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Harmful Algae News

An IOC Newsletter on Toxic Algae and Algal Blooms

No. 59 - February 2018 ·

25 years of HAN and IPHAB...... 1

Invited contributions
A retrospective look at HAB
cyst research (DM Anderson) ...... 4
How do algal blooms kill
finfish (G Hallegraeff) . ................... 9
The IOC Taxonomic Reference

List of Harmful Microalgae
(Ø Moestrup) ...................................... 12
Algal toxins over the last 25
years (P Hess) .................................... 15
Butterflies in Brazil
(T Wyatt) ............................................. 17

HAB events and monitoring

Harmful Algae News was first published need for a communication channel to Red tides of Alexandrium
in early 1992 in response to requests strengthen networks and co-operation affecting salmon in
from the participants at a number of was obvious and Harmful Algae News Kamchatka, Russia .......................... 20
IOC meetings and workshops on harm- became a core element in the IOC Harm- Gambierdiscus in the Balearic
ful algae, in particular the IOC-SCOR ad ful Algal Bloom Programme. Islands .................................................. 22
hoc Meeting in Rhode Island (USA) 2-3 Harmful Algae News started as an Light microscopy and qPCR
November 1991, hosted by Ted Smay- ­annex to the IOC UNESCO newsletter ‘In- for ichthyotoxic microalgae
da where the final draft of the Harmful ternational Marine Science’ (IMS), with enumeration in Denmark ............. 24
Algal Bloom Programme was prepared. the enthusiastic support of IMS ­editor The Cawthron Institute
At this time, e-mail was in its infancy, Gary Wright and assistant ­Michelle Culture Collection (CICCM) ......... 28
web sites still very simple but there was Turner. However, Harmful Algae News
demand for a channel to disseminate became independent and eventually ISSHA’s Corner................................. 29
information about harmful algal events survived the IMS which ceased some
Forthcoming Events ............. .23, 30
and research, as well as to disseminate years later. Harmful Algae News has
information on management/research been in publication for longer than any GlobalHAB ......................................... 31
programmes, conferences, meetings other IOC newsletter and its viability
etc. The field of HAB science was new, reflects the sustained focus on harmful
the community multidisciplinary and algae in the IOC programme, as well as
at a national level, often scattered be- the continued interest by governments,
tween many different institutions. The institutions, scientists and those im-

Vladimir Ryabinin, Exec. Secretary, IOC

“The Decade of Ocean Science will be
a unique ten-year, global, large scale
cooperative programme to seek
urgently-needed scientific solution to
support effective ocean management,
stewardship and sustainable develop-
ment” (continue next page)
pacted by harmful algal events. Since agement community will continue to
Harmful Algae News turned 20 years submit their news items and announce-
old in 2012, it has been a web based ments and that Harmful Algae News can
e-newsletter which meant longer issues continue to serve all its readers includ-
were possible and back issues easily ac- ing the International Society for the
cessible. We are currently working on a Study of Harmful Algae.
searchable index for all Harmful Algae To subscribe to HAN, send an e-mail
News issues. to “” with empty
The start of Harmful Algae News subject line and in the text body: sub-
would not have been possible without scribe han name e.g.: for Peter Black
a dedicated professional editor, Tim —> “subscribe han Peter Black” or just
Wyatt. Tim was already an experienced “subscribe han”
journal editor and author, and a main
contributor to Harmful Algae News him- Henrik Enevoldsen, Intergovernmental
self. In the early years he was assisted Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO,
Head, IOC Science and Communication
by Yolanda Pazos, also at the Institute Centre on Harmful Algae
for Marine Investigations (IIM) in Vigo,
Spain. Later, staff at the IOC Science and
Communication Centre at the Spanish Dear Readers
Institute of Oceanography (IEO) in Vigo The fact that this year we are celebrat-
(Jorge Diogéne, Ángeles Aguilera, Móni- ing the 25th anniversary of the IOC
ca Lion and Cristina Sexto) provided in- newsletter Harmful Algae News, makes
valuable support in the compilation and me, as Executive Secretary of the Inter-
layout. Since 2012 Leif Bolding at the governmental Oceanographic Commis-
Department of Biology at the Universi- sion of UNESCO, proud of the strategic
ty of Copenhagen has been producing foresight of the Commission. Continu-
the layout and providing the appropri- ous publication of this newsletter shows
ate server facilities. Tim Wyatt edited the interest in the subject by the coast-
48 issues of Harmful Algae News plus al zone management community; is
some special issues over his 22 years evidence of successful delivery of new
as Editor. When Tim decided to retire knowledge by the interdisciplinary re-
as Editor we were lucky to have Beatriz search community; and is the result of
Reguera (IEO Vigo) and Eileen Bresnan effective prioritization of IOC work by
(Marine Scotland) willing to take over its Member States. The harmful algal re-
and continue the same high standard. search domain is an example of ocean
No doubt these standards have stimu- science which is of primary importance
lated submissions and made Harmful for sustainable development. Indeed,
Algae News what it is today. We hope people’s health, nutrition, availabil-
the international HAB science and man- ity of fresh water, and many economic
interests are directly affected by the
emergence of harmful algae. Successful
research on and predictions of harmful
algae demonstrate that oceanography
is becoming more and more capable of
responding to people’s needs. To make
decisive and major improvements in
making ocean observations, research,
sustaining services and responding to
growing societal needs is the main ob-
jective of the United Nations Decade of
Ocean Science for Sustainable Devel-
opment (2021-2030). The Decade is
going to shape much of the activity of
the IOC and its partners in the years to
come. Let me invite you all to engage
Key people in the early days of the HAB programme. From top to bottom: Ted Smayda (USA), and contribute.
host of the IOC-SCOR Workshop, Newport, October 1991, where the HAB programme was out-
lined (photo DM Anderson); Tom Osborne, IOC Technical Secretary when the programme was Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary,
launched; Bernd Dybern (Sweden), 1st IPHAB Chair, 1992, and last, Adriana Zingone (Italy), Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commis-
2nd IPHAB Chair during the III IPHAB meeting in June 1997, Vigo, in the middle with Henrik sion, UNESCO, Paris
Enevoldsen (IOC) on the left and Vice-Chair Rhodora Azanza (Philippines) on the right.


Intergovernmental Panel on
Harmful Algal Blooms also turned 25!

During 1992, the same Year as the IOC

published the first issue of Harmful Al-
gal News, it also established an Inter-
governmental Panel on Harmful Algal
Blooms (IPHAB) which has met every
second year since it was formed. The
Panel is composed by IOC Member State
representatives and representatives of
organizations working on different as-
pects of HABs. The Panel identifies and
decides on priorities for international
cooperation on HABs and also works
to identify resources to facilitate the
diverse work schedule to solve some
of the real problems caused by harmful
Over the last 25 years the IOC Inter-
governmental Panel on HAB has initi-
ated a large number of initiatives and
activities leading to training opportu-
nities, manuals, guides, projects and
cooperative research. A special issue of
the journal ‘Oceanography’ includes a
paper on the history and role of the IOC
HAB Programme in the development of
international HAB science. The paper
can be downloaded at http://dx.doi.
We here wish to pay a tribute to
those who have chaired the Panel, and
their Vice-chairs, the past 25 years and
their contribution to developing the
HAB research and management com-
munity at a global scale.

From top to bottom: Beatriz Reguera

(Spain) and Phil Busby (New Zealand),
elected as IPHAB Chair and Vice-Chair
in 2002; Flowers to the outgoing Chair
(Adriana Zingone, Italy) (left) and Vice-
Chair (Rhodora Azanza, Philippines)
(right); Leonardo Guzmán (Chile) (mid-
dle), Chair from 2007 to -2011 welcomes
the newly elected Chair, Rob Magnien
(USA) (left) and Vice-Chair, Gyres Usup
(Malaysia) (right) for the next term;
Bottom: Results from last elections, at
the 12th IPHAB Session, Paris, April
A retrospective look at the early days former used to disaggregate sediments

