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Phosphorylation of P-glycoprotein by PKA and PKC

modulates swelling-activated Cl2 currents

1Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas

77555-0641; and 2Laboratoire Jean Maetz, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique-Centre

National de la Recherche Scientifique, 06230 Villefranche Sur Mer, France

Vanoye, Carlos G., Ariel F. Castro, Thierry Pourcher, R domain is required for proper CFTR regulation by
Luis Reuss, and Guillermo A. Altenberg. Phosphorylation protein kinases (11, 16).
of P-glycoprotein by PKA and PKC modulates swelling- MDR1 is a plasma membrane ATPase that extrudes
activated Cl2 currents. Am. J. Physiol. 276 (Cell Physiol. 45): seemingly unrelated hydrophobic compounds from the
C370–C378, 1999.—Several proteins belonging to the ATP- cell interior, thus conferring resistance to a large
binding cassette superfamily can affect ion channel function. variety of drugs (19). In addition to its pump function,
These include the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance MDR1 may also serve as a membrane transport regula-
regulator, the sulfonylurea receptor, and the multidrug resis-
tor or modifier. A number of studies suggest that MDR1
tance protein P-glycoprotein (MDR1). We measured whole
cell swelling-activated Cl2 currents (ICl,swell ) in parental cells
expression alters membrane transport processes, as
and cells expressing wild-type MDR1 or a phosphorylation- evidenced by changes in intracellular pH (4, 38, 43), cell
defective mutant (Ser-661, Ser-667, and Ser-671 replaced by membrane depolarization (25, 47), and an increase in
Ala). Stimulation of protein kinase C (PKC) with a phorbol Na1 channel activity (49).
ester reduced the rate of increase in ICl,swell only in cells that Some members of the ABC family have been pro-
express MDR1. PKC stimulation had no effect on steady-state posed to regulate the activity of ion channels and other
ICl,swell. Stimulation of protein kinase A (PKA) with 8-bromoad- membrane proteins (e.g., CFTR, MDR1) or form part of
enosine 38,58-cyclic monophosphate reduced steady-state ion channels as subunits (e.g., SUR). CFTR is an ion
ICl,swell only in MDR1-expressing cells. PKA stimulation had channel (5, 6) that has also been implicated in the
no effect on the rate of ICl,swell activation. The effects of regulation of both outwardly rectifying Cl2 channels
stimulation of PKA and PKC on ICl,swell were additive (i.e., and epithelial Na1 channels (39, 41). Activation of
decrease in the rate of activation and reduction in steady- protein kinase A (PKA) has been shown to activate
state ICl,swell ). The effects of PKA and PKC stimulation were outwardly rectifying Cl2 channels and inhibit epithe-
absent in cells expressing the phosphorylation-defective mu- lial Na1 channels only in the presence of CFTR (14, 41).
tant. In summary, it is likely that phosphorylation of MDR1 SUR seems to be a subunit of ATP-sensitive K1 chan-
by PKA and by PKC alters swelling-activated Cl2 channels by
nels [KATP; formed by SUR and inwardly rectifying K1
independent mechanisms and that Ser-661, Ser-667, and
channels (Kir )]. SUR confers sulfonylurea sensitivity to
Ser-671 are involved in the responses of ICl,swell to stimulation
of PKA and PKC. These results support the notion that MDR1
Kir and is involved in the response to nucleotides (1).
phosphorylation affects ICl,swell. Several studies have shown a relationship between
swelling-activated Cl2 currents (ICl,swell ) and MDR1
multidrug resistance protein; adenosine 58-triphosphate- expression (2, 32, 35, 45, 46). Most importantly, protein
binding cassette proteins; cystic fibrosis transmembrane con- kinase C (PKC)-mediated phosphorylation of MDR1
ductance regulator; sulfonylurea receptor; chloride channels was shown to either inhibit ICl,swell (24) or reduce its
activation rate (7). Although recent studies contradict
these observations (35), Hardy et al. (24) showed that
THE ATP-BINDING CASSETTE (ABC) superfamily of mem-
mutation of all consensus PKC phosphorylation sites in
the MDR1 mini-linker domain abolished the effect of
brane proteins includes proteins such as the cystic
phosphorylation. However, only Ser-661, Ser-667, and
fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR),
Ser-671 of the eight Ser and Thr in the MDR1 mini-
the sulfonylurea receptor (SUR), and the multidrug
linker domain are phosphorylated by PKC (9, 19). PKA
resistance protein P-glycoprotein (MDR1). Most mem- phosphorylates two of the PKC sites, Ser-667 and
bers of the ABC superfamily expressed in mammalian Ser-671, and also Ser-683, a site not phosphorylated by
cells have two membrane-spanning regions, each fol- PKC (9, 19). There is no information on a possible role
lowed by a nucleotide binding fold (27). A linker region of regulation of ICl,swell by PKA-mediated phosphoryla-
that is a phosphorylation target in CFTR [regulatory tion of MDR1. With respect to a possible regulation of
(R) domain; see Ref. 16] and MDR1 (mini-linker do- drug transport, the current evidence does not support a
main; see Ref. 19) joins the two membrane spanning major role of MDR1 phosphorylation (18, 20). However,
region-nucleotide binding domain tandems. The CFTR an increase in the apparent affinity to some drugs (i.e.,
verapamil, vinblastine, and rhodamine 123) of the
drug-stimulated ATPase activity by MDR1 phosphory-
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the
payment of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby
lation has been suggested (42).
marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 The aims of this study were to determine whether 1)
solely to indicate this fact. activation of PKC alters ICl,swell in MDR1-expressing
C370 0363-6143/99 $5.00 Copyright r 1999 the American Physiological Society

