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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

College of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Electrical Engineering

SS 102
Readings in Philippine History

Submitted by:
Kenneth John Kwong

Submitted to:
Ms. Rachel Paster

March 31, 2021


Match the items in column A with the items in column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before each number.
G 1. Incompleteness of record has limited A. verisimilitude
man’s knowledge of history. B. historia
C. interpretative
F 2. These are raw materials out of which D. historical impartiality
history maybe written. E. historiography
F. artifacts of documents
J 3. The historical method historians G. limitation of historical
investigate, collect and examine knowledge
sources. H. Aristotle
I. historical method
K 4. Historians’ ability to reconstruct J. historical analysis
historical events. K. historical bias

A 5. Historians aim of searching the

truth, authenticity and plausibility.

F 6. Objects or things that have since

been forgotten or the experience of
generation long dead

E 7. The practice of historical writing

B 8. Learning by inquiry

D 9. Historical objectivity

I 10. The process of critically examining

and analyzing the records and
survivals of the past.


Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. How important historical writings are to a person, group/race, and country? Explain.

Historical writings help us to look at the past and know our history. It helps us
understand and grapple with complex questions and dilemmas by examining how the past
has shaped (and continues to shape) global, national, and local relationships between
societies and people. History teaches us about the present since history provides us with
the tools for analyzing and explain problems in the past, it enables us to see patterns that
may otherwise be invisible in the present, providing a crucial perspective for
understanding and maybe solving current and future problems. Also, by studying the lives
and struggles of others, history builds empathy. History enables us to understand how
different our experience is from that of our ancestors, yet how similar we are in our goals
and values. And lastly, in learning about the past, we often discover how our own lives fit
into the human experience.

2. Discuss the importance of historical analysis.

Historical analysis of literature allows readers to gain a better understanding of a text
by becoming familiar with the time periods in which the piece takes place and when it
was written. Reading literature outside of its historical context can make it difficult or
even impossible to fully understand the text. Even readers who, upon first reading a text,
believe they have a full understanding of the piece often realize a completely new
meaning or interpretation after making themselves familiar with its historical context.
Without a full comprehension of the world the writer lived in or the events, lifestyles, and
ideologies that shaped their mind due to lack of historical analysis, you cannot fully
understand the actions of the characters they created or their intentions for writing what
they did.

3. How do you give meaning to a so called “history”? Explain.

The English word history comes from the Ancient Greek word ἱστορία or historia
which means learning or “knowledge acquired by investigation, inquiry”. In simple
terms, history is the study of the past. History is an umbrella term that relates to past
events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and
interpretation of information about these events.

4. Explain the difference between factual history and speculative history.

Factual History meaning events in history that happened with proof of the event or
thing taking place. This type of history can be backed up by writings or even footage of
the event that took place. Speculative History interprets inadequate sources, meaning
events in history that may have an alternate history or questionable history. This type of
history is mainly used when two or more parties have different answers on why a certain
event had taken place or how a certain event had taken place.


Encircle the letter of your choice.
1. These are original historical sources.
a. static sources c. primary sources
b. descriptive sources d. interpretative sources

2. This evidence is considered as material evidence.

a. recordings c. diaries
b. archaeological d. books

3. Historians consider these sources as document/record and existing legal situation as the
best source.
a. relic c. oral sources
b. remains d. diplomatic sources

4. The third part of diplomatic source. The attestation of those responsible for the
document, which may be the author, writer, counter signer, principal parties involved,
and witness to the enactment or the subscription.
a. eschatocol c. content
b. protocol d. negotiable

5. These historical sources are materials by nature.

a. unwritten sources c. written sources
b. reliable sources d. tattoo

6. A product of record keeping of a bureau which contains information.

a. minutes c. formulas
b. social document d. content

7. This is an example of primary source.

a. newspaper c. painting
b. electronic data d. tape recorder

8. What is the historical tract typically composed to inform contemporaries or succeeding

a. narrative c. juridical tracts
b. literature d. scientific tract

9. These are materials made by people long after the events being described had taken
a. primary source c. scientific source
b. diplomatic source d. secondary source

10. Which is not an example of a primary source?

a. biographies c. a birth certificate
b. letters d. a photograph


Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. What are the benefits of using primary sources?
The biggest benefit of referring to a primary source is that you can have confidence in
knowing that the original material is untarnished and intact. It has not been misinterpreted
by outside parties, because you're getting the story directly from the source. Furthermore,
primary sources’ advantages are: it is unbiased, it has not been interpreted by others, and
it reflects the sources and thinking of that time.