of HAB cyst research, and a look to and the latter to separate size fractions
containing cysts. In his paper in the
the future 1974 conference proceedings and in
other papers published near that time
[1-3], Wall highlighted the important
On this occasion of the 25th anniver- that came shortly before and after. roles that cysts likely played in dinoflag-
sary of the publication of Harmful Al- The conference was very small com- ellate bloom dynamics, including deter-
gae News, several of us were asked to pared to the current ISSHA meetings, mining where and when blooms might
look backwards in time to some of the with approximately 100 participants originate, allowing survival through en-
earlier days of HAB science. One area from four countries versus 500 or more vironmental extremes, and facilitating
of study that has been a major part of participants representing 50 or 60 genetic recombination through sexual-
my own research programme and that countries at our current meetings. The ity. He told us “Despite these seemingly
of many others in our community is the focus of that meeting was almost entire- important considerations, the encyst-
role of cysts and resting stages in the ly on blooms of Alexandrium catenella ment-excystment cycle in dinoflagellates
bloom dynamics of HAB species. Here, and Karenia brevis (the species was then has not been expressly studied in rela-
I offer a personal perspective on the called Gymnodinium breve), as the dis- tion to any specific red tides or related
early stages of development in that field coveries of diarrhetic shellfish poison- instances of paralytic shellfish poison-
and a brief look towards the future as ing (and its linkage to Dinophysis spp.) ing. Details of the cyst cycle have been
well. My apologies at the outset if there and amnesic shellfish poisoning (and accumulated independently of red tide
are omissions of people or findings that Pseudo-nitzschia) were 10-15 years in research…..” [1]. This contribution and
should have been included – this is not the future. The ciguatera fish poisoning other papers at the time show consid-
meant to be a scholarly synthesis, but syndrome was known, but the identifi- erable foresight that was fully validated
rather a personal retrospective. cation of Gambierdiscus toxicus as the through a sharp increase in the cyst-
To set the stage, let’s go back near- causative organism was also several based HAB research of the subsequent
ly fifty years to a time when the term years away. Among the contributions at decades.
harmful algal bloom did not exist and that meeting, several are noteworthy in Another talk at that conference was
when researchers worked individu- the context of the theme of this narra- equally insightful, this one by Karen
ally or in very small teams in scattered tive. The first was by David Wall, a geol- Steidinger (Fig. 3) (“Basic factors influ-
locations without any major research ogist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic encing red tides [4]”). In her talk and
programmes or international initia- Institution (Fig. 2). In the late 1960’s paper, Karen outlined the fundamental
tives. In 1972 when I was just starting and early 70’s, Wall (working with Bar- stages of blooms, focusing on initiation,
graduate school, there was a massive rie Dale at the time) discovered that transport, and development. Like Dave
New England red tide caused by the the fossilized cell walls of organisms Wall, she also highlighted the impor-
dinoflagellate we now call Alexandrium thought to be extinct (called hystri- tance of cysts: “The recent investigations
catenella, but which then had multiple chospheres) were in fact dinoflagellate of Dr. David Wall ……lend credence to
names, including Gonyaulax tamaren- cysts, and that many of the forms that the speculation that pelagic, toxic dino-
sis and G. excavata. This outbreak dealt they were using in paleontological re- flagellate blooms might originate from
a devastating and unexpected blow to constructions were
the New England region of the United still living in the
States, causing shellfish closures along ocean and produc-
the coasts of multiple states. Consider- ing cysts that could
able attention by the press and public be germinated to
covered this new and worrisome threat establish taxonom-
to public health and fisheries resources ic affinities. (This
and ultimately motivated the First Inter- same line of work
national Conference on Toxic Dinoflagel- was concurrently
late Blooms in Boston, Massachusetts in being pursued by
1974. Bill Evitt and col-
At the time of that conference, I was leagues at Stanford
a long-haired graduate student in the University). In or-
Civil and Environmental Engineering der to isolate and
Department at MIT (Fig. 1), searching germinate living
for a thesis topic. People often ask me cysts from modern
how someone in an engineering depart- sediments, Wall
ment could end up a biologist working and Dale developed
on HABs, and the answer to that lies in a technique that is
part with the 1972 New England red used to this day in- Fig. 1. Don Anderson as a graduate student in the Civil and Environ-
tide, but also with the 1974 conference volving sonication mental Engineering ­Department at the Massachusetts Institute of
and a series of events and discoveries and sieving – the Technology (MIT), 1975
dormant stages and that these stages ultimately divided
might be associated with certain bottom to produce cells
sediments. This then brings up the ques- of Alexandrium
tion, if benthic resting stages of certain catenella. I was al-
dinoflagellates actually “seed” coastal ready aware of the
red tides, are there localized areas of ac- importance of this
cumulation, or what we could call “seed- discovery after the
beds”?..........The possibility of benthic seed talks and papers of
populations and seedbeds for at least Wall and Steidinger,
some Gonyaulax (=Alexandrium) and and now I had proof
Pyrodinium has a much higher probabil- that at least some of
ity than for Gymnodinium breve.……. It their speculations
would seem that this avenue of research were valid. The
should have a high priority among phy- door was suddenly
toplankton systematists and ecologists.” open to some very
As a graduate student sitting in the exciting and new Fig. 2. David Wall, an early pioneer in dinoflagellate cysts, collecting
audience, I was motivated by these talks work with living cysts from settling trays in Woods Hole in 1974
and papers and immediately started to cysts, and this new
look at my own research from a new perspective on Alexandrium bloom dy- decreased enough to be favorable for
perspective. At the time, I was in a wa- namics totally changed the directions of germination remained a mystery. Only
ter chemistry laboratory doing trace my thesis research. Furthermore, I had in recent years have we begun to under-
metal (copper) sensitivity experiments found perfect study locations for my stand that mature Alexandrium cysts
with my Alexandrium cultures, reason- work – the Cape Cod salt ponds where can re-enter dormancy – one cause may
ing that there was some chemical pro- these blooms occurred regularly every be unfavorably warm summer tempera-
cess that could explain the link between year, and in which they were localized tures. But we have also learned that
Alexandrium blooms, river runoff, and due to restricted tidal exchange with exit from that dormant state into quies-
low salinity coastal waters (I still be- nearby coastal waters. We continue to cence (a state in which cysts will germi-
lieve that this is the case, but I dropped work in these systems today – they are nate if conditions are favorable) occurs
this line of inquiry and it has not been essentially natural mesocosms. Several in response to a quantifiable amount
pursued to any significant extent since). publications ensued [5,6], accompanied of chilling. By quantifying the duration
Many of my cultures contained round- by a paper by Barrie Dale [7] who had and severity of cold, A. catenella tracks
ed, non-motile cells, which I thought left Woods Hole and was working inde- the passage of winter, delaying germi-
could be cysts, but no cyst stage had yet pendently on this same species using nation until spring when the outlook is
been described for A. catenella. Fortu- sediment from Norway. more favorable for bloom success. This
nately for me, Woods Hole was a short In one of these papers [6], I was able groundbreaking work by one of my
drive away for me, so I was able to bring to document the extreme seasonality of students, Alexis Fischer, demonstrates
my cultures to Dave Wall. After a quick Alexandrium blooms in the salt pond, that dinoflagellate cysts possess physi-
examination, he gave me the disap- raising fundamental questions about ological behavior that is similar to that
pointing news that these were not what the mechanisms underlying the pat- observed in terrestrial plants where a
he would term true cysts, but rather a terns of excystment and encystment. I period of chilling is needed for optimal
temporary stage with much thinner characterized the mandatory dormancy seed germination, bud flowering, or
walls (he and I eventually named these interval, which begins at cyst formation bulb emergence [9]. We now know that
“pellicle cysts” after the resistant layer and can last several weeks to months Alexandrium cysts can cycle between
that surrounds them [5]). Next, one of until maturation is completed. Cysts quiescence and dormancy multiple
those pivotal moments in a career oc- were unable to germinate during this times as seasons and years progress,
curred in which luck or good fortune interval, thus explaining the absence of and equally importantly, that the fre-
played a role. Instead of just sending me Alexandrium cells in the water column quency and timing of the cycling may
back to my lab with this negative news, in the months following each spring well be determined by the history of the
Dave suggested that we sample a near- bloom. What remained a mystery was chilling those cysts experience. Recent
by salt pond where PSP toxicity had why the bulk of the Alexandrium cysts work by Cary López on Pyrodinium ba-
been recurrent in the years after the in bottom sediment did not germinate hamense is revealing a similar environ-
big 1972 bloom. We collected surface later in the summer or fall or even early mentally-induced cycling behavior in
sediments with an old plankton net that winter after they had matured, but in- tropical dinoflagellate cysts.  
was dragged across the bottom, and stead remained in a resting state until Those early days as a graduate stu-
Dave demonstrated the sonication and the next spring. One part of the answer dent and then as a postdoc were times
sieving method. In short order, we were was found some years later when we of rapid discoveries, as nothing was
looking at a number of unknown cysts showed that high temperatures can in- known about the distribution of Alex-
types that I set about trying to isolate hibit cyst germination [8]. Yet, the ab- andrium cysts in the region, or of the
and germinate. One produced an elon- sence of a major bloom in the late sum- role of temperature, nutrients, light,
gate cell (Fig. 4) that after germinating, mer and fall when temperatures had oxygen, and other environmental pa-
day, we still do not ate when one is studying vertical pro-
know if there are files of dead, empty, or fossilized cysts
other factors at in sediments dating back hundreds or
work – perhaps a thousands of years, this type of param-
density-dependent eterization is not useful for biological
or quorum-sensing studies in which one wants to map out
type of response, the distribution and abundance of cysts
or even a response and estimate the number of germinated
to the presence of cells inoculating the overlying water
grazers or para- column. To address the latter topic, we
sites. Exploration needed to know how many cysts were
of this response has present per square meter of sediment,
long been limited so we started doing experiments to see
by the constraints how reproducibly we could quantify
associated with cysts per cubic centimeter or ml of sedi-
laboratory cultures, ment. Our results were consistent and
but now we are for- scientifically appealing so we published
tunate to be enter- the method [13] and began to use it in
ing a new era of in the salt ponds and other nearshore lo-
situ investigations cations. This approach was not well
thanks to biosen- received, however, as I was repeatedly
sors like the Imag- criticized at conferences when these re-
ing FlowCytobot sults were presented. Geologists argued
(IFCB), that allow that the water content and lithology of
us to observe the surface sediments differs sufficiently
encystment pro- from site to site, or from layer to layer,
cess underwater in and that normalization of cyst abun-
the field with ex- dance to a volume of sediment intro-
Fig. 3. Karen Steidinger, Penrose Conference on Fossil and Modern
Dinoflagellates, 1978 traordinary resolu- duces substantial errors compared to
tion. Among many the dry weight approach. I remember
rameters on the formation, deposition, other recent findings, IFCB observa- being told at an international confer-
and germination of cysts. One of several tions by Mike Brosnahan [11,12] have ence that my results and the population
challenges at the time was that we were documented mass gametogenesis (75 – dynamics models based on them were
unable to produce true hypnozygotic 90% of all cells) at the end of A. catenel- essentially meaningless! This disagree-
resting cysts in our cultures. There was la blooms under conditions that do not ment went even further, as one publi-
good reason to believe that sexual- appear to be nutrient-limited. I believe cation [14] recommended that “future
ity was involved, so compatible mating that the tools are now in hand to re- studies use standardized methods based
types needed to be combined. Further, solve the longstanding mystery of what on measurements of cyst concentrations
nutrient limitation seemed to be a trig- induces cyst formation in the field and per gram of dry sediment”. This recom-
ger to initiate the process. We quickly suspect that the final story will be much mendation was repeated in training
learned that dinoflagellate species var- more complicated than simple nutrient manuals for those working with liv-
ied considerably in the ease with which limitation. ing dinoflagellate cysts [15]. Despite
they could be induced to form cysts in Not long after our early successes this strong and vocal opposition, I was
cultures. Species like Scrippsiella tro- with sexual induction and cultures, still firmly convinced that cysts could
choidea produced prolific numbers my attention shifted to studies of cyst be quantified per unit volume of sedi-
of cysts without special precautions, distribution and dynamics in the field. ment, and so I initiated a study over
whereas our Alexandrium cultures were We were documenting the abundance multiple years in which we quantified
far more recalcitrant. Eventually, with and dynamics of vegetative cells in the cysts both ways (i.e., cysts per gram dry
deliberate modifications to the content plankton during blooms, so I wanted to weight and cysts per ml). We did this in
of the culture medium as well as the quantitatively link those observations the Gulf of Maine across a wide range
manner in which it was prepared (i.e., to cyst abundance and distribution in of sediment types and cyst concentra-
minimizing contaminants and precipi- the sediments before and after those tions, and found a strong and statisti-
tates) we were finally able to produce blooms. At the time, however, studies cally significant relationship between
cysts in Alexandrium cultures [10], of dinoflagellate cysts were still heavily the two parameters, for the top cm of
opening yet another door to new stud- influenced by geologists working with sediment (Fig. 5). The relationship for
ies and discoveries. sediment cores. Typically, those inves- the top three cm of sediment is even
It is clear that nutrient limitation tigations enumerate cysts at different stronger. This of course does not mean
can induce sexuality and cyst forma- depths in cores, expressing results in that this relationship will apply in every
tion in cultures of A. catenella and terms of cysts per gram of dry sediment. location, but it does show that the hy-
other dinoflagellate species, but to this Although this approach is appropri- pothetical concerns raised about this
approach did not stand up to data at my
study locations.
I raise this issue in this narrative
because I want to correct what I feel
are unjustified recommendations that
may prevent those working on cysts
from obtaining the type of biological
data that can advance our understand-
ing of certain types of HABs. With the
proper precautions, we can map out
cyst distributions in a way that is com-
plementary to the manner in which we
study the vegetative stages in the water
column. There’s no question that both
populations are patchy and difficult
to adequately represent with limited
sampling, but it can be done. Knowing
the cyst abundance per ml of surface
sediments allows the distribution to Fig. 4. Germinating Alexandrium catenella cyst. (Photo: Don Anderson)
be mapped in a way that has biologi-
cal meaning, as has now been seen in for cyst-forming species. ment layer, as this would allow a sim-
many studies. If one assumes that the My guidance to those working on ple calculation that would also provide
cyst germination flux comes from a cysts in natural sediments is to demon- cysts per unit volume data.
thin layer at the sediment surface of a strate that you can sample surface sedi- Armed with the knowledge that was
defined thickness, it is possible to cal- ment reproducibly, and that the distri- possible to map out cysts over large ar-
culate germling emergence per square butional data obtained makes sense in eas, my team set about to do this in salt
meter, and thereby quantify the inocu- the context of bathymetry, currents, and ponds, bays, and open coastal waters.
lum to the overlying water column. This sediment type. I hope that those work- These efforts confirmed Dave Wall and
is simply not possible if the cysts are ing on dinoflagellate cysts recognize Karen Steidinger’s original speculation
expressed per gram of sediment, un- the validity and value of the two differ- – that areas of accumulation (seedbeds)
less additional measurements are made ent approaches for cyst enumeration existed and were a critical element in
that determine the density (grams per – cyst number per gram dry weight for bloom dynamics. Some seedbeds were
ml of the sample). Once the cyst distri- paleontological reconstructions of past small, and others huge – like the ones
bution is expressed in terms of area, it populations and sediment transport we documented in the Gulf of Maine
is then possible to use laboratory- or modeling, and cysts per unit area or (see figure 5) that covered an area as
field-derived germination rates to cal- unit volume for studies of the dynamics large as 22,000 km2, varying 3–4-fold
culate the germination input to a body of living cysts. Another option would be in area and 10-fold in cyst abundance
of water, an approach that is fundamen- to measure cysts per gram dry weight among years [16]. Those studies also
tal to bloom dynamics modeling efforts and determine the density of each sedi- demonstrated that the Gulf of Maine
system has only two seedbeds with the
bathymetry, sediment characteristics,
currents, biology, and environmental
conditions necessary to persist for dec-
ades or longer. The value of these map-
ping studies was even more evident
when strong positive correlations were
confirmed between the abundance of
cysts in surface sediments and the size
of the blooms and resulting toxicity in
the subsequent year [16,17].
Our next challenge was to measure
or estimate the flux of emerging cells
that inoculates blooms. Efforts by my
lab but in particular those of Ishikawa,
Naksuike, and others [18,19] have
yielded some promising devices and
approaches that consistently indicate
that germination is occurring in only a
Fig. 5. Significant relationship (p < 0.0001) between cysts per cm3 and cysts per gram dry thin veneer a millimeter or so thick at
weight in the top cm of sediment at 85 stations throughout the Gulf of Maine. From [16] the sediment surface, leaving the large
number of cysts in subsurface layers the methods and approaches to study than 60 years, the study of living dino-
unable to germinate or emerge, pre- cyst dynamics in a manner analogous flagellate cysts remains a vibrant and
sumably due to lack of oxygen or to to the way we study bloom dynamics important element in HAB research,
the tortuous pathway posed by sedi- in surface waters. It was not easy, as and I am grateful for the foresight and
ment grains and detritus. Many might there was strong opposition to some guidance of David Wall, Karen Steiding-
think that major storms and waves can of the methods that were used, but the er and others, and to have been part of
erode significant layers of sediment and scientific process and good data have that evolution myself.
transport cysts long distances, but here overcome the speculation. There are
again, our studies in the Gulf of Maine certainly challenges and uncertainties
have shown that other than in very ahead in the study of cysts and life his- References
shallow waters, even major storms only tory dynamics, but significant progress 1. Wall D 1975. In: VR LoCicero (ed). Toxic
erode a millimeter or less of sediment has been made and much knowledge Dinoflagellate Blooms (Proceedings of
the International Conference, Massachu-
[20] and that the cysts and other eroded gained. The future looks bright for setts Science and Technology Foundation,
material don’t travel very far before set- future discoveries, facilitated by our Wakefield, MA), pp 249-256
tling again [21]. Specifically, the depth growing recognition that marine dino- 2. Wall D 1971. Geosci Man 3: 1-15
of sediment eroded ranged from about flagellate cysts have much in common 3. Wall D & B Dale 1968. Micropaleontol-
ogy 14: 265-304
0.05 mm at a sandy 70 m deep station, with terrestrial plants and that their
4. Steidinger KA 1975. In: VR LoCicero (ed).
to about 1.2 mm in clayey-silt sediment distribution and abundance can be Proc 1st Intern Conf on Toxic Dinoflagel-
at 250 m [20], with the majority of the quantitatively mapped – this valuable late Blooms (Mass Sci Technol Foundn,
resuspended material remaining within information will enable us to estimate Wakefield, Mass), pp 153-162
20 km of the source locations [21]. deposition and germination fluxes. We 5. Anderson DM & D Wall 1978. J Phycol 14:
I could go on, but lack of time and clearly need continued study to help
6. Anderson DM & FMM Morel 1979. Estuar
space argues that I bring this narrative elucidate the mechanisms that trigger Coast Mar Sci 8: 279-293
to a close here. As I look back, I am for- sexuality and cyst formation, and that 7. Dale B 1977. Sarsia 63: 29-34
tunate and grateful to have been part of will likely involve observations using 8. Anderson DM & K Rengefors 2006. Lim-
an era of discovery that has developed in situ sensors like the IFCB. After more nol Oceanogr 51(2): 860-873
9. Fischer AD et al In rev. Protist.
10. Anderson DM et al 1984. J Phycol 20:
11. Brosnahan ML et al 2014. Deep-Sea Res
Pt II 103: 185-198
12. Brosnahan ML et al 2015. Limnol Ocean-
ogr 60(6): 2059-2078
13. Anderson DM et al 1982. Limnol Ocean-
ogr 27: 757-765
14. Dale B 2000. The Science of the Total
Environment 264: 221-233
15. Matsuoka K &Y Fukuyo 2000. Technical
Guide for Modern Dinoflagellate Cyst
Tokyo), 30 pp + 17Figs + 7 tables
16. Anderson DM et al 2014. Deep-Sea Res Pt
II 103: 6-26
17. McGillicuddy Jr DJ et al 2011. Limnol
Oceanogr 56(6): 2411-2426
18. Ishikawa A et al 2014. J Plankton Res
19. Natsuike M et al 2017. Harmful Algae 62:
20. Butman B et al 2014. Deep-Sea Res Pt II
21. Aretxabaleta AL et al 2014. Deep-Sea Res
Pt II 103: 96–111

Donald M Anderson, Cooperative Institute
for the North Atlantic Region (CINAR),
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Mail Stop 32, Redfield 332, Woods Hole MA
02543-1049 USA

Fig. 6. Map of Alexandrium catenella cyst abundance in the Gulf of Maine. This image depicts
a multi-year (2004–2011) arithmetic mean (cysts cm3) of the surface (0–1 cm) sediment-
layer. Two seedbeds are clearly visible -one at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy in the north, and
the other in mid-coast Maine to the south. From [16]


