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G5reecren SoLvnon EE 3350 Quiz 4A Fall 07 Name: ‘tone modulated FM signal i given by (= 4 608 (2 1+ 2 sin 2100. (1) Wat is the bandwith of the FM sgn ke? (2) Waste power ofthe FM signal? (@) Waste power ofthe carer component? (4) Sketch be magnitate spectrum ofthe FM signal (within bandwith, Baas fe ey fiz (rig =m oi (ee eee gerry bits = L (2) Paneer af OO 2 ns = [eee ee oe To ee ae Le A IO) 0574 Po eee) pee cate ce a spoken Ie prs fret ® = (4) el 7 iees/on ois 2 ard tob-n? Vol pofesele be where toherree? Ly EE 3350 Quiz 4A Fall 07 Anangle module sige s given by (=A 608 (10+ 2 sin Or 10") +4 sn 10°), (2) What isthe bandwidth angle modulate sgn? (Carson's ae) (2) tft ange modulated sigoal ian FM signal with freqiency deviation constant of 4x 10° radhcfvol determine he message sina x). (6) What isthe vale ofthe fequeaey deviation ra (Le. modulation index)? ¥e)) BE) gai at ae ey hac fe ane » gtr 2 aie OR mma MO ee a a ae Jo kiey: porn Oly. Aw, Mime . faenl . 2 EE 3350 Quiz 4B Fall 07 Name: ‘+ Inatone mast FM system, he message signals gven by mt) =2.cs 2 10°0, he ‘equeny deviation constant 210" rade de car equency i 10D MH, and he FM sipmal ample is 10 volt 0) Waste an expression or Oy (witout ny itera (2) Whit sth power ofthe FM sgl? {G). Whit the power ofthe fint upperside bad conponeet? {Sete he mgt spectrum ofthe FM sina (whi the bani), prehys 2essean FB) Cpe tt : cry goEns AO (web Bin ene) Fea Fore Te ansere) | Ci ee = eee y = 3 2 fen OS Be coals = tees (SM @ owes A = pane Berd OF ask upp ' : G) Power of : oe © 5eelo 577 = lig tS sgn by 2% exis howe 1) only Re posi he pa Aste ea we 2 Fiber haat Bent ‘EE 3350 Quiz 4B Fall 07 cey An angle module signa is pvenby ae (= 1008 2 1° 108 +4sin 10%} (1) Wat isthe bandwidth ofthe angle mT Sia? (Carson's ale) (2) Ie anpe modulated signal is PM signal wih a phase deviation consan of ra/vo ‘keri the message signal) (9) What the vale ofthe fequeney deviation ratio Le, modulation inden)? Ni peut a ye wet Aut er eee wy, (= au 4, ao ce e aeitiens ap 0b) O 160 iy Awe by ce 2 zene vaafoe of PBS nee oe ys aCneoms ite pee (gage 2 CA fant BM me @ pee modAalake Bigrtl 2) fw A ce): 4 cos (och bpmer) Se te Be eee he = kprch? ow echt kp EE 3350 Quiz 4C Fall 07 Name: Instone modulated FM system, the message sina is given by mt) = 2cos 10 the eqn ovation constant 2x10 radio, the cate frequency 100 MH andthe FM signal ampli is voit (1) Wt an expression for (0) tout ay integral (2) What the power of te FM signal? (3) What the power ofthe fst upperside band component? (2) Sketch the magitade spectrum of th FM sigan (within the band) g zex0b met haps aa niteedferttbece poe eee Bt et a) oe AGS Cong bt fy Bim til) Jo cos (27 SE + 2 Binfansoe)) [eo : sy Power af Fm Aipwnl = AE eval situs [ee GB) Power of Pe frsk espe: Ome bend Crvepors at Soe(s77) & let , w is gree bg Biota s (4) om lg te posite freq. 9*75 ee pco\/an aoe os ygat 1 r hit Berit Vhs ie EE 3350 Quiz 4C Fall 07 Name: A signal foguensy modulates #100 Ke cane to produce he following narrowband FM signal enon) = 10c0s (2k 10+ 00080 sia 2 1041), Generate (ck dram desig) the wideband FM signal wnt with case frequency of 125, Mite and (peak) eqency deviation of 100 Rie. Arm tha the following sre vse forthe dese ‘+ egoeney Melis of any eg) valve ‘local osltr whos eguoney can be tuned to ay vale heen SOM 0 150 Me ‘+ Amida! bad as itr with tunable center frequency ad bandwith ‘Your lock diagram design mat clearly specify the cari frequencies and eguency deviations tall, logical point, x well the center equoncy and bandwith of the Band as te. pr 2008 fslokay = oe Ph™ on cesnsaty 2106, oovmk £, : bby wn J EE 3350 Quiz 4D Fall 07 Name: ‘tone modulated FM signa is given by Op) = 10 cos [2 10+ 2 in (10 10D) (What the bandwidth ofthe FM signa in il? (2) Wht isthe power of the FM signa? (3) What is the power of he caer component inthe FM ial? (4 Sketch the magnitude spectrum ofthe PM signal (hin to bandwi. 7 : feting azte Prt, fee fe a 0) Bheg = 2 hn CAN) * apse C24) ity = és us (2) Pace aprons AD watts = [See] it a en &. (0) The carmen Gompmenk 7 Bren UP A. Ty(2)- tos an xl : 2 AP atayeeats BOKE OH THs pres boa? $ ee fen ep ee () ml } 18,.5°l/on Ae oo ot wh5 Ai Sieber rete TTT pun oh 5! Lt teeth toes EE 3350 Quiz 4D Fall 07 Name: A signal mo) equeny modulates 100 Kz caies to prodoce the fllowing narowband FM signa: grees) =5 cos 28 101+ 00050 sin 2 1041) ‘Generate (ek diagram design) the wideband FM signal @ yar) with acaieequncy f 75 Mand (peak) frequency deviation of78 Ha, Aum ta te fllowiag ae avaliable forthe dbs ‘+ Frequency Mukipis of any Gaege) value Aloca silat whose fequency can be tno to any vale between SoMti to 150 Mite “+ An idea! ba pas iter with tunable center fequeny and bandwidth ‘Your block diagram design mat clerly specif theca requcnces and quency deviations tll Jogi points, well a the center quency sl Bandwid oh bad pass ers fyrtobh => Apa pp ART SE. ase” | fimel SEL Bem fos toe ares hey 2 150 My fel [oe 757] Ch of BFF = [army] Buxpaees a (hpee)= 2008+ )Ly = [= zm) Crease ausheely ) fitsnny font wlt 2) wen He ore | aperetm F j500 po7y

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