2. Do you affirm that primary sources are superior to secondary sources? Explain.
No. Primary sources are not necessarily superior than secondary sources, and
secondary sources are not necessarily better than primary sources. Both serve a different
purpose and both can be used to analyze and interpret history. The reason is that primary
sources have advantages because they are immediate, first-hand accounts of a topic, from
people who had a direct connection with it and you can be sure that the primary source is
original and untarnished. But when you rely solely on primary sources, you are also
relying solely on your own knowledge and interpretation. This is when secondary
addresses this problem. Since secondary sources aim to expand upon the material in
original sources, they can provide a lot more context and meaning. This supporting
information can provide much greater insight, taking advantage of the author's expertise,
experience, and research. Therefore, they have the same level of superiority for me.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of accessing secondary sources?

As I mentioned earlier, secondary sources address some of the problems encountered
when using a primary source, that is relying solely on your own knowledge and
interpretation which may lead to inconsistencies and errors in interpreting. Secondary
sources expand upon the material (primary sources), and this can provide a lot more
context and meaning which is hard to do when dealing with primary sources alone.
Furthermore, secondary sources help us to go beyond what you may have been able to
glean from the original sources. However, it has disadvantages which is that you are
inherently viewing the original material through the lens of a different person. Their
experiences and biases will color how the information is presented. Two different authors
can interpret the same piece of original material in two wildly different ways.


Identify what is being described in the following items.

External Criticism 1. It determines the authenticity of the source.

Document Fraud 2. This is considered as hoax or misrepresentation from the

genuine document.

Isography 3. It is a dictionary of biography that gives examples of


Sigillography 4. It is a historical seal that has been subject of special study

of experts.

Historical Criticism 5. This means that the historical texts are primitive and
historical context in the primitive sense.

Higher Criticism 6. This criticism deals with more important matters than the
external form.

17th Century 7. This refers to the time/century when Historical criticism

was properly formed.

Internal Criticism 8. It determines the historicity of the facts contained in the


19th Century 9. This refers to the time/century when historical typewriting

was invented.

10. This refers to the era when historical forgery was not


Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. What is historical criticism?
Historical criticism is the historical approach to literary criticism. It involves looking
beyond the literature at the broader historical and cultural events occurring during the
time the piece was written. An understanding of the world the author lived in allows for a
more comprehensive understanding of the work.

2. Discuss the importance of historical criticism.

It is important because it allows us to investigate the origins of ancient texts in order
to understand "the world behind the text". It also enables us to discover the text's
primitive or original meaning in its original historical context and its literal sense.

3. Do you believe that writing history is subjective? Why? Explain.

Yes. Writing history is subjective this is because certain events happened so long ago,
and because sometimes the evidence is incomplete, different historians have different
approaches and views about what happened in the past. This is the subjective nature of
history. One historian claims an event happened a certain way, while another disagrees

4. How can the writings of history be objective? Explain.

Writings of history can be objective when it is based heavily on solid facts, devoid of
sentiments, without distortions by personal feelings, biases and prejudice irrespective of
tribes, gender, race, sex, and nation.


