Literature Review of Social Norms Work in Nigeria

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Quantitative and qualitative findings from the Voices for Change baseline study 2015

They work on the following areas:-

 Helping adolescent girls and women to be in control of their lives

 Changing perceptions and stereotypes about gender roles through the promotion of new social
norms Strengthening gender-related legislation and women’s political participation

M&E Component:- Quantitative data was supplemented with qualitative data from 48 focus groups and
interviews with key influencers such as religious and traditional leaders.


Reactivating Nigerian Norms And Values Through Religious Studies For National Transformation by Faith
Nkem Okobia et al., 2016
Abstract: From the discourse so far, it has been revealed that moral decadence in Nigeria is a result of the
negligence of Nigerian norms and values. For effective national transformation, religious education
should be accorded a prominent status in the schools. The paper states the potentiality of religious
education to play some roles in national transformation. Religious education helps in disciplining the
mind, life, and character of individuals including the youths.
M&E: No Specific M&E component but uses KII to gather information

Norms, law, and social change: Nigeria’s anti-corruption struggle, 1999–2017

Corruption is notoriously persistent in Nigeria notwithstanding the panoply of laws deployed over the
years against it. This article argues that the factors constraining the effectiveness of laws in the fight
against corruption are to be found not in the laws, but in the larger societal matrix of resilient social
norms and institutions, which constitute the environment of corruption in the country. The environment
thus constituted is either conducive to, or largely tolerant of, corruption. The article then suggests that the
anti-corruption effort, to be successful, must engage broadly with the environment by instigating social

Reference: Ocheje, P.D. Norms, law and social change: Nigeria’s anti-corruption struggle, 1999–
2017. Crime Law Soc Change 70, 363–381 (2018).

Advancing Social Norms Practice in Nigeria

The northern states of Nigeria face a range of development and humanitarian challenges, including an
under-resourced and understaffed health system that is further challenged by social norms and gender
inequalities that drive health behaviors and influence service quality and utilization. A growing body of
evidence makes it clear that achieving sustained and meaningful improvements across health sectors
require addressing gender and social norms.
M&E: Online survey and key informant interviews.

Social Norms and Entrepreneurial Intent of Graduating University Students in northwest Nigeria
This study investigated the correlation between social norms and entrepreneurial intent of graduating
university students in northwest Nigeria. The study adopted a quantitative research design. The study
population was graduating students from seven universities selected from among the fourteen universities
in Northwest Nigeria.

M&E component: Simple random sampling was used to select the students who participated
in the study. Data analysis was conducted using correlation analysis, and linear regression
analysis of the study variables.

The Role of Cultural Beliefs, Norms, and Practices in Nigerian

Women’s Experiences of Sexual Abuse and Violence

The findings of this study highlight the influence of cultural beliefs, norms, and practices in
Nigerian women’s lived experiences of sexual abuse and violence and how the operations of
intersectionality keep women in abusive situation. Although tackling harmful gender norms and
practices have been rightly highlighted in the refreshed “Ending Violence Against Women and
Girls Strategy 2016-2020” document (Ending violence against women and girls 2016–2020
Strategy Refresh, 2019), there is a need to adequately accommodate inclusive and ethnic-
specific measures in this strategy.
M&E Component: No clear M&E aspect, but data from the study were analyzed using software
Braun, V., Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3, 77–


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