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As a project, Students will make a video presentation about Flower dissection. They will
dissect a flower, determine the different parts of the flower, group of flower and explain
how does flower pollinate. The student's will then neatly, recreate the flower by pasting it
on a paper plate/piece of paper/card box and label all the parts of the flower.

1. Duration of video : 4-10 minutes

2. Video content :
a) Introduction : Greeting, student will introduce him/herself and what will they do
b) Show the flower and present the name of flower (fresh flower, not artificial and
do not use Hibiscus flower)
c) Do procedures/instruction of How to dissect of flower (look at the file
d) identify parts of flower and arrange all parts on labeled paper/plate/card box.
e) identify in which group the flower is :complete, incomplete, perfect of
imperfect flower also explain the reason.
f) Explain how does flower pollinate : Pollinated by animals or by wind (based on
its characteristic).
g) Present the conclusion :
Example : “After I dissect the (name of flower) flower. Parts of flower consist of
_______________, ________________, ________________, ________________ (depend on your
flower). So, this is (group of flower). The flower is pollinated by (wind/animal)
because (your explanation).” If you have more information of the flower you
may explain it in this session.
h) Closing : Thank you & your suggestion/recommendation for other kids who will
do same project.
3. Students have 2 weeks to do this project and submit it in edmodo assignment.
The due date is on Friday, August 21st 2020 at 4 p.m.
N.B. For each 24 hour period an assignment is turned in late, 5 points will be deducted from
the total points you earn on the assignment. So, kindly submit your assignment on time.

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