A. Identify/define the following terms:
1. History - History is the study of the past. History is an umbrella term that relates to
past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation,
and interpretation of information about these events.
2. Historical writing - the writing of history based on the critical examination of sources,
the selection of particulars from the auth
3. Verisimilitude - a theoretical concept that determines the level of truth in an assertion
or hypothesis. In simple terms, it means being believable, or having the appearance of
being true.
4. Historiography – it is the history of history. It is the writing of history, especially the
writing of history based on the critical examination of sources, the selection of
particular details from the authentic materials in those sources, and the synthesis of
those details into a narrative that stands the test of critical examination.
5. Historical analysis - is a method of the examination of evidence in coming to an
understanding of the past. It is particularly applied to evidence contained in
documents, although it can be applied to all artefacts.
6. Paleography - the study of historic writing systems and the deciphering and dating of
historical manuscripts, including the analysis of historic handwriting.
7. Diplomatics - is a scholarly discipline centered on the critical analysis of documents:
especially, historical documents.
8. Sigillography - is one of the auxiliary sciences of history. It refers to the study of seals
attached to documents as a source of historical information. It concentrates on the
legal and social meaning of seals, as well as the evolution of their design.
9. Historical criticism - Historical criticism refers to the study of literary texts,
particularly ancient texts, in terms of their historical origins and development within
those contexts.
10. Test of authenticity – the investigation and the examination of the text or document
based on three different aspects: historical, scientific, and stylistic.

B. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources of historical data. Give at least 10
examples under each category.
Primary Sources — Secondary sources of historical data —
Examples of primary sources: Examples of secondary sources:
1. autobiographies 1. bibliographies
2. diaries 2. biographical works
3. personal letters 3. textbooks
4. memoirs 4. book reviews
5. photographs 5. commentaries
6. original documents 6. encyclopedias
7. government documents 7. journal/magazine articles
8. artifacts 8. literary criticism
9. speeches and oral histories 9. dissertations
10. audio recordings and video recordings 10. monographs


Identify what is being described in the following items.

Francisco Antonio Pigafetta 1. It refers to the complete name of the chronicler of the
document entitled, “The Voyage around the World.”

Atlantic Ocean 2. It is the first ocean where the sailing ships headed by
Ferdinand Magellan crossed after leaving Spain in 1519.

Strait of Magellan 3. It is the small passage or isthmus traversed by

Magellan’s fleet somewhere at the tip of the South
American continent.

Pacific Ocean 4. It is the vast water body that can be found east of the
Philippines islands.

Mazaua 5. It is the term used by Pigafetta which refers to the island

where the historic mass was celebrated.

Niño de Cebu 6. It refers to the gift which was given by Magellan to the
native queen.

Lapu-Lapu 7. It refers to the name of the chief of Matan who had

defended his people, territory, and defeated Magellan in
the battle.

April 27, 1521 8. It is the complete date of the historic battle of Matan

Juana 9. It refers of the Christian name given to the first baptized

queen who had the great desire for conversion according
to Pigafetta.

September 6, 1522 10. It is the exact date of arrival of the remaining fleet in
San Lucar, Spain.


Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. What is the primary reason of the author in writing the document? How was it produced?
The Author wanted to document his journey across the globe. He wanted to detail the
events and experience. He also made it to serve as his memoir, something he could go
back to and archive. Pigafetta tells how, being in Barcelona in 1519, he heard about
Magellan's expedition, and being wishful to learn about the world, he asked for and
obtained the permission to join the voyage.

2. What is the main theme in the document? Explain briefly

The main theme is exploration. As an explorer himself, the author painted a new and
unfamiliar word for the readers. This document serves as the lens through which the
voyage and circumnavigation of the world can be apprehended with certainty. It
specifically furnishes important details on the discovery of the islands and the people
inhabiting the place

3. What specific information of importance is provided in the text? Explain its importance to
the understanding of Philippine history.
What can be concluded in the text were pictures of the Philippine setting at the certain
point in history. The Philippines has gone a long way and the author's work has enabled
historians to look back and understand the country's past.

4. What light does it shed on people, their politics and economy, religious and cultural
practices? Analyze the text.
The author's worked has given the readers a brief idea of how their ancestors lived
politically, economically and religiously. They realize how people no longer live the same
way due to colonization and foreign influences. This also shows that Filipinos already
have their own civilization and does not need to be colonized to be civilized. In politics,
we have our own “monarchy”, they use DATU and RAJA for local rule. It also recorded
not only names of places and the vocabulary of the natives, but their food, attire, customs,
and traditions, too.

