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The circuit is usually drawn in a Q2 off, and makes Q1 on.

Thus, Set is
Multivibrator symmetric form as a cross-coupled used to "set" Q1 on, and Reset is used
pair. Two output terminals can be to "reset" it to off state.
defined at the active devices, which
A multivibrator is an electronic will have complementary states; one
circuit used to implement a variety of will have high voltage while the other
simple two-state systems such has low voltage, (except during the
as oscillators, timers and flip-flops. It is brief transitions from one state to the
characterized by two amplifying other).
devices (transistors, electron tubes or
other devices) cross-coupled by Monostable multivibrator circuit
resistors or capacitors. The name
"multivibrator" was initially applied to
the free-running oscillator version of
the circuit because its output waveform In the monostable multivibrator, the
was rich in harmonics. [1] There are one resistive-capacitive network (C2-
three types of multivibrator circuit R3 in figure 1) is replaced by a resistive Figure 1: Basic BJT astable
depending on the circuit operation: network (just a resistor). The circuit multivibrator
can be thought as a 1/2 astable
multivibrator. Q2 collector voltage is
 astable, in which the circuit is not the output of the circuit (in contrast to
stable in either state —it the astable circuit, it has a perfect
continually switches from one square waveform since the output is not
state to the other. It does not loaded by the capacitor).
require an input such as a clock
pulse. When triggered by an input pulse, a
 monostable, in which one of the monostable multivibrator will switch to
states is stable, but the other state its unstable position for a period of
is unstable (transient). A trigger time, and then return to its stable state.
causes the circuit to enter the The time period monostable
unstable state. After entering the multivibrator remains in unstable state
unstable state, the circuit will is given by t = ln(2)R2C1. If repeated
return to the stable state after a set application of the input pulse maintains Figure 2: Basic BJT monostable
time. Such a circuit is useful for the circuit in the unstable state, it is multivibrator.
creating a timing period of fixed called a retriggerable monostable. If
duration in response to some further trigger pulses do not affect the
external event. This circuit is also period, the circuit is anon-
known as a one shot. retriggerable multivibrator.
 bistable, in which the circuit is For the circuit in Figure 2, in the stable
stable in either state. The circuit state Q1 is turned off and Q2 is turned
can be flipped from one state to on. It is triggered by zero or negative
the other by an external event or input signal applied to Q2 base (with
trigger. the same success it can be triggered by
Multivibrators find applications in a applying a positive input signal through
variety of systems where square waves a resistor to Q1 base). As a result, the
or timed intervals are required. For circuit goes in State 1 described above.
example, before the advent of low-cost After elapsing the time, it returns to its
integrated circuits, chains of stable initial state.
multivibrators found use as frequency Bistable multivibrator circuit
dividers. A free-running multivibrator Figure 3: Basic BJT bistable
with a frequency of one-half to one- multivibrator (suggested values: R1,
Main article: Flip-flop (electronics) R2= 1 kΩ R3, R4 = 10 kΩ).
tenth of the reference frequency would
accurately lock to the reference In the bistable multivibrator, both the
frequency. This technique was used in resistive-capacitive network are
early electronic organs, to keep notes replaced by resistive networks (just
of different octaves accurately in tune. resistors or direct coupling).
Other applications included
early television systems, where the This latch circuit is similar to an
various line and frame frequencies astable multivibrator, except that there
were kept synchronized by pulses is no charge or discharge time, due to
included in the video signal. the absence of capacitors. Hence, when
the circuit is switched on, if Q1 is on,
Astable multivibrator its collector is at 0 V. As a result, Q2
gets switched off. This results in more
An astable multivibrator is a than half +V volts being applied to R4
regenerative circuit consisting of two causing current into the base of Q1,
amplifying stages connected in a thus keeping it on. Thus, the circuit
positive feedback loop by two remains stable in a single state
capacitive-resistive coupling networks. continuously. Similarly, Q2 remains on
The amplifying elements may be continuously, if it happens to get
junction or field-effect transistors, switched on first.
vacuum tubes, operational amplifiers,
or other types of amplifier. The Switching of state can be done via Set
example diagram shows bipolar and Reset terminals connected to the
junction transistors. bases. For example, if Q2 is on and Set
is grounded momentarily, this switches

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