty of


5. To ascertain the strategies that can enhance User Education programs in Faculty of



The content scope of the study is on User Education and its effect in the Utilization of

Library resources by Undergraduate Students. Geographically it covers Educational Management

(DEM), Educational Foundation (DEF), Human Kinetics and Sport Science (HKS), Vocational

technical Education (VTE), Adult Education (ADL), Health Safety and Environmental Education
(HSE) and Curriculum and Instructional Technology (CIT) departments, Faculty of Education,

University of Benin, Benin, Edo State.


This study will be useful to the Library, Library Users and researchers in the field of

library and information science. It will be of use to the library by enabling the library to

understand why User Education is needed for proper utilization of library resources, and it will

also stress the importance of adequate and well-designed user education curriculum. This study

will also help the library to make informed decisions on how to improve upon their service

delivery. The findings of this study will be very valuable to Library users by paving the way

forward for the improved utilization of library resources. This study will also help library users

to see more reasons to visit the library and when they do, they will appreciate the services

rendered, thereby inviting other users to use the library. Finally, the study will raise awareness on

the importance and effects of user education in Kenneth Dike Library, it will also help to

investigate the types of user education practices carried out in the library, it will also find out the

barriers to effective utilization of library resources.


EDUCATION: This is a process of teaching, training and learning User Education, especially in

schools or colleges, to improve knowledge and develop skills in library search. Education is a

process of receiving or giving systematic instruction especially at a school or an institution.

LIBRARY: This is a building in which collections of books, CDs, newspapers, etc., are kept for

people to read, study or borrow, in this study, the Library is Kenneth Dike Library.

LIBRARY RESOURCES: are those materials, both print and non-print, found in libraries

(whether Academic, School, Special or public) which support curricular and personal information
needs. Print resources include books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, microfiche or

microfilm. Non-print resources include films, disc records, filmstrips, slides, prints, audiotapes,

videotapes, compact discs, and computer software.

STUDENT: The word ‘student’ refers to an individual who has registered to study at a higher

institution, such as a university, university of technology or college. In this study, the word

‘student’ refers to a person who is to use the Library at the University of Benin.

UNIVERSITY: A university is an institution of higher education where one can study for a

degree and do research in a variety of subjects. It provides both undergraduate education and

postgraduate education.

USER: This is a person who come to make use of library materials in other to satisfy their needs.

In this study, the Users are registered Library undergraduate students of University of Benin.

USER EDUCATION: These are the various programs of instruction, education and exploration

provided by academic libraries to its users to enable them to make effective, efficient and

independent use of information sources and services to which these libraries provide access.

UTILIZATION: This is the process of making use of the information material or resources

available in a Library. Utilization is the action of using a particular item that is, making practical

and effective use of that item. In Library and information science context, it can be seen as the

process of making adequate use of the library’s information material either Books, magazines,

databases and so on. It is the act of making use of information resources that have been made

widely available for library users to access, retrieve and use.

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