How do algal blooms kill finfish and cause cells to exude ichthyotoxins and/

how can we mitigate their impacts? or cause cell lysis are critical, and ich-
thyoxicity by these genera tends to be
more variable.
Algal blooms, water discolorations and fore also have not been a priority for The first point of attack by all above
their association with fish kills have seafood regulators. Scientific progress algal groups are the fish gills (Fig. 2), re-
been recorded since historic times, such has been hindered by the use of widely sulting a generalized necrotizing degen-
as the description in the Bible (1000 different bioassay systems and lack of eration of the epithelium of the second-
years BC) “all the waters that were in the chemical analytical methods to quantify ary lamellae with associated sloughing,
river were turned to blood. And the fish and characterize ichthyotoxins from often accompanied by swelling of the
that was in the river died; and the river seawater medium. Assay systems have primary lamellar epithelium and con-
stank, and the Egyptians could not drink included Artemia or Daphnia assays, the gestion of branchial vessels [3]. Fish
of the water of the river” (Exodus 7: use of fish or mammalian erythrocytes, gills tend to respond in a singular way
20-21). In this case, a non-toxic bloom- and a wide range of juvenile or adult and gill pathology is remarkably similar
forming alga became so densely con- fish (damselfish, sheepshead minnow, for different ichthyotoxic algae and in
centrated that it generated anoxic con- mountain minnow, zebrafish, salmon, different fish species [3, 6-9]. Once the
ditions resulting in indiscriminate kills sea bass) tested under different expo- fish gills are compromised, algal neu-
of both fish and invertebrates. Similarly, sure regimes. The novel application of rotoxins if present can penetrate the
water discolorations and massive fish a standardised and highly sensitive and blood stream, cause fish behavioural
kills in Florida coastal waters have been reproducible rainbow trout RTgill-W1 changes, and loss of the blood haemo-
reported by Spanish explorers since the cell line assay in Australian, Chilean, globin’s oxygen binding affinity [2].
15th century (now known to be caused Danish, Mexican and US laboratories Several competing theories have
by the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis). has allowed significant progress to been proposed as to the precise mecha-
Finfish held captive in intensive aqua- be made in the past 10 years
culture systems are extremely sensitive [4,5]. This assay has been
to HABs, and the impact of fish-killing automated in a plate reader
algal blooms on human society thus measuring cell viability dyes,
has been exacerbated by the increase of and been successfully applied
finfish aquaculture. Shilo 1967 [1] first also to screen freshly collect-
investigated problems for the Israel Ti- ed natural seawater samples
lapia pond aquaculture industry caused from fishkill events in Austral-
by the haptophyte Prymnesium parvum, ian and Korean waters.
but research efforts to understand fish
killing mechanisms intensified in 1973 What is the precise
when Chattonella marina raphidophyte mechanism causing fish
blooms (Fig. 1) devastated yellowtail gill damage?
aquaculture in the Seto Inland Sea [2] While all high biomass algal
and in the 1980s when the dinoflagel- blooms (>100 x 103 cells L-1)
late Karenia mikimotoi started to im- can cause mechanical stress
pact on the fledgling salmon farming to the sensitive gill tissues of
industry in Norway [3]. fish and trigger excess mucus
Fish-killing algal species are re- production, of much greater
sponsible for much greater economic concern for the aquaculture
impacts (summarized in Table 1) than industry are the highly potent,
HAB events leading to seafood biotoxin taxonomically unrelated flag-
contamination. The 2016 fish kills in ellate groups Cochlodinium,
Chile by Pseudochattonella and Alex- Karenia, Chattonella, Pseu-
andrium catenella which led to losses dochattonella, Heterosigma
of US$800M triggered social unrest. It and Prymnesium. One fea-
is therefore surprising that progress ture that these algal groups
in our understanding of how HABs kill have in common is that they
fish has been so slow. Financial support are all fragile cells, which can
for and research interest in HABs by the lyse even upon impact on the Fig. 1. Mass mortality of (above) yellowtail fish in the
fish farm industry has often been short- gills of fish, especially during Seto Inland Sea in Japan (photo courtesy Prof T.Okaichi)
lived, and ranked lower than invest- the end of blooms, or condi- and (below) blue-fin tuna in South Australia (photo
ments in fish husbandry, nutrition, and tions of osmotic stress or dur- courtesy Barry Munday), both caused by Chattonella
disease control. With the exception of ing upwelling. For less fragile marina blooms. Higher potency of Australian blooms
(kills occurred at 66,000 cells/L) compared to Japan
Karenia brevis, so-called fish-killing tox- fish-killing algae such as Kar- (500,000/L) is attributed to higher sensitivities of tuna
ins or “ichthyotoxins” are not known to lodinium or the armoured Al- but also higher ichthyotoxicity by Australian high-light
have human health impacts and there- exandrium the conditions that adapted algal strains [5].


Table. 1. Economic losses from algal blooms for finfish aquaculture in different parts of the EPA in the presence of ROS, this in-
world creased the potency of EPA by up to 15
fold (Fig.3). Similarly, DHA in synergism
HAB species Country Financial Losses with ROS became 9 times more ichthyo-
Chattonella USD500M, 1973 toxic [11]. The precise nature of the li-
Heterosigma USD135M,1980/90 pid peroxidation products generated
Cochlodinium Korea, China USD95M, 1995 remains poorly known, and new ana-
polykrikoides Canada USD2M, 1999 lytical methods for the detection of such
Heterosigma USD35M, compounds in seawater during fish kills
British Columbia (e.g. using SPATT collectors) are much
Chaetoceros 1980-90
Heterosigma New Zealand NZD12M needed.
Karenia digitata Hong Kong USD32M, 1998
Karenia mikimotoi Norway USD6M, 1988
Role for true phycotoxins?
The dinoflagellate Karlodinium is
Alexandrium catenella
USD60M, 2002/ known to produce chemically well-
Pseudochattonella/ Chile
USD800M, Jan-Mar 2016 defined linear polyketide karlotoxins,
A. catenella
which at ecologically realistic concen-
Chattonella South Australia AUD45M, 1996 trations can account in full for their fish-
Karenia Tasmania AUD3M, 2003
killing potency [17]. While prymnesins
from the haptophyte Prymnesium have
nism of how algae kill fish. These in- proximately 3ppm [7,12]. This is short attracted considerable interest [18]
clude: free fatty acids (FFA), reactive however of what dense algal blooms it remains to be shown whether these
oxygen species (ROS), and phycotoxins would generate. compounds can account for their ich-
such as brevetoxins, karlotoxins, gym- thyotoxic potency. Similarly, cytotoxic
nocins, or varying combinations of all chemical compounds such as gymnocin
Reactive Oxygen Species
previous compounds. from Karenia mikimotoi remain to be
(ROS). shown to play a quantitative role in ich-
The role of Reactive Oxygen Species thyotoxicity [19]. Polyether ladder bre-
Polyunsaturated fatty acids in ichthyotoxicity has long been sug- vetoxins from the Florida Karenia brevis
(PUFA) gested from whole fish experiments are well known as the cause of Neuro-
Shilo working with fish-killing Prym- with Heterosigma and Cochlodinium, toxic Shellfish Poisoning in humans but
nesium pointed out how ”lipid micels” where application of ROS mopping en- purified brevetoxin PbTx2,3 exhibited
released by the algae can impact on the zymes such as catalase and peroxidase limited ichthyotoxicity against RTgill
fish gill lamellae and interfere with os- significantly improved fish survival [13, cells [5], suggesting that peroxidation
moregulation [1]. Okaichi, investigat- 14]. Japanese researchers led by Oda pathways may need be invoked in fish
ing Chattonella, focused on free fatty [15] focused on the fish-killing raphido- kills. The production of brevetoxins by
acids damaging fish gills [2]. This was phyte Chattonella which is a potent pro- raphidophytes is disputed [20]. Neuro-
pursued by French researchers includ- ducers of ROS notably when algal cells active compounds (but not brevetoxin)
ing Patrick Gentien [10] working with are ruptured. Several other fish-killing have recently been claimed also for the
Karenia mikimotoi (as Gyrodinium au- algae such as Karenia and Alexandrium raphidophyte Heterosigma [21]. Mar-
reolum), who identified free fatty acids catenella are also strong ROS producers, dones [11] found no evidence for a role
such as OPA (octadecapentaenoic acid) but for Heterosigma, Karlodinium and of saxitoxins in fish gill damage, which
and EPA (eicopentaenoic acid) as hav- Prymnesium ROS on its own cannot ex- instead could be explained by DHA and
ing the highest ichthyotoxic potency. plain ichthyotoxicity. Using a xanthine- ROS synergism. Using the fish-gill ich-
Mardones [11] also confirmed the xanthine oxidase chemical reaction to thyotoxicity assay, karlotoxin and DHA
ichthyotoxicity by DHA (docasahexae- generate superoxide at concentrations could account for fish kills in their own
noic acid) from Alexandrium catenella. equivalent to fish-killing Chattonella, right, but not EPA, STX, PbTX, OPA nor
Paradoxically these compounds are Marshall [7] demonstrated that super- OTA. Synergisms between DHA x ROS
well-known to have a beneficial effect oxide on its own does not kill fish. Simi- and EPA x ROS were able to explain fish
for human health, notably heart dis- larly, Trick and co-workers [16] showed kills, and so could fatty acid aldehydes.
ease, when consumed in moderation that hydrogen peroxide produced by
and used to replace saturated fat. These Heterosigma did not explain ichthyo- Implications for mitigation of
PUFA compounds are prone to oxida- toxicity. ROS also exhibited negligible fish-kill events
tive degradation, in which free radicals impact in the RT fish gill assay [5]. Several different strategies are current-
“steal” electrons from the lipids in cell ly practised in the fish farm industry
membranes, resulting in cell damage. In Synergism between ROS and to mitigate the ichthyotoxic effects of
whole fish experiments it has been con- free fatty acids HABs. These include: cessation of fish
vincingly demonstrated that exposure Pursuing the role of ichthyotoxicity by feeding, towing away of cages from af-
to OPA and EPA did cause fish gill dam- EPA, Marshall [7] demonstrated that fected areas, perimeter skirts to protect
age at concentrations in seawater of ap- when damselfish were challenged with against algal surface slicks, aeration or
emergency harvest opera- the proceedings of that meeting. Nu-
tions. To prevent the build- merous PhD students worked with me
up of histamines, fish should on fish-killing algae over 20 years, in-
be kept alive as long as pos- cluding Juan Dorantes-Aranda, Graeme
sible during harvesting. This Lush, Judi Marshall, Jorge Mardones,
can be achieved by diluting Ben Mooney, and Andreas Seger. I ben-
algal concentrations via air- efited from valuable collaboration with
lift upwelling, or by targeted the late Barry Munday (fish pathology),
in-pen emergency applica- Peter Nichols (lipids), Prof David Waite
tion of clays [23] that mop (ROS) and Prof Al Place (karlotoxins).
up ichthyotoxins at clay
loadings significantly low- References
er than those considered 1. Shilo M 1967. Bacteriol Reviews 31: 180-
harmful to benthic marine 193
2. Okaichi T 1983. J Oceanogr Soc Japan 39:
invertebrates. 267-278
Laboratory experiments 3. Roberts RJ et al 1983. J Mar Biol Ass UK
Fig. 2. Diagrammatic representation of algal bloom medi-
ated fish kills, involving rupture of fragile algal cells to with fish gill cell lines or 63: 741-743
release a cocktail of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), Free even whole fish tank ex- 4. Dorantes-Aranda JJ et al 2011. Harmful
Fatty Acids (FFA) but which rarely involves true Phyco- Algae 10: 366-373
periments can only serve as
toxins [modified after 7]. The chemical structures of two 5. Dorantes-Aranda JJ et al 2015. PLOS one
proxies for real-life fish farm DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0133549
dominant microalgal polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and
situations. HAB research- 6. Shimada M et al 1983. Acta Histochem
DHA are indicated
ers need to forge better col- Cytochem 16: 232-244
laborative links with the fish 7. Marshall JA et al 2003. Harmful Algae 2:
airlift upwelling to dilute harmful al- farm industry to conduct research on
8. Munday B & GM Hallegraeff 1998. Fish
gal concentrations, or clay flocculation fish kill events that involve the in situ Pathology 33: 343-350
to reduce numbers of harmful algal measurement of ichthyotoxins in sea- 9. Deeds JR et al 2006. J Aquat Animal
cells [22]. Mass fish mortalities lead to water using new analytical methods. Health 1: 136-148
tonnes of dead fish being dumped in Progress in understanding fish killing 10. Arzul G et al 1998. In: Baudimant et al
Marine Lipids. Proc Symp Brest, Plou-
land fills (Port Lincoln, Australia, tuna mechanisms by HABs will pave the way
zané, France, (IFREMER), pp 53-62
mortality 1996) or dumped offshore towards more effective mitigating strat- 11. Mardones JI et al 2015. Harmful Algae
(Chilean red tide 2016), but this materi- egies which are much needed to feed 49: 40–49
al is rarely used for fish meal. As argued an ever growing world population with 12. Sola P et al 1999. J Appl Toxicol 19: 279-
here, with perhaps a single exception high quality seafood. 284
13. Yang CZ et al 1995. Dis Aquat Org 23:
(Florida Karenia brevis), none of these
”ichthyotoxins” are of human health sig- 14. Tang YZ & CG Gobler 2009. Harmful
nificance, meaning that recently killed Algae 8:454-462
fish are still fit for human consumption. This overview is partially based on 15. Oda T et al. 1997. Biosci Biotechnol Bio-
Triggered by autonomous HAB moni- a keynote lecture presented at the chem 61: 1658-1662
16. Twiner MJ et al 2001. Limnol Oceanogr
toring systems, once fish start to die a ICHA17 Brasil Conference, a more com-
46: 1400-1405
decision thus could be made to instigate plete write up of which can be found in 17. Place AR et al 2012. Harmful Algae 14:
18. Igarashi T et al 1999. J Am Chem Soc
121: 8499-8511
19. Satake M et al 2002. Tetrah Letters 33:
20. McNabb P et al 2006. Afr J Mar Sc 28:
21. Astuya A et al 2015. Harmful Algae 47:
22. Rensel J & I Whyte 2003. In: G.Hallegraeff
et al (eds) Manual on Harmful Marine
Microalgae (IOC Manual and Guides 33.
UNESCO Publishing), pp 693-722
23. Seger A et al 2017. Harmful Algae 61:

Gustaaf Hallegraeff , Institute for Marine
Fig. 3. Toxicity of the free fatty acid form of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) to damselfish: (top and Antarctic Studies, University of Tas-
line) EPA on its own, requiring 3 mg L-1 to kill fish in 300 min; (bottom line) EPA in the pres- mania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
ence of xanthine generated superoxide, where 0.2 mg L-1 EPA could kill fish in 100 min. Histo-
pathology of damselfish gill tissues under selected treatment regimes is illustrated. Modified E-mail:
after [7]