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cells, 2) stimulation of PKA affects ICl,swell in MDR1- resistances were 3–5 MV (nearly symmetrical NMDG-Cl
expressing cells, and 3) Ser-661, Ser-667, and/or Ser- solutions in the pipette and bath).
671 of MDR1 are required for the effects of PKA and After obtaining a 5-GV seal between the pipette and the
PKC stimulation on ICl,swell. cell membrane, the patch was ruptured by applying negative
pressure or negative pressure plus a large voltage pulse (1.2 V
for 0.5–3 ms). Currents were measured in the whole cell
MATERIALS AND METHODS configuration by the patch-clamp technique (22) using an
Axopatch 200A amplifier (Axon Instruments, Foster City,
General procedures. Mouse fibroblast cells (BALB/c-3T3; a
CA), sampled at 20 kHz, and filtered at 2 or 5 kHz. The
gift from Dr. E. B. Mechetner) were grown in DMEM supple- holding voltage was 0 mV. The Cl2 currents were measured
mented with 10% fetal bovine serum (GIBCO, Rockville, MD) from 280 to 180 mV at 20-mV steps, 40 ms after the start of
and 1% (vol/vol) streptomycin-penicillin (1 unit penicillin-1 the voltage pulse, as indicated. Pulse generation and data
µg streptomycin; GIBCO) at 37°C in 5% CO2. The cells collection and analyses were performed using pCLAMP 6
transfected with MDR1 cDNA (BALB-MDR1) and MDR1-3SA (Axon Instruments). The measured currents are expressed
cDNA (BALB-MDR1-3SA) were grown in the continuous relative to apparent membrane capacitance. The access resis-
presence of the antibiotic geneticin (G418; GIBCO) at a tance and apparent membrane capacitance were estimated as
concentration of 600 µg/ml. described by Lindau and Neher (30). Access resistance values
Generation of MDR1- and MDR1-3SA-expressing clones. ranged from 7 to 10 MV, and the apparent membrane
BALB/c-3T3 cells were transfected with either wild-type capacitances were 31 6 1 pF for BALB/c-3T3 cells (n 5 35),
MDR1 or mutant MDR1 (MDR1-3SA) cDNA in the vector 30 6 1 pF for BALB-MDR1 cells (n 5 58), and 29 6 2 pF for
pLK444M. This vector contains a b-actin promoter and was BALB-MDR1-3SA cells (n 5 42).
derived from pLK444 (a gift of Dr. P. Melera; see Ref. 12). Cell volume measurements. Detached BALB-MDR1 cells
Site-directed mutagenesis was used to substitute Ser-661, (see above) were placed on glass coverslips mounted in a
Ser-667, and Ser-671 with Ala, and both MDR1 and MDR1- Leiden microincubator (Medical Systems, Greenvale, NY).
3SA contain six histidine residues at the COOH-terminal The cells were loaded for ,1 h with 15 µM 5-chloromethylfluo-
end. This results in a modified MDR1 that has drug- rescein diacetate (CMFDA; Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR; a
stimulated ATPase activity and transports drugs (Ref. 31; see fluorescent dye not transported by MDR1; see RESULTS ) at
Fig. 1). Detailed information on the cDNA engineering and room temperature in HBS. After CMFDA loading, the cells
development of the cell lines is described elsewhere (A. were placed on the stage of an inverted microscope (Nikon
Castro, J. Horton, and G. Altenberg, unpublished observa- Diaphot) coupled to a confocal laser scanning video system
tions). Functional expression of MDR1 in the plasma mem- (Odyssey, Noran Instruments, Middleton, WI). Superfusion
brane was determined by measuring the efflux of the MDR1 with CMFDA-free ISO solution (see above for composition)
substrate rhodamine 123, as previously described (3, 46). was initiated, and cell fluorescence was measured (excitation