5. What is your personal evaluation on the impact of the document in the understanding of
the 16th century people and their culture in the islands?
I can only infer that without the author's work, Filipinos would possibly still wonder
what past looks like and maybe, they would still live the same way as their ancestors in
the present. Furthermore, from the document, the 16th century people and their culture are
very rich. We already have our identity and very own civilization. We have our own
economy. We also have our own political system even before the Spaniards came.


A. Write true if the statement is correct, otherwise, write false.

true 1. The Tagalogs believe in the other life, mortality, and the place of
anguish called Casanaan.

true 2. The belief behind the practice of blindfolding among girls who had
their first monthly courses was for them to be able to bear children and
keep a lifetime marriage.

false 3. The Tagalog alipin was categorized into aliping saguiguilid who
claims privileges and the aliping namamahay who can be sold.

false 4. The lands on the tingues were divided among the barangay people.

5. Other than the sun and the moon, the Tagalogs had one idol
worshipped which they called Badhala, a title that signify

B. Identify what is being described in the following items.

Juan de Plasencia 1. He is the author of the document entitled “Customs of the


Barangay 2. It is the term used to refer to the political unit established

by the Tagalogs.

Dato/Datu 3. It is the term used to refer the person who has the authority
to establish control over his people.

Death penalty 4. It is the punishment imposed on insult of the dato’s

daughter and witchcraft.

Catolonan 5. It is the term used to refer to the priest, either man or

woman who held honorable office.


Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. What is the physical nature of the document (letter, report, etc.)? What are the major
premises presented about the Tagalog in Luzon?
The physical nature of The Customs of the Tagalogs by Juan de Plasencia is a written
report. He was tasked by the King of Spain to observe and document the Tagalog natives’
way of life. The major premises of this written report include the government system,
social classes, customs, traditions, and superstitious beliefs the colonized people had
during that era.

2. What was the author’s main argument? What was he trying to say about the customs of
the Tagalog?
The author’s main argument of this document is that Tagalog natives were very
superstitious as they always believe in what they see. Their superstitious beliefs and
practices were associated with the devil and were presented in the written report as
something unusual since the author belongs to a Catholic community, which does not
tolerate such beliefs and practices.

3. What do you know about the author like his nationality, occupation, and/or position?
Does any of these, matter? Why?
Juan de Plasencia was a Franciscan Friar. He wrote the Customs of the Tagalogs along
with Doctrina Christiana. Plasencia was also part of the first batch of Franciscan
Missionaries who came in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period. This matter
because it is possible that Juan de Plasencia’s work might contain partiality in presenting
his observations and judgments because of his own beliefs and occupation.

4. What was the author’s purpose of writing the document?

The author was given a tasked by the king of Spain to record and document the
customs and traditions of the people in the Philippines based on, his own observation and
judgments and wrote The Customs of the Tagalog to put an end to some injustices being
committed against the native by certain government officials. Custom of Tagalog was one
of his writings that tackles about everyday living of the ancient Filipinos, their social
status, customs, traditions and beliefs of the Tagalog.

5. What is the important connection of the document to your recognition and appreciation of
the Tagalog customs?
The document has continued to serve as a basis for historical reconstructions of
Tagalog society. If affirms that during the pre-Hispanic period, Filipinos already have
government as well as a set of beliefs and practices. Some of our perceptions on Filipino
beliefs and practices are somehow on different from Juan de Plasencia’s point of view.