with ALGAE-BASE by using the same
names of the relevant algal species. The
names from ALGAE-Base are therefore
automatically used in the List of Harm-
ful Microalgae. When name changes
As part of the 25th anniversary issue of 2000 become necessary, these are discussed
Harmful Algal News I am providing an The contents of the list were discussed and agreed with ALGAE-BASE and in-
overview of the IOC-UNESCO Taxonomic in detail at the HAB Conference in Ho- serted in both lists.
Reference List of Harmful Algae (www. bart in 2000, and it was decided to and will high- aim at including additional informa- Which species should be
light some of the problems which have tion in the list such as the basionym of ­included in the list?
faced or are facing the Intergovern- each species (the first name applied to The list was born as a result of the grow-
mental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms the species), reference to the article in ing interest in harmful algae. The many
(IPHAB) Task Team on Taxonomy that which the species was described, refer- name changes which regularly took
is responsible for updating the list. ence to the article in which the species place for many harmful algae, following
was given its current name, information publication of new information, was/
on the type locality, information on the is a source of confusion to ecologists,
Historical timeline main harmful effects of each species, toxicologists, people involved in routine
1993 including up to three references with monitoring and others, thus construc-
A task team on the taxonomy of harmful information on toxicity, toxins or toxic tion of an agreed and updated list was
algae was established at the Second Ses- effects. considered important. A decision had
sion of the IOC-FAO Intergovernmental to be made on which species to include
Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms in Paris in 2002 in the list. Early on the distinguished
October 1993, in line with the HAB Pro- The list was completed in 2002 and member of the Task Team, Prof Y. Halim
gramme Plan. The aim of the task team made available online on the homepage from Egypt, of Alexandrium minutum
was to make taxonomic recommendations of the Department of Biology, Univer- fame, suggested that all harmful species
of harmful algal species, and membership sity of Copenhagen. should be included in the list, in other
comprised Y. Fukuyo, Japan, M. Elbrächter, words the list should include also spe-
Germany, and Ø. Moestrup, Denmark, the Post 2002 cies which at some stage had formed
latter serving as chairman. During the During the following years the list was blooms, causing low oxygen levels in the
1993 session it was “encouraged” to cre- regularly updated, based on informa- water at night, and leading to mortality
ate a computerized taxonomic data base tion from committee members and of fish and/or or bottom invertebrates
of harmful species, an activity which at others. The list was also discussed at such as certain species of diatoms and
the time was planned between the Expert the meetings of the Intergovernmental silicoflagellates. While these were and
Centre on Taxonomic Identification (ETI) Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms in Par- still are very real issues, to include
in Amsterdam and the Botanical Institute, is and suggestions for improvements all such species in the list would have
University of Copenhagen. were made. made the list too long and difficult to
handle. It would have entailed including
1997 2008 numerous non-toxic and usually harm-
A major step forward was taken at the A major change took place in 2008 when less species. The Task Team eventually
Fourth Session of the IOC Intergovern- the list became part of WoRMS, the agreed on including only species known
mental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms, World Register of Marine Species. This to form a toxin or suspected to do so.
which was held in Vigo, Spain 1997. change was decided following a visit by The lack of knowledge about toxins was
There it was decided to establish a Gert Hansen, Henrik Enevoldsen and me particularly relevant for algae causing
broader Task Team on Algal Taxonomy, to the headquarters of WoRMS at VLIZ fish kills, as many of the compounds re-
with the following terms of reference: in Oostende, Belgium. The merits of be- sponsible for the fish kills were/are still
I. to provide an agreed reference list coming part of WoRMS were discussed not well known. The next problem was
of harmful algal species, including and the technicalities of how to include to decide on the definition of the term
correct author citation, date of valid and update species in WoRMS were ex- toxic, did it mean toxic to humans, fish,
publication of the species, and a list plained and demonstrated. WoRMS is Artemia? It was agreed to concentrate
of synonyms for each species a very large database which includes on species toxic to humans or to fish.
II. to provide guidelines to reduce no- almost half a million species of marine When in doubt, a comment was includ-
menclature instability of harmful al- organisms. It was decided that the HAB ed under the relevant species.
gal species list should both be included in WoRMS
III. to organize round table discussions and be accessible as a separate entity of Nomenclature problems
on nomenclature and taxonomy of WoRMS. The WoRMS list is harvesting One reason for the development of the
harmful algal species algal taxonomic data from ALGAE-BASE list was that incorrect author citations
IV. to organize inter-calibration exer- in Ireland. It was subsequently decided were recorded in the literature. In fact,
cises to standardize the identifica- that the IPHAB Task Team should coor- the poor general knowledge of and in-
tion of harmful algal species dinate the List of Harmful Microalgae terest in nomenclature is still a problem.
Dinophyceae the authors intended the and in fact all taxonomic levels. Such
new genus to be described according to decisions have always been a problem,
the botanical nomenclature. The lack of but molecular techniques have enabled
a Latin diagnosis therefore made it inva- discrimination of very small parts of the
lid. The confusion has actually still not genome, inducing some researchers to
been resolved, and the problem needs define only the genetically most similar
to be discussed and decided upon by strains as belonging to the same spe-
the International Nomenclature Com- cies. Categories, subspecies or varieties
mittee, before it can be fully resolved. are presently rarely used by phycolo-
gists. If the genes examined are found
Name changes to be slightly more different, the mate-
Fig. 1 Karenia mikimotoi (strain K-0260), a One of the problems facing the Task rial is considered to represent different
historic strain isolated in 1977, as Gyrod- Team on Algal Taxonomy that maintains species, and if even more different, to
inium aureolum, from Oslofjord, Norway,
by Karl Tangen (micrographs from Gert the List of Harmful Microalgae, is name belong to different genera, families, and
Hansen) changes (e.g. Karenia mikimotoi) (Fig1). so on.
This phenomenon shows no sign of dis- Is splitting or merging more correct?
Thus mix-up of zoological and botani- appearing, and it has recently become There are no rules for this problem in
cal nomenclature sometimes appears, an even more serious problem, follow- the Code of Botanical Nomenclature; it
even in major phycological journals. ing the increased use of molecular se- is up to the researcher her/himself to
It may result in the creation of invalid quencing. decide on how to define what consti-
species names, or it causes uncertainty Invention and application of new tutes a species, a genus, a family, etc.
about the validity of names. An example techniques that allow species to be ex- How to define a species has been dis-
is the description of the genus Stoeck- amined in more detail have commonly cussed for longer that I care to remem-
eria, which first appeared in 2005 in resulted in old species being split into ber, but there is still little agreement on
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. The two or more species. This happened this question. The same applies to the
description lacked the Latin diagnosis when transmission electron microsco- higher taxonomic levels. It is amazing
required in botany at the time. The au- py (TEM) became a routine tool in the that there is so much confusion, fol-
thors apparently intended this hetero- 1950s, used in detailed studies of small lowing so many years of careful study.
trophic dinoflagellate to be described flagellates, morphological details of Boenigk et al [1] in their discussion at
using zoological nomenclature. That is which are difficult or impossible to see the VI European Congress of Protistol-
acceptable, a species which is validly using light microscopy (LM) but read- ogy in Berlin 2011, expressed it clearly:
described according to one Nomencla- ily visible in the TEM. It resulted in the “Scientists have been trying in vain for
ture, automatically becomes valid in the description of numerous new flagellate hundreds of years to find the ‘correct’
other. However, in the title of the article species, some harmful, others not. This definition of species, but the simplest con-
in which Stoeckeria was first described, became a problem for ecologists and clusion is that one does not exist” (p 99 in
the authors used the class name Dino- others who did not use TEM in their [1]). The species concept is a practical
phyceae, which is botanical, not zoo- investigations and identification to spe- means that allows us to communicate
logical. Since the authors did not state cies level was no longer possible. A sim- about our organisms. However, there
specifically in the article which nomen- ilar situation took place some time lat- are currently more than twenty defini-
clature they used, it caused some read- er, notably for diatoms, when scanning tions of what defines a species, and “The
ers to conclude that because of the word electron microscopy (SEM) became a advent of molecular data … compels us
general tool. In recent years, the prob- to reconsider how species may be most
lem has reached major proportions, fol- effectively and informatively delineated”
lowing introduction of molecular meth- (p 99 in [1]). The so-called biological
ods. At the moment there is a tendency species concept is often mentioned, also
to split species into ever smaller units, in phycology: if two populations can
discernible only by molecular methods. cross and produce fertile offspring, they
In other cases, some species have been belong to the same species. This con-
merged, commonly based on studies of cept has strong limitations, however, as
one or a few genes, or on observations shown in both mammals and vascular
of polymorphic life cycles (e.g. small plants. The two known species of buf-
cells of Dinophysis species) (Fig. 2). falo, the American and the European,
Controversy arises when certain genes readily form fertile offspring. If they
of morphologically different species were to be placed together, they would
(morphospecies) are found to be very most likely soon merge into a single
similar. Do such species in fact belong to species. Yet, we prefer to consider them
a single species? This has become a ma- two different species. The same applies
Fig. 2. Dinophysis acuminata from Mariager jor problem for the Task Team on Tax- to many other geographically separat-
Fjord, Danish coastal waters (micrographs onomy, as it results in discussions on ed organisms. The situation is further
from Øjvind Moestrup ) how to define species, genera, families, complicated by some populations of
geographically widespread species be- will help taxonomy to retain its useful- four species are very similar [3], in fact
ing able to form fertile offspring, while ness in the general public. Logares et al. [4] found no difference
other populations of the same species A pragmatic approach is currently in ITS1, ITS2, 5.8S, SSU and partial LSU
are not. not held in high esteem, as exemplified between P. aciculiferum and P. malmo-
Molecular techniques have contrib- by the case of Cochlodinium. Cochlod- giense. Yet these species are morpho-
uted very significantly to solving many inium polykrikoides (Fig. 3) is a very se- logically and ecologically different and
taxonomic problems, but they have not rious fish killer in South-East Asia, but it would be meaningless to merge them
resulted in the emergence of a finite C. polykrikoides is not the type species into a single species.
species concept. We have to accept that of Cochlodinium, and evidence has ex- Studies on the ribosomal genes
all levels of classification are subjective isted for some years that the type spe- therefore do not always provide the
rather than objective, and it has always cies, whose morphology had not been final answer. Will these taxonomic
been that way. To cite Charles Darwin: studied in detail, is so different geneti- problems be easier to solve when more
“I mean by species, those collections of cally that the two species should not genes or whole genomes become avail-
individuals, which have commonly been be included in the same genus. If the able for use by the taxonomist? Some
so designated by naturalists” (cited by genus were to be split, the type species, changes are bound to occur, and an ex-
M. Ereshefsky in [1]). Cochlodinium strangulatum, would then ample of such a change is the case of
At the generic level, splitting into retain the name Cochlodinium, while the protist group Heliozoa, suggested
many smaller genera is occurring rap- unrelated species presently included in by Ernst Haeckel in the late 1800s. The
idly at the moment. The genera con- Cochlodinium, including C. polykrikoides, group was found to be polyphyletic
taining a large number of species are would need to be given one or more based on sequencing of the SSU gene
presently being split into many smaller new generic names. Such a change is [5], and Haeckel’s old name Radiolaria
genera, and if this trend continues, bound to cause considerable confusion was therefore in for modification. How-
these diverse genera will become a in countries like South Korea, where the ever, subsequent studies of transcribed
thing of the past. In some cases, some of name Cochlodinium polykrikoides is well genes (single cell transcriptomics) re-
the new genera are monophyletic rath- known by the general public. There are, sulted in the opposite result, Haeckel
er than polyphyletic, and splitting be- however, ways to solve such problems; was now right once more; the group
comes a matter of personal preference. it is possible to change type species of was again monophyletic [6].
In other cases separation into smaller a genus if this is deemed to be critically Taxonomy is going through a dif-
genera can result into a better under- important. It is a solution which has to ficult time at the moment. The Danish
standing of relationships of the species be discussed and accepted by the inter- phycologist Tyge Christensen, whose
in this particular part of the old genus. nal Nomenclature Committee, but it has name is associated with the Tyge
All these problems obviously leave the happened before (e.g. the type species Christensen Prize awarded annually
work of the Task Team on Taxonomy dif- of Acacia). In the case of Cochlodinium by the International Phycological Soci-
ficult. One problem facing taxonomists polykrikoides it would have been prag- ety, wanted genera to be identifiable
is that results of taxonomic studies are matic to suggest that C. polykrikoides with the use of a hand lens or at least
used not only by academics themselves should become the new type species in a light microscope. If the present
but also by non university people. With for Cochlodinium, as this would reduce trend continues, most unicellular spe-
this in mind, the taxonomic systems confusion. There is no guarantee that cies and genera will eventually become
suggested should not be overly academ- the suggestion would have been ac- identifiable only by using molecular se-
ic; a pragmatic approach to taxonomy cepted by the Nomenclature Committee, quencing. It will be a challenge to han-
however, but in the mean- dle this situation in a pragmatic way.
time a new generic name,
Margalefidinium, has been References
suggested for Cochlodinium 1. Boenigk J et al 2012. Eur J Protistol 48:
polykrikoides [2]. 96­102
2. Gómez F et al 2017. Harmful Algae 63:
A common problem fac- 32-44
ing the Task Team has been 3. Annenkova NV et al 2015. ISME J
that in some cases sequenc- 9(8):1821-34
ing of single or a few ribo- 4. Logares R et al 2007. Microb Ecol 53:
somal genes have proved
5. Polet S et al 2004. Protist 155: 53-63
insufficient to decide on 6. Krabberød AK et al 2017. Mol Biol Evol
the species level to be used. 34: 1557-1573
This was particularly clear
in the case of the dinoflagel- Author
late Peridinium aciculiferum Øjvind Moestrup, Chair of IPHAB Task Team
on Taxonomy, Department of Biology, Marine
complex, which comprises P. Biological Section, University of Copenhagen,
aciculiferum, P. malmogiense Denmark
Fig. 3. Margalefidinium polykrikoides (strain K-1292) (as Scrippsiella hangoei), P.
from Tsushima Island, ­Nagasaki, isolated by Mitsunori baicalense, and P. euryceps. Email:
Iwataki in 2006 ­(micrographs from Gert Hansen) The ribosomal genes of the
Algal toxin discovery, management afterwards the discovery of further

and regulation over the last 25 years compound groups that are produced by
dinoflagellates and their metabolites in
shellfish was facilitated by the introduc-
Algal toxins in the dark ages mid-20th century the links between al- tion of the MBA for lipophilic toxins in
(pre-1992) gae and toxins, or at least the toxic ef- routine shellfish safety testing in Euro-
From a historic perspective, knowl- fects of algae, are being made [11-15]. pean legislation [52-53], as well as by
edge about algal toxins can be divided By the beginning of the 1990s, many several technological advances. One of
into truly prehistoric occurrences such major algal toxins that cause acute poi- the main technological drivers in dis-
as known from paleontological studies soning had already been discovered, covery was certainly the onset of the
[1-2] and more recent historic records. including brevetoxins [16-19], cigua- use of liquid chromatography coupled
In these historic records, there are de- toxins [20-27], domoic acid [28-36], to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) [54-56],
scriptions of poisoning incidents that okadaic acid and analogues [37-40], which became quite widespread by the
clearly point towards the occurrence prorocentrolide [41], and saxitoxins beginning of the 2000s [57-61].
of the algal toxins centuries ago, such (STXs) [42-46]. Quite a few analogues The number of toxin groups that
as the description of Captain George of the main toxins had already been were discovered over the period from
Vancouver, whose crew suffered from discovered [47-50], as well as several 1966 to 1990, (fifteen), was not much
paralytic shellfish poisoning during the groups of compounds produced by di- less than those discovered over the last
exploration of the Pacific Northwest in noflagellates that provoke death in mice 25 years, (nineteen) (Fig. 1). However,
1793 [3]. Other examples include cigu- used for the mouse bioassay (MBA) but the number of analogues in each group
atera [4] and paralytic poisoning [5-6]. are not necessarily related to human has rapidly increased. A good example
During the 19th century, modern taxon- poisoning events, such as pectenotoxins of this is the STX-group where a review
omy emerged as a science with devel- [50] and yessotoxins [51]. in 1990 counted nineteen observed
opments in microscopy; by 1900, rath- analogues with a further five predict-
er systematic studies of phytoplankton Discovery of toxins over the last ed from plausible metabolization or
communities are common [7-10] and 25 years chemical transformation pathways
provide the basis for the biogeography While discovery was mostly driven by [62]. In 2010 a review reported over
of many toxic genera. In the early to human poisoning prior to the 1990s, 50 observed analogues [63]. A simi-