Electrophysiology. BALB/c-3T3, BALB-MDR1, and BALB- at 495 nm, emission at .535 nm). After recording of cell
MDR1-3SA were detached the day of the experiment by fluorescence for 6–8 min under basal conditions, the superfus-
exposure to a Ca21-free PBS (in mM: 137 NaCl, 8 sodium ate was changed to the experimental solution, i.e., ISO plus
phosphate, 1.5 potassium phosphate, and 2.7 KCl, pH ,7.4) 200 nM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Changes in
containing 0.5 mM EDTA. The cells were allowed to recover cell fluorescence due to changes in cell volume were cali-
for ,30 min at room temperature (22–23°C) in HEPES- brated by exposing control cells to either 11% NMDG-Cl
buffered solution (HBS; in mM: 135 NaCl, 5 KCl, 1 MgCl2, 2 HYPO solution (NMDG-Cl was reduced by 17.5 mM; ,245
CaCl2, 7.8 glucose, and 5 HEPES-NaOH, pH 7.4, osmolality mosmol/kg) or 11% NMDG-Cl HYPER (sucrose was added to
,280 mosmol/kg). The cells were detached because when NMDG-Cl ISO to obtain ,305 mosmol/kg). An increase in cell
grown at low confluence they spread out and their thinness fluorescence denotes an increase in CMFDA concentration
makes them difficult to patch. Detachment of MDR1- due to cell shrinkage, and a fall in cell fluorescence denotes
expressing BALB/c-3T3 cells did not affect MDR1 functional cell swelling.
expression in the plasma membrane, i.e., rhodamine 123 Data are presented as means 6 SE. Statistical differences
efflux was similar in attached and detached cells (data not were calculated using Student’s t-test for paired or unpaired
shown). The isolated cells were placed in a plastic chamber data, as appropriate, and were considered significant at P ,
(volume ,700 µl) and allowed to settle to the bottom and 0.05 (two-tailed analysis).
attach (,20 min). The chamber was mounted on the stage of
an inverted microscope (Nikon Diaphot, Nikon, Tokyo, Japan). RESULTS
Whole cell recordings were performed at room temperature
while the cells were superfused at 2–3 ml/min with the BALB/c-3T3 mouse cells transfected with wild-type
experimental solutions in an ,500-µl-volume chamber. The or mutant MDR1 cDNA express functional MDR1 in the
pipette and bath solutions [isosmotic (ISO) and 22% hypos- plasma membrane. We chose to carry out the experi-
motic (HYPO)] were designed to have Cl2 as the main ments on MDR1-expressing cell lines that had never
conductive ion. Their chemical compositions (in mM) were: been exposed to chemotherapeutic agents to exclude
ISO, 140 N-methyl-D-glucammonium chloride (NMDG-Cl), the possibility that exposure to chemotherapeutic
1.3 CaCl2, 0.5 MgCl2, 10 HEPES, and 7.8 glucose, pH ,7.4, agents, and not MDR1 expression itself, could account
,275 mosmol/kg; HYPO, same as ISO, except that NMDG-Cl
for any of the unique properties of these cells (32, 33).
was reduced to 105 mM (,215 mosmol/kg); pipette solution,
140 NMDG-Cl, 1.2 MgCl2, 10 HEPES, 2 ATP, and 1 EDTA, pH
Cell lines expressing either wild-type MDR1 or mutant
,7.0, ,270 mosmol/kg. To prevent cell swelling and activa- MDR1, without selection with chemotherapeutic agents,
tion of ICl,swell in ISO, the pipette solution was diluted 5–10% were generated by transfecting BALB/c-3T3 cells with
with distilled water. The glass pipettes were pulled with a MDR1 cDNA (BALB-MDR1 cells) or MDR1-3SA
multistage P-87 Flaming-Brown micropipette puller (Sutter cDNA (BALB-MDR1-3SA). Both BALB-MDR1 and
Instruments, San Rafael, CA) and fire polished. Pipette tip BALB-MDR1-3SA cells displayed significant rhoda-

