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Mary's Church
40 Park Lane
LS26 0ES
Now that we have a relaxa�on of Covid rules and our church is in greater use, we
Telephone 0113 282 4453 Registered Charity no 249404
need to consider how we keep our church as clean as possible.
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In many important ways our Gospel reading this weekend uses the miracle of the The Diocese have s�pulated that, whilst there are no unusual cleaning
mul�plica�on of loaves and fishes to teach us about the Eucharist. requirements, a "General clean" should be undertaken every week.

This miracle, like The Last Supper, is said to have occurred near the �me of the Jewish We propose that this should be done on a Fri/Sat to give the best effect.
Passover and both events an�cipate the Messianic Banquet where all hungers will be
sa�sfied in abundance. If you would consider joining a cleaner’s rota, please contact Steph Power on
07729761340, and you will be allocated a slot.
St John is teaching that each �me we celebrate the Eucharist here at St Mary's we are
an�cipa�ng the banquet of heaven itself. The more people who become involved the easier the burden will become.

John's Gospel notes the detail that the bread blessed and shared with the crowd are barley WELCOME
loaves. This is the food of the poor. It reminds us that God feeds and nourishes us, fulfilling
our physical needs as well as our spiritual ones. In the Eucharist, we are sent to serve the To Brodie Gallagher who will be bap�sed into our Catholic Community this
poorest among us. weekend. Also welcome to Ma�lda Beelby, Thomas Kevin Kerrigan who have also
been bap�sed in the last few weeks...with many more to come as we begin to catch
LIFTING OF RESTRICTIONS up with the backlog.
There are s�ll some restric�ons which will last for the next 2 weeks.
We congratulate William and Charlo�e, recently married and look forward to the
You will s�ll need to pre-book as before with Elaine 07960092207 for Sat/Sun Masses. nup�als of Michael and Sherly and of Patrick and Helen in early August.

The 14-bench system will con�nue with the first 2 benches at the front reserved for the In this air of celebra�on, we also thank everyone who has contributed items to the
clinically vulnerable wishing to maintain a 2-metre space. The other benches will reduce to l food bank and to the SVP for their distribu�on. We also thank our young people
metre spacing. who, unable to travel to Lourdes last year, donated their money to enable us to buy
Masks, hand sani�sing and one-way systems will remain, as will recep�on of Holy the lifeline of a cow which has been sent to a family group in Africa.
Communion as parishioners leave at the end of Mass. Last but by no means least we thank YOU our community for the support you have
Parishioners are strongly recommended to u�lise their NHS app and register on the QR code selflessly offered on so many fronts which have enabled our lovely church to
at the church entrance. If you don't have one then please sign in as before. con�nue its work of praising God and being a beacon of spiritual comfort to so
many over these last gruelling 18 months.
We will begin to sing again but behind masks and gently. The offertory collec�on will
resume. MASS
Benches will be sprayed down between services and we will have a weekly clean. To that Mass �mes will be as normal but with the addi�on of a further Mass on Fridays at
end there is an item in the bulle�n reques�ng people to join a rota for cleaning the church. 10am. This as from the 30th July. Please see the bulle�n for any addi�onal services.

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