Fig. 1. Discovery or description of the structure of the first analogue of 34 toxin groups (1966 – 2017). Colour code: blue:
toxins involved in fish kills; red: toxins involved in human poisoning, violet: toxins causing skin irritation or respiratory
problems (BTXs should be red, blue and violet), green: toxins known for 20-30 years and not proven to have nega-
tive effects on humans or aquatic organisms, black: toxic compounds yet to be related to effects in humans or aquatic
compounds. Nota bene: not many toxin groups relevant to human poisoning are being discovered while more and more
toxins related to fish kills are (toxins of Karenia brevisulcata may be related to the Wellington Harbour syndrome)79-108


lar rapid increase in known analogues the agents involved in fish kills has also New Zealand, then Europe [126] and
has been observed for the azaspiracid been highlighted by a recent systematic most recently Japan.
(AZA) group, with the first analogue review of toxic and harmful algae [109],
described in 1998 [64] and a review in as well as by the Intergovernmental Outlook
2014 reporting 30 analogues [65]. Only Oceanographic Commission of UN- Several points can be raised looking
three years later, over 50 analogues are ESCO (IOC) Intergovernmental Panel foreward from the historic perspec-
known for this group, including novel on Harmful Algal Blooms (IOC-IPHAB), tive. Climate change is one of the most
phosphate derivatives [66-71]. This dis- that included the topic in its list of Task striking challenges that has been raised
covery rate could have been even more Teams. with regards to prediction of harmful
rapid if the causative organisms of AZAs The systematic inventory of toxins algal blooms (HABs), and while certain
had been elucidated earlier. However, has also been updated [78-108] by the trends appear to manifest themselves
the delay from the first poisoning re- IOC-IPHAB Task Team on Biotoxins, [127], much more research is needed
port in 1995 [72] to the discovery of the Management and Regulation over the to fully anticipate the impacts of cli-
culprit organism [73] in this case was past few years and international data- mate change on our ecosystems, HABs
likely due to: i) the initial misidentifica- bases, e.g. the Harmful Algal Event Da- and their impacts on society [128]. As
tion of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate tabase (HAEDAT) updated accordingly. mentioned above, the need to improve
Protoperidinium crassipes (a vector of This same panel also contributes to our understanding of the impacts of mi-
AZAs upon its feeding on Azadinium) as other IPHAB activities whenever chem- cro-algae on other aquatic organisms,
the causative agent, and ii) the difficul- ical expertise is required (e.g. fish kills, in particular those that serve as major
ties in identification of such a small or- HABs and desalination etc.). food resources, i.e. fish and shellfish,
ganism (<15 µm) by optical microscopy has been recognised and requires major
in water samples fixed with acidic Lu- Drivers of change in manage- international efforts. The multiplicity of
gol’s solution, the most common way to ment and regulation compounds in the marine environment
preserve samples in routine plankton There have been many drivers of change only emerges with the recent onset of
monitoring. in management practises (e.g. detection the omics and while recent studies have
Another phenomenon that has ap- methodology) and regulation. These shown the feasibility to explore this
peared repeatedly over the past 25 include (i) increased awareness by gov- chemical diversity in the marine envi-
years is the discovery of slightly modi- ernments of poisoning events and fish ronment with techniques such as me-
fied base skeletons for toxin groups. and shellfish mortalities through IPHAB tabolomics [129-131], more systematic
The ciguatoxin (CTX) or CTX1B (= P- communication with member states (ii) studies will be required to effectively
CTX-1B) had been reported relatively increased pressure from shellfish indus- monitor our coastal waters to protect
early on and had been isolated from try against the MBA for lipophilic toxins our resources and consumers. Finally, it
the moray eel [74]. The algal precur- due to its qualitative character, false should be noted that one of the longest-
sor CTX4A was only described in 1997 positive results and delays in reporting known groups of toxin, i.e. the ciguatox-
[75], yet a slightly modified base skel- (iii) technological advances. The con- ins, still continue to cause the highest
eton had been reported a few years flicts caused by the disadvantages of the number of seafood poisoning globally
earlier from Gambierdiscus, i.e. CTX3C animal assays (mouse and rat) for lipo- [132] and thus deserves the attention of
[76]. Prymnesins are another example philic toxins has been subject to much the scientific community over the next
of such skeleton variation which is in- debate [110] and decade-long efforts to few decades.
deed very labour-intensive in natural produce the necessary standards and
product discovery as basically the full reference materials for the validation of References:
discovery pipeline has to be completed: alternative methods, which have been 1.
bioguided fractionation and isolation of aided by researchers in Canada (e.g. php?option=com_content&view=article&
the compound, purification and struc- Michael Quilliam), Ireland, Japan (e.g. 2.
tural characterisation including mass Takeshi Yasumoto), New Zealand and chimie/toxines-d-algues-et-classification.
spectrometry, nuclear magnetic reso- many other countries [111-122]. Again html?lng=en
nance (NMR), UV, infrared and poten- the IPHAB panel played a pivotal role in
tially many other studies [77-78]. pushing this issue at European and in-
Finally, it should be noted that only a ternational levels for several years with Philipp Hess, Chair of IPHAB Task Team on
few compound groups discovered since the help of Phil Busby† (New Zealand Biotoxins, Management and Regulation,
1992 have been clearly related to hu- Food Safety Authority), a long battle for IFREMER, Phycotoxins Laboratory, Unit
man health issues. These include AZAs which the international community will DYNECO, Centre de Brest, BP 70, 29280
Plouzané, France
(diarrhoea), ovatoxins and to a lesser remember him.
extent the toxins of Karenia brevisulcata Monitoring systems, management Email:
(aerosol and direct contact exposure). practises and legislative changes have
There is a significant increase of been recently reviewed for different
compounds that appear related to trade blocks [123-125]. A major step
fish kills, e.g. karlotoxins, karmitoxins, has been made with the switch from the
prymnesins (A, B and C-Type) and K. mouse bioassay to chemical testing by
brevisulcata toxins. The need to clarify LC-MS/MS for lipophilic toxins, first in
Butterflies in Brazil
Abstracts are not always reliable guides which was the primary
to authors’ intentions. They are not ex- raison d’être for conven-
pected to reveal a great deal about the ing the conference. In
evidence to be deployed in support of subsequent discussions
the science, evidence that may not even of this theme, we often
exist before deadlines for writing ab- find some combination of
stracts! Nevertheless, as examples of a the words frequency, in-
minor art form, we are entitled to sub- tensity and spreading. Ted
ject them to criticism. These comments Smayda used the phrase
were provoked by reading the abstracts global epidemic [4].
of the Florianópolis conference. Here In a widely cited state-
the focus is on two topics, i) climate ment of concern with cli-
change, and ii) suggestions that we mate change and harmful
Fig. 1. Trajectory in 3-dimensional phase space of solu-
follow Ben Schneiderman [1] into the algae Gustaaf Hallegraeff
tions of a simple model of atmospheric convection. Each
convoluted procedures of “Science 2.0”. wrote that ”public health point represents an instantaneous state of the system. The
A word count of the Florianópolis con- and economic impacts of region to which the points are confined is called a strange
ference abstracts reveals that climate such events appear to have attractor. This is Lorenz’s butterfly.
occurs 73 times, 33 times in the phrase increased in frequency, in-
climate change, 4 times in presentation tensity and geographic distribution” [5]. each of these systems are determined
titles [2]. Note here, it is not red tides that have by many interactions within and be-
Here are some incantations from increased, and the public health and tween them, multitudes of signals with
the abstracts: “Emerging1 evidence sug- economic problems appear to have (not differing amplitudes and phase rela-
gests that climate change is impacting have) increased. This distinction is of- tions, positive and negative feedback
marine and freshwater phytoplankton ten missed. Hallegraeff also discussed mechanisms, in short, complex dynam-
communities”; “Climate change and an- the possibility that there is a real epi- ics. Complexity really is complex! The
thropogenic activities in the coastal zone demic (in Smayda’s sense). Although mean climate of a region is the average
are increasing the risk of Harmful Algae he concluded that this too is apparent of all the processes we call weather,
Blooms”; “The worldwide distribution, rather than real, he listed various puta- conventionally calculated over a thirty
frequency and duration of cyanobacte- tive causes, amongst them eutrophica- year time span (World Meteorological
rial blooms are driven by eutrophica- tion and climate variations. Organization) from surface records of
tion and climate change”; “El Niño … is Revisiting the theme nearly two temperature, humidity, precipitation,
increasing in frequency and magnitude decades later, Hallegraeff [6] provided winds, etc. But the mean deceives; it
due to climate change”; “As a result of a succinct guide to what might happen hides variations due to internal modes,
climate change and non-climatic factors, under a conventional IPCC climate pro- the best known of which are the El Niño
algal bloom frequency, composition and jection; he discussed the potential im- Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and the
spatio-temporal distributions are chang- pact of warming seas, changes in mixed North Atlantic and Pacific Decadal Os-
ing.” These quotations are mostly asser- layer depth, wind regimes, runoff, up- cillations (NAO, PDO); so on decadal
tive; such formulae are not unique to welling rates and other variables – we to secular time scales, regional climate
the Florianópolis conference, but were can call them underwater weather – as fluctuations are largely due to modes.
much more prominent there than in well as various feedbacks, and overfish- Model climates are those we build in
earlier conferences in the series. ing. These variables are standard fare our imaginations and in our computers.
The idea that harmful blooms are a for marine ecology, appealed to rou- Climate changes are persistent
growing problem was expressed in the tinely to explain the changing popula- trends identifiable in meteorologi-
first HA conference by Anand Prakash tion dynamics of HABs as well as other cal records, usually considered as re-
who wrote; “… there is evidence that marine species. sponses to changes in external forcing
paralytic shellfish poisoning outbreaks The key ideas of climate change rather than modes; recent examples
are increasing in intensity and spreading are not always examined critically, nor are the cooling from 1940 to 1970 or
to new areas” [3]. He invoked eutrophi- with the natural suspicion that their the warming from 1970 to 2000. “An-
cation to account for increased intensity frequently doctrinal character should thropogenic global warming” (AGW)
of blooms, and cited Tokyo Bay and the excite. So what do we mean by cli- considers recent warming a result of in-
inner Oslofjord as examples. His only mate change? On decadal to secular dustrial growth, and many AGW models
example of spreading was that of PSP time scales, we can distinguish mean focus on forcing by atmospheric carbon
to the western Gulf of Maine in 1972, climates, modal climates, and model dioxide concentrations [CO2]. As time
climates. Climates result from the in- scales grow from secular to millen-
1) Emerging is a fashionable prefix for evidence, teractions of many different elements nial, we meet palaeoclimates with well
as it is for markets, equities, roles, … A scien- within the atmosphere, hydrosphere, known phenomena like Pleistocene Ice search finds the phrase emerging
evidence in nearly 30, 000 titles; time to give it cryosphere, and biosphere, including Ages and the Holocene climatic opti-
a rest? phytoplankton. The future states of mum. But the perceived HA epidemic is
on a decadal time scale, and identified
palaeoclimatic oscillations are not nec-
essarily a useful guide to its interpreta-
An obvious obstacle to detecting
climate signals in HAB data is posed by
anthropogenic eutrophication. Another
obstacle is the fact that phytoplankton
respond directly to the increased [CO2]
blamed for warming in many models.
Phytoplankton, macroalgae and sea
grasses respond to raised [CO2] by in-
creased nitrate uptake and growth.
Thus higher [CO2] can lower the impact
of eutrophication. Increased [CO2] con-
sumption by phytoplankton also raises
pH, hence counters any tendency for
In the original examples of increased
intensity of blooms (Tokyo Bay and in-
ner Oslofjord), eutrophication seems a
highly likely cause since both are semi- Fig. 2. PSP toxicity maxima identified by White [11] are centered on years 1945,
enclosed water bodies with increasing- 1961 and 1980; these lag minima of lunar declination in 1940, 1959, and 1978 by a
ly urbanized watersheds; but eutrophi- few years. Had the trend continued, further peaks might have been expected around
2000 and this year. The Lepreau Harbour toxicity time series shown here has the
cation cannot have driven the sudden
three earlier peaks, and more recent ones in 1995 and 2009 which precede the lunar
spread of PSP into the western Gulf of
declination minima in 1997 and 2015. Clearly the nodal signal is not the whole story!
Maine, open waters with low human (Figure courtesy of Jennifer Martin, St Andrews Biological Station, NB, Canada).
population density along the coast. The
message from these examples is that
we must analyse the frequency, inten- then is the prototype of chaotic systems. much use of the subjunctive tense. But
sity, and spreading of HABs as separate We all know that algal growth and Kedong Yin & Jianzhang HE may have
phenomena, on a species by species the likelihood of blooms are linked to distinguished eutrophication and cli-
basis, and not lump them all together wind regimes, water column stability, mate variation in a time series (1983 to
as manifestations of a global epidemic. runoff, mixing rates, and so on, that is 2014) of Hong Kong red tides [10].
The same message emerges from more to the local weather, all modulated by In the case of toxins, PSP records
recent examples, for example those regional climate variations. One might from the Bay of Fundy (1944-1983)
summarized by Hallegraeff [6] from his therefore anticipate that time series have yielded evidence of a multi-annual
antipodean perspective. of harmful algal events contain sig- lunar signal, the nodal tide, with a pe-
Edward Lorenz [7] asked, “Does the nals provoked by multiannual trends riod of 18.6 years (Fig. 2) [11]. This
flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off in these oceanographic parameters, finding merits more attention than it
a tornado in Texas? Is the behavior of the hence act as proxies for climate trends. has so far received given that the same
atmosphere unstable with respect to per- But it seems to be very hard to extract signal has emerged from analyses of
turbations of small amplitude?” There is unambiguous signals from records of the PDO, the NAO, and many oceano-
a nonlinear relationship between the HABs and algal toxins. In an issue of the graphic and meteorological time series
two variables, butterflies and tornados, Journal of Sea Research [8], 14 papers [12, 13]. Chaotic systems are concep-
meaning that an equation relating them examine phytoplankton time series 1 tually remote from the clockwork uni-
is not of the first degree; nonlinear rela- to 4 decades in length, with special at- verse of Isaac Newton and Pierre-Simon
tionships are the hallmark of dynamical tention to climate variability and eu- Laplace. But the nodal tide and other
systems (Fig. 1). Lorenz wrote: “Since trophication. “The initial hope that these astronomical forcings are determinis-
we do not know exactly how many but- data sets do contain significant signals, tic, they do run like clockwork, and can
terflies there are, nor where they are lo- and that they can be identified and de- in principle provide forecasts of future
cated, let alone which ones are flapping scribed, is not realized”, at least on these climate variation.
their wings at any instant, we cannot, if time scales; and, “despite indisputable The first conference in this series
the answer to our question is affirmative, and often major changes in coastal wa- took place in Boston in 1974. From then
…, accurately predict the occurrence of ters caused by human activities, no clear until the Lund conference (1989), the
tornados at a sufficiently distant future signals are detectable in phytoplank- word climate was not indexed in the
time.” A practical corollary of this sen- ton composition and dynamics, nor any proceedings. At the Newport confer-
sitivity to initial conditions, called the which are distinguishable from changes ence (1991), El Niño was mentioned
butterfly effect, is that forecasts of the in areas relatively unaffected by such im- twice, and there were suggestions that
future are nearly impossible. Climate pacts.” [9]. Claims to the contrary make as a result of hypothetical climatic
trends, Karenia brevis might appear From the abstracts alone, it is hard to potentially fruitful. But if science is to
more often in the South Atlantic Bight know. A few clearly mean weather in be part of these activities, it must be
of the US and Gymnodinium catenatum the sense used above. Are others jump- real science, not a debased imitation.
bloom more often in northwestern Ibe- ing on a bandwagon? If so, they might
rian waters. There was also a warning recall Gustaaf Hallegraeff’s admonition:
by Barrie Dale germane to such specu- “Crying wolf does not serve our discipline References
lations, that large scale climate models and we need to refrain from making un- 1. Schneiderman B 2016. The new ABCs
cannot predict local changes. substantiated climate predictions!” [16]. of research: achieving breakthrough
collaborations (Oxford University Press),
Little more was heard of supposed Science 2.0 was represented at Flo- 320 pp
links between HABs and climate un- rianópolis [17, 18] by Jianguo Liu’s 2. ICHA 2016.Book of Abstracts. http://
til two decades later in Hersonissos “coupled human and natural systems” or
(2010). The preface to the Hersonissos CHANS [19] and Tim Lang’s “ecological pdf
3. Prakash A 1975. In: LoCicero VR(ed),
proceedings claims that “…this confer- public health”, EPH [20]. Both combine
Proc 1st Intern Conf on Toxic Dinoflagel-
ence included … a solid body of 50 papers ecosystem models with other complex late Blooms (Mass Sci Technol Foundn,
and posters on climate change”; if true, systems. CHANS are built by linking Wakefield, Mass), pp 1-6
few of them appeared in the proceed- models of economic, social, hydrologi- 4. Smayda TJ 1989. In: Cosper EM et al
ings, where the phrase climate change cal, atmospheric, and biological sub- (eds), Novel Phytoplankton Blooms
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New
appears in a single contribution about systems and interactions among them.
York), pp 159-187
Prymnesium parvum in some Texan EPH combines “more than just evidence, 5. Hallegraeff GM 1993. Phycologia 32: 79-
lakes, and the phrase global warming and includes the open pursuit of social 99
only twice. There were speculations values, highlighting the role of inter- 6. Hallegraeff GM 2010. J Phycol 46: 220-
that the appearance of Chattonella glo- est groups, and debate across society 235
7. Lorenz E 1964. Tellus 6: 1-11. J Sea Res
bosa and Dinophysis tripos in Norwe- not just within restricted scientific cir-
2009. Vol 61(1), 124 pp
gian coastal waters might be related to cles.” Climate change is central to both 8. J Sea Res 2009. 61(1): 1-124
global warming, similarly for Ostreopsis schemes. The novelty then is to weld 9. Wyatt T 2010. In: Briand F (ed), Phyto-
ovata in the upper Adriatic. ecosystem dynamics with climate dy- plankton responses to Mediterranean en-
Changing patterns of abundance on namics, add some flavours from outside vironmental changes. CIESM Workshop
Monographs N° 40 (CIESM Publisher,
decadal time scales were reported at science, run some models, and see what
Monaco), 120 pp
the Changwon conference (2012) for might happen. 10. Yin K 2016. Abstract OS1805, p 59 in [2]
species of Karenia, Cochlodinium, Chat- Shneiderman’s Science 2.0 com- 11. White A 1987. Rap Proces 187: 38-46
tonella, and Heterosigma in Korean and bines applied science, engineering, and 12. Yasuda I 2006. Geophys Res Lett 33
Japanese waters, Pyrodinium in the design and attempts to tackle problems L08606, 4 pp
13. Yndestad H et al 2008. Deep Sea Re-
Philippines, Gymnodinium in Portugal, like disaster response systems or envi-
search I 55: 1201-1217
Prorocentrum and Heterosigma in Nar- ronmental sustainability [1]. These are 14. Wyatt T 2013. HAN 47: 1-3
ragansett Bay. As pointed out at the time not purely scientific problems, and their 15. Dale B et al 2006. In: Granéli E & Turner
[14], some of these patterns may be complexity makes it necessary to break JT (eds), Ecology of Harmful Algae
linked to regional effects of phenomena them into smaller pieces for analysis. (Springer-Verlag), pp 367-378
16. Hallegraeff GM 2011. HAN 43: 11-12
like the PDO or ENSO; and some almost One of Shneiderman’s five strategies for
17. Fleming L 2016. Abstract KN02, p 6 in [2]
certainly, as Patricia Glibert argues, to doing this is classical reductionist sci- 18. Lintott L 2016. Abstract POS0128, p 115
eutrophication. As already mentioned, ence [21]. It is therefore impossible to in [2]
disentangling the separate impacts of accept the viewpoint of one participant 19. Liu J et al 2007. Ambio 36: 639–649
climate and nutrient loading is a major in the conference, that taxonomy, physi- 20. Lang T & G Rayner 2012. BMJ 2012 Aug
21;345:e5466. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e5466
problem. AGW was not invoked, indeed ology, biogeography, and population 21. Wyatt T 2017. Ethics Sci Envir Polit 17:
it is clear that we do not yet have an dynamics are no longer useful research 51-62, DOI:
adequate data base to do so [15]. Also topics, that “they will not adequately in- esep00177
at Changwon, Barrie Dale warned that form on purported climate change: HAB 22. Wells M 2016. Abstract PS06, p 9 in [2]
“available time series plankton data are linkages” [22]. 23. Marshall A 1998. Stud Hist Philos Sci Pt
C. Stud Hist Phil Biol & Biomed Sci 29:
inadequate for establishing species’ re- Even though complex models of the 137-164
sponses to natural climate variations climate or an ecosystem can exhibit
and therefore offer no sound basis for chaotic dynamics, with all the technical
predicting effects of climate”. The Wel- challenges entailed, Science 2.0, EPH, Author
Tim Wyatt, Borreiros Gondomar, Pontevedra,
lington conference (2014) abstracts and CHANS propose to combine several
contain the word climate only six times; such systems in search of solutions to
in the two contributions in which cli- economic and political problems. These Email:
mate change was addressed directly aspirations read like recipes for “cyber-
there, its impact on HABs was again en- netic gigantism” [23]. We can agree that
meshed with eutrophication. solutions to complex problems demand
So what did participants at Flori- multidisciplinary approaches, and that
anópolis mean when they wrote of cli- collaborative projects which combine
mate change? Was warming intended? expertise from diverse disciplines are
Red tides in Kamchatka coastal waters harm AG, Germany. The test-system de-