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mutant MDR1 did not alter the activation rate of ICl,swell

in BALB/c-3T3 cells. Figures 2–4 show that expression
of MDR1 or MDR1-3SA does not alter the magnitude,
activation rate, or I-V relationship of ICl,swell in BALB/c-
3T3 cells. Moreover, ICl,swell under control conditions
(absence of PKA and PKC stimulation) is similar in
MDR1- and MDR1-3SA-expressing cells.
Inhibition of ICl,swell by activation of PKC and PKA.
Protein kinase stimulation was carried out by exposure
to either 200 nM PMA (a membrane-permeant PKC
activator) or 1 mM 8-bromoadenosine 38,58-cyclic mono-
phosphate (8-BrcAMP; a membrane-permeant PKA
activator). These concentrations are sufficient to attain
maximal stimulation (26).
Figure 5A shows the swelling-activated Cl2 cur-
rents measured at 180 and 280 mV in BALB/c-3T3,
Fig. 1. Functional expression of multidrug resistance protein (MDR1; BALB-MDR1, and BALB-MDR1-3SA cells under con-
P-glycoprotein) in BALB-MDR1 and BALB-MDR1-3SA cells. Cells trol conditions and after PKC activation. The cells were
were preloaded with rhodamine 123, and decay in intracellular exposed to ISO plus PMA for 8–10 min before the whole
rhodamine 123 fluorescence (FR123 ) was measured following superfu- cell configuration was obtained. About 2 min after the
sion with rhodamine 123-free solution. a.u., Arbitrary units. After
removal of rhodamine 123, intracellular fluorescence follows a single- breaking of the seal, the bath solution was changed to
exponential decay as a function of time. Mouse cells transfected with HYPO plus PMA for ,6 min. Activation of PKC by
human MDR1 cDNA, either MDR1 (BALB-MDR1) or MDR1-3SA exposure to PMA reduced ICl,swell only in the MDR1-
(BALB-MDR1-3SA), display significant rhodamine 123 efflux, whereas expressing BALB-MDR1 cells, i.e., PMA did not affect
efflux in parental cells (no detectable MDR1 expression) was .10-fold
slower. Each trace is representative of 6 similar experiments.
ICl,swell in either BALB/c-3T3 or BALB-MDR1-3SA cells.
These results indicate that MDR1 expression is re-
mine 123 unidirectional efflux, whereas the rhodamine quired for the inhibitory effect of PKC on ICl,swell. In
123 efflux from the parental cells was ,10-fold slower addition, one or more of Ser-661, Ser-667, and Ser-671
than that of the MDR1-expressing BALB/c-3T3 cells
(Fig. 1). The rhodamine 123 efflux denotes MDR1-
mediated transport, as previously shown (3). Both
wild-type and mutant MDR1-expressing cell lines have
equivalent levels of expression of MDR1 and MDR1-
3SA in the plasma membrane, and MDR1, but not
MDR1-3SA, is phosphorylated in vitro by PKC (A.F.
Castro, J.K. Horton, C.G. Vanoye, and G.A. Altenberg,
unpublished observations). In addition, we previously
showed that MDR1 expression is undetectable in the
parental cells (8, 23). Figure 1 shows that BALB-MDR1
and BALB-MDR1-3SA cells express functional MDR1
at the plasma membrane, whereas BALB/c-3T3 does not.
Expression of MDR1 or MDR1-3SA does not alter the
magnitude, activation rate, or current-voltage (I-V)
relationship of ICl,swell in BALB/c-3T3 cells. Representa-
tive records of Cl2 currents under basal conditions
(ISO) and after activation by cell swelling (HYPO) are
shown in Fig. 2. Whole cell Cl2 currents were measured
2 min after breaking of the seal in ISO solution and
then 6 min after exposure to HYPO solution. Figures 2
and 3 show that the three cell lines exhibited sizable
swelling-activated Cl2 currents with similar outward
rectification. The ratio of the absolute currents mea-
sured at 40 ms, at 180 and 280 mV, used to assess the
degree of rectification, was not significantly different
Fig. 2. Whole cell Cl2 currents in parental cells and MDR1-
among all cell lines and was on average 1.25 6 0.02 transfected cells. Representative traces of Cl2 currents (expressed
(n 5 35). The three cell lines showed reversibility of relative to apparent membrane capacitance) measured in isotonic
ICl,swell when the bath solution was changed back to ISO (ISO; 2 min after breaking patch) and hypotonic (HYPO; 6 min after
(data not shown). Figure 4 shows the swelling-acti- lowering bath osmolality) bath solutions. Currents were measured in
whole cell configuration by patch-clamp technique. Holding voltage
vated currents measured, as a function of time, in was 0 mV, and whole cell currents were measured 40 ms after onset of
parental and in MDR1- and MDR1-3SA-expressing voltage pulses of amplitude ranging from 280 to 180 mV at 20-mV
cells. As seen in Fig. 4, expression of either wild-type or steps. Data are from 6–12 experiments.

