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Name: _______________________________________________________ Total score: __________/100


D.R. © U.D. Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Photocopiable

1 Read the article and mark (✓) the themes that are
mentioned. (10 points) Read the article again and underline the answers. (5 points)
a. The Internet and information. ____ a. How are technological tools changing the world?
b. How the Internet is changing the 1. They are making it more dangerous.
world. ____ 2. They are making it easier to access information.
c. Internet and the environment. ____ 3. They are forcing people to use the Internet more.
d. The Internet and politics. ____ k. Which one is NOT mentioned as a technological tool?
e. People’s ability to understand 1. GPS.
English. ____ 4. Smartphones.
f. The Internet and crime. ____ 5. Information.
l. What is the “digital divide”?
g. Internet access in different parts of the
world. ____ 1. The difference between people with access to
the Internet and people without it.
h. Different types of Internet connections. ____
6. The difference between rich countries and
i. The United Nation’s ideas about sharing poor countries.
technology. ____ 7. The difference between Scandinavia and
j. The Internet in education ____ Central Africa.
m. Why is it difficult for some people to use the Internet?
1. They don’t like technology.
8. They can’t read.
9. They only speak English.
n. What is the last paragraph mostly about?
1. The number of people who have televisions
and radios.
10. The United Nations’ technological plan.
11. Technology in the world in ten years.

Score: _____________/15

Name: _______________________________________________________

> Complete the correct word next to each definition. (10 points)
o. a system that helps you find places: G_____________
p. a device for taking pictures: d_____________ c_____________
q. a device for playing video games: g_____________ c_____________
r. a device to listen to music: s_____________
s. a portable computer: l_____________
t. a device with a touch screen: t_____________
u. a device you put over your ears to listen to music: h_____________
v. a device for talking to people: c_____________ p_____________
w. a place you can find information on the Internet: w_____________
mig to communicate: e_____________
x. an electronic method
Grammar mig
ht the future using the prompts and the words in the box. (10 points)
1 Write predictions for
a. people/live/in space (not sure) _____________________________________
y. robots/work/for people (sure) _____________________________________
z. everyone/have/a smartphone (sure) _____________________________________
aa. people/suffer/from disease (not sure) _____________________________________
bb. technology/be/the same (sure) _____________________________________
2 Use the schedule to complete the sentences. (5 points)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurday Friday

Go to the doctor Pete and Sally arrive Pete plays in a basketball

Play soccer with Andy Eat out with family
with Mom from the US competition

a. On Monday, mom and I _______________________________________________________

cc. On Tuesday, I _______________________________________________________.
dd. On Wednesday, Pete and Sally _______________________________________________________.
ee. On Thursday, Pete _______________________________________________________.
ff. On Friday, I_______________________________________________________.

Score: _____________/25

Name: _______________________________________________________
1 Listen (track 6) to the news report and mark (✓) the opinions expressed. (5 points)
a. Christina’s robotic hand is cool. ____
gg. Traditional prosthetics are better than robotic hands. ____
hh. It is easy to print robotic hands. ____
ii. Doctors do not like the robotic hands. ____
jj. Robotic hands are making a big difference to kids’ lives. ____
kk. Robotic hands will stop bullying. ____
ll. Christina Farley is happier now. ____
2 Listen again and answer the questions. (10 points)
a. What technological device is used to make the robotic hands?
mm. What color is Christina’s robotic hand?
nn. Where did Christina’s mom learn about the organization?
oo. How many countries does e-NABLE send robotic hands to?
pp. How much did the robotic hand cost Mrs. Farley?

> Write a short text about your predictions for technology in the next five years.
Write 35–45 words. (25 points)

> Work in pairs. Use the prompts to ask and answer each others questions about your plans
for next week. (20 points)
 What will you do on…?
 Are you looking forward to…?
 What are your plans for…?

Score: _____________/60


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