(Bering Sea, Russia) are a barrier for tection limit is 5 µg kg-1 with specificity
to different PSP toxins of: PSP, 100%;
the salmon fishery and Pacific salmon decarbomoyl PSP, 20%; gonyautoxin II
and III, 70%; neosaxitoxin, 12%.
Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour)
Balech was the dominant species (up
to 1.32 x 105 cells L-1) (Fig. 3). Other
dinoflagellates, such as Tripos fusus
(Ehrenb.) Dujard., Protoperidinium sp.
and Alexandrium сf. leei, co-occurred.
The diameter of A. tamarense vegeta-
tive cells ranged from 31 to 40 µm, and
that of A. сf. leei was around 36 µm. A.
tamarense was found both as vegetative
cells (Fig. 3A-C) and in different stages
of cyst formation (Fig. 3F, G).
Saxitoxin concentration of the sea-
water sampled was 0.33 µg L-1. The
neurotoxic impact of the bloom on fish
in Olyutorskiy Bay was observed by the
“slack” behavior of pink salmon passing
through the bloom patches, and mortal-
ity of some individuals. There are no
standards for saxitoxin concentration
Fig. 1. Map of Olyutorskiy Bay (Kamchatka, Bering Sea) where a red tide, reported by in sea and fresh water in Russia, but the
fishermen, occurred in July 2017. The stars denote fishery sites: red, affected by the established regulatory level is 800 µg
bloom; green, not affected; the arrow indicates the sampling area
kg-1 for the edible tissues of mollusks
and crabs [2, 3].
In mid-July 2017 a red tide occurred (IEA) with the help of the test-system Visual observation from the air of
in Olyutorskiy Bay, Bering Sea (Fig. 1). RIDASCREEN® FAST PSP SC, R-Biop- the Pacific salmon in the spawning
Fishermen of the company Delfin wit-
nessed this phenomenon at their fishery
sites (Fig. 2). The first sign of the bloom
was observed on July 11th, following a
flood during July 8th-9th caused by a
strong cyclone. By July 15th the bloom
extended along the central coastal zone
of the bay, in a layer approximately 5-6
m in depth. The fishermen’s attention
was attracted by the unusual behavior
of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbu-
sha) that were approaching the rivers
to spawn and entered the bloom area:
“Fish were slack, looked tired and died
soon in the trap net”. Additionally, na-
tives of the Pakhachi settlement report-
ed that nearshore waters were reddish-
brown, had an unpleasant smell, and
dead salmon were washed ashore.
To investigate this phenomenon,
a surface water sample was taken on
15th July 2017 from the reddish-brown
discoloured plume one mile from the
mouth of the Impuka River (Fig. 1).
Bright-field and epifluorescence mi-
croscopy [1] were used to identify the
Fig. 3. Alexandrium tamarense in a water sample from Olyutoskiy Bay during the bloom event:
phytoplankton present. Saxitoxin con- A. General view of cells in the sample; B. Cells with content and empty thecae; С: Ventral view
tent in seawater samples was deter- of the theca; D-E. Calcofluor-stained epithecal plates; F. Shedding of the theca (cyst forma-
mined by an immune-enzyme assay tion); G. Cyst. Scale bar = 100 µm (A), 20 µm (B-G).


Fig. 2. Red tide in Olyutorskiy Bay on 15th July 2017

grounds of the Olyutorskiy Bay river References

basin performed during the second half 1. Hallegraeff GM et al (eds)
of August showed an atypical distribu- 1995. Manual on harmful
marine microalgae. IOC
tion in the rivers. Maximal escapes were Manual and Guides 33 (UN-
recorded in river basins located in the ESCO, Paris), 551 pp
western and eastern parts of the Olyu- 2. Sanitary-epidemiological
torskiy Bay area, whereas in its central Rules and Regulations (San-
PiN Hygienic
part, the abundance of the target spe-
requirements for safety and
cies (Oncorhynchus gorbusha, O. keta food value of provision. 2008
and O. nerka (all called Pacific salmon) (in Russian)
was extremely low (Fig. 4). 3. Technical Regulations of
A map of salmon distribution over the Customs Union (TR CU
021/2011). On Food Safety.
the spawning grounds (Fig. 4А) was
compared with that of satellite images
of chlorophyll-a (Fig. 4B, C) which sug-
gested that the toxic bloom caused a Authors
re-distribution of the migratory paths Ekaterina V Lepskaya, Kam-
chatka Institute for Fisheries
for salmon, with most of them mov-
Research and Oceanography,
ing to the rivers adjacent to Olutorsky Laboratory of Hydrobiology,
Bay. Changes in anadromous migratory Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,
paths of Pacific salmon caused some Russia
problems for the fishery in the bloom
Tatyana A Mogilnikova, Sakhalin
zone and additional unscheduled ex-
Research Institute of Fisheries
penses. and Oceanography, Laboratory
This is the first documented event of Hydrobiology, Yuzhno-Sakhal-
for Kamchatka, where a coastal bloom insk, Russia
of the toxic microalgae appeared to be
Sergey V Shubkin, Kamchatka
a barrier both for fisheries and Pacific
Institute for Fisheries Research
salmon spawning migration into fresh- and Oceanography, Laboratory
water. of Abundance Dynamics and
Forecast Perfection for Salmo-
Acknowledgements nids, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,
We thank Yuri B. Okolodkov, Universi-
dad Veracruzana, Boca del Río, Verac- Oleg B Tepnin, Kamchatka
ruz, Mexico, and Alexander V. Galkin, St- Institute for Fisheries Research
ylab, Moscow, Russia, for their valuable and Oceanography, Laboratory
comments. Marcia M. Gowing, Seattle, of Oceanography and Freshwater
Hydrology, Petropavlovsk-Kam-
WA, USA, kindly corrected the English
chatsky, Russia

Fig. 4. Distribution of Pacific salmon in river basins (А)

and bloom patches as detected from the chlorophyll-a
concentration (B:15th July 2017; C: 21th July 2017; http://


First report of Gambierdiscus in the ranged from 64.1 to 90.8 μm (mean of

Western Mediterranean Sea (Balearic 78.6 μm). The original description [9]
described a length range of 76-93 µm
Islands) and a cell width of 65-84 µm. Further
morphological analysis will be per-
formed using electron microscopy.
Gambierdiscus (Dinophyceae) species Mediterranean Sea. The present study To facilitate molecular identifica-
are benthic dinoflagellates living in ma- confirms the presence of G. australes in tion to species level, DNA was extracted
rine littoral zones of circumtropical ar- the two Balearic Islands of Majorca and from individual or a few clonal cells
eas and have recently been described in Minorca, and this constitutes the first using the ArcturusTM PicoPureTM DNA
temperate waters [1]. Some species are report of Gambierdiscus genus in the Extraction Kit (Applied Biosystems, CA,
producers of potent neurotoxins: cigua- western Mediterranean Sea. USA). Afterwards, the domain D8-D10
toxins (CTXs) and maitotoxins (MTXs). In this study, microalgal samples of the LSU rRNA gene was amplified by a
Ciguatoxins are linked to Ciguatera Fish were collected from macroalgae and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using
Poisoning (CFP). Ciguatera used to be rocky substrates in 19 stations in Ma- the pair of primers FD8 and RB [9], and
restricted to tropical and subtropical jorca and Minorca in September 2017. products were sequenced. The D8-D10
areas, but since the last decade, it ap- Water temperatures ranged from 24 to sequences obtained in this study were
pears to be expanding to more temper- 27 °C and salinity from 36.2 to 38.0. In deposited in GenBank under accession
ate latitudes. For example, outbreaks the laboratory, samples were observed numbers: MG708117- MG708130. DNA
of ciguatera have been reported in the under the microscope and individual sequence analysis of amplified rDNA
Canary Islands and Madeira (eastern cells were isolated with micropipettes fragments confirmed that all Gambier-
Atlantic Ocean), where several species to establish cultures for morphologi- discus spp. corresponded to G. australes,
of the genus Gambierdiscus have been cal and molecular analysis. Calcofluor which was in accordance with the mor-
identified [2]. white stain was used for morphological phological identification. G. australes
In the Mediterranean Sea, no thor- identification. Cells were observed with was present in 10 out of the 19 sam-
ough evidence of cases of ciguatera ex- a compound microscope equipped with pling stations in Majorca and Minorca
ist. The only reports of CTX-like toxins epifluorescence at 630X (Leica DMLB). (Fig. 2), indicating that this species is
in fish, which are not confirmed, were The Gambierdiscus cells observed were well established at different locations
based on the Cigua-Check Fish Poison anterior-posteriorly compressed. Mor- around the coasts of both islands. It will
Test kit (Oceanit, Hawaii), a method phology of the epitheca and the hypoth- be important to evaluate the temporal
that has proved to be unreliable [3]. eca is shown in Fig. 1 in which the plate distribution of this species.
Nonetheless, Gambierdiscus species terminology employed follows Fraga The first report of G. australes was in
have been reported in the last decade and collaborators [8]. The epitheca has the Australes archipelago (French Poly-
in Crete and Cyprus (eastern Mediter- a rectangular-shaped 2’ apical plate nesia). This species is also widely dis-
ranen Sea) [4-6]. One species of Fuku- and the P0 plate is ventrally oriented; tributed in areas such as New Zealand
yoa (F. paulensis), a genus that includes the hypotheca has a narrow 2’’’’ plate and the Canary Islands, but it had not
species previously included in the ge- equivalent to 1p plate in Chinain [9]. been reported yet in the Mediterranean
nus Gambierdiscus, was reported in The cell surface is smooth. The cell Sea. Some studies mentioned that the
the Balearic Islands in 2015 [7]. Little length and width of 62 individuals were spatial expansion of Gambierdiscus and
is known about diversity, distribution measured. Length ranged from 60.9 to CFP may be related to the increase of
and toxicity of Gambierdiscus spp. in the 92.3 μm (mean of 75.6 μm) and width temperatures caused by climate change

Fig. 1. Epitheca (a) and hypotheca (b) of Gambierdiscus australes cells stained with Calcofluor White.


the SEASENSING (BIO2014-56024-
C2-2-R) project and the CERCA Pro-
gramme/Generalitat de Catalunya. A.
Tudó and A. Toldrà acknowledge IRTA-
URV-Banco Santander for their respec-
tive PhD grants (2016 PMF-PIPF-74 and
2015PMF-PIPF-67). The authors are
grateful to Vanessa Castan and José Luis
Costa for sampling assistance.