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Fig. 3. Expression of either MDR1 or MDR1-3SA does not alter swelling-activated Cl2 currents (ICl,swell ) in
BALB/c-3T3 cells. Current-voltage (I-V) relationships for whole cell currents measured at voltages ranging from
280 to 180 mV at 20-mV steps, 40 ms from start of voltage pulse in ISO (2 min after breaking patch) and HYPO (6
min after lowering bath osmolality) are shown. Data are means 6 SE of currents (expressed relative to estimated
cell membrane capacitance; n 5 4–12) plotted as function of holding voltage.

are required for this inhibition. Because Ser-667 and The effects of both PKA and PKC stimulation were
Ser-671 are also substrates for PKA, we tested whether always present but were somewhat variable in magni-
PKA activation reproduces the PKC effect. Figure 5B tude when experiments performed months apart were
shows ICl,swell measured at 180 and 280 mV in BALB/c- compared (e.g., compare the decreases in the rate of
3T3, BALB-MDR1, and BALB-MDR1-3SA cells under ICl,swell activation by PMA at 6 min in Figs. 5 and 6). For
control conditions and after PKA activation, by a proto- this reason, experimental and control studies were
col similar to that used to study the effect of PKC always contemporaneous.
stimulation but with 8-BrcAMP instead of PMA. The PKA and PKC affect ICl,swell by different mechanisms.
results show that activation of PKA inhibits ICl,swell in Recently, phosphorylation of MDR1 by PKC was shown
BALB/c-3T3 cells expressing MDR1 but not in the to reduce the activation rate of ICl,swell following expo-
parental or mutant MDR1-expressing cells. Hence, sure to hypotonic solutions (7). However, other investi-
inhibition of ICl,swell in BALB/c-3T3 cells by either PKA
gators have not found this effect (35). After examina-
or PKC activation requires MDR1 expression, and
tion of the time course of ICl,swell activation, we noticed
Ser-661, Ser-667, and/or Ser-671 are required for this
that inhibition of the current by PKC activation was
effect. In addition, because PKA and PKC have Ser-667
and Ser-671 as common substrates, one or both resi- stronger at early times after reduction of the bath
dues are essential for the inhibition of ICl,swell by MDR1 osmolality. This observation suggested that phosphory-
phosphorylation. lation of MDR1 could alter the activation rate of ICl,swell
but not its final magnitude. To test this possibility, we
exposed BALB-MDR1 cells treated with either PMA or
8-BrcAMP to HYPO solution for a longer period. We
stopped acquiring data 12–14 min after switching the
bath to HYPO because membrane blebs appeared in
the patched cells after that time, suggesting uncou-
pling of the membrane from the cytoskeleton. Figure
6A shows that phosphorylation of MDR1 by PKC slows
down the activation of ICl,swell without altering its
steady-state value. In contrast, activation of PKA re-
duced the steady-state level of ICl,swell in BALB-MDR1
cells without modifying the activation rate (Fig. 6B). As
shown in Fig. 6C, the addition of both PMA and
Fig. 4. Activation rate of ICl,swell in BALB/c-3T3 cells is not affected by 8-BrcAMP generated a ‘‘mixed’’ effect, i.e., both activa-
expression of either MDR1 or MDR1-3SA. Whole cell currents tion rate and final magnitude of ICl,swell were reduced. In
measured at 180 mV, 40 ms after voltage pulse, are plotted as a summary, PKA and PKC stimulation produced distinct
function of time after lowering of bath osmolality. Bath solution was
changed to HYPO at time 0. Data are means 6 SE of currents
effects on ICl,swell, and these effects were abolished by
(expressed relative to estimated cell membrane capacitance; n 5 replacing Ser-661, Ser-667, and Ser-671 with Ala resi-
10–25). dues.

