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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 4, Issue 1 23 July 2021

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the first issue of my

newsletter for Volume 4. Since I have
Newsletter back issues written 52 issues (one newsletter per
Facebook week) in volume 3, I thought I would
start a fresh volume.
We have been seeing a lot of wet
Twitter weather lately. Over the weekend,
there was a storm in Auckland, which
Linkedin caused some damage to the garden
(see page 2). I hope that the damage
wasn’t too severe at your place. Still,
we must pick ourselves up and carry
on, which I have tried to do. Some-
Contact me thing which has brought us a lot of
cheer at a particularly bleak time of
 Feedback the year is the sight of our hyacinths,
which have started flowering. I The hyacinth Yellowstone
 Newsletter input bought my bulbs from Bulbs Direct,
(tips, recipes, gar- who kindly pre-chilled them for me Some tips for growing hyacinths
den photos etc) prior to dispatching them in late May.  Hyacinths look great in contain-
 To be added to my Whether your bulbs need chilling pri-
mailing list or to planting depends on where you
live. In Auckland, our winters are  If planting bulbs in containers, relatively mild so it is necessary to make sure you use a high quality
pre-chill bulbs otherwise they won’t container mix rather than garden
flower well. Other bulbs that benefit soil
from chilling are tulips, anemones
Inside this issue: and ranunculus.  For maximum impact, position
bulbs close together

 Bulbs generally don’t flower well

P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 in subsequent years so replace
Anita’s Garden with new ones next season

Have a great weekend.

Top 5 gardening tasks 2 Useful links
for the week
 Italian Seeds Pronto
Collaboration news 2  Awapuni

 Bulbs Direct

Gardening tasks to do in 3 Kind regards,

Anita Kundu
The hyacinth Fondant
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 1

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Over the weekend, there was a I just felt I couldn’t cope with this The hardest part was dragging the
really bad storm in Auckland. On problem. The next morning, after branch out of the strawberry
Saturday afternoon, mum excited- I returned from the gym, I put on patch. It was so heavy! I man-
ly called me to the living room. my gardening clothes and assessed aged to put it where the rest of our
Thinking our cat had done some- the situation (by then the weather garden waste is infront of our sec-
thing funny, I was dismayed to was calm). I decided that the tion. In all, I was pleased with my
look out the window and see that a branch could be sawed off at the efforts. I really didn’t think I was
massive branch with a bunch of base of the tree. I also sawed the strong enough to cope with this
bananas had snapped off the tree bunch of bananas off the tree and problem and surprised myself!
and landed in our strawberry left them in our patio to ripen.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Weeding 3. Spray roses and fruit
trees with lime sulphur Many companies are open for or-
Keep on top of those weeds so they
ders. Bulbs Direct still have some
don’t get on top of you! This really helps to prevent fungal
much-loved dahlias available on
diseases such as black spot and
2. Disinfect old pots and their website but be quick! They
brown rot in summer.
punnets will sell out super fast.
4. Spray garlic
This is a great task to do on a Italian Seeds Pronto also has a
rainy day. I always use a little I’m still trying to find a spray that wonderful range of heirloom seeds
detergent and bleach mixed with helps to prevent rust. on their website. Hold off on sow-
warm water. ing for a bit though, until it’s
5. Order summer bulbs and warmer.

Collaboration news
If you’re itching to start sowing Bulbs Direct have a lovely selec- Awapuni have another great pro-
seeds, Italian Seeds Pronto stock a tion of begonias available. Begon- motion for you this week. Grab a
wonderful variety of lettuce that ias are a firm favourite in the sum- regular bundle of garlic for just $4.
can be sown from August onwards. mer garden. I’ve worked out that Each bundle contains four plants.
It is called Degli Ortolani and is a they grow best in containers and
cos-type lettuce. It grows well in need a somewhat sheltered posi- I was kindly given four bundles
both the ground and in containers. tion. I keep the pots in our patio, myself and they are growing really
We treat it as a cut-and-come which is enclosed by our house and well in our garden.
again variety and harvest the a 6 foot fence, so it doesn’t get a lot
of wind. The tubers will re-flower This offer is only valid online until
leaves as we need them, leaving
in subsequent years. 26 July 2021 or while stocks last.
the rest to continue growing.
V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 1 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Gardening tasks to do in winter