1. Litaker R et al 2010. Toxicon 56: 711-730
2. Rodríguez F et al 2017. Harmful Algae
67: 131-143
3. Bentur Y et al 2007. Clin Toxicol 45: 695-
4. Aligizaki K et al 2008. J Biol Res 9: 75–82
5. Aligizaki K et al 2009. In: Lassus P (ed)
7th International Conference on Mol-
luscan Shellfish Safety, Nantes, France,
Fig. 2. Locations where Gambierdiscus australes was recorded in the Balearic Islands 14-19 June (IFREMER 2009), pp 1-6
(39° 30’N, 3° 00’ E), Spain. 6. Holland W et al 2013. Toxicon 65: 15–33
7. Laza-Martínez A et al 2016. J Eukaryot
[10]. The Mediterranean Sea, which is sary to study whether the Balearic Is- Microbiol 63(4): 481-97
8. Fraga S et al 2011. Harmful Algae 11:
a semi-enclosed sea, seems to be one lands could be a new spot of ciguatera.
of the regions strongly affected by the Improving our knowledge about 9. Chinain M et al 1999. J Phycol 35:
rising of temperatures, and this makes diversity and toxicity of these benthic 1282–96
this region more suitable for tropical dinoflagellates will provide a better 10. Friedman M et al 2017. Mar Drugs 15(3):
species [11]. A recent study describes characterization of health risks tak- 72
11. Lejeusne et al 2010. Trends Ecol Evol 25:
a high diversity of Gambierdiscus spe- ing into consideration climate change
cies in the Canary Islands which would trends.
suggest that this genus is not a recently
introduced taxon in that area, although Authors
climate change may contribute to in- Acknowledgements Àngels Tudó, Anna Toldrà, Karl B. Andree,
María Rey, Margarita Fernández-Tejedor,
crease the populations density [2]. The authors acknowledge financial sup-
Mònica Campàs & Jorge Diogène, IRTA, Ctra.
It will be important to understand port from the European Food Safety Au- Poble Nou, km 5.5, 43540 Sant Carles de la
the origin of Gambierdiscus in the Medi- thority (EFSA) through the EUROCIGUA Ràpita, Spain
terranean and the effect that climate project (GP/EFSA/AFSCO/2015/03),
change may have on Gambierdiscus the Ministerio de Economía, Industria E-mail:
populations. Moreover, it will be neces- y Competitividad (MINECO) through

Forthcoming Events
A. Deliver National Reports on harmful F. HABs and the EU Marine Strategy
algal events and bloom dynamics for Framework Directive (MSFD). Ap-
the year 2017. proaches in Europe to including
B. Review progress and summary of HABs in the assessment of the Good
fish killing algae activities underway Environmental Status for the EU
during the reporting period 2017– ­Marine Strategy Framework Direc-
2020. tive.
ICES-IOC Working Group on C. Updating of the ICES-PICES-IOC G. New results about how physical,
Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics Harmful Algal Event Database (HAE- chemical and biological interactions
(WGHABD) DAT. control the dynamics of selected
D. Global HAB Status Report for the harmful micro-algae.
The next ICES-IOC WGHABD, hosted North Atlantic area: report using H. Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) in the
by Margarita Fernandez-Tejedor at data and products generated from ICES area: review new developments
IRTA, Sant Carles de la Rapita, Tarra- HAE-DAT and supplementary time in methodology to research the issue,
gona, Spain, will meet from the 23rd series data as appropriate. modelling efforts, risk assessments
– 26th April (inclusive) to work on the E. New findings in harmful algal bloom to protect human health, initiatives
following terms of reference: dynamics. in other bodies (IPHAB, PICES etc.).
Comparison by light microscopy and qPCR of potentially
­ichthyotoxic microalgae in Danish on-shore lagoons
producing European flounder (Platichthys flesus):
Pros and cons of microscopical and molecular methods

able detected 8 out of the 11 potentially

fish killing species (Fig. 2A, C). There
were very few cross overs in terms of
species identification between the two
methods. LM failed to detect seven of
the potentially ichthyotoxic species and
Dictyocha was the only microalga de-
tected by both methods. Despite this,
the cell densities differed markedly. The
qPCR assay only detected Dictyocha
speculum cells in lagoon six at a density
of 2,600 cell L-1, whereas LM detected
much higher numbers of 56,560 and
36,210 Dictyocha ‘sp.’ in lagoons 1 and
6, respectively. Pseudochattonella farci-
Fig. 1. Lagoon used for production of European flounder at Fishlab, Denmark. men and P. verruculosa were detected
in all lagoons by qPCR and a succession
Evaluation of phytoplankton communi- ples for phytoplankton analyses were pattern for P. farcimen to P. verruculosa
ties is frequently used to determine the taken twice weekly from 7 March to 18 was evident. When temperatures were
ecological status of water bodies. Hence, May, 2017. A total of 55 samples were low (8-9 °C) P. farcimen was dominant
species diversity of phytoplankton has examined by LM and qPCR. Potentially but as temperatures increased above 9
become an integral component of na- ichthyotoxic species (Table 1) were °C a switch occurred and a decline in P.
tional assessment programs. The most identified either quantitatively or quali- farcimen concentration coincided with
commonly used technique for counting tatively by qPCR using species-specific an increase in P. verruculosa cell num-
phytoplankton is the Utermöhl method primer sets and hydrolysis (Taqman) bers (Fig. 2A, C). During the production
[1] and the precision of the enumeration probes. Results from qPCR were com- period, lagoons were replenished with
is evaluated with standard statistical pared to microscopic cell counts per- an addition of ca. 10% of newly col-
analyses techniques [2]. Despite long- formed by Fishlab. Examples of two lected seawater. The additional water
term reliance on the Utermöhl method, representative lagoons are provided in appeared to re-inoculate each lagoon
new techniques for algal identification Fig. 2A-D. with additional Pseudochattonella cells.
and enumeration are continuously be- Data gathered from all six lagoons Fish survival rates in the lagoons were
ing explored. Particularly, the recent ex- revealed ca. 20 groups or species by LM between 0.5 and 13 %.
plosion in molecular tools has resulted (not shown) and the qPCR assays avail- In terms of monitoring, the discrep-
in an influx of alternative methods (e.g.
real-time qPCR, microarrays and FISH-
FC). While many of these methods are Lagoon number
promising, their results often differ Species 1 2 3 4 5 6
from those of the conventional method Alexandrium tamarense
that they were intended to supplement Alexandrium ostenfeldii + + + +
(or replace). Given the importance of Karenia mikimotoi
algal community assessments, signifi- Prymnesium parvum + +
cant efforts have been put into the qual-
Pseudochattonella farcimen + + + + + +
ity assurance of phytoplankton counts
Pseudochattonella verrculosa + + + + + +
[3]. This has led to the development of
standardised procedures.
Karlodinium veneficum + + + + + +
This study aimed to compare cell Pfiesteria shumwayae + + + +
counts of seawater samples by light Pfiesteria piscicida + + + + +
microscopy (LM) and qPCR from on- Luciella masanensis
shore production lagoons of European Dictyocha speculum +
Flounder (Fig. 1). A total of six lagoons Table 1. List of species for which qPCR assays are available for quantitative (cell abundance)
had been filled with untreated seawa- and qualitative (presence/absence) of potentially ichthytoxic microalgae in this study. ‘+’ =
ter from the nearby Limfjorden. Sam- presence of a species in the lagoons used for production of European flounder.


Fig. 2. Comparison of phytoplankton species identification and cell densities (cells L-1) by qPCR (A and C) and light microscopy
(target species and groups which potentially could comprise ichthyotoxic organisms) (B and D) in lagoon 1 (A and B) and lagoon
6 (C and D), respectively. The right Y-axis shows the water temperature during the growth period. Presence of Pfiesteria piscicida
and P. shumwayae at specific dates are indicated by H. Information on the number of flounder larvae added and the survival
rates in percentage at the harvest dates are provided at the top of A and C.

ancy between the qPCR and LM results from sampling to counting comes with costs and equipment requirements (ba-
is obviously quite worrying. There are its own forms of variation, we will criti- sically an inverted microscope and a
clearly problems with one or even both cally analyse each method and discuss settling chamber). One of the main ad-
methods and it raises many questions potential problems and sources of error. vantages of LM over qPCR is its ability to
over their accuracy. When evaluating identify at least theoretically all organ-
phytoplankton data, each inaccuracy Microscopic analysis isms present in the sample in contrast
associated with sampling, sub-sampling Traditionally light microscopy has been to qPCR, which will only target species
and sample preparation should be tak- the gold standard for phytoplankton of interest, e.g. toxic or nuisance organ-
en into account. As each individual step identification due to its relatively low isms. If there were any new species
present in a sample then qPCR would are taxa specific. It is not always easy to is one of the key determinants for ob-
miss those probably due to lack of a obtain reliable estimates from fixed ma- taining reliable and reproducible data.
developed assay. However, LM does re- terial; preservatives can alter the sam- As with microscopy fixatives and stor-
quire high levels of taxonomic skills and ple in various ways creating a biased age techniques play a large part in qual-
the precision in identification is only as measurement. Lugol’s iodine [4] has ity of the samples. Fortunately for short
accurate as the taxonomist allows. Dif- long been the fixative of choice due to term storage Lugol’s iodine is the most
ferent taxonomists trained in different its relatively low toxicity and high sta- ideal fixative and the same sample can
ways using different identification lit- bility. However, it is known to introduce be used for both microscopic and qPCR
erature can cause large person-person artefacts such as changes to cell size, a analysis [7]. Before amplification DNA
differences. The ease of identification reduction in cell number and in some must be extracted from the cellular
is also species dependent. For example instances it may fail to preserve certain material and commonly commercial ex-
highly plastic species, or those with a taxa all together [5-6]. Each alternative traction kits are applied. To get purified
variable life cycle are harder to identify fixative comes with its own issues [7]. genomic DNA the sample must undergo
and can often be easily misidentified. Settling chambers themselves can a number of steps to lyse the cells, re-
The naked form of Dictyocha speculum be another source of variation. For re- move contaminants and purify the re-
can easily be confused with the round- liable cell counts, specimens must be sulting DNA. In cases where the purifica-
ed cells of Pseudochattonella. Some spe- completely randomly distributed with- tion step is inefficient the resulting DNA
cies of the genus Alexandrium cannot in the chamber. If cells do not follow a may not be representative of the sample
be identified to species level due their poisson distribution then it will bias the and/or contain compound(s) that will
very subtle morphological differences enumeration and any statistical analy- cause assay interference. In these cases
in their thecal plates. When dealing sis will be affected. the performance of the reaction will
with toxic species, false positives are To prevent uneven settling, the sam- be sub-optimal, causing a reduction in
less problematic but can cause sub- ples must be at a constant tempera- the sensitivity and/or amplification ef-
stantial financial losses if they result in ture during the settling period. For a ficiency. Inhibition of amplification can
the closure of a fishery, but when toxic higher chance of getting a well-mixed occur in different ways. Firstly, when
or problematic organisms are missed distribution then samples must first high molecular weight compounds, e.g.
completely this could have dire con- be homogenised. The best way to ho- humic acids or complex carbohydrates,
sequences. To reduce confusion, each mogenise a sample is the ‘Paul-Schatz’ combine with metal ions to sequester
taxonomist should be provided with a figure of eight rotation method where the nucleic acids away from the poly-
checklist of common species with up to samples are mixed 100 times in a rhyth- merases and prevent amplification.
date taxonomic names. mic pulsating motion. Even when all While some molecules block or inhibit
Undertaking frequent inter-com- precautions are taken, it is still almost the polymerase or alter the specificity
parison exercises, e.g. the ring test or impossible for cells to be randomly of the primers, inhibitors which block
the International Phytoplankton Inter- distributed due to issues such as cell or delay polymerase activity are highly
comparison (IPI) exercise, provide clumping caused by polysaccharide fi- problematic and they can lead to an un-
feedback on how individual labora- brils or inconsistent settling conditions. derestimation of material in the sam-
tories and taxonomists perform. This Due to radial abundance gradients cell ple or false negatives [9]. Typical ap-
forum also provides an opportunity to abundances at the periphery can be up proaches to combat inhibition include
convene a discussion on nomenclatural to 50% lower than at the center, caus- alternative DNA extraction kits, dilu-
changes and new technological advanc- ing a settling bias. Uneven settling will tion, specialised polymerases, addition
es in monitoring techniques. affect the counting strategy. For any of adjuvants and internal controls.
As error can be introduced in vari- counting strategy a predetermined When designing a qPCR assay it
ous different forms, in order to get the number of units must be observed. The is important to select an appropriate
most accurate and reproducible results number of units differs depending on target and to design specific primers
each individual step from: collection, the organism and the research objec- with no cross reactivity with other or-
storage, subsampling, homogenisation, tives. Typically to reach an accuracy of ganisms. This study used previously
filling the chamber, settling and count- 10% at least 400 cells must be counted validated species-specific hydrolysis
ing strategies all require their own [8]. Whole chamber cell counts should probes in combination with primers to
standardised protocols. be carried out where possible but other add an extra level of specificity. To en-
All aspects of the protocol need to counting strategies are often used such sure accuracy, time is required to opti-
be considered from the storage contain- as transects and random fields. mise the efficiency of the assay and vali-
ers to the type of fixative used. Many date it multiple times. This sometimes
cells e.g. Pseudochatonella spp. are qPCR means altering the constituents of the
sticky and can adhere to plastic walls When carefully designed, with optimi- master-mix used, e.g. nucleotides, mag-
and as plastic bottles is often preferred sation and validation, qPCR assays are nesium chloride or polymerase con-
over glass especially when transport- highly accurate and sensitive, but with- centrations. This is extremely relevant
ing samples this can become problem- out due care and optimisation, qPCR when tackling issues arising from mul-
atic for accurate cell enumeration. The can be plagued by reproducibility and tiplexing assays [9-10].
choice of preservative is important and reliability problems. Once optimised users can still face a
often the optimal preservation methods The quality of the starting material number of precision related challenges.
As qPCR measures genetic material qPCR experiments in the laboratory and References
rather than viable cells an over estima- are designed to improve experimental 1. Utermöhl H 1958. Limnol 9:1–38
tion of cell numbers can occur due to workflow and should be followed when 2. Lund J W G et al 1958. Hydrobiologia 11:
the inclusion of dead or dying cells. designing any qPCR assay [12]. 3. Rott E et al 2007. Hydrobiologia 578:
Problems may also occur when target- 141–146
ing multiple copy genes where the or- Conclusions 4. Throndsen J & A Sournia 1978. Phy-
ganism carries different numbers of the Clearly despite efforts to standardise toplankton Manual (Monographs on
Oceanographic Methodology, UNESCO,
target depending on nutritional status, procedures for both techniques there
Paris), 337 pp.
stress or replication stage. This can lead are still many problems affecting the 5. Leakey R J G et al 1994. J Plankton Res
to an over or under estimation of total accuracy and the quality of the re- 16:375–389
cell numbers. Common problems asso- sults. The comparison of enumeration 6. Stoecker DK et al 1994. Mar Ecol Prog
ciated with cell number enumeration techniques that was carried out in this Ser 110: 293–299
7. Eckford-Soper L K & N Daugbjerg 2015.
and copy number do not occur until late study has highlighted the difficulties in
Harmful Algae 42: 52–59
exponential-stationary phase mean- obtaining comparative data especially 8. Karlson et al 2010. IOC Manuals and
ing that cell numbers can be accurately of small-sized, ichthyotoxic microalgae. Guides 55, UNESCO, Paris, 110 pp
quantified until this point [11]. One way Enumeration by LM missed many im- 9. Webb S 2013. Biotechniques 55: 165–168
of potentially overcoming this issue it to portant species, which emphasizes how 10. Eckford-Soper L K & N Daugbjerg 2015.
Harmful Algae 48: 37-43
use standards created using cells from difficult it is to identify phytoplankton
11. Eckford-Soper L K & N Daugbjerg 2016. J
all parts of the growth curve to produce from Lugol’s fixed material. We are now Phycol 52: 174-183
an ‘average’ copy number. However, this moving into the era of ‘bio-monitoring 2. Bustin S A et al 2009. Clin Chem 55:
will decease the overall accuracy of the 2.0’ and with the reduction in costs for 611–622
assay. meta-barcoding based techniques it is
As with microscopic analysis qPCR still to be seen if these molecular tech-
requires standardisation/normalisa- niques will eventually replace LM. Yet Lisa Eckford-Soper & Niels Daugbjerg,
tion for both the laboratory protocols improvements need to be made across Dept of Biology, University of Copenhagen,
and statistical analysis strategies. To the board for all techniques. The low Universitetsparken 4, 2100 Copenhagen Ø,
aid this, in 2009 the MIQE guidelines, survival rate of European flounder ob- Denmark
Minimum information for publication served in the 2017 production may be
Louise Nørremark & Kirsten Engell-Sørensen,
of Quantitative Real-time PCR Experi- explained by the diverse assemblage of Fishlab, Terp Skovvej 107 b, 8270 Højbjerg,
ments, were published. These guide- potentially ichthyotoxic microalgae in Denmark.
lines are designed to ‘encourage better the lagoons. In previous years the sur-
experimental practice’. The guidelines vival rate has been 40-50%. Email:
establishes a framework for conducting