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volume upon stimulation of PKC. This putative reduc-

tion in cell volume could explain the delay in the onset
of ICl,swell, i.e., exposure to HYPO during the first ,2
min would return the cell volume to the level before
PMA exposure, without activation of ICl,swell. To test this
possibility, changes in cell volume were monitored
before and during exposure to 200 nM PMA using the
fluorescent dye CMFDA as a marker for cell water
volume. Pilot experiments showed that the decrease in
fluorescence during the time course of the studies was
due to photobleaching of the fluorophore (9 6 1%, n 5
30), with negligible probe efflux in both BALB/c-3T3
and BALB-MDR1 cells (data not shown). These observa-
tions indicate that the CMFDA-glutathione conjugate
is not an MDR1 substrate. The conjugate could be a

Fig. 5. Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by phorbol 12-myristate

13-acetate (PMA) and activation of protein kinase A (PKA) by
8-bromoadenosine 38,58-cyclic monophosphate (8-BrcAMP) inhibit
ICl,swell only in cells expressing wild-type MDR1. A: cells were exposed
to ISO 1 200 nM PMA for 6–10 min before whole cell configuration
was obtained and continuously thereafter. ICl,swell values were ob-
tained 6 min after lowering of bath osmolality. B: cells were exposed
to ISO 1 1 mM 8-BrcAMP for 6–10 min before whole cell configura-
tion was obtained and continuously thereafter. ICl,swell values at 280
and 180 mV are shown for both control cells and 8-BrcAMP-exposed Fig. 6. PKA and PKC have different effects on ICl,swell in MDR1-
cells. Data are means 6 SE (n 5 4–13) of currents measured at 280 expressing cells. A: activation of PKC reduced rate of activation of
mV (downward bars) and 180 mV (upward bars), 40 ms after start of ICl,swell but not its steady-state value. B: activation of PKA reduced
voltage pulse, and expressed relative to estimated cell membrane steady-state current levels. C: exposure of BALB-MDR1 cells to both
capacitance. * P , 0.05 compared with control. agents simultaneously generated a ‘‘mixed’’ effect, i.e., onset of
current was delayed and final current was reduced. Experimental
protocol was similar to that used for Fig. 3, but cells were maintained
The delay of ICl,swell activation in BALB-MDR1 by in HYPO solution for 8–14 min (A and C) or 8–12 min (B). Data are
PKC stimulation is not caused by cell shrinkage. One means 6 SE (n 5 4–10) of currents measured at 180 mV, 40 ms after
start of voltage pulse, and are normalized to ICl,swell measured at
possible explanation for the delay in the activation of 8 min under control conditions. Bath osmolality was reduced at
ICl,swell in MDR1-expressing cells treated with PMA is time 0. * P , 0.05 for difference between control and treatment at
that MDR1 phosphorylation causes a decrease in cell same time point.

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substrate for the multidrug resistance associated pro-