In last week’s column, I wrote and pots time to time. Most people store
about what to plant in the winter them in containers filled with
garden. I covered strawberries, Before you start sowing seeds in some sawdust or potting mix. To
garlic, onions and potatoes. This spring, it’s a good idea to disinfect prevent the tubers from shrivelling
week, I thought it may be useful to old punnets and pots with a solu- up and drying out, it’s a good idea
cover some of the tasks that need tion of water, some detergent and to keep them moist by occasionally
doing over the cooler months. bleach. This kills any germs that spraying them with water. Every
may lead to problems later on. couple of weeks, I like to inspect
Protecting frost tender plants This is a great task to do on rainy underneath the tubers for any
days. signs of crown gall, which is a ma-
Even if you live in a climate with
jor problem with growing dahlias.
mild winters, some plants still Recycling old plant labels
I don’t have a picture to show you
need protecting from occasional
If you use plastic plant labels as we very fortunately haven’t had
frosts. Examples include tamaril-
around the garden, you’ll find that this problem yet, but gall resem-
los and passionfruit (especially
you’re able to re-use them. I wipe bles cauliflower-like growth on the
when plants are young). The prob-
the writing on ours off with a rag tubers.
lem with material frost cloth is
that it can stick to the leaves of the and a bit of jiff (some household
Stock the storage shed
plant. What I have found very ef- cleaner).
fective over the years is a product While things are quieter around
Planning the summer garden
called Vaporgard. It is a liquid the garden, you may want to ex-
frost cloth. When sprayed onto the Before you get carried away with amine your garden supplies and
leaves and stem of a plant, it pro- placing seed orders, it’s a good idea see if you need to top up on any-
vides a protective coating that to plan your summer garden so thing before spring. Every garden-
lasts for up to three months. you have an idea of how much er has their favourite fertilisers,
Vaporgard can be purchased from space you have and what you want seed raising mixtures and other
Wally’s online store. to grow. Doing this means that products. The latest thing I
you won’t waste money buying bought was a product called Pot
Spraying roses and deciduous things you simply don’t have room Recharger from Kings Plant Barn
fruit trees with lime sulphur to grow. My seed list was actually when they recently had a sale.
quite short this year as I intend to This is a wonderful product which
During the winter months, when
devote one garden bed to growing enables you to re-use old potting
our roses and deciduous fruit trees
dahlias in, most of which have mix. I tried it for the first time in
have lost most of their leaves, I
been pre-ordered from a couple of autumn when I re-used the potting
like to give them a good spray with
specialist nurseries. Even if you mixture in our troughs which pre-
lime sulphur. I reapply it every 10
don’t know the exact order you will viously had marigolds in them to
-14 days. This helps prevent fun-
place your plants, plant pansies for
gal diseases such as black spot and
don’t worry. This will “Before you get winter. As the
brown rot in summer. In spring, I
depend on what ar- carried away with troughs were quite
follow this with spraying with liq-
rives (which can placing seed orders, large, I added four
uid copper, until about October
sometimes be differ- it’s a good idea to scoopfuls of Pot Re-
when it becomes warmer and there
ent to what you origi- plan your summer charger and mixed it
is a risk that it will burn the
nally ordered) and garden so you have an into the soil. I can
what germinates and idea of how much report that our pan-
Spraying garlic survives. It’s good to space you have and sies have flowered
just have an idea of what you want to beautifully, no differ-
This never used to be necessary what will go in each grow” ent to if I had used
prior to the problem of rust. I bed. This also makes fresh potting mix-
have yet to find an effective solu- it easier to draw up a crop rotation ture. Obviously at
tion. This year, I am trialing two plan later on. some point I will have to replace it
products from Wally– Silicon plus with fresh potting mix but this
Boron Soil Drench and Cell Check on dahlia tubers product will help me to get at least
Strengthening and Super Spreader a couple more seasons out of the
combined. I will report back on If you lifted your dahlias potting mixture I have bought.
the success of these products dur- (something which I think is a good
ing the growing season. idea or they may rot in the ground Have a great weekend!
if it gets very wet) and stored them
Disinfecting plastic punnets indoors, keep an eye on them from Happy gardening

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