Recent Advances in the Analysis

of Marine Toxins
Recent Advances in the Analysis of Ma- • Immunoassays and optical
rine Toxins, Volume 78, edited by J. Dio- biosensors (visual, SPR,
géne and Monica Compás, the newest fluorescence) for marine
release in the Comprehensive Analyti- toxins, and
cal Chemistry series, provides chapters • Electrochemical biosen-
from well known authors in the field. sors for marine toxins.
Updated sections include topics such
as: Details on the table of
• The importance of toxin detection content and others can
and quantification: environmental be found at:
issues, public health, food safety, ani-
mal health, bioterrorism, bioactive books/recent-
compounds, medical approach, an advances-in-the-
LC-MS/MS analysis of marine toxins; analysis-of-marine-toxins/­
• Animal bioassays: identification of diogene/
toxins and mechanism of action; 978-0-444-63941-7
• Receptor binding assays for the anal-
ysis of marine toxins;


The Cawthron Institute Culture CAWTHRON FOUNDATION is a char-
­Collection of Micro-algae (CICCM) itable trust which raises donations,
bequests and endowments for
public-good science. The Founda-
The CICCM is designated as a “national- quote Kendall, “It has been a rewarding
tion also funds scholarships to sup-
ly significant database” by the New Zea- experience helping this team to con-
port talented emerging scientists
land government and so receives par- struct the CICCM database and I have
and delivers community education
tial funding for its continued existence. been fascinated to learn how research
programmes: http://www.cawthn.
Isolates from 13 classes of micro-algae involving the collection has increased
are maintained either as live cultures understanding of marine and freshwa-
or cryopreserved. The approximate 500 ter biotoxins in New Zealand.”
isolates include benthic, epiphytic and The database, built using Micro- industry and by supporting capabil-
planktonic marine harmful algal bloom soft’s ‘Share Point Online’ platform, will ity development in all aspects of HABs
species as well as a collection of fresh- meet the strategic aim for all collections through provision of cultures to post-
water cyanobacteria. Most of the iso- and databases in Australasia to be eas- graduate students and post-doctoral
lates are toxin producers and there are ily interrogated. Initially the database researchers.
also species that are unique to New Zea- will only be accessible ‘in-house’, but
land waters. Every isolate in the collec- will enable the curators to provide full Acknowledgements
tion has an associated body of informa- information with ordered isolates. On- The 2017/18 Kathleen Curtis scholar-
tion. The collection underpins research line ordering continues via the website: ship was made possible with generous
programmes, for example the Safe New www.cultures.cawthron. financial support from the Emery Fam-
Zealand Seafood programme, and is the The CICCM is distinct from larger ily.
focus of many student projects both na- collections in the Northern Hemisphere
tionally and internationally. and this has attracted commercial in-
Over the summer of 2017/18 the terest in potential micro-algal products.
Lesley Rhodes, Kirsty Smith, Kendall
Cawthron Foundation (see box) pro- A key user of the collection is the Caw-
Morman, Krystyna Ponikla & Sarah
vided a Kathleen Curtis scholarship for thron Natural Compounds group which Challenger, Cawthron Institute, Nelson,
an undergraduate student to assist the aims to make a wider range of toxins New Zealand
curators in populating a new CICCM available to the global market through a
database with the relevant information partnership with Sigma-Aldrich to sup- E-mail:
for each isolate, including site of isola- ply algal toxins via their renowned cata-
tion, culturing tips, molecular and toxin logue (see HANews 51 August 2015).
information and associated publica- The CICCM will continue to generate
tions. The scholarship was awarded to economic benefits to New Zealand by
Kendall Morman, a biomedical science underpinning the development of im-
student at the Auckland University of proved and cheaper toxin and molecu-
Technology, New Zealand (Figure 1). To lar tests for the New Zealand shellfish

Fig. 2. A selection of cultures held in the

Fig. 1. Kendall Morman being welcomed at a powhiri (a Maori welcoming ceremony) CICCM. From top, Vulcanodinium rugosum
led by Harvey Ruru, Cawthron Institute’s kaumatua (senior elder member of the (non-motile cells), Ostreopsis siamensis, and
group) Phormidium sp


The XVIII International Conference wish to include a picture of your item. A
on Harmful Algae is approaching! It is list of items will be presented on the IS-
time for nominations for achievement SHA website before the conference. Dr.
awards (Yasumoto Life Time and Pat- ISSHA’s CORNER Wayne Litaker (wayne.litaker@noaa.
rick Gentien Young Scientist), registra- gov) can provide a letter template to use
tion to the conference as a student if and awardees are announced during to request donations from companies.
you wish to participate in the Maureen the ICHA closing ceremony. The address where items may be sent in
Keller Award competition and fund- The presentations are evaluated advance of the meeting will be provided
raising for the auction. based on the following criteria: on the conference website.
• Clearly stated hypothesis or objec-
Nominations for the 2018 Yasumoto tive
Lifetime Achievement Award and • Scientific merit and originality
the Patrick Gentien Young Scientist • Coherence (consistency between in-
Award troduction, data, conclusions)
ISSHA members are invited to submit • Intelligibility (selection of important
nominations for the Yasumoto Lifetime points, brevity, accuracy, and clarity
Achievement Award and the Patrick of expression)
Gentien Young Scientist Award. Further • Presentation (appearance, layout,
information on the appropriate profile clarity)
of the nominees can be found at www. (click on “Awards”). Candidates can ask to be considered
Any ISSHA member in good stand- for these awards during the abstract
ing may submit nominations for either submission process (https://www.
achievement award, which should in-
clude a description of the nominee’s stracts/50) ISSHA conference
contribution (not more than one page). Preparation of the ISSHA conference 21-
Please, make sure that you and your ISSHA AUCTION 26/10/2018, Nantes, France (https:­//
nominee have renewed your member- Donations for the ISSHA Auction is progressing well.
ships for the period 2017-2018. 2018 Five plenary speakers have already
Nominations should be sent by e- ISSHA auctions have been a tremen- confirmed their attendance:
mail to Dr. Marta Estrada (marta@ dous success during past International • Prof. Elena Litchman (Univ. Minne- Chair of the Committee on Conferences on Harmful Algae and are sota, Michigan State University, USA)
Achievement Awards. Deadline: May becoming established as a tradition. It • Prof. Bill Gerwick (Univ. California
15, 2018. is an opportunity for conference partic- San Diego - Skaggs & Scripps, USA)
Please write “ISSHA Achievement ipants to bid on a broad range of donat- • Prof. Erik Jeppesen (Aarhus Univer-
Awards 2018” in the message subject. ed items such as books, signed reprints, sity, NL)
Nominations will be considered by the photos, jewelry, T-shirts, paintings, al- • Dr. Mireille Chinain (Institut Louis
ISSHA Council, and the awards will be gae-related items, liquor, and scientific Malardé, French Polynesia)
presented at the 18th ICHA Conference equipment. The auction items are do- • Prof. Thomas Hartung (John Hopkins
Nantes, France, 21-26 October 2018. nated by ISSHA members from around University, USA)
the world. Funds collected during the
The Maureen Keller Student Award auction are an important income for Check out the session topics here:
for best student presentations at ISSHA. ISSHA was able to offer partial
ICHA travel support to 25 students to attend program/session-topics/35
The Maureen Keller Award is given the Conference in Florianópolis, Brazil
to the outstanding graduate student (9-15 October 2016). And note the abstract submission
oral and poster presentation at the Please, contact Dr. Wayne Litaker deadline (15/4/2018)
ICHA2018. Conference participants are ( who is re-
chosen in advance to review students’ sponsible for the auction about your Please submit abstracts here:
presentations. The evaluations are pro- donations (including ”ISSHA Auction
cessed by the ISSHA Awards Committee 2018” in the message subject). You may call-for-abstracts/50
Forthcoming Events

First announcement of the 11th

International Conference on
Toxic Cyanobacteria (ICTC)
We are pleased to disseminate the first
announcement of the 11th Internation-
al Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria
(ICTC) that will be held in Krakow, Po-
land from May 5 – 10, 2019. The ICTC
is a periodic scientific meeting that in-
cludes members of the international
community and focuses on the science
and study of cyanotoxins and toxic cy- future”. Please mark your calendars and May, 2019! Conference website: http://
anobacteria. The theme of the ICTC 11 make plans to join us in Krakow during
is: “Learning from the past to predict the

Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) students and colleagues, his reach ex- • Cyanobacterial ecology as a basis for
sessions at the upcoming 2018 tended into phytoplankton-zooplank- their mitigation and control under
ASLO summer meeting in Victo- ton interactions and the structuring of global change (SS51).
ria, British Columbia planktonic ecosystems. With his pass-
ing in the spring of 2017, we invite the The first session will focus on broad
Ted Talks: The career, contributions, community to join us in a celebration HAB research and management solu-
and impact of Theodore J. Smayda of his career with contributions on any tions, whereas the second session will
aspect of phytoplankton or oceanogra- focus specifically on cyanobacterial and
Session SS04 convened by: phy that were inspired or affected by algal metabolites. The third session will
Tracy A. Villareal, The University of Tex- his work. focus on aspects of cyanobacterial ecol-
ax at Austin ( Keywords: Biogeography, Ecosystem, ogy in relation to environmental change
James A. Yoder, WHOI (jyoder@whoi. Ecology, Marine, Phytoplankton and bloom management. Session ab-
edu) stracts are located at
Edward G. Durbin, Univ. of Rhode Island There will be another three Harmful Al- victoria2018/special-sessions
( gal Bloom (HAB) related sessions:
• Crossing disciplinary boundaries If you are a HAB researcher planning
Ted Smayda’s career in marine science across the freshwater-marine contin- on attending the 2018 ASLO summer
spanned 60 years on topics ranging uum to advance the understanding of meeting, please consider submitting
from phytoplankton suspension, ecol- HABs (SS71). an abstract to either session. Abstracts
ogy, succession, community structure, • Cyanobacterial and algal metabo- are due 16-Feb-2018; registration can
growth rates, biogeography, and the lites: occurrence, ecology, prediction, be completed at
problems of harmful algae. Through his and management (SS07), and ria2018/main
GEOHAB, under the sponsorship of will be published by Springer (Ecologi-
the Intergovernmental Oceanographic cal Studies, Analysis and Synthesis, Vol-
Commission (IOC) of UNESCO and the ume 232) in spring 2018.
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Re- As GEOHAB ended, the community
search (SCOR), focused on the physi- recognized the benefits ofinternational
ological, behavioral, and genetic charac- cooperation and encouraged continua-
teristics of harmful microalgal species, tion of a new program built on legacy
and the interactions between physical provided by GEOHAB, but now includ-
and other environmental conditions ing freshwater systems, and addressing
that promote the success of one group the effects of HABs on human society
of species over another. GEOHAB im- now and in a rapidly changing world.
plementation was based on a multidis- Thanks to the invaluable support of IOC
ciplinary, multi-scale and comparative and SCOR, the new programme, Global-
approach, and stimulated the develop- HAB, was launched in January 2016.
ment of new experimental, observa- Since then, the GlobalHAB Scientific
tional and modelling tools. Steering Committee has been elabo-
International Coordination of During the 15 years of GEOHAB’ rating the Science and Implementation
Research on Harmful Algal activity, the international communi- Plan that provides a scientific frame-
Blooms ty has contributed to understanding work for the integration and coordina-
From GEOHAB to GlobalHAB mechanisms underlying HAB popula- tion of research and expertise of many
tion dynamics within an ecological and individual scientists in the study of
International cooperation is fundamen- oceanographic context. At the end of HABs in different aquatic ecosystems.
tal to advance understanding of HAB GEOHAB, advances and existing chal- As in GEOHAB, the direct implication of
dynamics and to improve our ability lenges were summarized in six papers the international community in the pro-
to predict them. Fostering this interna- in Oceanography (The Official Magazine gramme is fundamental for GlobalHAB
tional cooperation was the mission of of the Oceanographic Society) in March success. Information on the GlobalHAB
GEOHAB (Global Ecology and Ocean- 2017, ( programme and how to participate can
ography of Harmful Algal Blooms), the issue/volume-30-issue-01). A GEOHAB be found at
first worldwide research programme synthesis, Global Ecology and Oceanog-
focusing exclusively on harmful ma- raphy of Harmful Algal Blooms, edited Elisa Berdalet, Chair, and the GlobalHAB
rine microalgae. From 1998 to 2013, by Patricia M. Glibert and co-editors Scientific Steering Committee


The overall Goal of GlobalHAB is to improve understand-
ing and prediction of HABs in aquatic ecosystems, and
management and mitigation of their impacts.

The Mission of GlobalHAB includes the following ele-


• Foster international coordination and cooperative re-

search to address the scientific and societal challenges
of HABs, including the environmental, human health
and economic impacts, in a rapidly changing world.
• Consolidate linkages with broader scientific fields and
other regional and international initiatives relevant to The Themes integrated in GlobalHAB range from small-scale
HABs. (e.g., cellular) subjects (e.g., biodiversity, adaptive strategies)
• Foster the development and adoption of advanced and to studies at ecosystem scale and climate change-related pro-
cost-effective technologies. cesses.
• Promote training, capacity building and communica-
tion of HAB research to society.
• Serve as a liaison between the scientific community,
stakeholders and policy makers, informing science-
based decision-making.


18th International Conference on Harmful Algae


Abstract submission deadline: 15 April 2018

Early bird registration: 15 July 2018
Get the 17 ICHA Proceedings at

Eds-in-chief Compiled and edited by

Beatriz Reguera, IEO, Vigo, Spain Beatriz Reguera, Instituto Español de Oceanografía
Eilen Bresnan, MARLAB, Scotland, UK (IEO), Subida a Radio Faro 52, 36390 Vigo, Spain
Tel: +34 986 492111
Regional Editors Fax: +34 986 498626
• Caribbean: Ernesto Mancera Email: and
• Europe: Philip Hess Eileen Bresnan, Marine Scotland, Victoria Road, ­Aberdeen AB1 9DB, Scotland
• India: K.B. Padmakumar Tel.: +44 122 4876544 Fax: +44 1224295511
• Western Pacific: Rhodora Azanza, Email:
and Po Teen Lim
• North Africa: Hamid Taleb The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors indicated and do not necessarily reflect
• North America: Patricia Tester the views of UNESCO or its IOC. Texts may be freely reproduced and translated (except when reproduc-
and Jennifer Martin tion or translation rights are indicated as reserv­ed), provided that mention is made of the author and
• South America: Luis Proenca source and a copy sent to the Editors.
• Africa: to be identified Project Coordinator
• South Pacific: Mireille Chinain Henrik Enevoldsen, IOC Science and Communication
and Lesley Rhodes Centre on Harmful Algae, ­University of Copenhagen,
Universitets­parken 4, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Please feel free to contact any of the editors if you Tel.: +45 33 13 44 46
have article, ideas for article or special issues and we E-mail:
will work with you!
Deadline Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen,
Deadline to submit material for HAN 60: Denmark
15 May 2018

The publication of Harmful Algae News is sponsored

by the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen

©UNESCO 2018 ISSN 0020-7918

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