tein (MRP1), but BALB/c-3T3 cells are devoid of MRP1
(8). Fluorescence of the CMFDA-glutathione conjugate
was monitored in cells exposed to either ISO or ISO
plus PMA for 10 min. Fluorescence, normalized to the
average value in ISO after correction for photobleach-
ing, was 1.00 6 0.01 in ISO (n 5 22) and 0.99 6 0.02 in
ISO plus PMA (n 5 8). These results show that PMA did
not elevate cell fluorescence (as expected for cell shrink-
age), thus ruling out a decrease in cell volume as the
mechanism for the delay in ICl,swell activation. The
validity of the fluorescent probe-based methods to
assess changes in cell volume has been previously
established (44) and was confirmed by measuring
CMFDA fluorescence in control cells exposed to aniso-
tonic solutions. Exposure to 11% HYPO reduced cell
fluorescence by 12 6 3% (n 5 15), and exposure to 11%
HYPER increased cell fluorescence by 11 6 5% (n 5 6).
Inhibition of ICl,swell in BALB-MDR1 cells by PKA
activation is not due to ATP release. It has been
suggested that ABC proteins can regulate other trans-
porters by providing a pathway for efflux of ATP, which
can activate or inhibit other transporters via activation
of purinergic receptors (reviewed in Ref. 11). In this
context, phosphorylation of CFTR by PKA activates
outwardly rectifying Cl2 channels via ATP efflux (39).
Because external ATP reduces the magnitude of ICl,swell Fig. 7. Inhibition of ICl,swell in MDR1-expressing cells by PKA activa-
in several cell lines (40), including BALB-MDR1 cells tion is not due to ATP release. A: addition of external ATP (2 mM)
(Fig. 7A), it is then possible that phosphorylation of inhibits ICl,swell in BALB-MDR1 cells (28 6 4%, n 5 4). Data are
means 6 SE of currents measured at 180 mV, 40 ms after start of
MDR1 by PKA causes ATP release and this extracellu- voltage pulse, and are expressed as percentage of current measured
lar ATP subsequently reduces the magnitude of ICl,swell. before ATP addition. * P , 0.05 compared with control. B: activation
To test this possibility, BALB-MDR1 cells were exposed of ICl,swell in BALB-MDR1 cells under control conditions (n 5 4), after
to 8-BrcAMP in the continuous extracellular presence 1 mM 8-BrcAMP alone (n 5 4), or after 1 mM 8-BrcAMP 1 0.5 U/ml
of hexokinase (0.5 U/ml; Sigma, St. Louis, MO), glu- hexokinase (HK; n 5 3). Hexokinase does not alter PKA-induced
effect, suggesting that inhibition of ICl,swell is not due to ATP release.
cose, and Mg21. Under these conditions, hexokinase Data are means 6 SE of currents measured at 180 mV, 40 ms after
catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose by ATP, thus start of voltage pulse, and are normalized to ICl,swell measured at
scavenging any secreted ATP. In CFTR-expressing cells, 8 min under control conditions. Bath osmolality was reduced at
this experimental maneuver has been shown to prevent time 0.
the activation of outwardly rectifying Cl2 channels via
purinergic receptors (39). Figure 7B shows ICl,swell mea-
sured at 180 mV in BALB-MDR1 cells both under activation rate caused by PKC activation in MDR1 (and
control conditions and in the presence of 8-BrcAMP or mdr1a)-expressing cells (7, 24). The PKC effect was
8-BrcAMP plus hexokinase. Addition of external hexo- abolished by mutating all the consensus PKC phosphor-
kinase did not block the PKA-induced effect. This ylation sites in the mini-linker domain of MDR1 to Ala
proves that external ATP is not involved in the inhibi- (24), indicating that phosphorylation of MDR1 is part of
tion of ICl,swell by PKA in BALB-MDR1 cells. Addition of the mechanisms by which PKC activation affects ICl,swell.
external hexokinase alone did not affect ICl,swell in The present results provide additional evidence that
BALB-MDR1 cells. ICl,swell measured at 180 mV, 6 min phosphorylation of MDR1, not MDR1 expression per se,
after exposure to HYPO bath, was 83 6 25 pA/pF (n 5 alters the activity of swelling-activated Cl2 channels.
5) in control conditions and 122 6 10 pA/pF (n 5 5) in It has been shown by several investigators that
the presence of hexokinase. expression of MDR1 alters the activation rate of ICl,swell
by either increasing it (7, 32, 35, 45) or decreasing it
DISCUSSION (33) and that this effect is reversed by PKC activation
(7, 45). However, MDR1 expression does not always
Current evidence indicates that expression of MDR1 alter the activation rate of ICl,swell (Ref. 15; see Fig. 4). It
regulates or modifies swelling-activated Cl2 channels is possible that the rate at which ICl,swell is activated in
(7, 24, 35, 45, 46). The main results supporting such a MDR1-expressing cells, vis à vis the parental, non-
role for MDR1 are 1) the modulation of the volume MDR1-expressing cells, is dependent on experimental
sensitivity and/or the activation rate of swelling- factors that include the way cells are prepared for the
activated Cl2 channels by MDR1 expression (7, 32, 35, experimental procedure (23) and exposure of MDR1-
45) and 2) the inhibition of ICl,swell or a decrease in its expressing cells to chemotherapeutic agents (32, 33).