Mind mapping. Create a mind map of the important concepts on the following:
a. Political Organization

b. Economic Organization

c. Cultural Practices and Traditions


Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
A. Situate art object in historical context.
1. What do you know about the period of the painting? Include in the discussion
following: biographical data of the artist, information about how the painting was
received in its time, and important social, political and economic constructs of the

2. What are the qualities profound in the painting that shows the skill of the artist in
replicating reality?

3. What evidences can you provide to support your main claim in the important
depiction of the painting?


Explore: Compare Famous Paintings of Luna and Amorsolo.
The students will search online for two paintings, one from Luna and the other from
Amorsolo. They will discuss the ideas portrayed in the paintings.
Juan Luna
Title of the Painting Elements/Principle Meaning/Message


Fernando Amorsolo
Title of the Painting Elements/Principle Meaning/Message



Interpretation of the Caricature. Fill-out correctly the table as asked.

Meaning of Political or
Caricature Title each symbol Important clues social issue
that you see
(objects/people) presented






Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. What is the cartoonist’s viewpoint on caricature 2? Explain.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the cartoon? Why?

3. How were you able to interpret this cartoon?


The students will develop publicity campaigns that is designed to influence
government policies on:
1. Land for the landless

2. Quality Education

3. Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following questions.

4. What is the cartoonist trying to point through exaggeration?

5. What is the irony in the caricature? What idea does it intend to emphasize?


Give what is being asked in the following items.

Ferdinand E. Marcos 1. It refers to the person who is quoted as the president-

turned-dictator, traitor to his oath, and the one who
shut down the Congress.

Institutions of Democracy 2. It refers to the institution where there is protection of

the Bill of Rights, independence of the judiciary,
Congress, and the press.

The Congress of United States 3. It refers to the home of democracy mention in Cory
Aquino’s speech.

Archibald Macleish 4. It refers to the American poet mention in the speech

who described that democracy must be defended from
arms and attacks by lies.

Answer 5. It refers to date mentioned in the speech when an

election was called for by the country’s heads of State
and government.

6. It refers to the complete name of the elected vice

Mr. Salvador Laurel
President of the Philippines during Corazon Aquino’s

limited revolution 7. It refers to how absolute power was swept away and
democracy rebuilt by full constitutional restoration.

Answer 8. It refers to the specific and important idea that

according to Corazon Aquino the Filipino people
must be free from.

communist insurgency 9. It refers to the challenge faced by the Filipino people

which according to Corazon Aquino it is the factor
that feeds on economic deterioration.

$2 billion out of $4 billion 10. It refers to the figure on the export earnings of the
country which according to Corazon Aquino went
only to pay the interest on the debt which the Filipino
never benefited.


Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. What can you say about the line in the speech of Corazon Aquino: “…and so began the
revolution that has brought me to democracy’s most famous home, the Congress of the
United State”? Which concept in this line is important to you? Why?

2. What did Corazon Aquino mention in her speech pertaining to the aspiration of the
Filipino people? What are the specific lines for this? What do you feel about these lines?

3. In the video, how many times the former President Corazon Aquino have been applauded
by the members of the US Congress? Mention the lines she said for which she received an
overwhelming applause.


Rhetorical Analysis
Format: 4-5 paragraphs with 5-7 sentences each, typewritten, 1.5 spacing, and Times
New Roman size 12. Paper heading should include the student's name, course and year, and
class time.

Grading rubric
First Paragraph: Begin with an introductory line to gain the reader's attention
(something of interest regarding the speech, context, audience, or theme). Provide a thesis
statement introducing the primary purpose of your paper, significance of the speech or
personal interest you had in the speaker or subject matter. Concisely preview the points that
will be covered in your paper.
Second Paragraph: Discuss the CONTENT of the speech. What was it all about? Also
include the CONTEXT element of the speech like time frame, audience, purpose, subject
matter, etc.
Third Paragraph: Discuss the VERBAL DELIVERY. Was the speech informative?
Was it persuasive and meaningful to the Filipino people?
Fourth Paragraph: CONCLUSION. Signal your closing with signposts such as "In
Summary", "Finally", "In Review", "In Conclusion", etc. Review your main points and end it
with a closing thought. Provide your overall impression of the speech.


Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What was the important instruction to Ferdinand Magellan who led an expedition to the
a. Circumnavigate the earth and record it.
b. Find the islands of Maluco from where the spices come.
c. Gather minerals and other resources vital for industrialization.
d. Discover more islands for expansion.

