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CVE 403:


Moment distribution method

 Moment distribution is a displacement method of
analysis that is very easy to apply.
 It is an iterative procedure that involves
successive approximations that may be carried
out to any desired degree of accuracy (usually
about 5 cycles)
 The method begins by assuming each joint of a
structure is fixed
 By unlocking and locking each joint in succession,
the internal moments at the joints are
“distributed” & balanced until the joints have
rotated to their final or nearly final positions
 When the member is fixed at one end and a moment
is applied at the other end which is simply supported
or hinged, the moment induced at the fixed end is one
half of the applied moment. The induced moment at
the fixed end is in the same direction as the applied
 If a moment is applied in a stiff joint of a structure,
the moment is resisted by various members in
proportion to their respective stiffnesses.
 While distributing the moments in a rigid joint, if one
end of the member is not restrained then its stiffness
should be multiplied by 3 4
 In a fixed beam, if the support settles/subsides/sinks
by an amount 𝛿, the moment required to make the
ends horizontal is 6𝐸𝐼𝛿 𝑙2
 Sign convention
 Clockwise moments +ve
 Counter clockwise moments –ve

 Stiffness factor
 It is the moment that must be applied at one end of a
constant section member (which is unyielding
supports at both ends) to produce a unit rotation of
that end when the other end is fixed, i.e. k = 4EI/l.

4 EI
 Stiffness factor
 It is the moment required to rotate the near end of a
prismatic member through a unit angle without
translation, the far end being hinged is k = 3EI/l.

 Joint stiffness factor

KT   K  4000  5000  1000  10000

 Distribution factor (DF)
 the fraction of the total resisting moment supplied a
given member is called the distribution factor (DF)

Mi K i
DFi  
M   Ki
DF 
 Member relative stiffness factor
 Quite often a continuous beam or a frame will be
made from the same material. Therefore, E will be
constant, an can cancel out

KR 
 Carry over factor
 It is the ratio of induced moment to the applied
moment (Theorem 1). The carry over factor is always
(1/2) for members of constant moment of inertia
(prismatic section).
 If the end is hinged/pin connected, the carry over
factor is zero.
 Carry over factors values differ for non-prismatic
members. For non-prismatic beams (beams with
variable moment of inertia); the carry over factor is
not half and is different for both ends.

 Fixed end moments?

 These are simply moments at fixed ends of a loaded
member, and depends solely on the type of loading.
Consider the beam

 Member stiffnesses (K)
 Distribution factors (DFs)
 Fixed End Moments (FEMs)
4 E (120)(106 )
K BA   4 E (40)(106 )mm 4 / m
4 E (240)(106 )
K BC   4 E (60)(106 )mm 4 / m
4 E (40)
DFBA   0.4
4 E (40)  4 E (60)
4 E (60)
DFBC   0.6
4 E (40)  4 E (60)

( FEM ) BC   8000kNm
( FEM ) CB   8000kNm
 This is usually presented in tabular form, and follows these
 Determine the distribution factor at each joint. This
requires computation of the various member stiffnesses first.
Note that the DF of a pinned end = 1, and DF of a fixed end =
 Assume each joint is fixed, and compute the various Fixed
End Moments (FEMs).
 Release each joint in turn, which will be out of balance.
Obtain the value of the moment to be applied to balance the
 Using the distribution factors, distribute this moment to
connected members.
 Balance any pinned ends.
 Carry over half the balanced moments, to the other end of
the member.
 Continue the process of balancing joints, and carrying over
moments till the moment to be distributed becomes negligible
and can be ignored.
 Following the above steps, complete example 1
 Draw the shear force and bending moment
diagrams (equilibrium of each individual span)
 Bending moment*
 Pure moment diagram – drawn using moments from
the moment distribution table. Always negative
 Simple beam moment diagram – drawn by
considering each span separately (maximum bending
moment under applied load). Always positive
 Net bending moment diagram – superimpose the
pure moment on the simple beam moment diagram.
 Shear force
 Consider the equilibrium of each individual span.
 Analyse the continuous beam

 Solution
 Distribution factors
 Fixed end moments

 Distribution table
 Shear force diagrams (equilibrium of spans)
 Diagram

 Position of x for the various spans is computed from similar

 Bending moment diagram
 Analyse the beam shown in Fig. 2.35 by the moment distribution
method. Support B sinks by 10 mm. E = 200 kN/mm2. I = 4000 ×
104 mm4. Draw BMD and SFD.
 Distribution factors

 Fixed end moments

 Due to applied loading
 Due to support settlement

 Final fixed end moments

 Distribution table

 Shear force diagram

 Application of the moment-distribution method for frames
falls under one of 2 categories
 Frames having no sidesway (symmetric supports and
loading, or restrained) – Exact same procedure for
 Frames with sidesway (unsymmetric)
 Determine the internal moments at the joints of
the frame as shown. There is a pin at E and D
and a fixed support at A. EI is constant.
By inspection, the pin at E will prevent the frame
from swaying. The stiffness factors of CD and CE
can be computed using K = 3EI/L since far ends are
pinned. The 60kN load does not contribute a FEM
since it is applied at joint B.

4 EI 4 EI 3EI 3EI
K AB  ; K BC  ; K CD  ; K CE 
5 6 5 4
DFAB  0

4 EI / 5
DFBA   0.545
4 EI / 5  4 EI / 6
DFBC  1  0.545  0.455
4 EI / 6
DFCB   0.330
4 EI / 6  3EI / 5  3EI / 4
3EI / 5
DFCD   0.298
4 EI / 6  3EI / 5  3EI / 4
DFCE  1  0.330  0.298  0.372

DFDC  1; DFEC  1

 wL2
( FEM ) BC   135kNm
( FEM ) CB   135kNm
 To determine sidesway and the internal moments
at the joints using moment distribution, we will
use the principle of superposition
 The frame shown is first held from sidesway by
applying an artificial joint at a chosen support
 Moment distribution is applied & by statics, the
restraining force R is determined
 The equal but opposite restraining force is then
applied to the frame The moments in the frame
are calculated
Analyse the following continuous beams by the
moment distribution method. Draw the bending
moment and shear force diagrams. The beam is of
uniform section.

 1

 2
 3

Determine the end moments for the continuous beam using the
moment distribution method. EI is constant.

 4

 5
With support settlement
6 Analyse the continuous beam by the moment distribution
method. The supports B and C settle by 8 mm and 4 mm
respectively. EI = 30000 kNm2. Sketch the SFD and BMD.

 7 A continuous beam is loaded as shown in Fig. 2.52. During

loading the support B sinks by 10 mm. Determine the bending
moments at the supports. Sketch the BMD. Given that I =
1600(10)4 mm4; E = 200 kN/mm2. Use moment distribution
method. Draw SFD also.
 Frames

 8

 9
 10 The culvert shown below is of constant
section throughout and the top beam is subjected
to a central concentrated load of 25 kN. Assume
the base pressure is uniform throughout and
analyse the box culvert. Draw the bending
moment diagram.

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