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In our hands, activation of PKC by PMA affects the 671 (probably at the same residues in vitro and in vivo;
activation rate of ICl,swell in an MDR1-expressing cell Refs. 9, 19), whereas PKA phosphorylation occurs at
line, not its final magnitude, thus confirming observa- Ser-667, Ser-671, and Ser-683 (only in vitro data are
tions by Bond et al. (7). We also demonstrated that available; see Ref. 19). Because the effects of stimula-
phosphorylation of residues Ser-661, Ser-667, and Ser- tion of PKA and PKC are different and additive and
671 in the MDR1 mini-linker domain is sufficient for require phosphorylation of Ser-661, Ser-667, and/or
the effect of PKC stimulation. Moreover, because our Ser-671, it is likely that phosphorylation of Ser-661 is
cell lines were never exposed to chemotherapeutic involved in the response to PKC stimulation and that
drugs, our results rule out a nonspecific effect of PKC Ser-683 is involved in the response to PKA stimulation.
related to cell exposure to those agents (33). However, However, additional mutagenesis studies are required
the effects of MDR1 phosphorylation on swelling- to confirm this hypothesis.
activated Cl2 channels are controversial because other Other ABC proteins, besides MDR1, regulate ion
investigators did not find any effects of PKC stimula- channels. CFTR is a Cl2 channel that regulates out-
tion on ICl,swell in MDR1-expressing cells (35). Among wardly rectifying Cl2 channels, epithelial Na1 chan-
the possible explanations for this discrepancy are the nels, and KATP channels (14, 34, 41), whereas SUR
following. 1) The data shown by Miwa et al. (35) were regulates certain Kir channels (1). There is little infor-
obtained at steady state, when no effect is expected (see mation on the mechanism by which ABC proteins alter
Fig. 4). 2) The MDR1-dependent effects of PKC stimula- the activity of ion channels. ATP secretion has been
tion on swelling-activated Cl2 channels may well vary implicated in the regulation of outwardly rectifying Cl2
from cell to cell, depending on the presence and location channels by CFTR (39), but ATP secretion dependent
of specific PKC isoenzymes as well as on the specific on CFTR is controversial (29, 37), and it cannot explain
molecule underlying ICl,swell. In this context, although our results. External ATP blocks ICl,swell, and ATP
ClC-3 has been tentatively identified as a swelling- scavenging by hexokinase had no effect on the ICl,swell
activated Cl2 channel (13), it seems that ICl,swell is reduction by PKA stimulation. Direct interaction be-
underlain by different channels in different cells (46), tween CFTR and the a-subunit of the epithelial Na1
and it is possible that MDR1 may influence only some of channel has been suggested to mediate the inhibition of
these channels. The observations on the association Na1 channels by phosphorylation of CFTR by PKA (28).
of Kir channels with SUR support this hypothesis. The relationship between SUR and Kir also supports
SUR1 has been shown to modify the function of some protein-protein interaction as the mechanism for regu-
(e.g., Kir 6.1, Kir 6.2) but not all (e.g., Kir 2.1, Kir 4.3) Kir lation by ABC proteins. It has been established that the
channels (1). effects of sulfonylureas (inhibition) and Mg-ADP (stimu-
The present results demonstrate for the first time lation) on Kir channels are mediated by SUR. SUR
that stimulation of PKA affects swelling-activated Cl2 probably mediates the effects of sulfonylureas and
channels selectively in MDR1-expressing cells. Expo- Mg-ADP on Kir channels via protein-protein interac-
sure to a membrane-permeable analog of cAMP re- tion, because SUR and Kir channels form functional
duced the magnitude of ICl,swell elicited by hyposmotic oligomers (KATP channels), likely consisting of four Kir
swelling. This effect was observed only in the cells and four SUR molecules (1). The precise mechanism of
expressing MDR1 and was abolished by substitution of alteration in swelling-activated Cl2 channels by phos-
Ser-661, Ser-667, and Ser-671 of MDR1 with Ala. The phorylation of MDR1 is unknown. MDR1-associated
results in the parental cells devoid of MDR1 are in transport of substrates with stimulatory or inhibitory
agreement with the notion that the PKA pathway does effects on Cl2 channels is unlikely because the magni-
not regulate swelling-activated Cl2 channels (36). In tude of ICl,swell is independent of MDR1 expression (see
contrast, it has been shown that activation of myocar- Ref. 46). Efflux of ATP can also be ruled out from our
dial ICl,swell is blocked by PKA-mediated phosphoryla- studies. On the basis of the available information on
tion (21). It has been proposed (36) that such a mecha- the effects of CFTR and SUR on ion channels, we favor
nism could form part of a negative feedback of ICl,swell the hypothesis that the regulation of swelling-activated
activation because some cells accumulate cAMP during Cl2 channels mediated by MDR1 phosphorylation is via
swelling (48). The possibility that MDR1 expressed in protein-protein interaction.
the myocardium (17) is responsible for the modulation Our conclusions are as follows. 1) MDR1 phosphory-
of ICl,swell remains to be explored. lation alters the function of swelling-activated Cl2
Interestingly, our results show that the MDR1- channels. This modulation could depend on the cell
related effects of PKA and PKC on ICl,swell are different. type, e.g., differences in expression and compartmental-
PKA stimulation reduces steady-state ICl,swell, whereas ization of PKC isoenzymes and different Cl2 channels
PKC stimulation reduces the rate of activation of the underlying ICl,swell. 2) The effects of PKA and PKC on
currents by swelling, without affecting their steady- swelling-activated Cl2 channels by phosphorylation of
state level. Moreover, the effects of PKA and PKC MDR1 require phosphorylation of one or more of Ser-
stimulation are different and additive (reduction of 661, Ser-667, and Ser-671. These residues are located
speed of response plus decrease in steady-state cur- in the MDR1 mini-linker domain (10), homologous to
rents). The latter result indicates that the two effects the R domain of CFTR (the R domain is a target for
are independent. It has been shown that MDR1 is modulation of CFTR activity by phosphorylation; see
phosphorylated by PKC at Ser-661, Ser-667, and Ser- Ref. 11). 3) The effects of PKA and PKC are different

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