2. What is the name of the island in sight as Magellan arrived on March 16, 1521?
a. Feji (Fiji) c. Zamal (Samar)
b. Mapuan (Mapua) d. Zubbu (Cebu)

3. What was the Tagalog’s customary practice which was to establish friendship and
a. Alyansa (Alliance) c. Dori (Dowry)
b. Cassi-cassi (Kasi-kasi) d. Pandot

4. What was the term used to refer to the Tagalog whorsip?

a. anito c. pagaanitos
b. nagaanitos d. pagdiwata

5. What is excluded from the practice in offering sacrifices to the gods?

a. decapitation of goats, fowls, &
c. proclamation of feast
d. singing of poetic songs
b. extraction of virgin’s heart

6. Which concept is relative to the Tagalog custom on burial?

a. The deceased was thrown wrapped in a mat.
b. The deceased was placed beneath a little house constructed for the purpose.
c. The deceased was placed above the tree in a basket.
d. The deceased was placed in a wooden coffin and burned.

7. What is the largest and most valuable oi-on canvass painting of Juan Luna?
a. “Cleopatra” c. “Spoliarium”
b. “Palay Maiden” d. “The Parisian Life”

8. What is true about Fernando Amorsolo’s “Antipolo Fiesta” painting?

a. celebration and scenery c. celebration and harvest
b. celebration and livelihood d. celebration and feast


9. What idea is connected to political cartoons?
a. expression of feelings and emotions
b. illustration of social challenges
c. sketch for the delight of viewers
d. used to present criticism on situation

10. What is untrue in the speech of Corazon C. Aquino delivered in the US Congress on
September 18, 1986?
a. The relationship of America and the Philippines
b. The restoration of the government and foreign debt
c. The Filipino struggle to achieve democracy and its meaning to them
d. Development of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform in the Philippines


Identify what is being described in each of the following sentences.

Answer 1. It is the island which has three hundred leagues from the
islands of Ladroni according to Pigafetta.

Answer 2. It is the term for a palm wine.

Answer 3. It is the place where the visitors of Pigafetta in the 18 th of

March lived.

Answer 4. It is the current name for Humunu Island.

5. It is the Italian term for “the Watering-place of Good


Answer 6. It refers to the four islands that were passed across by the
group of Pigafetta as they had their course towards the
west-southwest direction

Answer 7. It is the term used by Pigafetta which refers to small boats.

Answer 8. It refers to the things of Butuan and Calagan islands.

Answer 9. It is the term used by Pigafetta which refers to the island of


Answer 10. It is the island passed through by the group of Pigafetta

where bats as large as eagles as they laid their course
toward the northwest direction going to Cebu


Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. How do you understand the text? What is it all about?

2. What is your stand about the site of the First Mass?

3. Cite evidences which would suggest that the First Mass happened Masau (Butuan) and
Limasawa (Southern Leyte).

4. How credible is this account in explaining the site of the First Mass?

5. How to the evidences presented in the text help you understand the controversy on the
First Catholic Mass in the Philippines?


Write a two-page position paper about your viewpoint as to where the First Mass
happened. Present related information and evidences in your writing that will strengthen your


A. Identify what is being described in the following sentences.

Answer 1. It is the date when Rafael de Esquierdo, assumed control

of the government as Governor General.

Answer 2. It refers to the military governor of Cavite during the

time of Mutiny.

Answer 3. It refers to the last priest executed through strangulation.

Answer 4. It refers to the only pure-blooded tagalog priest among

the Gomburza.

Answer 5. It refers to the rems used by Izquierdo in describing the

Cavite Mutiny.

B. Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise, write False.

Answer 1. In Vidal’s version of Cavite Mutiny, the garrison of Manila is composed

mostly of native soldiers.

Answer 2. In Pardo de Tavera’s version of Cavite Mutiny, the first official act of
Izquierdo for a complete change in the aspect of affairs is to arrest
people classed as personas sospechosas.

