University of Oran 1 Ceil Center 1 F Final Assessment Activity One

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Full name ……………………………………………………

ACTIVITY ONE : Rewrite the conversation. Use the words in parentheses and one
or ones. (
1. A: Who’s Carla? A: …………………………………………………............(which)

B: She’s the woman in the red dress . B: ………………………………….(wearing)

2. A: Who are your neighbors? A: ……………………………………………(which)

B: They’re the people with the baby. B:……………………………..……(walking)

3. A: who’s Jeff ? A: ……………………………………………………..(which)

B: He’s the man wearing glasses. B:…………………………………....(with)

ACTIVITY TWO: Complete the conversation using the present perfect or the simple
past of the verbs parentheses and short answer. (
1. A: …………you………….(see) the game last night? I really………….(enjoy) it.
B: Yes, I…………. .It…………(be) an amazing game. ………….you ever………..
(go) to a game?
A: No, I……….. . I…………never…………(be)to the stadium. But I’d love to go!
Maybe we can go to a game next year.
2. A:…………you ever……………(be) to Franco’s Restaurant?
B: Yes, I……… .My friend and I………(eat) there last weekend. How about you?
A: No, I………… .But I………….(hear) it’s very good.
B: Oh, yes-it’s excellent !

ACTIVITY THREE: Circle the correct word

1. I bought my car almost 10 years ago. I’ve had it for/ since almost 10 years.
2. The Carters moved to Seattle six months ago. They’ve lived there for / since
six months.
3. I’ve wanted to see that movie for/ since a long time. It’s been in theaters
for/since March.

ACTIVITY FOUR: Complete the conversation with can, can’t, should ,or shouldn’t.
A: I…………decide where to go on a vacation. …………I go to Costa Rica or Hawaii ?
B: You…………………definitely visit Costa Rica.
A: Really ? What can I see there?
B:Well, San Jose is an exciting city.You…………….miss the Museo del Oro.That’s the
gold museum, and you………………see beautiful animals made of gold.
A: Ok. What else ?
B: Well, you………………visit the museum on Mondays. It’s closed then. But
you…………definitely visit the rain forest. It’s amazing!
ACTIVITY FIVE : Write responses to show agreement with these statements.
1. A: I’m not a very good cook.
2. B: ………………………………..
3. A: I love French fries
4. B:……………………………..
5. A: I can’t eat very spicy food.
6. B:…………………………………
7. A: I never eat bland food.
8. B:…………………………….
9. A: I can make delicious desserts.
10. B: …………………………………………

ACTIVITY SIX : Write questions with the words. Then look at the underlined words,
and write the answers.
1. Which desert / dry/ the Sahara or the Atacama?


2. Which island / large / Greenland , New Guinea, or Honshu?

Q: …………………………………………………………….?

3. Which U.S. city / large / Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York?


4. Who / older / your father or your grandfather?

A: ……………………………………………………….
5. Which island / small / New Guinea or Honshu?

A: ……………………………………………………..

ACTIVITY SEVEN : Complete the conversations. Use the present continuous

and be going to.

1. A: What ………….you and Tony ………………………..( do) tonight?

B: We………………………...( try) the new Chinese restaurant. Would you
like to come?
A:I’d love to. What time……………….you……………………………….(go ) ?
B: We……………………………..(meet) at Tony’s house at 7:00.And don’t
forget an umbrella. It…………………………..(rain) tonight.
2. A: Where………………you………………………….(go) on vacation this year?
B: I………………………….(visit) my cousin in Paris.It……………………(be) great!
A: Well, I………………………………..( not go)anywhere this
year.I……….............................(stay) home.
B: That’s not so bad.just think about all the money you…………………(save)!

ACTIVITY EIGHT: Complete the sentences with the information in the box.Use the
present perfect of the verbs given.

buy a house change her hairstyle join a gym / start looking for a new job

1.Pedro and Debbie…………………………………Their apartment was too small

2. Allen …………………………………… The one he has now is too stressful.
3.Sandra…………………………………….. Everyone says it’s more stylish.
4. Keven ……………………………………… He feels healthier now.

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