Answer 3. Sergeant La Madrid has been strangulated as punishment for taking part
of the uprising.

Answer 4. In Pardo de Tavera’s version of Cavite Mutiny, many of the best-known

Filipinos were denounced to the military authorities.

Answer 5. Father Burgos of Gomburza is a pure-blooded Tagalog.


Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. How do you understand the word “Mutiny”?

2. How does Governor Gen. Izquierdo describe the Cavite Mutiny compared from the
version of Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera?

3. What does the account of Jose Montero y Vidal tell us? To which version does this
account related to? Explain.

4. Among the three versions of Cavite Mutiny, which one is most credible? Why?

5. Compare the three version according to their definition of mutiny, its causes and effects.


A. Identify what is being described in the following sentences.

Answer 1. It refers to the conflicting date of the Cry of Pugad

Lawin in the controversial version of Pio Valenzuela.

Answer 2. It refers to the place where the Katipuneros meet in

Alvarez’s version of the “Cry”.

Answer 3. It refers to the place of the “Cry” in General Guillermo

Masangkay’s version.

Answer 4. It refers to the old name of Rizal province where

delegates of the controversial “Cry” come from.

5. It refers to the person who acts as a secretary in a big

meeting held in Masangkay’s version of the “Cry”.

B. Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise, write False.

Answer 1. Teodora Plata is Bonifacio’s brother-in-law.

Answer 2. In Santiago Alvarez’s version, the “Cry” happened in August 25, 1896.

Answer 3. In Gregoria de Jesus’ version, the “Cry” happened in the barrio of Bahay

Answer 4. Before, people who had no cedulas were severely punished.

Answer 5. It has been said that Bonifacio’s hobby was weaving bamboo hats.


Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. What does the issue on the First Cry depict about the Filipinos?

2. How does the account of Santiago Alvarez differ from all other versions?

3. Which account do you believe? Why?

4. How reliable is the version of Guillermo Masangkay regarding this issue?

5. What makes Pio Valenzuela’s Cry of Pugad Lawin a controversy?


Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. When did the First Holy Catholic Mass in the Philippines happen?
a. March 16, 1521 c. March 28, 1521
b. March 22, 1521 d. March 31, 1521

2. What route did the group of Pigafetta take from Humunu (Homonhon) Island going to
the site of the First Mass.
a. West southwest c. North southeast
b. West northwest d. North southwest

3. Who was the successor of Gov. Gen. La Torre who assumed control of the government
in the islands on April 4, 1871?
a. Gen. Gervasio Carillo c. Gen. D. Rafael de Izquierdo
b. Gen. Tomas Garcia Cernuda d. Gen. Maximo Camerino

4. When did the Cavite Mutiny happen?

a. January 20, 1872 c. March 20, 872
b. February 6, 1872 d. April 16, 1872

5. How does the Spanish leadership call those people who refused to servilely obey the
wishes and whims of the authorities
a. Persona non grata c. Cimarrones
b. Personas sospechosas d. La persona que maneja

6. Who among the Gomburza was executed last?

a. Father Gomez c. Father Zamora
b. Father Burgos d. Father Saldua

7. When was the “Cry of Pugad Lawin” according to Pio Valenzuela’s controversial
a. August 23, 1896 c. August 25, 1896
b. August 24, 1896 d. August 26, 1896

8. Which version of the “Cry” can’t be accepted of equal weight since the writer is not a
participant of the historic event?
a. Valenzuela’s “Cry of Pugad Lawin”
b. de Jesus’ Version of the First “Cry”
c. Masangkay’s the “Cry of Balintawak”
d. Alvarez’s the “Cry of Bahay Toro”

9. Who is known to be the keeper of Katipunan’s secret documents?

a. Melchora Aquino c. Gregoria de Jesus
b. Andres Bonifacio d. Emilio Jacinto

10. Where have the group of Pigafetta been prior to the coming in the islands on March 16,
a. Zuluan c. Abarien


b. Ceylon d. Ladroni


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